Newspaper Page Text
in SILK HAT WANT ADS Want mis received at any time, but to Insure proper classification must ho presented before 12 o'clock non for the evening edition and 7:30 p. in. for the morning and Sunday edi tions.' Wnnt nds received after iucn hours will havo their first Insertion under the heading, "Too Late to Classify." CASH HATES. One time, 12 cents n line. Thrco times within ono wcck, 0 cents a Hno each Insertion. Seven consecutive times, . centa line each insertion. OIIAUGB HATJ5S. One Ume, 12 nlt o line. Three times within ono week. 10 cents a line each Insertion. Seven consecutive times, H cents n lino each Insertion. Count six average words to n Hno. Minimum charge, 20 cents. The Hco will not bo responsible for more than one wrong Insertion duo to typographical error. CIM for error cannot bo allowed after the loth of the following month. An advertisement Inserted to be. run until forbidden must bo stopped by written order. Verbal or tele phone cancellation ennnot bo no ceptod. Von can place your want nd In Tho IJco by telephone. TKLKl'UONK TYUitt 1000- DEATHS AND IMWISnAI. NOTICIiS CASH-Thomns. aged 67 years 11 months VrralWffmUy residence, W W iv mJdS chcr ccmeteo. The lsad ?J iSn-lved by hfi widow and one .laugh wr? Winifred. Please omit flowers. KunaTthl morning, Btrtctly private. Please omit flowers. BIRTHS AND DHATHS. Blrths-Filadelfo'Tnd' V&eiwn rirrce. boy; Oeorgo and Viola Nlel fn, hospital, boy; Curtis and Anno Arledge. Ctt Wirt, girl; Clifford and Nellie Hub batd. 1101 Georgia avenue, boy WW lam and Anna Jesperson, 825 South F1H- " DeathsJamcs M. NeUon. 60 years, hospital; W. A. M. Master. 76 years, 1022 North Thlrtythlrd; Ida Manler.a years, hospital; Mrs. Louise Grosso. 23 years, hospital; Edward H. Parrot, 23 years, M Harris. MAIUUAOI! I.ICKNHKH. The following marriage licenses were "NSmoana IteSldcnce Age. George A. Buttery. Dcadwood, 8. D,... 63 Francos J. Boeder, Omaha 40 Henry I Brewlngton. Omaha 28 Leila Corey, Fort Dodge. la J W'MHn.n 1Y Porter. Omaha , 23 Vernal G. Wyckoff, Omaha.... John J. Dohcrty. Omaha... Catherine O'Conncll, Omaha... Willie. Bates, South Omaha Freda McCoy, South Omaha.. 18 26 23 19 17 BUILDING PK1IM1TS. II. Ilelnhardt, 2879 Brown, frame. $2,000: Preat-O-Llto company. Eleventh and Seward, frlck factory. $3.00o; lH H. Iar. 4M3 North Twenty-fourth, frame, $3.ro0; A. Millard, lVW Farnanl. khow windows, $1,609; Sarah A. Morehouse, apartment, Thlrtv-clchth avenue and Harney street, $25,000; G. W. Wilson. 2401. to 2411 Antes avenue, brick store, $10,000; Fred Burness, I&09 South Twenty-fourth, brick store, 15.000. M. E. Kuhlman, 2111 Plnkney, frame, $2,600. HELV WAJVTKU FEMALE Agent and Saleswomen. Aft ir.u uernisii Bpeahing saiesiauy experienced In dry goods to be assistant to proprietor In buying and managing department Prefer one 30 to 40. Btato experience, age and wages In first letter. Address Y 178. Bee. "WANTED; MILLINERY SALESLADIES - MUST BE THOROUGHLY EXPER IENCED AND ENERGETIC. TO niGH GRADE PEOPLE WE OFFER MOST EXCEP TIONAL OPPORTUNITIES; LIBERAL SALARIES. UN LESS Yr0U CAN QUALIFY nr.-.f,,. T-v. Atnrr PLEASE DO NOT APPLY.. . Titir r ir i xt i r,T7n- -xtttttxt I huuu uuuuing ioi or a new nome. au APPLY MANAGER MILLIN- 1 dress K W. Bee. KEY DEPT., NEBRASKA CLOTHING CO. WANTED Ten good lady agents, for new article; every woman will buy; big profits. Novelty Distributer, 517 Bee Housekeepers ana Domestic. THE SERVANT GIRL PROBLEM FOLVED The Bee will run a Servant ilrl Wanted Ad FREE until you get tho desired results. This applies to residents at Omaha. South Omaha and Council llluffs. Bring ad to The Bee office or telephone Tyler 1000. FARMER with four children wants housekeeper. References. Address Morn ing Times, Kearney. Neb, COMPETENT white girl In family of two for general housework. References required, $7 ptr week. 1ZI S. 38th. Tel. Harney 76. WANTED Neat white girl to help about the house, one gong to school pre ferred Tel Harcey 3741 WANTED-A rook (white). 510 N. lith Bt J A Hoagland HARRY'S DIVORCE :. HELP WANTED FEMALE Housekeepers nnil Domex) lc. WANTED An experienced girl for gen ornl housowork. Mrs. W. C. Lyle, 531 Park Ave. YOUNG girl to assist with housework In small flat; 2 In family; may sleep liom If preferred; home daytime between W and 2 o'clock. Harney 772. 