Newspaper Page Text
'- HEE: OMATTA. .... XOVKMBEU .1914. Xir XTVTHP A rC todayh complete mvk vmr m:i.r wanted male bisinksh chances live htucti mik walk. swappers cxilumn WAIN I fJLJ vVrl.iA Tiil. Bl HI NESS MEN ttZZTVZi7. T7ToETin or out of buTTnese Cell on Vehicle.. HORSE ETC.-Wlil tr.d- one horse: 3 -r Inclusively in The. Bee) OK OMAHA WANTEIiVen to V.rn cr trade snd HA NflEHTA P ay Bee Bids. P. M77. . HRAVYteamtn gear, farm wagon. & "" '-'VY w? be malched- W.nt ad received at any time, but to Iti.ell iiln.aen.e.. .crept position made hy for- urtK KK moki-; tor s,le. only ex- lrRf ttm'k tlrctlvi! .rloj;. ryLLJ:.-.-'. -'- - -Tri liMirt proper classification must be Pre- ELITE NO. I. bM BROADWAY. ...v,,. i , t m t t V.w .rHv.l nr being draftedfor Eniopean war. n. in liv. town of I loo. Jolnson-Panforth Co., 1...9-33 N. lMh St. before 13 o'clock noon for evening Hearst-Sclle No .71. A )KA J)hlj JMI 1 , ,,"' This Is a splendid chance for poor men, , weMern loWB. i,injr Kood business. HK.wy tmlrK irar. farm wagonn & FOR HENT coition iinrt 7:30 P.. m. for rnornlnsynl ThoGlrlfromtheWest.Li.bin. sitlsfactorv extern treatment? hathJ- fpw nuallflri.: earn whM Iparnlng. will pay to Investigate Good reasons for hnrne.sNarge stick ft attractive price. run, nr.xy 'U'r,.l,0;ni Vender etaSlng! Hummer. 2-ree Vlta.rsrh, iV,!? .'it eTr'st'' NrtlS! "coV.'TmR ZTb "" """ Y-"- 1I'JL : Ap.r, nd Plata. "Too Late to Classify.", JT7 Broadway Private entrance, basement, corner of bldg wTTTvi-i ?'a " i::.-i... ,' .. IK YOU hava KCHO to invent, and a good 1KAM of mares, Z &V pounds, $175. BEAUT1FCLLY finished apartment of 5 " Animated Weekly VlnfeT U. v 'm,.VT W 'ftTdTrTlf Hi?,, 1)1 r .J?.?, ZtTJ .n ,t khowl'dge of tha retail bualnes. there Team of maros $125. looms and hath, also large screened -.0,, wa Iwo ",,n1 Gl Joker eome.dy. JQiet ny, m...,.., 4 iw md. n. iiz. once. Muit be "Metis ' sober "nd must , . rllrtn,r(,np opn ,or vou m niml. 3. , oc,llnty !,-, uth Omaha. Tele- Porch; all convenience including janitor x CASH BATES. . Thn Jungle Manter. 2 reel nieon Mis Jacobs. Mnss.. bath. elc. trt. I). 71.1. n.v had experience In a large shoo. n(SM do(n(t 3j4iWJ per annum. Address phone Sovith . service, steam heat locker space and rS,CSUUV lim'g- 1 7' .--T. HEODEhZ!?-' T ItA M BAtT MA KK l'Cunoi I Bluff's, K vor B,,,v ' t0"' W""n-r- W' N" Wo !STJif; WTnlIUr ?bFfste Officer. iV.nA.?D K" g" - t'H? ; Yck" .ioT s.uare TWC hor,e. and two lISTTV-- "d VE, rnh.''17 One ttroV J ntT word. A Costume Piece. Vltagraph. Miss Fl.hcr. muss., eject, trest. Hed Mlsri:..eo.B, treatment. Hvery wagons and one set double har- HLOTT ft HIM, C O.. Uouplas ino. Pc, o- the Wild-Wood. Itiogrsph. Mis dul.ULN. bath. mas.. Km. 234. I.EARN Tartarlo Mirror Pllverln,r-U . QnriC SALES COMPANY T-o '231S Cuming MODERN heated &-room apartments at CItAROE RATES MAGIC. 24TH AND O BT. Nevllto blk., K,h and Hsrney. 1). W. Tys. closely uarred secret of ni1- Mwna Redil. eery Co.. ilB lumin 1. Z)tn i.Huvorth 8t41.( J35. CaU Peven Mnsecutlve times. cent a, lln MAKMAdF iob h "iuIThI m7s" te.l M "tl!1'!;!' .1,ir,k'"J."1,J,,I'-, Blr" 11H1 hall, bowling alley and b-Hldlng Douglas 3o,o or 410 Hoe Bldg. each tnaenlon Animated Weekly. MA2fc8tJi.Jo; stow, E14 23d 81. Oakland. Cal. for sals at bargain. JL T. Burch. Mad- urnirt 15-5oln apartment, modern except Three times within one week. 10 cents a Those Were they Hnppy Days, t-r. Nest. MASSAGE l"4 HER BljlLUINO. Q0OD FUTURE FOR YOU Ison, Neb. Ml'.im Ij hest. 2ta Davenixirt St. Walnut 435. llC.iV"erce0n't'. a lln. !. , or anyone who makes himself an aut WOX9. unow cards. Clark ft Bon. D. 137 n;t f TTiofnlo 1,,- Steam htd flats. Kth & w7b7Tyie71r FSunt Tu "ersgd word- to a Una. ORPHEUM. SITU AND M, SO. OMAHA ''-J-. Nv' expert WE GIVE EXPERT WORK. THKATBIIS Buy. lease or sell your the- rllCS, JV 1SIUI3. CUreQ OT CLARE APARTMENTS " Ulniinum charge M cents. BATH and massage, alcohol rub. Laura 'Jo right Into the auto business) from ater. machine and supplies through 7 tw ..ri n.... c.. . .' . - . Special feature Saturday. Wilson, INK Farnam. R. I. Doug. K7.1. here. Best and finest equipped college. Theater Exchange Co.. 140fi Farnam St. Dr. E. 11 Tarry cures piles, fistula and "a n ""'ney s'"i 8 room apartments. 1. .1 tatmn un- iTn... 1 ' Opportunities best here now. ever have Douglas 1W7. other rectal diseases without surgical op- call n. 647 or D. 6o0,. . " - Ersmlned. glasses fitted, pay a. you ft Sr' 0011 Vatl To $SS? UJ"rt,cr- ANXOCNCEAIKTS ran. Drs. McCarthy. 1111 W. O. W. Bid,. AMERICAN AUTO COLLEGE. iuj to tuVn your s'ock " to big mone disease, with testimonials. DR. E. K, UUrUUIl V dll VO. 0k" ,.rZ7Iir. 1. Thi Bet .7(-t t.f T. rnno. . r.mZi. Osteopathic Physio-... 1119 Farnam Kt Omaha with our special sale plans. United Bales TARRY. 840 Bee.. tit N. 11th St. Phone D 394 or Web. im JyT,erpCbnoneC'r',UrWntad,nThe i0 """" Mrr" B'd D" wANTElnallw.r maU and Dost.l ' Flr"Ljt!L-l-r IftiptUFO Vllrltl'uWrav AND rooms .nnm: TELEPHONE1 TYLER 1000. e,, .amp:,. Sherman ft ...;.,s. ertffiTon.: YR or &?c3iM M Bee llld.f': 'StTwttl OOpp ANNEo-iiSf7Tm. . , " . K - "manlt- II. A. Sturges. Mi Wrandets Thenter Bldr. appointments yearly; prepare at home. sold, write Jim wrav. bioux cuy. .... , ; ... , with kitchenette, steam heat. Phone 648. 1 " " ' Wedding announcements. I oug pt Co. , o nMrriell Paxton Hlk Tel Red U7 Write for plan No. 86 of payment after 'OU If AVE rrj ; unclaimed Answers rPhT- int'nt "'"-- : Better Chances money to ixan Rental Service Free tO thO DT.i UV-Ah Ld, of Dentil Work -"'"' - ' " t AHIEDOUIKU mBN-Ooo, eyesight, for p n aiV EL."? W. can .av. you much worry, trouble' c rVl,-,rvM done, under careful siurvlslon. at the Prtntlmi. firemen and brakemen; good wages; hnf rStlSITlPSS 30S Paxton Block. Douglas 1411. 2nd annoyance. . We can tell you what feWapperS COIUMn- the CreUhton College of Dentistry. 210 8. WATKRS-BA RNTIART Ptg Co quality experience unnecessary. State age. Hall- JL WUOlllOO . houses and apartments each real estate Hnndreda of othnr answers have been IMh HI. Children's teeth atrsUMened. printing. Tel. Doug. af. f.24 8. !3th ht. "" V VA, Bee. - When Your Office Is Located 7 Pj0"ct.1h,aB1., "Tr us, Douglas railed fur "and delivered during the last FKKS veryjrJMe;j.xtrac,ln. free. H LEARN to play ragtime tn 20 lessor in a Good Building Like the PERSONAL. - IrTTT? !r3PP week. It la rtasonshle to suppose that all GET a v, M. c. A, U(.ket for Xmaa. rrrZ. r;"- - ' Call or wrlto Chrlstensen Cchool. 4220 ., , r 610 . 27TH. 6-room modern flat, $30. 100 of the people Inflow hava made the ,1e- COIUvl A MKEN.1E 1TO. Co. 1). 2644. Cuming Ht. Phone Harney 3379. o UOQ l11llHinrr 1 HE Salvation Army Industrial home so- N. 2Mh, 7-room modern flat, J20. aired wapa-theefore. do pot cs for the rt-rcr-r- kTTsIhTT i vtg en "Ti,a, c.'nitoi ' 1. "hot rFT?r7TTrTuir,, ln ' , JJCC 13U.11U111U licit your old clothing, furniture maga- C. O. CARLBERO, 31U Brandela Theater. balanoe of their niwers. Bee Want Ads ai.l tg Co.. l' W Capitol. D. 1102. IN V EHTlOATOHS worlt In every county O lines. We collect. We Oistrlhute. Phono , , ., ; aure get resulU. f TVE niKK CENTRAL PKINTIMI Co DOUO 3754. " the Lnited R ates; 15 o 7j per (The Building that Is Always New.) Douglaa 41J5 and our wagon will call. Call 6 ROOMS, strictly nil modern, with sleep PC. S C. HC. P C. B.C. P C. 1.1 ...... - . : : J'" t0 ar:; teir HRy Secret , FINE ROOMS ENSUITE AT $33. Rn Inspect our new home. 1110-1112-1114 Ing porch, nearly new. cement basement, 3212 J271 lira 14015 34,9 1 ) BUSINESS MEN Palnllna- and I'aperlnc. Korv)ce. Wheeling, W. Va. f",B w a r..QLmc am. . L,odKe st screens and storm sash, furnace; flrst- J221 mi 1X17 1407 J4',2 1V.4 jiMtllA IIUOII M'MANCS, 417 N. 40th. H. B72. WXnTED-1,009 men to eat ham and egga Investments. ' VOINO women coming tn Om.h . j"", location' 3115 Davenport. Price. $32.60. 5 11 im OMAHA i-Tnea Itenovted. .Coffee John. 14th and Capitol Ave. INVESTMENT Wanted, a man to In- Xrawr? aranvIUd't? vl?lt?he"Young" ijfft "erg. 312 Brundei. Theater. Jfi? i till I t 1V.7 -T! Z FI I'MFH 1 nn... ... . . . ttt . , . - vest about i,000 In an old established Women a Chrlstlun Association building at -Kl S JSS iwt ul Ull lS A VI O rkt ( ImUnn died iterThs KruHe7 4M Sl BM WantPfl Jit I JTIPl0 general merchandlsa business; will run 17th St. and St. Marys Ave., where they CTEAM heated, handsome. 5 and 6-room iSs irt 14'4 1472 lVl I. JD V- Ul VIIldllC . "c(i, Heriha Kruger. 42l Paxton. D. 334. TVClllUCU. Ul V-UtC It with my own help. A good Investment will be directed to suitable boarding places apartments now ready. Webster 7M1. m i7 1 nil I4a4 1473 JWl . Koncla Ei terminator. MEN to loarn the automobile business; for the man that has some money to or otherwise assisted. Look for our tiav- , .. M 1 i 14K41 14HI ' 1H0 ALL WATCHES, diamonds and Jew- B. B. B. Roach powder at your druggist the demand Is great for our graduates; loan out. Htock about llOoOO. Carman elers aid at the Lnlon station. wft Vapn am nipiCT . 19 vn 14T3 14NH 1574 i elerv soeclul Drlces. Sept. and Oct 'e have trained hundreds of men; let us preferred. Address Y S54. BeA IK vvilllam K Jones formerlv with the . wcai faknam di&IHICT. M linJ 1W "a li. A B..rnow .1. wVek. ' Western Watch "afe and Tim. Wk Kaner. tr.ln you. Write for free booklet , . WorthiTrn" tVnh-aTCow'iSr wrTuVy aPrirKn0d..ySnut0..'-CU-r J-H. MS 13W 1441 IMS 1...7 an,i Jfcwelry Co.. Room n7. Karbach C A T7 L?C Opened, repaired comb. Nat'l AutO TraininflT Ass'n. ' - 4 267. Omaha Bee. he will find out some- Bm Bfdned deblock C Farnam s?" iS ! 5 ? :S f OAriib MKS'Uir a4N..h"on,.hJm EDUCATIONAL thing to h satisfaction. t A.d'-ntW slcMon TomVSu: 57 lau I4OT 1454 It, i:7 INK 01 f h e facing 17th street, lust be- . port, i4m noqge. u. WANTED Party to Join me shipping Ings; very attractive. Rate will be very tJB 1321 140S lL 1W4 H ng vacated, splendid location, In shoe tr pairing. ATTTOMnitTT.V. SniOOT, TV tl T nmn auto to Los Angeles and get car load reasonable to young man With good refer- Um 1331 1405 14 114 1 the Bea building. Apply to the su- Electric Shot Rep. Co.. 1RW St Mary. Av. AU lU.MUUll feLiiUULl MOSner jLaiTlDITian rate. Addreea M-183. Bee. ences. Tel. Harney 4S.81. t- - perhoendent. room ,1(8. . tTia ,nd Whov7a7iT EVENING CLASS. JL-ailikAlXCAA 701 So. 18th, board. 20 per month. Phono DEATHS AKO FUNERAL NOTICE- r gJLJJO". "3 SO. l.TH ST. ( Kthe o College lOULTTtt AND SLTPLIE3 DE VAL Mrs. Anns, at her home, 221 31K H. Kth. Dougina zi.n. store, unt. office l lxtares. mobile education, who do not hava time Unsurpassed' classes In business, short- STEREOTYPE matrices make the best FURN. rooms by day or wk.j modem: North Twenty-fourth street, Monday, MAMA PILLOW CO., Iu7 Cuming. DUSKS, safes, scales, showcases, shelv- to obtain the same during tha day. we hand and English branches. Graduates and cheapest lining for poultry houses. steam heat; 11.60 up. 107 S. 17. D. 6953. November , 1814. f 1 Loug. 2467. Renovates feathers and fctc- We buy, sell. Omaha Fixture are organizing an evening class, in addl- guaranteed good positions. Places pro- They are 17x23 inches, stronger and more v.r . v, ' . o .... Funeral at Crosby's 1 parlor. Tuesday. J mttressej of all Kinds. m.K,. "PP'X Co.. 414-16-18 B. tilth. D. 2724. tlon to our regular day classes, commenc- vlded for young people to work for durable than tarred felt and practically it .f2 LPi ' November 10, 1H14, at I P' JJ" JI???Lrv feather maltrenses and down covers. s.eel CTlll: Ing Nov. 16.- board. For free catalogue addres. llreproof. 7oc a hundred at The Bee office. 'avatory, 112.50. WahjUW. be cremated at iorest Lawn cemetery. VTZ . . w have Just added another bu ldlng, -a - - 1 FORTLlsTlreThTmclon Cockerels GOOD steed room In private family, $3 VACU !M cloaners for sale. Vacuum CARTER Sheet Metal Works, 110 8. loth. over S.ftO square feet, to our already large MninPrJ amntTian cheap Philips Fo Crook Neb and one ll.KLBtarney car line. 707 N. 33d cleaning doiio-in the home. Sanitary Tuwts, n,,iiM . space, giving us a total of aver 14,000 1V1UOHC1 XCXlLlUlllCXLl f. " st. Harney 6344. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. T'r "t f" ""' OMAIlAoM Supply. S. 11th. D. 62. tina AJtTi.JSSIS'-Jdo t PnllpCTP A'WagvM TWQ-nlcely, furnished, for two or Blrtis-J. LeRoy and Ne,. Bend.. 1910 Wrr!,',.'' "nl? PN'K! Tmnh. nDn K 1 . J L J COIiege hTTll--l5o7wgner. 801 N. H rftW V" CaM South Nlnet.nth. boy; trank and Noll f hhamVa f'vi' ii- ,V' "1..' 1, r .7 FRFI I MO a ktb-ivi p inns u-., 0 Remember that this is the pace where in: Fsrnam St Omaha Neb -at "a Oreen. hospital, girl; 8. B. and Mario ,5tn a,LX' .. M1 ." L"fcl'INa ft KTE1N LK, tao Farnam St. yml can obta)n th practiCftf auto ? Farnam St.. Omaha. Neb. . SUNNY, modern, sleeping room. $2.60. Hughes. Cass, hoy; Anrl an Hannah "r""y- """'" lla- Tailors. cation, getting your training by doing ae- TJflVI VQ rfT T Vni? txrX"rc-i rr mrr- 2209 Douglas St. Undblad. hospital, boy; Marie and Ou- Aeeonntnnts. CHAS. C. IANDERYOlT, 10. N. 16tb St. J"aJ epair work, finding trouble, etc., JJUIJUltiO tULtLJi.UJ WArtAfeD 1" Bit ROOM In home In Dundee half block mtYK,laT. hos, Jk,,'?L;ll'f'K n- THOMAS A COMPANY. Vet.n,.,,..,. io ouXlVonhui wo'0 yU NIGHT SCHOOL HOME In western o"mTha worthTOOoTo" from car line. Phone Walnut 1228 after Deaths Hugh ltoberlson, bl year., nosn 1237-;tx c ly Nat. Hunk llldir Tvier mm ""an. go out Into the automobile world. iHAVJAXX 112 OlO. For clear land ard cash Address 6 n m Bltal; N. P. Madseu. M years, 113 South! rt -Tjf ' r.- y DR- R. VOUNO. 4W2 Center. II. toe TUP NPRPAWii TIW OTmAT F 178L Be e AUaresa o p. m. Twenty-eighth; Iucy Hlter, b years, hos- & A. DWORAK. C. P. A., - : lllilj IS CiJJilAoJVA' JJAl SCHOOL F 1,S- Bei- FURNISHED room for rent near Crelgh- pltal; Sarah Maskovlts, 37 years, hospl- 4J3 Ramge f''''ljD"IIs UH. Wine, and Lliinor.. A TTTTlAT OTtTT F! RnTffiT Complete business course- complete OFFICE furniture bought and sold. J. ton university, phone Douglas 7281. t'al; George Tal.nan Chadwed. ;U years. BAKER7 XTtiiT-waLF ' Ah JETKS- :3 S- m" st- Wine.. AU !.Vk 1 a . w.UL horthand or .rtnotjpa co"r.e; complete C. Reed, 1207 Farnam. Doug. 6.46. m g 29TH-Furnlshed roomB." private hospital; James B. Davis, 4S years, M0 43,1 Ramge Mldg. louglas J40ii. liquors, clgm. Plate dinner 11 to 1. 