OCR Interpretation

Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 30, 1914, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn99021999/1914-05-30/ed-1/seq-2/

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Closed Saturday Morning
Open from 12 m. to 9 p. m.
Your Summer Dresses
If they coiho from us, know this:
1. Each is carefully made.
2. We personally select all the fabrics. , '
3. The styles are chosen with regard to" coolness
and comfort on summer's warm days,
4. The prices are vory moderate.
$6,50 and up.
The Store for Shirtwaists
Now blouses are unpacked overy day. There's always
something new, always reasonably priced,
Saloon List
on Sunken Ship
' MONTREAL, May SI The ea:oori pas
senger list of the Empress of-Ireland Is:
J. Abereromble. Vancouver. - ;
J. F Adle,
Mrs. Adle, Birmingham. ,
A. ft. Anderson, London. '
P. C. Averdeck, Manchester.
A. B. Uarlow.
Mr. JIarlow, Montreal,
Mr, Hart Bennett. Nassau., N. P..
Mra. W. P. nioomtield.
Lieutenant Colonel V. It Bloomfleld,
tuckUnd. N. Z.
A. O. Brandon, Manchester, .
A. J. Burrows.
Harweod Cash.
Mrs. Cash. Nottingham.
J. J. Cayley, Hamilton.
Mlsa C V, Cay. Golden, B. C.
Mils Waneta Crathern, Montreal. (
Mrs, F. W. Cullen.
Mils Maud Cullen. .
Master Cullen. Toronto,
R. A. Cunningham, Winnipeg, s
M. D. A. Darting.
3. Fergus Duncan. London. ,
Mrs. F. H. Dunlevy, Djnver. -
Cox Edwards, Vokohoma, '
V., Fenton. Manchester,
Miss Doris daMnt Birmingham.
F, P. Oodson, Kingston.
Charles doldthorpe, Bradford. England.
L. A. GOsselln, Montreal
W. D. Graham. , (
Mrs. Graham, Hong Kong, China.
Mrs. D. T. Haley. Vancouver. - v
a. W. a Henderson.
W. Hlsenhelmer, Montreal.
A. Hirst. Birmingham.
Mrs. C. A. l(ollaway, Quebec.
F. W, Howes. Birmingham.
L. A. Hyamion.
Laurence Irving.
Sir Henry Scton. Kerr, London.
Lionel Jnt
Miss Grace Kohl. Montreal. - f
Miss Alice Lee, Naaisu, N. P., Bahamas.
Dr. Alex Lindsay. Halifax.
C U. Lyon, Vancouver.
H. H. Lyman.
Mrs. Lyman. Montreal. '
A. G, Maglnnfs, London.
C. Malloch..Lardo. B. C.
3. qabdtl Marks,
Mrs. Marks. Suva. Kljt.
Mrs. Miller, t Catherines, Ont
A,.Mulllns. V
Mlsa, E. Mulllns,. Londonu ..v,'
, ft O Hara.
Mrs, O'Harn,
Miss Helen O Hara. Toronto.
XV, Leonard Palmer.
Mr. Calmer. Lur&tm,-
Mr. W. E. Paton, Sherbrooke.
Mr. H. W. Price. N'ew Zealand.
F. J. Rutherford, Montreal.
E. Beybold,
Mrs. Seybold. -
a. Bouge Bmaert, Ottawa.
Mrs. A. Stork. Toronto,
T. d. Tylee. v
Mrs, Tylee.
3, T. Taylor.
Mrs, H, Taylor. Montreal . , .
MU T. Townshend, New Zealand.
A. 3. Wakefield, Liverpool.
Rev. X Wallet. London.
F. K. Abbott
C, It Burt.
David Johnson. Frederick;
(Continued from Pee One.)
would be accepted. In Kansas City a
peraoaal bond of 14(0) waa required.
Attorney Woodrough, member of a Is
flrra which is employed by lh year by
the Daily News, represented Plekard In
justice court. Ha declared that th Ne
braika statutes peremtorlly required the
Justice to accent u atlraiv bond. JiiiMp
Brltt consulted District Judge English on
the point.
