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12 If Mutt Only Z&AjCH PRED PCTATO"1. !S,er4 SALAJ) A.HO ' fJ 1 y Som rejtstH perys I fl OMAHA WINS AS TEX WHIFFS -, Booster' Slugging- Standby Faili as i Curtain Drops at Des Moines. 510UKKE3 GET FOUR STRAIGHT j hnrfr mim One More otrh la HI. Rat Wkm He Riffs Mom ,, Ran In First nlta Tnt Me. on Bases, PES MOINES., 25.-Heelal Tele. ram Omaha made It four straight games from I)e Molina liy winning today, 7 to 5. The Booster 'MsnMruiis homo slay closed rtie I'll I base bntl m aMm locally. jTh end Was made more pathetic by 1 me laci mat "ix jana alrurk out With I huwl full In the ninth lnnliis atil nnlv' . thrr runa nnrd to win. , Th buttle im 0 -p-m- affair. Twira ''If Molnc tlrrl the cuunt and an tunny! I time Oinulm foigc.l to thr lral again ; ' Finally In the ninth :nnln lth only one ' acor to tiie good, tlio vtaltora put tho ! I'.contrat on toe with a brai e of tallica. ! Four alnnlca In atiprcaainn by ScbaiiKli !: J'ayn KrLr anil Boll mcompliNhrd tii Hat Ivrueirr. hf of "hnMc run fiiiiin" added another feather t-i Ilia enp todHy by vlr , tually wlnnlni; the game In the flrat Inning. , hoine run with two men on bae was hi contribution. To be aure I I tea ilolura tied t up In the third on two j iuhl.e and two alnglea. Krrora were j nmneroua on both tide nnd a rhanno In '. pltchcra waa Indutaed In. I Omaha', aore in the alxth reaulted fronj ,Bell'a double, a aarr.flce and flartfurda 'lerror. In the eighth. Thomson aingled. ;!.iK)k aeoond on n wild pitch, went to third nrwu ana acoiea on a double jateHl engineered with the help of Krueger. It looK'd like a ninth Innlns rallv ' Iea Moinua wehn with one down, F.waldl "!'" Jiogrog alnglrd and Hreen llwulked fllllnK the baga. Kwuldt acored Itwheu Krue dmmnvi lik' n- a .j 1 Hiuuuiirr, hJonetf nM-mc-rab e atrlke-out broaght down,t i.ine curtain on th- Iea Molnea baae bal) Bcore: KS MfUN KB. AH. H. H. K 0 0 'ttreen, If ( Tlahn, rf 3 Jonea, lb .5 THunter, cf 5 Haley, c fi Amir'aa. 2b 2 llogan. 21 I Kwoldl, ob 4 1 Hartford, aa .4 Mogrldge, I '..5 Miaw t A I ft i 0 ! 2 4 0 13 II 0 li I 1 1 ft 0 0 u 0 i 0 Tolulg 40 i OMAHA. AH. R. t. A 1 A 3 I r. it A K. 0 2 A A A A 1 0 A 0 MVn, 3b 1 I rug, it) 0 i t . Hell. If 5 j 'fuomuson, cf 4 . I I Kruea-ei', rf 3 1 1 Th.nna. sa 4 A ft Sehielbner, lb 4 A ft eahaugh, c 4 1 1 Htvles. p J A 0 Wlllu, f A. 0 0 Total '.37 T 1A J7 13 3 Batted for Andrea In aeventh. D Molne ........ 0 A S A A A 1 A 16 Omaha ,...S A C 0 0 1 0 1 27 Two-base hit: llahn. Haley, Hartford, Payne, liell (2i. Stolen base: Hreen, llahn, Hunter, Kwold, Thomaann. Krue ger. Home run: Krueger. Sacrifice hlta: Thomason. SlyU. tVrui k out: By Mog rldge. ; by Style, 4 In eight and two third Inning: by Willi, I in one-third Got to Go Deep to Liniments Help Locally, But the DUeas45 is Way Down Inside. get ct t'je source at rheumatic It reiiuU-c t'jr deep, rrchlng In fluence of b. K. S the fauotis blood pur ifier. Uheux:;;au 1 prlnoril7 a blood discs tUat. ince It I In t ilt vital fluid that rheucmlic teudcnclc re efrrled, lodges in ibe olt gud muscle, there to Irritate the civr ncJ produce pta. And la order to drive out these pa!n in UlctlDg auisi D It renulrr B. V,. H. t. ink deep lotu the tiny elani'i Imbedded la the Innermost t'.uura. ,t. 8. 