Newspaper Page Text
THE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY. MAHClt J4. UU4. Receipts From Merchants on This Page Are Valuable THE LOW COST OF LIVING You can lower your laundry cost by our service, which is efficient and inexpensive. Our square deal methods and our neat work are pleasing thousands of Omaha homes. Ask your neighbor. iYou are delighted when you open the package" Contestants' Standing Kama . Wo. of Votaa. ?h 0,658,304 TAJ M. Wotta 8,300,004 ?.ri,.BwWJ P,rTr 1,188 990 Cohort Hwll IOW1MB 118,483 Mrr J, Aborly , Bam Btalnbarr. ....... I ' " Krt. m. vr. narblnna fOaWBll rotto Mra. B. B. SnUth Clyfla j &uir , Boa Bcbxlak rred Horn j . Gra,ca E. Dakar, BaMrioo Nab.. Harbart O. Walla W. J. Kattlaa Chrla Slmonjon. mica, Nab.... JuUm narrla Harry J. Savaraon Mluor O. Xannedr l.uuu 1,000 1,000 1,000 1.000 i Mra. Jamaa Mortlinora 1,000 1,WU 1,000 1,000 Htarbart O. London wax I a J. aiTtra.... Jaanle E. Waahburn Catlea q. Thomaa... Myrtla O. Harrfaou 16.01 7.911 r ,7ia ,63t 1,350 i . 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 DIRECTOR-IN-CHIEF OF PANMA EXPOSITION. XIattriatta nwaman I tor . T .... oort T, jonta Jamaa X,. Knlakofaky "iorreit. KSMMH AUNDE . Tna "waottwobLd" or Tina hpmtj 1507-09-11 Jackson Street. Phone Douglas 019. X. a. Thompaon 1,000 ra. uaorra E. Evarta l.ow Xioulta rannlnrbarr 1,000 ?aul Horton. . . . . . . 1,000 Henry a. uinjr 1,000 Mra. lailan Kowdan 1,000 Samuel I. Bock 1,000 John riloker 1,000 Jule Waohateln .. 1,000 Harry Srnar 1,000 Mra. R. Bavaridra 1,000 Mra. r In nil Circle 1.000 William Winquaat 1.000 Qratoban Edgar 1,000 Jamaa O. Wlaaly 1,000 Bora x,oa Wayne alley 1,000 K. W. Beokar 1,000 Mra. Jonnla Martin .- 1,000 Lillian B. Erlokaon, Kearney, Nab. 1,000 John Cepleoba, Burwall, iTeb 1,000 "Rubber Goods" Drug Stores The above'captlon, we believe, pretty nearly deaorlbea our Tonr Raxall Drug1 storaa. We have over 1,000 Heme In the Bubber Qoodo line all pur- ofc&sea direct from factoriea. We thus are In poaltlon to guarantee the ITEVt -NEBS of any article purcbaaed of ua, which la a very Important thins; to con alder when buying Bnbber Oooda. Partial Xlat of Bnbber Gooda. Always Carried in Stock. Abdominal Colls $3.00 Air Pillows $1.75 and $3.00 Atomizers. 36c. 50c, 76c. $1.00 and 51.35 Bass for Hot Water.... 50o to $1.35 Bandages, gum and woven, 50o to tfl Bed Fans, oval with outlet tubes $3.50 Bougies, English, each 35c Breast Shields, each 10c and 15o Breast Pumps, English, each. . . . ,35o Bulbs, for Syringes and Atomizers 25c Cupping Cups, each , 50o Chair Cushions, Invalid.. $3 to 83.00 Catheters, common English, each , 35o Crutch Rubbers, per pair 35c Diapers, any size, each.. a 35o Double Bulb Atomizer $1.50 Ear and Ulcer Syringes 3So Eamark Bandages $1.00 Finger Cots, thick and thin, ca. ..Co Gloves, per pair 39o to 31.35 Hard Rubber Pipes lOo to 35c Wead Rags 75c to S1.50 Head Coils $1.50 Hospital Cushions, invalid. $1.76, $2.00 and $3.25 Ice Bags, 35c, 60c and 96o Inhalers, each , 25o to $1.00 Medicine Droppers, each fio Nipples, best kind, each, 6c; doz...45o Nursery Sheeting, per yd $1.00 Nursery Bottle Fittings. eauh....lOo Obstetrical Bed Pan... $3.50 to $5.00 Plant Sprays COo to $1.00 Pessaries.... 50o to $3.00 Pillows $1.60 to $2.0r Polltzcr Bags $1.25 and $1.50 Rectal Tubes, each 75c to 31.00 Sheeting for Accouchement, large $1.25 Splno Water Bottles, IS Inches. .81.00 Stomach Tubes, each $1.50 Stopples, per dozen lOo to 40 o Supporters 25o to $8,00 Syringes, bulbs, 3 pipes, 60c up. Syringes, fountain 50o to $3,03 Syringes, "Combination," $1 and up. Syringes, Ear and ulcer, each....35o Syringes, Infants, all soft rub- , ber, at 25o Teething Pada IGo Trusses .