OCR Interpretation

Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 25, 1914, Image 9

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Pacific Points Axe Exporting Large
Quantities of Wheat and Flour.
Show Sluggishness at Beginning; of
Market, but Are Strengthened
by Wlf4it and Prior Are
OMAHA. Sept. 21, 1914.
Reports reached the trade here yester
day that Pacific coast points have hern
exporting wheat on (Ul enormous scale In
the last few days, and this news was a
biff factor In rallying the market. The
Seattle correspondent ol one of the Ms
locsl houses wired that he had It on Rood
authority that 5,O0O,O"O bu. of wheat had
been sold for export from Portland in the
last week, and as much more from Ta
rnma and Seattle. This report followed
up early claims of liberal flour and wheat
loading at the Pacific coast for Ureatdus., 90c; ducks, full feathered HJc; geese,
Hritaln. and it is evident that foreigners
are buying to an advantage In that terri
tory and on an unusually large scale,
little export business In wheat was re
ported from the Atlantic coast yester
day, but exporters at Winnipeg were do
ing a large business .which gave the tocal
trade the Impression that the foreign de
mand will soon be diverted here. tt.
Iiouls reported a good export business in
flour. No local export business was re-
ported, but vessel room for 400,000 bu. of
wheat was chartered here yesterday at
15T1M.C to Buffalo. I
The wheat market here ruled wean
most of the day, bracing up In the latter
rart of the session. It was an uninter
esting trade, with the usual flurries Inci
dent to war time and war time nerv
ousness. Weather conditions were favor
able for the movement of grain In the
spring wheat country, but farmers up
there are reported to be storing their
grain to a greater extent than recently.
8tocks of wheat northwest are rapidly
piling up.
Trading In corn futures was dull, but
late strength In wheat carried prices up
substantially from the bottom and rest
in spots were about steady with pre
vious closing figures. The early selling
had apparently been overdone, shorts
taking too much stock In the market
effect of a verv poor spring trade and the
lact that the New F.ncland resellers were
tin ersell ng anyt ling that cju:d be quoted
Irom here. . .
Oats also rallied In the final hour and
closed a shade better than Tuesday. The
market was under much hedging pres
sure in the fore part of the session, and
there was also quite persistent local short
selling. Export business was curtailed by
financial stringency- at i"
has been the mot active buyer recently,
snd only 50,000 bu. were reported ao d
from here. In addition about 100,000 bu
.ash oats sold for shipment. There were
also rumors that BOO.OOO bu. oats so d from
here late yesterday for export, going out
vis Montreal. ,-,,
Provisions were Irregular. The
ness In grains and decline In hog values
1- .u. ..7,-a. .Qiid the market early.
Stock yard speculators old ' product:
there was also Pressure from catterecl
holders, but good buying developed on
the slump, presumably by packers, and
the market rallied.
Wheat was lc higher.
Com was unchanged to Vc higher
Oats were unchanged to V40 higher.
Clearances: Wheat and flour equal to
1.072,010 bu corn, 239,000 bu. and oats, 3o3,-
"Llverpoo1 closed with wheat W higher
and corn Vd higher.
Primary wheat receipts were 2.962,000 bu.
and shipments of 1.514.000 bu. against re
ceipts of 1,B4,0"0 bu. and shipments 01
1,308,(00 bu. last year. i,
Primary corn receipts were 307 ono bu.
and shipments of 695.000 hu. against re
ceipts of 726,000 bu. and shipments of 31,-
000 bu. last year. ivnnft tn
Primary oats receipts were l.OCO.OOO bu.
and shipments of 1.332,000 bu. agalnstra
celpts of 940,000 bu. and shipments of 834,
00 bu. last year.
Wheat. Corn. Oats.
Minneapolis .
Kansas City.
St. Louis
These sales were reported today Wheat:
No. ? hard winter. 2 ".n,Al.ai: V fr.
1102 No. S hard winter. 8 cars, tf 01H , I.
cars'. 11.01. No. 4 hard winter 1 car, 9V.
No. S mixsd, 1 car. 11.04m, 1 car, 21.01.
No. 4 mixed. 1 car. $1.00. No. 3 mixed
durum. 1 car. 21.00. iNo. 3 durum. 1 car.
9T.c Barley: No. 4 malting, 1 car, 58c.
bits: No. 3 white, R cars, 44c: 4 cars,
44'c. No. 4 white, 1 csr. 4414c; 4 cnn,
44'ic. No grade, 1 car. 4;l'(4c; 1 car. 434c;
1 car, 43c. Corn: No. whit J. 1 car. 78'.c.
No. 3 white, 1 2-5 cars, 78c. No. 5 white,
1 car, 77Vic. No. 1 yellow, 1 car, 73c;
1 2-8 cars, 74Hc. No. 2 yellow. 1 2-5 cars,
744c No. 3 yellow, 1 car, 74Hc; 6 cars
74Uiv No 1 mixed. 1-3 car (near wh'.te),
76c. No. 2 mixed. 2 2-5 cars, 73,4c.. No. 3
mixed. 1 car (near white 1. 7bc; i cars,
73Uc. No. 5 mixed. . 2 cars, 73c. No. 6
mixed, r car, Ti'Ac; 1 car, 7Sc. Sample,
3-5 car. 70c.
Omaha Cash Prices Wheat: No. 2 hard,
Jl.OlHtfl.oe; No. '8 hard, $1.00M1.3: No. 4
t,ol kw;1 AaiL ls:v 2 nnrlntr. El.0?(?l1.07!
No. 3 spring. $1.01901.06: No. 4 spring, 97c
S1.04H; No. 2 durum, ;fgnic; ino. j aurum
ME9e. Corn: No. 1 white, 78W7Sic; No
! white. 78ffir.78JWc: No. 3 white. 7780
No. 4 white. 77i&TrV: No. 6 white, 77
774; N6. 6 white, TWtc; no. 1 yenow,
74P74c; No. 2 vellow, 74V.(6741,ic; No.
