Newspaper Page Text
12 Till-: BE 10: OMAHA, "WEDNESDAY, APRIL 1, 1914. WANT ADS Want nils rccclvctl at any time, but to insiuro proper damnification mutt bo presented before 13 o'clock noon for the evening edition and 7:80 p. m. for tho morning and Sunday edi tions. Want ads receiTCd after auch hours will have their first insertion under tho heading, "Too Late to Classilf." GASH HATES. One time, 12 cents a line. Three times within one week, 0 cents a line each insertion. Scron consecutivo times, 7 cents a lino each Insertion. CHARGE RATES. One time, .13 cents a line. Three thucs within one week, 10 cents a lino each insertion. Seven consecutive times, 8 cents a line each insertion. Count six average words to a line Minimum charge, 20 cents. The Deo will not bo responsible for more than one wrong insertion due to typographical error. Claims for error cannot be allowed after tho 10th of tho following month. An advertisement inserted to bo run until forbidden must bo stopped by written order. Verbal or tele phone cancellations cannot lx ac cepted. You can placo your want ad in The Bee by telephone. TELEPHONE TYLER A000-,jj DBATHrAMlTFUNEnAL KOTIOBS BOYLES Anne Elizabeth, ascd 48 years. JSir10. FSVna,0i tMSSl In receiving vault at VP1 IHI1 P cemetery; Deceased Is udJ,r imii coniDit tiovles. and one son, BIRTHS AND DEATHS. j,,. .. w -nt Allco David, 2105 fifth girl: Nels and Elslo 3 North Twentylflfth. girl; Ben and Yetta Kotler. C07 Botith Tenth, girl; John W. and Ann Lansley. 2510 South Tonth, girl; S and II . OrtoflV 1235 South TWrty-f fth avenue, poy; Harry and V,UCt& J Fat hospital, girl; Flllppo and Rosa Pat tavlnaT lWS South Thirteenth, girl; John and Carolina Rlchnovsky. 2320 Casteltar. boy; Fred and Louisa Schmidt, 2102 Wirt, g; Abo and Ida Btler. 1102 North Twenty-fourth, girl. Deaths-J. B. Gibson, 52 years, 5030 Larlmore; Mary Morrissey, 62 years, hospital; Frederick Stebblns, 21 years, hospital; Cornelia Hays. 61 years, hos pital: JoeT Mandelfo, 1 year, 1112 South Eighth: Taul Huss, .0 years, 1815 Center; Mary O. Ferguson, 5 days, 2024 Burt MARRIAGE LICENSES. The following marriage, license has been granted: Name and Address. Age. August Essensohn, Omaha . Matty Cutthill, Omaha 81 BUILDING PERMITS. Wilson & Warren, 4235 Wirt, frame, $2,000; also three others, $2,000 each; J. M. Jensen, 4123 Ohio, frame, $1,800. HELP WANTED FE91ALK T ABnta and. Saleswomen, WANTED Ten good lady agents, for new article: every woman will buy; big profits. Novelty Distributer, 617 Bee Bldg. Clerical and Office. STENOGRAPHER (Lincoln), $35. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., 1015 City National Bank Bldg. Housekeeper nnd Domestics, , THE SERVANT QIlUi PROBLEM SOLVED The Bee will run a Servant Girl Wanted Ad fkek until you get th desired results. This applies to residents of Omaha, South Omaha and Council )l!uffs. Bring ad to The Bea offtca or telephone, Tyler 1090. WANTED To do general housework, a neat, conscientious white girl; large, pleasant room, newly decorated, and good wages. Call Harney wa. GIRL for general housework. AVe. Phono Harney 6S9S. 717 Park WANTED Girl for second work. H 33d St. Phone Harney 1138. 10s YOUNG German girl, with references. In .family of 3; no children. U & 33d St., Harney 6116. wanted Elderly colored woman to keep house; must have references; only 3 in family; gooa nome ana gooa wages. Address K SB. uee. WANTED An experienced girl for gen eral housework. Mrs. W. C. Lyle, 634 Park Ave. WANTED Experienced girl tor general housework: : in family: good wages: ref fcrencea required. Phone Harney 700, 210 Ha. 34th St. WANTED Girl for general housework Mrs. W. E. Moloney. 70s B. 29th St. WANTED Reliable girl to wash and iron and assist with housework; good wages, sws iawey Ave. WANTED Competent white rlrl for general housework. In small family. 330 N. 41at Bt Harney 660. WANTED Competent maid for second work m small family; must have refer encea. Mrs. Charlos Metz, aa 0. 28th St, W ANTE D A cook (white). 810 N. St. J. A. Hoagland. 48th GOOD girl for general housework; small lamiiy, xioug. wi. uut a. tiu m. YOUNQ girl to assist with housework In small Hat; 2 in family: may sleep home If preferred; home daytime between 10 and s o'clock. Harney 772. 212 So. 4lat St WANTED At once, aood trlrl for iren era! housework; ylaln cooking. Tel. Har ney -OV3. GOOD rlrl for general housework, one who can ro home night. Phono Harney 4771 WANTED-A middle aged woman for .Hint housekeeping, pnone south 1179. WANTED Girl for general housework rood Placo for right person. Hazeldell Nursery, two miles west of Florence. Call pnone. weneier wn. EXPERIENCED white girl for general nouseworx. jvj bo. asm oc Tel. liar WANTED White girl to assist with housework Phone Webster 5129, or call at xiionao m. WANTED Good girl for general hou work. 1303 Park Ave. Phone Harney 33C5. wanted A cook; references required. VfANTED Girl for general housework. auw yone ci. or can imrney ao. aUsoellataeaas. YOUNG women coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at fit- .Marv's Ave. and 17th St.. whttra they will be directed to suitable boarding place or. otherwise oaslsted. Look for our travelers- guide at the Union station. GOVERNMENT Jobs for women. Big pxjr. uniana examinations soon, dample questions free. Franklin Institute. Dept. WOMAN wanted to work for her hus- ubau s uoara ana room. u. v. HELP WANTED -FEMALE Mlacellnncon. YOUNG woman to make personal call. Pleasant and permanent work. 8. W. Kelly. 