How It came about that the lawyer
was provided for him Plekard did not
know. When .asked If he had a local
attorney, he replied;
'."One "met me here, so I suppose-he
will represent me," referring to Mr.
Woodrough. An attorney from Kahsss
City also cemo with Mm.
Will Not Disease Report.
Plckafd declined to dlsqusa the report
from Karuiaa City that he expected to
tell all he knew In Omaha If Burns and
the News failed to do anything for him.
lie denied that he had offered any or
sqn a bribe. He Is charged with having
attempted to bribe County Commissioner
John C. Lynch.
Plekard refused to affirm or deny ques,
Hons whether he would admit having
been In the employ of Burns and the
Nw. tie said, however, that he desired
to correct si publlaned report that ha had
anything to do with Hansen, the detec
tive who "worked" on the city hall, He
knew nothing about Hansen's operations,
he declared.
He admitted that he waa acquainted
With J. A. Oustafson, head ol the Burns
Kansas City agency. In Kansas City i
admitted that he was employed by Burns.
Habeas corpus proceedings In the dl-,
trlct court here wll be next move made
In Plckard's behalf by those who are In
terested In keeping him oft the witness
stand. It was learned.
Thrown Down by Hnrnn.
According to Information .from Kansas
City, Burns "threw down" Plekard In
the matter ot putting up a bond because
the Dally News had failed to put up the
14,000 which It cost to get Hansen away
In Chicago.. Consequently Plekard had
to secure a bond from his friends.
In Chicago, It is reported, Burns' rep
resentatlves have, succeeded In Inducing
the court to say that If Hansen Is pro
duced shortly, the forfeiture ot the bond
will be set aside. Consequently It Is ex
pected that Hansen may yet come to
Omaha in custody.
That his employers may have promised
to assist Plekard In Omaha, however, waa
Indicated by his attitude toward questions
and answer which might Incriminate
h'rq or them. Such queries, he said, Mr.
Woodrough must answer. In Kansas City
after he learned that Burns and the News
would do nothing for him, he asserted
that. It he came to Omaha he would reveal
the whole story
TIT I II ITTT . , , ,,,,,, --a
11 rijYV 1VJ1JN U TJbB
tContlnued from Pag One.)
on' board. Including the passengers and
"That such an accident should be pos
sible in the St. Lawrence and to a vessel
of the class ot the Empress of Irelsnd,
with every possible precaution taken by
the owners to Insure safety tor the pas
sengers and the vessel, Is deplorable. The
saddest feature ot th disaster la, ot
course. thea great loss ot lite, and the
heartfelt sympathy of everybody con
nected with the company goes out to the
'relatives and friends of those who met
death In the Ill-fated steamship."
SYDNEY, N. a. May .-The collier
Storstad will be able to reach Quebec
under Its own steam, according to a wire
les mesasge received by the Dominion
Coal company from the government
ateamer J.edy Evelyn this afternoon. Th
messsge made no mention of the Empress
of Ireland's passengers being on board
the Storstad.
Th Lady Evelyn reported It was tying
alongside the Storstad. which was badly
damaged, but able to keep afloat on Its
collision bulkheads.
(Continued from rase One.)
were saved, but up to the present no
new of Mrs. O'Hara had been received.
She probably drowned.
A young Englishman said that when the
ship was struck by the collier the shock
was terrific. Ha was asleep In his cabin.
He Jumped from bed. put on ft dressing
gown and went directly to wake up two
of his friends, telling them he thought
the ship a sinking. He then wont on
deck and came back a second time to
see If his friends had left their cabin, but
In his excitement h went on the wrong
deck. The ship then was sinking so
fast he could hardly stsnd. lte took hold
of a rope on the side of the ship and
swung Into a life boat. Ha said he had
not seen his frfends and fears they wet
Few Women Are Bared.
Few women and children were saved.