10c. The Practical School. telegraphy course; civil service branches WE BUY 2d-hand clothes. 1421 N. 24Ui. family. Harney 4008. South Nineteenth: John Hcsnlon, 40 years, Olohe li.iuor hn.. 491 m .... T Fnono Douglas 3043. 1413-15-17 Dodge St and English. Write, phone or call for . . - nfV,.t wlth ,, ,am,, 2111 Nicholas; Elisabeth Hitter. 7i years, Addln Machines. iint t "S f ilr SmI wii,I6t,h;. Crf lrnl. Get Catalogue "C." 1914 catalogue. ,,'11 710 Nona Thirty-ninth. Dalton Ada ng Machines. 411 8. IB. T. 1449 RflYT F3 PAT T VCl V LIVE STOCK MARKET OF WESl boulevard- reierences, tip. Web. 6.1H. - : ' ' w HENRY POLLOCK LlyUoH HOUSE, , .. IlU 1 ljLti) UUljJiUj u,a P "tl "" "J HANS. PARK district, furn. steam heat- I "e'1 M'h Co., (Wales SV. O. W. p. Unt. -th and Capitol Ave. Ten-cent lunch. 1TITT t U7 a vrtrn ' Boyle, Omaha, Nebraska. SHIP livestock to South Omaha. Save ed room, private family, tlO. H. 3337. mn.v.. muMlTTif Architect.. BUY ' your" lluuor. at Klein's UH-kiT W4ftlU H. B. BOYLES, PRESIDENT. mileage and shrinkage. Your consign- " 2633 HARNEY Nicely furnished 'room" TODAY'S COMPLETK Everett w. Dodds. 612 Paxton Hlk. P. 191 Liquor House. 622 i N. lth dSu,! ia MAL- ASP FKMALE. " -r " menu receive prompt and careful atten- sultabi (or 2 gentlemen; hot water heat MOVIE mOGUAMS Attraction.. - ' ' MEN. WOMEN Get government Job.- . Tho Van Sant School Hirney 6767. Exclusively In The Bee. ' OMAHA film e.. 14th and Doug Motion . ... T"7 " I'i6 to $160 month; S.uOO appointment. C-- T LlT 9k C ommission Merchant.. HARNEY ST.-2407-Deslrable front room. Pl.-turo muchlne and film bargain BKM WANTEDFEMALE monthly. Writ, for list. Franklin lnstl- oteilOSraDllV MARTIN BROS, ft CO., ' Exchange Bldg. Hot water heat; for two gentlenen. Dtwi Ti. TZT. ' ' : ; ; tute'PJr'itoche,ter' - O J ;; ., , FARNAM 2822 Nice steamheated rooms CAMERAPHONE 1403 "OlTGLA8 8T, t ueto Untrlu. , Clerical and tifftce. GET government Joba7"t6o to $160 a L Mhool, 8:e-to 4:00. , for young men. Trt l" m tfc West Lubli!8 BT' neto repq.r work q .paclalty. D. ins. WANIBD AT ONCE-Hrst-clas. .teno. month; 2.000 appofftm'enu each month .o8 800L' ?: r . SWAri'EB'M COLUMN t-R. modern cottage. 816 N. 27th Ave. Anne of tha Mines i-reol Vliagrauh. Aueiiune.. ' ,Hn.'1 bkkP salary In keeping with for lUt of position, obtainable adOres. 'th and Farnam Sts. Douglas 647. . jim . , , , - "tr" -vc- . Th5 t-Llieft It Baby Itlogranli Aucitoneejp.. ahillty. Apply r.-t sta'e Bk. Bid Y 239. Bee. - - T?Pir'wntTiMn a- AUTO CASE Want to swap for auto FUR. rooms for 2 gentlemen. Web. 7724. They Labed It Baby. .Blograpli. . Duwd Auction Co.. 1123 W. CT. W. Red 'TgVV,-.,-" ; . . LEARN TYPEWRITING AT HOME. casings and tubes, 34x4H, for other per- ; , ., 1 ELITE, 1318 FARNAM HT. " . V,AS)IIER. grocery experience; salary ac- MEN-WOMEN-Get government Joba. tTHo Jh": "J' A sonal property. 1 have a Stanley run- Knrnlshed Houses. The utterfly. I-r. Vita. Helen Gurdner. "if . . u.00.1?1,"" ,to , ability. Aluly at once 626 to $lo0 month. Write for list of po- -Hi?. oVi,R U XSIVKIJF:r CB., ar,out .ieamer In perfect condition and FOR RENT-Furnlshed cottage for the The Squaahvllle School. Blogiaph. u .haiiM. 10c shave, neck shave. 1617 Far. St-te Bank Bldg. lltion. available. Franklin Institute, PQ"'a. 2919. 1905 Farnam. latest styie, and a clasy looking car. winter; convenient location; a bargain; Mother o' Dreams. Essanay. bine l-rtatla-. FOR stenographic or clerical position. "k 801 Rocne,ter. N. X. EXPERT lady stenographer will take What have you? S. C. iail. Bee. easy terms. Harney 2996. tFARNAM, 1415 Farnam HORNBY CO. Blue printing, under new ee WATTS ltl-U' CO., K40-42 Bran. Thea. . . P.up.Vlni5oH,RT,HA?D touch. Pewrit- AUTO-One Oakland roadster, now en- H.iasclteeplna- Room. in the Clutche. of the Gangster.. 2 reel , ownership. ao Omaha Nat Bk. D. 3167. Knetory and Trade.. " compete uilShTg . 'ne, new gears new tire., speedometer, THREE nice rooms, hsk g. 1U3 8. 11th. K. B. drama. " . 1 rt-nx. . . , WAVT171 MrTITATlf xa iz 7. 5. " f. ,i ousines. ca- top and side curtains, thoroughly, over- Phil. Vacat.on, Royal comedy. Mrn. Koandrlea. LEARN halrdressmg. Oppenheim Parlors. WAflxtJJ BHUAHUHo rer. Private inetructlon if desired. 4t24 hauled. What have you to otfer In trade Varslahril llMrkvlag Rsona. The Final Impulse. American drama. Paxton-Mltehell Co., 27th and Martha Pta. Hoaaekeeper. anil Donaetlea. WANTKD W k as cha bar aid In h T g " BL Tel- alHut 2327. or canh? Address 8. C. 218. Bee. MODERN housekeeping; reasonable. 