8. travel wherever the blond goes and never lose It (nedlrinil influence. Tbl explain why It overcomes th most bronlc fonr of rheiiBiatlvm. why It dislodge those hard oVposit that t'jlctea the Joints, fur It art a a solvent and fUt the blood to pro Tide la the tltsues tbo Bturl elemaota for wblrb the. bed T building process run tlauaJly craves sad must h?. If joa have never used 8. 8. H. fur rheum t lam, get bottle today of any druggist. I se It a directed and With some simple bom help you will ooa detbroae th worst and most painful forms of rheumitlsm. Write th medi cal departaieat. To Vwlft Specific Co. S Sa-lft Hldg . Atlanta, C.a . for addl tioaal adrlie. Tour may be a re waer a alight belp from a pec1allst whose advtc 1 free, will solve the mys tery that h been mating life miserable fur you. Wbea yon ask ur 8. 8. 8. In- iT 5 , ,1? rsw . To pa lot It and retus all ubatltotea, Knew What Was Coming! I . v J .IV W'iil illui 1 1 sttoent manager creighton , FOOT BALL TEAM. WALT KM COAKLKV. Walter J. C'onklev of Klnndreail. 8. D.. the titv atudent manager of the retghtnn varalty loot nail team, foau' ley haa vh fame aa an orator during bl atay 4t the Cre'ghlon Arta college. - - - V'"t0 a eenlur. 7 Ho won accond li'pe ,n the annual peare oratorical con teat laat year and aecond place In the 1 annual conteat held at the arta college. This la'hli flrat try at athletic. 1 I Innlnt;. Hit: lift Mogrldge, ID; oft Htylra, 1ft. on balls: off Mog r.dge, I: off Stylea. 7. Hoiihl.i playa: Mi gi ldkfl to Jonea to Hulcv. Wild pitclic: Mnvrldir Ktvita 11. Puaaed ball: llnlev. 0Hll by pitched hall: llahn. 1-eft on baa: I I a Moines. Omaha, . Time: 2.U6. I'mpire: Fife and t'ullen. Dill MM KM BKAT ll X TWII'K Make It Three straight Over er l.eoaue Champions. SIOFX CITY, 8cpt. 2.V 8t. Joseph made it thrre straight over the new champion hy taking the final game of the aerie, t e morning game, i to 2, and the after noon conteat, H to h. Score, first game: Slot X CITY. 1 r r- ! . 1 iMn -v 1. A 11 . , 1 1 ----- 1 I t II 1 A i All. U. II. O. A. E. Cooncy, 2b ft A 1 2 I A DavbUon. cf 4 1 3 S 1 A Kane, lb 4 0 100 Clarke, If 2 A 9 2 A A Halrd, 3b 5 ft 0 J 3 0 Callahan, rf 6 0 1 1 A A Smith, as i A 3 I i 1 Murphy, c 3 1 1 1 2 Wood burn. P 2 A 1 A t 1 K'rtp A A A A A A Klein, p A A A A 1 u Total 3T. 2 1A 27 11 4 tV. JOSKPH. AH. H II. O. A. K. ' Kennett. c." 4 11 1 A 0 j rox. If 6 l 1 A 0 A I It. It ton, 2b 3 I I 4 I A I ttei ter. Hi 3 0 3 6 0 A I Patterson, lb 1 ft I ft A VH.IInn .. i f 6 li A 0 A A Purrell. Z 4 2 1 1 & ft Stoloff. as 4 0 12 2 1 , Apni-w, e i I S 2 Vance, p 4 A A A 6 1 Totals .37 -3 11 27 15 J Batted for Wnouburn In e'ghth. Floux City A AAA 1 A A A 12 St. Joseph 1 A A A 1 1 A 1 15 Twit-haae hlta: Kterxer. Stoloff. Three base nits: Bennett. Sacrifice hit: Wood burn. Sacrifice, flv: Hntton. Stolen hatca: Kane l-i, liavidnon, I'ailalmn, AKliew U'l, ! Fox, iiurrell (3) Stoloff. Hrltton, Clarke. Cout'li. p.ays: Vance to Agtiew to nier ter. iiurrell to Hrltton to Patterson. Hit: O f Wuoduurn. V In eight innings; off ! K'.ein. 2 in one Inning. Hum on bans: Oft : Wiodburn, i: olf Klein, 1; off mice. a. I rtruck out: Hy Woodl.urn, 6. by Klein. 