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L A 0 ttth Omaha ju'xdav r.r,K: n-.nmrAr.v 28, 1915. ;c If S At I L. X' II a ri . n . M a. v iuw ui umuiia irom r resent site ol Hotel iontenelle Thirty Years Ago tuay city Ivlnn as II wrrc at on a fet I are rushlns; to and from Omaha, tha tlate and takra In the dltaant Missouri wend city. The view arrnis enrllrss In Ha e 1 1 it gifA h ,. r 1 if ' e --.i. rW-';--. iksN r.;W ti'nir it ------ -sv. emeu J- ZastmZou$ls Street from 28 2 I mMmM "mmM ' ill Inc nay in Ilia rat Mar of Watrra. ranna. Scorr or annara mllaa ar lai.l nur vlw In all .Arid over hrvKtid to Iha frrUla low a. , l Mrd'- a t. tho urJt at tho Fon- i vantao of Ihr Kontin-ll allpv with Ihr Muffa hryoml. Tlti tanallp. Thrra la probnhly notMna; ti i Ing a bonna ovrr in l at atiraka r strain luw- wliri-a awll't trains equal It ainwlipra In tlip t'nltatl ftatpa. icpnt rtlvldonil. Of emirap, miral don't atop at It hotel marpljr for tha view. Hut whan auch a. flrat-rl.isa ad it la llkn pay- wye a. 12 per HOTEL ON COWSTABIE SITE Fontenelle Corner, Now Worth a Million, Was 'Tar Out" Fifty ' Years Ago. GOOD FOR POULTRY RAISING The alte of a cow stable, far remote, In the outklrts of a frontier country village fifty years ago: today the location of Omaha's $1,000,000 modern and ' palatial hotel. In close proximity to the butlnesa lieart of a city that ia reaching on close to a population of 200,000 persona Is some thing of a stretch of Imagination. Such, however, Is the case with reference to the ground on which Is located the Fon tenelle hotel. This land was a portion of the original plat of the city of Omaha, but for years it was looked upon as being so far out In the country that it never would it be desirable for purposes other than truck gardening, or poultry raining. In the Ws, Thomas B. Cummins, territorial gov ernor, bought practically all of the south half of the block and on that portion on Eighteenth street, north of the alley and close to Dodgo street, erected an un pretentious cottage, where he resided for several years. Vaed Cow raatnre. That portion of the ground now oc cupied by the hotel proper. Governor Cummins used as a cow pasture for a couple of years, after which ho plowed It up and set It out to fruit trees and shrubbery. Upon his death it passed to his widow and until sold to Arthur P. Brandets and John I. Kennedy, the title remained In Mrs. Cummins, or the llamlltons, relatives. The portion cf the Fontenelle hotel site, now occupied by the annex, facing Douglas street for years was the site 7 of the Oscar F, Davis home, a large frame structure and in its time was ' looked upon as one of Omaha's best homes. Charles W. Hamilton of the Merchants Rational bank Is one of the Omaha men -who calls to mind much of the history In connection with the site of the Fon tenelle hotel. Mr. Hamilton and his brother, Frank T. Hamilton were both born In a horn occupied by their father and located north of the block on which the hotel stands. Being relatives of Governor and Mrs. Cummins they were at their home frequently and the old orchard that is now tlo site of the hotel ''Was one of the favorite playgrounds for themselves and the neighbor boys. Mr. Hamilton calls to mind that for a number of years while Governor and Mrs. Cummins lived In the little cottage tlicy had a cow and horse barn on the back end of the north lot on which the hotel in loci ted. There they and tha other boys of suburban Omaha hunted eggs, played hide-and-seek and enjoyed them selves as only young boys could. In the old days when Omaha was In Its swaddling clothes, tha site of tha Cum mins home was tho most beautiful that could be found In miles around. It was thirty to forty feet higher than the present street level and as there wera but few buildings on the east, between there and Thirteenth street, it com manded a tnagniflcant view. From the front yard could be seen the Missouri river and the steamboat landing In the vicinity of the foot of Douglaa etreet Both up and down the river, as far as the eye could see was a broad expanse of vacant prairie and woodland, dotted her and there with tha cottages of pioneers who had gone out Into tha wilds to establish homes. To tha west there were a few scat tering houses along Nineteenth and Twentieth streets, as far south as Leav enworth and as far north as Cuming street. Beyond there was nothing but a vast uninhabited wiWerness, tha home of wild animals and Indians. Clr Morea West. fn the condition described the site of the Fonetenelle hotel remained until well along In the '60s and until the trend of settlement had started west and reached tha portion of the city to the south and west of the high school grounds. However, Improvements did move very rapidly in the. vicinity of Eighteenth and Douglas streets. Beginning just west of Seventeenth, there was a barrier on Doug laa street This, was a steep hill, one up which loaded wagons could hardly climb and, in fact, It was too steep for pedes trians unless they sought to make a wearysome journey by making a short cu . Aa time moved on it became necessary to improve Douglas street from Sixteenth west. The first cut left tha houses in and around Eighteenth street some fifteen feet above tha street and a aubsequent cut placed them fully as much more above the street level. The apex of the hill was reached at Twentieth street Great for Coavatlas;. And, by the way, the boys whe knew Omaha during the period of its Infancy aseert that there was no hill In or around the city that quite came up to that on Douglas for coasting. In thoae days they could start their sleds at Twentieth and