624 lilI-4- X 11 EATER. liAii AND liA'UNEY. Hnlldlnw and Henntrlna. THE Servant Girl Proulm Solved. The la Omaha or nouth umaliiv Phoae a! AJl.S utJ1' h tu." unllm" AUTuMubiLt-. oiu.r aaiomoblu N- 20th- ' E FH ANT 011 Paxton Mlk Done 1117 will run a Servant O r Wanted Ad IM. ,.jted scholarship In Boyles Businens col- bargains e the -Auiuuiobile" Uas-il.- FUR. h'k p'g rooms. 1807 Leavenworth. Home of Paramount Picture.. r- r"nrA' axmn Hlk. Doug. ?1B7. FREE until you get the desired results. ,8v;Pmaha foI5 ther. orthn, cation. oavfnpFiht -jciK-Twn ktcft y fitr' . lister, and Well Dilac. Xhl. applies to residents of Omatia. bouih YOUNG man wanu place to work for or business course.. Apply at the office ly' mcvcLK for vnoJ Tafc-EJif?J fARiC ; .1. N. 10111 : NKED well or cistern 'cleaned or dugT nri'JlSj T?..W tetS" UOyl"' " - ' "saleadoV VhU, lcfn e" g$k ,10L8i'KhEP1NG Lord Cecil Intervenes. Lubln. SCHAFFER does it. Phone Web. 6631. ? " Ht "tflee or telephone Tver ia. luepliune Pougiaa luo. Address 8 C. 221. Bee a . Trie polfconed Bit. -reel Edison. ' i -i.f,.,i. 1 WANTED-.A girl for general housework; WANTED A young man want, to work . v Hotel, and Apartment. Hlppery Slim and Green-Eyed Monster, r "'" " V two In family; good wages. 2029 Dodge. for room and board; will do anything. , POIl SAt.Fl ' CANAN Kfal estate ana bxchangj. CALIFORNIA Hotel. 16th and California. pTnuTTt HXlJr. W. T. Pml.h Co., 1111 City Nat Bk. D. 231 xvEiUKS'iTrn .V,"h', l l Uh1 " U" N' -p 77 CAni.trndVi,1HnortWawha? hiv. vSTSJ1 Weekly rate. $2 and up. Douglas 70,3. The Return, 1-r. Eclair. 1 , Co.lDnler.. work; Xwh Deer Park Blvd, Tel. Tytor ?7t" Ht: Fnrnltnro. 8 plate, and Ulpod. VV hat have you T Ad- OG DEN HOTEL. Council Bluffs, steain Universal Hoy In Mystery of New York s: rn Johnaon'. .pedal, al.o Victor nut 1S;W- SITUATION wanted a. caretaker of SEVERAL van load, of furniture and ?re"?-, V- -j-.: "f" heated rooms. $2 per week. Phone 648. and a good Remedy. J-0U $6. Phone D. 1702. WANIED-Cook. Apply Mr F. 8. Cowl ..rooming hou.a Addres. A 636. Bee. .on piano. Omaha Van and Storage DICTAPHONE- DODGE HOTEL- Modern Reasp-nabiT" PRINCESS, 1317-19 Douglas 6 big baskets coal II W.sner km n'is gill, 604 South th street EXi-ERlENCED chauffeur wishes to ,! . , 1 " C wUh complete outtit for making and re- t3U.K1 uTT JJnk that Illnds. 1 reel Rex. D'"K" c"'- Vagner. KOI N. 16. " "repI drive privaU car; careful driver; knows New ft iWM.and furniture, cash or terms; producing both two and four-minute rec- f OR RENT-Din ng rooi.i. Ogden hotel. The Fatal Marriage. 1-Ko. comedy. C hlropraetore. WANT EJ.V Experienced wnlte girl for city very well. Address F 662 Bee reasonable. Ainer. Furn. Co.. 6O0 N. IGth. ords, together with supply of blanks; out- Council Bluffs. Ia. To. Stronger Love. Imp. P.cktor,. I.. Geddls. D. C. 2M Bee B'dg. Doug. 42U CaTC jelnut fl? ' WANTEU-Cookin. position by' colored For Sale-Good base burner. Tyler 22joT. JJf'hr TT H?" CVt Ihlun I'alntlna. ST'LA"Rsc.k for Private family, pe"on' ork Preferred. Web. 737i M tatlon to work up speed, or can bo used IIOUSCS Cretgh SonV &Co Bee building ALIIAMBRA 1814 North Twenty-fourth Ruth Ixtchford, decorating, firing. R. 4S42 Douglas. Wyo.j $30 month; no washing. STRANGER In city want, day work, It PIANO llayer: a bargain Tel. H. 4711 for learning foreign languages. Wrant good . 8 " ro"nm,,l Ttie Mountain lUit, drama In 4 roe Is. J, . ,, ; 1 Telephono Walnut IChjo. y'r.' experienoe, $3 per day. Walnut 3241. ivusible typewriter, or wbl accept any- 2 B-R.. full lots. 707 S. 63d. 3L M. J. LACY.'tBEE RLDG. DOTTQ. 4715. $ o f Ttfb value 1 Ca, use. Addres. r. Open ALAMO. 24TH AND FORT.. Cream Separators. Harney 3b60. furnish aood references a. to character Central T pewrlter Exchange. 301 S. i7tn. puE bm fof gQoA cash flrt fWebstr 2567. His Father;. Son. Vreel Victor. Tho Pharplrs Separator Co.. 12th A Farn. WOMANfor general housework colored and ability. Address J 0i. care Bee. RENT Remingtons. Mpnarchs and Smith payment on a piano; sell for $24 cash, MODERN house, fine condition, or would" ' He? SXZS'Wt-T"- CTL HEUABLK lo.ored womar iant. gen- "SMIS E UaJSJtTV " -"thly payments. ' FTON. .Mimary Ave. snd U,r fiJ 10 do general ' ' ' 'wSW lffiUhaS?raS" S UUE BILI140 due hill good on player 7-ROOM brlok house. 2712 Jackson. In- Ae!f-0ArH?t NThhau " . ' ' J" " "" Ty'"r houstwork. ox,d wagea Apply wUh YOUNG lady de.lre. work for room and chines sent V Rates, three month, for v p, noi rr ilaloRo: tr"de- VVhat hve quire 401 City Nat Bank. KvlV MaJ H la HI. Ice MaVesdra. Acndemle.. reference. Mr.. Leonard A. tivaulding, board wld atlendinB college. Addre.. $5 , f or under.troke machines or $3 per you7 8- C" Bo- Bcc- : 8-ROOM modern house. I30781 80. 