Newspaper Page Text
THE BEE: OMAHA, TfKSDAY, MARCH 31, 1914. 11 Swappers' 1 HAVE bull pup 1 M-ar old. white thor oughbred bull, Rood and sound; fine watchdog. Will exchange for bicycle In good condition. 8. g. wa. nee. HAVE TYPEWRITER AND 1'LAT-TOP desk: also 4x5 camera, want Turkish nig, or what have you? Address 8. C. MO." Bee. CLEAR LOT SOl'TIl OMAHA, 25TH and Madison. Price, $10). Trade lor Kent auto, Utiarantee tit lo abstract. Ad dress S. C. 667, Bee. COLLECTION OF RUGS TO EX Changs for diamonds or cash. Will have tu see rugs to appreciate their value. Address S. C, 617, care Bee. UOOD COTTAGE -NORTH OMAHA. Iodern but heat. All newly painted and papered. Oarage, ft. Cement walks. Mtg., $800. Want $500 cashand good, light auto or clear lots. S. C. 869, Bee. HAVK A PR1NTOURAPH MACHINE for multiple letter work; prints through ilbbon like typewriter; can use ordinary printers' type, and cuts, also; electric .motor and hand power; cost $335. Wilt trade for cheap lot or land, or will con sider any kind of a. reasonable offer. Ad dress S. C, 565. Bee. TEAM OF MARES. ONE SORREL THE other black, about 1.700 lbs. Ood condi tion, broke. Will swap for farm machln ery Address S. O 502. Bee GAS STOVE. 4 large ovens, hardly used, excellent baker. Would like to nwap for chickens; prefer White Rocks. Address S. C. Ml, Bee. GENUINE MEXICAN SADDLE AND trappings, used slightly: will sell cheap for cash, or what have you? Address S. C. 540. Bee. ' GOOD SMALL BOVS BICYCLE FOR sale or trade; boy outgrew It. What have you? The bicycle is in good condi tion and can be used by boy between 5 and 3 years of age. Addreta S. C. 640. Bee. ,,AVILL SWAP TYPEWRITER FOR VIC .trola or 2A kodak. Address S. C. 303, Bee. HAVE THREE LOTS IN RALSTON, will swap for city property, or what have you to offer? Will consider good lot In either Omaha or South Omaha. Write at once, S. C. 6S6. Bee. "WILL SWAP WHITE HOLLAND TUB 'S key torn for two turkey hens. Address 1 NE FIFTEEN - LIGHT ACETYLENE. '.What have you? Address S. C. 633. AVtfAT HAVE YOU FOR ELEGANT Ri&hoguny dresser and chiffonier? Ad dress S. C. 677, Bee. AVILfc SWAP GOOD QUARTER SEC tlonlpf agricultural land on railroad In southern South Dakota for vacant lot, house, stock, bonds, or what have you? Have good lot to trade for a first-class diamond or will buy If bargain for cash. Address 8. C. 521, Omaha Bee. WANTED TO TRADE PAINTING AND papering for printing. Address S. C. 61$. Bee. NEW HAMMOND TYPEWRITER. COST $30. Changed work so cannot use. Will trade or selL AddresH S. C. 65S. Bee. A GOOD BAKERY. WORTH $3U. FOR trade. What have you. Address S. C. 116, caro Bee. WANTED TO SWAP A STEAMER, trunk In fine condition for a Morris chair, or what? Address S. C. 647, Bee. TWO CLEAR LOTS PIERRE, S. D. Good abstract. Price, 11,000. Want gen. tndse. or auto. Good abstract and war ranty deed. S. C. 668, Bee. rtEAIi ESTATE. FAnM A RANCH LANDS KOR BALE. Mlnucaoui. Minnesota Farm Lands From $15 to $75 per aero. 'Are the cqilal of any in the United States that are selling from $150 to $300 per acre. These lands can be bought on easy terms. Minnesota's 1913 corn crop, 40 bushels per acre, stands first of all states in the union. SEND FOR SPECIAL PAGE OF MINNESOTA FARM BARGAINS. Published in the MINNEAPOLIS JOURNAL, Minneapolis, Minn., March 29 to April 4... A 2c Btamp will bring It. THE M1LLE LACS REGION IS THE very heart of agricultural Minnesota; leva), fertile, clay loam lands, two hours' ride from Minneapolis, at $10 per acre are 100 cheap to last long. Secure your land bofoie prices go up. Call or write for map and full Information about our state and unlcrslty land running 30 years at 4 per cent. Dally land excursions. Export enoed field men to show you around. Now Is the time to get over the ground. A. E. John.on Co.. 300 1st Ave.. S. Min neapolis. 2S0-ACRE farm, 35 miles from Minne apolis, H4 miles from a good railroad town, part under cultivation, balance meadow and pasture land; good soil, good ti-room house, worth $3,0(; barn, granary, corncrlbs, cattle sheds, machine kheds, etc.; 14 cows, 20 head of steers and heifers, three horses, hogs, chickens, complete sot farm machinery, bugglej., wagons, sleds. 50 tons of hay, 1.200 basket- com, 15o bushels mixed grain, l.o bushels of potatoes. In fact, everything on farm goes except the furniture. Prue, il2,0W. one-half cash. Schwab Bros., 1WJ Plymouth BIJg.. Minneapolis Minn. Minnesota. WE ARK offering tnousands of acres of choice and well Improved lands In the Red River Valley, northeastern and south eastern Minnesota; also cut over lands, at retail and wholesale irlces. Prices and terms reasonable. Write us for lists. Aetna agents wanted In Iowa, Illinois and Nebraska. Stewart Land Co., 405 New York Life Bldg.. Minneapolis. Minn. South Ilukotn. BARGAIN from owner If taken at once, ltfl-acre Improved farm near Davis, Tur ner county. South Dakota. Easy terms. 50,000 acres improved and timber lands on main line of Northwestern railroad. Easy ifnns, For particulars wrlto Far rU & Aioore. Solon Springs. Wis. Missouri. FARMS for sale ; $G down. $3 monthly buys 49 acres good timber land, near town, Tx:s county. Mo.; price, $200; pcrfoct title. J. B. Jarrojl. Mt. Vernon. 111. .Nt'hra.Ku. VOUND 320-Bcre homestead In -ettled neighborhood; fine farm land; not sand hills; cost you $200, filing fees and all. J. A. Tracy, Kimball, Neb. Wlaconaiu. Upper Wisconsin Best dairy and general crop state In the union. Settlers wanted. Lands to rate at low prlios on easy terms. Ask for booklet 34, on Wisconsin Central Land Grant. State acres wanted. Write about our grazing lands. If Interested In fruit landeu ask for booklet on apple orchards in Wisconsin Address Land Dept. Soo Line Ry.. Minneapolis. Minn. DOUGLAS county. Wisconsin, produces apple., plunu. sinull fruits, vegetables, of all kinds, hay. email grain and corn. Best for dairying, stock and general fanning, Good land at low prices and on easy terms. Farmers' l-and & Cattle company, Ltd., Globe Bldg., St. Paul. Minn, o. FOR SALE OR BXCHANG E R. E. OFFICIAL publication concerning soK climate and crops of Wisconsin mailed f.