212 So. 41st St. WANTED At once. Rood girl for Gen eral housework; plain cooking. Tel. Har ney 4303. GOOD girl for general housework; small family, uoug. wi. izw s, sth at VJVUi 111 iui 11 111 1.1 nuuounuini Uliu wlifi rnn en tinmo nlzht. l'hnnn llnmnv 4778. WANTKD-A middle aged woman for light housekeeping. Phone Bouth 1379. WANTED Girl for general housework; Rood placo for right person, Hazoldclt Nursery, two miles west of Florence Call phone. Wtbatcr 3435. EXPERIENCED white girl for general housework. 103 So. 33th St. Tel. Har ney 317. WANTED A neat, plain cook In a ramuy or. two; goou wages; references re quired. Apply 332 flo. 37th St. WANTED-Experienced Klrl for general housowork: 2 In family; (rood wages; rcf crcnees required. Phono Harney 7C0. 210 Ho, 34th St. WANTED Old for general housework. Mrs. W. E. Moloney. 708 H. 29th Bt. , WANTED-Rellable girl to wash and Iron and assist with housowork; good wages. 3108 Dewey Ave. WANTED Competent white gtrl for general housework. In small family. 320 pi. 4iet m. uarney w. WANTED Competent maid for second work In small family; must hnvo refer encas. Mis. Charles Motz, CSC S. 28th St. miscellaneous. YOUNG women comlna to Omahn. n strangers are Invited to visit tho Young Women's Christian association building at St. Mary's Ave. and 17th St., whero they will bo directed to sultablo boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers' guldo at the Union station. QOVEIINMENT Jobs for women. Big pay, Omaha examinations soon. Sample questions free. Franklin Institute, Dept. fw7 L. Rochester, N. Y. WOMAN wanted to work for her hus band's board and room. L. 4950. YOUNG woman to make personal calls 'Pleasant and permanent work. . W. Kelly, 401 McCague Bide. WANTED a girl for general housework m a small family, in No. 38th Ave. i-nuno nitrney iw. T.AmWCl . n , nlrnnnrl .1 .....I -V,1 .,..1, .l fl 1" IHmmnrl tl r.nt. ' ln.til..nH, - . ,1 Farnam street, second floor, David go oiock, i-none -ryier mw. HELP WANTED- MALE. Avents, Nnleamen and Solicitor, ADVErtTISlNO solicitor wanted for the classified department of a largo daily newspaper; n, splendid chance for a. young man who knows how to uso his head as well as his feet. Moderate sal ary to start and an excellent future. Ad dress N 183, Bee. BIO OPPORTUNITY For salesman with ability to earn BIG MONEY handling a lino proposition. Pleasant work und liberal returns. Call at 800 llralidels Bldg. WANTED Agents to sell new summer gas cook stoves gas produced from kero senesale every home $100 week. Iwanta Gas Stove Co., 120 N. Emporia, Wlchltu, Kan. Clerical ami Office. rOtJPiPoit,0.n" ttlW i,cn- Western ef. & Bond Assn., 752 Om. Nat'l Bank. STENOGRAP1IEU8 using Lusk System of I'ltinanlc Phrases and shortcut, acqulru m nuiun-iiunuie, ennoiea mum to puss any civil servlio examination, become verbatim speech, law or court reporters. Booklets, specimen pages gratis. Corres pondent courses. Frank Lusk, 2225 Broad, way. Now York. SEE UH FOR A lOSIT10N. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO. 1015-16 City National Bank Bldg. factory ana Trade. GET Into the mo.t profitable business of today, tho automobllo business, and bocomo Independent. Our large, well uiiuipped shop offer tho opportunities of learning the business by actual expert- eileu lift illfiVrnnr maL.. ,.t n..- ; lunna are mouerate. write or call. Na ttonal Auto Training association, 2814 N. 20th St. Omaha. Neb. Tel. Webster 6913. CALVARY MISSION FREE EMPLOY MENT bureau Is prepared to supply skilled or unskilled labor nf all kinds. Office, Jacobs Hall, 1716 Dodge street. Telephone Tyler 1971, after 4 p. m., Web ster 497. Dtugstoro snaps; Jobs. Knelst. Beo Bid. TAILOR WANTED Man Milling to do Lushellng and help with cutting. No cutting experience ntceaiarr. Stnailv work. Herman Petersen, Fremont. Neb. ! MEN INCREASE YOUR EARNINGS, larn the barber trade for which there 'j always a demand Many Jobs waiting at top wages. Taught In few weeks by ,ur system. Wages while learning. Call at once or write. Moler Barber College, 110 8. 14th St. I CAN give work during your spare I llmV? the folowlng: Lather Plasterer! 1 SJ" Job ln,n' I'alnter and paper hanger. 