8ith Kvery Man Has His prue. Majestic Or a. Turp'n'. Dancing Academy. 2Slh ft Tarn. Harney St. P 17H. Bee. month tor latest model visible writers. ELECTRIC cook .love with coffee per- Ave Call Harney 4181 Pehtentvera, Cry.tal comedyKU CHAMBERS' Academy, classic. D. 187L RELIABLE, competent girl for general EXPERIENCED ' laundres. want. po.l- All make, typewr.ter. rented, sold t.rms. '"'"nc 8-ROOM cottaleTMMBpraKue; ga and, The'BHd. of VMartlfh7a'dM ST Victor. M.ekle'. Academy, now open. 1816 Har! Hawaitnew.y' A?e JlT "f" , But,. Typewriter. IS0G Farnam. D. 60,1. J- yT water. Call Valnut 1630. Th. Senator', lidy, J'owers. T"' . ." 1 fwryflleJ . WANTED General housework or day - , Mlseellnneoat). . Vtctrola, sewing machine, motorcycle or 6-R. house, mod., 4508 N. 28th Ave. W. 3049 ifH.'uni rv'TiiKATfc ''it mTvranki'im "r9"mm"m' GIRL for giteral housework, cooking, no work by colord lady. D. 7324. . B b - . f monfty. trT electric library lamp. Address 8. C. 235. 1 - HIWiVr BUIreel Itl TDc.m.k-, college, Mth ft Farnam. washing. lW ?H,gl... M1DDLEAG1-.D lady wish.. position fo-OO U VVb 848. H.mon'"'' EQlJipMENT of photo gallery, wUl Uade Mp 7173 rH'5 WCo 'Mid The Demon of the Rail.. Kalem. STRANGER In city want, day work. 1 WHITE GIRL for general housework, .cooking and doing houaework. 1115 8. t.hnd inch Ciross Wreik Co It ft Paul or sell. Price. $150. 8. C. 214. ATACAg fittA VA O t fbr 60 days The Spirit of Jealousy. Biograph. y rs" experience. $3 per day Walnut 3241. Harney 47. 24th St., Bouth Omaha. ooT. L-y 'V? ," ' whir MFHfHtNnmmd .ere. tm rge vaT2 men H.25 per h7. ' dr". 3 jllPPODROME 26TH ANIUMING MIS8 STURDY. 2416 Ca... Rcd-T an.eet.n-enna. " NUR8B with baby girl will keep houw .?&,.oWr p5v4tdM NrtSrta landPart'ay', men, f per hr. 171.1 Webster. Doug. 1496. Over Krill. T7" KUln'of HoYat'i. FASHIONABLE dressmaking; lu07 Corby. YOUNG women cpn.lng to Omaha a sandwe" m i:n enmera and carrying cose for plate hold- ancj pasture; good house and born; T X) rCiA Exp1;, Coi moving vltH. . t i?.?;. iJii,, i i ,Lli rrp--;,,;, , . ;,-vr,.,r. j r,Zr strangers are Invited to visit the Voung St Web. 398.1. Best references. eri . Th outfit tn good condition and a fenced. Loan 12,400, Interest per cent. I . JLVCeQ Rackln storage Perils of I a.ilme, llth ep 3 pnrts. ATSON ft LUND. It'll Douglas. R. 6101. Women . ChrlatUn Association building at EXPERIENCED grocery clerk; rfer big bargain for the lot at $110. Addres. Will trade with owner at cash value, $30 J vu la7 Farnam. P. 6146. JT THEATER. WTll AND LOCUST Urs.i. wm" dlrwHed" to' suit 'ble'ardln5' cn cut meat ' Web. 2673. Aj90. Bee. per sere. 8. C . 232 Bee. t-R modern except heat Web. 6980. ThrHadlif-te'rnBl7 I-reel Kalem DRUGS at cut price.; freight paid on $10 places or otherwlso aslSted Look'tor our POSITION as chauffeur, private or com- MKNDET8. mend leak, instsntly In all FURNITURE for a 46-room hotel near f r f fj i HnnnhM for Ijick VltHsrsnh orders; catalogues frcs. Sherman ft Mc- travelers- guide at Urton station. menial car; .years' experience; msr- utensils granite ware, aluminum, tin. Omaha, $1,600. Low rate rent on tha I T nhP V Ufa rVT XrOtClO'a ror luck. VRsrapn. Connell Drug Co . Omaha. Neb. rri:,. ' it : Hed. Best of referencea. Address (0 W. braa.;hot water bag., etc. No Bolder, building. What have you to offer. Ad- VJ1UUC V CXlItVOLUI ClUC IXiTHROP, 24th and Lothrop 7 - 1NTELLIOE.N r woman over SO, trav- Washington Ave.. Council Bluffs. cement or rtvet. Any one can use them, dress S. C. 1268. care Bee. c, . . ... "When America Wan Young -r Kru m Uontlst. ellng nianagor. Permanent. 6u0 Brandol. . 1 Comnlata nackara 15 assorted sizes for . , . - . Btoree, move., packs, .hips; S-horee van WlSB0- ' "a'- -r SSMf, coat..ult.drgaaf.& "PS&SSSSA ff'iKafl: $i82JZ;Wor K? L&t gp! g rhe fmly way, neauty drama. Jr TikW.. .iveoiui.denilsiry. d Brandei. Slp mlase. coats, suits, dresses ft Web. 7487. rT!t camera and carrying case for plate hold. LOYAL. 2406 CALDWELL. V, -,h ' , '.;. :z ST-iT,v' ... w T ,!kl v. "ny''e fl wh,ul,"'Hl" P"- yoTlNrt man ., hotel clerk de.lre,, no.i ANTIQUE artistic inlaid, drop-leaf card era The outfit In good condition and a ACOQ TTAITMf Bailey, the .W t Ity Nat I Hank Uf . Kcw York Sample Store. 206 N. lhth. i0"r;0.B w ,,S7ij table; bargain. 1912 Webster. big bargain for the lot at $110. Addres" 4t)ZO VUIVIjUNLt The Tenth Commandment 8-reel Imp. Taft Dental Rooms. 