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Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 30, 1914, Image 1

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ig Liner Ripped Open, Sinks Like Lead
Everybody Reads
the day's happenings orrery day.
If folks don't red yoor store,
now OTery "day, It'a your fault.
Daily Bee
JL Hxv
On Trains and at
Botal Nwi Btuli, Sc.
Canadian Paciio Steamer Empress of
India is Run Down on St. Law
rence River Above Quebec.
Lowest Estimate Places Number at
Six Hundred Seventy-Eight.
Bulletins from
Great Disaster
Crew Able to Launch Only Few of
Ship's Lifeboats.
Pilot Boat and Mail Tender Pick Up
399 Persons.
.Snrrlvors Snffer Terrible Hurts and
Several Die Defore Bouts Ilcnch
DocV rrnctlcally All Flr
Clnnn rnmienirern Lost.
RIMOUSKI, May 29. Probably
more than a thousand lives and
surely not loss than 700, wero lost
when the great Canadian Pacific line,
Empress of Ireland, sank 1 before
dawn today In the St. Lawrence
river, ripped open from amidships to
stern by the Danish collier Storstad.
This was the estimate made here
this afternoon where the hysterical
survivors, many of them pltably
maimed and almost naked, were be
ing brought. It was based on the
fact that the Empress carried 1,437
persons all told, of whom 399 were
rescued and landed here by the ships
Eureka and Lady Evelyn, The Stor
tsad at' first reported to' have more
than 300 survivors on board,, has
sailed for Quebec after landing only
va handful of rescued and a number
" Slink In Few Mlnntes.
The vessel, whloh was bound from
Quebec for Liverpool, with 77 flrBt,
, 206 socond and 604 third-class pas
sengers, was cut wide open by the col
lier Storstad, and sank within twenty
minutes in nineteen fathoms of
water. Of those saved, the major
ity appeared to be members of the
crew or from the sterage. Many
were badly injured and twenty-two
died after being picked up.
The crash occurred about 2
o'clock this morning off Father
Point, Que, a village brought into
prominence when Dr. Crippen, the
London murderer, was caught. The
collier, bound for Quebec, struck the
Empress of Ireland on the port side
about tho middle of the ship. It
literally tore its way back almost to
the liner's screws, leaving a rent
through which the water poured In
. Buch a deluge that it sank before
any of the passengers "were aware
of what had happened.
Small Steamer to nescne.
Brief wireless calls for help, sent
out by the Marconi operator, were
heard by the pilot boat Eureka hero,
ten miles from the scene, and the
Eureka, followed by,1 the Lady
Evelyn, a mall Render, put on forced
steani and made0 all speed for the
, QUEBEC, May 29,-The special Cana
dian Pacific relief train carrying survi
vors from the steamship Empress of Ire
Inlid, was derailed shortly' after leavlnic
illmouskl. So far as known no one was
Injured. Another train was immediately
made up.
MONTRBAU May M.-G. AV. 3. Hen
dcrson of Montreal, who Is among tho
Kmprcss of Ireland survivors, tele
graphed his firm this afternoon, giving
the number of dead at 1.03Q.
RIMOUSKI, May 29.-The Lady Evelyn,
which returned to the scene of the dls-
nstcr, reported by wireless that It had
picked up seventeen bodies at 3 o'clock,
QUEBEC, May I9.-A train with 396
survivors from tho sunken steamer Em
press of Ireland reached here at 8 o'clock
tonight. The rescued on board numbered
twenty-nine first class, twenty-nine sec
ond class and 101 third class passengers
and thlrty-sovcn of the crew. Thirty
seven survivors were left at Rlmouakl
which would make a total of 433 saved
As revised figures show 1,367 persons to
have been on the steamer, this makes the
probable number of lost 934.
A corrected list of passengers and crew
on the Empress of Ireland, Issued bfft
dolly by the Canadian Pacific railroad,
gives the total number aboard as 1,367,
divided as follows:
First cabin passengers ST
Second cabin passengers 153
Third class passengers U
Officers and crw...., 413
The Weather
'rana'! Coun'cVl Vicinity
-Fair; somewhat warmer.
Temperature nt Oinntin Yesterday.
Hour. ueg.
5 a. in
6 a. m
7 a. m..,,.
h a. ni.
0 a. m.