'f ou w ill apply the pay on account of aii.cni.eoa.. I YOUNG men. you should learn the auiomouue ousiness ana lourn it itiuiiT. Earn moro money than you ever did be fore. We have both a day and a night class, so you have no reason for delay. Come In NOW, NEBRASKA AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL, nii Dooge Ht MEN with patentable Ideas nrlta Ran- dolph & Co.. Washington. D. C. AUTOMOBILE chauffeurs get $X week and over. Many spring openings. Sample Instructions free. Franklin Institute, Dept. 80S L. Rochester. N. Y. WANTED Man understanding care of flowers, lawn and greenhouse. Address Lock Drawer B, Glenwood, la. YOUNG men become government rail wav mall clerk. tf& month. "Pull" un necessary Sample examination questions i free. Address y 4ts, utc. UELP WANTED. UALU AND k't.MAtU. GOVERNMENT Jobs epen to men and women. Thousands ut appointments coming. List if loa.tlon free. Franklin Institute. Dept 220U Rochester, N. Y. THK BKM: WANTED SITUATIONS. UUOD Ultuiul whir tu sitciliv posiuun. good danco orchestra. Address S 107. Omaha Hen. DUN OLE washing, ironing. Har. UStC. ANY kind of day work. Wobster 7400. COMPANION or attendant to elderly lady. Experienced In cure of Invalids. in city or out. or will travel. Best of references. I'hone Harney 6533 SITUATION wanted bv a 'voune man with three years' experience training and two years' experience In the management of a nohemlnn Mnuazlrie Hank donIUoii In a Bohemian nommunlty preferred. Will consmor any office work, write to Box 1252 Station A. Lincoln. Neli. WANTKD-J'osltlon as office clerk In doctor, dentist, or real estate office. 1). 8216. GOOD, competent lady with 6-year-old girl wishes position as housekeeper. 710 Pi . IStll St. 1 1 ff t - . 1 I 1.1 1 i'.l' KXI'KHIIJNCUD bookkeeper wishes position; can aim) do some stenographic work. Will begin with $.7) per month, .1 . I otn l , .. EXPK11IKNCKD city salesman, col lector and bookkeeper, C years' experi ence. Reference given. Web. 2673, WANT1CD A placo to work about tho house, handy man for all work Middle age. Address C 194, euro Bee. A MAN of many years' experience In dry goods line, both as buyer and sales man on the road, can qualify for high grade position as buyer or manager. Inf erences front past connections tho very highest. Address A 212. Bee. MAN with span of horses and wagon wants to do any kind or hauling or deliv ery with them. 1811 Lake St. ANNOUNCEMENTS AUCTION HOUSE HOLD FUBNITUltK. Oencral F. A. Smith has decided to break up housekeeping and will offor for sale to the highest bidder Tuesday, March 30, at 2 p, in., at his residence, 1608 S. 32d. Ave., household furniture. Including parlor acts, rocking chair, rugs, bedroom sets, dressers, ohlffloncrs, bod springs and mattresses, pillows and blanekts. Lady's writing desk, several Filipino chairs and curious and hundreds of articles too numerous to mention. All must and will bo sold on above dato. DOWD AUCTION CO., Auctioneers. ANNOUNCEMENT W. J. Connell has removed his law offices from the Pull man building to tho 5th floor of The Bee building. Nos. 632 and 634. Satno old Phone D. 1616. PAMPHLET explaining how the Hindus llCVelOO SUCh m&rvnlntlN tlavnhln nAninn mall S5o. Dr. Thomas, 1011 Cass St.. Omaha LUCKY wedding rings. Brodegaard s. Wedding announcements. Doug. rtg!"co. D. S. Griffith, wig mfr. 12 Fre"nxerBrkT $3,000 TO .PENSION INVALIDS. Your magazine order and renewals con tribute 60 cents toward a fund of $3,000 for Tho Invalids' Pension Assn. Must have 27 subscriptions In March, Phone Douglns 7163, Omaha. Always address, OOBDON. THE MAGAZINE MAN. ATTILVCTION8 Omnlin fll,.i wn 111. ,v.... v, ....... .in, niiu uuut,, mo" tlon picture machine und film bargains. AUTOMOBILES Jiuo forfeit for any magneto we can't re palr. Coll mpalring, O. Hayadorfcr. 210 N.18 Murohv Did u '"mm.1!?!: tlZ AV WHAT? PalntlngV WE mnko a an,H,laltv nf nntn r,irwirir body building and Dalnllnir. Iliclmar quality work. Win. Pfelffer Carriage wks, . K)22. 26th Ave and Iavenworth. Industrial Oarage Co.. 30 & Harney Sts. RADIATORS repaired. 