1; j bv Vance, . Wild pitch: Vance. Passed hall: Avne, lilt by Itched ball: Bur . ie I. I.e'1 on base Sioux City. 14. St. Jo seph. 12. Time; 2 si. empires: Ousion and McCafiertv Score, second game: 810CX CITY All H. II I O. 4 A. E. Coone , 2b... 5 i I avtilsun, cf. I Kane, lb ! Murphy, rf... i Halrd. 3b M'fclluhan. rf. Bmltb. 4 ti "l A i A ft A a riHi, v Clark, p Iejrune iHiyle, p 1 Totals 43 i JOSKVII A B. It. 4 I I A 4 1 . 4 I 14 27 in It 3 2 I 1 ll a A O. 3 4 1 II U A 3 4 1 H mictt. if... Fox. If Itiitton. 21... Patterson, Ih W Illinois, rf Hurrell. t'b... .. 6 ... 4 .. 3 4 ...18 T Stoloff. ss Or! ffllh. V llley. P Total Bat led for 13 Clark In sixth. A o A 0 A 3 V A Sioux City St. Jose I'll Two-baae hits: reil. Sacrifice hit I 10 15 4 A I 0- Beiiucit. SniUh. Bur- .Uol.iff Stolen liaiw Bennett. Hrltton. 1'aiterson. Innings pitched: By t'Urk, C; by Doyle. 3. Hits: OU Wllley. 14; off Clark. . oft Duylc, .5? YOU "MfeHT AS wt?CL GtT iCE f RJENCN LAf6 CMOPi i. liMKca on lial': lff "Murk. 2 Struck i rut: Hv Wllley. 3; bv t'lai k. 5: bv Pnvle. I I. Wll.l pitch : Wllley. F'Hascd ball: nap. lime: 1 , 1 iniirea: .mi hi fcity and tliiatoii. Attrt dnnce, !"p0. wit iii:x ii:fkt tiii: .iii..i.ii: Win Three t.amea nl of I I 1 r from llciira. I WUHITA. Sept. L'fv Wichita cloHcd I the ir: 4 acAHnn at home bv defeating )i n rr. li to 2. which gave the Wlrhca Ihrce Ignmeaoiit of live. Hurcher. u Kenvcr re : 1 rult. waa knocked out of the box In five Innlnaa and KdiiiKton, an outfielder, flu lulled the game He atruck out five men In the three Inning he worked. Hcore: WICHITA. AH. It. II. 0 0 A. 0 1 a Tvdemnn. if 3 O: he. If a O'ltomkn. 2b 4 Fitzalmmnna, aa 3 Hi I la, cf 4 1 A 11 I 4 ft 1 4 15 A. 0 0 1 3 0 t 3 0 0 0 0 A 11 Happ. SI) Henry, lb 1 irnhmn. c. . . t'lemona, p.. Total :u b HKNVKIt. A H. H. 2 l 1 K Matthcwa. 2h... Klaher, lb II A (i 1 ft n o 0 n A : hiilngtnu. cf-p. ' Mct'nrty. e Butcher. If f'llffoV HH o I a! ( i A I 0 0 A I ! U..rV...Mf 1h Ciiaaidy. if Faye lb-2b I Hurcher, p I Mitchell, cf IMtlock 1 Totals ?. 2 8 Hatted for Caasldy In ninth. IVnver A 2 0 0 A 0 Wichita A 1 2 3 A A A 0 0-2 1 0 i i l,eft on bHdcs: Oenver. 5; Wichita. 3. Sacrifice hit: Ocha. Two-base hlt: Henrv (2). Kdlngton, Harbour. Home run: Tvdeman. Hlta: orf Hurcher, S in five innings; off Kdlngton, none In three In nlnga. Double plav: Hills to Crnham. Htruck out: Hy Kdlngton. 5: by flemons i. Khhus on., balla: Off Hurcher. 1; off t'lemona, 2. Hit ly pitcnen nn: rr Ttun her.' Tili'mntl. Time: 1:40. I' Van Hyvkla and Stockdnle Slufeds Win from Baltimore Terrapins .. . t .i Mi v U.l K. St. I.Otll won from Haltlmore today. 5 to 2, prln-; clpally because of the home team' loose playing. Crandall wa effectivo excepting In tbo fourth Inning, when two single and a double netted Baltimore two runs. His circuit drive over the fence In the ixth Inning wa a feature. Score: P..H K. St. Tul 0 0 A 3 0 1 1 0 A-.". 