Newspaper Page Text
2' THE HEK: OMAHA, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1914. Beautiful Silks Specially Priced for Tuesday Notwithstanding the very special prices every yard of silk that leaves this store during this sale luill measure up to the highest standard of quality. REGULAR $3 PARISIAN BENO ALINE, d V in A ' 40 inches wide, brown, blue, taupe l.xl Yard REGULAR $2.50 BROCHE POPLIN, 40 inches wide, three shades of blue, new tans, golden Jt OQ brown and black. Special tomorrow. ... P1J $2.50 ALL SILK CASCADE CREPE, 40 inch A Yard A Yard $1.39 Many of these are in Dress Lengths only. Discriminating Women Who demand superior appparel are finding in our Ready-to-Wear Section exceptional values indis tinctive Suits, Coats and Dresses The Store for Shirtwaists Every new Arrival ex presses some new fash ion note. You'll be in terested in Visiting this section. The Fur Shop Second Floor Several handsome new styles of fine Marten sets and separate pieces. hi ii i tin i i inn )iiMi jji, it n li r -h i iff 'i f -1, i fA& Sii i 11 J i AMD OIXTCCNTH flTRCCTS ADMIRAL SIR CHRISTOPHER CRADDOCK of the. British navy, several vessels of whose. fleet were badly beaten in a battle with German cruisers off the coast of Chile. .'. ' TEUTONS RETIRE BEIIIHDWARTHE German Force Withdraw from Be . ;orc Warsaw to Eirer Nearer Prussian Force. i BIG FIGHTS ABE IMPRACTICAL Battle aIobss Coast Near' Daaklrk ', Mm Be Mad la Form of Llght. AttackSltaatloa Ther Balaae. BERLIN. Nov. 7.-4 VI Th Haru and London, Nov. I.) Th first-' rfrnc showing; th direction and extent of th Oerman retirement from before Warsaw era contained today In a report men-Uonln- the defeat of the Russian cavalry near Kolo, twenty-five miles from the Oerman frontier. This shows that the Germans have retired behind the Warthe river, which, roughly parallels the Oer man eastern frontier. According to Major Woral-t, military correspondent of the Berliner Tageshlat. the German forrea have alto probably been with- l ' - - 1 i Lull at Dixmude and Ypresis" Prelude to Still Larger Battle PARIS, iiov,. T-THe lull" In the -fighting In th environs llxmude and Tiren, in the baft opinion hero. Is flty the prelude of fnHher effort to wftlch nil the forces tlmt'. the Ormnns' -can raise will be- concont rated. The- last at tack mailt witk twelve srm'jf co n tailed. The next will bn' rpad by avprKmoreC v All facile frf.fft thn Onnt 'nilrfifl-thl rlearly. Thft report that the Gerrran gathering on Important army at- Inel munrter, the affirmation that the battle against France m'ist be decided " at' an early .late, the orjers given to the Ger man Keiicrals to break through : betnre the end of the month and the various movetnentt-ef troops observed by aviators In BelHium all tend to, show the purpoeo of the 0rm.ihs. ' ' - All of the mllltery wrtters here sgree that the effor? will be of the first Im portance to the German. If unaitccees ful It Is eontended here, It will be the last the Germans will be able to make as they will then recognise the necessity cf falling back on a lino a lit'le more 10 the rear which will as la their custom, have been fortified !n advance with the greatest poeslble care. They will, therefore, etra'n every nerve In till hattit of Yprea and the fighting Is Mkelr to be of character even more in tense than anything that has fore. If the allies successfully resist the i new onslaught In the opinion of military writers the day when France will ' be freed of the Invaders will be brought I rens'bly nearer. GERMANS : SENDING TROOPS TO.THE EAST !s has not been arrested, although he is be lnx searched for. ; '". Many Trains Leaving Belgium to Beinforce Teuton Army in Prussia. CABBIAGES MARKED PETR0GRAD Ueaeral Stovesneat lato Oej-ma.y KoteS frm Bra saris Lies; oldlers MylsiC Tkey Will F1gb Rasslana. COMPENSATION LAW SHOWS A GOOD LEAD TPMIMn IIUIIII rn7rm in W LULLll ML OYER BABY drawn north of the Warthe, on the west Prussian frontier;. There have been rumors for the last few days regarding the penetration of the Russians to Oerman territory, some even mentioning Bromberg, which lies sixty nine mile northeast of Posen, and timid Inhabitants of the border regions from Breslau north to Pose a, have been aban doning their country houses, regardless of the presence between them and the Russians of General v Von Illndenburg'a strong army. No Indications are. published here re garding the Una of th new Oerman po sitions, and the movements of the Rus sian cavalry screen, of which, there were three divisions, were uncertain; nor Is It divulged whether the Russians were re pulsed by cavalry or Infantry. . BIsT Attacks Impracticable, Major Moraht. discussing the situation In th western arena, aaya the last thre bulletin have shown that an attack on a large cJ along th coast against Dun peatedly Indicated an Intention to force th Oermans back upon Antwerp and ran der th position between Lille and Arra untenable. The Germans, he adds, are now able to us the troops from th Yser district i elsewhere anl need only email foroea to check any enterprise along th Dunes, artillery preparation . between the Oatend-Hotland frontier being aufflclent to repulse any attempt to-debark an ex pedition " against th Oerman rear. Hollenbeck Also Stays Ahead Reese in Bace for. the Chief Justiceship. of H0AGLAITD IS STILL GAINING Democrats Lead I a a; for Offices ef Aadltar, Treasurer wad Attorney Geaeral -laffrace Behla Eleven Tkaasand. A feature of the late compilation of election return is the victory of tht workmen' compensation taw which In fifty-eight tountles received a majority tf more than l.OOO vote. Indications are that th: lead w4U not be reduced by 4he veto lit the remaining counties In the tata, amounting to a little more than one-third. - : Hollenbeck retains hi lead over Reese CONVENTION MUST GO, SAYS CARRANZA General Issues Decree ' Ordering Aguas Calientos Bjdy Virtually ' to Dissolve November 10. Keewatla After Game. DIT CHIEN. W s.. Nov. . Teleram.) Owing t the can- the asme November 14. Kee- watln hss an open date and would like to hear from any team wtthovt a game. Meat Cause of Kidney Trouble Take m glass of Salt If your Bark hurt or BIadlrr bothers Meat " forms . uric acid. ALL GENERALS SHALL REPORT (Copyright, 1914, by Press Publishing Co. ROTTERDAM. Nov. . (Special Cable gram to New York 'World and Omaha Bee.) The Oermans are now announcing to the people of Belgium that they wel come the Inundation near Nleuport, as they shorten tho line which Oermans must defend on this front. A Dutch cor respondent aays that many train of In fantry and cavalry and gun are leaving via Bru seels and Louvaln for Germany. Wagon and carrJagea are marked for Palrograd. ' . I J I . U I. a Man A ehtlM0 on the Tser and they are now going to fight th Russians. The Bruges corre spondent of the Nleuwe Rotterdamache Courant state that the aeroDlan sheds at Knaffolaore have been taken down by th Oermans and aent to an unknown destination. Troop are moving from ruge In an easterly direction, he say, and machine go have been mounted on halls 'and I towers In tb towns. - A Liege corre fspondent declares that numerous train ' have carried troop and material Into Germany, and a correspondent of a Maas tricht paper state that - on Thursday night for three hour cavalry - defiled aeroa th Meua bridge toward Germany. Thla .. la not confirmed from - other source. Manifesto .. Foll9we4 ky m Aaotker Commsndls' All OeTerwaaeat Employe to Obey None Bait tb First Chief. SAN ANTONIO. Tex., Nov..B.