-ee to th ite addressing Wisconsin State Board of Immigration, Capitol 100), Madl sen. wis. Column 1 HAVE a camera or a diamond or type writer or a good walch and rash for your piano, or what? D. C. Ml, Bee. HAVE GOOD OAK DRESSER. COM mode, Ice box and some uhairs. will consider trade for horso and pay differ ence, or what havo you 7 First good offer takes It. Address 8. r. 597. Bee. I HAVK A FEW CITY BCILDINO LOTH to swap for n. good truck or high-grade automobile. S. C 520. Bee. ONE DOUBLE-BARRELED ITHACA hammerless shotgun; good condition; will swap or sell. Make offer. Address S. C. 664. Bee. HAVE FULL BLOOD WHITE ROCK cockerel which 1 will swap for another White Rock cockerel that I can use for breeding; Is a fine, full in own fowl and not quite a year old. Write at once. First rood offer takes it. e. -. wo OARDEN TOOLS AND SHRUBS OF any kind wanted for house or offlco furniture; have roll top desk, two chairs, chiffonier, leather parlor "chair. Address t i. Mi nee. PRINTING AND PAINTING WANTED 111 exchange for dentistry. Address S. C. 607. Bee. WILL TRADE A SEWING MACHINE for bookcase or buffet. Address S. C. 5S0. Bee. INDIAN CURIOS, private collection, genuine buckskin, bead work, clubs pipes, etc.; beautiful and rare decora tions for den. Will trado or sell. Ad- dress S. C. 559. Bee. I HAVE A GOOD. HEALTHY TEAR ling colt I would trade for calves. Make mo oner. Address a. v;. cm. -j-c. CLEAR LOT. EXCHANGE FOR ANY kind of auto In running order. Address S. C. 678. Bee. GOOD LEATHER TOP HUUUV TO swap for phonograph, or what have you to offer? Am tearing down barn ami have no place to keep buggy. Good chance Address ts. u. w nor. HAVE $800 EQUITY IN COTTAGE ; will exchange for io, or ui dress S. C. 376. nee. TO SWAP ONE 3-DRAWER 6X8 CARD cabinet for typewriter. Address S. C. us, wee. GOING AWAY". TRADE REMINGTON visioie typewriter, annum irem mond or article can use. Address S. C. Sfil. liee WHAT HAVE YOU TO TRADE FOR small Round Oak heating stovo used only one month? Complete with pipes and an extra set of grates. Address S. C. 626. Bee. CLEAR LOT FOR ROOMING HUOSB of 10 or iz rooms. Address o. . ALL-STEEL RANGE AND FURNITURE) for swap or sale, Mako offer. Address S. C. 679, Bee. . SECOND-ILVND REMINGTON TYPE writer to swap for good bicycle and cash. Address B C 618, Bee. $8,000 CLEAR MDSE. STOCK IN Omaha, consisting of dry goods, no tions, hats, gloves, shoes, etc. Fixtures, $600 only. Want clear Omaha property or clear land. Will assume If some cash paid. Good location. Cash business. 8 C. 570, Bee. " WOODEN LETTER FILING CABINET, 3 drawers, to swap for an office chair. Address S. C. 605, Bee. WHAT have you to swap for a set of golden oak quarter-sawed dining-room furniture and a Solar steel range in good condition? Address S. C. 600, Bee. FOR SALE OR. EXCHANGE R. E. WILL trade one or two quarter sec tions Idaho land In Twin Falls county lor general mercantile or hardware stocks. Land $.Ai an acre; small encumbrance. Twin Falls Realty Co.. Twin Falls, Idaho. o. SEVEN-ROOM, modern, 100x160 lot: will trade for smaller place or acreage. 3840 Franklin. Webster 4079. WANTED A good, well located mov ing pitcure theater, In exchange for a substantial grocery business located In Nebraska county scat. Give all par ticulars and price In first letter. Address Y 482. Bee. Persistent Advertising is the Road to Big Returns. REAL ESTATE LOANS. HARRISON & MORTON. 916 Om. Nat. OMAHA homes. East Nebraska farms. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 1016 Omaha Nat. VDouglas 2715. $100 to 310,000 made promptly. F. D. Wead. Wead Bldg., ISth and Farnam. CITY LOANS. Bemls-Carlberg Co.,;cr 310-312 Brandeis Theater Bldg. u0 WANTED City loans. Peters Trust Co. GrARVIN BROS Lans, $500 and up. -rj.v v -! xjxvvjo. omahii Nat Bank. CITY property. Largo loans a specialty. W. H. Thomas. 228 State Bank Bldg. WANTED City loans and warrants. W, Farnam Smith & Co.. 1320 Farnam. CITY and farm loans. 6, 514. 6 per cent J. H. Dumont & Co.. 1603 Farnam, Omaha. MONEY" on hand for eltv .mrl farm loans. H. W. Binder. City Nat. i! Bldg. REAL KSTATl'i WANTED. HAVE cash buyers for good vacant lots. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY. Phone Douglas 17S1. Wre Block. WANTED TO RUV. Highest price paid for furniture. D.37 WANTED TO RENT. LIVE STOCK MARKET OPWEST 9H1P llv o n n L- a...u . ----- ............. ,u winana. save mileage and shrinkage. Your consign! Ton recolve PTomVt and careful attln Live Stock Commission Slcrchnnt. MARTIN BROS & CO.. Exchange Bldg. Jletal Mnrkrf. MRTV Vl-im.' l. . ...... w.vk, .unun alUTALS fad,nJlfy at -75Ga-8B: london, 18 17s ft 7 TL1 . .., i-onoon, 1.1 is 1 bd. Copper, steady; standard, snot f1d Vk,,MfiM-tt! ectrolytlc. 4.5 lake. J16.00, nominal; castings, H1.371. TI11 easy; spot. 7. 75088. 36. June. J3S.oiaJS.tU.' Antimony, dull; Cookson's, J7.2S. Iron quiet; No. 1 northern, 13.5?i 16.0; No i northern. JH.50615.00; No. 1 southern London prices: topper, steady; spot. 61 m?J ,f,utuI"' thi -1?.d- Tin. firm; spot. IJJ2 10s; futures, 171 is. Iron. Cleveland warrant, no 7!id. ST- LOUIS. March 30.-METALS-Lead. quiet at Si.7a. Spelter, dull at Jl 12U. Olla and Hosln. NEW YORK, .March 30. COTTONSEED OIL Steady; prime summer yellow, tl.tb; May, J7.60; July. J7.; September. J7.70. ROhl.N-Qulet; strained, common to good. H.Cft. TU'RPENTINE-Steady. machine bar rels, 4?r. SAVANNAH, Ga.. March 30. TURPEN TINE Firm at 4ic; sales, none, re ceipts, 38 bbls.; shipments, 3S7 bbls.; stocks. 11,863 bbls. ROSIN-Flrm: sales. 260 bbls ; receipts, 1,691 bbls.; shipments. S.3S4 bbls.: stocks. 1I2.30S bbls. Quotations: A, B, C and D, JJ.76; B. J3.77i; V. J3.W; G. J3.0J; II. J4.10; I, J4.12H; K. J4.16; M, J4.60; N, JJ.60 WG. J8.S6; WW, J420. ' Coffee Market. NEW YORK, March 30.-COFFEE Tho coffee market opened steady at a decline of 7 to 8 points today in response to re actionary European cables and scattering liquidation, but quickly rallied on a re newal of bull support and covering Higher firm offers from Brazil, steadier closing cables from Havro and talk of a better Brazilian financial situation were the factors on the advance. The mar ket closed firm and from 13 to 16 points net higher. Sales were SS.5S0 bags. March, 8.Slc. May. 8,91c, July, 9.00c. Sep tember, 926c October, 9.34c, De'-cmber. 9.4ic January, 9.60c Ppot, steady, Rio No. 7. 