1617 Douglaa. D. kiw. UOVERNMENT Jobs for women. $76 -a p 2 Bee expected. Addles. . . S. C. 1511 lUlnles outing, sterling comedy. J 7- ,,r , . . .. , ,. - month. LiM free. Franklin ln.titute. ?L1i-.Be!L Bsse.y and furnace wood, lel. flor w. KQDAK vaSTMAN "i-A foi niNa Hal' lac to car. 6 rooms and bath. PALACE WTTAVEW. orrhea. Dr. Fl, k... Ti C Uy N.t Bank. .T oeheter N. Y CIIIL QrtVl'-l&VjtiS ftrl epVa 0 Red CndlUOn: "M Eleetrte gnpplles. . r - : : . " --; r .ltlon. best refertnees. R. 6840. . V ." t.r rledman. 13L8 Dodge. KrHth ,PnBi ieather carrying cosei tripod. loU Pnona Red a4S3-- The Plpea of Pan. 2-reel Rax. LEBRON Flee. Wk..5U H. ISth. D 17 . , ...... BAKER, all-around, flrst-clas. man on FOR 8AI.E New and second-hand carom etc.; almost new. Want visible type- IF yon want .trlctly mosers noma S- He Neutral. Power.. ' 1' ' ' - HELP WANTED MALE bread and pastry, want, position, city Pocket billiard tabic, and bowling writer. Addres. 8. C. Ii97, Bee. room, never before rented, call Harney HUBI RBAN THfXtkil aiTH jk AMhia r""rr'"- : . or country. Addres. 8 186, Bee. alley, and accessories; bar fixtures of all Xy..r n-irpijrTi-n win t . 4ti- ,JOYI rent 10 rlnt tenant Twenty .j 1 . . AMt" BEN FENSTER 1410 N 24th St. W TT7T Clerical nnd office. : kino.; easy payments. The Brunswick- Or r ICE I UP.NITL RE W 111 buy some minutes' walk from city hall. '1 he Hope e Game. -,! Lubln. r .' ri Pt- w- Trrf.' HIGH-GRADE commercial positions. SITUATION wanted by young man with Balke-Cellender Co.. 4(r7-4'?9 8. 10th St good second-lmnd office furniture: muet - '"" i-ULj. Vnderl.lso Colors. Vit.grapb, Kverthlna for Women. nWm N RFF ft BOND ASSN grocery and shoe experience In country j be cheap for cash. Addre.. S. C. 1240. T?l ,1 174-.- Pi lVo,n Peru ,0 Peril. Kal., , rmj Wk, JJ S.'&a! ZMSSVtf ONOORAPH-Will se.l 'or trade Ed, Fidelity StgC CO. BTthaw,,THV,VnidA-' A!?' saS zEM SBg rJ?? T-LJ p&ps. uu Lrz- oif. i,l::erh;oor m sgg'ranr' T lie Mirror, American drama. . COOIFHCT1VF RFlVltFNCF CO lence and reference. Douglas J427. Ivenworth tint condition; will trade or sell cheap also 4-room nat. UP No. 23d. i A PPOLO THEA.. 224 LEAVEN WolvFIT. i0' 'tVvli,,, ,r r, 1016-16 City Nitlon'al Bank Bldg. . . . oAK office raillnn and fixturen for sale benedhnt"' K?'?0?1 iS"'' MODERN f-room house, b 38th Ave.. llearnt-Se'ig No bu . A. IM)N Alll'P:, tOS Harney. Doug. 1001. - vaiv omce railing and iixiuren lor sale, Deen used nut a year, w. c. 2J,. Bee. Vacant November t. Inquire T J The Moving Maura' Cowboy. J-reel. Rel. BATH'S florist,. lkF.7nalnB7 JtSlVJVT'' ! ' AimUARIf Tg' p"" r-- Alamtt bnU"y PIANO-Almost new Chlckertng piano.' O'Brien. Phone Harney ISM or Doug. 1216. The Love of Pierre Vltagraph. ; v,. - PORTRAIT MEN 24-hour service, proofs, ALTOMOBILES ' . upright. $165; wa. $500 new; or may trade. l,iAl) Drvm .TTi7rXTiTi.iK M i VvTT HENDERSON, 1C 19 Farnam. D. 1261 finislilng. frames. Wrlto for catalogue. ' , . . , ; For sale. 1 seta of books, 3 Wilkle Collins S. c. 234. Bee. t UK KJliNT , LM"utA.,T,Ll"wT2:reel1'Lub HL' Telegraph Del. A.s'n. Robert. Artists.- 142. MeUee. Kansa. caAddres. "it.0" r 5! 8ra 'f'- M PIANO-To swap for Virginia ,arm land'; W. have a complete list of all house.. The Peacemaker. Vltagraph. HESS A 8WOBODA. 1416 Farnam St M ' '. - .ri.rT ; : n TTT" BICYCLE for salo. A bargain; in good will iy difference; will trade for lot apartments and flats that are for rent. Fate-. Midnight Hour. Kalem. ii-t- ,, . WE can use 60 more educated bii&iueas U1T,L "-passenger touring car. fully Condition. 238 Bee Building. In Omaha or Indianapolis. Ind.. or Cleve- 5.'' lt (wen fre. of charge at i:o7FfTT T..-.V fo,lr.K .A vi . ' I. L f. "!. ."" . men throughout the United State, as o.utPtd. ';rJ "S" and garter. gTQVES-Acorn bssa burner In fine con 'and. O.; will pay difference. Address 8. Omaha Van ft Storage Co.. 806 S. loth S.. 7... '"T1 1 wenty-fotirtb and Motou. Harper Method. It. ( Bard Bldg D sfill rii.r.orii.hv. to aunnlv the lnin.auH in. first-class cuiulltioti, UKed about four j,!,' Das purner, in line con- .,xs rr., . v-,... rS : The Whlskejr Runners. -r. Doin. 1 " q'- l1; r'P e"'J 'ILfVi i.V.P.-.nJ,. 1 months. Coat $1.46. First $1 000 takea the dltloti; range, with hot water connec- iJILJ??j EXCHANGE lent. 7 rooms, modern house. The lngrate. American. SWITCHES from combings. $1.60. D. ava "'' 'to'hn' .Ve'-ilT."1!..? SiS VK W.i"r 'a .; cheip U taken U one. Call after PLAYER MUSIC-A limited number of Park district, for alterations. lUnJV2r- .1 He.. Trl.ed. ; laT For fuU InfornratUnddreM ld? Llndb.a Bros.. 2573 Ue. v. ,Kiy Merkle). cUC n"n- fcl Ma80" 8t" tr tUZrE?0? J'10 ' ' TTM.lTIHaTli HMsJrimm, F. Lamherton. Web.1904 " Z TRY HELTON 8 GARAGE JT' CndlUn- lT" np'S'rSa hatav. I Rpgti'" SI Ipiiery Slmi Ohi Cun Mve Stnek Kenaedlea v AN'l El-Sale.inan with road experl- for winter storage; steam heat; make ar- WeOater St. , dress 8. C. 1677. Be. 5-ROOM cottage, modern except heat, 2021 Ac'loCa.l. Vtag-rap. OMAHA Ronily Co., 607 B. 13th. Red. 4l mTucA u? IS ,"""" '""nam. . ' plGEONS-i nave afew pigeon, that I St. Call Web. 408. VnDecisn."'" "TEENT1L Ma.nre. wlr,n.. XJZtZTXTl 'iKmSfd .Von'l " ? ' IX8T AND FOUXD. ' 'c.W "" "- "'"T rrdr.r:rL trj tiiomas duukin z pi-sisst N-wh 8t- cm aha ?jy'YA'upjty street Noit7PH7iiTc.