-Oonera. Carransa published a decree In Mexico .City today ordering ,th Agua Callentea convention virtually dissolved 'ky .No vember 10, : according' lo ,', la iwpitch re ceived her' today from R. W jicCJesxy. chief of the Carransa publicity staff In Mexico City.- ' . ', .,. The decree i ordered ail generals who are In attendance to person to report to fnt phl.r 1tiatlr! Piurinn and lfoaaland are running neck and neck for lieutenant I thclr command no later than, November governon democrata are leading- foi"v " wi aiv-rnaon. i..9m- auditor, treasuter and attorney general. In fifty-eight counties woman'a suffrage la defeated , by nearly U.OOO votes. . Ooveraor. ' Counties.) Wadrfn Coagk Remeay. Mr. ' V. R. ' Xwson of -Kdlson. Tenn., writes: 'Ur. King New Discovery la a moat wonderful oougn. cold and lung medicine." '60c and 11.06, All druggist, j Advertisement. ' When FourMonthj ; Old. Pirnoles ARMY OF RUSSIA -resierea.' uiam oieep nienw. ..Used Cuticura Soap and Oint ment. Healed Her Sound and Well. NOW DOMINATES WAR SITUATION P.. F. D. No. 9. Custer. Mich. "Our tittle girl first broke out wtlb ecaema wbe I k va about four months old. Bha wa broken out all over In small red pimples. They festered ' in a short time and nattery ubstanc ran out of thesa. Tbey licked all tb tin a we bad to keep miuena on bar bands. kk didn't leep night at all: w wer up nearly all nlabt wttk her, for eight ntooths and abe was ao crass I bad ts bold her all the Ume. , -- "Itetnertle failed: every thing we tried would do no good, tfh had Ike breaking out for eighteen nicaih.. o.w got ail cakaa of Cuticura 8ap and only used four cakes and two boxes of Cuticura Otnuneut and they cured her sound and wall." (Signed) Mrs. Jaine Moyer. Mar. II. 1914. Samples Free by Mall 'For-red. rotigk. rkapped 'and bleeding haoda, Itcbiug. burning paJms. and painful nnger-ands with sbapelew nails, a one-nlgbl Cuticura treatment works wonders. Soak . bacds, on retiring. In hot water aad OuUcuro koap. Dry, aaulot with Ctnicura Ointment and wear soft bandages or old. loose glove durlog tbe nWbt. Allhotigh Cuticura kuap - (2V.) aod Cuticura Olntmeut (&Oe.) are auld by drugglsU and dealers everywhere. eampl of eark wttk 32-p. Bkln Book win be aent free upon mtuesi. Address posV 1 card: "Cuticura, Ppt. T, Baskm.' (Continued from Pag On.) For Colds In Head Frc3 Relief Seed to a (oraeaerous tree nipl eaooab tor evrl Oay treat sicut lur coid la beed. cLfuuu: uutl catsrru, dry catarrh, sore ium. Orislnnl and Gula CATARRHAL JELLY . tD'1arl remedy for 7i years. 16.000 OOf lutMijveea aolil. Appli iOfcldenuulia. it tfiiowS qukm react. Luiuiirteiy bala in Ouiif4 wuai aakaaa. tint a be or Sue tube . trom our Or uk iL dfuirtcUts acil it .d vuaiantae it. lliwf but t( It tails. .eiu saaxntataai ' H bey are daagoroua. KOMDOn MFO. CO,Miaaieaniis.Mltub i the experta seem to place more credence on the report of reinforcement, and the coming week I looked forward to a one of t)i most crucial of th war. Cossaok raid across th Oerman bor der and Berlin now admit that th Russian ar well . beyond the