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W.ssMJfttlSJW 12 C TIIK OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: FEBRUARr 5s, 1915. HOTEL HAS ITS OWN LAUNDRY Department Under H. V. Clark Beit Between Chictjo and San Francisco. rmXD WITH ALL APPLIANCES Away up on the thirteenth floor of the Fontenelle It located very buy depart ment, where (nap and hot water and won' tierful mecMnery combine to banish dirt from tha linen. H. V. Clark la th expert dirt aradlcator Iter. Mr. Clark n for a number of year In charge of tha Onondaga Irotal laundry In Syracuse. N. T., and waa Im ported from there to lake chart of tha laundry f the Fontenelle hotel hera. which la conceded to ha In the very front tank of the flrat claaa laundrtea of tha wmrld. V Mr. Clark looka with real affection upon hie machinery, aa a locomotive engineer regards hla locomottv. And well ha may for nowhere elae In Omaha nd probably ' nowhere between Chicago and San Francleoo la there auch an up-to-date laundry plant aa thla ona. Thta la the only original motor driven laundry In Omaha. It la all operated by tha pressing of buttona. Tha big machinal era atari ed arid stopped with no mora labor than you expend In puahlnr tha barren that twitches on tha aleotrlo light. Voreorer every machine la ao built that tha batton whhh etarte It cannot be pushed while tha TipSeretor'a hand can hy any possibility bo In tha range of tha TMchlnery. In other word, It la foot proof. ' ..;.. ', Chance for Dirt. And what chance hat dirt here? Absolutely none. All It can do whan confronted with inch machinery la to disappear from the 'linen and go where It belong. Hera1 are the great tuba rotating alter nately In one direction and then In tha other. And her are big "extractors." which turn on their vertical axe at a K'd of a thoutsnd revolutlont a minute. These are for drying the wath. They remove tha moisture by centrifugal force Inatead of hy the alow and primitive pra-ess of dry ing. Then come the "tumblers." which are Jutt big drum which tumble towela and underclothes about and knock them apart from th aolld mm Into which they have j often been forced m the "extractore" and Incidentally take off the looee lint. Iter are great machine for Ironing the flat piece Ilka towela theeta, pillow caaet and ao forth. fthlrta. collara. cuffs and turn person! llnent go through a proceea of their own. They are dried In a hot room Inatead of In tha "extractor." Then they go to a special Ironing room where there are many wonderful machine. One of these Irone th ruffe, another tha collara, an other the ehlrt boeoma and still another the bodies of the shirts. Cellars Are Molded. Her la a wonderful little machine that hasn't even secured Its patent yet: It la ao new. Thla Is collar niolder-ahaper and la designed to produce perfect uni formity of finish and tie space to the extreme ends of turndown collara of any atyle. With thla machine one girl can finish doaen collara a minute. Depresslble fin gera In thla machine adjust themaelves automatically and almost humanly to any elaa or shape of collar. The cylinder head In It la electrlcaJly heated with positive automatic heat control and regulation. Though moat of the linens for the hotel have been Imported direct from Ireland, thera will be a great amount of rough towala required and after the hotel gete etarted there will be much repairing to . Tor thla purpose a room la fitted up with power machine operated by a num ber of women who will do nothing but aew and repair. One of these machines la a darning machine run by power, the only power darner la Omaha. A schedule for the laundry of guests' garments will be In force of auch effl ilency and speed that shirts, collars, underwear, etc. tent by guests to the laundry before I a. m. will be finished and delivered by evening of the aame day. Th ventilation of the laundry room la feature worthy of consideration, hav ing much te do with the health and the efficiency ef tha employe. Thla ventilation la ef auch power that It changes the elr In the laundry room at th rata of 1.000 cubic feet a minute. Apartaaesjta for Barley. Ar.d. say, you ought to eee the bd-room-or shall we say, apartment: provided for the girls and women who work In the laundry. They are on, the aame floor around on the south aide. Buch big rooms they are. There will be two beds In each room and each bed will he for One girl. Big. airy, wwll-ventllated rom4 with carpeted floor and r Irs anUy freeeoed walls. A targe rest and recreation room (or thee modern Madame Sans Oenra wttl ha fitted up at th southeast corner of this flootv .' - There la also a laundry for the girl own araek. where tlwy can do their own washing and tracing. Plenty of hot water and numerous Among the Laundry Machines on the Top Floor : i! V. " .-re! , - . h " Kl?l--r:r-' -V r - 1., VI r V-- 7 vv---: ;V Ui j I ' - III JttS:. I " , ' . -.. - k : : & I x- " -?rr ; i i '-V - v. . " j i j - f o iii i i '' v ' -' "" r"w -- " " " ' """ . " vn .-eik-.'' -wj I ' " ; ? ' . 