Newspaper Page Text
TllK BFK: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 1, .1014. lo Swappers' Column h?P.. FOfn-PASSKNORR INTERNA. inr . T . . ecn"nse for good build dress 3. C. o7t. Omaha Dee. 1 TVO LOTS CLEAR IN 66o' town South Dakota, price, cash. UK VtUor, exc.hatige for good onc-karat dla - -.uigpa c v . bw. umana. nee. -MO-ACRE RICH, BLACK FARM LAND J.nastern Nebraska; price, 330.000; want 3M.0OO to .36,009 general mdse. stock, with , out building. Address S. C, 611, Omaha WILL EXCHANGE GOOD o-ROOM COT .jMe at 1828 ufnt St., Omaha, price tt.800. inc. JiflO. for W.C0O grocery stock or gents' furnishing stock and shoes. Own muc met, o. . 1111 an n. xjcc WANTED DISC PHONOORAPH REC .. ro'. "lightly used, In perfect condl won, that are for sale cheap for cash. wrov ,o. v . wit care uer. VILL dVVAP GOOD QUARTER a EC Hon of agricultural land on railroad In southern South pakota for vacant lot, house, stock, bonds, or what have you Have good lot to trade for a first-class diamond or will buy If bargain for cash. """ p. oi, umana nee. GOON rnTTinu Modern but heat. All newly painted and papered. Oarage. 16xM ft. Cement walks. Jits., pw. Want WOO cash and food, light auto or clear lots. 8. C. 669, 13 Co. TWO CLEAR LOTS PIERRE, S. D. Good abstract. Price, .1,000. Want gen. mdse. or auto. Good abstract and war ranty deed. S. V. 6b. Ilee. HAVE A ' PRINTOGKAPH MACHINE ,or multiple letter work; prints through ribbon like typewriter; can use ordinary punters type, and cuts, also; electric motor and hand power; cost $335. Will trado for cheap lot or land, or win con sider any kind of a reasonable olfer. Ad- TEAM OF MARES, ONE PORREL THE uiucr uiucH. hmjui i.iuu ids. uou condi tion, broke. Will swap for farm machln ery Address a. C. 502. Bee. 1 HAVE BULL PUP" 1 YEAHToEd"; white, thorouKhbrcd bull, good and sound; fine, watchdog. Will exchange for bicycle In good condition. S. C. 602. Bee. OLD-STYLE SIDEBOARD, RIRD'SEYE maple with marble top, hand-carved and a pretty piece of furniture, but bulky. What have you to exchange? Address R C 510, Bee. I HAVE A ONE-TON LIGHT TRUCK.; make offer. Address S. C. MI. Bee. I HAVE 40 ACRES FINE OREGON fruit land; a 6-room cottage, modern ex cept heat, and a 1913 Overland touring car. Will trade for anything. Make of fer. Address 8. C. 623. care Bee. WHAT HAVE YOU TO SWAP FOR A set of golden oak quarter-sawed dining room furniture and a Polar steel range In good condition? Address S. C. BOO. Bee. I WANT TO SWAP ROME DISC PHONO graph records. What have youT Address S. C. 623. care Bee. GARDEN TOOLS. AND SHRUBS OF any kind wanted for house or office furniture; have roll top desk, two chairs, chiffonier, leather parlor chair. Address S V 643, Bee. . HAVE GOOD OAK DRESSER. COM mode, ice box and some chairs. Will consider trade for horse and pay differ ence, or what have you? First good offer takea It- Address S. C. M7. Bee. SECOND-HAND REMINGTON TYPE writer to swap for good bicycle, and cash. Address S C 648, Bee. PRINTING AND PAINTING WANTED In exchange for dentistry. Address 8. C. 607. Bee. WILL TRADE A SEWING MACHINE for bookcase or buffet. Address S. L. 60. Bee. ONE FIFTEEN - LIGHT ACETYLENE, What have you? Address S. C. 633. GAS STOVE, 4 LARGE BURNERS AND one oven, hardly usea, excellent baker. vquld like to swap for chickens; prefer White Rocks. Address 8. C. 601, Bee. A-NO. 1 SINGER SEWING MACHINE. . liformcr price $65, for sale or swap. Ad Afirtaa B. C. 671, Bee. HAVE TYPEWRITER AND FLAT-TOP desk; also 4x6 camera; want Turkish rug, or what have you? Address S. C. 660, Bee. A GOOP BAKERY, WORTH X, FOR trade. What have -you. Address S. C. 416, care Bee. CLEAR LOT SOUTH OMAHA, 25TH and Madison. Price, $600. Trade for llgnt auto. Quarantce title abstract. Ad dress S. C. 667, Bee. GENUINE MEXICAN SADDLE AND trappings, .used slightly; will sell cheap for rajili. fir wIiaI hflvn vnil? AfMrpaa H. fi 640. Bee. GOOD SMALL BOY'S BICYCLE FOR sale or trade; boy outgrew It. What have you? The bicycle Is in good condi tion and can be used by boy Wtwoen & and 9 years of age. Addrecs S. C.540, Br. iWILL SWAP TYPEWRITER FOR VIC trola or 3A kodak. Address 8. C. 60s. Bee. WILL SWAP WHITE HOLLAND' TUR key torn for two turkey hens. Address S. C. 666. Bee. COLLECTION OF RUGS TO Ex change for diamonds or cash Will have to see rugs to appreciate their value. Address a. C, 617, care Bee. iWHA'i' HAVE YOU FOR ELEGANT mahogany dresser and chlftonler? Ad dress S. C. 677, Bee. WANTED TO TRADE PAINTING AND papering for printing. Adlress 8. C, E19, Bee WANTED T Y P K W R I T t R, TYPE wrlter desk, flat top desk filing cab inet, office chairs; exchange clear lot in South Omaha; abstract, goal title, Ad dress Si C. 623. Bee. i CLEAR LOT FOR ROOMJNU HOUSE of 10 or 12 rooms. Address it. C. 666, Bee. ,000 CLEAR MDSE. STOCK IN Omaha, consisting of dry goods, no tions, hats, gloves, shoes, etc. Fixtures, $600 only. Want clear Omaha property or clear land. Will assume it some cash paid. Good location. Cash business. S. C. 570, Bee. ONE DOUBLE-BARRELED ITHACA hammerless shotgun; good condition; 'will swap or sell. Make offer. Address S. C. 664. Bee. INDIAN CimiOS, PRIVATE COLLEC tlon, genuine buckskin, bead work, clubs, pipes, etc.;' beautiful and rare dec orations for den. Will trade or tell. Ad dress 8. C. 559, Bcc. I HAVE A GOOD, HEALTHY YEAR llng colt I would trade for calves. Make me offer. Address 8. C. 684, Bee. CLEAR LOT, EXCHANGE FOR ANY kind of auto In running order. Address S. C. 678. Bee. I HAVE A CAMERA OR A DIAMOND or typewriter or a good watch and cash for your piano, or what? P. C. 601. Bee. WANTED TO SWAP A STEAMER trunk In fine condition for a Morris chair, or what? Address 8. C. 647, Bee. AN EDISON HOME PHONOORAPH with about fifty best records, song and music, for lot, horse, or what? Address S. C. 672. Bee. NEW YOllKjSTOCK MARKET Responds Strongly to Peeling that Rate Raise Coming Soon. POSITION TECHNICALLY STRONG TrndlnR Thai Far This Yenr No Heavier Than In 1013, Dr. pltr Hopes Earlier In Season. llorr. Nth. iIIt IUII (I, IMS King County. Wh . it, 1MI.. . . Unceln Nb,, Tr-rllon , Onwln (. J, IMS Molln new Co MonUIn FUIM T AT Mount Ayr. I... 1M4 Mtntml Trsmwnr lt n& rtf. (... New York $ut Rj. 4'H Omnbi R. U P. Mil Ciy et Omaha 4H, 1MI Oimht r. n. m. Ur mi. .. urain i. ii. ft. nr. rta. i-ai. Omaha C n. n. A n Portland. Or.. 4M. 1MJ Swtft Co. a. mi 8lft Co. ? rr nt ttk Sloui CHy Steck Yrd (I. 1M0 . . gloui air Stotk Vardi ptd Ktnllt school , UR Union Stick Yarda. Omaha . ........ V'tah r. U Co. Is. 11(1 NEW YORK. March St. The extent to which the speculative situation Is bound up in the freight rates case was indicated by the course of tho stock market today. The action of the Interstate Commerce commission In expediting the rates cast foreshadowed an early decision, and, as the financial community expects that the decision will be favorable to the rail roads, tho news was construed as dis tinctly bullish. The market responded strongly. While the upturn waa attributable pri marily to tho action or the Interstate Commerce commission, it was Influenced fundamentally by the strong tochnlcal position of the market. Professional sell ing had been carried to a point which exposed the shorts to successful 'attacks. In fact the advance began In the late ses sion yesterday and was resumed at the outset today before the announcement that the railroads would be permitted to complete their testimony immediately. Other influences were at work on tho constructive side. Estimates of tho con dition of winter wheat Indicated a prom ising outlook. The London market was more cheerful and American stocks ad vanced there. London was buyer hero, taking perhaps 6.0U0 shares. Despite the hopes for better business entertained by brokers In the early part of the week, trading thus far has been no heavier than In 1918. With the close of the market today the first quarter of the year ended. During that time tran sactions in stocks were about 2l,003,WO shares, compared with 22,600,000 shares last year. Bond sales this year were I about 218,000,CO0, compared with IKVWW I in 1913. ! Bonds shared only In slight degree tho general strength In tho stock market. Total sales, I2,70,000. United States bonds declined from V to tt on call. Number of saiea aim leuaing quotations on stocks were; Sal. Hlili. Lrfw. Cloi. ,1 IIW -f TCI' ?U. 1M ( 1M 111 M IM II M 19 1IH I 71 l IN. ?l IP t? . Ul ISH M too 1M.1I M lets lit i '8,4 M It 1(11 IP a JM.07 91 It Wl 100 M London Stook Market. I.ONDON. March 31-American securi ties were nulet and featureless during the early trading today. At noon price ranged from unchanged to V above parity. CONSOLS-For money, T61S-1S; for ac count. 7-l-l: Union Pacific, 1MV. SILVER Bar, steady. KVd, MONEY UB1!4 per cent; short bills. lTi per cent; three months, IK ler cent. Bank ClearlnK. OMAHA, March 1 -Bank clearings for Omaha today wore 2,tS,0TS.rV. and for the corresponding day last year, j:,811,177.4. NEW VOItlC GENERAL MAIIltKT ;iu II :is iU H"a (Pi Jl m 10I 300 lMt 109 100 i.too uis m. (00 60J SIS 7H 9i HAVE J800 EQUITY IN COTTAGE; will exchange for a J to, or what? Ad dress S. C. 676, Bee. TO 8 WAP ONE 3-DRAWBR 6X8 CARD cabinet for typewriter. Address 8. C. 626. Bee. 1 HAVE A FEW CITY BUILDING LOTS to swap for a good truck or high-grade automobile. 8. C 620, Bee. WOODEN LETTER FILING CABINET, 3 drawers, to swap for an office chair. Address 8. C. 603, Bee. GOING AWAY. TRADE REMINGTON visible typewriter, almost new, for dia mond or article can use. Addresa S. C. 6fii, Bee. WHAT HAVE YOU TO TRADE FOR small Round Oak heating stove used only one month? Complete with pipes and an extra set of grates. Address S. C. UX, Bee. . NEW HAMMOND TYPEWRITER. COST $90. Changed work so cannot use. Will trudo or sell. Address S. C. MS. Bee. ALL-STEEL RANGE AND FURNITURE for swap or sale. Make offer. Address S. C. 5TB, Bee. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Market Pressure Brings About Re cession, of Wheat Prices. CORN ALSO SUFFERS LOSSES r . Yellow Cereal Takes a Slump, 'ltl the Bnylns Power More an More on the AVane Oals Go Little loner, No. 4 yellow, l car, 64V4c No. 2 mixed, 1 car, 65c. No. 3 mixed, 1 car 65c; 1 car, 1 car, tuc; 3 cars, 64ic; l car, 6(c. No. 4 mixed, l car, 3V4c; 2 cars, 6Wc; 4 cars, 63c. .Dmahii Cash Prices AVheat: No. 2 hard. l6c; No. 3, 83Hs5c; No. 4 hard, 7!c; No. 3 spring. S5V&6c; No. 4 spring, S3 8(t4c: No. 2 durum, SJS6Hc; No. 3 durum, V0SoJ4c. Corn: No. 2 white, 655V4c; No. 3 white, 64V4fl65c: No. 4 white. b3rxc; No. 2 yellow, 6465Hc; No. 3 yellow, 4fl6Ha; No. 4 yellow. 63rtQ64Mo; No. 2, 566c: No. 3, 63V46c: No. 4, 6263V4. Oats: No. 2 white, 37438c; standard, J"37He; No. 3 white, SSJ407c; No. 4 white, 354 36c. Barley: Malting. 6362c; No. I fe 4252c. Rye: No. 2, 68QHo; No. 3, 654 66c. OMAHA, March 31, l)l4- Wheat suffered price recession of & fl?c yesterday and was under prelsura from the opening to the closing o( the day. Crop rep orts were still most axcel lent. There was liquidation by the longs In May and there was liquidation in the deferred months, together with leavy putting out of short lines In the fetter. The buying power was absent, save at prices where the buyers wero unalle to eecure a profit. A feature of wheat market yesterday was the appearance in the pit of .'ames A Patten and other big men, wha sold grain personally. A Boston message paid -tlhat exporters report cables os dis couraging and that there are re-feller of wheat abroad at lo cheaper then can be made from the eastern seaboard Cash wheat was HUlc lower. Corn suffered losses of V46Hc the buy ing power geting more and more On the wane.