401 McCagua Bldg. WANTED a Rlrl for central housework In a email fa.ully. 115 No. SSth Ave. Phone Harney 200. LADIES hats cleaned, dyed, reblocked or trimmed, 60 cents, eighteenth and Farnam street second floor, Davidgo, block. Phone Tyler 1939. WANTED Thoroughly experienced saleswomen for glove department. Apply .superintendent'- office, Brandels Stores. WANTED Young lady for refined dramatic company. Salary and expenses. Apply Mr. Wright, 210S Farnam. HELP WANTED MALE. Agents, Salesmen and Solicitors. ADVERTISING solicitor wanted for the classified department of a large dally newspaper; a splendid chance for a young man who knows how to tise his head as well as his feet. Moderate sal ary to start and an excellent future. Ad dress N 1S3, Bee. HEAL ESTATE AGENTS WANTED We want 250 hustlers to sell for us, two mllllon'acres of good black land, for col onization purposes This land brings from $S to $10 per acre rent overy year, and lies In the "garden spot" of tho world, nnd flows with milk and honey. Is full of richness and beauty. Write to us at once; will gladly furnish maps, folders nnd any Information you may desire. THE CHAMPION HEALTY CO., Box 655, Tuylor, Texas. WANTED Men who desire to earn over $251 per month, write us today for position as salesman. Every opportunity for advancement. CENTRAL PETROL EUM CO., CLEVELAND, OHIO. SALESMAN, EXPERIENCED. ANY LINE, TO SELL TRADE IN central west. Unexcelled specialty proposition. Commission contract. $35 weekly for ex penses. CONTINENTAL JEWELRY CO . 303-12 CONTINENTAL IHITt.tHNn. CLEVELAND, OHIO. $100 TO $400 PER MONTH sellnir hla-h. grade and ccncral luhrlcatlntt nils. greases, paints nnd exclusive specialties. Salary or commission. FAIRFAX RE- KJMNU CO., CS7, CLEVELAND, OHIO. BIG OPPORTUNITY or salesman with MiiT,. ... tit,. MONEY hand Unr n II.,- -..... 1,1 IVES'S1 w?r.k i""1 Ilueral returns. Cali ...... i w4in experienced i,Mnm.?in '2 ""J.1 .n Kftrago trado with national advertised snark.n nr. tj.-i Oil Company, Marshnlltown. la. hors. TWO OFFICII! Tiriva mm 1016 City National Bank Xlldg! ' Apply Clerical nnit Office. " ofSP.K?,0PrllI3"s uf,n Luk System of Pltmanlo Phrases and shortcut, acquire 200 words-minute, -enables them to pass any civil uerviic examination, becnm-. nnnifi..? .pe-;h lRW or court reporters. Booklets. BDefllm-n npm. r. pondent courses, Frank Lusk. 12k n-n,.ri. way, New York. BOOKKMEl'ICH nn,t ui..k,. . . a.vniusi uucr, ,oi- uif co clerk, good penman, to)-J-olloctor lumber firm, cc CO'?n1 ,?SuT1J',S. INFERENCE CO.. 101b City National Bank Bldg. Factory nnd Trades. GET into the inont nmrilnM. of today, the automobile business, and w H,uU1n.Mm;iii, uur mricu, well SIUVJ?R fhop..rer thJ? opportunities of learning the business by actual experi ence on Jlfferent makes of cars. Our forms nro moderate. Write or call. Na tional Auto TraJnlnir nsonflntlr.,. vcu m 20lh St.. Omaha. Neb. Tol. Webster 5911 CALVARY MIHRIOM viimr vui.r rv. MENT bureau Is prepared to mnniv skilled or tinskllled labor of all kinds. Office, Jacobs Hall, 1710 Dodge street. Telephone Tyler 1971; after 4 p. m., Web ster 4797. Drugstore snaps; Jobs. Knelst. Bee Blag. TAILOR WANTI".nMn., uiliin,- ... bushellng and help with cutting. No cutting experience necessary. Steady work. Herman Petersen. Fremont. Neb. MEN INCUR A HM vntm wi nwivni Learn the barber trnda fnr wiiich tvmr Is always a demand. Many Jobs walling at ton wages. Tauaht in few wenkn hv vur system. Wages whllo learning. Call at OnCA Ot Writ. Xfnl tlurh.p fnllAirA J10 B. 14th St. I CAN KlVn Work ritirlnir vnup annr time to the folowlnv: Lather, iilnatornr pdd Job man. painter and paper hanger, If you will apply the pay on account ot good building lot or a new home. Ad dress K 300. Bee. Key to tho Situation Bee Advertising, Stlacellaueuns. YOUNG men. von should In rn Mia automobile business and learn It RIGHT. Earn more money than you ever did be fore. We have both a day and a night class, so you. have no reason for delay. VUIIIO III JIVJTY. NEBRASKA AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL. 1413 Dodge Bt. RAILWAY mall clerks. nnimnir. clerks, carriers needed everywhere. Young men anu women, iiasy 10 pass examina tions. Good pay. Write American Insti tute of Civil Service. Dent. 109. Kinu, City, Mo. o WANTED Registered drusr clerk: must be experienced and competent, good sales man, uive references, experience, and sal ary wanted. Harley Drug Company, Lin coln, Neb. WANTED Man understanding mm of flowers, lawn and greenhouse. Address Lock Drawer B, Glenwood, la. MEN wtth natentahla Moun writ nn. dolph & Co., Washington, D. C AUTOMOBILE chauffeurs irat IS wMb and over. Many spring openings. Sample