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The Omaha Daily Bee ADVERTISING nukes the whools of business go round smoothly and pro tect them against blotrouta. THE WEATHER. Unsettled VOL. XLIII-NO. 188. OMAHA, FRIDAY MOENING, JANUARY 23, 19U-TWELVE PAGES. On Trains aod at HoWl Haws stands, Bo. SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. BRYAN PREDICTS EARLY SETTLEMENT OF JAPANESE ISSUE Secretary of State Says Satisfactory Solution of California Ques tions Will Be Beached. DECLINES TO GIVE OUT DETAILS Governments Will Keep Correspond ence Secret for Present. NEW TREATY IS DISCUSSED Japan Does Not Care to Be Party to Civil Suit. HOUSE POSTPONES HEARING Committee Having; linker Dili to Bar Asiatics In Chnrae "Will Con sult Bryan ncfore Taking t Up Proposed Mensarc. WASHINGTON, Jan. 23. Atter an ex. ecutivo conference, the house immigra tion committee today declined' to open hearings on the liaker bill to bar ABlatlo immigrants. Chairman Burnett declared the committee found Itself not ready yet to proceed with the bill and other mem bers said the wished to hear from Sec retary Bryan before taking up tho meas ure.. - -The .address of the Japanese minister of .foreign affairs to the Parliament at Toklo yesterday was read In the meeting and discussed at length. A communication from the Stato department also was rc celved. For an hour and a half the com mittee debated, with Representative, Raker urging' Immediate opening of the hearings. Further consideration finally postponed until January ). Mr, Ilryan In Hopeful. Secretary Bryan was optimistic today in commenting on the diplomatic situa tion. ."We are hopeful of a satisfactory solu tion soon," said Mr. Bryan, who declined, however, to Indlcato the basts of his hope. Ho explained that no exchanges between the Japanese embassy here and tho State department had followed the delivery of (Baron Maklno's address before tho Japaneso Parliament yesterday, but that an understanding, had been reached be tween the Japanese foreign office and the State department,, whereby the de tails of the extensive, correspondence be tween tho two governments should not be disclosed. Mr. Bryan declined to say whether an answer would be delivered to the last Japaneso note delivered by Viscount Chlnda last August. Nevv. Discussed. A" new treaty to "define -the rights of Japanese In America, though not taken up In nXfplJ1o" offlelsd'-hotea, was Jn formallyUctiBcd between Secretary Bryan and Ambassador .Chlnda, but with out advancing tho subject very far. It was then contemplated that the Webb law be tested In the United States courts, but tho Japanese government did not caro to become a parly to such proceed- i ings. It Is said to do so would be to abandon Us contention that tho subject should bo treated diplomatically. On the other hand. Secretary Bryan was unwilling to follow the precedent set by President Roosevelt in directing the United States government to Intervene as a party in the Japanese school cases which figured In tho California courts. Unless tho "other means" referred to by Baron Maklno refer to a renewal of tho attempt to framo a treaty that can meet tho approval of the United States senate officials here are a a loss to con jecture what the next step will be. No Friction Says Wilson. President Wilson referring today to the Address of the Japanese foreign minister let It be known that so far as the Wash ington glvernment was concerned, there was no interruption In tho friendly re lations between Japan and tho United States. No pressure, it was stated, had been exerted for an answer to the lasi Japanese note, nor hud there been any request for a new treaty. The president did not Indicate what would be tho next step in the situation, but Intimated It would be along lines that would manifest a continued friendliness toward Japan. (Whether a new treaty would be ncgo- (Continued on Page Two.) The Weather Forecast till 7 p. m. Friday: For Omaha, Council Bluffs and Vicinity -Unsettled, with probably light snow or rain. Temperature at Oiunliu lestertlay. Hour. Deg. 6 a. m. C a, m. 7 a. in. 8 a. m. 9 a. m. 10 a. m. 11 a. m 22 12 m , 23 1 p. m 27 2 p. ni 80 3 p. m 31 4 II. m 32 5 p. in 33 6 p. m 33 JP-m 8 P. m... Comparative Local Record. 1914. 1311 1S1" 1911 Hlghesth today 34 43 43 41 Lowest today 17 24 19 17 Mean temperature 26 34 38 29 Precipitation 401 .00 .00 T Temperature and precipitation depar tures from the normal: Normal temperature , 20 Excess for the day , 6 Excess since March 1, 1913 1166 Normal precipitation .01 Inch Deficiency for the day no inch Precipitation since March 1... .24. 19 Inches Deficiency since .March 1 i.m inches Deficiency cor. period 191J 4.10inohes Deficiency cor. period 1912 13.65 Inches Reports from Stations at 7 I. SI. Station 1 and State Temp. High- Rain- of Weather, 7 p. m. est. fall. Cheyenne, partly cloudy. 36 42 .00 Davenport, croudy 3 a ,W Denver, cloudy 40 68 .00 ues Aioines, part cloudy. 3o 30 .04- uoase uuy, ciouay. 48 SS .00 Lander, cloudy zs 46 .00 North Platte, cloudy 42 62 00 Omaha, partly cloudy 31 33 ,01 Pueblo, cloudy 60 68 00 .Rapid City, cloudy 41 62 ',00 Salt Lake City, rain 40 45 ,j Santa Fe, .cloudy, ...33 4 ,00 Sheridan, cloudy ,46 66 00 Sioux City, partly cloudy 26 26 .10 Valentine, cloudy 43 52 .00 T indicates trace of precipitation. Indicates below zero. w L. A. WELSH. Local Forecaster, Grand Jury Looking Into Charges Against the Chicago Packers CHICAGO. Jan. -investigation of charges that Swift & Co., packers, of Chicago, profited to tho extent of .0,000 by what Is said to have been In effect an rebating arrangement with the Ann Arbor railroad company, was begun by the fed era! grand Jury here today. A dozen packing house and railroad men were among tho witnesses, who ap peared before tho grand jury today. The shipments Involved In the charges, to points on the Ann Arbor road, the main line of which runs from Toledo, O., to Frankfort, Mich. This road Is alleged to havo haulod consignments of beef of less than a carload at carload rates. The beef was "peddled" from town to town along tho line, It Is alleged. Most of tho beef was consigned to the Saginaw Beef company at Saginaw, Mich. One shipment to Owosso. Mich., has been closely investigated by government agents. Attorney Edward U. Green of the In terstate Commerce commission Is acting with District Attorney Wilkerson in the case. Tho Inquiry may requlro a week or more. NEW TOrtlC, Jan. 22.-Ncwman Erb, president of tho Ann Arbor Railroad compnny, issued a statement here this afternoon savlrnr that ih invr.iniin of rebates In Chicago refers to transac tlons of throe years ago before tho pros- ent directors and officials came Into the management of tho propcity. "I havo Just learned." he said, "on Inquiry to our general offices at Toledo, that certain packing houses were shir ping moats In carload lots over our line?, whloh were stopped at local station for partial delivery. Promptly on the :trnc'8' wno hod through error in set discovery by the operating officials, the 'ttemcnt received dlvlde-ds for their practice was stopped and bills rendered against the packing house for the hlgn est rates to the local points which the shipments could bear, and which were paid by the packers." Deputy is Smuggled Out of Mexico. City By O'Shaughnessy MEXICO CITT, Jan. 22.-Jorgo Vera En tanol, one of the 110 deputies thrown Intc Jail by President Huerta on October 10, 1913, was smuggled out of town last night by Nelson O'Shaughnessy, American chargo d'affaires, and sent safely on his way to Vera Cruz. Senor Estanol Is a prominent attorney and was minister of public instruction In the late President Madero's cabinet Ho was released from tho penitentiary by court order. Senor Estanol and his friends, bellovlns that his life was in danger, appealed to Mr. O'Shaughnessy, who got a private car and with great secrecy put Senor Es tanol on board. Tho car was then at tached to tho regular train for Vera. Cruz, from which port it is assumed Senor Es tanol will .sail at once. ML. PASO. 'Tex, Jan. J2.-A fresh roll call of the, Mexican soldiers iind refugees who fled to tho .country from OJInaga, Mex., and who arc now at Fort Bliss, showed that several hundred nioro Mexi cans aro dependent on the United States for food and shelter thai first counts In dicated. Tho total number of dependents on this government ,aro 4,991. Of these 3,525 are Mexican soldiers. The rest aro women, children and male civilians. Forty more soldiers who wero left wounded at Presi dio and at Marfa, Tex., are also to bo brought here. Murder and Suicide in Dining Room of Hotel in Honolulu HONOLULU, Jan. 22.