- The speculators, however, who be lieve In lower prices are' cautious, about smiting out short lines. Cash markets throughout the entlro country were lower. Sales here for the clay were onlf 85,000 bu. to eastern shippers and the. south western markets all reported business aa ilat, even at the new low prices. Western receipts for the day were liberal, t 1,222, 000 bu., while a year ago they wire only 43J.WJ ou. , 1 Cash corn was unchanged to lo lower.' (jais were jower wiui iuo umtr and there was a decided heavy feeling. Cash values were lower In all the: western markets, with the possible exception of Peoria and St. Louis. Primary receipts were heavy- There was some idling of oats here In a hedging way. Cash sales were small, 105,000 bushels. The visible supply decreased 873,000 bushels. Cash oata were unchanged to He lower. Holders of hog products, not to be out done by the holders of grain, were liberal sellers In th waj- of liquidation. This waa indulged in not only by the small Yiojderu, but the large ones as well. The ouying was tsiow ana cauuou u defcllned sharply. The only demand was for pork and ribs on Investment account. Cash trade was small and boss closed weak and 10Q15c lower. , Clearances; Wheat and flour equal to HtOOO bushels, all Canadian, corn, -.ow bushels; oats, 30.000 bushels. Liverpool close; Wheat, ttd lower; corn, jd to Sd lower. ro. mn Primary wheat receipts were 698.000 bushels and shipments 440,000 bdihela last Primary com receipts were 513,000 bush els and shipments 636,000 buihels last Primary oats receipts were 61WXX) bush els atid shipments 778.000 bushels last ?rell CARLOT RECEIPTS. Wheat Corn. Oats. Chicago 141 Minneapolis, ......, 27 Iuluth ; ' Omaha Jfj S Kansas City J St. Louis 1i WHIIpeg (W " A year ago toduy was a holida) there fore no primary movement for that date. These sales were reported-Whest: No. 3 hard Xer. 1 car. Tic. No. 3 hrd win ter H car. ilHic; 1 car. 63Vo. No 4 hrd lrr,.T?. . e tjr, 9 rinriim 1 car. W,!"r ' No. 4 mixed, T car. S4c.- No J mixed durum. I car. S34c. No grade, ar. 7K-. Rye' No. 2. 1 car. 66,c No. 3 "cars. fc Oats: No. 3 white, 10 cars, 3 r No. 4 white. 5 cars. 36ic; 3 cars, l , No. 3 mixed. I car, 36Hc Ct rn No. 3 white. 2 tars. 66c. No. 4 white 1 car, ti 1 car. t3Hc 1 car. UKc No 2 ye - 3 cars. 66'-'. 1 car, tor n - J ycl 4 rare. t6-,c, car. 65c, 4 car. 64,ic I CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS Features of the Trading and Closing; Prices on Board of Trade. CHICAGO. March 31 Kurllc! h.rih sentiment as to wheat developed today because of the brilliant crop outlook, and In consequence of the total lack of exports. The market had no good re action and closed heavy a to Ic under last night. Corn finished HQtic to lc down, and oats off He to $ic. In pro visions, the outcome varied from 10c decllen to an advance of 2Vic. liquidating sales on tho part of big holders formed an Important element In the situation regarding wheat, but ihn downward pressure was by no means connneq 10 tongs, an view or further rains over western Kansas relieving at.. prehension of drought In that region, the main body of speculators accepted the crop promises as perfect on the greatest acreage ever reported for April 1, and mere was soon evidence that the break was fast widening, bringing Into action many stop loss orders. Corn trade became seml-demorallzed as a result of the cheapest offers yet frm Argentine. Besides west bound rail rates from New York were being cut In some particulars, and there was no enlarge ments of the eastern inquiry for corn from here. It was said that I2,000,0o0 bushels of corn had been sold from Ar gentine ports for April-May shipment to Amelrcan markets, and that In ad dition considerable was coming to the United States from India. The weak ness of corn and wheat was too much for the oats market. Depression was em phasised by the Dig stock here, and by per cent Increase of acreage In Okla homa. Provisions receded with grain. There was some substantial buying on the de clines though, believed to be for one of the leading packers. Artlclel Open. I Hlgh.l Low. IClosc. IVca y. Wheat I May. 81T4 81 90, JU, 9214 July. Si'i hH 86V4 i6H 87V, Corn May. 67T 6SH Mty 67i 68',; July. $S',4 6SH 57H 674 6SV Oats May. 39 39 38 3Sli 3J July, 33H 30H 38X SHU 38, Pork May, 2080 SOW SJ 67 20 72 2080 July. 20 87 20 97 10 74 20 60 SO 90 Lard May. 10 45 10 65 10 48 10 17 10 45 July. 10 62 10 H 10 62 0 65 10 62tt Ribs I May. U 05 I 11 12 U 00 11 02 It 05 July. U 20 11 27H 11 U 17 U 20 Chicago Cash Prices Wheat: No. 2 red 9ig33!4c: No 3 red, M4C No. 2 hard, lz 93Ue; No. 3 hard. JUilic; No. 2 north ern, B3iSi4c; No. 3 northern, 92f)93c; No. 2 spring. 94c; No. 3 spring, S2J4c. Corn: No. 2. CSUc: No, S. 65t74c; No, 3 white, 67We68Hc; No. 3 yellow. 65H(8WV4c. Oats No. 3. white. 3SUff3Se: standard. 39iu 35V- Rye; No. 2, 624c. Barley; 488620 Heeds: Timothy, 3,254.60; clover, li.Vto 12.75. Provisions: Pork, $20.70; lard. BUTTER-Steady; creameries, l924Hc. EGGS lower; receipts, 23,2a cases; at mark, cases Included. 164ff7ic, ordinary firsts, 1Mi,l7..c, first. IT 174. CHEESE-Bteady: daisies. 18c; twins, 15i4ii7c: Americas. fl7',0174e: long horns, intense POTATOES Steady, receipts 17 cars; Michigan. Minnesota and Wisconsin, red 60ig65 . Michigan, Minnesota and Wiscon sin, white. 63fcSe POULTRY -Alhc hitler prlns. 15t . fowls. ISc 1.104 703 4,400 AmaUamiUd Coppr ... 11,100 ii 76Vi American Airicumirai American llt Susar ... S00 tl n Amrrlcan Can (.100 JOH :v, American can pfil MM) J American C. a F .00 11"; ll1) American Cotton Oil Am. Ic ScurHlr 1,900 10'i 30 Amerlcin Llnwcd Amtrlcan lcoraotlYe ... tuo 3m 31',, American S. & It 1,(00 t.3; .'J American . a n. pro... Amer. Suar Hellnlnl... American T, a T........ American Tobacco Anaconda Mining Co. . . Atchlaon Atchlaon pld Atlantic Coart Line Baltimore A Ohio tlethlehem Steel Brooklyn Rapid Tr Canadian Pacific central Leather .... Chesapeake A Ohio Chlcaco O. W Chicago, it. a St. r. .. Chicago . N. W Colorado Fuel ft Iron.... Conaolldated Uaa Corn rroducta ueiavare ft uuiuon. .. . Denrer a Rio Grande.... Denver ft n. O. pfd Ulatlllera' Securltlea .. Krle Rrle lit pfd Krle :d pfd Oeueral Klrctrlc Great Northern pfd Qreat Northern Ore ctfa. Illinois Central lnterboroufh Met Inttrborough Met. pfd... International Harveater,. Inter-Marina pfd International Paper .... International Pump Kanaaa City Houthem.... Laclede Gaj Irflilah Valler LoularllU ft Naihvllle... m.. St. p. ft s. me. M. Mlsaourl, K. ft T Mliaourl raclflc National DUcult National Lead N. n. It. of M. "d pfd.. New York Central K. Y.. O. ft W Norfolk Wertern North American ......... Northern Pacific Pacific Mall Pennsylvania People' Gat P., C, C. St. I..v... Plttaburth Coal ...I. .. Preaaed Bteel Car Pullman Talace car Reading ... Hepubllc Iron ft Pteel... Republic I. ft S. ptd.... Rock Itland Co nock laland Co. Dfd Rt. L. ft S. F. Id pfd. .. seaboard Air unf Seaboard A. 1 pfd Bloaa-Sheffleld S. ft I... Southern Pacific Southern Railway bo. naiiwar pia., Teaneetee Copper 400 Uti Teia, ft Pacific ICO 1H Union Paciric 1,M0 HO'i Union Paclflo pffl United Statea ltealtx..,, United Rtatt Rubber.... l.tM 81 'I United Statea Steel 47.300 MI4 u. B. Steel pfd ton 110 Utah Copper :,loo 6V Va.-Carolina Chemical .. 600 C2H 31U 32 Wabaih I.KO0 1 IS 1U Wabaah ptd 1,500 it, f, s Weatern Maryland .... 300 30H 30U 9) Western Union :,300 H M' Mil Weatlnghouw Electric .. 1,100 75U 7(V4 74U Wheeling ft Lake Erie Chlno Copper 1.SO0 41 il'i 414. n. y.. n. ii. h .:oo 7oh ttl il Ray Con. Copper 3.100 tl 5144 Wt ei.dlvldenrt. Total sales for the day, 2(3,SOO shares. ' .Nen ork Money Market. NEW YORK March 21.-MONET-Call, steady, V,i2 per cent: ruling rate, 2 per cent; closing bid, 1T4JT2 per cent. TIME IOANS-Weak: fiO days. 214jQ2: per cent; 90 days, 24 per cent; six months, JHU per cent MERCANTILE PAPEH-344 ner cent. STBRUINO BXCHANGB Steady; 60 days, Ji.stia; aemana, 4.BSit. COMMERCIAL, BILLS-J4.$4. SILVER Bar, Mc; Mexican dollars, 4&ttc BONDS Qovernmcnt, weak; railroad, steady. Closing quotations on bonds today were as fellows: V. S. ref. la, reg.. Mli'K, C. go. ref. it-., ti 5li 100U l.l SI 1,4 fl ( (iu 4m 92s i s:s (0,000 :07- SMU 201 8,C S', 36', m 1,0X1 M 13 H MS 300 1114 1 13 3. t00 100, tti IDOVi, 100 133V 13IH m 1(1 H :( iu :H 37 :s in ii 105 it & 7 K(U 11 1! tl'i 3JH 132(4 (I IIS WU 27 103 "TW iUH 35 nm (i 7SVi 3U too 133 133 700 9S 4 700 '2(4 II 200 181,, ll(, 2,(00 300 (I (S '";w i(S'i 3,100 mU 12iU i.ioo ii',' 'lis 200 40 (., l.sog mi io(H . ..... "i'.m iii ibn '"iUi 'ii" 'iiii 13, JM IflVi . 21V "i'ioo 'iiu 'wh "'aoo iws iiau 200 73 77 6,900 lit 1114 600 23', S4H (.too 111(4 no 2,100 15 123 400 fO 7('i W) 21(4 21 " (re 154 " iiiii' 26,200 1(H ItiU 600 2C, Mi, '"(On "(S "(i, 100 7(4 H "'no 0U 'n (00 55H MS s.ioo 'iiii. iiii 1,7) 24H 25H Quotations nf the Day on Varlnaa ContmndllleK. NEW YORK, March ai.-PLOUR-Rarely steady: sprlnc patents, $4.6i04.5; winter straights, t4.SOtr4.3S; winter pat ents. t4.40B4.75; spring clears. I4.KMM.3S; extra No. 1 winter. t3.f3 76; extra No. 2 winter, t3.SMf3.50: Kansas atralghtr J4.10 ff(.J0. WHEAT-Spot easy. No, 2 hard, win ter. 9Sc. c. I. f. New York; No. 2 red. tl.OIV,, elevator.. No. l northern, Duluth, tl.OOi; No. 1 northern, Manitoba, tiooi, f. o. b. afloat, opening navigation. Ki turcs, weak, closing 4c to lo not lower. May, $1,00118; July. MHc; September, MV4c. CORN-Spot barely steady; No. 3 yel low, 74HC. c. I r. to arrive. OATS Spot, easy; standard white, 45 45Me: No, 3, 43itI4Jc, fancy clipped white, 45(?J47Hc. HAY Quiet; standard, MciSJtl.OO; No. 1. tl.02Htfl.O5; No. 2, 90J95c; No, 3. S0fl85c. HOPS Quiet:, state common to choice, IMS. 314tc: m. nmir; Paclflo coast, lf13. ItifiCIc: 1912. lMfflSc. HtDES-Steady; Bogota, VMt-30Hc; Cen tral America. 3ftS.T0Vie. PETROLEUM Steady: refined. New lork, bulk, JJ.23, barrels, J 8.75; cases, tll.25. WOOl-steady; domestic floece, XX Ohio,1 27c. LEATHER Firm f hemlock firsts, 30c; seconds, 28fi'20c. PROVISIONS Pork barely steady; mess. 123.0023.60; family, $24.CXB2AO0; short cIcMrs, t20.2RlJ22.00. Beef, steady; mess, tl.00l$.K): family, tl9.OOQ20.00. Cut meats, steady; pickled bellies. 10 to 14 ids, i3.zoiu(.w; picuied hams, jm.zsotm.w. Lard, steady; middle west, tl0.40B)10.55i re flntd, steady; continent, $11.05: Pouth America, 011.75; compound, steady, tS.37H (S 8.024. TALLOW Quiet, city, OHc; country, 6i6ic: special, 6Hc. BUTTER Market weak; receipts, 7,400 tubs: creamery extras, 25B'25V4c; firsts, 23HS2Hc: held extras, 23.'3Hc; process CHEESE Market Irregular: receipts, 2,000 boxes, state whole milk, held whites, specials, 10c; state whole milk, held col ored, specials, 19',ic; state whole milk, held whites, average fancy, 18H18c. EGGS Market weaker: receipts, 37,100 cases; fresh gathered extras, 22o: firsts, storage packed, 21c; fresh gathered firsts, IMiQauVic; nearby hennry, white to fancy, 2.ij2tic, nearby ncnery, gathered whites, 2Gc. POULTRY Dressed, dull: fresh killed chickens, 154219c; turkeys, 22Q25c; fowls, 155 19c OMAHA UKNEIiAI. MARKET. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET, Cattle Very Slow and Most Kinds! Show Further Declines. 1 HOGS DROP TO A LOWER BASIS Trmle In Ahrep anil I.nmlia ni Unite So Active as Monilnyi nt n- sea nemnln Strndy lo a 1 Shndn lllauv, j SOUTH OMAHA. March 31. ,9lt Receipts were! . Cauu. Hobs. Shftp ! Official Monday .... 4, MW 7.5M Estimato Tuesday'.. 4,000 9.0M 13.;. I Two days this week. 8.J53 14.1W 20.K;.' Bim clave ) -nlr 1 1f. U Hit "tf l(W pame i weeks ago 8.S7 rs.siJ :;.".( fame 3 week ago 12,071 l.A 2l,s,.i 1 Samn 4 weeks ago. ...10,729 17 612 3H.I7J Qshi. -I.e..- I a til Wt i.l III -Ai wisiiic uaj lasi year.. oc-w , j ..,n.v( The folloTvlnir tftblo how th recri.its ft I PJttllA Vll.HX. n al.aan m. t Ilia Crttll K OmahA ltvtt stock market for the year to ui, vuinparea wun imi year atj i M. ra, 'It. 1 4P1 All a.TV- Cattle 225,977 2JI.J( ... S,7 Sheep 97,(iS 574,839 122.S15 . . ine following table shows lh ranee of prices for hogs at the South Omaha live atOCk inAfKat frit th 1f - ,tu comparisons: Ute. I 1914. li13 Um.lMI.ln,lo 71 Mar. 10. Mar. 11 Mat 1 I Mar. it-.' Mar. II. Mar. 15. Mnr 1X1 Mar. Atar Mar. Mar. Mar, Mar 14 (S ! ft. (5 JO 8SU as ... . SI M SiU 15 1U 153U lit, . . . IH . .. 