3 yellow, 74?4,4o:vNo. yellow734(573,,4c;
74'?'74,4c:vNo. 4 yellow lava "'4c;
Mow, 73W7ic: No. 4 yellow. 7f
. 1 mixed, 73'4&73Vc; No. 2 mixed,
No. 3 mixed, 73fS73'ic; No. 4
No. 6 yen
73c: wo.
mixed, 7273c; No. 6 mixed. 72(fi'73c
t.t n TOlzjrprTl. n OfttM! No.
white, 4ni&4514c; standard, 44?4&,4V; No. 2
white. 44ii&.44,c; No. 4 white. 44fi44He.
Parley: Malting, 62(o99c; No. 1 feed, to
90c. Rye: No. 2, 4V3oc; P.O. o, mi
Features ot the Tradlna- ntV.tloslnu
Prices on Board ot Trade.
CHICAGO, Sept 24. Assertions that
Canada would be likely to undersell the
Fnlted States from now on In the wheat
trade with Europe had a bearish effect
today on prices here. largely In conse
quence the market t-iosea neavy ai
lc net decline, corn tinisned ic un
der last night, oats on uio ana pro
visions Irregular, varying from a setback
of 55c to an advance of 2c.
One of the leading Chicago authorities
regarding wheat was quoted as declaring
that Canadian supplies were now avail
able for export at a cheaper rate than
seemed to be possible In the I'nited States
and that as a result the Transatlantic
call for domestic hard winter grades was
virtually certain to diminish here and
elsewhere. Competition by Canada, it
was contended, would be felt the most
between the present time and the close of
navigation on the great lakes.
Corn fell with wheat. The fact that the
weather was extremely favorable for ma
turing the new crop tended to place the
bulls at a disadvantage. Sales of oats
were the smallest In weeks. Export bids
were said to be numerous, but not on a
working basis.
Much stop-loss selling of pork and ribs
took place during the last hour. The un
loading was done by tired-out longs. A
fair cash demand, howover, held lard
comparatively steady.
Quotations closed as follows:
Article! Open. I High. I Low. Close. Yes" y.
Wheat: I I
Sept.! 1 09- I 1 09
- Uec.'l 12W 1 12
Mv Jl 20Mful
1 07
1 07
1 llrt,
1 08
1 11
1 19V4
1 10
I 1 194,1 1 SOVkl .1 17V
, l.vil 1 1
77 I 7
70-! v 7
1 17,
rortl. I I
Sept. I 78
5ats. I I
Sept.1 47SI
50 V
!"orK. 1 1
Sept. I 17 75 17 75
17 62S4I 17 62Vil 17 75
Jan..l P . . I M
JO 40 20 40 19 1 .1 a
Lard, t ... I ... I ... I ... I .
pt-i 45 'l 45 45 t 45
t.. 47UI 9 621 9 42V! 4i
9 45
9 5
J.n..l9 97UWH0 fi2i4-
I 10 02V! 10 0b I
92Vi! $ 85
Sept.1 11 40 I 11 40 I 11 87m " 271 11 35
Oct . 10 90 1 10 90 1 10 80 I 10 811 1 IU sn
Jan.. I 10 57VI 10 2fi 10 25 I 10 371 10 5.V&
I I I ! I 10 n.
red $l.tel.l0: No. hard, ft o4j-1.10; ;
No. 2 northern, $1 OS1. Corn No. 2 yel-
low. 7SV79V-: No. 3 yellow, 'nKtc: 1
Oat. No. 3 whit. ihAc; etandarrt
4V KVf. IN O S. sftC.
Timothy 94.006.60; clover,
4nal. Pnrk-fi:.75. Lard-T 45. PUl-s-
$i sniii.iT,
KITTI.R Lower: receipt. .1M tub';
rteatntty extras. KVri24c; extra firsts, 28
1i2s,v: first. l'nlTo: seconds, 24'u2V.
KiUji Unsettled: receipts, 8 .'AH cases: at
mark, tmitid'ng ls-iillc; ordinary firsts,
2l1j2'.4c: firsts. 2Hi21H,..
POTATOKt4--I,ower; receipts. " cars;
.Ter'eys, W'i7 75c: Michigan ami Wisconsin.
fv'-V; Michigan and Wisconsin white, 80
fii'V.c; Minnesota and lakola Ohtos, 63'y
rOl'LTRY-Allve, lower; springs. IV;
fowls, 14c. ,
PUTTER No 1, 1-lb. cartons. 31c; No.
1. 60-11). tubs, 30c.
CHEESE Imported Swiss. SKc; Am'er
can Swiss. 28c; block Swiss, 22c; twins.
l.c: daisies lS4c; triplets. 18Hc; Toung i
Americas 19c; blue label brick, J8Mrc: llm-
burger. 2-lb., 2oc: 1-lb.. 20c; New 1 ork
white, 19c; Imported French Roquefort.
FISH Trout. 1?c; large crapples. 101s
IV; salmon. 1?(I1V; halibut, 9'c; channel
catfish. IV; pike. 17c; pickerel, IV.
l'UCLTY Hrollers. 14Ac; spring chick
ens, lljc; hens, 111112c; cocks. 8c; ducks,
10c; geese, 8c; turkeys, 1!M;c; pigeons, per
run ieatnerea, ec; iquaus, no. i. fi-w.
2 ."lc
PEFF CFTS Wholesale prices of beef
cuts are as follows: No. 1 ribs. 21c: No.
2 ribs, 16,c: No. S ribs, 12V,c. No. 1 loins.
li'4e; No. 2 loins. 17c; No. 3 loins, 14o.
No. 1 chucks. 12c; No. 2 chucks, 9o; No.
3 chucks, 4c No. 1 rounds, lS'ic; No. 3
rounds, IS1:; No. 3 rounds, 12V. No. 1
plates, Mic; ro. 2 piaies, sic; io-
plates, 8c
Market ouotations furnished by Olllnskl
"rult company:
FKl'lTS Oranges: Extra fancy Valen
cies, 6s, 112s, l-M.s, 150s, 17s and 270s. 23.76
per box; Red Ball Valencia, all sixes, H 50
per box. Lemons: Fancy Oolden Bowl,
StOs and 3fios, $7.00 per box; Silver Cord.
430s. oos and 360s, $6.00 per box. Apples:
Bellflowers. four tiers. 11.50 per box; four
tiers, five-box lots. 21. 45 per box; four
tiers, ten-box lots. 21.40 per box; fanny
Wpshington "T" brand Grimes. $1.50 per
box; fancy Colorado Jonathans, $1.60 per
box. Cantaloupes: Colorado Burwells,
7V per crate. Watermelons: lc per lb.