coast east as far as Ninth street and there was not enough traffic to interfere with the sport. . The present alte of tho main portion of the Fontenelle hotel has been the scene of some stirring events in the years that have paaapd, especially during thoae of pioneer times. Away back before Nehraaka took on the dignity of statehood there were a couple of horse thieves .hanged In the woods that then covered a large portion of the city to the Immediate wcat of the high school building. Then the Jail was located In a county building standing on the corner of Sixteenth and Farnam atreeta, now occupied by the Paxton block. A posse of not bad citizens con delved the idea that the court machinery might not work with the desired speed and regularity and so one night they forced the doom of the frail jail, took the horse thieves out escorted thr-m to the woods and there hanged both to tha limbs of the same tree. Oa Way to Hanaina:. On tha way to the hanging, the party went cross-lots, going over what is now tho site of the Fontenelle hotel. At that time, as history records It, there was one good alsed lone Cottonwood tree standing not far from the northwest corner of the present hotel. This tree had wide spreading branches and under It tha party stopped and the advisability of hanging the men to this tree was dis cussed. However, It was abandoned be cause being so close In, It was argued that the officers in charge of tha jail might raise a posse and rescue the mqn. As the outcome of the discussion, the men were taken away and hanged at the place farther out from town. In 1S0S, following the assassination of President Lincoln, outdoor memorial serv ices were held on the high school grounds. The procession, and It was a large one, for practically all the people of Omaha took part passed over the site of the Fontenelle hotel. At that time there was a road off Farnam street, following Eighteenth to Douglas street From there It ran diagonally across the Fon tenelle hotel block, entering It close to the southeast corner. Then the streets had not been cut or graded. Again, when the last spike was driven at Promontory Point Utah. late In the 60"s, marking the completion of a railroad from Omaha to the Pacific coast, the site of the Fontenelle hotel helped to make history. Omaha celebrated the com pletion of tho Union Pacific road at that time and on the high school grounds there was speaking, music and song, but the real noise was made on the Fon tenelle hotel site. On the old Cummins lots at Eighteenth and Douglas streets a high flag pole had been ereotod and a cannon located. When the telegrnph ticked the taps of the ham mer driving the last apike, connecting roast and coast with a hand of eteel, this cannon boomed forth the glad news. The gun was located there on account of the elevation and becauan from the great helirht the Bound would echo and re-coho up and down and across the river, carry ing the tidings miles Into the country. I j IP V ly IS Fund 1 D P o OMAHA, NEBRASKA (Fourteenth Year) i Such Sample Rooms As Hotel Affords, And Such Fine View "The traveling men will simply go wild over theae aamplo rooms," said Abra ham Burbank, managing director of tho new hotel, aa ho showed a visitor through the beautiful rooms on the tenth and eleventh floors. It is to be hoped the knights of tho sample grips won't do quite that liter ally, but that they will do so figura tively, aa Mr. Burbank rnent, is as cer tain as anything In this mundane sphere can be. Oh, such beautiful rooms, with their thick carpeting, their amplo proportions, their beautiful walls' and ceilings and lighting fixtures, their telephones and private toilet and bath rooms. "An the view. Just look at the view," said Mr. Burbank. Ah, that vlewl The traveling men will soon be telling about it from Frisco to Gotham, from Duluth to Now Orleans. Here you don't look out upon a ctty- scape of roofs and chimneys and waah llnea stretched on apartment house roofs. You -do not. But tha eye seems to skip. over the I Assets Over $1,700,000.00 And No Indebtedness I i Policies tection, provide pure life insurance pro at reasonable rates, WHICH ARE GUARANTEED BY ENTIRE ASSETS HOME OFFICE Brandcii Theater Building Phono Douglas 7021 i i - w ai v aaaapaaw aaaaaaaM SSaattSM a I ! I V . . - The Plate Glass, Mirrors and Art Glass for the Fontenelle Hotel was sup plied through the contractor by I THE I MIDLAND GLASS PAINT COMPANY Largest Dealers in Glass in the West IMS . , ; j f i f . . i 11 -' - "-- - - " -1 ... -I Magnitude and Completeness of . Electric Service in the New Foatenelle Hotel The Lighting System in this magnifi- cen hostelry will be the talk of every guest who en ters. No effort has been spared to make , it the best lighted building in the state. In all rooms and departments the soft, distinct light of day will greet the guests. The Power or operating elevators, ventilating fans, pumps, vac uum cleaners and laundry equipment will be done with electric energy. Electric refrigeration plants will cool the atmosphere in summer, keeping tho hotel always at a comfortable temperature. i Absolute Quiet The new system installed assures all electric : power operations to be perfectly quiet; no an noyance will be given the guests by noisy raising or lowering of elevators, etc. Service will be safeguarded by the unlimited re sources of our electric plant. Central Station Service The lighting and power contract was ; awarded to us because the manage ment of this magnificent hotel desired to give its patrons reliable service. Omaha Electric Light Power Co. Union Pacific Headquarters Building, 15th and Dodge Sti. i k 4 a 2 &