1H etu ti 3i 109. 1094 BUTTER No. 1, llb. cartons. 71c; No. 1, CO-lb. tubs. 27c. CHEESE Imported Swiss, 30c; Amer ican Swiss, 24c; block Swiss, 22c; twine, 21c; daisies. 21c; triplets, 21c; Youns Americas, 22c; blue label brick. We; llm burger, 2-lb., 20c; Now York white, 21c. FISH White, lie; trout, 18c; largo crap pies, 12c to 16c; Spanish mackerel, 16c: shad roe .per pair, 50c; salmon, 11c: hali but, 12c; buffalo, itc; channel catfish. IScs pike, 12c: pickerel. Sc. POULTRY Droltors, 25c; hens, 14c: cocks, 9Vic; ducks, 14c; geese, 10c; turkeys. 25c; pigeons, per dozen, $1.20: ducks, full feathered, lie) geese, full feathered, 10c; squabs. No. 1, tl.5Oi2.00; No. 2, 50c. wholesale prices of beef cuts effective today In Omaha are as follows: BEEF CUTS-Rlbs: No. 1, 18c; No. 2, 16Uc: No. 3. lVAc. Loins: No. 1. 19Uc: Mn 4 17... Kt. a IMLn I1. V. , , ..1. . . . ll',4c, No. 2, lOHc: No. 3, 10c. Rounds; No. l, i(c; rxo. z, inc; rxo. n, wac nates: No. 1, Uo! N- 8c- No- sc' Tne roitowinc prices are lurnisnea ny the Glllnsky Fruit company: FRUITS Sunklst oranges, all Sites. t2.50. Lemons: Sunklst Golden Rowl, m and 260. t5.50; Red Rail Sil ver cord, 300 and SG0, tl.M. Qrnpe- fruit: inaian niver, an, u. ,4. 25; 54, $1.50; 64 and 80, $5.00. Uannnas, per pound 1 to Sttc Apples: Colorado Missouri Pippin, per box, 42-25; Colorado Ben Davu, per dox, Colorado white Pearmaln, per box, 22.50: Idaho Winesaps. per box, extra tancy barrel Uefi Davis, $4.50; extra fancy barrel Qano, $6.50; extra fancy barrel Missouri Pip pins, $7.w; extra fancy barrel Winesaps, $7.50. FREoll visuJuiAm.iiB ueeis, per dor., 50c; c:arrots, per dor,, 60c; spinach, per dos., 6)c; turnips, per dot., 50c; shal lot, por dor.. 45c; parsley, per dos., 40c: Ao coupon V. S. Ss. res do caupon V. S. 4s. res A a raunAQ Pnm l coupon. .11 Amer, A. 6s.. .....1M A. t. a i ". f .... HUM,. 8. Ath. 4l 1111 all. io u a N. ual. (s. . n Wl M. IC. a T. 1st 19 .... 11: "do (He 7 .llz'iMn. Pacific (,. ., o4 ao conr. 3, iiu N. n.B. of M. (Us 51 V. T. C. i. S!J.... Am. Topteeo 4s...,.ll"'i do deb. (s. . . M4 Armour Co. (Vis.. 2N. X. S. 11, a H, Atchison . JJJy cr. JH, .. 78 do er. (s. mo.. MVi.N'. 4k W 1st . (s.. do CT. IS... ..,,.102 d0 CT. (S J01V, A. C U lit (s.. .. MVlNo. Pscifle (i ,v, Bsl. a Ohio (.. . MS do 1. wl do 8'4s ?!MP- 8' '', ( H Brook. Tr. CT. (s... JjHPenn. cv. He, llt l Cen. ol Os, s., ..IMS do coo. (s loiu Cen. Leather ss MHResdlnc tin. (,.. f6J Ches. Ohio 4H. 4 8. I- A 8. r. f (s 74 d conr. (H. .. -V, 4 sen. ts a Chlctio a A- m- V48I. U 9. W. r. (s TJ'i do sen. ts ".vs-ao. i-,c. col. (, CM 4.8 PC (HS..19I, do er. 4,.. ., C It. t. T. c. (s. SS do 1st ref. (..., do rl. (s 74 So. ?Ullw,r 6, . C, ft S. r (Vsi Mi( do xen. (s... . I), a II. tr. (s . .. MH Union Pacific 4s. D. a It. O. ret. (s. Ml, do ct. (,, , Distillers' u (IVl Mo 1st r. Erie p. 1. 4s. . .. fl 'U. 8. Rubber it . Jli . S7U 10M1 tm do sen. (s 74U t. 8, Bleel a ...ioiu dq ct. (. ser. B. iiv.i-. Cheni. I, III. Cn. 1st r. (s. KTiW.buh m a e. (s ul Inter. Met. (Hs .... tViWeMern Md. (s.. 7j3 Intsr. M. M. (Vis.. M W,t. Blee. ct. (u jtpsn Hi. centril 4,.., tlw Boetoa Mlnlna , BOSTON1, March 51. Closlnp quotations on stocks were; Annua,, con iiu Anil. Copper J"I'I',I Mloes.. I i-u X Z- U. a .... -vri DUH I'Vuci;:: ;::.4u -o,u T":r.,;;:-;: s apnsic:;c: Bart Butte c. M... jimdupct or , jj. r-nma. ilSS?.1?r.t B' M ' -?H gfSff cknin.; . g&: -. ii:.- Isle Royals Coptr. PM 47v Kerr J."2 0"' ' lke Copper 7 JJUli Copper Co.. .. lit, I Halle Copper.. . (41 Winona ,(J Miami Copper ... ( WolTerlna Kobtwk 4SBotU A Superior... 344 Local Securities, Quotations furnished by Duma. Drinker aV Co , ((I Omaha National bank bulldlns: 1S 1MH M 1H 1M S M H 14 n 104 Atklnaon. Nsb.. 4f. It Beatrice Creamery pfd Ileaumont. Tea., la Oounrjl Bluffs O. ft E. U ! ieer a 10 pio I Dee Molnee la. rVhool 4t,s IMS Fairmont Creamery 7 p. c pld . ei-d 5TWD STOCKS Booklet on Bsqusst FOR I STANDARD OIL CO. OF SALE NEBRASKA STOCK J xravr xonx orrr. Mar. n' SSVt S 34H 8 23 1 (0U! s 4& ton 8 M 8 65H! 5 57) ......I S 57 N s u 8 J64 8KHI 8 54 8 &7H 8 74 8 70 8 60 8 7 8 tl 40 6 48j 6 6 6 59 6 53 6 80 A 53 110 211 G ;3; ( It in 7:1 c mi 1 91 (10 37 S 4l 4 86 6 (il 4 il 6 451 5SI10 J( I 4 (1 IV U 6 (0 10 3S S til 4 15 8 551 4 54 S 65 7 10 Mar Mar. Mnr. Mar. Mnr. 5J1 Mar. 31 6. 27 23 2S I U 470 8 901 I S 871 7 01 It ar.n.1 8 JtSNl 8 8(1 7 01 S 41 g Ml 7 4? 8 47 8 S5 ti 6 M 6 7J 6 67 S 52 IA 110 54) 8 501 t M 10 61 S 44 4 Ml I 6 4(1 4 SS a ihn mi I 1 7.1 7 C6I 6 47110 4 U 6 981 S (KllO 111 EM 4 79 o siuu rij n oil ev 6 35)10 05, U 61 4 SO R I10 65 6 5S 4 S9 A J9I1A TTk I . tA S Ml 7 56 6 33110 711 6 6S d 1 7 711 6 24)10 Ml 6MI fjf; 8 78 ( 6 23 10 57 fi ( T78 'Sunday. Itecelpts and disposition of live atock ;t the Union stock yards. South CYnaha. ror tho twenty-rour hours endln at ;i o clock- yesterday: f HUUMllT8-CAIt8. f PntltA IT.. ... . C i c. u, r " ouorp ll r S Wabanh : Missouri Pacific .... 4 Union Pacific 42 C. A N. U' nn.t II C. N. W . nn.f v O., 8L P.. M. & O.. 18 c, 11. & Q east.... 12 C, n. & g west... 30 C. It. I. P.. nl 1? O.. II. I. & p., west. 2 Illinois Central 1 Chicago Q. V 2 Total receipts ..167 128 DISPOSITION HEAD cattle, u Morris A Co Hw r.n Cudahy racking- Co.... Armour & co Schwarta & Co... J. W. Murphy Morrctl ... Lincoln Packing- Co,..,. South Omaha P. Co.... KftV PanlHitir Cn . . . iW 13. Vansant Co Benton, Vansant & 1... Hill & Son ir. n. Lwis Huston & Co J. D. Hoot & Co J. 11. Bulla Rosenstock Bros. ...... McCreary & Kellogg;.., Wcrthelmcr & Degen.. H. IT. Ilnmllrnn... Sullivan Bros. uothschild Mo. & Kan. Calf Co.... Christie HlKglns Huffman ROth , Meyers . Tflnnrr llrne. Jdhn ITarvv Other buyers 361 611 S17 l0t 4 78 2 "i 38 154 m 26 42 156 46 61 323 1 20 53 25 1 14 12 IS 13 12 70 269 !' f ! '5 '2 3 1 :: 8 4ts, Pheen. 