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18-C THE OMATTA StrXDAV BEE: FERRUAUY 28, 1915. WODEN ACCORDED DUES AT EW HOTEL iTerythirig Lovely Hut Been De signed Especially to Bait Taste -of the Fairer Sex. LEND TONE TO EJTTIEE SCENE "Ladlrs first." That epltomliee tha lal of the Fon tenejle. It U motto that all min will applaud. Nothing la too Rood for the dar creat Wri. What would the world be with out thetnT And caa on ImaKlne a hotel Inhabited by men only that would be at tract! TeT Anawer It, no. There are a hundred little convenience! and luxuries and beautiful thing In the J"ontenelle that would not have been put there had H not been tor the fair en. In fact, when It comes right down to tram tanks nothing nle and beautiful la made that would be male If It were not (or the ladiea. They are the aesthetic members of the race. Man cares for little here below nd he generally rare for that little to be useful and practical, rather than beautiful and Impracticable. Larilea Beaatlfal. Of course, ha likes ladiea to he beau tiful. And, of course, the ladles like to enhance the effect (philosopher and cynics cell It the "Illusion') of their beauty by beautiful things. Therefore magnificent dining rooms are bulll with handsomely dntorated ceilings, lovely walls, thickly raipeted floors, rich hangings, splendid chandeliers. Therefore they are fumlshrd with tables of rare design and chairs of the ame. Therefore tha tables are spread with finest linen snd laid with sterling liver and cut glass. Therefore rrjtltrrs come from Parlg nd Berlin and Milan and Vienna and Geneva. It's "all for the Indira," I.atla Lend Refinement. Men would Just as soon sit down at a . pine table a Ithout a" table rloth. Were It not for the ladies the race would quickly degenerate Into sn ugly, uncouth, unre fined race Indeed. . And the Konteneile Is Juit full of these nlendld refinements. The dining room U Just such a one as described above. The palm room adjoining It is very similar. And to match tliene and still further give that esthetic touch which the feminine ronservers of manners and refinement demand, an orchestra of ex traordinary melodious tone playa whll the viands are being served by foreign waiters In resplemtnnt uniforms and with rnafnnera which liavn been modeled, let us ay. after the kings, cmifrors, dukes nnj duchesses which may of them havd erved. . j There I a wealth of floral decorations In all the public pans of the lintel, palms, mall evergrevii trees, growing plans and cut How cts. The Mesannlnr Floor. 1 ' The mrxannlne floor, overlooking tha lobby. Is another coiicension to tho testes of mllailr. nerlous mid cnrueteit with m. deep, velvety carpet, and furnished with chairs and sofas of quaint and tasty de sign and of rich, expensive quality, It la place where mother and sister and sweet heart and wife can be away from observation of tha general lobby crowd nd still can observe what la going on It he will Of course this place Is open to men as -well, but II Isn't so public as the lobby It. elf. There Is certain atmoKphers about It that shows such to be the case, Opening off from It are various rooms thst are Intended for her use and are rkhly and splendidly furnished. , i Banqnet Boom, Too. I The magnificent banquet room also opens from the mesnnnina floor. Does anyone dream that this would ever have been built If It hadn't been for the fair ones. Well, dreams generally go by con traries, so they say. and If anyone does dream that the dream must be Inter preted according to the general rule. Mere man' would never demand auch magnificence. And such magnificence, by 'the same token, would be useless for , mere man'. Such magnificence was made to be set off by the beauty of fair women In lovely gowns. The ladles' reception room opening off t tho main lobby la another "dream" of room, which almost surpasses belief In Its lovely furniture and rich carpets and lianglugs. Kverywliure are found servants to min ister to every slightest whim of the lovely ones. Every servant Is spick and apan in tho most approved drcsa or uniform. Always Imtnacalste. There ls the grand uher of tha main dining room, who Is always Immaculate in tuxedo. , Troiii the moment milady's rlcctrlc or her husband's limousine stops at the door she Is surrounded by this air of weultli and luxury. Kven at the door of the t. ... -.1 - . . . . uoiti i a iuminn grana auhe or an JUlUn prince, or something like that, to judge by his uniform. Ah, no, he Is gentleman of the KtMoplsn race, but urn a uniform!" it must rtuxile and de light him. It Is, like tha other uniforms Mr. Burbank's Private Sitting Boom i. 5f : K l. In a Sixth Floor Bed Room - .V-.. : ; .I'fju- ! ; ' : . : : '. : f:A U M t ... -. :.:... . . , i . i i : I I I . ,. . '., ' . 'fir I m i FREDRICKSONTO HUNT BEAR Now Spending All Hit Spare Time Oiling Up Hii Firearm for Trip to British Columbia. BEARS SAID TO BE WAITDfO "Hring your big guns by all means. Ton't fool with the little ones. The bear here arc thl- k and some of them are almost ' as big as a horse." j This Is a part of the reply H. B. Fred-: rlckron received from a friend to whom he wrote In HiltlHh Columbia foV Infor mation as to what kind" of rifles to take 1 with him when, he goes rlesr up to Fort George to hunt bear. Mr. and Mrs. Fred-j rlckson and party expect to start within i a mnpth for the far north to spend the I summer camping and hunting. Fredrick-J son has a farm there that he has never! seen. The friend writes that any day frlxzlic can be seen In the mountain leas than twenty mllea from Fredrick- son's land. "I am sure we- can find a half doxen grizzlies for you In day a hunt, says the letter from John May of that place. "Then of course we see dozens of the smaller species of bear such as the black and cinnamon bear, but we pay no at tention to them." Fredrlckson read the letter, and did not sleep much. No, he says he was not afraid of the bear; but that a real kid like, enthusiasm overwhelmed Mm. - Ha leaped out of bed In the morning at 4 quarter before six and began oiling his rifles and revolvers. And when Mrs. Fredrlckson came down an hour or two later she found heriusband enthusiasti cally levelling his big- elephant gun at door knobs, at pictures on the wall, and at electric light bulbs. Just by way of getting lils arm and shoulder Into form for the hig event. ous motorist and a keea. ati around sportsmsn. Ir. Bradbury Is blessed with a clear vision, the faculty of looking forward anl divining requirements. An example of this la the fact that he has equipped his new offices with everything that S'-lcnce and experience have taught as the mpst valuable to dental surgery. He has a pleasant personality, going di rectly to the root of a subjeot earnestly and sincerely. He Is still quite young and should do his best woik within the, next quarter of a century. Instrnetlnar the Cab. When Fred Helskell waa city editor of the Arkansas Gazette, a cub reporter turned In a "story" that ran ltke this "Ruck Beymore waa seen with a two-in'h auger going down the, river road this morning. Wonder hat Buck ia after now?" "Here, voting man," called out the rltv editor, "this storv In Incomplete. ,Ve don't print that kind of Items in the Gazette. Tell what Buck was doing with the auger." "I I didn't find out," the cub stam mered. "Well. I'll t;'.l you this one time, rialnly. he was going after grease fish. Ton catch em bv borina a hole in the water and baiting the surface with dried prunes. Th rreHee fish comes out, eats the prunes snd swells up no he can't get back m the bole." New York Mall. ' Investors with money read the Heal T5s tate ads In The Bee. Advertise your property for a quick sale. BRADBURY MOVES INTO HIS SPLENDID NEW OFFICES Interesting Is the atory of accomplish ment of W. J. