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13 C - ARCHITECT OMAHA PRODUCT MAGNIFICENT LOBBY OF THE NEW FONTENELLE HOTEL Photo was taken tho morning of the opening, showing some floral tributes sent by friends of the institution. rtfom$ R. Kimball Works Out Mag nificent Hotel Plans with Reg ular Office Force. THE OM.VTIA SUNDAY BEE: FEBRUARY 28, 1015. i AT THE OPENETG "SPEAKER J Thomas R, Kimball, architect for the Kontcnelle hotel, la an Omaha product, having lived In Omaha from hia early boyhood. Ho was educated In the I'nl Verelty of Nebraska, the Maasachunetta Institute of Technology, and In the uni versities abroad, where hp studied for a ronaiderable period to perfect hla tech nical training. Mr. Kimball la the flrat ivlce president . of the American Institute of Architects. H Is a director of this Institute, and rrtanris high among the architecta of the country. Since he finished hla education lie has had offices In Omaha, and for a time had offices also in Boston, when the firm was thrt of Kimball & Walker, vhlch was later dissolved ' Previous' to drawing the plans lor this tnnenlf lt:ent t.ntel. Mr. Klmb&Jl counted among hia) achievements the planning of a number of notable buildings In Oman i and elsewhere, besldca a great many of lesser importance. He was architect for P. Cecelia's cathedral In Omaha. He waa architect for the Burlington station In Omnha. which la noteworthy piece of architecture, both from the standpoint of Urtlstlc design and Utility. He designed tho flans for the city library, for the M. E. Fmlth warehouses. He designed the Meth odist hospital In Omana, and the Battle Mountain sanitarium hospital at Hot Springs. S. P., the government hospital. whii:h Is one of the structures at that TlrA that attracts the attention of tnilr- Ists every summer. Together with his former partner. C. Howard Walker, he was the arcliitect-ln-chief for the TransmUaiaalppt exposition In Omaha in 1808: and, again Jointly with Mr. Walker, ho waa the architect of the, Electricity building of the Louisiana Pur chase exposition at St. Louis; being one of the architectural advisers. It whs some years before this that Kimball & Walker had conducted a part nership business and had maintained of fices at both Omaha and Boston. It wan shortly after the exposition In Omaha that the partnership was dissolved, when Mr. Walker accepted a position in an eastern school of technology as an in structor. The partnership waa tempora rily renewed Just .for the St. Louis Job, as tho two worked together on the design for the Electrical building there. The Fontenello hotel Job, though it was a big one, an important one and a man sized Job, was done In Mr. Kimball's of fice with what the office considers" its normal or average office force. The work was carried on with the force that month In and month out the year round la to bo found in tills busy office at J03 McCague building. Often it Is customary for architecta to hire a number of extra draftsmen for a large Job of this kind, but the regular run of workers was able to biins out this highly technical and complicated Job on time. Consulting engineers, to be sure, helped In the consultation work. Mr. Kimball bad as consulting, engineers for this Job the firm of Neiler, Rich & Co., mechan ical engineers, and Westcott & Ronne berg. structural engineers. Mr. Kimball, besides being a hard-working man in a highly specialized and a highly technical line, take a great deal of Interests In civic affairs, In art societies and la a member of numerous social clubs of the city. He has been active In the rivic league and la prominent in the Omaha Society of Fine Arts. At the banquet at the new .Fontenello hotel to be given on the occasion of ths formal dedication, the evening- of Febru ary 26, Mr. Kimball Is to be one of the speaker. - Telautograph is . Installed for Use In the New Hotel 1 - - it . , TT. SrT" F . .jj j 'iT'l'"-"!' TT.r-r- y j : : '"'rvr. I R ,.r,..... v- : Men Arc to Have d Cozy Little Corner for Their Special, Use Decidedly a men's rendezous will be the ground floor with entrance from Eighteenth street of the new Fontenelle. Everything there Is Just what men like, big low-ceilinged rooms with deep, leather-upholstered seats, dark wood work and a pleasing light, not too glar ing. Just the kind of nooks where men can go in and shut 'out the cares of the day while they take their ease and watch the fragrant emoke clouds floating away and see the soft glow of the cigar or perhaps the warmth of the pipe bowl oil tho palm. ; ' Tho Eighteenth street entrance leads In to the men's lounge. Just off from this on the Douglas "street side 1 1 tho grill. Finished In dark oak with beamed cell ing and red tile floors, it will have an abundance of seats with deep leather up holstering. There will be many tables. There will be soft light and everything will conduce to the comiTort of Mr. Tired Business Man. Along one side will run a long counter wllh a brass( rail near the bottom thereof. Behind said counter smooth-Bhavcn men In white aprons will preside, men versed In the mysteries of the .TOO drinks. The bar will be one of the prettiest ever seen west of th.6 Hudson river. So say sev eral men from New York who presumably have made a study of bars in the cities of the land. The bar will be torty-two feet long. Over at one corner of the grill will be a little private room artistically shut off from the main room by means of lattice work.. pedal Kitchen for Grill. In connection with the grill and Im mediately adjoining It to the west Is a complete kitchen, entirely separate from the main kitchen and here a separate organisation will be maintained for cater ing to the grill room clientele. The .billiard room nnr.n, f h . lounge to .the west, it, too, is a room that has about It an atmosphere to drive away the carea of tho outside world and conduce to good fellowship among good fellows. The walls here are finished In large panel with dark wood. Theru will be deetrlc faria and a special arrangement of lighting for the purposes of billiards and pool, It has an Ivory tinted beamed celling. . Also opening off the men's lounge Is a little room which has been built In and dedicated to tho use of meinbcrsof tho Omaha Automobile club. Pleasure to Be Shared.. Directly at the left on entering from the Eighteenth street side is a large cafe. To the right Is the entrance to the bar ber shop. Everything here is In the very latest sanitary style. The white tile floors and the white sides and ceilings and the latest "Improved chairs conduce to almost make getting shaved a pleasure. Here Is a feature, too, in the manicure tables. They are three In number, are built in and have in connection with them little bowla with hot and cold water, water. Extra easy chairs will be provided for the patrons. Off in an alcove stand three chairs r shoe shining and'here "professor" will preside. And even this gentleman has been brought out from New York to pv.t the real metropolitan. Fifth avenue, Broad way, Columbua Clrclo. Herald Square. Grand Central, Wall street. Central park shine on Omaha shoea. From the men'a lounge, direct access is had to the main lobby which is di rectly above, either by elevator or stairs. I . Par Bejit for Amusement. Walter Johnson's salary aa a base ball pitcher will aiQpunt to about a'lOO for every game that he plays. Not bad pay for two hours' work. All of which teiyls to Prove that Ameri cans are more liberal with their money In amusements than when dealing with the serious affairs of life. l'hil.tdciphla Ledger. . Clock Faces Will Conform to Wood Furnishing of Room .Numerous clocks will be distributed throughout the hotel so that it won't be hard to kix just what one of the well known golden hours Is In passage and tho exact moment and second of said hour which msy lw at that Instant wafting It self Intu vternlty. All these clo ks 111 have their faeea finished to conform with tin Ir Mirround IniiS. T'lelr will be no u;ik' clocks on a muhoiiany background, nnr will there bo mahogany clinks on oa backgrounds. I'.ach clock cimt.'ilns mechanism instead of "works" and thle mechanism Is oper ated electrically from a single master clock which will be corrected dally by Western V'nion wire from Waahfl gton. By this means all the clot ks In the building will conform precisely with the muster clock and will show .uniform, or technically sneaking, synchronised time. And the master clock will have any tririlng variation corccted dally with the i Washington tin e which is gained by an astronomical reservation dally. Thus is eliminated the bother fn-i expense which would be attached to the Imposslbto task of trying t keep n flock ot twtnty or more clock exactly in time with Wash ington time (allowing, of course, for the hour's difference between that time and ; our).- Apparatus similar to this haa been In stalled recently in the famous, and exclu sive n w RJtt-Cur!ton hotel, Philadelphia. In this hotel a clock is Installed also in every room. B I Fa ll nmn e toners Omaha's Leading Wholesale Fruit House Will Supply Atwood Grapefruit, Rose Brand a Oranges. Limoniera Lemons and Wenatchee Apples, that will satisfy the most fastidious taste of the Fontenelle Hotel guests. t : : J I . k ' i!P(nl " w" " ! . v It E E to 5"v - i, , V."." " , TIHTtt ITSICTVIAUUCT The Home of ff& Pure Foods , - w- .. .. 