17 J.W1 2.B'2 .1,171 Vki 2.13) 2.ITJ I.SUI 223 RfiB (0 1 n ti 1 ts ., OS 10 I II ., 8 J .. tilVl 1(0 1 im ,.rti so 1 vs. 1 .it .lit ,... ...ui ....i: ,...tu .,..110 .117 3.M0 radishes, per doz 50c; head lettuce, per dor., tl.00; leaf lettuce, per dox., 40c; e. plant, per dox., tl.50; artichokes, per dox., 12.00; Urussel sprouts, per lb., 20o) new potatoes, per lb., 7c; celery, per dox., tl; Florida celery. Per crate, t3; peppers, per basket. 50c: cauliflower, per dox., fl.75; beans, per hamper, t4.50; cucumbers, per dox., tl-60 to t2; asparagus, per doc., t4: new cabbaxe, per lb., 2Hc; rhubarb, per bov, t2.25; rhubarb, per box, $2.25, Klorlna tomatoes, fancy, per crate, t4; Florida tomatoes, choice, per crate, ni.n VEQETABIEa New York cab- 'mage, per lb., 2Vc: sw6t potatoes, per namper, el.ou; pnrania, i iu., utsvvo, nr ih "1-: carrots, ner lb.. 2c: turnlDa. per lb., 2c; Red River Ohio potatoes, per hu., tl.00; Idaho potatoes, per bu.. 85c; Karly Rose potatoes. .85c; red onions, pur bti t3.0J; yellow onions, per bu ?100. fpanun onions, per ciair, m.w. Minneapolis drain Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Minn.. March 31. WHKAT No. 1 hard. 89K092Hc; No. 1 northern. HS91Hc; -No, 2 northern, 87 HWlc: No. t, s5?lj&o!c; May, MSc: July, WOwVic HAUL.BY-42Q67C. nYE-65(g66Hc. BRAN Unchanged, CORN-No. S yellow. 61V4Hc OATS-No. 3 white, KHGSMic KLAX-tl.54ffl.56U. FLOUR Unchanged. Kanaaa City firnln and Prorlslnns KANSAS CITY, Mo., March 31.- wllEAT-Ko. 1 harir, t&owvic: no, rea, icoov. May. H'.c; July. blue. CORN No. 2 mixed. 6scs No. 3, 67o; No. 2 white, 60c: No, 3, 67fi67tte; May, 0S'c; JUly, 6314S(WlC. OATS-No. 2 white, 40c; No. 2 mixed, sac. uliTTER-Creamery, 21c; firsts. 53c; sec-onus, 2c; pacKing, itftc. KUGS Firsts. 16Vic; seconds. 15c., POULTRY Hens, 15c; springs, 15c. Ht. I.onls funeral Slnrket. ST. 1X3UI3. March 31. WHEAT-No. 2 rod, KWAa No. 3 hard, 9OR904c; May, 30ie; July. S3Hc. CORN No. 2, 69c; No. 2 white, TOHc: May. eSV.QWWc; July, 69ic OAT8-N0. 2. 40o; No. 2 white, 40Vi 41Mc; May, 38 Vic; July, a54c. RYE 63c. Liverpool Grain Market, LIVERPOOL. March 31. WHEAT Spot quiet; No. 2 red western winter, 7s S4d; No. 1 Manitoba. 7s (d; No. 2, 7s 3d; No. 3, 7s 2d. Futures easy: May, 7s 2&; July, 7s 2d; October, 7s 3d. CORN Spot steady: American mixed, 6s 8d. La Plata futures easy; July 4s Omaha liar aiarkrt. PRAIRIE HAY No. 1 choice upland, tlOffll; No. t choice upland, ttOOSlO; No. 3 choice upland. 5638; No. 1 choice mid land, 13.50310.50; No. 2 choice midland 1839.50; No. 3 choice midland, t&8; No 1 choice lowland. 8705; No. 2 choice low land, fV&7: No. 3 choice lowland, tfge. ALFALFA Choice, peagreen. leafy, fine stem, tl3T,14; No. 1, lltflJ; No. 2, gU. No. 3, t79. Persistent Advertising Is the Road to Big Returns Totals 3.928 8.776 12,402 CATTLK The cattlo run was about on a par with yesterday. 158 fresh cars being roported In. Tho total for the two days amounts to 2,853 head, .bolng larger than last week by a few hundred head and larger than a year ago by about 1,700 head, The trade was aaln very slow nd dull, the same as It has been on moat recent days, with the tendency lower. The gen eral run of beef steers were around 10c lower than yesterday. Pome of the best cattle may not have shown that much de cline, while other kinds may have shown more. The best light heifers were In good de mand at prices that wero about steady. Cowa ware neslected and It was well along toward midday before buyers really made any errort wnatever 10 mane a clerance of cow stuff. Cows wero fully 104I15O lower right from the beginning. mockers ana teeaers openeu up very slow and around lOo lower than yester day. ijuotauons on came: uooa to prime yearlings, 18.25(89.00: good to choice beef steers. t-S.l&38.75; fair to good beef steers, 87.76418.15; common to fair beet steers, I7.2se7.75: good to choice corntca nt-ifers, t7.25S-8.00; good to choice corn fed coiyt, t'i.&07.00; fair to good grades, t5.60if6.60i common to fair grades, tt.254J5.60: good to choice Blockers and feeders. t7.65fo7.flO: fair to good Blockers and feeders, $5.W-ff 7 25; stock cows and heifers, t6.00ft7..V): stock calves, tG.50&S.O0; veal calves, V.W Q9.W; buulls, stags, etc., tl.75tfS.75. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. Av. l'r. No. very Urgo thsy were In no hurry to fill their orders. Salesmen started by asking nearly prices, hut they soon came to the conclusion that a break of some sort was Inevitable, and they wound up by pricing their offerings about a nickel lower than yesterday's general market. luvcn after filers had made thi much of a concession packers refused to better uieir onxiy bids, and ror near v three hours the market remained at a stand still, both huyrr and salesmen rctunlnc to go any further In an effort to trarir. Toward It o'clook, however, killers ralsoil tneir eariy otrers adoui zviO all around, putting values on a 5tT10c lower basis. At first this strength only made It harder to do anything, at moat of tha sellers took It as a sign of stilt better prices, but It soon became apparent that this was as far as buyers Intended to go, and In the end the big end of the supply moved at a Mfioo decline. Kven after a trading basis was agreed on the move ment was more or leas alow, and It was well along, toward midday before any- Afling line a clearance was made, The big end of the sales was made at JS.5&. with a ouolab e bulk Of ll.lWi.U The tendency on both days this week has been toward a better demand for lightweight stuff, and today these grades sold at about the same prices as the more weighty offerlajts, a good share of thn top prices being paid for hogs that were on the light order. No. At. Fa. rr. No. At. Bh. Tr. If Ill IM to US II III 09 : (a 1 so 11. . ... II 1IT ... 1 30 1 IK W IU m o4 i3o 1 o o m m it in W7 40 6 10 Jl.. U Ill ... I )) II.. M ' IM II SO T7.. It .....IU ... I 30 71,. M IU S00 I 10 II,, 71 Ill ... M M.. M 1(7 ... I 10 II.. II IM .,. I 10 It.. 47 Hi ... I IIU 77.. 71 114 ... 