10 a. in g
11 a. in 62
12 m fa
1 p. in..... S7
2 i. in 69
Z v. ill 70
t v in..., 71
5 p. m ,.. 72
6 p. in,.., 11
7 1. ni 70
? p in...., 69
Comparative I.ocnl Itecord.
1814. 1913. 1912. 1911.
IllgliPSt yesterday 73 99 70 74
Lowest yesterday........ 55 70 B7 56
Mean temperature M SI 64 65
Precipitation 95 .00 .00 .00
Temperature and precipitation depar
tures from tho normal:
Normal temperature..... 67
Deficiency for the day 3
Total excess since March 1 130
Normal precipitation 18 Inch
Excess for tho day.. 77 Inch
Total rainfall since March 1.... 6.81 Inchon
Deficiency since March 1 1.73 Inches
Kxcesa for cor. period, 1913 3.76 Inches
Deficiency for cor. period, 1913. 3.43 Inched
Reports from Station nt 7 I 31.
Station and State Temp. High- Raln
of Weather. 7 p. in. est fall.
rheyenne, clear K W .00
Davenport, clear 70 78 .00
Denver, clear 64 66 .01
Des Moines, "clear ,71 75 .OS
Lander, clear 74 7 .00
Nrth Platte, clear. 70 7! .00
Omaha, clear 70 7t .95
lt'bo, clear 66 en .oo
Itspld City, clear 74 74 .oo
Salt Lake City, clear 76 76 .00
f-anta Fe, pt. cloudy 66 n .00
Bheridniit clear 73 74 .CO
SI'-iiik Citl. rtear 75 71 C6
Valentine, clear 72 73 .00
U. A. WELSH. Local Forecaster.
spot. It was these two boats that
found afloat the , few lifeboats that
were launched from the stricken
ship and picked up the survivors
they contained. Three hundred and
thirty-nine wore saved by the Lady
Evelyn and rlty by" tho Eureka.
Among those saved was Captain H.
G. Kendall of the Empress.
Of those saved crew members and
third-class passengers predominated.
From partial lists available at ?
o'clock it was evident that but a
mere sprinkling of the first cabin
passengers were saved. Only three
names of those in the cabins ap
peared in the preliminary lists of
rescued. They were 0. W. G. Hen
derson and C, R. Bert, address un
stated, a'nd Walter Kenton- of Man
Chester, England. 1
Kxplosl'on Hastens EnA,
The stricken vessel sank as if it waa
lead. An explosion, apparently originat
ing in its engine room, hastened its end
and those persons who were- able to
make their way from their cabins found
themselves on a perilous slanting deck,
Many leaped and were drowned. Others
were fortunate enough to grasp driftwood
or were picked up by lifeboats. It is
apparent that the great hole torn In the
ship's side admitted such a deluge of,
water that many must have been over
come In their beds.
The rescued, fighting -their way to the
lifeboats from the careening deck, cling
ing desperately to the rails or leaping
blindly overboard, broke their arms or
legs or otherwise Injurlcj themselves so
badly that twenty-two died after being
picked up. Groaning, and In some cases
practically Insensible, others were landed
here, while the populace of the village
gathered with medicines and stimulants
to relieve their suffering. A special train
was made up this afternoon, on which
many were taken to Quebec and' Montreal.
No Time to Dress,
The president of the Canadian Pacific
railway Issued a statement this afternoon
that the Empress had sunk within four
teen minutes. No one aboard had time to
seize his belongings, much less to dress.
Those found In the lifeboats were In their
nlgbtclothea. The women suffered most.
Only a few were saved, according to the
early lists, and Indications are that they
lacked the strength to combat conditions
which confronted them. There wss not,
as Was tho case on the Titanio, time for
calm deliberation and rigid observance
of the unwritten law of "women first."
A party of Salvation Army members,
en route to Iondon, was almost wiped
out; Laurence Irving, son of the late Sir
Henry Irving, Is among the missing, and
other prominent persons in the first cabin
were unaccounted for late this afternoon
When the rescue ships Eureka and Lady
Evelyn reached the scene shortly before
daybreak they found nine lifeboats from
tho Empress, all jammed .full and many
of the occupants wounded. It was still
c"ark. Wreckage covered the river every
where. The Storstad, Its bow badly
crumpled, was etlll on the scene, picking
up the living wherever it could. In one of
tho lifeboats crouched Captain Kendall,
commander of the Empress, dazed and
greatly shaken. He had leaped from the.
deck and had been picked up by members
of his crew.