Warth river. .Th Husslaa advance ha .been made over bad road at tbe amaxlng rate of fourteen miles dally, and the Oerman retreat has now passed Caernstacbowa without atopplng. The Russian line I well back of tho Warthe, between Csecnlocbowa and Kalia. Another Petrograd report states that Csernstochowa I still held a th last Oerman position In Russia, but that It la regarded as untenable, Th latest Paris official communications state that the Invader are concentrating their activi ties about Ypres without as yet achieving any ivsulta. The allies ar reported as holding their own everywhere on the Alsne. while to the northwest of Bolsson they have reached a new position on the Vregny plateau. Cermama Aiia la trgssst. An official announcement gtven out In Berlin declares that advance have been made In the Argonne. but that there 1 nothing new elsewhere. ' Holland, determined to preaorve the neutrality of the river Bcbledt. ha an- nounced that tbe Flushing fort will fire ou say veaeel not recognised a mail boat or other regular harbor craft. rrlvate report reaching Berne. Salts erland from Constantinople lnilot that Turkey baa entered the war wttk an empty treasury. It ha exhausted th Oerman loan and need up tbe money de rived from tb tag oa Import. ' - (Elghty-on Morenead Wenil...... Howell (rep)....- s Chief Justice. . (Fifty-nine Counties.) Hollenbeck , Ueese , . Lleatenaat Oaveraor. (Seventy-eight Counties.) Pearson (dem.) Hoagland (rep) . eere.ary of State. (Beventy-nlne Counties.) Pool (dem.) - Wait trap.) , Aadlter. (Seventy-two Counties,) (dem.) UP- tat Treaaarer. . (Sixty-eight Counties.) (dem.) Ire p.) Attorney ueaerai. (Sixty-nine Counties.) Reed (dem.)..., Hear (rep) .'. Woman Vaffrase. Olxty-slx Counties and Precincts.) i ror Against Workmen's Cora peaaat Ion (Kitty-eight Counties.) For Against Smith Minor i Hall llamer . .107,704 .. ti.aoi 3,:i7 67.077 90.970 M1.0M to, 107 7,67f M.R37 80,714 74,121 U.0JI -, Dr. King's New Life Pill cured Mr. B. . W. Goodloe, Dallas,. Tes., of malaria and biliousness; . best iegu Utor.Df liver., stomach And. bowel. . 35c. All druggists. Advertisement. .... If you must have your meat every day. eat It. but flush your kidneys with salts occasionally, say a noted authority who tell us that meat form uric acid which j almost paralyse th kidney In their cf-1 fort to expel It fiom the blood. They i become sluggish and weaken, then you suffer with a dull misery In the kidney region, sharp pain In the back or sick : headache, dlxxtness,. your stomach sours. tongue I coated nji when th weather 1 bd you have rheumatic twinges. The j urine geU cloudy, full of sediment, the channels often get or and .-irritated, j obliging you to seek relief two or three; times during the night - To noutralixe these Irritating acids, to: cleanso th kidney and flush off the body' urinous waste get four ounce ofj Jad Salt from any pharmacy .here;; taks a tablespoonf ul in glass of water 1 before breakfast for a ew daye and your . kidney will then aet fine. : ThUrfamousl alt I mad from th act of grapes and lemon Juice combined , with-litma. and haa been ueed.fw generations to flush and stimulate sluggish k'dnevs. also to neutralise the acid In urine, so tt no longer irritate, thu ending bladder weakness. Jad Salts I Inexpensive: cannot in jur, and make a delightful effervescent llthia-wateT drink. Advertisement cers of lesser rank than general, representing-superior officers, are to re tire f rom . the - convention and freport to the first chief or their own respective