1 U St.. 71 Ill 10 Si 11 ft! n 31 no 1.11 u tit ... (o 71. .....sir to as, 11 til ... 1(0 (3 tt3 ... I 3S K 141 . . I (I 7( ill ... I XS 44 ilO ... I 10 J Ill 0 1 Ji 71 (1 ... I (9 II Hi (0 lit 17 1(4 ... (9 ( Ill ... U II I0T ... I (9 79.. .,. Ill .. I it 0 S10 M a (9 '( til ISO I II W .... iU ... (0 II. .....3I .11! II Ill ... I 10 (1 1(9 It III PIOS. M .... 101 . . - Tl SHEEP The Interest In ewes and lambs was not as great as yesterday, though a fairly liberal supply of each sold generally steady to n shade higher, Aa often Is thn case, packers took the best offerings first, and bought the balance later In tho forenoon, the last to sell being heavy and medium grades. While a strong un dertone Boomed to feature tho early mar ket, the movement scaleward was rather slow, which may have been due to the wet condition of the fleeces as a result of the rain early this morning. The Im provement In values was on the better class of killers and, while prices on the less desirable grades were largely steady, In some Instances they had an easier ten dency. A clearance took place at a rea sonable hour. Moxlcan offerings were again scarce. Fed weatern lambs moved anywhere from 87.40 to IS. 10. with some shoni kinds going at t6.S0G7.00. A string of lambs on the flshy order went to a feeder buyer at 37.35. Fed western ewes made a new top for the year, as 424 head, averaging 115 pounds, sold up to 36.45, It being the highest point since t7.00 was reachod In April of last year. Most of the ewe sales were made around ts.4OU6.20. The receipts amounted to some 13,500 head, being 4.057 more than a week ago and 6,910 more than on the corresponding day a yeariago, Monday and Tuesday's supply together foot up' about 21,000 head, compared with 36,108 for (the same days Ust week. 27,324 two weeks ago and 13,533 a year ago. Quotations on sheep ana lambs: Lambs, Mexican. t8.O0tfP8.5O; lambs, good to choice wist. I7.S58.20: lambs, fair to good west, t1.557,; lambs, culls, t5.EAff.50; yes.r. llrgs light, t7.1ftiw.fi0i yearlings, heavy. te.?.Vg7.10: wethers, good to rholce. t6.60 0,85; wethers, fair to good. 86.00fj6.C0; ewes, good to choice, t6.NVif6.45; ewes, fair to lower; top. ts.45: bulk of sales, tt &3 S.4-H. SHEEP AND LA JIB3 -Receipts, 4.SW head, market steady, lambs, t7.24tJ8.S0. rillC-ACO MVli STOCK MARKET Cattle Blnrr nml AVcnk Hoaa Mort, (icurrnlly Steady. CHOCAOO. March 31.-CATTLE-Re eelpts, 4,000 head, market, slow and weak. calves aftifW higher; beeves. I6.MQV.45, Texas steers. t7.20fl8.20: western steers. JS.WW.W, -lookers and feeders, t5.50Qi.00, cows ami neifers, ja.e&irs.w; caives. jo.oo 00.50. iiuus ncccipis, u.&w neao; marKet, slow and generally steady, bulk of sates, t8.5M8.00; light. tR.50j8.70; mixed, tS.JSJT 8.67H; heavy. tS.251J8.; rough. t8.25S?S.3o, pigs. t7.25O8.60. tfHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 24,000 head; market, sheep strong to 10c higher, and lambs mostly 10c lower: native, t." 50 (t 7.00: western, .5.5037.00; yearlings, t8.50 m.M; lambs, naive, t7.(0fi.S; western. J7..XfoS.3i. Motnl Market. NEW YORK. March 31. METALS--Ixad, quiet; t3.7f-V3.R5; Ijndon, 150 8d. Spelter, steady; t5.2Jfl5.30; tendon 121 7s 6d. Copper, firm: stanuanl spot and June, tn.80vi4.30; electrolytic. tl4.2H; lake tl.1.00, nominal; casting, 814.374.' Tin, quiet; spot, 337.8500.1.25; June. 3S.12HS SX.C2H. Antimony, dull; Cookson's, $7.25. Iron, quiet, unchanged. London prices: Copper, firm; rpot, fW2s(!d. Futures. 66 10s. Tin, easy, r.vot, 173 2a6d. VMtures, 174 17s Cd. Lead, GOs IH1. Iron. Cleveland warrants, 60s 9d. BT. I3UIP, Mlrch Sl.-Lead, lower at t3.Mfl3.70. Spelter, stronger at t5.15fl (Ills nnd Rnsln. Coffer Market. NEW TOnK. M.Arch 31.-COFFE-The market was lower today under liquidation, renowed bear pressure and foreign selling. The market opened steady, So to 12e lower. Bull support caused moderate rallies during the morning, but the general tendency was downward, nnd the market closed steady, 20tj21 net lower. Sales, 71,000 bags. April, 8.00c; May, 8.71c; July, SSSc; September. O.OTic; October, 0.15c; Decemtr, 8.25c; Jan uary, 9.30c. Spot, quiet; Rio No. 7, 9c, Santos. No. 4. lifer. Mild, d'ill; Cordova, 12H016c, nominal. NEW YORK." MaTclTsi. COTTONSEED OIL Irregular; prime summer yellow. 87.51; May, fUl; July, 37.60: September, t7.67. ROSIN-Qulet. TURPENTINE Steady. SAVANNAH. Or.. March M. TI'RPRN TINE Quiet, 4ivv;c; receipts. 268 bblr.; shipments, 143 bhls. . stocks, 12,018 bbt. ROSIN Firm: sales. 2.340 hhla .: rrcelnO. 1.559 bbls.; shipments. 3.342 bhls.; ntocki, 110,423 Quote! A. Ti. C. D. E, t3.75: F. Q, 83.85; H. I. K. tl.10; M. JI.W; N, $3.40; WQ, t5,5, WW. $6.20. Col (on Mnrkrt. NEW YORK, March 11.-COTTON-Futuros closed steady: Mny, 12 12e; July, 12.11c; AUfTUst, 11.85c; October, II 17c: r) cember. 11.51c; spot, quiet; middling, 13.51c; gulf. 13.75c. COTTON Closod steady, net 4 points lower to 2 points higher. LIVERPOOL. March Sl.-COTTON -Spot steady; good middling, 7.63d; mid dllnff. 7.2!d; low middling1. 6.8ld. Sales, 12,000 bales, No. ll. II. . IV... n ... it.... ll... ll.... 21... !(.. K... 1... II... it... It... II... 7... 11... ... 10... I... I .. 7 .. I... (... 3. . . (... (... 33... 3... 7 .. II .. I... I.. I... 1... 1... 1... 1... 1.. 1... 17... I.. . 1... 1 . - I'.'.'. 3... , 911 7 It 110 7 31 V0 31... I .. .. W .. 11 .. 19... 31... I... 20. , II... 11... 1 . 7. . 1114 7 10 IU4 7 (0 .. ..1111 7 to ..,.10U 7 40 .. ..1113 7 10 .. .1001 7 10 Ill 7 15 Sii 7 8.1 1113 7 10 1031 7 II IIII 7 It .. ..urn i so Hit T m STEERS AND HEIFERS. At. I r. .DM I IV) .1214 I M .HU I 00 .1164 I 00 .1043 I 00 ,1M7 I 10 .1336 I It .110) lit lo .1(04 I .1(0 I 35 .loio a no .1130 II to .Hit I 6o (31 7 34 I(T 7 Ii 314 7 in ....1013 7 10 .... 1S 1 (0 ....lit (00 ... M0 ( (0 ....1014 I It ..,.970 I 71 ....1133 0O s it ....lilt 6 24 .. . VIS I 23 1030 I III . COWB AI It. II . 20 .. COWS. I .. 2. I.. 3.. .. 7.. .. I.. 411 7 70 II 7 15 001 I 00 ..1031 110 . (I 6 M . 