-A ,m.u phOBO: Offices in Best Protection In the city. Electric fixture, and .uuDliea. contract To qualified man we have a .plendid 1915 MODEL. Little 8lx. 7-pasa co.t $1,400. Person, ha vin. : lo.t Tkiii article would ,.rph a,I?J ten recrds for sale or trade. ZT .... i'Y.k. .ew . , 1017 VINTON. l.ndZWlTnM' Mer Addrel VuT;' di " ' ' ' oT?ice orthe'on,0."!. J WA' 'c Be.1""'8' 10F TflP RPP RuildinP" J.r.n..R Jn,n"- -reel Bison. 24I9CUMINU. DOUULAS I9l 5 'hl"iH' Znhi 1' ' 1 ,ox FORD car. palnt'd $2J; other car. accord" Council Bluff. Street Railway company b': 1 llC JUCC JJUllUIll Ibe .Actress. Powers. . I hliadelphla, I a. ln to work gtd. Phone 8 u ascertain whether they left It In the 7-ROOM HOUSE, like new. best repair, the BUILDING THAT 13 ALWAYS A Neglected VV lfe. U. Ike comedy. Hantlng:, r tmtnree and Wlrln WE ARE now cairylng new nieinber." n ; ; .- - - strett care. Price $2. 7a Want auto, carry balance. (THE BUltUlftjj litAl is AtWAIS iIME7fcTHlJIiE3r ' "' ' fTrM ,,mi, CiTeenol"th 0'"" Rd Co - Far. Many article, .ach day are turned In A-ltd. Bee. ' anC- ' Bt , ";) . " , I AollML. S41ti ANO LEAtENWoRTH UVVH. of lodge regall. and costume. Agents wanted ln Nobraak. 1 anduth FOR 8ALE-Wayn. roadster, two W and. tha ciaan- la an.xlou. to nstore REVOLVFR-WUI swap a new 32 Colt'. Fro,m - 17th St' "d 0Q Court . A Modern Velnotte. S-reel Power.. ' largest .lock of and Dakota; no claawlftcatlon; liberal con- scnger. In good condition, all new .ear. "m to the rightful owner. Call Doug. 48. (new police) revolver for at kodak or (Price, from $10.00 to $50.00.) A Rural Affair. Sterling comedy. LieL-n I s iV!!' !U00.'J0?'r Th"- tract Mutual Benefit Health and AccU asn,,.V,es ii"-!- ?i'r?.T',0u,rr., rf LOST-Between Omaha and Lincoln, two what have youT Addre.. 8. C. 2-'8. Bee. ' Ask for the Superintendent, Room 14)3. VNElATTiEA?Elt ' 1-U K ---n--l-liomriL 41Ui dent As. i... 423 Oty Nat 1 Bank Bldg. 111 B- Min 8t - Council Bluffs, la. new STxi Non-ikid casings, two STxS B1,iNfl ,K0,..,d t l.rlt -, .; ,77 , ... , tit.iA IHtAItH, 1.U . UIH ST. Mfr mmt HI.4.W .had. I BTOCK; .'ala'ry commiasion .TTi $! forfeit for any magneto we can t re" rod tube, and two Mx runs. Finder "iNi' 'ark Son. U liTa . Tricklna-the Government l-reet OLD shado. mad. Ilk. new. Mldwe.t expenses Apply ju lie Bldg pair. Coll repar g. O. Hy.dorfcr, i N. 18 turn tire, and rim. ijid receive re- TYPEWRITER-Nearly new No. 6 Un- WANTED TO KENT 8had, Factory. 4010 Hamilton. liar 7 Wl? boy. " Gar... Co.! y)th A Harney Sis' ar Standard Auto Tire Co.. Lincoln A5rwood tJPewriter for cash register. U BENSON. 6835 Main UllV-mli, , WAOTEDwrviltrerr 'bo- with wheet J. ".ne?. 1rtnuf.r. han'rniti LOsV-Waliet containing loo., diamond Wooden t.k.' 7-foot dla.. 6 foot erTtiiTrT, TreV O' Hearts, .tory No 11 WaU 'TE L'NK' H llth' ""'a. Pit. H. Bath. Florist lStH Farnam. genuine birialn it $7W T ThT tl lifh' 1 d.amond paper; a Shrine card. tele. tnchea high; taken apart, easy to Coppock. sloren-e. Neb. M.Mre..ofIdWPi,tBobImird "-rr. iiT: wall Co.. Jont. tllSu.Ti7W: fh.C.U! hand... Addi-cs. B. C. 223. Be. lru,t. and Flowers. Nestor comedy. SWITCHES from combines. $160. Psyche Drug store .nans: tors Kn..,Tne. Bid, Met-reTc- Comb. Co.. 1) Doug la,l st Liberal re- WATCHM ETC.l7 Jfwel sllver 1 x,.urir rwTTrifca ' M' 'X W- TTr515 ll A RLEY-DAVISOT MOTORCYCLES. LogT-Beetl. hound, white and b.ack , ro??, 'tirtlrt' rAM S5M .E f ALB MONROE aa FARNAM. biICMVrom,t0,"b"'"- ' " F.,yche ., ndependciit; and tool, given. Bargain In ued machine Victor Roti spot. .mv. eye., east of Avery. Phon. plete except llg What bav"you to gwip. Z. r Trey O' Hearts No. 14. g-reels. tree. Airs. H. M. Eok. Marcy. D. 6I. Elect rto mas.ago. Strictly modern. Big -Tn. Motorcycle M.n." 'Levnwonh. South 2f8. Reward S. C. 231. Bee. Arkanaa. SXTl'titorco.!, fvl.a, atmae nnd tlen.l.a. TUl'uTuiB W14 INDIAN MOTORCyrt ? w - -T LOST-On Harney or Farnam between WILL TRADEEQuTtY IN GOOD LOT FRUIT and grain land, of north Arkan- , v-um run, tooth. Ne.tor comedy. W. C, FERR1N, 16th and C.pltoL Ty. 1200. 1124 Dougla. St.rOiu. 1J2 N 8t Lincoln nv',? 11 A "."1 machine OMAHA Mh and 41t St. black embroidered for chicken, and -lorse. Addrea. 8. C sa. at reasonable price Write Phuir oi.,uoigin. Bit cm CO.. loin and Chicago. D. 172S, net coat; reward. Phone Harney 7-65. 1 rJO. Bee., Broa Realty Co.. Olvey. Ark,