moi.ruci.iuns iree, trunKiin instliuio. Dept. 80S L. Rochester. N. Y, YOUNG men become covernment rail. way mall clerks, 175 month. "Pull" un necessary. Sample examination questions free. Address Y 448, Bee. HKLP WANTED. MALE ANU VISUALS. GOVERNMENT Jobs open to men and women. Thousands ot appointments coming. List of positions free. Franklin Institute. Dept. 220L. Rochester. N. Y. OLD ESTABLISHED Paint and Varnish House offers fOO-S75 weekly to men and women, Introducing new products to con sumers. Finishing Products Co.. (67. Cleveland, O. WANTED SITUATIONS. GOOD pianist wtshws to secure ioluon: Sood dance orchestra. Address 8 497. maha Bee. BUNDLE washing. Ironing. Har. H4i ANY kind of day work. Webster 7460. GOOD, competent lady with C-year-old girl wishes position as housekeeper. 710 N. 18th St GOOD reliable lady wishes position as housekeeper In city or out of city. Ref erences exchanged. 1918 Cass St- EXPERIENCED bookkeeper wl.hf. position; can also do some stenographic wore, win uegin wuu per month. Address M 302, Bee. EXPERIENCED cltv salesmnn. col- lector and bookkeeper, 6 years' expert- IT.f.Mnu .lun ITK ."T WANTED A place to work about the house, handy man for all work Middle age. Address C 194. car Bee. A MAN pt many years' experience In dry goods line, both an buyer and sales man on the road, can qualify for high grade position as buyer or manager. Ref erences from post connections the very highest Address A 232, Bee. MAN with span of horses and wagon wants to do any kind ot hauling or deliv ery with them. 1811 Lake St. YOUNG married man wishes Job as ketptr. For information call Webster 7642. Ask for Mr. Cawfman. C ASHIER wishes position in restaurant, cigar store, etc. Can give references, call Tyler 1147. WANTED Position at private switch board or relief at private switchboard Tel. Tyler 1147 WANTED SITUATIONS. SITUATION wanted by a young man with 3 years' university training and 2 years experience In the management of s. Bohemian magazine. Bank position In n Bohemian community preferred. Will consider any office work. Write to Box 112, Station A. Lincoln Neb. ANNOUNCEMENTS ANNOUNCEMENT-W. J. Connell has removed his lnw offices from the Pull man building to th9 6th floor of The Bee building, Nos. 633 and 531. Same old phone O. 1616. PAMPHLET explaining how the Hindus develop such marvelous psychic powers, mall gJc. Dr. Thomas. 1614 Ca-ss St., Omaha LUCKY wedding rings, Brodegaards. Wedding announcements. Doug. Ftg. Co. D. 8. Griffith, wig mfr. 12 Fronter Blk. ATTRACTIONS Omaha film exc 14th and Rous'. M ra tion picture machlno and film bargains. AUTOMOniLEB Largest Used Cnr House in the West Two 1913 used Ford Roadsters. One 1912 Ford Roadster. Two 1912 Ford five-passenger. One 1912 BUIck, 28 II. P., flvc-pasaengcr. Wo lmvc fifty used cars on our floor, prices ranging from $200 to $1,500. Wo are tho only exclusive used car dealers. Wo carry the stock and make the price. Write for Our April Bulletin No. 4. INDUSTRIAL GARAGE CO., 20T1I AND HABNEY STS. OMAHA, NEB. $100 forfeit for any magneto wo can't re pair. Coll repairing. O. Baysdorfer, 210 N.18 Murphy " Repairing, Trimming, Painting. WE ljinko a specialty of auto foredoor body building and painting. Highest quality work. Win. Pfclffer Carriage Wks. D. 6922. 2th Ave and Lenvenworth. Industrial Garage Co., 20 A Harney Hts. RADIATORS repaired. 2020 Farimm St. Motorcycles. BARGAINS In all makes of used motor cycles. Victor H. Roof, "Tho Motorcycle MAN," 2703 Leavenworth Ht. WRITE FOR LI8T OF SECOND.HAND MOTORCYCLES. MICKEL'B NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., 15TH AND HARNEY. BUSINESS GUANOES. FOR SALE A small stock of drugs In south central Nebraska. Address Y 480, Beo. POOL HALL, tip-to-date place; doing fine business. Must sell; slcknt-fs. For portlculnrs addrees J. E. Weakley, 118 West 3d, Cameron, Mo. TO GET In or out of business, call on OANOESTAP. 404 Ben Bldg. Tel. D. 3477. TO QUICKLY sell your business or real estato write Kennobcck Co.. Omaha. WANTED An Idea. Who can think of nonio simple thing to patent? Protect your Ideas; they may bring you wealth. Write for Needed Inventions" and "How to Get Your Patent and Your Money." Randolph & Co., Patent Attorneys, Washington, D. C. FOR HALE A small stock of drugs In south-central Nebraska. Address Y-4S0, cere Bee. TRUSTEES" SALE. Tho stock and fixtures of the H. A. Dlldlno Jewelry store. Kearney, Neb., consisting or stock z,uuu. uxturea book accounts $400, total 34.GOO, will be sold to highest bidder at the Dlldlno store, 2118 Central Avonuo, Kearney, Neb., on Wednesday, April S. 1911, at 2 o'clock p, in., unless sold at private sale before that date. CHA8, O. SWAN, Trustee. High class buslncs openings, Western Kef. & Bond Assn. 752 Om. Na. Bk. Bldg. CONFECTIONERS. Buy Klg-Zag, the new molasses pop-corn nut confection, and Teaberry gum, real Jliuuiiiuui icn .tnvur, 'lit uouoia, , cents. J. T. McMunnlB. distributor, 3909 No. 17th St. Webster-S019. BUSINESS PERSONALS. Architects, HORNBY CO.. BLUE PRINTING. D 3157. Chiropractors, Iwrence, D. C, 2322 Howard. D.S451. J. C. W. E. Purvlancc, D. C. 403 Pax. Blk. D. 4942 China PalntlnK. F. C. Haynes. decorating, firing. D. 4D90. Graco Morris, Instructor china, water color painting. 