7 i Hatterlea: Crandall and Chapman; Smith and Conley. Jacklitscli. Kuascll. ui i.-l.-l I j v v.. Sent. 25. Hiiffalo lost the ofiening gHme today to Kansas City i n r i . . imii.u.. . .... hv a score if 4 to 2. Fred Aliuerson neiu the visitors runlesa for eight Inning whIU hi teimmates gained a lead of two runs off I'ackoni. TWO inpicw a and an error by Downey gne the visit ors victory in Hie lasi inning, m-oie. It II K Buffalo 0 A A A A A 2 A uun.M. I'llv. 0 A A A A A A A 0 J 4 4 o Batteries: Anderson and Lavlgne; Pack ard and Easterly. I'lTTSHl'llOH. Sept. 25. Klmer Knetxer wa In fine form today and Indianap.ili wa hut out. I to A. The visitors got only three hlta and l o fthe mstruck out. Two imsea, two sacrifice and a single gave Pittsburgh the only run In the sixth inning ek'ore: ' K.H.K. Indlanapolla ..A A A A 0 A A A A A 8 2 J lltsburgh ....0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 -l 6 1 Batteries: Kalaerllng. Mullln and Karl den; Knetaer and Berry. BROOKLYN. N. Y.. Sept. 25. Chicago f.utbatted rUooklyn more than 2 to 1 in the opening game of the series today, touching up Miner Brown freely, and won easily, 4 to 1. The visitor broke a I t 1 tie In the r.lxtli on Wilson' double and Zwtlllng'a single and added two runs in b.A Hu.-Mnth hu hnttina. Johnsiin ....!. v..-nAntu. r..r Chii'san ana struck out ten men. .willing home run In the second waa a feature. Score: Chicago 0 1 0 A 0 1 3 0 04 11 I . . A ..... .1 .1 A A A I C A 1 nrooKiyn v v t v w w v v v . v v Batterlea: Johnson and Wilon, Brown and Watson. Veteran Auto Racer Killed on Denver Way DENVER, Colo., Sept. 25.-K. W. Swan brougii. a veteran automobile racer, wus killed In a race at the Overland track here late today. Ill ma hlne plunged through a fence and a timber struck Switnhrough on the head. Tht waa the first day of a series of race conducted by the lenver Motor club. NORFOLK HORSE WINS GOOD RACE AT TECUMSEH TKCl'.MSF.II. Neb., Sept. 2t. (Special Telegram. Result of yesterday' events, Mlourt-Kana-KebraHka Circuit races: Pacing. 2;11 clans: A kick V. iJ. It. Heliicr. Nor 1 o 0 A A A A ! folk! 1 U I ' Acy-al-Law iM. Inerney, Agency, ..l In. I Vi Belle Blase. (A. ti. Allertun, llain- 1 lin. Kun.l... 3 I Cioe W. ilsaac ljlor, gu.ncy, :l 111 I 4 Time. 2;. 2:17V,. 2:17V,. 2:IS4. i- I Trotting. 2 22 class: I Golden Maid (lw Herman, H'awa- ' lha, Kan.) 1 1 , - 1'ln iA. G. Allen. Hamlin. Kanl 2 S a I Black Silk tJoah Gunn, Seneca. Ti Kan.) ; i 2 S - Time. 2.J.H. 2.25. 2:25. J! I Free-for-all. Johnson county horses: I 1 lexter I Heerupl I 1 "Mlduet (Jake Kdwarda) 2 2 0 I Colonel til. Pierce) 3 u Time. 2 45, 2:2V Half-mile dash: Kaiser IC. Clapi'V flrat; General French u Miner), necond; H'lly ill. Pumanl. third. Time, AW r-i.iile dash: Mia Blue ill. Sber iranl. firn; General French tC. Miner), seeoitd; Major i-l. Wills), third. Time. 0:2. tomorrow. Th races will cloi with a big prograni I ilti Hi: K: IMi.H.. ,s.'i i ) . SKi J rAHlA( I'li. 1!14. &ET A QOTTUE r COG.NAX., r. e-)- IT. . Standing of Teams WKSTKHN I.KAUL'K. l'lnycd. Won. !oat. Fit. Sioux f'llv 1H1 mi Penvor h Ht. Joseph IM) Uea Momea I.VI .wo .Duo .1X1 .tv:t .tin Hi I 1 1 7S Kli SO s:i :n OmiihH . l.llH oil! Tiipeka Wichita AM KM. imi l.'i im mi KKAGl'i:. I W.I. I'd .:tx5 NAT' I. I.KAOI K. W.KPct. Piiihi -i 4! .. lioston mm .son I llonon Ml So ,M' New York.. .77 M .f4 wt ,n24St. IaiuIs....7 7 .531 lietto't 75 l ..'