9c, Santos No 4, lli , mild, quiet, Cordova, 12HtflSV- nominal GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Interest in Corn is the Largest in Many Months. FORMER WINNERS NOW LOSERS Mnny Tritdrr Who Itntr necii Jink- Inn Good Martina In Hip Yellow Cereal Are on Loalnit side itf the Gnme. OMAHA. Starch 30. 1914. 1 . . . . . . , , . . interest in com Is tne largest in many months. In Hddltion to the hold ings by the down state operators, Includ ing farmers and others, there are big men In tho east who have come Into corn out of the cotton and stock markets. Tho bullish developments In corn have been a great surprise to the bears, as well as to those who put out short lines with the expectation of securing a profit on reces- klnm Some of the larger tradrrs In this mar ket and who have been quite successful mrtnnrli. . . . 1 . i .... , . ... ...... v.. nu uerii uie largest loners in corn lately. It was expected by these tnnpnt.t.... 41... .... ,.,!. i .... u-v....nvvin mm uir nifcin prices TCOU1U bo more attractive to country holders of the cash than has been shown and that the shipments from the farms and out of country elevators would be sensationally large. The farmers, however, advanced their asking price ns rapidly as the futures and cash article advanced at Chicago, and In addition to this the Argentine corn was fairly well taken and conditions nave been anything but extremely bear ish at any time. According to advice received from the ,?," an1 ouhwt uie Saturday, the buying power for cah corn Is on the iii.t It, v. " "ago trom Boston said tin - bu.,nB "lie is pretty well filled co"s,lt'erablc corn has been sold to fif. cl1,1caso " been unable to sell e"?lvH0Ui,ntl l0,t8 or tn' corn, as bid, re- S 1hnertre.Llav'' beIOw "king price and those sect ons wanting corn dlsVosne eo,th,h '"""-""on that In o?der to PricPe.8ewlll rule. SUrP,U" "eld hCre low" i.Ji?e wno (lon't bfllfve In the present go ! L(Korl""Vi,re "lvlslng customers to ?h.,n mnk,lnR Purchases, as they fig. ThosV1 f r f ' about due. 7.,..l,wno. bellev" In corn are advising fng spoVs! RVOld the adVanceB a b" enTfiJ'' "V.1.9 ,n tne wheftt ltatlon to encourage either a bull or a bear n nrom I1.1! the "Potation Sf securh'g a FhSni" near future- !" conseqiiencS fUtnrS fi1, lt th.e Ings of the May i?Bro excP'od There are two clr- k0?ti,nC.?,irround'l.,,r. thn. wllcat ""or .iat mRy be called dec dedly bearish, and hkiif .demand ir, the cash wheat Ki JJf?1 crSp. Prom' In the south west nre referred to. Cash wheat was UJic lower, in .i atJ! market ts likely to continue In the footsteps of corn, as has been the IrSyj;0- al V.n as In the visible, aro a?e in fv2i'eU,1.' "jovement, while they are in ravor of the bears. Cash oats were iQlc lower. i,i .i,!1"!,?"l,!or', who aro c'e to tho miitttlon ln0 west ar banking on th. S?I,r. run ,b?cause of weakness of n2 ", coupled with the muddy roads. .?.? ' iere Ua teen some buying scattered Interests, Including grail TR? "tocks of manufactured prod thi.8nL,?hicai.0 are claimed to bo any. fiJJiS ut bllrdennie, although tho de- !.at.nsfactorryhofC,,aBthe.arUCle hB8 b6Cn -?&aiiances of w;'eat and flour were 57.000 bu.; com. 18,000 bit.; oats. 15,000 bu. mVi Ill.e1iP001 whcttt clot,t,i Hft'Ho lower; corn, ijo lower. h,. 'marv. wheat receipts were 1.03,000 bu. and shipments 402.000 bu., against re- ffl bu! ssftr-and 8h,pmcnt " celpts of 4SS.OX) bu. and shipments of 334, coo bu. last year. Primary oats receipts were 832,000 bu. rlJiSnlentB 95l0Ou. bu" "Balnst receipts of 649,000 bu. and shipments of 619,000 bu. last year. These cash sales were reported Wheat. nar- w'"ter. 2 cars (dark) at 86c. 7.if? at. 5 N?- s 1,ar1 "Inter, 1 car &a)wat Pc' 1 car at Kc' 1 car at Slfic; No. 2 durum, 1 car at 86c; rejected, 1 ,c,al' ai SJiic' 1 car nt 80c. Corn; No. 2 1,,le' . 9c,ars. at No- 3 white. 2 ears at 66ic. 6 cars at 6c, 1 car at 6&c. 5 cars at 65Hc No. 4 white, 2 cars at 65c. i car at 64o; No. 2 yellow, is cars at 65Hc; No. 3 yellow, 12 cara at 65Vic, 3 cars at 65V4C 26 cars at 65c, I car at 64;c, 3 cars at 64!4c No. 4 yellow, 4 oars at 64c; No. 2 mixed, 12 cara at 66o; No. 3 mixed. iParSiat 1 S?r nt wc 10 cars nt 64',4c. 8 caM at 64c, 1 car at 63c; No. 4 "lix! 1 car at 1 car at Wo, 1 car at 63Hc, 1 car at 63Hc. 1 car at 63c, 1 car at 63Hc. Oats: Standard. 2 cars at 38c. V-.carat 'ic; No. 3 white, 27 cars at sjttc, 2 cars at 37c; No. 4 white, 13 cars at 37c; No. 1 mixed, 1 car at 3ttc; no grade. 1 car at 36Hc Rye. No. 4. 1 car at 56c. ..maha C'" Prices-Wheat; No. 2 hard. 84660; No. 3 hard. 83H4j854c; No 4 hard, 79383c; No. 3 spring S5HSS6c; No 4 spring, 82HfS4',ic; No. 2 durum, 85V4Kcl 66V,gc6i4c; No. 3 white, 65H66t;(; No. 4 i.L, uiwv , jt'UDw, DO',iw)c; rvo 3 yellow, 64VS5jMc; No. 4 yellow. 63144 64c; No. 2. 6t4S65c; No. 3, 63g6Rc; No. 4. standard. 37?i03Sc;, No. 3 white, 37(S37Wc- &c4 w.hlt0. T,c- Barley: Malting. 63ff2c; No. 1 feed. 4252c. Rye: No -5Sj68Hc; No. 3, 6740JSC. CAR EOT RECEIPTS. Wheat Corn. Oats Omaha .... 35 259 5 37 S3 58 St Louis Chicago Kansas City . Winnipeg Duluth .... 98 .... 17 ... 65 121) 130 t&2 CHICAGO (JRAI.V AJVD PROVISIONS Features of the Trnillnr and Closing, Prices nn (J oar it or Trade. CHICAOO. March 30.-Abundant mois ture, that extended from the Allegbcneys almost to the Rockies and gave sanction to estimates of the largest winter crop ever known, had a notable bearish Influ ence today on wheat. In consequence, the market after an unceasing decline, fin ished weak, at a loss of llVic to lUQl"ic net. Other speculative articles, too, showed a setback; corn, c to HfrSc; oats, ',c to H6'.4c. and provisions, 5iil7Hc to Sic. Selling pressure on tho new crop de liveries of wheat became so pronounced as to disturb seriously the confidence of holders of cash wheat and May. Tlif bountiful rains of the last three days had widened out to Include even the dry por tions of Kansas, where complaints have been numerous of late. In addition one of the leading oxperts had gone on record as predicting a winter crop yield of more than 600000,000 bushels this season as compared with 633,000.000 bushels lust year the biggest previous record. Leading houses that have not heretofore been Identified with the bear side In wheat came out openly on today s break. Much Btrcss was laid on advices tending to show that there had been virtually no acreage loss from winter killing, and that the seeded territory possessed an amplitude never before equalled Corn succumbed with wheat and be cause of lack of demand for the 12,000.000 bushels stock here, n large part of which s winter shelled and la liable to de teriorate. Most of the selling came from bear speculators, who showed Increased courage Oats felt the Influence of con tinued free arrivals and the fact that In vestment and shipping call was poor. In provisions. Ilquldutlng and short sell ing formed the rule as generally as with grain. The chief argument was that cur rent levels were too high. Artlclel Open. I Hlgh.l Low, jciose. I 8af y Wheat May. July. Corn May. July. Oats May. July. Pork My July Lard May. July. 92T4 93 921), 92U 934 S8H 674. 87 Si 6S 68&i 68 K84 S9i U 39 I 23 S9i4 W 40 I 30, 39S u 21 Of. 21 05 I 20 76 f 20 80 f 21 C6 n 22H 21 SiHI 20 874' 20 90 21 20 10 624 10 Wf 10 4 10 43 10 614 10 724; 10 724j 10 6241 10 624 10 62V? It 2241 II 4' 11 03 ' U 05 ' 11 25 11 40 I 11 40 11 174l 11 20 I 11 40 Ribs May July. l'hl ago Cash Prices-Wheat No. X' VP 54c, No. 3 red XWqOlht, No, 2 2 red, hard. JJ'tc, No 3 hard, S1',fiPlV. No 2 north- cm, MiIWM'fc. No 3 northern, MHUWS, . No. H spring, MifM . No. 3 spring, 9w 94vc Corn No 2 c; No. 2 yellow. BSHc; No. 3. No 3 white, tff c. No. S ellow. liHKISc. Oaia: No. z white. 40Hc: No. 3 white. m.t8V. standard. JHJt4c. Rje: No. 2, SSHc Barley. 4Wdr. Timothy 3.2$nf4.7. Clover S tiffl3.00. Pork: $J0 90. Lard. J10.J7HO. Ribs: 10.3,4f1l UH. Bl'TTKR Pteady : creameries, IStfllV EGOS Lower; receipts, 30,110 cases; at mark, cases Included, lTfltSe. ordinary firsts, 17t,G17V. firsts, 17U18V. CHBESE-Steady; daisies. Uc, twins, 16f 17c. Americas. 17'I7Hk;: long horns, POTATOES Steady: receipts. 72 cars: Michigan. Minnesota and Wisconsin, red. eSjJc; Michigan. Minnesota and Wiscon sin, white. 68flSr. POCLTUY-Allvr. higher: spring. ISc; fowls. 18c. NISW AOniv (ili.MiltAl, .MARKET (liiotn Hour of the l)ny nn nrlon Cmitnindltles. NEW YORK. Maich W.-KLOIR-Barcly steady, spring patents, $4.6t44 ia. winter strnlghts. $1 3tj4.: winter pat ents. tt.lOfi4 76. siirlng clears.; extra No. 1 winter. J.t.WfiC 7:,: extra No. 2 winter. W-353-M". Kansas straights, tl 10 4J4.20. WHEAT Spot market. steadN . No. i hard winter, J1.00, c, 1. f., New York, No. 2 hard winter, H.O). c. I. f., New York. No. 2 red. Sl.Ou. elevator. No 1 northern. Duluth. Jl.Ol'i; No. 1 northern, Manitoba. fl.US, f. o. b.. afloat, opening navigation. Futures, weak and lower, owing to bear ish crop and weather news from the southwest, cloflng nt Ir net decline Ma, $l!00?i. July. SHiijc; September. !tVic. CORN Spot barely steady; No. 3 yel low, 7tUc, c. I, f., to uirlve. OATS Spot easy; standard white. 45'n (fitSc. No. 3. ;U4.)S4o, fancy clipped white, ttVjtltSc HAY Quiet; standard, J1.00. No. 1. Jl.OiHWI W; No. 2. Kc. No. i3, SOJIOOc. HOPS Steady; state common to choice, 1PI3, 3i$l44e: 1912, 17jf21c; l'aclflc const. 1913, 1M?4!3c, 1912. 1.MT19C. HIDES-Steudy; Bogota, 23',4ljWsc; Ccn tral America, 300304c. PETItOLKl'M Uteady; refined. New York, bulk. J5.25, barrels. SS75. tascs. 911.36. WOOI-Steady, domestic fleece, XX Ohio. 27c. LEATHER Firm; hemlock firsts, 30r; seconds. 2S29c. PROVISIONS - Pork barely steady, mess, $23.00023.50; family, J24.0O26.0O: short clears, 20.35if22.00. Beef, quiet; mess. JI8.005jl8.50, family. llS-tXjOXOO. Cut meats, steady; pickled bellies. 10 to 14 lbs, S13.3oifl4.54; pickled hams, 14.25$M4.50. Lard, weak; middle west. $10.4(SnO.W; re fined, easy; continent, '$11.05, fouth Amor lea, 111.76; compound, 8.37HS.62W. TALLOW Stendy. city, 6c; country, 6061,0; special, 6TiC BCTTKR Murket steady; receipts 4,818 tubs; creamery extras, i&tfl'ioHc; first', 23H8 24Hc; held extras, 23fl23i4c; process oxtras, 20HC CHEESE Market, steady, receipts 2JA boxes; state whole milk held whites, spe cials, 19c; state whole milk hold colored, specials, 19'4c; state whole milk held whites, overage fancy. IS'WrlSc, KQaS .Market, steady; ro-elpts, 29,209 cases; fresh gathered cxtrhfi, 22o; firsts, storage packed, 2lc; fresh gathered firsts, ltt'ltiMlic, nearby hennry, white to fancy, 254f26c, nearby hennry gather whites, 2&o. I'Ol'LTRY' Oresshd. quiet; fresh killed wfintcrn chlcken,s, 14'324c; fowls, 15tjlM4c turkeys, 22S25C OatAIIA GHNEItAli BIARKET. BUTTER No. 1, 1-lb. carton, nc; No. 1, 60-lb. tubs, 27c. CHEESE Imported Swiss. 30c; Amer ican Swiss, 24c; block Swiss, 22c; twins, 21c: daisies. 21c: triplets. 21c: Young. Americas, 22c; blue label brick, lSttc; lira- burger, 2-lb., wc; New iorK wnito, sic- FISH White, lie;, trout, ISc; large crap, pies, 12c to 10c; Spanish mackerel, 16c; shad roe .per pair. 60c; salmon. 11c; hall hut. 12c; buffalo. Sc: channel catfish. 16c; pike, 12c; pickerel, De. POULTRY Broilers. 25c; hens. He; cocks, 9Hc; ducks, 14c; geese, 10c; turkeys. 25c; pigeons, per aozen. si.w; cjucks, mil reatnerea, uc, goeee, tun icatnorea, itic; squabs. No. 1, Jl.6Ojy2.00i No. 2, 60c. Wholesale prices of beet cuts offeotlve today in Omaha are as follows: BEEF CUTS-Rlbs: No. 1, 18c; No. 2, 16Wc; No. 3, HVic. Loins; No. 1, 19'4o; No. 2, 17c: No. 3, 15Hc Chucks: No. 1, Hlic; No. 2, 10V4c; No. 3, 10c. Rounds: No, 1, lie; No. 2. 13V4c: No. 3, 13Vo. Plates; No. 1. fl'.Sc; No. 2. 8Kc; No. 3, hVlc. The following prices are furnished by the Glllnsky Fruit company: FRUITS .Sunklst oranges, all sizes. 12.60. Lemons: Sunklst Golden Bowl, 300 and S60, 13.60; Red Bull Sil ver cord, 300 ana zw, 14.50. Grape fruit; Indian River, 36, 83.50: 46. W, 14.25; 64, 14.60 ; 64 and SO, $5.(0. Bananas, per pound 3 to 3V4c Apples: Colorado Missouri Pippin, per box, sz.iti; Colorado Ben Dan-Is, per box, $2.25; Colorado White Pearmaln, per box, $2.60; Idaho Wlncsaps, per box, $&60; extra fancy barrel Ben Davis, 16.50; extra fancy barrel Qano, $6.60; extra fancy barrel Missouri Pip pins, $7.00; extra fancy barrel Wlnesaps, $7.50. FRESH VEGETABLES Beets, per dox., 60c; carrots, per doi., too; spinach, per doz., GOc; turnips, per doz., 50c; shal lot, per doz., 45c; parsley, per doz., 40c, radishes, per doz., 50c; head lettuce, per doz., $1.00; leaf lettuce, per doz., 40c; egg plant, por doz., $1.50; artichokes, per doz., $2.00; Brussel sprouts, per lb., 'Mo; new potatoes, per lb.. 7c; celery, per doz., $1; Florida celery, per crate, $3; peppors, por basket. 