They were asleep In their cabins when
the ship sank and the accident occurred
so quickly they could not have been res
cued. One woman who was garbed only In a
vest Jumped- overboard and swam to the
Lady Evelyn, She was so exhausted,
however, that she died a few minutes
after aha waa taken from the water. Her
Identity haa not been established.
Both the first and second Marconi op
erators ot the Empress were saved. Ed
ward Bomford, the second operator, was
coming on duty when the boat began to
sink. He caught the FAther Point Mar
conl station and called for assistance.
Bomford waa saved by falling Into a life
boat. The other operator, Ilonald Fur
gusson, had to swim for the boat, noth
operators came back to the Ttlmousk! port
on board the pilot boat Eureka.
Passengers were loud In their praise nf
the captain and the pilot of the Lady
Evelyn and Captain Belanger of the
Eureka and their crews.
All of them displayed the greatest
bravery. It was declared. A Mr. McWIll
lama of rather Point alao was active In
aiding the rescued, Alt ot the authorities
of nimouskl and Father Point Joined in
caring for . the survivors.
Sni'vlTorn In Nltrht Clothes.
Bo quickly did the Empreea link that
those passengers fortunate enough to get
Into the lifeboats found themselve
garbed, only In their night clothes. No
baggage was saved. The condition of the
Urvlvora waa pltlirhle, Some had broken
arms and tegs and all had suffered ter-
tibly. L. E. Gossetln, a prominent lawyer
from Montreal, saved himself by clinging
to e, raft. When the rescue ships docked
here the atstlon platform was converted
Into a hospital and the townspeople,
bringing food and ciothlng, united in a
common effort to aid the sufferes.
Twelve bodies with facts covered lay
side by side on the wharf. They' were
passengers who had made the lifeboats,
but who were fatally hurt. Wreckage
strews the St. Lawrence for a long dis
tance near where the Empress asnk.
The sun shone brightly during the fore
noon. Though the water Is still Icy, the
temperature today was not low enough
to Increase the suffering ot the survivor.
Few Patenters Bared.
The vast majority saved were members
of the ship.', brew, Early eatlmatea here
Indicated not more than alxty passengers
Were saved, Besides Captain Kendall..
the first and second engineers and the
ship's surgeon were rescued. The captain
was too overcome to give at first any ex
tended account of the dlssster. He had
sent a wireless to his line after the ves
sM waa atruck, saying! "Ship gone."
The residents ot nimouskl, numbering
I.Ott, came silently to the dock whera
the dead and exhauated living were be
Ing landed, and under the direction of the
mayor, 11. It. Ftset, gave aid wherever
poislble. Every doctor In the town was
on the scene and msny of the Injured
were taken to private homes. From cedar
chests and closets the townsfolk brought
garments ot all descriptions for those who
had lost their belongings. Two head
quarters were established at the wharf
and at tho station of the Inter-Colonial
railway. At the station those Injured
end not removed to homes were cared for.
ainny snrrlvorn Injured,
The rescue boats, Eureka and Lady
Evlyn. found on reaching the point
where the Empress sank, a scene not un
similar to that which 'greeted the liners
which rushed to the TlUnlc's aid. Thiy
found tho ship sunk, and the surface of
the water, fortunately calm, dotted with
lifeboat and smeared with floating de
bris. In the lifeboats were huddled the sur
vivors, dased and moaning, some then
dying of injuries sustained in the crash
or In the rush ot leaving the sinking Em
press. Few could give anything but In
coherent, almost hysterical accounts of
what had happened. J. Black and Mr.
Black ot Ottawa, said they had Jumped
together Into the rrver. They had been
roused by the shock of the collision, and
unable to get Into a lifeboat, had risked
th leap. They were picked up by a,boat
from the Lady Evlyn. Another sur
vivor was Mrs. Patten ot Bherbrooke,
Collier Mnr Mure Sndrlrora.