2020 Farnam St. Motorcycle, BARGAINS In all makes of used motor cycles. Victor II. Roos, "Tho Motorcycle MAN." 2703 lyeavcnworth Ht. WHITE FOR LIST OF SECOND-HAND MOTORCYCLES. MICKEL'S NEMRASIvA CYCLE CO., 15TU AND HARNEY. HUS1NESS CHANCES. GOOD opening for shoemaker at Dunn & Dudley Co. department store, Glen wood, la. For Sale Up to date cato; good bus. ncsa; owner leaving on account of poor health. No. 8 Pearl St.. Co. Bluffs. Is. TO GET In or out of business, call on QANOESTAD, 404 Bee Bldg. Tel. D. 3477. TO QUICKLY sell your business or real estate wrlto Kennebcck Co.. Omaha. WANTED An Tdea. Who can think ol some simple thing to patent? Protect your Ideas; they may bring you wealth, wrlto for ' Needed Inventions" and "How to Get Your Patent and Your Money." Randolph & Co., Patent Attorneys, Washington. D. C. FOR SALE A small stock of drugs in south-central Nebraska. Address Y-480, cere Bee. TRUSTEES" SALE. The stock and fixtures of the II. A. I) I Ul I no Jewelry store. Kearney, Neb,, consisting of stock $2,000, fixtures $2,200, book accounts J (00, total $4,600, will be sold to highest blddor at the Dlldlne store. 3118 Central Avenue, Kearney, Neb., on Wednesday, April 8. 1914. at 2 o'clock p. m., unless sold at private sale before thai date. OU AS. O. SWAN. Trustee. CONFECTIONERS. Buy, the new molanse pop-corn nut confection, and Teaberry gum, real mountain tea flavor All dealers. J cents. J. T. Mc.ManniK. distributor. 30u9 No. 17th St. Webster-b019. BUSINESS l'EK&oNALS. Architect. HORNBY CO.. BLUE PRINTING. D. 31J7 Chiropractor. J. C. Lawrence. D. C, 232 Howard. D.8I8L W 'E. Purvlance. D C. 40) Pax. Blu. D.1911 Cblua 1'nlutluu. V. C. Haynes. decorating, firing. D. 4950. Grace Morns, Instructor china, water color painting. 60S Brandel The. Firing don. Coatutncr. Full dress suits. $1.50 per night: partv diease for sale or rent. Open evenings. John Feldman. 306 N 17th Doug. 3118. Ureouierte, llnlrlr nnil Supplies. DAVID COLE CRKA.MHRY COMPANY lira 1'onudrlr. Paxton-Mitehell Ca 27th a-d Martha EU OMAHA, TTKSDAV, MAKl'Jf :. lJ - of Omaha BELLDRUG CO. New location. 1316 Fnrnum. Eve,ry thing new. Old phone Douglas 2043. Come, call or write. Itubber goods. KERR Abstract Co., WO S. 17th St. Better bo safe than sorry. Havo it t I r t t i 1 1 1 . . , i -... iu Dou. 2467. Hcnovutes ftathers and mattresses of all kinds, makes feather muttiostcs. Call or w lie tor prices WK rent, repair, sell needles and parts for all sbftlng muchlncs. Nebraska Cycle Co., "Mlckcl's." 15th and Hnrncy Sts. Douglas 10.'. HUS1NKSS I'KIISONALS. DnnclnBr Academies. Bpeclnl March rates. Maekles, ISIS Harn. COLL A PltAIItB Park school. W. 630. UreaintHklnu. Terry Dressmak'g college. 10th & Farnam. BAUGHMAN'S school. Florence E23. Experienced: prices reasonable. Bed 60S! J. WICE, ladles' tailor. Kastor orders .wen now, zvit uaaiiorma Tyler 1220. f7nlnp..r1 i-nivLm nH ..,...... I work by day or piece. Tel, Web. 1633. MISS NELSON-Suwlng by day. H. 6083. Detectives. JAMES ALLAN, 312 Neville Blk. Ev. dence secured In all caseti. Tyler 1136. Omahu Secret Servlco Detective Agency, bonded. D. 1319. 427-23 Faxion block. Hlcctrlcnl. NEW and 2d-hand motors, dynamos, magnetos, eloc. and mach. repairs, l.o Bron Elec. Wks., 318-20 So. 12th St. Uvcrythlnir for Women. Plumes made over, cleaned, dyed, curled. Bertha Kruger, 429 Paxton Blk. D. DKESS pleating, buttons covered, all ING CO.. 230 Douglas Blk. Douglas 1936. sizes and styles. THE IDEAL. PLEAT- Florist. A. DONAGHUE. 1622 Harney. Doug. 1001. HESS & SWOBODA, 1415 Farnam St. L. HENDERSON, 1519 Farnam. D. 1258. BATH'S florists. Boyd Theater Bldg- sv LnnndrioK. CURTAINS laundeicd, guar. Doug. 8132. lTnrnltnre llcpulrlns. UPHOLSTERING, piano, furniture rs palr work. 2804-Farnam. Tel. Har. 4186. 8TANDARD Fur. Rep. 242t Cum. K.8601. Jlalr DreaalnB. MMB. STEVENSON. 210 Balrd Bldg. HARPER method of shampooing and scalp treatment. R. 6, Balrd Bldg. D. Still. MISS JACOBS; mass., bath, elec. trt.D.S63. IflTjlTJTRTf! MASSAGE BATH. Mlo: Ji UUKj X XVJ-Vj UpChurchi 214 BalrdBldg. aillllner. PARLOR millinery and dressmaking. Mrs. fl. M. Eck, 3009 Maroy. Harney 6645. Ladles hats made over reasonable. Miss Pepper. Id fl. Davldge Bk. 18 & Far. T. 19."9. Nurses. PRACTICAL nurse; competent, D. 6204. Narscrle und Meed. Flcur de Lis, Iris, 10 varieties, 75a doz. up. II. A. Snow. Benson. Neb. Benson 27s. J. WESTROM NURSERY CO. has a select stock of fruit, shade, orna mental trees and shrubs at their old bales grounds. 