-ln the pres ence of a rom full of diners in tho Seaside hotel here tonight, a man known by the name of Woodward, who arrived yesterday on tho steamer Sonoma, shot and killed his former wife and then com mitted suicide. The woman had married Charles A. Stewart of San Francisco last Saturday. She came recently from San Francisco and was married under the name of Mar garet Phyperso. Immediately after tho ceremony, Stewart left for Hllo. Mrs. Stewart remained at the Seaside hotel, where she had been staying. After she had taken a seat In the dining room Woodward, whose real name Is believed to bo A. W. Wagner, entered. He walked up to Mrs. Stewart's table and, after a few words had passed between them, he drew a pistol and began firing. Both died afmost instantly. Stockmen Declare for Federal Control of the Open Eange DHNVER. Colo., Jan. 22. Federal con- trol of tho open range, more effective sanitary regulations, protection of Amer- lean live stock owners and ranchmen in Mexico, education of the children on farms and approval of the work of the federal DeDartment nf Airrlouitiiro -nrt gltho administration of national forests 3. , r.cnmm.4(. in the resolutions adopted at the closing session or me seventeenth annual con vention of tho American National Live Stock association today. RESIGNATION OF JUDGE WITTEN ACCEPTED BY LANE WASHINGTON, Jan. 22.-The reslgna tlon of Judge James W. Wltten, chief law officer of the general land office since the position was created more than twenty years ago, was accepted today by Secretary Lane. Judge Wltten, a native of Missouri, is well known throughout the west, where hundreds of thousands of people have been before him at land drawings and registrations. He will prac tice law here. Illah Potato Hate Suspended. WASHINGTON. Jan. 22.-Proposed In jreacs In rates on carload shipments ot potatoes in western classification terri tory, which would havo amounted to 20 per cent, were suspended today by the Interstate Commerce commission, pend- ing investigation, from Februaty 1 'to SPEER A CAMPAIGN MANAGER RJR NEGRO Former Marshal of Court Charges Federal Judge with Activity in Politics. MADE HIM WALK "TIGHT ROPE" Witness Says Jurist Had All Attend- ants Adjusting Shades. KEPT POPULIST OFF Thanks for Liber Satisfy His "WHAT IS THERE II Testimony that 8on-ln-I.nv Hcen Farornl Taken Up Committee of House of Representatives. MACON, Ga., Jan. 22. Testimony on the chargo that Federal Judge Specr had favored his son-in-law In his court, were .rtaken up today when tho committee of 'U, hoUM of representatives resumed ihcnr'n& testimony. R. C. Ellis of Tlfton. iGn - ' corroborated the testimony of J. S. fRIgo'ell, examined yesterday, regarding itho citation for contempt by Judge Specr of attorneys for alleged delay in obey Ing an order of a referee In bankruptcy. Mr. Ellis was one of the attorneys named In the citation. Somo of the at clients In the case, had not been named in the contempt citation, the witness testified. J. B. Hart, president of tho Macon Na tional bank, testified that Malcom Jones twas regularly employed as counsel, but that A. If. Hoyward had been retained as special counsel to represent the bank when an application was made to have the Institution designated as a depository for bankrupt funds. Hart dented that Keyword had been employed because ho was a son-tn-lay of Judge Sneer, Conrt Attendants Tlnsr. John M. Barnes, postmaster of Thomson end former United States marshal, charged that after his appointment as marshal Judge Spcer kept him walking "the tight rope" all the time and cited as an Instance that while court was In Heeslon .all tho court attendants, Includ ing the marshal, wore kept busy adjust' Ing the window shades. The witness charged that Judgo Spcer took and active part in politics and that he acted as campaign manager for Jud son W. Lyons, a negro, at tho republican national convention of IMS. Barnes testified that he went to Judge Specr to thank him for a liberal feo re ceived as custodian In a bankruptcy case. The Judge, he ettld, remarked: "You thank, rho very