60c, cauliflower, per doz.. $1.75; beans, per hamper, $4.H); cucumbers, per" doz., $1.50 to $2; asparagus, per doz., $4; new cabbazo, per lb., 2Hc, rhubarb, per box, $2.25; rhubarb, per box, $2.25. Florida tomatoes, fancy, per crate, $4: Florida tomatoes, choice. ncr crate, $3.60. OLD VEGETABLES Now York cab mage, per lb., 2V4c; sweet potatoes, per hamper. $1.50; parsnips, per lb., 2c; beets, per lb., 2c; carrots, per lb,, 2c; turnips, per lb., 2c, Red River Ohio potatoes, per bu., $1.00; Idaho potatoes, per bu., Mr; Early Rose potatoes, 85c; red onions, por bu , $3.00; yellow onions, per bu., $3 00, .Spanish onions, per crate, $2.00. Kansas City nrnln nnd Provisions. KANSAS CITY'. March 30.-WIIEAT No. 2 hard, SCSOOc; No. 2 red. SOftuic, May. S5flfcS4c, July, 82'.4c CORN No. 2 mixed, 68c. No. 3. 67fl 68c; No. 2 white. 68V4SVac; No. 3, 67'4) fiSHc; May. (KHc: July, 70Vj70i,ir. OATS No. 2 white. iVc; No. S mixed, 33W39HC. BCTTER-Creamery. 25c: firsts, ile; seconds, 22c; packing, 144c. KGG8 Firsts. 154c; seconds, Uc POULTRY Hens, 13c; springs. 15c. Minneapolis Criiln Mnrkrf. MINNEAPOLIS. March 30. WH EAT No. 2 hard. 93!4Q93Hc; No. 1 northern. 90H92c; No. 2 northern, 8SM0OV; No. 3. f6Va7ir. F LOV R L'nchangcd. nARLEY-43ff874c. RYE-6540664C. BRAN Unchangsd. CORN No. 3 yellow, 63fi02',ic. OATS No. 3 white. SGijMUc. l'LAX-$1.554qi5'i',i. I.lvrrnool (i.ntn .tlnrLct, LIVERPOOL. March 30.-WHEAT-.Spot quiet; No. 2 red western winter, 7s 3'd; No. 1 Manitoba, 7s 4V4d; No. 2. 7s 341: No 3, 7s 2d. Futures easy; March, 7s 2id; May, 7s 2?id; July, 7s 2Hd. CORN Spot market steady: American I mixed, 6s 8d. I -a Plata futures easy; July, 4s 7id. FLOUR winter patents. u 3.1 HOPS In Iindon. Pacific coast, ( 10y S(. I.imiIh (ieneral MnrLct. ST. LOl'18, March 30.-WIIEAT-.o. ; red. 4fiMc; No. 2 hard, aijfosc, May. 91'ic- July, S4'tc. CORN-No 2. 6Sr; No. 2 while. 7I : 7)l in., May, 70'.c: July, "OHJVTWic OATS-No. 2. 40c: No. 2 white, May. 36c; July. 3014c RYE 6tc. I2nornteil Apple hiiiI llrlril I'riill NEW YORK. March 30.-BVAPO- RATED APPLBS-Klrm; fanoj. ile - i,ni Kmmiin- nrim ui..fiUn DRIED ERUITS-Prunoa. steady, ('all ftti.las, 3Ti0124-: Oregon, 10912c Apri cots firm, choice, 14$itJ15o; extra choice, ll-V'igific, fancy. I6'ifif 17c. Peaches, steady, crclce. 6VWWic, extra choice, 6!4fTWji fancy. 70S-. Railns, dull; loose musca tels, 6U7io: choice fanoy seeded. Wff Mc; seedless, 6J7e. London layers, $1.751S0. Omaha Mar Market. PRAIRIE HAY No. 1 choice upland, tml: No. 2 choice upland. $8.Vfll0. No. 3 choice upland. $6458; No. 1 choice mid land, $8.50jj!3.60; So. 2 choice midland, $800.50: No. 3 choke midland, $6438. No. 1 choice lowland. $7fj6; No. 2 choice low land, $6ft7. No 2 choice lowland, $Ko. ALFAI KA -Chol'C, peagreen. leafy, fine sttm $m.l4, No. 1 linn Nr 2, $9ll NJ ?., TSJ9 OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Very Slow Sellers and Most Kinds Lower. HOGS SLOW TO FIVE CENTS OFF Shep nnrt l.nmhi Ten to Thirty HlKhcr Vnlnr llintirst Nltirc thr Month nt Jnnnnr) nnd I'nlrly Active. SOt'TH OMAHA. March 30. 1914. Receipts weie- I'avtti. Hogs SheP Estimate Monday .. S.0 6.- 7.508 anle day last week . LOW Same day 5 weeks ago. 4,111 Samo day 3 weeks ago. 6,30i fame day 4 weeks ago. 5.706 Same day last year... 3.30 3.y0 :.m 4.111 6.015 7.31 16,fi5 li.374 1M44 14,149 130 Hie following table shows the receipts of cattle, hugs and sheep at the South Omaha live stock market for the year to date as compared with last year: 1914 1913 Inc. Dee. Cattle 2S1.5JI 381,672 10.14$ Hogs 7S4.! 753.930 19.553 Sheep esi.OtfO 561.S80 131,211 The following table shows the range of prices for hoes at thn South Omaha live stock market for the last few days, with ' rtttimnrlsiAtitt- Date. 1PH. I1I13. 1H2.I1911. 11910.11900. 11908. Mar. 10. 34W 8 321 16 75110 23 6 531 4 38 ( 10) I 31 6 481 4 85 6 471 4 37 4 41 -Mar. 11 Mar. 12. 8 3IS 8 4d 6 80 10 27 8 40U 8 451 6 48 (10 37! iar. 13. 8 60H 8 69 6 66 n 63 Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. .Mar. 11.1 8 55V i 67 6 45) 58110 34 6 69 6 60110 42 16.1 1 6 571 6 40 is S 444 6 53 6 73,10 35( 6 til 4 15 6 551 4 54 6 501 1 M 17 8 S8i 8 71. is at IS. 8 43 1 8 74) 56 6 52 10 54 6 501 1 M I J , s to n G5 10 6V 6 4( 4 nJ I 6 441 4 36 Mnr. 20. 8 8 69 It Ml 6 36! Mar. 21 8 54 I 8 791 7 10 6 45 10 531 4 73 Mnr. 2,1 s 67UI 8 811 7 (V 47ilO 49 241 Mnr. 2S.' 8 12141 6 9S S 4V10 01 1 6 56 4 79 Mar. 25. 8 5(4, 8 901 6 41110 C3 6 61 4 80 Mnr. 26 I 8 V S STi 7 Oil 6 3&10 ittl it f 4 Si Mar. i;i s js.i s si t ni fi KI10 65 6 m 4 89 Mar. 28 8 41N, S Sll 7 48 6 ClIO 70! ' 5 50 6 32110 71 6 6S 6 2410 6S 6 58 3 57 29 K S6 7 66 Mar. 30. 8 I24I I 7 711 Sunday. Receipts nnd disposition of live slock nt tho Union stock yards, South Omnlm. for the twenty-four hours ending at :t o'clock yesterday : RECEIPTS CARS. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep H'r's. C. M. A St. P ft 3 Wabash 1 .. .. Missouri Pacific... 5 Union Pacific 19 9 4 5 C. N. W., cast.. 19 C. N. W., west.. 19 C. St. P., M. & O.. 15 C, B. At Q., rust... 10 C, B. & Q., west.. 4'i C., IL I. & P.. east 7 Illinois Central 4 C. G. W 10 21 6 1 27 1 1 3 IS Total receipts. ...159 31 23 DIHI'U&ITIUN-HEAD. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Morris & Co 330 Swift & Co 412 Cudahy Packing Co.... BIS Armour A: Co 384 J. W. Murphy Lincoln Packing Co.... 123 8. O. Packing Co 1 Hill & Bon 163 F. B. lwls 1 Huston A Co 160 J. B. Root A Co 50 J. II. Bulla 197 McCreary t Kellogg.. 107 Wcrthetmor & Degcn.. 