20th and Harney Hts, TREES, shrubs, roses. Huieldell Nurs ery, west of Florence. Office and sales yard, 24th and Pinkncy Sts. Phones W. 311)6, Florenco 4505. THE largest and flncstnursery stock ever shown In Omnha. Ki n hf,.rn you buy. Gate City Nursery. Sulcs Ground and Office. U6 So. 17th St. OUR shade and fruit trees grow bocause they aro fresh dug. Also our hardy shrubs and hedge plants. Tel. Benson 534. BENSON-OMAHA NURSERIES. 100 DUNLAP strawberry plants 60 cents; prepaiu. w. i. ueuuoti, uiair, Net. M. P. BYRD NURSERY CO., 17th and Dodge; full display of Orna mental ahrubbery & shade trees. D. 419S. For Salo Fiiio Shade Trees also tree trimming, Hpeelalty sodding, grading and seeding. 11. Burk. Tyler 163L Oatrlch IMuino Manufacturers. I California Plume Co. ..f tcbullt and dyed. 206 NeWUe Blk. D. 5010. Occullst. Eyes examined, glasses fitted, pay as you can. Drs. McCarthy. 1111 W. Q. W. Bldg. Patent. D. O. Barnell. Paxton Blk. Tel. Red, 7117 H. A. Sturgea. 636 Brandels Theater Bldg. l'rlotlna. DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Doug. 641. WATERS-BARNHART Ptg. Co., qual ity printing. Tel. Doug. 2190, m S. lith. Unto and Tlnieliiok K&iiert. SI AFE combinations changed, opened, re. paired. F.E.Davenport. 1106 Dodge. D.1821 Sanitarium. Modern sanitarium. Special attention to Invlllda and old people. 2617 Capitol Ave. Store ami Office Flxtuira. Desks, safes, scale;, showcases, shelv ing, etc We buy, sell. Omahu Fixture and Supply Co., 414-16-18 & 12th. D. 2724. Steel t'elllns. CARTER Sheet Metal works. 110 8. 10th. Shoe Repairing. OMAHA Shoe Hospital; first class shoe rep. factory. Call and del. 3012 Far. 1. 51 li REASON ABLE, Farnam Rep Ca 313 S, II. Trunk anil Sulicavr. FRELING & 8TBIKLK. 1S03 Farnam St Wine mill Mquur. WILLOW Springs beers, liquors, cigars, sandwiches. Alex Jules. 301-3 S. 13th St Key to the Situation Bee Ad erasing" ' 1 lp ' 31, 1911. :. .-. LIVE STOCK I'OH SALE. Ilore mill Vvlilclen. ONE double seated carriage, one buggy, both rubber tires. Two single harnesses. All good as new. Call Harney 1SB 1 1 AY, $7.60 per ton. Wagner. 801 N llith. ONK carload pedigreed Hereford bull calves from 6 to 14 months old, tracing in blood lines from the $20,000 Wild Tom. For prices inquire of Wood Bros. Com. Co.. or Martin Mlschkc, Crofton. Neb. Onuiho Hay aud Coal Market hpc 2 good pairs of geldings und 2 good pair of mares. We have no more use for theso horses, must sell them. Call and eee these before you buy. 1613 Davenport. GOOD opportunity to farmers to buy a pair of bay marcs, $15, weighing 1,300 each; pair of black mares, 7 years old, 1.2C0 pounds; pair of hay geldings. 2,800 pounds, 8 years old; pair of block bay mares In foal, $175; these teams have been wot king in tho city; ten days trial al lowed. 2102' Leavenworth. 6 TEAMS, mares, heavy In foal; several single horses. 1314 Howard. EDUCATIONAL. MOSIIER-LAMPMAN BUSINESS COLLEGE. Unsurpassed classes in all business and English branches, shorthand, stenotypv and typewriting. Students admitted at any time. Graduates guaranteed good positions. Places provldod for young peo po to work for board. For a new free, catalogue address McBhcr-Lampman Col lego, 1815 Farnam St. Omaha, Nob. FOR SALE at a discount, a full, un limited scholarship in Boyles Business college, Omaha; good for either short hand or business courses. Apply at tho otflco of Omaha Bee. START TO BE A SUCCESS MONDAY, APRIL 0 That's the day tho SPRING TERM OF BOYLES COLLEGE opens In both tho DAY and NIGHT sessions. On that day opportunity will reach out her hand to you. On that day tho path to success will bo pointed out to you. On thai day you will havo tho oppor tunity to commence your preparation for a successful career as a high-class Steno grapher, Stenotyplst, an expert Ac countant, a well paid -Telegrapher. Or, you can muko yourself capable of passing the United States Civil Servlco Examination for a position as Railway Mall Clerk, Government Clerk or Govern ment Stenographer or Bookkeeper. Theso four fields offer not only the beet salaries, but the best opportunities for great advancement to the average VOUnif mnn nr. wntrynn , n.l Vo can provldo places for fifty young men and fifty young women to work for r. i" riboar.'