.21 Chicago 7n 9 .521 t'hlcago ....t" 77 .ii5 I'bila 7ft T4 .m New Voi k...". 77 ,4.l Hrooklyn ...Rl .4 .483 8t Louis. ... 4 7 .4'd llttjtburgh .62 79 .440 t'le cland ,.4ti !)S .3I Cincinnati ..57 87 .396 t ftrrila)' Keanlta. WKSTKRN I.KAOXK. Penvei, 2; WIcbltH. OmiihH. 7: Dca Moines. B. St. Joseph. 5-t; (4loux City. 2-6. A.MKKICAN I.KAtHK. I'hlliKlclphlH. 3: ChlcHKo, I. Hoston, I: St. I.ouls. 10. New York. 6; lietroit. 4. WHshiiiKtuii. 1; Clcveliind. 3. NATIONAL LKAOI'K. Clncinniiti, 0-3, Hoato.i 2-4. I'lttsliumh. 2: Hrooklvn, 3. St. lyiuls. 1: New York. 3. Chicago. 2: Philadelphia. 3. (mites Today. Western Ijengue Denver at Topcka, Wichita Ht Lincoln, Dca Molnea at St. Joseph. Omaha Ht Sioux City. T I American league Philadelphia nt Chl i ragn, Hoston at Ht. Ixjuls, New York at Detroit. Washington at Cleveland. National League Chicago at Hoston, si. Louis at KriMiklyn. Pittsburgh at New York, Cincinnati at Phlladetiphla. Federal League Kunaas City at Buf falo. St. liuls at Haltlmore. Chicago at Hrooklyn, Indianapolis at Pittsburgh. American Association Cleveland at Louisville. Minneapolis at Kansas City, St. Paul ut Milwaukee, Columbus at In dianapolis, i.i K90SIERS OPEN BIG 9 PLAY !Wi11 Vtday' Lid in West. CHICAGO WATCHING CONTEST Mnroona Will Take On Indiana Meat Week Harvard and Hat sera and Yale and Maine to Rattle. CHICAGO, Sept. 25. It will be Indiana's privilege tomorrow to open the Ulg Nine' foot ball season, the Hooaior taking on De I'auw In a contest that at the same j .... ... . . J..i nine tins i..c ..u . - -. state. With the Chicago-Indiana game only a week away, the result of tomor row's buttle at Hloomlngton will be awaited with Interest In Chicago, while alumni of the Hooslcr school will anxl- ... . .... ,W i ously reucl tne siory or me ni, - I Ing a it does the debut or coach cnuus . , i .1 . U n a n rt us a, conference muin- aim what'they hope will be a new era in west ern athletic. From the De Piuw atandpolnt the game Ik of more than usual Importance, since it will show In a meaaure what the Oreen caatle iuad may hope for In the hard rampalgn mapped out for It. De Pauw next Wednesday play Michigan. The following weatern game are to be played tomorrow: At Hloonilngton-De Pauw against In dians. ... . . At Lawrence llnssen bkbiiiki i"". At Milwaukee Marquette against Mil- waukee Normal. At Cleveland Hiram against Western Keacrve. At Akron -Case against Akron. Free-for-All Won by Amby W at Soo City Siol'X CITY, la.. Sept. 3fi.-The free-for-all pace featured the interstate fair races today. Amy W. won first money. Summary: Trotting 2 claaa. Manufacturer stake, purse Sl.trtA: 8a.ll S.. won; laaac H T.. second; Wiggins' Lass, third; Hal Tolus fourth; Aixbdale Maid, fifth. Best time, 2:14'4. . . . f Free-for-all pace, purae ' Laurel Hal, won: The Sherltl, seconu. third; Carter G., fourth. Best time. 2:13. HASTINGS HIGH ELEVEN OVERWHELMS EDGAR TEAM HASTINGS. Nob.. Sept. 25. -(Special Tel-fgrain.V-Though they went Into th game expecting a bard contest Coach Schlssler pupil of the Hasting High chool de feated Fdgar High school. 