commander. Tha armv corn., who., enmand.r. have ct a Star on th trip and loin tho hip- disowned the first chief, have been aoU- m,nt fct ,om Point east and chan.e their DllllnV OX eiianiQviuBUe uin., wnnre imw STATE'S EVIDENCE INVOLVES PROMINENT STOCKMAN P1BWRE, P. D., Nov. . (Special TetJ. gram.At the prellntfnar-' hearing -at Fcrt '"Plerrr;"today ' of Herman r Boh henet'heln, ' promtrtnt '' Stockman. charged -with- cattle rustling. EHl Ckris arrested - on th 'sama charge, turned states evidence and testified that Son nenscheln. Jack Borden; another promlV rent rancher, and hiraseK were the, par ties who made the shipment of sixty head of stolen cattle, vrhloh W-erestopped at Mobridge, a few day ago shipping tham from Iantry. .. -. , . . , The cattle wer billed with "A. Star," as th owner In charge and Carr was to fled that the officer; next In charge, wll assume command at once and report by telegraph to th. first chief as soon as possible. . ThA decree, add;.. "Th officer at to elect another gen eral and report the result to' entrant." This decree' was" followed by another ordering' all government employe U obey none but th first chief. ' BRYAN SEES'YOTE AN OJC, OF WILSON (Continued trom Page One.) faelft Lisa I ted t Cklraaw. Thla splendidly quipped, ail te ob- aervatioa car train of th Chicago. Mil wauke &t Paul railway leave Union station. Omaha. 1M p. m.; arrive Vnlon station. Chicago, 1 11 a. m. It numerous comfort features, directness of route and fast srheduls make it the Premier train to Chicago.' No estra fare. For ticket and bertha Inquire at city ticket office, ill? Farnam Et. Omaha. KAISER FAILS IN ATTACK ON YPRES (Continued from Page On.) allied line at Arras, forty miles further to the south, but not with th same fury s they exhibited on the onslaught of tha last week. paseed by congress had not had Urn to prove their worth. " ' . , . . 'Then. too. -more progressives returned to th republican party then w expected. Thla alune accounted Xor most of tb republican gam In the house of repre sentatives. Th victory, . however, wa sufficiently complete to shew that tb people-ar with the president and b I now able to continue the - splendid pro gram upon which be haa entered.'- Deme Galaa In Senate. 'Th gain In th senate ar especially gratifying not a single, democrat de feated for re-election, and thre senator thtpa taken front th 'republicans. 'The new tariff law cannot be re sealed , until after th people have had a chance ! to try It out and now that th election is ' over' the protected manufacturer ar al ready resuming work. Some of tham aua- ' ponded operation or nut down the r force cattle were to be sent to a non-Inspection point for sale. Sonnenscheln was in court, but Borden Colds, Headache, Nose and Head All Stuffed Up eaaawawtaHBwar ' Tour cold ' will ' break and alt grippe misery ' end ' after taking a doaa of "Pap" Cold Compound" every two hours until three dose are taken. It promptly opens clogged-up nostrils and klr passages In th head, stop nasty discharge or nos running.' relieve sick headache, dullness. - fevertsbnesa, mora throat, sneealng, soreness and stiffness Don't stsy stuffed-up! Quit blowing and snuffling: Eaa your throbbing bead nothing else In tha world give uch prompt relief a "Pap' Cold Com pound," which cosU.oaly X cent at any drug atom. It act without assistance, taste nice, and cause no inconvenience. Accept no substitute. Advertisement. instead of Physic pills and mineral waters, which only irritate and debilitate the body,' . You Need