!: outsll,o of school hours, thus reducing the expense of attending school S.tdcUca,,sr th0 mcre Cosl f Positions are promised to all graduate Boyles College, H. B. Boyles, President, Omaha. Neb. Counril m.,f. t Y. M. C. A. Language School. Tyler 1600" German. Spanish. French. Latin. Greek: LOST AND POUND. OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS, STREET RAILWAY COMPANY, .in rl?18 ha,lnK lost some article would do well to call up the office of the Omali & Council BluffB Street Railway compan to ascertain whether they left it In the street cars. Many articles each day are turned in and tho company Is anxious lo restoit them to the rightful ownur. Call Doug. ..i, k,te s'iaio. with name Helen Bllsh," on back. Finder plcaso Phone D. 2863. Reward. ?.VJ5DAXWatch fob Pendant; seal. Philadelphia College of Pharmacy on sterling silver medal. 424 Y. M. C. A. MEDICAL. Piles, Fistula Cured! Dr. E. It Tarry cures piles, fistula and i other rectal diseases without surgical operation. i-ure guaranteed Und no , mousy paid until cured. Write for book ; n rectal diseases with testimonials. DR. j E. It TARRY. 210 Bee Bldg.. Omaha, MONEY TO LOAN. MONEY FURNISHED SALARIED PEOPLE and others upon their own names; rates cheap, easy payments. Nor ten & Co.. 3SZ Board of Trade Building. OFFERED FOR RENT. ApuruieittH nnd Flnl. ISO) FARNAM 5 luoms, completely mod- icrn; e.iudio locuuon tor ouiccs, aiuoio, j dental or dressmuKiug rooms, etc.. for! I tenants wlfclilng nomcs adjoining. Hnil-i ! Gordon VanCo. g 219 N. 11th St. Phuni' D. S4 or H. 5913. inCT mnHurn neat 1 orH f r il E.rOfim heated apartment In Omaha: mahogany and birch flnlsn. ueautttui uxtures. gai stove, Icebox, laundry, lockor, maid s room; large yard. Janitor service, linmg- diate possession, aiarcn rew ireo. nv 2. the Browne. 122 N 4v'th St. ! FOIJR and 7-vtMMii apartments, $18 und I up. G. P Shsbblns. 1610 Chicago. ' "siXOlOOM,-oil outside rooms, upart. 1817 Pino St, near Brownell Hall. 8-r. "rick flat cor. Sth and William. D. aoio. 1 FIVE und 6-room flats, modern except heat. 16. Phono D. 50S. W-ffV ..lining X-Kiniti,u( apartment on W. Farnam St. JOHN W. BOBBINS. 1S02 FARNAM ST. TO COLORED tenant. S-room brick flat suitable for two families, $18. 3126 Ersklue. W. ISM. CHOICE APARTM ENT. (room. In modern apartment house, save car fare. Sue Janitor, California apartments, Douglas 5237. THE VIRGINIA APARTMENTS. 5-room. Sd floor, east front with large private porch; all outside rooms. Call Harney 69r SIX rooms, 'The Douglas." new, Jut a. 26th Ave.; sun parlor. ' block to Farnam car; walking distance, the best located, clofte-ln upartments In the city; well ar ranged; good ventilation: strictly up-to- datn. J0 to uct 1. Douglas Jui. T. 1 1 1 l.' I.. D i.ln,lani with ftiril,n . ... ...... service, first floor, Lorraine Apartments, l'th and Maple Sts. Mengedoht, Phone cosier oi I.nnmi mridnrn. nearly new. 31!i Cass. Tel Benson 343 V Drawn for The OFFERED FOH KENT. Iloiiril ana Kooiu. 7C3 GEORGIA AVENUE Beautiful fur nished looms; private: excellent meals. BOARD and room lu private family, for two. Call Harney 7009. HOME COOKING. Pleasant, modern rooms. 2113 Douglns St. HOME cooking; pleasant rooms; nice surroundings; moderate. 2037 Dodge. THE 8HRINER, good board and rooms, $6.60 to $7. 324 S. 26th. BOARD nnd room In German family, $4.60 per week. 3330 So. 19th. Red 6067. Furnished ROonn. CAUFORNIAHOTEL c1'f.4' Steam heat hot & cold water, baths, free. RATKR B' "lay. 60c and up. I). 70S3. naj,uo Uy wockt J2 00 aniJ ut) ivvo front rooms. Phone Harney 2111, Sii.i (KI'IIUI.I s. TWO nicely furnished rooms for rent 1605 N. 23rd St. South Omaha. South 103L NEWLY furnished, modern, all outside rooms, ono block from postotflce. Gentle men or working married couple preferred. 1701 Davenport. Phone T. 1323 NICE large front rooms, modern, cool. 222 No. 26th. Red 6831. MODERN, nicely furnished rooms, cn suite or single. 2225-27 Dodge. Unfurnished Iloiinkeeplnic Ilooni. 2 or 3 front housekecp rms, 2018 Daven. llotkia auu Aviriotuli, DODGE HOTB-L-slnd' --niBh)-HouackcepInK Room. NICE housekeeping rooms. 2419 Dodge. llouaea ana Catinue. T H TtnnA Exp. Co., furniture moving. 8-R. modern. 216 S. 35th Ave. Tyler 1121 T7VTT"T7VT TTXT" Storage and Van F 1 I J PA A I Y L"o. Goods storut. LJ- ' x moved, packed, shipped. 