63 to 7. In the first foot ball game of the season thla afternoon. Hastings o""" ! .... . w, A ll.t on their visitor Bl Uio I--- - score in fifty minutes of play. Base Ball at Braalna. BRI NING. Neb. Sept. . 25.r(Speolal.V The second day of I'.nm ng base ball r..,.nini .new a nun n "i" ......... 1 1 i ... i..t to Deadlier. 4 to A. Bushop 2 rn..H"i.t ..n hit and struck out seven ien- teell Halierie. .e.i.. r , Hh bHidson: Hrunlng. I.ubv and IWrhtiti. Faii bury was lalen 'by Narka. 8 to i. i',,ro: . a a A A A I 0 0 10 0-1 HAtteries: Fairbury, Sholl. Shaner and Boothe; Narka. Bever Kuckcr mi, off Sholl 3; off Sbsner, 6: off Bever, 5. StVurk out: 'By Sholl. 3; by hhaner. bjr Bever. . Base on ball: iff Shaner. 7; off' Bever. 2. provldenre I. 1.. 4 ha !. PROVIDENCE, by defeating Batllmore today, captured the luterualiooal league peuaant. Drawn (vAS VI f S Sf I GGItNNANF' - -Av iff Lr- BRAVES TRIM REDS TWICE Chut Out Cinci in First and Win, Four to Three, in Second. GAIN A LEAD OF HALF GAME Rnilolph llnrla Aprnlng Contest anil Holds Visitors rnrec for "eeond Time In Two liny. HOSTON, Sept. 25. Cincinnati was de feated twice by Huston toda, 2 to 0, in the first gnnie and 4 to 3 In the second. The douhle vh tory increased Boston's lead over New York by half a game. Rudolph pitched the opening contest and held the visitors scoreless for the second time In two days. A douhle end a single gave Boston one run In flint game and a throw Into center field by Oonzales let In the other tally. In the second game bunched hits and two Cincinnati errors enabled the home team to ohtain a lead which the visitors could not overcome. Score, first game: R.H.K. Cincinnati OAftftOOOO 0-0 7 1 Boston 01000010 2 7 1 Batteries: Ylngltng nnd Gonzales; Rudolph and Gowdy. Score, second game: R ILK. Cincinnati A01AI001 03 7 3 Boston 03A1AAAO 4 7 1 Batteries: Douglass nnd Gonzales; James and Gowdy. Phils Trim Cubs. PHILADELPHIA. Sept. 25. Cravath home run Into the center field bleachers In the tenth Inning gave Philadelphia the victory over Chicago here today, 3 to 2. Raumgartevn and lavender kept the hits of their opponents scattered In the first eight Inning, during which the home team led, 2 to 1. Chicago tied the score In the ninth, when F.ties singled. Fisher sacrificed, Bresnahan, who batted for Lavender, walked an Yeach doubled. Pierce took Lavender's place In the ninth. Score: R.H.E. Chicago A1AA0AA01 02 8 2 Philadelphia 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1-3 11 1 Batteries: Lavender, Pierce and Archer; Baumgartner and Burns. Giants Perk I p and W in. NEW YORK. Sept. 25.-New York broke Its losing atreak today bv defeating St. Louis, S to 1, in the last game of the series. The victory wa a gift by Catcher Wingo of the vlaitora. With the scoree a tie In the eighth. New York filled the base. Grlner struck out Merklee, but Wlngo dropped the third strike. Wlngo then threw wild to Grlner. who covered the plate, and Fletcher and SnodgraB scored. I'mpire Klem put Beck out of the game for kicking as he came to hat In the ninth. Score: R.H.E. 8t. I.ouis OAAA1A00O 1 8 1 New York 00100002 S 7 1 Dodo-era Make It Tej. BROOKLYN. Sepet. 