the pure, corrective, energizing salts of fruit contained in TfflB Fruit-Vigor upbuilds th entire system by vitalising Newer tails to giv rsliet rrom con- the dailv : ... . r ' ..Tl 1 J i . . i . l .1.1 ..U - aupauun. uiiHwnm, inaiguauun. an.Kimuavnc. muddy complexion, galktohes, pilei, droptlcal and rheoniatic tendencies, and kindred ailments. Fruit-Vloor la in hlohlv concentrated now form. Added te water makes a dellshtfal efterveK- In drink eaferty-drutik by bid and yoimteven babies. So gentle, twt wealtrv In action, that ex pectant and nunlng mothers tske it to keep them selves and baby in perfect health. The natural corrective. Makes weak stomachs strong, and constipated bowel active In their own nuiculai power. Tonas-np th liver at nothing eto can do, and promotes healthful activity of the kidneys. Remember It Never Fails 91 per Jar at your druMlf orby mall from us. 1 ftwrt r4 C-. Sissmy SMk. Ckloag i AMl'SBMBNTItr BRAIIDEIS;S HAT WA1) and I. OCT SALT, lTC7l(IOAX OOMXOT, witk Oorgwoasly. Oowned Ajaerioan Beavty Ckoma. Wed. Mat., 2iic-S0c; Evgs.. J 5o-Oc76o-l ""rA,,D Tharsday, NOV. 12 REtLO'llEI and Hit MimXElS AXZ. JTBW lUl BXAgOBT. Friday and t$Ci 1 3.1 d aturday Ov etmrey MAY fiOBSOM to Mat, ago, $n ingkt. aso to DOUG. 1476 . o-nigrbt, Xatinee. Tata, Tkn, Sat. m WOOSWAJUD STOCK OOatTASg In Oeo. C Ookak'a Ooaxedy, -. BROADWAY JONES Bfezt Week "Tbe CUsf Widow.- AMERICAN A m ii. iiiubpii aW "So fierce has been the fighting around Tprea that Ue of the Germans b,fur- th tectlon. Mi timy d(( t undr l "T"' condition, wrhlch left Uttle doubt that they mous figures of luO.OOQ, though the fig ure may prove to have been exagger ated." Brlllak) Bombard Tnrks. Th correspondent of Ileuter' Telegram company at Athena says nopea 10 arouse opposition to th new- tariff law. Beelng that th law I here to stay, they will now proceed to demon strate the falacy of th argument which they used In opposing reduction. The present's foreign policy la Twa British destroyers bombarded the' domed and hi hand strengthened. telegraph stations at Earmoussak and Ayasmat. Th Turk sank a Greek I steamer that was flying th British flag' at AlvalL ' 'Th Oreak Inhabitant of Smyrna ar fleeing, panic-stricken. A British de stroyer went to Alvalt to embark the Briiiah consul, but th Turk refused to, permit this. ) "It U ststed that Forts Bed'. Bahr aad Kum Kale. In the Dardanelles, have keen completely destroyed by th bom bardment. Th Turks, under th direc tion of Oerman officers, r hastily for tifying Alvalt." la Heee Vee. "The outstanding .fact In th late elec tion return Is th slump In th progr-' slv vote. A large percentage of the pre- j greeaive republicans have returned to the republican party, and that, too, without any surrender on th part of tha "stand-. patters' and the react1 onarlea. Th lead- i l ershlp of th regular republican party ha undergone no change. Senator Penrose, nd ex-Speaker Cannon will represent that party In the houae and senate, and t tb returning (rogresslyea must be pre- t pared to accept all that they protected A dispatch from Ccpenhan ,uoU th.' th. defect even further from reform than they wer two year ago. , Th democratic party deserve th sup port of all real progressive and In tb i next two year tt wtlj draw t Itself those progresaivea who understand th radical nature of th Issue which separates th democrats from tha aristocrat and .th plutocrats" PollUkea a saying that three Oerman Officers, wearing civilian dreas, arrived safely st Copenhagen on the Danish steamer Esrom, which