235 II P. Hamilton 12 Sullivan Bros 27 Rothschild 63 Mo. & Kan. Calf Co.. 175 lllgglns 3 Huffman IK Meyers 3 Baker, Jones ft H 32 Tanner Bros 47 John Harvey 6S D. & Francis 92 Other buyers 476 58S 1,446 2,620 l.l.U 1.9J8 WO 1,119 I,l:i5 1.S71 410 V97 Totals ..3,825 5,503 CATTLE Recelnts were llaht at this point, but large nt most other markets, especially at Chlcnao nnd Kansas L'llv. Reports from other selling points woro very discouraging and thero was an entire lack of snap and llfo to the trade. Fat steers were not only slow, but gen erally 10c lower than last week's closo. Tha best yearling heifers were about steady, but the general cow trado was slow tp 10c lower Blockers and feeders were steady to ns much ns lOo lower than Inet week. It was very late before a clearance was effected. Quotations on cattlei Good to cholco beef steers, $S.20Jr.8u, fair to good beef steers. $8.0038 20; common to fair beef eteers, $7.26Q8.00; goodj to choice cornfed heifers, $7.25(87.75: good to choice cornfed cows, $(1.6037.25, fair to good grades, $3.60 JW.50; common to fair grades, It.Zsas.fcO; good to choice stockers and feeders, $7 75 8.25; fair to good stockers and feeders, $7.2607,75: common to fair stockers and feeders, $6.50(87.20; stock cows and heifers, $6.0007.50; stock calves, Iti.tO&s.OO; veal calves, $7.60(30.60; bulls, stags, tc, th 1 7.00. Representative sales. BEEP STEERS. Av I'r. No. .Ar. pr. ..! W 2 1104 7 M 93' 7 iO II UK 7 II .... i 7 4'j ii nn 7 & . .. J7 7 ts 41 irffj 7 M ...AVOi 7 7 17 UJj t UJ ....1119 7 W 1J U70 111 ::::il8 1 su "M ,,s STEERS AND HEIFERS. No. I 7 4! t 4 li 16 n 10 it 7.... t 4 II IV . . . 1J 11 i s 4 4 ... JO t 4 1 S a :o im 17.. ..mi .. S2 . 11(0 ..ICt . .1100 .. 113 . I1M ..UiM . . l'JKl . .11W ..1071 7 li I li II 40 ( U 70 7i 7i to t tl) 7 00 7 10 .. M 7 60 SO , .."tl 7 44 1! COWS. .. in 4 ts .. u i on i .. ttb i u u ..IU Ml 1 ..1IJI 1 ..1047 31 y ..1130 fO II ..uta 60 u . . 116i 6 6,- IllSlU'illS. . 4IT . blf . Hi ;o7 .1019 6 H t ii 13. 711 7M 7 10 7 li 7 10 7 S6 11.... n'.'.'.'. 7t 90 6 90 l! 771 7 M til 7 30 110 7 SO 460 7 n 20 M 855 7 00 (U IM 600 7 W ... tit 7 00 U3 7 10 . (It 7 60 S IS (A 71 ... tu iw t.... . 110 . tiO .lintt . 600 HULLS. ...neo 4 7 l ...i:o t k i ...ISM 6 IK) 1 ...10 M STACS. i co a ... 370 I M CALVES. . . 1(0 i to l ... 270 1 ... S t t-i 7..., ... 270 t Ti 1 ..1 m i so 1... 1... S... I... I... 2... IK lit til I 170 I ftO 110 to 210 9 76 !0 9 J6j !...... . HTOCKERS AND FEEDERS i m i i8. il 7 tt 440 7 40 7 U M'J 7 U 400 7 7i U7 00 it J10W 7 2d 11 12 lit 7 10 M t 740 7 tO 2J 40 IOuS 7 M 2 7 641 7 M 40 WESTERN). MONTANA. 31 holfere. . S20 60 9 heifers WYOMING. 14 feeders.. 065 7 30 I bull.... 630 6 .70 .1230 6 00 HOUh-On tho strength of a kllght ad vance at other points shippers and pecu lators bought a number of good light and hutrher weight hogs enrly that looked to be d nickel higher. Meveial lonriy iiinv ...K" i uacr uiu not fnllrtu. I tlim lean and slariea out bidding about '; coining much sold at tn.s time, aH, nalesmen wore working for higher priuea, hiiii wnen unutr me "nriijeiice of ' woakonod Prices In Chicago early bids . woakonod prices In Chicago early bids 'leased off the big end of the supply was I still unsold. Even after the trado began 'jto look shaky most of the sellers hunr on. aim in me eno values braced uu again, so that when the supply moved prices were almost as good as the ear lier bids, or steady to possibly a shade er",,;a Saturday's Vveraie i 1?,,' ,iow hrouiihout J fh (was now iiiruuKnuui anil me c Trade lose was extremely draggy. so' that a clearance whs not made until late In the forenoon The general market can be quoted, steady, a any weakness shown In the killer market Is covered by the strength In shipping grades. Bulk of the offer ings moved at JS.40fl8.45, the larger string being at $3.40, and u number of loads reached $8.50. No. At fib Pr. So. Av gb. Pr. 74 ... M 1C1 IU 74 SOS 40 t 49 .1441 . 1 It 117 IM ... 49 a m 40 t ii', 77 :i ho 1 4 M .... 2I ... 1 40 7 M ... 1 40 27 $44 ... 1 40 t ... 1 40 II It M0 1 19 60 SU Ml m 71 119 . I 40 6 . . 24)1 . I 4IU 47 IK 40 I 10 7 ... M7 40 I 4IV -.1 . Ill M I It C. 147 I 11 U ; 214 40 "fc 311 10 I IJI, S 14S I 4n M 201 4Ji tt ::t no s 40 it li i, -1 -.'47 I 40 T Jll HI I 4.', (I iu to "i ' j;o i ts M 5T tM f 11 ?U 19 I t., m . n M w th M till . I A TO . Mt . t 4t II . .. Ill SI. .. . lit 17 at .. I M Mt . . S Vi (I . .Ml Jl . VI i .... lit im m y iw i wi ?k . HI M M U III M 1 M i . .ne . . a 7i n h H m : . . 1 1 n ... in y SIIKKP-A very light run of ihe;. and lambs for a Monday, not only here but on the whole market elrculi. gave sellers another opportunity of boosting prices this morning, the sharp adtanre on the best grades of both sheep and lambs amounting to JOtjIOo. Of course the Im provement In values was In a large meas ure due to tho unusually light receipts, and If theie had been anything like a normal run or hiuers :tt tho disposal of buyers In all probsblllny the upward tendency to prices would not have been nearly so pronounced. The medium sheep and lanibt were not ns much sought after, consequent! prices on them did not Im prove as much, the advance on such Krmic belli: no more than about 10U30o. the general trade was Just as spirited ps nt the rlo.e of last week, resulting In an early clearance. No strictly good Mexican offerlnrs of any klml were on sslc. and the big bulk of the killers belonge dto tho fed west ern class, the average quality being fairly good. A little better than a car of fed western lnmhs made, a new top for any kind of lambs since January, the price being $.I5. A large proportion of the fed western grades moved anywhere from $7.3O0,7 9O, according to weight and qual ity. Fed western ewes were In better sup ply than in setrral days nnd made up about half of the day' receipts. Homo were good enough to bring $6.35, which Is a new top since $7 was paid In April of last .sear. The most of the transac tion were Included within a range at $S.S0tfI.36. Only some 7.500 head constituted the day s receipts, a against 16,663 last Men dn . 17,374 two weeks ngo and 13,000 a year ago. Quotations on sheen and Inmbs: Litmbs, Mexican, $7.90dS.40. lambs, good to choice western. $7 75'G8.I5; Inmbs, fair to good western. $7.30117.75: lambs, culls. $3.60 6.50: yearlings, light, $6. 10i7.60: yearlings, heavy, $6.7507.10; wethers, good to choice. k.mU6.75: wether, fair to goou, a.Nir 6.50: ewes, good to choice. $6.m35; ewes, fair to good. $5.70$,0.00. ISO. av. jt. 341 cornfed lamb 78 8 15 400 Idaho lambs 7 90 21 culls 85 6 50 1R3 rornfed lambs 69 7 W S?6 Colorado ewes 7 W 60 culls 75 4 50 215 cornfed ewes W 85 DOI Wvomlns lambs 62 7 30 761 Wyoming lambs 76 7 MJ iw cornfeil ewes " 126 Wyoming ewes HI 2 221 cornfed ewes 9 204 cornfel ewes S w 108 Wyoming feeder Inmbs 63 $0 234 Colorado lamb 80 R05 215 Colorado lamb J 184 Colorado lambs " 217 Colorado lambs 8 f? 210 Colorado lambs 1 7 w 61 Colorado yearlings ' r? 223 Colorado owes 6 X 184 Colorado ewes 89 6 So 117 Colorado lambs 81 So 246 Colorado lambs 1 J .5 261 Colorado lambs 81 7 7o 161 Colorado lamb j oo 149 Colorado lambs 83 7 8 209 Colorado lambs $2 114 Colorado lambs CHICAGO laVB KTOCK MARKET Cattle Close Weak and Slostly Ten to Fifteen Cents l,OTer. CHICAGO. March SO.