25.-Brooklyn,s tenth straight victory over Pittsburgh hero today waa the eleventh straight de feat for the Pirates. The score Was 3 to 2. Krrors by Siglin and Gerber enabled Bnoklyn to tie the score in the eighth and win In the ninth when a fumble and a bad throw by the new Pittsburgh short stop let In Schmuts, who had doubled, making the deciding run. Score: K.H.E. Pittsburgh 10010000 02 6 2 Brooklyn A 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1-3 10 1 Batterle: H. Kelly and Coleman; Reul bach. Schmuti and McCarty. America a Association Milwaukee St. Paul Columbu Resnlts. RUE. 7 15 A V 0 fi 4 4 8 1 6 10 3 9 14 2 3 8 4 Indianapolis ,., Cleveland Louisville York Take First Game. YORK. Neb.. Sept. 26 (Special Tele gram.) York and David City High school foot ball elevens played the first game of tho seaaon here this afternoon. Score: York. 14; David City. 7. WALK-OVER Xl-ic Shoe for You! z "Phoenix" and women. Walk-Over Boot Shop 317 South 16th Street Between Harney and Farnam Streets for The Bee by YANKS DEFEAT THE TIGERS Grab First Game of Series. the Final WIN BY FIVE' TO FOUR Battery and Fleldlna; Krrora Pave Way for the Visitor' First Three Itana-Conaecatlve Hitting; Sends In Other Two. DETROIT, Sept. 23.-New York d feated Detroit, 0 to 4. In the first game of their final series. Battery and fielding errors paved the way for the visitors' first three runs; consecutive hitting sent In the winning runs In the ninth. Most of Detroit's hits were waBted. Score: R.H.E. New- York 1 0 A A 0 A A 2 25 7 2 Detroit 1 A 0 A 1 0 A 2 04 11 4 Batteries: New York. Warhop, Keat ing and Nunatnaker. Detroit, Cavet and McKee. Macks Trample, Hose. CHICAGO. Sept. 25. Shan key, backed with excellent support, held Chicago to four hies and Philadelphia made ii two straight trom the locals, 3 to I. The world's champions won the game in tho second Inning when they scored two runs on singles by Strunk, Mclnnea and Schang, a base on balls to Baker and an error by Schalk when he threw wild to first In an attempt to complete a douhle play. Their other run came In the fifth when a base on balls to Hurry, an Infield out, a single by Murphy and a double steal scored a run. Chicago was saved from a shutout when Demmitt'a walk. Blackburn's sacrifice and J. Collin's single netted a run. Aside trom the pitching of Shaw key and Wolfgang, the fielding of Wolfgang. Demmitt and Barry was a feature. Score: R.H.E. t iiiiaueipnia...A z u u l u A u iyi i u Chicago 1 0 A A 0 A A 0 Al 4 2 Batterlea: Philadelphia, Bhawkey and Schang; Chicago, Wolfgang and Schalk. Napa Bump Senators. CLEVELAND, Sept. 25. By bunchinn hits off Bentley In the third Inning Cleve land defeated Washington, 3 to 1, thu evening up the serieB for the year be tween the two clubs, each having won ten games. Henry's triple saved Waeh Ington from a shutout. Score: R.H.E. Cleveland A A 2 A A 1 A A 7 2 Washington ..AAAAA010 0-1 S 2 Batteries: Cleveland, Steen