16th and Jackson Sts. Doug. 1516. Globe Van&Storage Storagn, $2 per mo.; 2-horse van u.i 1 men, $1.25 per hour. Tel. D. XS3. or D. 4338, T-Tmicna 'n all parts of the city. crelgh Sons &. Co.. Bee Bldg. FIVE-ROOM house, close In. 830 South 21st. Harney 2705. C-ROOM bungalow, 1002 So, 28th St., modern in every respect Call at prcm Ises or call up Harney 539. FOR RENT We have a complete list ot all house, apartments and flats that are for rent This list can bo seen free of charge at Omaha Van & Storage Co., SCC-S. 16th St. 1515 HALL AVE. 7 rooms, modem, $25. THOS. F. HALL. 433 I tun go Bldg. D. 7406. FOUR-ROOM house, 4123 Little Charles. Phone Harney 911. SIX-ROOM bodern 1751 S. 9th. $S0. SEVEN rooms and bath; all modern; on car line. Phono Harney 2049. FOR RENT Six-room eottago In tlno order, 2137 South 16th street; possession April 5. Inquire on premises. MAGGARD VAN AND STORAGE CO. packs, moves, stores and ships household goods anu pianos. Douslas 1496. S3U California St.. 4 line., mod., heat 6 ROOM, modern, 719 S. 37th; $35. W. 2390. 6-r. mod, flat. $ 2308 S. 24. Harney 4711. 2116 Locust. 6-r., mod., $22.50. Web. 6213. S-ROOM modern house, 923 So. 25th. $25. 8-ROOM house, all modern, with plenty of yard and shade trees, SI0 North SJd street, close to Bcmla Park and on two car lines, the Harney and fuming street; good location: $30 per month. HASTINGS & HEYDEN. 101 Harney St. lilt IN . oU.., t-r. L'UUHKU, HIUUClll tAvciH heat, $18 per month. Apply 3J10 Hamilton St WEST FARNAM. new stucco. 7 rooms. 319 N. 38th Ave. 815. 7- room house, modern. Harney 647. EIGHT-ROOM mod.. 112 So. 44th. West Farnam line. $30. Telephone Harney S361. FOR RENT Two-story frame duelling, on Cass, near 26th; modern. Crcightou university. Douglas 232a 4323 Patrick Ave. modern $22.0 2622 Bristol S.'.t , fi-room. modern 20.00 BEMIS-CARLBERG CO.. 310-312 Brandels Theater. Stores unit Office. 1RU FARNAM ST., 3.0TO sauare feet; 18094 Farnam St.. 1,800 square feet; 1S07 1809-1811 Farnam St. (basement), 8,00") square feet, both Fainam street and alley entrances; abundant light; steam heat THOS. F. HALL. 433 Ramge Bldg. D. 7406. "FOR RENT The office on ground floor of The Boe building occupied by the Havens-White Coal company. Frontage on Farnam St., and occupying about 1.500 square feet, with extra entrancn on tho court of the building. Large vault Fine office fixtures for sale. Apply N. P. Fell. Bee office. STOREROOM. 706-7 8. 16th, 20x60 ft, full basement, water und heat furnished. $60. INTERS TRUST COMPANY. TWO modern stores near postofflce; low rent G. P Stcbblns. 1810 Chicago. Key to the Situation Bee Advertising. OFFERED FOR SALE. Typewriter. Typewriters sold, rented, repaired. Cen tral Typewriter Exchange. 307 S. Hlh St. RENT Remington, Monarcns and Smith Premiers of their makers. The Remington Typewriter Co. Telephone Douglas 1821. Rental credited If you purchase, and only very newest and highest grade machine sc nt out Rates, three months for $5 for undorstroke maohlnos or $3 per month for latest model visible writers. .Miscellaneous. SAFES Overstocked, seoond-hand. all makes. J J. Derlght Safe Co.. 1212 Farnam FOR SALE at a discount, a full, un limited scholarship In Boyles Business college, Omaha; good for either short hand or business course Apply at the office of The OmaH we. ac nAuuys Best Coal for the money: try' fd.UU t. Web S4fc- Harmon & Weeth. j FOR SALE New and second-hand. carom and iioeket billiard tables and bowling alleys and accessories; bar fix tores of all kinds; easy payments. The Brunswlck-Balke-Collender Co.. 407-409 S. 10th St Wreckage of V. 8. Nat. Bk. bldg. H. Gross Lbr & Wreck. Co.. 21st & Paul. Bee bv Tad OFFERED FOR SALE. Mlftcrllnucnua. DRY oak posts for sale chfap, nloo coid wood. On lime kllm road. Day & Hess Co., 123 Pearl St., Council Bluffs. Ia. PERSONAL YOUNG women coming to Omaha as strangers nrc Invited to visit tho Young Women's Christian association building at 17th and St. Mary's. Ave., where they will bo directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look lor our travelers1 aid at the Union station. MASSAGE, 103 S. 17th, Mrs, Steele. Home for sick, 2604 Ames Ave. W. 2908. Boxten Pharmacy. 12th and Dodge, W-UAr lll.UOD REMEDY. Practical nurse. 