605 Brandels The. Firing done. Coatumera. Full dress suits, $1.50 per night; party dresseb for sale or rent. Open evenings, John Feldman. 200 N. 17th. Doug. 3128. Crrnmerlea, Dairies nnit Supplies. DAVID COLE CREAMERY COMPANY. Ilrnss Foundries, Paxton-Mltchell Co. 27th and Martha Sts. Drcasmnklnv. Terry Droasmiik'g college. 20th & Farnam. BAUOHMAN'S school. FlorencHzT Exporlenced; prices reasonable. Red 6to. J. WICE, ladies' tailor. Easter orders taken now. 2012 California. Tyler 1220. Colored seamstress, sewing or alteration work by day or piece. Tel. Web. 1633. MISS NELSON Sewing by day. H. 6083." Detectives. JAMES AI.I.AN M v.viii. mi, t..i dence secured In all cases. Tyler 1130. Omaha Secret Sorvice Detective Agency, bonded. D. 1319. 427-428 Paxton block. Klrctrlrnl. NEW and Sfl.hnnr! mnlnrr .. n M n . ...v.w.w. .I(1VB, magnetos, elec and maoh. repairs. Le uron Elec. Wks.. 318-20 South 12th 8t. rerythlna for Women. Plumes made over, cleaned, dyed, curled. Bertha Kruger, 4S9 Paxton Blk. D. 8394. DRESS pleating, buttons covered, all v?d 5iiy1?? THIS IDEAL PLEAT INC t.O., 830 Douglas Blk. Douglas 1936. Florists, A. DONAOHUB. 1622 Harney. Doug. 1001. HESS & SWOBODA. 1415 Farnam S L. HKNDERBON7ljl9 Farnam. D. 125s BATH'S florists. Boyd Theater Bldg. I.nundrtr. CURTAINS launderetl. guar. Doug. 813 Furniture Repairing. UPHOLSTERING, piano, furniture re pair work. 2S04 Farnam. Tel. Har. 4183. STANDARD Fur. Rep. 2121 Cum. R.SS91. Hulr Drrsalnjr. MME. STBVBNSONT 210 Balrd Bldg. HARPER method of shampooing and scalp treatment. R. . Balrd Bldg. D. 3611. MnsanR-e MISS JACOBS, mass., bath, elec. trt.D.863. ELECTRIC?,,ASSAGF. BATH. Miss Milliners. Ladles hats made over reasonable. Miss Pepper. 2d fl. Davldjre Bk. IS & Far. T 1919. Nurses. I'RAl'TU'AL nurse, competent. D. 6204. A. B. C. of Omaha! B1 KLL DltUG CO. New location. 131 Fnrnam. Everything new. Old Phone Douglas XXi. Come, call or write, llubber goods. KUHU Abstract Co.. 305 8. 17th St. Better bo safe than sorry. Have ' Kerr do your titlo work. i OMAHA Pillow Co., 17S1 Cuming. I Doug. 2467. Renovates feathers and I mattresses of alt kinds, makes ; feather mattresses. Call or write for prices j WE rent, repair, soil needles nnd parts for all sewing machines. Nebraska Cyclo Co.. "Mlckel's." 15th and Harney 8ts. Douglas 1662. BUSINESS PERSONALS. Nnraerles nnd Seeds. Fleur de Lis. Iris. 10 Valletles. 75c doz. up. H. A. Hnow. Benson, Neb. Benson 278. J. WE8TROM NURSERY CO.. has a select stock of fruit, shade, orna mental treej and shrubs at their old sales grounds, 20th and Harney Sts. 1 TREES, shurbtf roses, Hazeldell Nurs jery, west of Florence. Office and sales yard. 24th and Plnkney SU. Phones W. mj.i. v lorcnce vn. THE largest and finest nursery stock ever shown In Omaha, See us before you buy. Gate City Nursery. Sales Ground and Office. 126 South 17th St. M. P. BYBD NURSERY; CO., 17th and Dodge: full display of orna mental shrubbery etc shade trees. D. 419$. Nurseries unit Seeds, OUR shade and fruit trees grow because they are fresh dug. Also our hardy shrubs and hedge plants. Tel. Benson W4. BENSON-OMAHA NURSERIES. 100 DUNLAP strawberry plants 60 cents: prepaid. W. C. Hebdon, Blair, Neb. For Sale Fine Shade Trees. also tree trimming, specialty sodding. grading and seeding. H. Burk, Tyler 1631. Ostrich Plnmr Manufacturers, rii:r. : T1.. n Kvervlhlnsr vuiiuiiiiu iiuuiu u.trr riz.u-zrt rcouut ana uyed. zos Neville Blk. D. 6010. Ocnllst. Eyes examined, glasses fitted, pay as you can. Drs. McCarthy. 1111 W. O. W. Bide. Patents. P. O. Barnoll. Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117. H. A. Bturges, 630 Brandels Theater Bldg. Printline. DOUGLAS Printing Co.. Tel. Doug. 644. WATKRS-HARNITATIT Pr rv. ni..i. lty printing. Tel. Doug. 2190. 624 So. 13. Safe and Tlmrlock Experts. O AFE combinations changed, opened, re Paired. F.E.Davenport, 1400 Dodge, D1821 Sanitariums. Modern sanitarium Hnlai Invallde and old people. 2617 Capitol Ave. HI 87n Painters. W. It. Rosenbaum, 202 Boston Storo Bldg. Stores and Office Flxtnres. Desks. -.. ..1 ... , ,,V"V""M" , "rawmea, sneiv S!iV?, buy' se"- Omaha Fixture ""fiy V.O., iifn-n o. izth. D. 2724. Steel Ollltin;.. CARTER Sheet Metal works. 110 S. 10th. Shoe Repairing;. OMAHA Shoo TIn.nllnl. fir., .t.- rep, factory. Call and del'. 2012 Far.'D. 6143. REASONABLE. Farnam Rep. Co. 313 S. 24. Trunks nnd Suitcases. FRELINO & STEINLE. 1S03 Farnam St. Wines and Liquors, WILLOW Springs beers, liquors, cigars sandwiches. Alex Jetes, 201.2W Sof 13th frIVK STOCK 1COH SALE. Horses nnd Vehicles. ONE doublo seated carriage, one buggy, both rubber tires. Two single harnBVes All good as new. Call Horney 18CG PfJTeed Hereford bull calves from 6 to 14 months old. tracing in blood lines from the J2O.000 Wild Tim. For prices Inquire of Wood Bros. Cora. Co, or Martin Mlschke. Crofton. Neb. GOOD opportunity to farmers to buy a Pair ot bay mares, 1175. weighing 1,300 f -?J?; palr, of black mares, 7 years old. 1.250 pounds; pair of bay geldings. 