First reports had It that the collier
Storst&d had also sunk. These proved to
be Incorrect. Though her bow waS badly
damaged the Storstad was able to keep
afloat. Some reports said she had aboard
51 survivors. This, If true, would reduce
the death .Ht .materially from more than
1.0C0 to less than TOO. Among the aurvlvors
bjcre thirty-four were from the Empress'
second cabin.
In th partial list ot survivors available
at 1 o'clock thla afternoon there, ap-
M'reQ me nIHO U Uiuy uil. aajwu yn
"'er' lh" ot w
Henderson, ad'
Th Empress nf Ireland was valued a
tl.000,001), and with Its cargo, valued at
i,00. waa fully Insured. I
At low tide today the top ot the fun
nels could be seen. It Is tying in the chan
nel. It Isthought by navlgatora that it
may he possible to ra:e It. At present
th wreck 1 a menace to navigation.
explosion In Knulix- floom.
The water that poured Into the ship's
engine room caused an explosion and this
forced many to Jump. Ernest Hayes, an
assistant purser, told ot leaping from th
uPPer promenade deck. He climbed Into
No. S lifeboat. The boat maneuvered
about th wreck for a time and found
Captain Kendall clinging to a piece ot
wreckage. He had Jumped Just before
the Empress went down.
W. Davis ot Montreal, on ot the few
survivors able to tslk coherently after
first landing, said he and hi wit had
nbt been awakened by the Impact of the
collision and knew nothing ot the acct-
Cent until water began to rush Into their
state room. He helped his wf to the
boat deck, but the biff ship had already
listed, and It was Impossible to launch a
Recent Tragedies of the Sea,
DAte. Lives Lost.
1800. February 17-Duburg, China en -100
1800. September 10 Ertogrul, Turkish frigate, foundered off
Japan 540
1801. ftlarch 17 Utopia, collision off Gibraltar... t 574
1802. Jnnuarjr 18 -Namehow, China gca 414
1804. June 23 N'orgea, Rockall Reef in the Xorth Atlantic 000
1805. January 80 Elbe, collision Jn North Hca 835
1805. March 11 Reina Regenta, Spanish cruiser, foundered at
tho entrance to tho Mediterranean 400
1808. February 15 Maine, battleship, blown up In Havana Harbor 200
1808. July 4 Ia notirgojne, collision ...'571
1004. Juno 15 General Hlocum, flro, Kast Rlrer 058
1000. January 21 Aquldaban, Brazilian battleship, explosion of
the powder magazines 212
1000. August 4 Slrio, off Capo Palos 350
1007. July 20 Columbia and San Pedro collided off California
coaat ; 100.
1008. March 23 Mntau Maru, collision near Hakodate 300
1008. April 30 Matau Shlnin, sunk off Pescadores, owing to
explosion 200
1000. January SI Republic, about 170 miles east of New York,
collision 0
1000. August 1 Waratah, left Port Natal and nercr. heard from. .. 800
1011. September 20 Llberte, French battleship, explosion In Tou-
Ion Harbor 238
1012. April 15 Titanic, hit Iceberg l,02rt
1018. October 10 Volturno, burns v. ". .. 180
beat. Together they crawled on their
bands and knees up the sloping deck ot
tho liner. The vessel was rapidly sink
ing. His wife Waa swept from his grasp.
Both were carried by the suction Into the
river. They clung to a piece of wood
and were rescued. The wife was uncon
J. W. Longley, a rancher of Canford.
B. C. calmly rat on the deck rail and
went down with the sinking ship. He
held his breath, came up, grabbed the
tide of a lifeboat, held to It, and was
rescued by the Eureka.
William Measures, a Salvation army
bandsman, crept along the rail of the
promenade deck and stepped into the
water. He awam to a lifeboat and was
of Dcleprntea to Conference
Ilooked ou Empress.
Tho Salvation Army delegates to the
London world's convention who were
booked on the Empress of Ireland follow:
Commissioner and Mrs. Bees, Toronto.
Field Secretary Colonel Oaskln and
rield Secretary Colonel Maidment and
Adjutant Becksted of Grace hospital,
Brigadier Scott Potter, financial aecro
tary, Toronto.