beautifully, hut what la there In it for me" 7 While acting as marshal Barnes said he was "Instructed by Judge Specr to summon only white men as Jurors. Told to OrlnK Keys. Barnes testified that prior to the Greene Gaynor case ho was instructed to bring the keys of tho grand jury box to the court room. Judge Spcer and R. N. Tailey, his sec retary were present In the room. "I don't recall whether I put my hand In the box or whether Judge Specr did, but a package of fifty names of Jurors was taken out," Barnes . testified One name Barnes recognized was that of a prominent populist. He had told Judge Speer, he said ,that he was In telligent. "We won't take him," he quoted Judgo Spcer as saying. Another namo was that of a resident of Valdosta ,tho home of Tallcy. When that name was reached, Barnes said, Judge Bpeer and Talloy had held a long conversation in low tones. Tho man was afterward' mado foreman of the Jury. Barnes charged that the grand Jury which Indicted Greene and Gaynor con talned the names of two fugitives from Justice Loss of Life from Eruption in Japan Much Exaggerated NEW TORK," Jan. 22. An official rc port giving the casualties and damage .......... .1 V... , V. n ntMin.lrtt. Borthnllalf.. n nA udal waves of laJlt week on the Japanese uland of BaUurft and ln the town t k-mrnshlma was received today by the Japaness consul general here. The re port says: "On Sakura, nine villages composed nf 840 houses were destroyed, out of the total of eighteen villages on the Island. The number of deaths among the population was not so considerable as at first be lieved and probably will, prove unex- Pectedly small. In Kagoshlma, the deaths amounted lto Khten, the severiy injured numoerea t eighty-seven, ana me sngnuy nun, .seventy-one. Thirty-five houses collapsed 118 were partly dtroyed a"a many 'others slightly damaged. The principal .Dub brings were not injured "In KlmotBU and Klra counties thj dam- caed, l'l'J '!!lnff a"ft" nd P,umlc affantad Ofi iWi nonniA wNn Will iaif1 relief, "Nearly half the fugitives have returned to Kagoshima, where order Is being re stored. The public schools aro to be re opened in a few days. "In regard to the famine In the northern Island of Hokkaido, the conditions are 'about tho same as In 1S05, but no worse, and the rice crop of the entlro country hi expected to be above the average." LODGING HOUSE IN FORT WAYNE BURNED FORT WAYNE. Ind., Jan. 22,-Wlth tho hotel register missing, authorities are having difficulty In obtaining a list of Iguests ln the National hotel, a small .lodging house here, which was destroyed by fire today, resulting In the death of one man, believed to be F. W. 8 nook of aary Ind., and the serious Injury of three others The recovery of the injured Is doubtful The fire broke out shortly after 7 O'clock and spread so quickly that there VM no cmuic to awaken sleeping guests! HT FORME?" I - ttW kxms J&Tm' - NsS Drawn for The Bee by Powell. STEAMSHIP WAR DECLARED Hamburg-American Line Dropped by the Combination, ITS DEMANDS ARE REJECTED Claim for Larger Share of Steerage . nnslnrss In North Atlnntlo Trade Is Rejected by Con ference at Fnrls. PARIS, Jan, 17. War was officially de clared' today Between tho HarnburgiAmer lcan andthe'-oth(ri Wamshlp 'cerap'anlns. when. dc,logaUo4,.,tho1J?;NjwtlutAflantlo Shipping conference, reorganized' the, com bination, leaving out the Hamburg-American. A notice' excluding that company was promptly Issued. The declaration Issued by the represen tatives of tho transatlantic shipping com panies was as follows: "At the conference of the continental lines Interested in tho North Atlantic passenger trade, held In Paris January 21, tho demands of the Hamburg-American line, which did not seo fit to appear In order to explain Its Justification of its claim for an Increased proportion of tho steerage passenger traffic, wero fully considered. "The lines wero unanimously of the opinion that neither past nor present con ditions warranted tho demands put for ward by the Hamburg-American lino, but that on the contrary they wero. In flagrant contradiction with the position the Hamburg-American lino has emphatically maintained In similar Instances toward other companies. "Tho lines the: of ore refuse to recognlzo these claims and resolve to carry out the existing agreement among themselves, but without tho Hamburg-American line, with the object of upholding an organization which has given entire satisfaction dur ing the long period of twenty-two years, and thus protecting the recognized posi tion of the various lines toward each other." Will Eaise Special , Fund to Organize Working Women WASHINGTON, Jan. 22.-SpccIal assess- ments on all unions affiliated with the American Federation of Labor, to ralsu a fund for further organization of women workers, was voted at today's meeting of the cxccutlvo council. Plans for concen trating efforts for effectual organization of women will be determined later. CONDITION OF PERKINS NOT CONSIDERED SERIOUS SIOUX CITT, la., Jan. 22.-The condi tion of George D. Perkins, publisher of the Sioux City Journal, who has been 111 for two weeks, and now Is In a hospital for treatment, is not considered alarming by tho attending physicians and the mem bers of his family. The National Capital Thursday, January IOII. The Senate. Met at noon. Foreign relations' committee voted to favorably report the nomination of Henry M. Plndell of I'eorla, III., for ambassador to Russia. Military committee voted to favorably 'report the nomination of Colonel W. C. .Gorgas to be surgeon general ot the army. 1 Debate continued on the Alaskan rail road bill, with Senator Plttman speaking. The House. I Resumed debate on postoffice appropria tion bill. Chairman of Judiciary and Interstate I commerce committees worKed out a plan tor co-operation on the administration trust bills. i Democratic caucus prenured to meet to- night to consider resolutions for ' con gressional Investigation of the Michigan and Colorado mine strikes, on radium. Mines committee continued Its hearings Immigration committee dof erred hear ings on proposed legislation to exclude 'Asiatics. Making the Service Useful Wife of President Is Plaintiff in Suit for Farm LOS ANGELES, Cal., Jan. 22.-Titlo to eighty acres of land in the dato growing section of Conchella valley, In which Mrs. Woodrow Wilson, wife of tho presi dent of tho United States, appears as a party in "Interest," was Involved today In a contest heard by the register and receiver of tho United Stat6s land office. Tbo contest was- filed by John T. Kfnjr. who had acted for Mrs. Wilson against Maiide Cpmpton and Homer L. Goddard, who aro alleged to havo' filed sUbsefluohi claims. Tho contest was based on tho clrciim stanco of the failure of a Coachella county newspaper to republish correctly a no tlco of King's filing for Mrs. Wilson, when the typographical errors in tho original notlco had rendered tho legal publication Invalid. C. L. Compton was tho editor of the papor. Maud Compton, his sister, ac cording to King, filed a homestead entry on tho eighty acres afterword and subse quently sold her relinquishment to Homer Goddard, who then filed a desert land entry upon It. King's filing was niado through the medium ot state lien land scrip. Sugar Trust Denies Ownership in Beet Sugar Factories NEW YORK, Jan. 22. The American Sugar Refining company has no longor a controlling interest in beet sugar re- ifinerles or a voico in their management, according to tho testimony today of Ed- pwln F. Atkins, chairman of the board of directors, on resuming hearing in the government's suit to dissolve the com pany under the Sherman anti-trust law. Mr. Atkins testified that In August, 1911, the' company had sold outright Its one-half interest In tho stock of tho West ern Sugar Refining company of Califor nia, and hod also disposed ln October of tho same year of Its holdings ln the Carver Sugar company, both beet sugar concerns. One of tho contentions ot the government Is that the American Sugar Refining company Is a power In the beet sugar Industry. Mr. Atkins gave a list of ten beet rjgar concerns ln which the American Hitgnr Refining company still held stock, Although tho total par value of these holdings reached over $22,000,000 In only ote caso did the holdings amount to o-er 50 per cent. Bryan Intimates He Wants to Sit in the Senate WASHINGTON, Jan. 22.