Plums: Italian prunes, $1.10 per lb.; flve
rrate lots, $1.05 per lb.; 10-crste lots or
more. $1 00 per lb. Peaches: Elbertas, She
Per box; lOO-box lots. 62Wc per box; 60
box lots, 00c per box. Tears: California
i-'u.ni. 1 5 iVm rsr hnx: five-box lots,
$1.95 per box; ten-box lots or more. $1.90
ner box: erttra fancy Partletts, $2.50 per
box; ten-box lots, $2.40 per box; twenty-fivo-hnx
lots. $2.35 bcr box. C.rapes: To
kays, $1.2." per crate; Michigan grapes, per
basket, 19c; lOO-tiasKet lots, isc. rau".
VEOETABLKS Cauliflower: Penver,
i2Ue per lb. Cabbage: 2c. per lb. Onions:
Yellow. 2V4e per lb.; red. 2c. per lb. Pep
pers: nOc per basket. Tomatoes: fancy,
50c per basket. Cucumbers: Hothouse
(two doi. In basket), 75c per basket. New
beets, carrots and turnips: 26c aox. 1 ei
ery: M'chlgan, 35c doi.; renver Jumbo
$1.00 per doz. lettuce: Head, B0c($1.50
per dos.; leaf. 40c per doa. Shallots: 40c
per dos. Radishes: 35c per doi. Oarlle
Italian. 80c per lb. Horsersdlsh: $166 per
case. Asparagus: Home-grown, 80c per
doz. Potatoes: New, 8V per bu. Sweet
potatoes: Virginia, $3.50 per bbl.; Jersey,
14.50 per bbl. .....
NUTS halted peanuts, $l.n0 per r""e
No. 1 California walnuts. 18Hc per lb.,
pecans. 12Wc per lb.; filbert. oc per lb..
mtilonrn. Tr , .. ..J --, lr
. ,- . Af 11. 2o per bas-
Kt : lima-." .76 pefbasket ;
$3.50 per case: per half case. 21.7. check
ers. 3 50 ner case; per half case, $1.7S.
HONEY :i.ia per cbbB
t York. General Market.
vtt.W YORK. Sept. 24. St'OAR Raw
easv moliisses. 4.37c; centrifugal, B.uic,
renynedm quiet; "M to w.lnt. lower; .rut
loaf. 7.65c; crushed, .65c; mould A.
7.20c; cubes, '".d" !7V
powdered, e.soc; iwm if
diamond A." 6.75c; confectioners A,
: Jl0.- .i. TROOtuba:
seconds 2.VA027C: process extra
2Ui-- ladels. current make, nrn,
L; seconds, 224; packing stock,
r?.n mBr-.J :"-,.A-T. an 000 boxes;
ata'whoie r,m. fresh white and col-
-SflT -Xfjavic.: firsts. 24iff25c;
ron,l. 22SiS'23c; state, Pennayivan.a
rrt . mi; ex 11 a, i n uv.-. - - - - - - ,
nuB' ."'vtl" .mu arjfiMc: state
and nearpy 'U.rhv hennery gath-
e7erwhHes.35c; .UU
...rhu hennery browns , 3OH31MC,
Towns and mixed c 1 ..r.
chickens, frozen. UC-ilc; fowls.
chicked, broilers. 15016c; fowls, MVifllTc;
turkeys, 15B'"c.
wi..miwIIi Grain Market.
MINNEAPOLIS, Sept. 24.-WHEAT-Hetembei
$1.06V December. $1.10; No.
f hard $1.11; No- 2 northern. tl.OGW
' wheat declined from 474o soon after
the opening.
BARLEY 5260.,
RYE S7(f(S8c.
COR N N o.3 yenow 74HWWC.
OVTS No. 3 white, 4j45VC
K. City Grain J10"-
2 haVS; D$i JBei-OtVi: No 2 red 11.04: Sep
tember, 99c; ' December, $1.03Hl-54.
May, $1.10. . . .eu.-. xt., 2 wriUe,
c; December: 67Hfiie: May 71c
OATS-No. 2 white. 47Q48c, No,
rittter-Creamery, ze,
firsts, 25c;
seconds. 24c; packing, 2c. rl
vVjiiS Jtrsts 21 Vic: seconds, liVic.
PO L LTRY He"' 14c,brollers, toe.
,!. liar Market.
w$V!& !4iNoHar$rJi
lU1PW-ndNo 3 Nl7ofeToO choir, midland:
I UK- NO 1 211.00 No. 2. $9 00 to O.Oo;
No 8 $7 00199.00: choice lowland, $10.00;
No 1 $9 OOeS.60; No. 2, $7.00a.0O; No. 3.
$5.00tt7.W. j
Liverpool Grain Market.
I IVERPOOL, fept. 24. WHEAT Spot,
quiet; No T 1 Manitoba, 9s 8d: No. 2 red
w nter. new, 8. 7d; future, firm; Octo
ber 8s 7d; December, 8s 9Hd.
CORN-Spot. nominal; futures firm;
September, 6s 5Vd; October. 5s lOd.
St. Loali Grain Market.
m.A -w-wrm- A T V. a)
red $10!S 1W: No, 2 hard. 81.07VVW1.08H;
Rit ember II 05V: December. IfTOSVi.
RN-W 1? W: No 2 white, sWl
Soriteniler 77V4c; December, 79c.
OATS-No. ' ltetojjtol white. 48c.
Evaporated Apple, and Dried Frnlta.
APPLFS-Pull and nominal.
DRIED FRl'lTS Prunes, steady. Apri
cots and peaches, quiet. Raisins, easy.
toffee Market.
NEW .YORK, Sept. 24-COFF.EE-No
quotable change was reported In the mar
ket for spot coffee today. Cost and
freight offers from Brazil were steady at
about the recent figures, but there was
continued confusion with reference to war
risks, as nothing was heard from the
steamer now some five or six days over
due, and very little business was reported
for Brazilian shipment. Demand for cof
fee from local Blockers has improved
somewhat, but quotations showed con
tinued Irregularity, with a tendency to
ward a further readjustment of low
grade values. Rio 7s were quoted at about
te and I Santos 4s at 10V4c to 11c. accord
ing to description.