Seven Cabin Paasrnge-ra.
Those In the first and second cabins
known to have been saved up to 3 o'clock
this afternoon are:
MlftS ALICE LEE. Nashua. Bahama.
MISH E. COURT. Liverpool. Eng.
WALTER EROINOER (this may be J.
Erzlnger of Winnipeg).
B. WEINRUCH, Montreal.
When the train came from the wharf
bearing survivors It was a pitiful sight
to see them alight. Most of them wore
very little clothing. Many had to be car
ried bodily. A woman had a broken lej
and shoulder and a man had two legi
broken. They were carried to the hotel
opposite the station.
II. R. O'Hara and his little girl, Helen.
n - - Both for Their Country
Drawn for tho Bee by Ha' Coffmnu.
(Continued on Page Two.)
So those on Fame's eternal scroll
Are dead, but cannot die; -.
Their spirit stirs within the soul
And living hearts bent high.
?And while our younger patriots spring. '
r To emulate the brave, ' '
0 Death (we cry) where is thy stiiig?--.
Thy victory, 0' Grave? k'
In memory of the patriot dead
Today we deck their graves,
While like a blessing overhead,
The flag they honored waves.
The burning sun shall paroh indeed
Tho flowers wo here have strown,
But, oro they wither, from their seed
New blossoms shall have blown.
Detective Charged with Bribery is
Represented by News' Lawyer.
Justice Ilrltt Holds Man Chn rated
with Offering; Bribe to County
Commissioner for Hearing;
Tuesday Morning;.'
F, M. Pickard, Burns detective, charged
with bribery, was released from custody
yesterday on a $6.000 'bond signed'' by
W. II. . Bucholz, vice president of he
Omaha National bank. Justice Britt re
fused to accept a surety bond offered by
Attorney Woodrough, who represented
Frank M. Pickard, Burns detective,
charged with offering a bribe to County
Commissioner John C. Lynch while In
the employ of the Dally News, was
brought to Omaha yesterday by De
tective Murphy; was met by Attorney
Woodrough, representative of the News;
pleaded not guilty before Justle Britt,
and was taken back to jail pending de
cision whether a surety bond of $6,000
would be accepted In his behalf. His pre
liminary hearing was set for next Tues
day morning.
Justice Brltt announced that he would
decide at 2 o'clock whether a surety bond
(Continued on Pago Two.)
Mediators Will Not
Receive Note from
General Oarranza
' NIAGARA FALLB, Ont, May a. The
mediators have-practically decided not to
receive the communication from General
Carranza, brought here today by Juan
Urquldl.'the constitutionalist agent. Am
bassador Da Qama called on the Ameri
can delegates to Inform them' of the de
cision and word was also communicated
to the Huerta delegates,
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Neb., May .-(Special Tele
gram.) George D, Follmer, formerly
state land commissioner, died this morn
ing at his home at Oak. Burial will be
Monday at. Nelson. Mr. Follmer was well
known In Omaha and was prominent In
republican politics throughout the state.
He was taken III with pneumonia and
died two hours later. He leaves a widow,
three daughters and four sons. He was
about 75 years old.
Mr. Follmer was state land commls
sioner for two terms, and after retiring,
devoted his time to farming and the real
estate business,
Citizens Will Pay Respects to Those
Who Upheld Country's Honor.
Various Organisations In the City
Will Hold Hrrrlcru nt Different
I'lnccn This MnrnlnK and
t and Afternoon.
9 a. m. Saaulem high massts at Catho
Uo church for soldier dead.
10 a. m. axamorlal servioes and dec
oration of gravis at th cemeteries by
Women's Belief corps.
10 a. m. Memorial sxsrclsss by par
ochial school children at Auditorium, un
der ausploes of Knights of Columbus.
a 30 p. m. popular band concert by
Fourth infantry Dana. Hansoom park.
3 p. m. Parade of Orand Army and
Spanish War Veterans from SlxtasntU
and Capitol arsnue to Auditorium.
3(30 p. m. Union memorial services at
Auditorium by Orand Army and Span
ish War Tatsrans,
S p. m. Ksnnohlna; of flowtr ladsn
memorial ship on liiller park lake by
naval veterans.
Afternoon and evenlngi Tiv and drum
orops In BOO Blook, South Sixteenth.
Banks, public offices, library and
freight dspots closed all day.