2,800 pounds. 8 years old: pair of block bay mares in foal. J176; these teams have been working In the city; ten days trial al lowed. 2103 Leavenworth. Omaha Hay and Coal Market hflVe 2 COOd rjolrs Of llllnir nn.1 ,,t pair of marcs, We have no more uso for mcBu nurses. inusL sen mem. can anH see these before you buy. 1613 Davenport. HAY. 87.W per ton. Wagner, 801 N. 16th. EDUCATIONAL. MOSHER-LAMPMAN BUSINESS COLLEGE. Unsurpassed classes in all business and English branches, shorthand, stenotypy and typewriting. Students admitted at any time. Graduates guaranteed good positions. Places provided for young peo pe to work for board. For a new free catalogue -addreva Mcsher-Lampman Col lege. 1815 Farnam St.. Omaha, Neb. FOR SALE at a discount, a full, un limited scholarship in Boyles BualneM college, Omaha; god for either short hand or business courses. Apply at the office of Omaha Bee. START TO BE A SUCCESS MONDAY, APRIL 6 That's the day tho SPRING TERM OF BOYLES COLLEGE opens in both the DAY and NIGHT sessions. On thnt dav onnortunitv will reach nut her hand to you. On that day the path to success will bo pointed out to you. On that day you will have the oppor tunity to commence your preparation for a successiui career as a mgn-cinss Steno grapher, Stcnotyplst, an expert Ac countant, a well paid Telegrapher. Or. you con make yourself capable of passing the United 8tatea Civil Service K1",";.?"1,'0';, ror a Position as Railway Mall Clerk, Government Clerk or Govern T!nt Stenographer or Bookkeeper. Theso four fields-offer not only the best salaries, but the best niinnrtimiti.. for great advancement to the average young man or woman today, ,'erB'" ie Can nrovldn nli.- fir,.. .. Se?r'ir.r!ny TO" women -to work for cdV0".?'"0"?.0' hours. thS. hi Omaha in. VZZ WV.J' cho' tuition and books; Kon 01 Boyles College, H. B. Boyles, President, Omaha, Neb. .. . ; i i .m.n amuiib, IB & Council Bluffs Street Railway company .treae"tCecan W "taiK .any arlclea each 5av are turned In and the company Is anxious to restoti thereto the rightful owner. Call Doug! ..iV2ST,.alp!n' k,t? with name phone D. 263. Reward. MEDICAL. Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. E. R. Tarry cures nil. ntni other rectal disease without surgical operation. Cure guaranteed and no lnon.y paid until cured. Write for book IP f?c m. .,f,c3,'".AW.lth lfynonla!s. Pit. E. . VAIUty, 240 Bee Bldg., Omaha MONEY TO LOAN. MONEY FURNIBHED SALAH1ED PEOPLE and others upon tnelr own names; rates cheap, easy payments. Nor ten A Co.. Uj Board of Trade Building. OFFEHED FOR KENT. Apnrmenln nnd Flats. 1SC9 FARNAM S rooms, completely mod ern; ssHable location for offices, studio, dental or dressmnklng rooms, etc., for tenants wishing homes adjoining. Hall D!st. Co., 4X1 Unmet. Douglas 7406. Gordon Van Co. .Moving. Packing, Storage. 219 N. Hth St. Phone D. S94 or II. 5913. MOST modern, best located, 6-room heated apartment In Omaha: mahogany and birch finish, beautiful fixtures, gas stove. Icebox, laundry, locker, maid's room; large yard. Janitor service. Imme diate possession. March rent free. Apt. Z, the urowne, iss f. win nu vntin. nnd"7-room apartments. 818 and up. G. P. Stebblns, 1610 Chicago. SIX-ROOM, all outBldo rooms, apart., 817 Pino Ht. near Brownell Hall. S-r. brick flat cor. 8th and William. D. 2040. FIVE and 6-room flats, modern except heat, 816. Phone D. 6666. . VERY choice 5-room, steam-heated apartment on W. Farnam St. JOHN W. BOBBINS. 1S02 FARNAM ST. 1NW TO GOLORED tenant. 8-room brick flat. suitable for two families, 818. 242G Ersklne. W. 1836. CHOICE APARTMENT. 5-room, In modern apartment house, save car fare. See Janitor, California apartments. Douglas 6237. THE VIRGINIA APARTMENTS. 6-room. 2d floor, cast front, with large private porch; all outsldo rooms. Call Harney 6497. SIX room?. "The Dougla," new. 'Ml 8. 26th Ave.; sun parlor, V4 block to Farnam car; walking distance, the best located, close-in apartments In tho city; well ar ranged; good ventilation; strictly up-to-date, J50 to Oct. 1. HASTINGS & HAYDEN, 1614 Harney St Douglas 1600. THREE rooms, all modern, with Janitor service, first floor, Lorralno Apartments, 17th and Maple Sts. Mengcdoht, Phono Webster S71X 7-ROO.M, modern, nearly new. 3122 Cass. Tel. Benson 353-W. 7-ROOM brick flat, south front, mod ern. 2618 Dewey Ave. Moyer Stationery Co. Uonril nnit XToouia. 709 GEORGIA AVENUE Beautiful fur nished rooms: private: excellent meals. BOARD and room . in private family, for two. Call Harney 7099. HOME COOKING. Pleasant, modern rooms. 2113 Douglas St. THE SHRINETt, good board and rooms, 16.50 to 87. 224 S. 26th. BOARD and room In German family, 84.60 per week. 3330 So. 19th. Rod 6067. Furnished Iloonin. TWO front rooms. Phone Harney 2111. 2763 Farnam St. TWO nicely furnished rooms for rent. 1603 N. 23d St., South Omaha. South 1031. NICE large front rooms, modern, cool. 222 No. 2!th. Red 6834. Unfurnished Housekeeping Rooms. 2 or 3 front housckecp. rms.. 2018 Dodge, Hotels nnd Apartments. DODGE HOTEL Modern, reasonable. Housckeplnir Rooms. NICE housekeeping rooms. 