4l 4 5 ' 'fit ) COS-FEE ( "n0' RC'kittO ''' AXTf)M&GAitM.nttR ''M.'iin-.; Purveyors to the Discriminating Trade of Omaha Paxton & Gallagher Co. i Omaha Wholesale Grocers, Gas Coffee Roasters' The Fontenelle Is equipped with a telau- Tograpn. ' What is a telautograph? Well. lt' not surprising if most people don't know. Telautographs are about aa scarce now b. taianhntipn ww fortv year ago, . A ' telautograph is an Instrument that will reproduce your handwriting perfectly at a rilfttance. Every little "kink" and oddity of your v.ndwrltlnir la reproduced simultaneously at the time you write it fcnd no matter lin fa mvrmv VOU HI. rt i. for handwriting what the telephone is for the volte. The telephone carriea the voice to a distance. The telautograph carries yoar "auto graph" or handwriting to a dlatanee. It will even transmit pictures, provided you draw them. The telautogiWph has not hitherto pen etrated to this part of the country. There are plenty of them in New York City. The beautiful and up-to-date North western station in Chicago has over forty Installed for notifying different depart ment, when a certain train will arrive or depart. . ' Meseages can be sent over a distance of fifty miles, and the beauty of the device and its superiority over the telephone is found in the fact that If tho person to whom the message is sent Is not at the recover at the time the message ar rives fce will find it written out and wait ing fir him on hia return. A sending machlho or transmitter . and a proof receiver with switch keys is lo Vutcd at the desk of the new hotel, and the clerk can write an order to the linen room to change the linen In a certain room from which a guest haa JuM de parted; to the kitchen for a breakfast order; to the engineer to turn on the steam or have certain fitting adjusted, or to the carpenter or upholsterer to make needed repairs in a certain room. Re sponsibility for a failure to obey auch orders cannot be escaped by the prson to whom they are addres-ed. Hesldes thU service a general receiver is Installed in the manager's private of fice which takes a copy of every mes sage sent to any department, and ahould anything other than buslnesa be sent ever the wires the manager will be aware of It at once. . ' ' . The Berviaa lrs. It seems that the men who play the big druma in the Servian army banda have an eUler lot than the drumers of other UndH. since they do not have to carry 'heir own -drums. ' , li nearly all cases, Instead of being lung in front of the man who plays It, , , In nut on a Hinu.ll two- i 1. - -...- ... u' it I . v luntf Hnff. f 77 Pat rons umm v twining &o Fine toy jromeneiie Billiard Room-A Bowery of Comfort arid Wealth Finest Tables Manufactured by Brunswick-Balke Collender Co. Installed No Place in Nebraska ok United States Can Surpass This Room THE KLING (Six Legs) This magnificent design marks a new era in the highest class of billiard table construction and ornamentation, 1 1 carries a suggestion of the classic Greek and ancient Egyptian, touching a period when the Oriental splendor bid fair to outrival the more classic tones and studied ef fects characterizing the era when Athens claimed the right to school the world in literature and art. The severely plain in furniture is now giving way to the lighter and mo re artistic coloring effects of inlaid decorations. THE CUSHIONSThe cushions furnished with this table are our celebrated style Match Game perfect angle. Th ese are made in our own factory at Muskegon, Mich., from a secret formula used exclusively by us. Our guarantee as to their accuracy of angle, speed and durability is evidenced by the name plate countersunk in the top of the cushion rail I -... - T' "' ' " V " - - U - "' . - . is.. iiii: . ii' ; n n im Tables Installed in Billiard Rooms The Kling Are the Kind the ISlnri) P'nnfnnnlln WOOD FINISH CONSTRUCTION Circassian Walnut with white and black'holly and pearl inlay, rubbed and polished. This table has what fs known as the Jumbo frame wnrlr. which mparts. t.Viat. it. is iinniia11v Viontro anA nVof oritlol Tlia !lu nnuinii Mn,unti. v.-;. t i i t -1 ... . . . . .... j , . wuijiuuU wiuu uiuuu, ucuig tvuucu cum groovea ana giuea, me exterior oeing reimorced witu 3-ply veneer placed in an alternate run of grain, cross veneered on Inside. . They are built in compound construct ion, tongued and grooved, doweled and reinforced by corner blocks, double cross veneered inside and outside and rigidly built into end framework of body. The wood construction is all of the very best quality, cabinet made and put . together in a most thorough manner. All joints made close and secure and all mitres absolutely accurate. Joints tongued and grooved, strongly doweled and glued firmlv to gether. All corners and edges made perfectly smooth and true. NATIONAL PLAYERS HEART of the beautiful Billiard Parlors to be installed in the new Fontenelle Hotel proclaim it will not be excelled by any Hotel or Billiard Parlor in the United States.. The expense of installation was enormous, but this is more evidence of the faith of the builder s of the beautiful hotel have in Omaha and her future. The Million Dollar Hotel Billiard Room Was Equipped From Start to Finish By BRUNSWICK-BALKE COLLENDER CO. .tie long't marches, and the drummer fa alka behind Mie. cart, erfonnhig on his t inurnment " he gi along. , Kai-h reKi- 1 Hi. -it Is provided with two or three big I drums, but few regiments have a baud. I