$1 to $3.00 Tubing, best 6ft. for Fountain Syringe. 35c Umbilical Belts, for Infants, each 81.00 l.'rlnals ,.91.25 and $1.50 SHERMAN & McCONNELL DRUG CO. 4 rexaLl drug stores THE BETTER CLASS 1 and their posterity Satisfy their musical desires with the Stradivarius of Pianos Uprights $550 up Modern Drug Stores Make Less Profits Than Old Apothecary Time was, and not so very many years ago In this city, when"drug store prices" was another name for "high and fancy figures." Ono hundred per cent profit was not only proverbial, but an actual and everyday lact, not alone on drugs and chemicals, but on such articles other than drugs, which were sold by "yo ancient apothecary." Finally some ono awakened and real' Ized that the drug store, with its pre. forred location, was In position to be something more than the exponent of mystic mummery, but could be, with perfect propriety, & pleasant and profit able place for people, to shop. Hundreys of articles Intended for toilet and prophylactic purposes wcro already handled by the druggist. The new era In drug store methods embraced the mod emiztng of the drug store in appearance and in commercial practice as well. The Sherman & McConnell Drug com. pany was among the first concerns In Omaha to take advantage ot this situa tion. The result has been that the corpora. tlon's up-to-date drug stores are today among tho most desirable places to buy such articles ns hair and tooth brushes. combs, perfumes,, toilet soaps, powdors and thousands of other things.' Plenty of pleasant and intelligent clerks arc found in their well regulated stores. so that, In most Instances, the service, is above criticism from the standpoint of promptness and efficiency. Side lines, which may be deemod fltghtly out of pace, are occasionally found In some drug stores, but tho plan generally followed Is to handle such things as are used In the sick room or for toilet or sanltalon purposes. Of course, the soda fountain, which seems an Indispensable adjunct to most drug stores, could not be classed under ary of these headings and Is a novel feature of American drug Btores, which causes the European pharmacist to look askance and aghast. The Sherman-McCon nell stores have special soda rooms that are models for this purpose. sloners sent to South America by the ox position, hus returned to Ban Francisco iter an abxenco of six months. The countries vlalted by the commission in clude Venezunlu. Brazil. Urucuav. Ar gentina. Chile, Bolivia, Peru and Panamn, eacn ot wnicn is preparing ror govern ment representation o: the exposition. An exhibit by which it is linnut tn stimulate Immigration Into Canada. In plnnnvd for the Canadian pavilion, nt the j'aiiainii-i'aciric intenmtlcual exposition, now being constructed under direction of Colonel Wllllum Hutchinson, romm.K- loncr general trom thp Domln on of Canada. This plan, says Colonel Hutchin son is merely to offset tho flow nf Canadians to the United States nnd is not in a spirit of rivalry. Terms If desired Grands $800 up 30 years ago a. business man said to his wife, "Mary, I will put an end to thiB whole piano mat ter for all time" and so saying, ordered a Mason & Hamlin from Hospe's and his family has lived musically-happy "over after." Every Dollar Deposited to Open a New Account in the SAVINGS DEPARTMENT of THE DN? NATIONAL BANK Counts 100 Votes in The Bee's Panama Contest Capital, $500,000 , Surplus, $500,000 Undivided profits,$240,000 Total deposits, $7,000,000 THE MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK 13th and Farnam Streets LUTHER DRAKE, President FRANK 1. HAMILTON, Vice Preiadeut FRED P. HAMILTON, Cashier 3. H. MEILE, Assistant Cashier C. B. DUGDALE, Assistant Cashier NOTE: Votes will not b allowed for other than bona fide new uavlngi accounts. Full number of votes 'i'l be allowed up to sixty days before cloae of contest when a limit of 10,000 will be placed on each new account. U. P, Issues Booklet Covering Both the California Expos The Union Pacific railroad has just re ceived from the printers a handsome forty-page folder entitled, "How to see California and Its Expositions tn 1915. and containing information concerning the two fairs and giving all the facts about the various attractions possible to obtain at this time. The toxt Is particularly comprehensive, and, departing from the usual trend o transportation literature, docs not ap pear as an advertisement. Tho principal points of Interest In California are dealt with quite extensively, side trips from San Francisco, San Diego and Los Au geles are outlined, and the cost In con nectlon with such trips ts given. There is also given an Itemized statement show Ing just how much It will cost the visitor to spend a week In each of the exposl tlon cities. Contrary to what Is gener ally expected by thoee contemplating a sojourn on tho coast, this folder states "food prices in San Francisco are about one-third lower than In cities of the cast. Many vegetables and fruits that are al ways a luxury in eastern cities, are abundant In California the year 'round and no more expensive than potatoes or applies. Board and room may be ob talned In private homes ranging from 10 a week up," The text for this new folder was written by a well known Catlforn'a writer and every statement contained therein Is made only after careful study and investlga tlon. In addition to the regular half-tona( this publication rarrles neveru' color plates of the exposition grounds nnd buildings. The Iilder may be had upon application to City Ticket office. Four teenth and Farnam streets. .Volm of h- Kxpnaltlon. President Wilson will present a cup to the fastest yacht In the twenty-one meter ciass in ine yacni races in tta Francisco harbor In 191i. Sir Thomas Upton lias entered for tne races. Sir Edward Poynter, president of th Iloyal Academv ot ureat Britain, and committee of famous Ilrttlah artists hav applied for official recognition from the government for a British fine art section at the panama-raclllr- exposition. The laying of the foundations of the Canadian building at the Panama. I'acKIc international exposition at San Francisco Is fully SO per cent comnleted. Kreotlon of tho framework of the pavilion will bu begun next wecif, according to present plans. D. O. LI' ely. hlef ot the department of live stork of the Panama-Pacific Interna tional exposition, and one of the commls- Dr. Tvedevick . V. Skiff How to Win a Free Trip to the Pana ma Exposition llulrn of Contest, 1 The Bee bffers and will award thrcr round-trip tickets and expenses to the Panama Exposition, the total coat ot each trip to bo )!00, as prizes to the three con testants having the greatest number of I polnta at tho cloae of the contest. I 2 This contest open to everybody ex- cept employes of advertlaera on this page land of Tho Uoo. 3 The contest page will be published one day euch week and will run for a period ot ono year. 4 Points wilt be floured on the basis ot ono point for each 1 cent ahoxwi on cash checks or receipts for purchuaea made from advertisers on this pace. t-Cash checka mutt be dapoilted at or moiled to 'Panama