2419 Dodge. llousen nml CottnKea, T PI T?nrr1 EP- Co' furniture moving. o. v. xvimTwo men j, hour D 614B S-R. modorn, 216 S. 30th Ave. Tyler 1122. TTTvTT T-p-V7"StoraKte and Van X1 I UH.LI I Y Co- Goods stored, " , J-1-1- A. J- moved, packed, shipped. 16th and Jackson Sts. Doug. 1516. Globe Van &Storage Storage. 1 per mo,: 3-horse van with 2 iren, it.zo per hour. Tcl.'D. 3783, or D. 4338, TTmmoQ-1" al Parts of the city. FIVE-ROOM house, closoin, 830 South 21st. Harney 2703. FOR RENT We havo a complete list of all houses, apartments and flats that aro fnr nt. This list can be seen free of charge at yjinana van at atornge to., 806 H. 16th St. U16 HALL AVE. 7 rooms, modern, 825. inu. f. iiAuu w3 namge uiag. u. xvx. FOUR-ROOM hoUBO, 4123 Little Charles. riicne iiarney an. SIX-ROOM modern. 1751 S. 9th, 830. SEVEN rooms and bath; all modern; on car nne. rnono Harney Z043. FOR RENT Six-room cottage In fine order, zui soutn lfith street; possession jtprn a. inquire on premises, MAGGARD--VAN AND STORAQE CO packk moves, stores and hIiIph household gocas ana pianos, uougias n. 3311 California St., 4 rooms, mod., heat. 6-ROOM. modern. 719 S. 37th: 825 W. 2a9). 6-r, mod. flat, 822 2308 S. 24th. Har. 4711. 2116 Locust, 6-r., mod.. 822.50. Web. 0213. 8-ROOM modern house. 923 S. 25th, 825. 825.00 6-r all mbdern, dandy cottage, 3S09 IS, Dill 827.60 7-r., all modern, hot water heat, z.'t urant &. P. J. TEBBENS CO.. "JO Omaha Nat'l Bank. Tel Douglas 21S2. 25.11 Spencer, 5-r., mod. ex heat, 815. 1817 N, 21st. 7-r part mod,. 811. 32M Emmet, 6-r., part mod., 8.11. 3031 Plnkney, 6-r., part modern, 812.50. 3206 Maple, 4-r., city water, 8?.50. VA0 Parker, 6-r., well. 810. -3723 Ohio. 8-r., well. JU. 3333 Emett. 6-r., well, 89. 4108 Ohio, 6-r., well. 89. 3002 LlndsSy. 4-r., well. 87. CREIGH, SONS & CO.. Douglas 200. 608 Bee Bldg, WEST FARNAM. new stucco, 7 rooms, 819 N. 3)ttti Ave Jis. EIGHT-ROOM mod.. 112 So. 44th. West Farnam line. 830. Telephone Harney 3361. FOR RENT Two-story frame dwelling. on Cass, near 2ith; modern. .Crelghton university, uouglue mi. Stores nnd Offlvea. I 1811 FARNAM ST.. 3.000 sauare feet: lMWVi Farnam St., 1.8C0 aquaio feet; lb07- 1809-1811 Farnam St. (busement), 8,000 ! nquure feet, both Farnam street and uUey ' entrances: abundant light; steam heat THOS. F. HALL, 433 Rainge Bldg. D. 7406. FOR RENT The office on ground floor of The Bee building ocouplod by the Havens-White Coal company Frontage on Farnam St., and occupying about 1,300 square feet, with extra entrance on the court ot the building. Iirge vault- Fine office fixtures for sale. Apply N. P. Fell, Bee office. STOREROOM. ;06-7 S. 16th, 20x60 ft., full basement, water and reat furnished. $50. PETERS TRUST COMPANY. OFFERED FOH SALE. Typewriters. Typewriters sold, rented, repaired. Cen tral Typewriter Exchange. 307 S. 17th St. RENT Retnlnaton, Monarcns andftmlth Premiers ot their makers. Th Remington Typewriter Co. Telephone Douglas 1284 Rental credited If you purchase, und only very newest and highest grade machines sent out. Rates, three months tor $5 for understroke machines or $3 per month for latest model visible writers. Miscellaneous. SAFES Overstocked, second-hand, all makes. J. J. Dcright Safe Co., 1212 Farnam aunt, a limited scholarship In Boytej nuslneas college. Omaha, good for either short- ; hand or business course. Apply at the office of The Omaha Bee. Wreckage of IV 8. Nat. Bk. bldg. H. Gross Lbr. & Wreck. Co.. 31st A Paul. DRY oak posts for Min cntap. also cord wood. On lime kiln road. Day & Hess to. 123 Pear) St . lounol' Bluffs. Ia. d-rt nnUuy3 Re Coal for the money; try 1 5jH.uu t Vb. $$. Harmon & Weeth. OFFERED FOR SALE. Mlvrllnnrons. FOR SALE New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tables ami bowling alleys atid accessories; bar fix tures or ail Kinds; easy paymenu. The BrunswIck-BalkeCollender Co. 407-409 8. 10th St. PERSONAL YOUNG women coming to Omaha as strangers are Invjted to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at 17th and St Mary's Ave., where -they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers' aid at the Union station. MASSAGE, 109 S. 17th. Mrs. Steele. Home for sick, 2604 Ames Ave. W. 2908. Bexten Phamacy, 12th and Dodge, C3-DAY BLOOD REMEDY. Practical nurse. 18 yrs. cxp.; ref. D. 6206. MASSAGE Miss Walton, room 224. Ne ville Blk., 16th and Harney. . Tel. D. 437. THE Salvation Army Industrial home solicits your old clothing, furniture, mag azines. We collect. VWe distribute. Phone Douglas 4133 and our wntrnn will call. Call nnd Inspect our new home, 1110-1112-1114 Dodge St. MARS A dV. Swedish movement. 418 M ISS JACOBS: mass., bath, elec. trt. D.863 Cash for diamonds. S. F.. 350 Om. Nat'l. AT I (I. Tol tl Qhnnta. "VII 1VUI.mj.I1 II I m Har. and 15th. Mass., magnetic treatment. PHIOrt'H MIM) T1ATI1. .nit nnH tard, steamed; positive cure for rheu matism; 20 years' experience In Hot Springs, Ark. Ladv nttrndunt for la-IUn. dim a. -aa at. i-hone Tyler 1907. Turkish bath, mass. David ge Blk. D. ES93. MAGNETIC Trt.. 1829 Vinton. D. 6026. ruttonhouse Co., 214 Balrd Bldg., 17 & D. TOULTKY ANI SUPPLIES STEREOTYPE matrices make the best nd CnAftnafit Unlnt- tn nnt.U., 1. They are 17x23 Inches, stronger and mora uumuic iiiBu inrreu leu ana practically firnnrnnf. Tan n humlMj a, rr..