-CATTLE-Re-nim ?i out hml: market closed weak and mostly lW15e lower, bcoxes, $5.95; Texas sloers, j.:utjs.jj; wesiorn stcors. u.9USfS.w; siocncrs uiiu ": $5.5O'8.0O: cow and heifers, $3.6Stf.40; n.luai tllftVTlOrrt iirinnnini MHO head: market ur.kettlcd, oped 6o higher, later declined fully 10c; bulk of sale, $8.50U.66; light, $S.60J8.70; mixed, $8.3698.65; heavy, $8.25 4JS.65; rough, $8.25Q.40; pigs, $7.r38.60. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 22,001 head; market mostly 10316c higher; na- live. lo..vii.w; wcsicru, , j -ling. $8.2S87.76: natlvo lambs, $7.36ti.35; western imus, (.ua.. Kansas City lh Stock Market. if ANSA R CtTTY. March 80. CATTLE Receipts, 12,000 head; market steady to 16o lower; prime fed steers. $8.50i3,9.2u: dressed beef steers. $7.2508.40; western steers, $7.25 fi.40; soutnern steers, ii.wbo.w; rows, $4.507.50; heifers. $6.ttJ.tO! Blockers Bnd feeders, $6507.8S; bulls, $5.7567.25; calves, $6.Mij9.wi. iincinTiorolniii 7.700 head: market steady to 6c higher; bulk of sales, $7.30tf 8.56, heavy, i.Mxrs.6u; pacKars ana uuicn rn M.4i1l.Ui tluht. $8.20)98.60. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 13,000 head; market, steady to llo mgncr; lamns. $7,00fl8.2A; yearlings. iu.uia-(.M; womers, $;..D056..W; owes, $5.6016.25, St, I.onls Lire Stock Market. ST. mitlR. March 20. CATTLE Re ceipts, 2.0CO head; market 10c lower; beef Hears, $7.60fif0.25; cows and heifers, $4.2.Mfj) 8.75; stockers and feeders, $5.00(63.00; south ern steers, $5.754200; cows and heifers, Jl MWfrt.lV,: calves. $6.0090.90. HOaS Receipts, 8,600 head; market steady; pigs and lights, $7.001fS.80; nilxed and butchers, $8.7008.60; good, heavy, $8.70 (LfS.80. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt. iOO hfad; market. ISiJJCSc higher; muttons $5,76C.W. lambs, $7.00fllU5. Sioux Cltr Mvrt Stock Market. SIOUX CITY. Ia. March 30,-CATTLE- Rccclpts. 2.S00; market 10a lower; natlvo steer, (6.768.23; butchers, $5.7&U7..o; cows and heifers. $5.WM17.(Hl canners, $4.w.w; stockers nnd feeders, W.65IT7.40; calves, l8.O0S9.oo; bulls, stags, etc.. 5.whw.60. HOGS Receipts, 2.600: market 6 cents higher; heavy, $8.37HS8.40; mixed, 8.37H; light. $x.35; bulk of sales, $.a. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 300 head; market lOfilSc lower; fed muttons, $6.00ib'.75; wethers. $5.2Sft6.00; ewes, $l.606 5.25; minus, wi,ui. SI. Joseph Lire Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH1. March M.-CATTLE-Re relnts. 1.600 head: market alow: steers. $7.009.00; cows and heifers, $l.0ae,60; caivee, io.u.(i?.w, HOGS Receipts, 3,200 head; market strong to 6o higher, top, $8.65; bulk. $8.40 (T8.60. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 10.0W heud; market strong to 10c higher; lambs, $7.26fl8.2o. l,le StonU In Hliilit. Receipts of live stock at the six prin cipal western markets wore as follows: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep f-'ioux City 2,800 2,5"0 300 St. Louis 2,000 8,500 700 Kansas City 12,(00 7.70O 13.000 Chicago 21.000 6,000 22,000 South Omaha 3.RO0 5.320 7,500 St. Joseph 1.500 3,200 11,000 Totals 61.600 32.230 53,500 Cotton ainrkct. NEW VORK. March SO.-COTTON-Fu-turei closed steady; March. 13.27c: May, 12.46c; July. 1211c. August, 11.90c; Octo ber. 11.47c: December. 11.61c fipot. steady, middling, 13.75c: gulf. 14.00c. NEW YORK. March 30.-COTTON-Markct closed a shade off from the boat under realizing, but steady and 1 to JO points net higher. LIVERPOOL. March 30. - COTTON Bpot, steady: good middling, 7.60.1; mid dling, 7.1Sd; low middling. 6.7bd. sales, S.CkjO bales. I.fiitilnn Stork Mnrkrf LONDON. March 30. American securi ties were quiet and steady during the early trading today. At noun prices ranged from unchanged to t above parity. Consols for money, 75H: for account. 75i (Mayt; L'nlon Pacific. 1624; bar sil ver, riulet. 24d, money. HiO?H per cent, short bills. 2 per cent; threo months, lifj l'i per cent. NiiKar Murkt-t, NEW YOBK. March 30.-SCGAR-naW. straay: moiaases, -mz, crniruugai. :.kic IlrV tioo.ts Miirkel. NEW YORK. March 30 -DRY GOODS Colton goods market was firmer for the day. with buying of convertibles more active. Raw silk was Irregular. Reports have reached the market of low offerings of dress fabrics In western markets. Elaln Butter MnrLct. K1A.IN. III. March 30.-BI TTEU Weak at ri'iftK'tc rminou. aicnu) 1 I'm iuoi, u.wu. vrunnen. 4.c; mould "A," 4.60c; cubes, 4.1So; XJCJCX powdered, 4.05c; powdered, 4c; fine granulated, $3.Mc; .diamond "A." 3.Wc; confectioners "A.' 3.60c; No. 1, 3.65c. NEW YORK JJTOGK MARKET Speculation Reaches a State of Deadlock at Session, DECLINE IN PROGRESS HALTED ,nrU of Pnlillo Drninnd nnd IJotrn irnrd Trend of Prices Cnnur Trndrrs to Take Short Side t'.nrljr, NEW YORK. March 30,-Speculatlon reached n state of deadlock today. Thn slow decline In progress last week was halted, but little else was accomplished. The lack of public demand for stocks and the downward trend of prices caused trader to take the short side In the early dealings Professional pressure was not severe, however. At noon a recovery .ict In. lhlgh Valley and New Haven led the upturn of the afternoon Amalgamated Copper also developed strength and In the late session the western railroad stocks moved upward smartly, so that at the close a number of Issues showed gnln of n point The average change, however, was slight North American extended Its recently largii gain. Htudebakcr and Goodrich were1 strong on reports of Increased busi ness, .v few specialties gave way sharply. Tobacco stocks once moro weakened on the prospect of an anti trust suit against the tobacco companies' distributing agent. Oil shares were un der pressure, with heaviest losses in Mexican Petroleum Isiuer The late advance In the western rail road shares followed publication of St, Paul's February report, which was in contrast with the poor statements of other large systems for last month. There was an Increase of $117,000 In net earnings, although gross felt off $119,000. Southern reported a shrinkage of $318,000 In Kebru ary net revenue. Despite the cash loss snown in m bank statement nf Saturday In place, of the expected gain and notwithstanding the preparations for the quarterly poy ment to be made on April 1. the money market reflected continued case. Tlmn rates nnd commercial discounts again were shaded slightly. London's market was ns auu as mo v.l- AvrhinirA and foreign repre sentatives did little here. A few; orders were executed, all of them on the buy ing side and amounting to about 7.0W hBonds reflected mild Pressure In spots. Total sales, $1,900,000. United Btate bonds were unchanged on can, ,.. Number of sales ana waning on stocks were: Amtliimitid Oovpor Amtrlctn Airlcultuml gain. Hlh. Low- Clejt. 