'V;'?.' "Cr. ; 1 w--.,,! rin. . --7--- 1 v. FEEDINQ TIIK GIANT MANOLJB - ? poeures. Kor some years following the Cleveland-Blaine battle of ISM -mugwump" waa the universal name given to Independent or bolting votere. but It la dead as Hector now. In reconstruction days northerners who held office In th south were called "car petbaggera," and that term was applied at a later period In other places. A strict party man la now a standpat ter. In the day when Conkllnjr. Cam eron and Logan made their fight to give Grant a third term as presidentsame aa passing the colonel a third cup 0f coffee 'stalwart" was the word to denote ultra orthodoxy In politic. Hit opponents called Washington "the stepfather of hla country." "Another county heard from" originated during the Hayea-Tlldrn com hat at a reallt of th slow return from contested southern stater. Henry Clay made a clever point by call. Ing a protective tariff the ' "American system." "Drys" as applied to prohlamonlele was firet used la Oeorxia, and "weta I 'L - i-ILI JL.I I Came at th same time. "Offensive partisan" at a politic! phrase originally appeared In a confiden tial letter written by Poetmaeter Oeneret Vila during Cleveland's first term sa president. Foe of the V'nlted States constitution, fluting- the fight over Ita adoption often called it "the new breeche." Philadel phia Ledger. A going bualneaa ran te sord quickly through The Bee t Business Chance." Why Syracuse China was Chosen for Hotel Fontenelle USE ALL MODERN MACHINERY Boiler Contrivances, Ice Machines, Vacuum Cleaners Are All Up-to-Date. LABOR SAVINO DEVICES Down In the ground two stories below the street level of the Fontenelle, are great boilers and a mate of machinery, supplying the motive power for a thou sand convenlenoee, for which the new hotel It famoua. And here at elsewhere everything la the laat word In Improvement. Take the bollera, for exampe. done now la the day when half-naked men bent their backa and roasted their facet throwing coal Into the mouth of white hot Inferno. These bollera are eelf feeders. Their grates are built In the form of endless belts made of Iron linka. Theso belts extend In through the hut furnace, down underneath and com up out In front, where they pats beneath big hoppers, which are filled with coat. An aa they pass underneath they take t of the coal and proceed with It Into the furnace again. These Iron link belts are operated by a little engine and a worm gear arrangement, ao that It Is entirely automatic in every respect. All the attendant lias to do Is haul the coal j In and keep the hoppers full. VVM..vk - 1 1 . . I k. ..I I . I. - i 1 liinrufii m iium rwiy iiuiv III VIIV Slue of the furnace he show you the blase Inside, so hot that It nearly seara tha art balls. "Qosb, a feller ran be glad In don't have to stand In front of them open furnace doort like we used to," he says. Curries Oat Ashes. The ashee from these furnacea la dumped below whence an endlete belt with little buckets on It, scoops .c the ashea and delivers them Into a waiting wagon up en tha ground level. Hero are also various queer looking machine that are busy doing their ap pointed tasks. No one unfamiliar with them . would dream what they are. Kveryone knowa what a pneumatic tub la. But no one who haan't been told would know th air compressor and pump that supplies the apeed to the pneumatic tube. An here la a great engine that Is running a queer-looking machine. What la It? It la the Ice maker. Ita specialty Is changing hot air to cold, fighting summer heat, making temperature that meats and vegetable lind salada and Ice rrcama can exist In. From this machine pliea run all over the hotel. Whatever a cold temperature Is wanted they are found. The machine also operates an Ice machine, which will be used for making Ice for use, where mere cold air Is not tho ultimate desire. Thla big contrivance that eeema to be all druma la the vacuum cleaner. It ata dirt Dp. Bl Plae-Tr-Honey Eases your cough, looaena the mucous, strengthens the lungt. The first does helps. Oct a bottle today. Only 25c. Advertisement Be Want Ada Produce Reeulta. ELECTION SLANG NOVELTIES How Words and Expreestoa Ckaaa- with Oar Political Imm palcns. "Landslide" divide, the honors with "sweep" In newspaper headlines. These two words seem to denote better than any other a political overthrow. Picture of crowing roosters once deco rated the page of newspapera when their party triumphed. That practice hat en tirely died out In large towns. Salt river la another dead one, but It haa not been long sine "going up Bait river" was a prophecy held up by all paf tlea as the coming fate of opponents. I believe that expression originated In Ken tucky, where a stream of that name waa regarded aa most difficult of navigation. Copperhead la likewise a mummified po litical term -that once contained the most bitter Insinuations. "Slush fund" has superseded "boodle," which was born with the Tweed ring ex- THE appointments of a fine hotel are an important part of its per sonality. Syracuse China always pleases. Not alone because of its well chosen shapes and decoration, but just as much because its patterns are de lightfully liveableand exclusive. No matter how long Syracuse China lasts, you never tire of it it is always rest ful and pleasing to the eye. Syracuse China has more than the usual sterling qualities of fine china ware. Though fine-grained and high lustred, it is remarkably tough. It will prove the superior durability of this hard tough china body vitrified all through. Our line of Syracuse China includes many exclusive patterns as well as china to be marked with individual monogram. It would be a pleasure to show them to you. OMAHA CROCKERY COMPANY Western Distributers of Syracuse China. QWlf Vl" V"Vt" m Vb"a Jj t " "1w Hln sWtyVM .srjVn , ..fwQ stationary lust are. found In room with Ironing boards and elactrtc rons. Oh, dirt wont have ahow at all. . ' And It looka as though th laundr are going te have a pleaaaat life of It, to. , . . .. Isn't It another Instance of maa's In genuity saving woman s . tollt r j 1 1 1 1 The Sharpies Milker milks the cows CZT that supplies tke certified milk for The New Fontenelle Hotel Sharpies Separator Co. t ? 12lh end Farnam Phone Dong. 6401 1 . V 41r . . . - " "Hill ..v. ri - - z mhm III! lit ' . " - " ' - .Wee:..,i , , ll l T M 3, I B .. .i, .. t 1 1 , I SJ I Ilk 'I . St t i ' -j'",-.. t 1 IN I j ! j i J . . rt , t ' J HI 1 f " t ? '''"' A'""" , ; ; . ; .i - ; . c;.,'r i III ! ' III f - r if I