Brigadier Walker, editor of the Cana
dian War Cry, Toronto.
Major and Mra. David Crelghton of tiie
Immigration department.
Major and Mrs. Flndley. Wlnnlpe.
Major and Mrs. Howell, manager print
ing department. Toronto.
Major Turtin, manager trade depart
ment, Toronto.
Major Frank Morris, divisional com
mander of the London department, Lon
don division.
Staff Captain Arthur Morris, Toronto.
8taff Captain McAmmond. Winnipeg.
Staff Captain Hayes, commanllna of
ficer of Temple corps, Toronto;
Staff Captain Goodwin, commanding of
ficer, Ottawa.
Adjutant J3riCf. matron Hamilton ive-
cue home, Hamilton.
Adjutant Edwards, men's social lepaxt
ment, Ottawa.
Ensign Peacock, Calgary.
Ensign Knudson.
Captain Iluth Rees, - daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Rees.
Staff men composed of officers from
hesdauarters at Toronto, consisting of
twenty-eight members, Including Captain
The bandmaster Is Adjutant Samalng.
An additional llat of Salvation Army
delegates to the London world's conven
tion among those booked as passengers
on the Empress of Ireland contains tho
following names:
Ensign Emily Jones, Calgary.
Ensign Bertram Patton, Toronto.
Ensign F. Peacock, Wlmburn, Bask.
Captain Gilbert Best.
Captain T. and Mrs. Dodd. Toronto.
Captain C. Oroome. England.
Captain Hannah Knudson. Parry Sound,
Csptaln James L. Meyers.
Captain Rufus Spooner.
Captain Qilldo Whstmore.
Captain George Wilson.
Lieutenant Stanley Blgland.
Lieutenant Alfred Keith.
Bert .Qreenaway.
William Horwood.
W. Humphreys.
J. Johnson.
T. Jones.
Robert Malorie.,
Kenneth Mclntyre,
Q. Meacher.
Wtlllam Measure.
Tilly Mdrgan.-'
Ernest Neeves.
Mr. Lanllng.
W. Perkins.
W. Wakefield, Toronto.
Few Cabin Pasenarera Amen Those
Landed at Rlmoaskl.
RIMOUBKT. May .-The following Is
a list of aurvlvors here. It Includes
members of the crew and steerage pas
sengers: Miss Holh (Miss Grace Kohl), second
Mrs. Favaustend.
Miss Blyth.
G. JV. Henderson, 'flrat cabin.
W. S. Owen.
Star Baker.
Robert Boyle. '
Arthur Gray,
W, Canepa, i
C. H. Smith.
W. H. Hughes.
Fedor Rlcatetento. '
Roy Flolr. .
H. H. Smith. .
William Honralaln. -.
T. Bantaia. '
F. Nltlto. ; k
Walter Ergtnger (J. Erainger). second
cabin, of W!nnlpeV , .
William Brown.
Phona Ryan.
John Ryan.
Thorn Wallnskl.
C. Samuelson.
G. J. Metcalfe. ,
W, Roberts.
C. R. Burt, first cabin.
Miss Alice Lee, Nassau, N. P., Bahamas.
John Byrne.
John Fltapatrick. . '
Vf. SeJInskl. .' ' V-Sf
Edward Shannon.
William Qulnn.
Joseph Back ford.
George Capplln.
Arthur Feneday.
William Rower.
John Gibson.
John Sims.
S. F. Hohn. i
O. Williams.
C, 8pncer, bellboy.
J. B. White. - ;.
W. Horopter.
R. Brennan.
R. LeddelL '
J. M. Cone.
C. P. McDonald.
G, Donovan.
J. Smith.
J. Johnson tthls name appears In the
list of Salvationists on board the Ireland),
B. Welnrauch, Montreal, second cabin.
W. Heller.
W. T. Burrous.
. Alexander Grlverl.
John Romanus,
B. Holt.
R. McWIlllams.
J. P. Bandy.
Herbert Lawler.
Walter Fenton, first cabin.' Manchester,
If. Zuh.
Hugh Hughes.
William Fugent
Adam Suszejra.
Michael Koronlc.
D. McDougal.
Alex Talbacha,
John Dorts.
A. Eglevish.
Peter Davles.
John Davles.
Thomas McCresdy.
Arthur Evantton.
J. Gard.
P. Darcy.
P. Probsl.
kRenne Harbanen.
Sims Jubalner.
Matte Lomml.
Alex Weiss.
Second Cabin
Passenger List
MONTREAL. May 23,-Followlnc is a
Use of second cabin passengers On' th
Empress of Ireland:
Miss A. S. M. Assafrey, Winnipeg.
Miss M. Atkln, Prince Albert, Sask.
Miss D. Balcomb, Vancouver.
Miss A. Bales, Toronto.
Mrs. W. Barbour, Bllverton, B. C.
Miss Florence Barbour,
Miss Evelyn Barbour.
Alfred Barker, Saskatoon, Sask.
Mlsa Florence Bawden. Hlllsboro, Ind.
Miss Bessie Bawden.
Suits to Order $17.50
Reduced from $25.00.
These ore nice, clean, up-to-date goods of excellent quality.
"Wo try on every coat before the finish and guarantee good
work and a perfect fit. Such good values as these make us
many1 permanent customers. Let us show YOU.
MiGGarthy-Wilson Tailoring Co.
304-306 South 16th St.
These Jewelers Will
Close at 1 O'Clock
RECOGNIZING the fitness of properly commemorat
ing the Nation's dead heroes and, feeling a deep re
spect and honor for their deeds which made possible the
greatest nation on earth, we the undersigned jewelers
of Omaha shall permit no mercenary motive to have a
place in our affairs on this anniversary. Our respective
stores shall therefore remain closed after one o'clock.
lflth and Douglas.
City N'at'l. Bank Bldg.
' T. It. COMBS & CO.
1520 Douglas St.
10th and Harney.
308 So. 15th St.
Rectal Diseases Cured
A mild treatment, that cares Piles. Fistula and other Rectal disease, in a short
time, without a surgical operation. No Chloroform, Ether or other general anast
hetlc nsed. A euro guaranteed in every case accepted (or treatment, and no money
to be paid until cured. Write for book oa Rectal Diseases, with testimonial.
BR. TARRY BulWlng-Omahi.
Mlsa Mary Baxter. Toronto.
Edwards Beale, London. Ont
Miss E. Berry. Vancouver B, C.
Henry Blrkett, Carstalrr, Atb.
G. D.. Bishop, Vancouver.
Mlts I. Blackhurst, Paris, Ont
J'. W. Black, Ottawa.
Mrs. Black.
Mlsa Edith Boch.
Relnhotdt Boch, Rochester, Minn.
Mrs. F. E. Boynton, St. Thomas, OnL
O. Brown. Kenora, Ont
Coasts. Buhler, Regirra. Sask.
R, B. Bulpltt, Vancouver.
Mrs. S. Burgess, Hamilton, Ont
Alex Bunthrome, Santa Barabara. Cal.
E. Blrne, Brisbane.
Mrs. Blrne.
Miss F. Byrne.
A. E. Caughey, Ottawa.
Mr. Caughey.
Mrs. E. Chlgnetl. Victoria, B. C
Mrs. William Clark.
Miss Nellie Clark. Toronto.
Mrs. A. Cote. Princeton, B. C.
Miss E. Court, Liverpool. England.
Mrs. M. Dale and child, Toronto.
F. F. Dandy, Person, Man.
Mrs. J. Dargue. Kenora, Ont.
William Davles, Toronto.
Mrs. Davles,
A. U. Deats, Regina, Sask.
Mrs. J. Ellnalle, Moosemln, Sask.
J. Erstnger, Winnipeg.
Miss B; Farr, Moosejaw, Basic
Miss K, Farr.
Miss N. Karr.
Miss D. Farr.
J. M. FJnley, Liverpool, Eng.
Mrs. John Fisher, Chicago.
H. E. Ford, Winnipeg.
H. Freeman.
Mrs. Freeman, West Allls. Wis.
Miss Vf. Gray; Terra Haute. Ind.
Sirs. M. Gray, Terre Haute, Ind.
James Gregg-, Chltllwaek, B. C.
Sirs. Gregg.
Mrs. W. H. Griffin and child. Clover-
dale, B. C.
Miss Judith Hakker, Winnipeg.
Mra. J. Hakker.
C. Hatlldad, Pierson, Man.
William Hart, Mortlach, Sask.
Mrs. Hart and Master William Hart
Miss Edith Hart
H. L. Heath, Chicago.
J. R. Heath. Chicago.
Mrs. M. K. Hepburn, Vancouver.
Miss JJ. M. Hepburn.
Master H. M, Hepburn.
Mra. Robert Poggan, NonaJmo, B. C.
Miss F. H. Hotcomb, Calgary.
Miss C. Hope, Hamilton.
Mrs. Howard and two children, Calgary.
William Howarth.
Mrs. ,Howarth.
Master Melvln Howarth, Calgary.
Miss E'. D. V. Hunt, Vancouver.
George Johnstone, Santa Barbara, Cat.
' Evan Kavalske, Duluth, Minn.
Mr. Ivan Kavalsky, Quebec,
Miss Freda J. Kruse.
Herman Kruse,, Rochester, Minn.
J. W, Langsley, Vancouver.
' E. Law, Calgary.
Mrs. Law.
Master Law,
J. Lennon. Winnipeg.
, Miss A. Llston, London, Eng. ,
A Sutler, Indianapolis.
A. McAIptne, Montreal.
Mrs. Charles Molr, Toronto,
J. Morgan.
William' Morgan, Winnipeg.
Mrs. W, Mounsey. Chicago.
Mrs. T. Muttell, Winnipeg.
Miss Muttell.
Infant Muttell.
Miss Jennio Newton. .Antler. S. D,
Miss Ostender, England.
John Patterson, Calgary.
Robert Patterson, ,Calgary.
MIsb S. Patterson, Calgary..
J. Patrick. Toronto.
W. H, Perry. Peterboro. Ont
H. and Mrs. Peterson, Winnipeg.
Misses A. and M. Priestley, , Edmonton.
George Prior, Winnipeg.
Miss W. M. Quartley. Vancouver.
John Rellly, Hamilton.
W. J. Richardson and Mrs, Richardson,
George C. Richards and Mrs. Richards,
Terre Haute, Ind.
S. J. Sampson, Guelph, Ont
Miss Schongutt, Montreal.
John Scott. Mortlach, Sask. '
Miss Eva Searle. Seattle, Wash.
lOfl Faraam.
10th and Dodge.
Loyal Hotel Bldg.
15th and Douglas.
William Shattock. Nesbltt Man.
Reginald Slmonds. London, England.
Mrs. Slmonds, London, England.
Mrs. E. Smith, Calgary.
Miss Stage. Toronto.
Mrs. E. fitalnen Calgary.
Mr, Stanyon. Montreal.
A. E. Stlllman, Calgary.
Miss A. Swlndlehurst Toronto,
Mrs. Eliza Taplln, Kamloops, B.' C
Miss B. Velteh. Victoria. B. C.
A. Vincent Falrcross, England,
Mra, Vincent Falrcross, England.
Mlsa Alice Voneley, Hamilton, . .
B. Weinrauch, Montreal.
Mrs, J. Whltelaw, New Westminster,
B. C.
Mrs. George White and" Infant, New
Miss E. Wllmot, Campbell Ford, Ont
Miss Mary Wood, Regina.
Mrs. S. Wood, Toronto.
Mrs. II. Yates, Hamilton.
Harry Tates, Homllton:
Josef Zebutak, Odorburg.