-Democrata in the capital were gossiping today over whether Secretary Bryan meant to launch a senatorial boom when at a domocratlo dinner last night ho declared It had'been his ambition since boyhood to sit ln the United States senate. His own career, he said, all through his earlier years had been baaed on a hope that he eventually would go to the senate. Famous Herd of Buffaloes to Be Sold GETTYSBURG, S. D., Jan. 22. -The fa mous "Scotty" Phillip herd of buffalo, kept In a 10,000-acre pasture near Fort Pierre, S. D., has been placed on the market by Phillip Phillip and George Phillip, Jr., sons of and administrators of tho estate of the late James (Scotty) Phillip. This herd of buffalo, tho largest In the United States, now includes 70 head ot yearlings, K heud of 2-year.olds and 275 head of 3 years old or older. These aro all full bloods, most of them born In captivity. CUMMINS OBJECTS TO BILL Iowa Senator Says Smith-Lever Ap propriation is Unjust. TOO MUCH AID FOR THE SOUTH States that Raise Grent Quantities of Products Are Not Utrrn Help In Proportion to Those Less. Fnrored. (From a Staff Correspondent,) WASHINGTON1, Jan. 22.-BpOclal Tel egram.) Dccauso, as ho alleges, the Strilth'-Lever egrlcultural extension bill discriminates against the great agricul tural producing states of tho north arid middle west in favor of U10 south Sen ator Cummins of Iowa announced today that he Intends to Introduce amendments when the measuro la taken up In tho senato which will change tho distribu tion of the 13,000,000 fund which will go to the states aa federal aid to agricul tural extension work. Senator Cummins has prepared stotls tics In which he asserts that under tho bll las drawn up twelve southern states which produco about $3,000,000,000 worth of agricultural products will get nearly 40 per cent of the fund, while tho twelve leading agricultural states of tho north, Including Iowa, Illinois, Indiana. Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Nebraska, Now York, Ohio, North Dakota and Wiscon sin, producing over $6,000,000,000 annually, get only 36 per cent of the fund. Illll U, Aid Womnii. Representative Stephens today Intro duced a bill to pay Jennie Bhennan of Genoa 11.000 for the loss of a hand whllo she was employed aa a domestic at tho Genoa Indian school. A little Indian girl got caught in the ironing machine and Jennie Sherman ln her effort to extrl cate tho girl from tho manglo had her hand cut orr, Ilnnks MnUe Appllentlon. Tho following banks have filed nppll cations to Join the now backing system Nebraska First National, Brunswick Gorman National, Columbus; First Na tlonal, Utlca: First National. Seward. Iowa First National, Deep River; First National, Carney; First National, Bel mont: American National. Klolmn Vnrm era' National, Oskaloosa; First National Story City. Collett Halls Wednesday. A. J. Collett of Omaha, son-in-law of Mayor Dahlman, who has been appointed tho new director of publlo Improvements of San Domingo, Is In Washington for Instruction and called at the State de partment today. Mr. Collett sails for his new post next Wednesday. F. J. Dlshner of O'Neill Is In Washing ton after a short visit In New York. W. P. Diddock of Walthill Is In this city on business with the commissioner ot Indian affairs. Half Million Loss in Fort Worth Fire FORT WORTH. Tex., Jan. 2I.-Flre starting In the plant of the Fort Worth Compress company shortly before o'clock this afternoon In a high wind ap peared to be beyond control. It spread to tho Fort Worth & Denver Ni freight house adjoining and threatened J 400,000 worth of compressed cotton In tho ware house. Tho flames at 3:30 spread to fourteen dwelling houses, Imperilling fifty more and fears were expressed of loss ot life. The loss at that hour was estimated at about $600,000, much of it In cotton. The Denver & Rio Grande loss was given at about $00,000. Pindell's Nomintion Will Be Reported WASHINGTON, Jan. 22.