18 yra. exp.; ret. D. 6206. MASSAGE Miss Walton, room 2!4, Ne ylllo Blk.. 16th and Harney. Tel. D. 4297. THE Salvation Army Industrial home solicits your old clothing, furniture, mag uzlnes. Wo collect. We distribute. Phone Douglas 4135 and our wagon will call. Coll and Inspect our new home, 1U0-11U-1114) Dodge St MASSAGE Swedish movement 4 418 ;2. MISS-JACOBS; mass., bath, elec. trt. D.S3 Cash for diamonds, S. F.. 350 Om. Nat'U Mlflfl .f,,.1n Slhntitf,,. nm Tt.'l,l.All l Har. and 15th. Mass..' magnetic treatment' PRIOR'S MUD HATH r unit o.l r.i,. tard, steamed; posltlvo cure for rheu matism; 20 years' experience In Hot Springs, Ark. Lady attendant for ladles. Slit t2 a, T , I r r. . , Turkish bath, mass. Davldge Blk. D. 5S95 MAGNETIC Trt.. 1829 Vinton, D, 6026, Rlttonhouse Co., 214 Balrd Bldg.. 17 & D. I'OULTKV AJIU SUi'PLIES STEREOTYPE matrices make tho best anil Chonni.,1 1i,llr f,. nnnl,H.. U... They are 17x23 Inches, stronger and moro , limn mueu ion anu practically fireproof. 75c a hundred at Tho Beo office. S. rj V. Leghorns, hens, cockerels and eggs for hatching. Phone Flor. 218. Barred Rock hatching eggs. Web. 3701, IT WILL PAY YOI1 tu Ini-PiiHirntA nnr chicken life saver. It will save tho lives of your chicks; guaranteed to do Ihu Work or money rofunded. Chicken Lllo Saver Co.. 2021 Cuming St. DUCK EGGS FOR HATCHING. T."for $1.25. A, H. Baker, Benson, Neb,, R 2. Tel. Benson 747-W. TWO White Holland turkey toms from P.rl9 w'nnlng flock, $5 each. A. H. Baker, R. 2, Benson, Neb., Tol. Benson 747-W. IIEVL ESTATE. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. REED Abstract Co., oldest abstract office In Nebraska. 2ft TtrunHalu ti, ! CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE. SOUTH 27TH STREET Dandy all modern cottage, with floored attic, furnace, paved street fine neigh borhood, beautiful lawn, within walking 1...., uill.V o.vw. ! BEMIS-CARLBERG CO. j 310-312 BrandelB Theater Bldg. I , ?v? houses, new, oak and birch fin ! Ish bIx rooms and bath, full basement all modern: $2,600 each. 2013-15 Bancroft A SNAP IN D UN DEE LOTS." Two Jots corner 5lBt & Webster, half block Trom car line. $1,900 cash. Phone Douglas 6858 -J. M. Alacfarland, Attorne"? 309 Omaha NatlonalBajik Bldg, BUY OF OWNER: 920 So. 37th BL 6 rooms. Just finished, sleeping porch, gas mantel, book cases. Choice location. Call H. 2182. ,L?.SE;W 'tOMIi-7 rooms, modern, at' 183., No. 18th St.; must bo sold at once I' or Information phone D. 3607. j SEVEN-ROOM modern cottage, nice shade fruit trees and barn. 2591 Pratt St. I'hone Webster 5016. Public. Auction thffer'Tidar Ap'rl. b3? $t sale to take place at the residence," 1131 n. 32a street. On the above date we will xell at publlo auction to the highest bidder the 6-room residence and lot at 1131 S. 32d St. This beautiful home consists of s rooms, reception hall and bath and Is strictly modern, finished in oak down stairs nnd Is practically a new house, and was built for a home and In one of the best parts of tho city. Easy terms will be given to the pur chaser If desired. Anyone wishing to see the Inside of the house before the salo, call Dowd Sale and Auction Co. for key. DOWD AUCTION CO.. Auctioneers. Old Soldiers Sacrifice. $6,000 for $4,000 S-room modern house. 2 years old, not a flaw In Jt: 4 large bed rooms, 4 closets llnon closet, large pantry, largo recep tion hall, large living room, dining room, kitchen. 2 large porches, cistern, 2 largo lots, all kinds of small fruit. 4 block from school, XSi blocks from car line, on grade. Phone Huiney U48. A. S. Carter BY OWNER One year old S-room house. All modern, oak and birch finish corner lot. south front, 3152 Chicago. Tel' Harney 1704 for price and terms. MERCHANDISE stocks wanted. Frl-d. liinii, rj yiui. ,-m. uiajf,, URlanS. ilJ 3CI.I.UII HtKT, KIK.1T 8h.ll JOHN W BOBBINS 1802 FARNAM ST. RKAL BSVATE. ' FARM Jb RANCH LANDS Fort SALE California. - . STOCK RANCH. ' Possible Subdivision. 3,000 acres, controlling 10,000 more, clo to San Francisco, Cat. Feed all year around. 18 miles river frontage, 15 miles railroad through property. Carries 3.o5 head cattle. Price $12.50. an acre Easv terms. For further Information write. STINE & KENDRICK. 23 Montgomery St. 5 LAND In I SAN FRANCISCO. CAU LAND In the South San Joanuln in: cation district at low rjriees Utk n proved and unimproved for prices that are astonishingly low. If you are look la for good land and low prices and honest dallng. write to a man that has farm,-' all his life and knows land when he sees It My prices and booklet on California land. FREE. ANDREW KERN, EE. CALON. CAL. ' fco ) ft 1