sailed from Balti more on October 4. According to the pa per, the officers wer provided with what! purported to be pa as ports Issued by th Bwlaa conaulate general In New York. British warship In th Atlantl searched the Esrom without discovering tb dis guised Oermans. Beware' of Mineral Compounds a ther pit your Boiler nocessl tatlng nw tube. Wliy take chance T You can buy a reliable compound,, gold oa a, POSITIVE GUARANTEE to remove scale and prevent pit ting. It will prolong the life of your Boiler and - Saves It Price in Fuel It will pay you to personally look into tbe matter. A Bo.ler filled with seal givo poor.- ear vice and i&creas your cost of operation. We Send Trial Order 'We refund cash If you find our Compound doea not do all" we claim. . ' Nebraska Compound and Oil Company, 306 South 12ta Street Phone Doogiest SOOU Ee Want Ad Produce Result. AMI SBMKNT. Tonight, All Weaa; Mai. Ban., Ttanxa. Sat. ST A XtABO, CH gtliBS mM W aad associate player la "iior t m b . rrle as aad 50. Week ef . IS "Tb Tjrpkooa.1 boa 2nglaa 44. ASTAJBTOXS VAUOBTZt.X.B. Tats week: Mil. Natalie M. Ferrari. Paol Kkfst. Asa Chaastar. O UrMa, Haral A ( . Rum Valerie Bnteita, atari aaS Billy Hart. C&aa atclioooa' CV. Orpaeum Travel Wkljr. mt: Mat IBM, rtUerr lc; IWt St (. eettt Saiurdar SB guaSay), K: Nlss. 10a, J toe ana Jic ' ' "OMAWa.- TUST CKaTTatm" lsrUSfTfl Bally Kat, ia-a-50e. ryCMA?- Bvagk. is-a-&0-7S. r-.Mmben etioi rennrnr Fltsgerald Quinn. Edna Oreen, Bam Michel a, Bobby Harrington and a Big ttVst. 8creamlng satire on Alexander Btsaon's "Madam X.", entitled "Madam Xcuae Me." It's true burlesque. I.AjIBjMIMB BtAT. WtM DATS. Theater. D. 8069 16tk and atarney. ftast Times Today at 10)00, till, lii30, tt, aioo, :ia, aoo, eita, eioo, eaa, Jaaa I.aaky PTaaauts "WHAT'S HIS NAME" ' Wltk Kan rtgaaaa and IVoUta atoberte tomorrowi Mary IHkfor in -ssKUta TaxB aexnes" Eospe's r-i 71 nl The Biggest " 14 AU Round f DiscountZ-A and Special F rice I ale Rodpntb Heries No. 4 SEN. R0BT. L. OWEN, el OllaVoraa AusrroxxDM, tobiobt. 1. lg, 80 cent t bolder f member sliil'B. Heserv seat at Box Office Today at a. m. AU Cfood Beserratioas Tst AvaUabl. Tnrpin's Dancing Jlcadeny 28th nd Farnan Sts New class for beginners next Monday and Thursday. p. m. Advanced claaa Tuesueys, p. m L'p-lo-date dancea are standardised and easy to learn, front Xesaoaa Bally, Assembly Beat Batacday Brealag. BAJIBXT ei4. JAH0UNJ Savings Will Run From $75 $150 Yoa will buy our bet, our finest and niont dept'ndable pi av n o it, including KRAXiril & BACH, II K A M It A C II Grands, Kimball, llusli & Lane, CA BLE . NELSON down to tbe HINZE This means the best pianos made In the greatest fac tories , on earth -at lowest possible prices and YOUR OWN TEHMS. In this sale yoa may buy a piano AS LOW AS f 123. These can't be beaten In price and quality. 63 slight ly used pianos end players at $72 to $350. Make your , jvn terms. . The Small Musical Instruments VIOLINS: MARTIN DUERER KLOZ STEINER MANDOLINS: -BURTON 7 WASHBURN ' ' BRUNO ' Guitars,, Banjos, .Music. Bags, Strings and all Other Musical Accessories. At a Special Discount, except : ' on Contract Goods., v SI 95 M Lai Dept. Starts out ' with a 20 Discount on all ' frames and framing; any frame you see, any frame you order. . Better Came Wow f Lf U Y. 3 This will be a memorable .:sale in the history of the house of Hospe.v- ' Make this rale your k opportuni ty. Come early. You will regret it if yon wait. - Terms Hospe terms are elastic and . liberal. A. EIOSPE GO. 1513 Douglas Gt. "3ur 40tk Tar"