and Egan; Washington, Bentley, Harper, K. Will iams and Henry. Browns Defeat Red Sox. ST. LOUIS, Sept. 25. M. Louis came to life this afternoon, pounded Shore bard and often and won from Boston, 1A to L Hoblltzel'B single and a two-base hit by Gardner prevented a shutout, "j Boston 010000000 1 60 St. Loul 4 0 0 A 8 4 A A '10 8 V Batteries: Boston, Shore, Bedieni ana Thomas; St. Louis, O. Pratt, Hamilton and Agncw. GOOD ENTERTAINMENT GIVEN AT CRAWFORD FAIR CRAWFORD, Neb.. Sept. 25-(Speclal Telegram.)-The Crawford tri-state fair opened here under ideal weather con dition. The bucking contest with rider from Montana. Wyoming. South Dakota and Nebraska, took place a sched uled two riders being thrown but not 'seriously Injured. "Columbia Fire." owned by B. G. Bohanan of Lin coln, that will enter in the buj tri state Bpeclal trot or pace race Saturday for a purse of S&00. was on the track. The derby race Saturday for a pursa of S50A, also has attracted several good horse from distance of 100 to BOO mile. The wild 'steer riding contest for Friday and Saturday promise great entertain ment. Inasmuch as the teera are brought In from off the range and are wild in every sense of the word. I ' Buffalo Fair Close. KEARNEY. Neb., Sept. 25. (Special Telegram.) Buffalo county's fair and The Windsor Model For Young Men The shoe that has a dressy look aud a (vo-mfortable feel in?;. Comes in all leathers. A WALK $3.50 to iSOVER $7-00 guaranteed hosier)' for men "Bud" Fisher I I 1U; race meet cb'snrt m tb' - ' races were nil fa-st. over $;'.,0O0 being given In purses, r.xmu.t.s . t-. . seen here nnd it is now certain that the fair will bo n permanent Institution in this county. Over aft.Oini people, went through the gates, and exhibits were sent from counties suit otinding Buffalo. Tho stallion exhibit was the strongest. It belnw a new feature this year. Hebron Trim Falrbary. FAIKBlHY. Neb., Sept. 2.".. ( Special Telegram.) The foot ball season opened here this afternoon with a close game be tween Fairbury and Hebron lllch school. Hebron winning, 7 to A. Wallace of Hebron succeeded In breaking around Faltbury's end, cariyine" the ball over for a touchdown. Gray kicked (Jbal. Line up: FAIRBl'RY. HEBRON. John Nider Q.H. Q.B N. Graves Kllleun R.G'U.G Richards Cavnnagh L.G.IL.G McKenzel Weaver C.C Butterbaugh ..L.T.I UT Moon R.T.IR.T Vnnier R.E. R E Wilkinson L.E.I L.E Ix-e R.H.B. R.H.B.... Shear MeConnell Heifer Dillie Pike ( Vderholm Hathaway ... Lawless Colllster Wooster L. H.B. L.H B.... ...F.B.jF.B Bee readers are too intelligent to over look the opportunities in the "want ad" columns. They're worth while reading. mc 31211 103 There is nothing happen so about the Robert Burns. Its mild, satisfying flavor could only b e the result of two things: (1) A perfect blend of the choicest tobacco and (2) hand workman ship of the highest grade. Give the Robert Burns a chance toprore its goodness to you. The "Invincible" shape is now leading all the other Robert Burns shapes in popu larity. Rob Burns Little BobbicS? Conway Cigar Co., lous City, Iowa Harle-Haas Drug Co. for Omaha and Council Bluff il--l."'fIM.l-