All Omaha will Join In honoring the
soldier dead with Memorial day exercises
today. Banks and publlp offices will
be closed alt day and the principal down
town stores will close during the morning
Continued on Page Nine.)
Becker Sentenced
to Die During Week
Beginning July 6
NEW YOniC, May 2D.-C)iarlea Becker
was today sentenced to die In the electrlo
chair at Sing Sing prison during the
week beginning July 6, for the murder of
Herman Rosenthal.
When he received the sentence Becker
appeared cnlnw He even turned to friends
In the court room and smiled,
The prisoner was taken to the sheriffs
offteo Rnd allowed five minutes with hl
wife. Martin P, Manton, Becker's lawyer,
said an appeal would be filed next Mon
day, This will act as a stay of execution
and a year may clanse before thn rnnrt
of appeals hands down Its decision.
'Frisco Traction
Directors Ordered
to J?ut It Back
HAN FRANCISCO, Msy a.-The Call-
fornla Railroad commission Issued an
order today that the directors of th
unitoa Railroads of San Francisco re
store to the company's funds ll.(X6,X
which the commission chsrsrea . PstrleW
Calhoun, former president of the United
Rallwas diverted to his personal use.
Back Tomorrow! The Katzenjammer Kids
President of C?Mjtii ifooifio Culls
Disaster Jeatett irt fitory of
St. Ijwreaoe 'Route.
Collier Hits It in Port Side and Rips
It to Stern.
Crew Does Not Have Time to Rouse
Sleeping Passengers.
Vessel Was Equipped with All the
I Ate it Safety Appliances.
Collier Is nnrtiy Damaged, hat Halk
hends Keep it a float
Makes' Nn Mention of Any
An'rrl'vnra on Collier.
MONTREAL, May 29. Sir
Thonifts ShAUghnessy, president of
tho Canadian. Pacific railway, issued
the following statement;
"The catastrophe, because of the
great Ions of life, is the most serious
in the history oT the St. Lawrence
"Owing to the distance of nearest
telegraph or telephone stations from
the scene -of the wreck, there is nn
unavoidable delay In securing offi
cial dotalls, but we oxpea a report
from Captain Kendall in the course
of the afternoon.
"Prom tho facts as wo have them,
it is apparent that about S o'clock
this morning, the Empress of Ire
land, when stopped in a dense fog,
was rammed on the port sldo by tho
Norwegian collier Storstad lu guch a
manner as to tear the nhip from the
middje. to tho screw, thus making
thd watertight bulkheads with which
it was provided, useless.
rnase.nircr All In Red.
"The vessel settled downln fourteen
minutes. The accident occurred at a
time when the passengers were In bed,
and tho Interval before the steamship
went down was not sufficient to enable
the officers to arouse tha passengers and
get them Into tha boats, of which there,
was sufficient to accommodate a vrv
much larger number of people than those
(Continued on Page Two.)
Cheers Ring Through f
Court Room as Elam r
Acguittal Vote Read
KANSAS C1TT, Mo- May M.-"Not
guilty" was the . verdict of a Jury re
turned todAy In the case of Dr. W. T,
ittam, a prominent physician of St. Jo
seph, charged with the murder of W
Putnam Cramer, a Chicago magtzino
solicitor, in a hotel here November U,
The verdict was returned Just two hours
and thirty-two minutes after deliberations
began. As the words ''not guilty" were
pronounced , there was wild entering In
the court, room, which was filled with Dr.
Klsm's friends.
Dr. Elam did not seem to display much
Interest In the proceedings and he tool;
the verdict apparently without surprise.
Mrs. Cramer, widow of the slain man.
was not In court. She l.nd collapsed
earlier In the day while the arguments
were In progress.
To Reach the People
Use Newspapers
America in a nation of news
paper readers.
The center of influence in
each community Is some strong
well edited newspaper like The
Its opinions carry weight.
It la a family advisor. An ad
vertiser who talks through its
columns has the prestige of Its
There is a minimum of
waste. Every copy reaches one
person or more generally
Well timed, newspaper ad
vertising reaches the people
when they are In the mood for
Well planned newspaper ad
vertising moves them to buy.
Results from well timed and
well planned newspaper ad
vertising are almost as sure as
anything can be in this world
of uncertainties.
If any manufacturer who la
interested In newspaper adver
tising will address the Bureau
of Advertising, American News
paper Publishers Association,
World Building, New York, It
will be glad to answer ques
tions. '
Booklet on request.

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