1310 I 10 . . (HI ..1110 I 14 .. Ill a K . IM IM . . Ml 7 00 . 170 7 ) ND HEIFERS. !. 133 4 M 7... , 131 l0 ii 410 lit 1.... 440 4 M I... . 1071 7 00 BULLS, 13 1 t 1 .. no i on l ..1130 no t i io UAIiV E.O. 1 IM 1370 13W a m ' 4 00 III 1 04 an 7 it 7M 7 34 130 7 34 .IIM 40 1C0 40 .13(0 I (0 . aeo 7 00 .431 7 31 40 7 34 4(1 7 It 310 I 71 160 00 300 9 34 IU S 3io i :t 110 I 71 30 71 IM 73 170 73 204 I 31 .170 10 00 371 IM IU1 I ll BTOCKER8 AND FEEDERS. H UO i w) II ,, M7 III Si 4U 7 1 U (71 7 to l Ul 1 31 737 7 to 4 Mt IM t 734 7 M U tOO 7 (0 11 ( t ta 413 7 40 30 Ill 7 70 4 no 7 4i WESTERNS. IDAHO. 16 steers.. ..1203 6 76 4 steers.... 862 6 50 iH cows 104S 6 00 4 canners. 372 4 K 24 canners.1033 too 6stk. hfs. 8 50 6 33 calves,.. 161 8 25 bulls U03 6 00 SOUTH DAKOTA. 15 cows. . . 510 6 35 KOOS Receipts were moderate for i Tuesday, something like 9.000 head being rc-lvel ror inr iwo uaya tne total Is 1M50, being a little over l.OOu larger than last wf-ek, but more than 9,500 short of i hp t-orresiMindlng days last year. Aside from a few leads of light hogs bought by shippers early at a nickel de line the market opened out very dull . .... 1A- An.A nK,. I a K7I0 nciv .v. lunci I'll' IP. and as thn shipping demand was nm No. 1(4 feeder lambs ,. 2(3 rornfed lambs 780 tornfed lambs 402 Colorado ewes M feeder lambs .. 19 Colorado bucks 257 cprnfed lambs ,, 218 corn fed lambs 302 cornfed lambs 175 shorn yearlings & wethers 289 shorn iambs 202 Soutn Dakota lambs 184 boutli Dakota lambs......,,, 285 Colorado lambs 208 Colorado lambs 199 cornfed lambs 300 cornfed lambs ,. 81 corniod ewes 216 Wyopilng ewes Av. .... 63 .... 8 .... 77 .... 113 .... 59 .... 156 .... 67 67 67 94 78 66 65 83 83 83 71 97 94 Pr. 7 00 8 00 8 10 6 20 6 95 5 00 800 8 00 8 00 A 00 5 60 7 35 7 35 8 00 8 00 7 75 7 75 C 50 6 15 Kansas City Lire Slock Mnrkc. KANSAS CITY. March 3. CATTLE Receipts.. I.COO head; market steady to 10c lower; prime fed steers, J8.40O$.00; drossed beef steers, t7.40if.25; western steers, t7.00ti8.35-, aotithern steerw, tls597.S5; cor.a. 1 1.60 7 60: heifers, t7.0ft8.7S; stockery and feeders, J6. WW, 50, bulls, Ih.TSifil.W, calves, tu.6010.00. . HOaS-U'Celpt. 12,000 head, market 10c lower: hulk of salts, tS.25U6.45; heavy, fA.40tt8.45; packers and butchers. S.35 6.45; light, U.2588.45: pigs, t6.5O8g.0O. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 6 000 head: market 107720c higher; limbs, steady; lambs. t7.0O38.2S; yearlings, I6.007J7 2J wethers, l5.2WtW, wes, 3.003'.S5. Sioux Cll) Live Block Market. SIOUX CITY, la., March 31. CATTLE Receipts, 1,201 head; market 10c lower; native steem.it7.0OST.83; butchers. V.Wg 7.00; cows andlhelfers,; canners, t1.00tj6.00: stmiHers and feeders, t7.003f7.S5, calves, i.WS.1&. bulls, stags, etc, f5.49 W7.00. HOOS-Rectlplf. , bead: market 10c lower; heHvy. 14.2IWf8.30; mixed, tR.27H; light, t8.2SQ8.27h bulk of salts, 8.274. SHEEP AND IAMBH-Rocelpts. B head; market stady;fed muttons, ViOn 6.76; wethers. S5.aa.tO; ewes, t,!a6.2&. lambs. tlWT W. fit. l.i'iila I. Itc Slock Mnrkrt. ST. WI1S, March 31. CATTLE. Re ceipts. ' 3,700 had market steady to !0c lower; beef trs. t7.5r)fi9.25. cowa and heifer1. (1.258.75; stocktra and feeders, S5.0Otf8.ft);' southern steers, t5.75ti8.00 rows ard heifers. t608; calves, H00459.M. HOGS Receipts. 11.000' head, market steady to c lower; pigs and lights, 17 8,70; mixed and butchers. ,8.W9S,70, good heavy. t8.6(WJ.70. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 2.0O1 head; market 101116c hlghert muttons. 35.75 (6.50: lambs, t7.00tTS.40; clipped lambs, t6.7S7.25. Dry t.'oods Market, NEW YORK, March 31. DRY GOODS Cotton yarns were easier and lower to day. Cotton goods were steady with Pur chasing fair In gray- goods. Uncertainty ns to styles Is hsmpcrlng the fall allk business. Foreign carpets nnd rugs are being sold more freely here thm had been expected. Erniinrnteil Applea nnd Dried Km Its. NEW YORK, March 2I-KVAPORATED APPLES Firm; fancy Uii8l2c; choice, lOSflOHc prime. 9UQ9He. DRIED FRUITS-Prunes, firm. Apri cots, steady. Peaches, steady. Raisins, steady. preacherIIaten'in keokuk mayoralty race KEOKUK. Ia,, March 31.-H, W. Moore head won over Rev. J. F. Sandera In the election for mayor today, CEDAR RAPIDS. Ia., March 31. Mayor Louis E. Roth and the entire city coun cil wero returned to office today. CLINTON, Ia., March 31.-W. H. Far ver, democrat, was elected mayor today over a progressive running on the citizens ticket. Ware-anted t Blrm Matfrfmaltoh Oombaulfm Caustic Balsam Mock In. xiaht. live stock at tie six prln- rn,rcii eie aa ioiiowb Mim, ijoes. oneen ,200 4,&fi0 ,500 24.000 9.01 Hsooo 6,000 1.209 n.&1 500 jrooo 13.500 markets were as fi Cattle. liou l.snoij.j 4.(0'1il,5 3.7M IJl.o IK, Lire Receipts of cipal western St. Joseph .... Chicago St. Louis Kansas City Sioux City ... South Omaha Totals SI, Joseph Lire Slock Market. uT iOjIKPH Mo.. March 31. -flATTl.l; Receipt?, 1 300 head; marKet auilf it t, 0Oi( S 75. r ows anil tuners, jij i nlvts. v.4rrn.w HOU8 Urelrt.!, 3,2M head eers WiS 50 Has Imitators But Ho Gonpslitcrs. . coo, opocaj ana rosiure euro ro? Cjrb. BfUnt I weeay, Cipd Hoefc traitted Tenlana, louaitr, Wiii jBSa. axd all Ixo ia eu fraa fpiTia, aiata and ethar any tunarj. . us aU skin dlaeaaM or FanaiUa, JhrBia, Dlpitlierlii. Ctaons 3l Buaetoa from Hortu sr Cattlt. 8.I,4?. l: M&teteM His par bottlo. Bell by dnntgiau. or aant b Wx praia, charge, pali wltn roll Uractlona for Ua um. tarsand for daacrlptlrs eJreoUta, ttitimonUla, oto. adilrau Ih Lswranes-Wlllltnn Co., Cltvtland, 0. Annln 3 to 3 feet 10 ilOeS 5 to 6 feet s5 100 Concord Qrapea S3. 50 uasn wnn oraer, aont prepaid. GATE OITY NURSERY, 180'J Farnuin Street, Omaha, Neb. Not Less Than $1.00 Order. MONEY SN GRAIN IIO.W bun pol or call on Mj tvi.ln". ot wkaat or coro. No further rltk. raaramato(lfraarrU.,o It atyou auopporlunll to taka 1600. Io,iim, Jc, tXQ te. vrlta orjf.oicuiara Flnnnre Brokeraa Company, llirioajica BaUdUy, Kaur itltr.Mo.