-. t office. S. C. W. Leghorns, hens, cockerels nnd eggs for hatching. Phone Flor. 218. Barred Rock hatching eggs. Web. 370L TT tVTI.T. TAV VrtfT , I .1 . Chicken life saver. It will nv. tha llv of your chicks; guaranteed to do the work or money refunded. Chicken Lire qcr u.. uminK til. DUCK EGGS FOR HATCHING. 13 fnr 11 ?.r A TT ltnli- Ttanann Moti R. 2. Tel. Benson 747-W. REAL ESTATE. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. REED Abstract Co.. oldest Abstract office In Nebraska. 206 Brandels Theater. ACREAGE FOR. SALE. Acreage Near Omaha We always have a good list of bargains In acreage properties near Omaha, both vacant and Improved, that we can sell on easy terms.- Tell us about what you want and wo will try to fix you out. Acreage property near Omaha Is a. good Investment. Hastings & Heyden 1614 Harpey St. CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE. Seven-Room House FOR ONLY 82,700.00. Oak floors, furnace heat, south front lot 50x100, 2122 Larlmore Ave. W. H. GATES, Room 647 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Phone Douglas 1294. Public Auction Hanscom park homo to be sold under the hammer Friday, April 8, at 2 p. m., sale to take place at the residence, 1131 S. 32d street. On the above date we will sell at public auction to the highest bidder the 6-room residence and lot at 1131 S. 32d St. This beautiful home consists of 6 rooms, reception hall and bath and Is strictly modern, finished In oak down stairs and Is practically a new house, and was built for a home and In one of the best parts of the city. Easy terms will be given to the pur chaser It desired. Anyone wishing to see the Inside of the house before the sale, call Dowd Sale and Auction Co. for key. DOWD AUCTION CO.. Auctioneers. Bemis Park Bargain It will pay you to look carefully over the 9-room strictly modern house at iili North 34th St.; built for a home', cast front, close to car, and then compare It with what you can buy for the same money, viz., 83.800. O'ttETL Pi. E.&1NS.AG'NCY Tel. Tyler 1021. 1505 Farnam St. 2725 Charles St. 6-room house, toilet, sewer, gas, city water, paved street, all paving paid, Jl.'tOO; 8200 cash, balance easy terms. M'CAGUE INVESTMENT CO., uoage oi. TWO houses, new, oak and birch fin ish six rooms and bath, full busement, rill modern; $2600 each, 2013-13 Bancroft. Phone Douglas stso. TSNAP IN DUNDEE LOTS. Two lots corner 61st & Webster, half block from car Une. $1,900 cash. Phone Douglas 6S58. J. M. Macfarland. Attorney, 309 Omaha National Bank Bldg. SEVEN-ROOM modern cottage, nice shade, fruit trees and barn, 2594 Pratt St. Phone Webster W16. A Small Payment Down 2S66 BINNEY-C rooms, sleeping porch Price. $3,S50. Paved street, near car and Howard Kennedy school. 1812 SAHLER 5 rooms, full basement. Price, $3,660. Both finished in oak and white enamel, oak floors, good locations. TERMS. OWNER. WEBSTER 4193. BUY OF OWNER. 920 So. 37th St C rooms, just finished, sleeping? porch, gas mantel, book cases. Choice location Call H. 2162. CLOSE-IN HOA1E 7 rooms, modern, a S35 No. ISth St.; must be sold at once. For Information phone D. 3007. MERCHANDISE stocks wanted. Fried man, 3Ti0 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg.. Omaha. TO UUV. sKUiiHIlbM. ruiM a...J JOHN W BOBBINS. 102 FARNAM ST. REAL KSVATE. FARM t RANCH LANDS FOR SALE Callorala- STOCKitANCI I. Possible Subdivision. 23,000 acres, controlling 10,000 more, clote to n Francisco, Cat Feed all year around, IS miles river frontage. 15 miles railroad through property. Carries 3,000 head cattle. Price $12.60. an acre. Easy terms For further Information write. STINE ft KENPR1CK. 23 Montgomery St. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. The Persistent and Judicious Use of Newspaper Advertising ts the Road to Business Success. REAL ESTATH. PAftM KA.NCII I.A.MDS F4ft SALH California, LAND In the South San Joaquin lrrl-1 nllnn rllatrlrt nt low PrlCeS. DOth ItTV proved and unimproved for prices that are astonlshlnaly low. it you are looking for good land nnd low prices nnd honest dealings, write to a man that has farmed alt his life and knows land when h sees It. My prices and booklet on California land. FREE. ANDREW KERN, ES CALON. CAL. Minnesota. Minnesota sV Farm Lands From $15 to $75 per acre. Are the equal of any in the United States that are selling from $150 to $300 per acre. These lands can be bought on easy terms. Minnesota's 1913 corn crop, 40 bushels per ncre, stands first of all states in the union. SEND FOR SPECIAL PAGE OF MINNESOTA FARM BARGAINS, Published In the MINNEAPOLIS JOURNAL. Minneapolis, Minn., March 29 to April 4. A 2c stamp will bring It. THE MILLS LACS REGION IS THE very heart of agricultural Minnesota: level, fertile, clay loam lands, two hours' ride from Minneapolis, at 116 per acre aro too cheap to last long. Secure your land before prices