-The nomlna tlon of H. M, Plndell ot Peoria, to be ambassador to Russia, was ordered fa vorably reported today by the senate for 1 . . - clgn relations corammlttee. WILLIAMS TELLS OMAHA POLICE HE LED BANDITS Prisoner Confesses Details of Mur der and Robbery at Hazel McVey's Resort. SAYS BL0NDY DID SHOOTING Niokell Killed Because He Was Nervous When Covered. ESCAPE FROM OMAHA WAS EASY Trio Went at Once to Iowa and Then to Missouri. DETAILS OF CRIME WELL LAID Plan Worked 'Perfectly All But the Shooting of Nickell. SORDID STORY TOLD POLICE Williams Outlines Ills Connection irlth Crime and Bays the Others Now Under Arrest Are All Innocent. Omaha police aro still waiting for tho photograph of tho man arrested at Kan City by Officers Fleming and Murphy in the hope that It may be Identified and thus connect tho man with the holdup ln the MoVey resort when Henry Nickell was killed. While a dozen or mora persons listened ln astonishment, at the cool manner ln which tho details ot tho robbery and murder of last week in tho Hazel MoVey resort rolled from his lips, Joe Williams. 2C-year-o)d cowboy and soldier ot fortune. smiled as ho computed Ills confession to Superintendent of Police Ryder, and showed not the sllghost trace ot fear for the consequences of hi connection with the affair. Williams, with Mary Parrlsh. arrived In Omaha from St. Joseph at 6:15 o'clock last evening, ln charge of Detectives Mo Donald and Rich. When the train pulled in, ovor 400 persons crowded up to the grating to catch a glimpse of tho .pair, but most of them foiled, tor the pris oners woro immediately placed In closed automobiles and hurried to pollco head quarters, where for the noxt two hours they wero subjected to a severe cross questioning by Superintendent Ryder, Captains Dempsoy and Matoney and half a dozen detectives. Atter the pollco had finished talking with the prisoners, newspaper photo graphers asked Williams to pose for them, As ho accommodated them Do thowed his teeth and laughed. "Mako It a good one boy because, it'll probably b tho last one. Hut Iahky-blbblo!" The pollco refused to allow the photog raphers to snap the woman, because they "declare that alio Is not connocted with tho case and knew nothing; ot her companion's crime until atter her arrest. Williams Cln:nis Credit. "I planned tho robbery, and it was no one eiso but mo who took charge ot the loot after tho escape from the place," declared Williams as ho settled down in his chair an plunged Into the work of dictating a now confession. "The other persons In Jail In various cities, and Lawrence Ollbert, whom I urn told Is held here, are not the mem bers ot my gang. I do not know whero my two former comradoa are, and i do not know their real namos nor their antecedents or whoro they can bo found, I conceived the Idea of robbing the Mc- Vcy place, nnd I ordered the other two to refrain from shooting. This lost point was mada clear before wo started, It being agreed that wa would not shoot unless cornered. "I was In the kitchen, cutting the tele- phene wires and occupying Hazel Mc Vey's attention when tho shots wero fired. Tho second bullet nearly struck me. I cursed Blondy at tho time, and afterwards, for being a fool, but it did no good then, ot course." Unit Ileen Here for Slonths, Williams, ln his confession, says h came here shortly before tho Ak-Sar-Ben carnival and has been around Omaha at Intervals since. When ho conceived tho idea of the robbery, he Immediately set about getting two more men. Ho said that several days before the robbery he met "Blondy" ln an employment agency office, and there the first recruit was made. That night tho pair broke Into the Max Kaplan pawnshop on South (Continued on Pa?e Two.) A Self-imposed Tariff The tariff question la a vital affair to tho nation and to Indi viduals. Everyone talks about It and has some notion or other about what the government ought to do. How many people realize that the nation is just a largo family and that the same prlnciplos that apply to its management apply equally to the compara tively little affairs of each household? Do you run your household with tho same efficiency you expect of the Administration? Are there not s e v o r a I branches of expenditure in which you impose an unneces sary tax on your purchases by hasty and careless buying? Think it over. There is no better way to institute a reform than to cul tivate the habit of reading the newspaper advertisements. They keep you informed, dally about practically every thing there is for sale in this city. If you use their announce ments intelligently you can eliminate from your household tho tax of worthless and unsat iofactory purchases. . 1