11.100 7tf li'lt ' Si 11 ". 41 H 30H 10 l.i American nl puir Amrlran t"4n I... 3.600 1.109 2 t'i t0 Aomlrtn Oiil pti . Amrlfn C Y .. ITk illt Amrrlcsn Ootton Oil ... Am. Ice Recurlllti. American I.lnie1 Amrlean Locomottvo ... Amerlctn 8. It 100 . S Amfrlon . h. r ' Amr. ffuiir neflnlnf.... Amrlctn T. T American Totacco . Anaronoa MlnlnR Co . Atchlaon .... Alchleon pM , 1,100 102H 1014, 101'4 100 'JU H COO ltl'4 IW'.a 1"' 104 2H4 31 24W too II UU 3'k V0 i M I0OU i:i-. Allamie coait una Paltlmoro A Ohio ll,mietra Steel Ilrooklrn Hapl4 Tr .. 1.000 1,100 W'i 41 I9H 8H. 40i 41 Ilia II t'snadlan I'acltlo 4.K0 MIU !0S la Central learner (harak 4V Ohio Chicago O. W Chlcaio. M. A Ht P.. . Chicago N. W Oolarado Fuel 4 Iron.... Conaolldatril flai Horn iToliicta Ilaltwara A Hudson Danrer Itlo Oranda.. . nenrer A K. O. rt niatlllarf 6turltlfa .... Brla , - Kile Iat IM Erin M pld (Icnrral Elactrlc Grrat Northern pM Oraal Northarn Or ctta, llllnola Canlral Intarbnraueh Met. ...... 1,100 SS scl is 100 I1U (1 II ll' l.SOfl MH 1M4 99 UIU SI too iu is: 151 1 I't 4M liJIi 1471i 14 ...r? . . 21 104 UU 11 18 2,200 :', 2S'i S) ... . 41 HH 110 141 lll'i 1414 1,401 I2tU 1U4 121 21 100 1101 110U. 109 300 ll'k HH H'i 700 M l Ml lnlarborouih Mil. pld. miarDorouin n. piu... ."v ; Intarnatlonat 1-arvaHar.. 1.400 10j 104, 10IJ, Intar-Marlna pld . S; Inlarnallonal Pvr:r .... iOO '4 JH International I'ump ,.. Kaniaa I Ity Houthern -4,Vi t,lrfa Itm Si lltlih Vallar M00 I4I4 142U 14J1 loulavlll A Nhlll.. M.. 81. P. A . Hta. M. Mlaaourl, K. A T Mlatourl Parlllc National nikult National Lead Nt It. It. of M. Id p(4.. Naw York Canlral........ N. V.. O. W Norfolk A Weatarn North American Northern Pantile 1'acltlG Mall I'annaylvanla Taople'a Oa P , t. C. A St. It ritlaburgh Coal I'reaaed Steel Car Pullman Palace Car .114 111 li U'i 132'a 41 U'i 0 241, IM 23. t.ioo :i'4 :4t l,0J W14 MS 1,200 1li 1,100 lit 74 111 4,500 110H 103. HOi 121'a 77 400 21 21 201, tOO 41i UU 4SVt 200 l!l 111 191 17,100 !Ui 183'. l.00 24 21 HVi IlKadlna Republic Iron A Steal... Ilmubllc t. A A. efd.... IOO 7M Ml tt(k liland Co 400 4S Itock laland Co. pfd.... 1,000 t't Rl. L. A B. r Si pfd... 200 IV Seaboard Air Una.. . 100 19J, Kaeboard A. U ntd SOO Mtt Rloaa-Uhellleld 8. A 1 Houthern I arlllc 1,100 IV Southern Railway 5 24 go. Ilillwar pfd Ter-netaea, Copper 100 144 Taxaa I Pacific Union Pacific 7,00 9 Union Pacinc pfd United Htatea tlealty United Htttaa ... 100 lla United Htatea Hleal 51,400 (114 44 , ',. 1914 St'i H4 2S14 14'. 15l U14a 141! ... . 2t 6lti 81t its ei V 8. Steel pfd Utah Copper Va.-Carollna Chemical Wabaeh Wabath pfd i.doo 1091. 1094 tout, 1,400 M ti 1SH 100 31'i 700 i 31V 11 800 weatern marriano Weatarn Union 1.100 II Waatlnghoue Electric .. 3,10U It Wheeling A Lake Crle Chlno Copper 1.100 411a N. V . N. H. A 11 MOO 7014 rtr Con. Copper 2.700 214, 75 IVi 21 V Total aalaa for tha day. 191,100 iharaa. Nevr Vork Money Market. NEW YORK. March 30.-MONEY-On call, isteady, U7 2 per cent, ruling rate, 17a per cent; closing bid, 12 per cent Time loans, easy; sixty days, 2H7J3 per cent; ninety days, 2i per cent, six months, 3(it:i'4 per cent. MERCANTILE PAPER-3HSI per cent 8TRELINQ EXCHANGE Bteady, sixty days, $1.8460; demand, $1.8620. Commer cial bills. $4.83. SILVER Bar. 55c; .Mexican dollars, 45Vc. BONDS Government, steady, railroad, easy. Clotlng auotutlons on bonds today wore as fellow's: l: S ref. 3a. rf do coupon U. . Si. rf do coupon .... 9I4K. C. So ref. It 91', B. deb. ta. lilt 92 102 L. A N. unl 4a. 101 St. K. A T. Iat 4.. 1 til do zn. 4U. Ta U. 8. 4i, res do coupon .... ..113'iMo Pacific 4a.. ., 4 Panama la coupon .101 do ronr 5a, . f Amar. As. (a 100 N rt.rt. of M. 4V4a 13 A. T. A T. c 4a ..111 N V. f. e. llit. .. ttU Am. Tobacco la . .13014 do deb. 41 ml Armour A Cn. 4 lj . Alehlion nan. 4i.. du i-t. 4e. 1940 do cv. Si ACL lit 4e. . nl A Ohio 4).. do Slii Drnnk Ir. cr 4i . ran. of Oa it ran leather ia . rhu. A Ohio 4ta. ?iN V.. N. It. A II. c. 34a 70 1014 do ev 4a. .. 10; 924 No. Pacific 4. it. 9414 do 3a i, lio. 8. U rfda. 4i 9! MtaPtnn. cr. H,a, 19t5. 914, 10H, do con. 4a.. , 1011, Mii Itaadlna: sen. 4i 9J4. 9414 '8. . a a. F. f, 4 71 n-i conr. ie. l'i do ran. Sa .. . 41 Chlraao A A Hi 41 Si. U s. nr. e. 41 73'4 14', 17 . 10i 7;si C U. A Q . 4a .. M'afl. A. U aal. Sa do gen. 4a.. . .. 9114 So. I'ac. ool. 4a, (' M H P e IVaa 10H4 do ct. 4a C n I. A P. t. 4i 14 do lit ref. 4a. 1n rf(. 4a 7IHPo. Ilallwar la. . I". A g. r A a 4,. 831. do gen. 4i. D A II. e. 4a.... Sl'.l'nlon Pacific 4a. tl. A II. Q. r. 5 . IIU do cr. 4a.. niltlllere' ta ... 4 da Ut A raf. ii aii- Krle p. I. 4a l4l. S. rtubber la. loiC do sen. 4a 71141' S. Sue! 2J j, inj doer 4r. eer. n 71,V..r. Oiem. la.! . .9114 III. Cn. Iat r 4t.. (I Wab. Iat A ei. 4, hi inter. Ilcl iv.a. . .. .evi-weattrn Nd, ta. . 7&u Inter. M. M. 4'ji. JJWMt. Elec. cr. la.! 94. 1 Wl. Central 4... Iju Jaoan 4Wa . ... Did "Offerad Iloatoii Mining -cU. BOsTON, March 30. Closing quotations on ttockb were; Allouet 11 Nevada Con Amal. Copper .. ..76 Nlplaalna Mlaea . A. Z. L A S II North Butte .. ., Arlwna Com 41, North Lake , Cat. A Arltona tltiOld Dominion . Cal. A llecla -111 Oaeeola icnienniai 11 wuincr Copper Ruii C C. 17Uahanaon iliill! Kaat Butta C. M. . llllduperlor V..nLlln U..u.l.. a. Oranbr Con. .a..M.... .,.'uni.l 0 n. 19 T&mararl, Uraen Cananeai .a. . 1. v l b .. u, . niiu. c. a. tela Morale Copper tt do pfd IMaU. a s. n. A M Kerr I.ake 4 t'lah iVn Lake Topper La Salle Copper Miami Copper Mohawk 64Utah Copper Co Hi Winona 23 Wolverine IIS Butte A Supertor IU lit. Ml, 10i Ml, '. IA 1014 ! 4 41S 19'. :is 11 J7'4 1U n1 2944 .19 4JT 10 M 41 I