go tip. Call or write for map and full Information about our state and university land running 20 years at 4 per cent. Dally land excursions. Experi enced field men to show you around. Now Is the time to got over the ground. A. E. Johnson Co., 300 1st Ave.. S. Min neapolis. apolls, 1V4 miles from a good railroad town: part under cultivation, balance meadow and pasture land; good soli, good 8-room house, worth 13,000; barn, granary, corncrlbs, cattle sheds, machine sheds, etc.; 14 cows, 20 head ot steers and, heifers, three horses, hoga, chickens,; complete set farm machinery, buggies wagons, sleds, W tons of hay, 1,200 bas kets corn, 150 bushels mixed grain, lis bushels of potatoes; in fact, everything on farm goes except the furniture. Price. ..a ma - i. n 1 . A.,Bu Oj.t,-vh Hrni . 1 frr I ,U,WV, UUC-lltUi 1-,11. UUW"HV..T'VH' l'jymQUltl 11108.1 jviinneapuiin. .mm-. Tf,TT AT)CT nttaTtntr IVliMlail TlflM Af ACTeS of choice and well Improved lands in the Red River Valley, northeastern and south eastern Minnesota; aiso cui over tonus, retail and wholesale prices. Prices and rnn.nnaKln Wrltft 1 1 for 1 1 Bt 1. I U I lilt, .v.. -"7 , Active agents wanted In Iowa, Illinois and irODrasKa. Biewarc uuia v.o., Now York Life Bldg.. Minneapolis. Minn. FARMS for sale : 26 down, $8 monthly buys 40 acres good timber land, near town, Texas county, Mo.; price, S200; perfect title. J. B. Jarrell. Mt, Vernon. 111. Nebraaua, FOUND 320-acre homestead In settled neighborhood; fine farm land; not sand hills; cost you 3200, filing tees and all. J. A. Tracy, Kimball. Neb. A BEAUTIFUL SO-aore suburban farm by Lincoln, Neb., highly Improved, al falfa, bearing orchard, hay, etc., 35,600. D. C. Hilton, 306 Richard's Blk., Lincoln, Neb. Soath Dakota. BARGAIN from, owner if taken at once. 160-acre Improved farm near Davis, Tur ner county, South Dakota. Easy terms. 50,000 acres Improved and timber lands on mala line of Northwestern railroad. Easy terms. For particulars write Far lell & Moore, Solon Springs. Wis. Wisconsin. Upper Wisconsin Best dairy and general crop state In the union. Settlers wanted. Lands fo sale at low prices on easy terms. Ask for booklet 34, on Wisconsin Central Land Grant. State acres wanted. Write about ouc grazing lands, If interested In fruit landcs ask for booklet on apple orchards in Wisconsin. Address Land Dept., Soo Line Ky.. Minneapolis. Ml mi. OFFICIAL publication concerning soil, climate and crops of Wisconsin mailed free to those addressing Wisconsin State Board of Immigration, Capitol 1000, Madi son. Wis. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE R. E FOR EXCHANGE 220 acres; fine build ings; 150 acres under plow; nice, nevel land; black loam soil; grove and orchard, well and engine; four miles from town and one mile to school: $100 per acre. J1.0OJ cash down, and $2,000 November 1, 1914. Clear property for the balance. MOREHART-ATCHISON LAND CO., Mankato. Minn. SEVEN-ROOM, modern. 100x150 lot: will trade for smaller place or acreage. 8S10 Franklin. Webster 4079. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE R. E. . ONE of the best paying orchards in the Grand Valley; 20 acres, located 3Vi mile from Grand Junction, with full water right, city water piped in the house. Alt in bearing commercial fruit; 5 acres of pears that has never netted the owner les than $2,000; S acres alfalfa; best ot Improvements, Including 7-room modern house; nevur offered for trade bufore; owner must get lower on account of poor health, want good hotel or Income prop erty In some good Iowa or Nebraska, town. Price. $18,000; clear, M. T. Yates, Urand Junction, Colo. o. WILL trade one or two Quarter sec- j Hons Idaho land in Twin Falls county lor general mercantile or uaruvvare iiuuhs. Lunu .aj an acie, small tmiuinbrance. Twin Falls Realty Co.. Twin Falls. I Idaho o. 1 r REAL ESTATE LOANS. HARRISON & MORTON. 916. Om. Nat. OMAHA homes. East Nebraska farms. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 1016 Omaha Nat. Douglas 271&. $100 to $10,000 made promptly. F. D. Wead. Wead Bldg., Mh and Farnam. CITY LOANS, Beints-Carlberg Co.,v 310-312 Brandeis Theater Bldg. u7 WANTED City loans. Peters Trust Co. GARVIN BROS. kWS- CITY property. Large loans a specialty.' W. H. Thomas. 228 State Bank Bldg. WANTED City loans and warrants W, Farnam Smith & Co., 1320 Farnam. CITY and farm loans. 6, SH, 6 per cent, J. H. Duinont & Co., 1603 Farnam, Omaha. MONEY on hand for' city and farm loans. II. W. Binder, City Nat Bk. Bldg. REAL ESTATE WANTED. HAVE cash buyers for good vacant lots. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, Phone Douglas 17S1. Wr Block. WANTED TO 1)0 V. Highest prices paid fur furniture. D-3W1." WANTED TO KENT. WANTED, TO RENTT ' An 8 or 9-room house with garage In the West Farnam district. Call THE BYRON REED CO., Phone Douglaa aft, 212 S. 17th. LIVE STOCK MARKET OF N WEST ""'I ... . . . i" wmana. eavn mileage and shrinkage. Your cornier,, ments receive prompt and careful atten. tlon. llin II.'a .Innl. ,a 2..... 1 ' . . Live Slock Commission Merchants. MARTIN BROB & CO., Exchange Bid- 1 (