R. Crellln. Silverton, B. C.
W. Barrle. Silverton, B. C
R. W. Hudson. Montreal.
H. Neville, London, England.
Mrs. H. Neville, London, England.
Eight Anthracite
Miners Are Killed
TAMAQUA. Pa,, May 29.-E4ght miners
were killed In an anthracite colliery near
here today, when a cage in which they
were being hoisted was pulled over a
shaft wheel.
Denver Woman on Ship.
DENVER. May 29.-Mrs. F. H. Dunlevj
of this city, who Is listed as a passenger
on the steamer Empress of Ireland, Is
the wife ot a prominent real estate man
of this city. Mrs. Dunlevy hsd been
visiting' In the east for the past few
weeks and was going to England for a
visit with relatives.
Rheumatic Throat
Is Common Trouble
Should Be Treated in Blood
To Prevent Recurrence.
There are successful gargles that atoi
soreness In the throat, bur to prevent tbeli
Incessant return, tbe blood must be put la
order. The best remedy Is S. B. 8., as It
Influences all tbe function of the bod to
neutralize the Irritants or waste products
anq to stimulate their excretion through
the proper channels.
Rheumatic aore t'-iroat is a dangerous
Indication, as It means that the 'blood Is
losded with mors uric add than the kid
neys can excrete, and may 'thus; lead to
serious general disturbance.
The action At B. S. S. stimulates cellulat
activity. It prevents the accumulation o
Irritants In local spots. It ensbles tbe
arteries to supply quickly the sew red
blood to replace worn-out tissue.
For this reason uric add that finds the
thtoat sn easy prey to Its breaking-down-influence.
Is scattered and eliminated. In
other words. B. B. 8. prevents chronic eon.
dltlons by enabling all th mucous ll&lngs
of the body to secrete healthy mucus. Its
Influence la shown In a marked Improve
ment of tbe bronchial tubes, whereby the
huaklneas of voice with thick, gTaylsh ex
pectorations is overcome. 8. S. H., well
diluted with water, means a blood bath,
since It is welcome to any stomach and at
once gets Into tbe blood.
8. 8. 8. Is free of nil minerals and con.
tains Ingredients wonderfully conducive tc
well-balanced health.
Ton can get It at any droit store, but de
not secept anything else. There Is dancer
In substitutes. 8. 8. 8. Is prepsred onlv bj
The Swift Specific Co., 628 Swift Bid.,
Atlanta, Ga. Our Medical Dept will gtvi
you free Instruction br mall on any aubjec
of blood disorders. Write today.
In the last analysis lite Insurance Is for
the wife and children. A policy may be
taken to protect tho business or the es
tate, but In either case It Is for the ulti
mate benefit of the family. This Is why
lite insurance makes such a strong appeal,
to thoughtful men and women.
No argument In needed to convince a
man of the. necessity of life insurance
protection; but argument is often needed
to show htm the great risk he forces his
family to take because he is not quite
ranriv in huv. Th vrAffi, mnn means
well enough, only he usually waits for th
agent to arouse htm. to act. "Never put
off until tomorrow what you can do
today." still holds jrood. Protect the wife
and children by taking a policy In
jmuro HOH-mnctPATiHG life ihstoance orli
Has many new features this season.
raw boxass ants, xrziw rsouo,
Ho Charge for Autos.
BAHonro so iakp'S OBorara&A.
Special acatlnes Decoration Say
Tree Vorlng Plotursa Brary Xve&lng
Ooaater, Old Kill, Carry-Vs-AU b Othen
So Car Tars.
Comlnar Saturday. June 6, for two weeks,
rosso Aim his saito
SOth and Par num.
World Oreatest SsnaaUon
acatlnee Saturday
8 Kours Display, ramona Vesture Mms
Matiness, loot
Hlghts. loo and SQe.
In Dana Bslaseo's Uodsrn ralry nay,
Bun. SWk.1 Ch. Pln' "PivU CpprH'it"
Dancing and Othar Attractions

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