Contest Editor" The Bee not Inter than thirty days from date of payment of same and receipt's will be Issued for them. Contest to close November 7, 10H. Atl cash tickets and receipts must be turned Into Tho lice office not later than 9 p, in. on closing day of contest, or If mailed, must bo postmarked not later than that hour. A bill appropriating 1180,000 rold for the purpose of n Chilean pavilion at tho ranama-Pnclflo International exposition has passed both houses ot tho Chilean congress. iHHHMH o fceJ K h O U w 0 Q "DO IT ELECTRICALLY SHELBY MAZDA LAMPS PRICES AGAIN REDUCED. 10 Watts, 8 0. P.. ( $0.30 15 Watts, 12 0. P.. ' 30 20 Watts, 17 0. P ..30 25 Watts, 22 0. P 30 40 Watts, 36 0. P 30 60 Watts, 56 0. P 40 100 Watts, 98 0. P 70 BUY HERE NOW! NDTIOP TO CONTESTANTS Next Tneaday we will publlah atandlng of all centestanta who have turned tn their nomination coupons or cash ohaoka for V3'n in this con test. Oat your raealpta In by Satur day uTanlng, so that your atandlnr will appear In the list, thua letting your frlanda know that 70a are com peting for a trip to the Panama ex-poaltlon. THE ELECTRIC SROP WOLFE ELECTRIC CO. Tyler 1414. 1810 Farnam. Wiro for us and wo will wire for you. DO IT ELECTRICALLY'! D C M H W r pi o H n 5 FREE NOMINATION COUPON GOOD FOR 1000 VOTES Send or bring- this coupon to tho "Panama Contest Editor" of tho Bee and you will receive 1000 votes in tho Panama Contest. Only one coupon will be credited to a person. Name Address Benj. Franklin Said "He that won't be councclled can't be helped. Poor IUeluLrd's Almanac, If you are maintaining a private power plant, you are carrying an un necessary burden. Your factory is de pending upon power and may be laid out for days or weeks because of a broken boiler, coal famine or other cause. Central Station Will Carry Your Power Burdens Using Central Station current you are assured of sufficient power at any time of the day or night for running one machine or 100. You avoid the problems of fuel purchase and ash dis posal, dirt, vibration, noise and the numberless other vexations attendant upon private power plant operation. Let us show you what Central Station power will save for you. Omaha Electric Light Power Co. WE CAN SELL RIGHT Diamonds Watches Jewelry Silverware Crystal Cut Glass BECAUSE WE BUY RIGHT OVER 100 BRANCH STORES and More Added Every Week Our Watch Repair Dept. Largest in State; Experts Only Employed ArTttESMffOF THE CROWN 'DP 7KT COLOai STAIRS Cow. I6T." & Douglas $ts. 1 It's Cruel to "Rush" a Cleaner That la, It's cruot to wait until tho very EVE ot EASTER and then throw your clothes down on Dresners' counter and nay: "Thoro they are Dresherl I MUST have these repaired, altered, cleaned and pressed by TOMORIlOw. for I am to appear In tho EASTER PARADE!" Of-course, Dreshors have tho FACILITIES but ANY equipment will clog up If OVERTAXED. So In Justlco to yourself and to Dreshers get your EASTER clothes In NOW for a cleaning. Do that and you will get a full-attontlon-high-grado-classy sort of a ob and you won't give Droahors a nervous breakdown with "RUSH" work either. Phone Tyler 345 -Private Exchange DRESHER BROS. Dry Cleaners and Dyers $57,000 Plant at 2211-2213 Farnam Street wm 1 worth nothing to you -or a I in your RTISINd Your advertising space is worth nothing to you -or a great deal, depending entirely on what you put in It, Givo force to your ideas with drawings that turn -white space into live messengers. This drawing would hav cost you but 96.55 and the cut only $1.26. Let us make youra for you. Bee Engraving Department Baa Bnliainr. rhoaa Tylar 1009