Cotton Market.
In moderate demand. 25 points lower;
American middling fair. 6 5d; good mid
dling 6 lid; middling. 5.B5d; low middling,
E 07d; good ordinary. 4.11d; ordinary. 3.47d;
ales. 3.6j0 bales.
Kew York Money Market.
paper 7 per cent.
bles. $4 9w8U 4.9760; 'demand. 84.9560S4.9625.
SILVER Bar, 63e.
Bank Clearings.
OMAHA. Sept. 24. Bsnk clearings for
Omaha today were $3,642,687.96, and for
the corresponding day last year, $2,832,-
Dry fanobi Market.
Cotton goods Irregular. Yarn firm. Dress
goods active. Warmer weather curtailed
trade In heary goods for delivery.
Metal Market.
L." f nrij cn ii . m rT a r u r a
dull and lower, at $3.604j3.62. Bpelter,
- lower, at fj.ltao.15.
Cattle Very Slow, with Prices Steady
to Some Lower.
Sheep aari I.ambs of All Klada Fairly
Aellre at Steady Prlees Re
relpta for the Wee.k Are
ttulte Large.
SOl'TH OMAHA, Sept. 24. 1914.
Receipts were: ' CM Us. Hogs. Sheep.
Ort Iclal Morula v 9.218 l.Jrtf ,40.60;
Official Tuesday 13,787 4.404 42, 4U
Official Wednesday .... ,247 6,843
Estimate Thursday .... J,8t 5.SO0 2J.0H
Four days this week.. 32.7fiS 16.S75 137,259
Same days last week. ..32.628 11,799 87.982
Same 2 weeks ago 21.95 13.026 101.846
Same 2 weeks ago 24,611 24.726 HS,9
Same 4 weeks ago 21,795 81.078 104.010
Some days last year.. 34,162 17,879 146.429
Tno following table shows the receipts of
(aitle, hogs and sheep at the South Omaha
ilve stock market for the year to date, as
compared with last year:
1814. 1911 Xne. ree
Cattle 630.474 667.510 37.036
Hogs 1.776,113 1.9x9.190 13,0S7
Sheep 2.068.4S5 1,986,235 82,250
The following table shows the prices for
hogs at the South Omaha live slock mar,
ket fur the last fw day, with compari
sons: Date. I 1914. I19IS 'P12 1111 .'1910. II9SH. It".
4. 8 72m 7 641 2 24 7 171 I 7 j 67
Sept. 6
Sept. I
2 62V
7 1 31 8 23
7 06 02
I 1
7 80 8 17
f 92 17
7 87
7 !8l $ 61
7 92 64
Sept. 7.
Sept. 2. J
Sept 9.
Sept 10
Sept. 11
Sept. II
Sept. 33. 1
Sept. 14
8 06 . 8 35
8 94 $ 06
8 66H 7 871 I
981 8 til
971 8 03:
8 62! 8 08 8 39!
7 89 69
8 tMSI 0t 8 35
8 52HI 7 7S 8 88!
8 41-! 7 SB II Sh
I 8 131 7 88
8 68
7 01 I 7 83
6 91 8 Z7 7 83
7 87 8 38 85 8 15 7 3
8 SOt4
6 71 8 7HI
1 981 8 86
8 06 6 90
8 06 SI
8 10 6 80
8 14: 6 ti
Sept 15
8 264 7 89
8 8o' 7 V
8 42H! 7 96
$ 78 $ 86
6 81 8 88
8 K
6 81
Sept. 16.
Sept. 17
Sept. 18.
Sept. 19.
8 43
8 21
8 & 8 0l 8 lOi
8 7 IKI! S 17
71 8 92
I 83
Sept. 201
I 8 65 8 ;
$ 641 8 78
8 17
Sept. 21
8 eii'lil I 8 41
C 2 8 4
8 12 6 87
Sept. 22.
8 40 I OS
I 6 58) 8 431 8 101 81
Sept. 28. 1 8 804fc 8 081 8 46 6 69! 8 46
8 12 6 73
Sept. 24. 8 8m 8 08 1 8 41 I 8 44 8 16 6 75
Receipts and disposition of live stock st
the Union stock yards, South Omaha, tor
twenty-four hours ending at 1 o'clock p.
m., yesterday:
HtA. :ein s cakijots.
C. M. St. p 1
1 .. ..
14 60
7 1 1
36 17
8 6..
4 1
1 12
81 86 2
Mo. Pacific 12
I nlon I'aclflc 24
C. Ac N. W., cast... 1
C. & N. W., west.. 16
C, St. P., M. At O... 1
C, R. A Q., east.... 4
C, H. W., west.... 98
C. R. I. P.. east. 2
C, R. I. At P., west. ..
Illinois Central
Chicago Great West ..
Total receJnts 167
Catt.e. Hogs. Sheep.
Morris & Co
Swift & Co
.. 620 tf 1,417
.. 803
.. 789
Cudahy Packing Co
Armour &. Co
Schwartz t. Co
J. W. Murphy
Morrell 13
S. O. Packing Co 9
Cudahy, country
W. B. Vansant Co 58
Benton, V. S. & Lush.. 47
Hill & Son ISO
F. B. Lewis 300
Huston & Co 130
Rosenstock Bros 123
McCreary & Kellogg... 28
Werthelmer & Degen.. 151
Sullivan Bros 41
Rothschild & Krehs.... 82
Mo. ft Kan. Calf Co.. 60
Christie 18
Htggins 8
Huffman 12
Meyers 13
Tanner Bros 32
John Harvey 107
D. & F 69
Other buyers 834
Totals ..5.417 5,199 26,769
CATTLE "Receipts this morning were
fair for a Thursday, and It was fortu
nate that they were no larger. Receipts
this week have been heavy, amounting"
to 82.763 for the four days, and although
smaller than a year ago by 1,000 or more
head the supply has been fully equal to
the demand, hence buyers were not es
pecially hungry for cattle this morning.
The best beef steers were In fair re
quest at prices that were steady with
yesterday. On the other hand the me
dium to commoner kinds were slow to
lOo lower, and It was late before a clear
ance was effected. Good killing cows
and heifers were slow to a little easier
than yesterday, but the canner grade
did not show much change.
The best feeders were steady, or not
far from steady, while other grades were
slow and as much as 10c lower.
Quotations on cattle Uood to choice
cornfed beeves, $9.50110.25; fair to good
cornfed beeves, $8.76ii)9.60; common to fair
cornfed beeves, $7.7&'u8.76; good to choice
range steers, 17. 40ft 8.75; fair to good range
steers, $6.8OS?7.40; common to fair range
steers, $6.006 80; good to choice grass
heifers. $6.6O(g"7.50: good to choice grass
cows, $6.26?'6.75; fair to good grades, ti f0
i.28; common to fair grades, $4.0066.60;
Kood to choice stock ers and feeders,
17.608 25: fair to good stockers and feed
er. $ii.O0S6.50: stock heifers. $o.506.75:
stock cows, $4.75&6.25; stock calves, $6.00
8, to; veai caives, (o.viu.w, dumb, -,
etc.. S6.25&7.00.
Representative sales:
At. Pr. No. A. Pr.
827 4 60 1 64)
,!.. 8 4 75 1 11M
.... tW i 25 1.. 1
.... 50 15
4 1017 5 60
1 770 8 0 It.'. " 15
99 m 10 21 7 10 '
3 Hi 10 S 404 I 00
4 If r..d Cue. Nebraska.
61 feeders. .1114 7 45 37 feeders.. 1114 7 15
17 steers...-1225 7 25
ir v Smith Nebraska.
18 cows..... 1071 6 00 8 cows 960 B 00
J. P. Leader, Nebraska.
18 feeders.. 1033 7 00
ii 14 Hhlmmln. Nebraska.
14 feeders.. 843 7 00 3 cows 796 5 15
r-ran., TftviLnN. Nehrssks.
11 t..Ar. 778 7ft 1 calf 160 10 00
10 feeders.. 0 6 70 54 feeders.. 838 6 70
Chenv Co. Catt'.e Co., Nebraska.
21 feeders.. 1099 7 26 24 feeders.. 887 6 80
J. A. Wright. Nebraska.
47 feeders.. 927 6 80 16 feeders.. 772 6 66
n Painter Nebrsnka.
1$ feeder s..i085 7 00 21 feeders.. 1108 7 66
Jeff Slsson,- South Dakota.
I feeders.. 918 6 80 3 heifers... 900 6 $
4 7,iilr Nhrml(L
15 cows 1078 6 10 1 bull..... lSOp 6 75
Nels H. dotpedson. South Dakota.
14 steers - -U02 7 65
F. J. Abbott. Nebraska.
24 feeders.. 887 7 40
Ben Robins. Nebraska.
41 feeders.'. 905 8 66 , , '
n t- natniin. Nebraska.
80 st. civs.'. 268 8 50 7 st. cows.. 960 00
Duncan Bros.. Wyoming.
IS feeders.. 628 7 50 feeders. . 811 7 80
7 cows 1017 6 60
20 cows 966 6 25 21 feeders... 898 6 6
16 feeders. ..1167 7 60
77 feeder... HAO 7 00
21 steers. ...1434 8 30
11 news 1063 6 00
32 feeder... 918 C 80
44 feeder. .1168 7 10 10 feeder... 1110 I 60
101 steers. 1239 7 20
b cows 1162 6 00
46 steers.... 976 60
60 steer.... S2 6 80
18 feeder.. loM 76
67 feeders.. b31 6 $5
46 feeders... 1047 7 80 U heifer... 1046 8 76
8 steers.... K71 7 25 I cows 1196 8 76
18 steers 1206 8 00 10 steer 1064 6 80
44 steers M 8 16 feeders... 620 7 16
21 feeders... 6S7 7 75 10 feeder... M6 7 60
10 feeders... VM 70 1 feeders... 976 6 76
215 feeders.. l 7 20 10 feeders... 821 6 26
13 steers 10 7 10 42 stock h'f 661 7 00
24 steers..
23 steers..
.1187 7 66 30 steers 1016 7 80
.1039 7 80 steers 1077 7 00
.1068 6 76 4 stock h'fs 640 C
6 steers..
Add Westerns
Henrv Warneke, Nebraska.
86 steers 11,1 8 60 8 heifers.. .1142 7 85
$ steers 1240 8 00 1 cow 1170 6 60
HOGS-Today's receipts were almost as
large aa ytslerdsy's and with something
like ten loads held over the fresh suppl es
of eighty-three cars, or 6. 300 head, gave
buyers a comparttllt'ely liberal shotting
to pick from. The week's total of 18.75
head Is nearly 5,rw larger than a week
ago, but still shows a shortage of about
1.609 head as compared with the corre
sponding days last year.
Fresh declines were reported from
other points this morning, and when local
packers started bidding prices that were
a big dime lower a good many sellers
thought It high tint to cut loose. Quite
a number of hogs sold early on a 10c
lower basis, but general' movement was
slow, and when allies strengthened up
later In the forenoon there was a good '
share of the offerings still unsold to re
ceive the benefit of the Improvement.
'h..!!P,"!'.K,'rr b""8,Ll .by hl""T"
were undoubtedly lower, but owln to
the raggednrss of the trade during the
last two days It Is Impossible to make
anything like accurate comparisons on
shipping grades. Today's top of 88.75 Is
a dime lower than yesterday, and while
mis is a poor criterion. It Is safe to say
that shippers show at least as much de-
ellne as other grades, that Is, 56' 10c.
kuik sold at X8.linh8.20. and tops reached
18.75. lYesent prices on killing grades
are lower than any previous day this
Representative sales:
No. At. sti. Pr. No. At. SV Pt
1 MS 0 M 88 Jll ... IM
U in to I 0T4, M SfO ... 8 3
i ii n m ti itt ia M
7 114 40 10 US Hot ISO t
41.. I'T I'M 110 M MI Id I (S
4 311 SO t 10 N 1M ... 8 ft
H 8"0 8 10 M...,....im IM 111
17 (0 100 I l!H 41 174 IN 16
17 Kl ... I Us 4! R8 ... I 80
10 5 ... I t) J4t 0 3tl
lit 10 I It M 114 40 I 80
50 tbt 10 II 70 IM 40 I 0
M 115 M SH IM IS
M "4 0 I It 11 0 ... I 40
1 K ISO I IS II IM ... I 40
14 8M 40 I It 10 HI ... I 45
to S'l 40 I IS 17 Ill ... I 48
m rr so it m ri m mi
14 Mi ... I II 74 Ml 10 I M
M W0 40 I ITS IS tt ... t U
M rt 80 I 174 41 til ... I II
Hi 104 ... I TO
4 H ... T It Mf ... t 84
17 Ill ... 1 M
SHEEP A very moderate supply, an
active market and about steady prices all
around on both sheep and lamba would
about cover the situation In the sheep
barn this morninc. Other markets re
ported slow trade and in some Instances
an easier tendency to prices. The receipts '
were estimated at X2.M0 head, making for
the week to date 136,S.:9 head, being 48.427
more than last week, but 10,070 short of
the corresponding time a year ago. Aa on
Wednesday, today's receipts Included no
choice killers of any kind, consequently
prices did not reach aa high as the quo
tations. Trade was all over In good sea
son with the bulk of the lambs going to
thn packers around $7.25.
The feeder demand was lust fair and the
receipts of feeders light Prices were gen
erally ateady with yesterday. The bulk of
the best grades of feeder lambs went to
the country at a range of 6.75j7.I0, with
some carrying a little flesh at $7.107 2i.
The common to medium grades, Including
culls, were picked uu around $6.2b4ii.75. it
might be added that on yesterday's mar
ket, while the best feeder lambs beld up
about steady, the less desirable kinds
were a dime lower and In some cases slow
Slslng up the general situation for the
week the receipts have been liberal and
fat lambs show a decline ot 75c from last
Friday, and mutton offerings half a dol
lar Feeder Iambs have also been In lib
eral supply with, the best lamba being
P?15c cheaper than a week ago and the
common to medium grades-l&wz&e lower.
There Is still a scarcity of aged feeders
and on account of this prices on them are
as high as ever or steady With a week
quotations on range sheep and lambs:
Lambs, good to choice, 87.407.15; lamba
fair to good. 7.15S'?.40; lamba, feeders,
ifl.2Mn.10; yearlings, good to choice, $5 80
1(16.10; yearlings, fair l good, $5 505.80;
yearlings, feeders, 85.40Oj6.90; wethers,
good to choice. $5.20(35.50: wethers, fair to
good. 85.2O0i6.OO: wethers, feeders. $4. SOT
4.85; ewes, good to choice, $4.75ct10; ewes,
fair to good. 84.ftOSM.75; ewes, feeders. $s.w
rtepresentative aaies:
644 Wyoming feeder lamba.,
81 Wyoming feeder lambs.,
844 Wyoming feeder lambs.,
59 Wyoming feeder lamba,
187 Idaho lambs
228 Idaho lamb
Slfl Wyoming feeder lambs.,
108 Wyoming feeder lambs
247 Wyoming feeder lambs
212 Idaho feeder lambs
138 Idaho feeder lamba
218 Idaho feeder lambs
367 Wyoming ewes
466 Wyoming feeder ewes..
I 75
6 60
7 25
1 25
7 10
7 00
7 00
7 00
4 76
4 10
7 00
6 40
4 85
4 25
4 75
4 76
6 80
4 $5
I 16
4 66
7 10
4 65
4 25
6 76
6 76
6 60
6 60
6 AO
6 76
7 10
7 10
1,571 Wyoming feeder lambs.,
824 Wyoming feeder lamDa
194 native feeder ewes...
218 natlv
ive feeder ewes 77
191 native feeder ewea 77
71 native ewes 90
176 native ewea 95
353 Wyoming feeder lambs 5S
612 Wyoming feeder ewe.. a 90
269 Wyoming wether 89
21$ Wyoming feeder wether. .. .86
961 Wyoming feeder lambs 56
240 Wyoming feeder wethers.... 86
246 feeder ewea...
... 50
... 48
... 41
... 47
... 47
... 44
... 62
... 50
... 71
.... 83
.... 64
.... 71
.... 72
250 native feeder lambs
51 native feeder lambs
184 native feeder lambs....,
256 native feeder lambs
98 native feeder iambs
220 native feeder lambs
351 native feeder lambs....
80 native feeder sheep
436 Idaho lambs
7 25
20 native ewes
28 nstlve lambs
4 60
7 00
7 28
7 28
810 Idaho lambs
116 Idaho lamba
406 Idaho lfembs
7 26
4 76
7 36
94 Idaho ewe
987 Wyoming lamb
Cattle Steady Hob; Weak Sheep
ceipts, 4.000 head; market steady; beeves,
$6.664111.05: steers, $6.2fp16; stookere and
feeders, K.Nfifl SA; cows and heifers, $3.60
4?15; calves, $8.O08'11.75.
HOGS Receipts, 14,000 head; market
weak, 6c to 10c lower: bulk of sales $8. US
66.70; light, 88.SGi99.05; mixed. $8 loOS;
heavy, $8.7o8S.80; rough, f8.76g8.00; pigs.
SHEEP AND LAM BB Receipts, 30,000
head; market easy; sheep, $4.ftK(f6.70; year
llngs, $5.76j,40; lamb, $6. 2131. 76.
St. Louis Live Stock Market.
ST. LOUIS. Bept. 24. CATTLE Re
ceipts. 9,600 head; market ateady; native
beef steer, $7.fiOal0.86; cow and heifers,
fi!.00Qd65; stockers and feeders, f5.6O07.EO;
southern steers, $6.006.00; cows and heif
ers, $4 00(66.50; native calvs. 86.00UCU.00.
HOGtt Receipts, 10,700 head: market
lower; pigs and lights, $7.6oa8.90; mixed
and butchers, $g.7.rn".&0; good heavy, $$.66
tilt. .
8HEEP AND LA MBS Receipts, 1.209
head; market steady: natlv mutton,
4.0uu.00; Iamb, $7.00.60.
Kaneae City Live. Stock Market.
Receipts, 4,000 head; market weak; prime
fed steers, $10.00U.OO; dressed beef steers,
$.0O&9.75; western steers, 86.t0iir9.60; stock
ers and feeders. $10&$.00; bulls. f6.26tT.36;
calvea, $8.60'tyl0.50.
HOGS Receipts, 6,300 head: market
lower: bulk, $3. 161.60; heavy, $8.25a8 68 :
packers and butchers, $S.20gr4.66; light, 88.10
&8.60; piss, $7.0037.86.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 17.000
head; market lower; lambs, $7.0oi97.M;
yearlings, $6.76&6.25; wethers, $5.006.00;
ewea, $4.754. 2e.
Slous City Lire. Stock Market.
ceipts. 1,000 head; market ateady; butch
ers. $5.3fW6.60: cows and heifers. $S.0Vd
6 50; tanners. f3. 760-4. 76; stockers and feed
ers, f8.oord.fio: calvea, f.ooa.60; bulls,
stags, etc.. $6.00476.66.
HOGS Receipts, 2.600 head; market 10c
lower; heavy, t. 306. 30; mixed. $6 16&.20;
light, 88 10a.l5; bulk of sales. t.10.16.
BHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 1,000
bead; no market.
St. Joarnh Live. Stock Market.
BT. JObEFH, Mo., Sept. 24. CATTLE
Receipts 1.600 head; market, steady;
steers, $7.0WalO.; cows and hslfers, $4.35
Qtu.ao; calves, rs.00471v.su.
HOGS Receipts 6.600 head: market, 5(3
10c lower; top, $8-65; bulk, $8.1&4r.46.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts 10,000
head; market, slow; lambs. f7.0Ojy7.80.
Uiss Man KaUr Hurt.
LOGAN, la. Bept. 84 -(Special Tele
gram.) Henry Fisher, aged SO, ' well
known In lodge and political circle of
th county, was struck by a flying board
and fatally Injured la a machine no,)
at Missouri Valley thi afternoon, A
widow and children survlv.
Hundreds of Thousands Wounded j
mm 4- h h rl 1 1 r rtSAfWe if h tftnno I
use uu.
NEW TORK. Sept. 24 The number of
wounded In battle In Kurope la already
In the hundreds of thousands. The hos
pitals of Paris and Merlin and cottages
on the battlefields are filled and many
other wounded lie exposed In trench,
according to Ernest P. Iilcknell, national
director of the American Red Cross, who
arrived here today from Liverpool. Mr.
Blcknell spent several weeks observing
conditions In the countries at war.
"Official reports give little definite In
formation of the losses, but the number
of Wounded Is already In the hundreds
of thousands" Mr. Rlcknell said. "The
truth Is that over the thousands of square
Special Permit for Billy Sunday
Temple Createi PuMic Diiseniion.
Kast lies Molars llla-h Befcool "In
dents Aarree te Ternaa Propose
by Principal In Spite of
I. W. W. Talker.
. (From a Ptaff Correspondent.) '
PES MOINES. Sept. 84. (Bpeolal Tele
gram.) Interesting compilation ' havn
followed the amendment of the law ot
the city In regard to the fire limit In
order, to permit the erection of the.
tabernacle for the Hilly Sunday meetings.
Owner of property In the vicinity where
It Is planned to have the tabernacle
threaten to commence suit to prevent It
erection at that place. Word wa re
ceived from Sunday that unless h h a
downtown location, he will not come.
Hotel Man (o Front.
Otto Staralngsr, who ha beeti trying a
long time to secure a permit to oontruet
a hotel, not fireproof, within the fir
limit I having plan 'drawn and will
ask the council to grant Mm the same
prlvllngo granted to Sunday and he wU
be strongly backed as a business proposi
Iowa Banks Are Prosperous.
The report of the tat auditor on the
condition of the Iowa bank under th
call of September 1 show that they have
done very well considering the condition
of affair due to loss of foreign business
The Pe Molne bank, as a whqle. had
lost deposits, but the bank of the state
show a gain. Their deposit are now
$311,250,292.23. which Is $1,120,797.21 more
than they had on June 80, last, and 12,485,
595.43 more than they had September 10
of. a year ago. The most significant
change In the bank account was the in
set Item of bill recelveable. where It I
found that In th two month the Iowa
organised bank lost $98,739.81. but show
a gain In the year of $12,618,818.23. Their
accounts subject to alght draft showed a
decrease In the shorter period of $716,
593.31 and a decrease In the year of $6,566.
956.49. The reserve cash on hand ts now
17.1 per cent in the bank organised un
der state law. The showing la regarded
In the banking department a one entirely
Students Strike Palls.
The threatened strike of the student
of East High school came to an In
glorious end today when the students ac
cepted a proposal from the principal to
have an hour for lunch at noon and
abandon their plana for a walkout. After
th)s had been don considerable excite
ment wa created by effort on the part of
a man giving hi name a Charles Riddle,
Dubuque, who said he represented the In
dustrial Worker of the World organi
sation who harangued th student for a
time and urged them to resist the au
thority of the school board.
Fern Buildings Are Neieded.
Wlille the State Board of Control has
not as yet come to consideration of It
report to th legislature and asking for
appropriations, It la shown from the state
ments of th heads of th Institution that
there will be very little pressure for ape
clal apprpprlatlon and that now a great
amount of building will be necessary. A
new cottage for boy I wanted, at Glen
wood, two cottage for boy at Eldora, a
laundry building at Independence, a gn-
Most people are honest and would
hasten to return any found article if
they knew where to find the owner.
The first place they think of is the
"Lost and Found" column, and if
you have failed to announce your
loss there, you have little chance
of ever recovering your loss:
When you lose anything telephone at
once to Tyler 1000 and thus get quick
rpAs) Tjlmr 1000
vroof AW Want Ada. -
' X".'.''"' : ' WITH THAT Niur-.-,, J'
SBaananuHunjanBnununBnuuuuunsn i
miles already battle-swept there have
been left almost countless thousands of
men helpless from ghastly wounds Some
have been gathered Into trains by the
Red Cross surgeons and nurses and taken
to hospitals In the larger cities. Into
Paris and Berlin thousands have already
been taken and one by one the hospitals
have been filled, public and private build
ings have been uttlled for the wounded
but still the numbers increase.
"Pome of the wounded were taken Into
cottages on the battlefields and the
churches but stilt thers are thousands
who lie In the trenches and In the fields
suffering from thirst and exposure."
era! hosplt! t Knosvllle and shops nd
equipment for th reformatory work at
Anamosa. Uut most of the new work at
all the Institutions can be completed with
out any special appropriations and cut of
the mlliage te provided by th legl
leture. The Iord of Control nd the superin
tendents held a session today to consider
plan for the future and to disous meth
ods of management at the Institutions.
nine Sky Legislation.
State official have learned that when
the National Association of Attorneys
General meet In Washington next month
a representative of th association J of
brokers which has been organised to fight
all the blue sky legislation will be present
for a conference to see If some form of
legislation for the regulation and re cogni
tion of broker cannot be devlsej that
will be acceptable to all. The plan Is to
have this agreed to and to have It adopted
as a plan for uniform state legislation on
the blue sky seceutitles Idea. As Iowa
has a law that la In the courts and under
attack this state will be greatly Inter
ested In efforts along that direction.
Taaatlon Tangle.
Th stats officials have finally secured;
an agreement from th local official In
Van Buren county to straighten out the
tangle Into which they got over the as
sessment and taxation, which tangle Is
largely responsible for the movement
which started In Vn Buren county to
discredit th work ot th state officials
In effecting sn equalisation of land values,
The county auditor hss now for the first
time cert fled to the et.le the correct flg -
ures on the assessment of 1913, It wss
because of hi failure to certify the ad
Justed values Instead ot th assessors'
figures that caused the trouble. Now the
county officials are being compelled to re-1
duoe assessments and lessen the taxes for
this year.
Prosecution for Abduction.
The atate la having a difficult time se
curing proper prosecution of th man
Meyer, who ran away from Waverly last
year with a girl named Hupperts and
afterwards was arrested In Winnipeg snd
brought back. He was lndlct5 but after
Hares th Hupperts family moved to Chi
cago. Now the state legal department
ha had to tore the girl arid her sister
to oome to Iowa to give testimony In th
case, s they had attempted to keep
away, supposedly under an agreement
with Mayer. The state spent a good deal
of money In helping the Hupperts family
and state official are much, annoyed by
their effort to prevent meting out Justice
to the author ef their troubles.
Teacher la Study.
A new plan I being tried out by the
tat educational Interest In the matter
of helping teacher in the oitles to better
their work. Prof. C. P. Colgrove, long
with the State Teacher' college, I as
signed to the work of organising study
centers for the teachers and a course
of reading and study ha been arranged
for these teaohera to the end that they
may Improve their scholarship. Already
thirty of these study centers have been
organised and man more will .be soon.
The work is entirely under th direction
of the -teaohers' college.
Stole Anto Recovered.
FORT DODGE, la., Sept. 4.-(8peolal
Telegram.) A' six-cylinder automobile of
W. V. Mulroney. stolen Tuesday evenlpg
from In front of hi residence here, was
found this afternoon a mile north of
Boone. Mr. Mulroney went to Boone after
th car this afternoon. The Identity of
th robber I unknown.
rinnnnr TiTni n.firJCi
Two Squadrons of English Naval
Airmen Make Attack on Dnssel
dorf end Cologne.
Three tlnmha Dropped, on Shed,
Iwrepln Within Four Hundred
Feet of Turret, It 1
LONDON. Sept. 24 -Two squadron of
nrlttsh naval airmen made a daring raid
yesterday from Belgium sgalnst th Ger
man 7-eppelln airship bases at Dusseldorf
and Cologne.
The attack upon Pusseldorf wa offi
cially reported as having been successful.
Lieutenant C. II. Colle dropped three
bombs there on a Zeppelin shed, sweeping
down to within 400 feet of his target.
One Attnek Falls.
The attack on Cologne apparently failed
of Its object, as the official announcement
falls to mention it. An Antwerp paper,
however, says that four bombs fell on the
Zeppelin ctmp at Plckerdorf and set flra
to the hangars.
The sqadrons making the raid Into Ger
many are believed to have consisted of flvo
aeroplanes, with a navigator sad n as
sistant In every machine. Th novel x
.pedltlon started from an unmentloned
base. The weather was misty, which as
sisted In the secrecy of the air fleets'
approach to the Intended scene of opera
tion. Mitch May Hare Resulted.
It I thought In some o'role that th
weather condition may have caused a
hitch In the schedule of the aeroplane
nd that It I possible the two bombs
which were dropped on the Dutch town of
Maastricht, near the German boundary,
from a mysterious air craft mey have
come from one Of the British fliers. ' No
fr.talitlea resulted, from the explosion In
Maastricht. '
rAR,fl 'M.-The military governor
jof anB0Ulc0 t00(y t My on
using a temporary pas for leaving Parts
to psnetrate th fighting tone would be
subject without exception to severe
penally. This Is a precaution against spies
who appear to he numerous and adroit.
A resident of Maubeuge who has Just
escaped from that town says that that
city during the siege wa full of secret
German 'agent. The French discovered
a subterranean telephone which was being
used by a German emissary 'to Inform the
German officers of the French disposi
tion. Every sort la of the garrison failed
because the Germans war ready, appar
ently having been forewarned.
FOR $160,000 FAY0RED
A committee consisting ef representa
tives of eight' different local organisa
tions. Including commercial, olvlo and la-'
bor, ha been appointed to watt upon the
city council to seek an amendment of th
amount of the bond Issue . for the pur
chase uC . th Auditorium from $200,000' to
$160,000. This action resulted at a meet
ing held at the Commercial club by re
spective delegate, who voiced, unani
mously In favor of buying the Auditorium
for $l0r, declaring that uch an amount
should be the total of the proposed bond
Mis Susan n 8mii.li of Lindsay, Neb,,
a graduate of Mount Bt. Mary' seminary,
ha taken' the habit of the Bitter of
Mercy at the acmtnary. Kt. Kev. Bishop -Been
net officiated and ' was assisted by
other clergymen.
rardlnuls' Surprise.
Like George Stalllngs, Miller Huggins
hss put over a big surprise this season,
Few, If any. of the experts picked either
the Braves or the Cardinal as one-two-three
outfit. . ,
, . -
' I

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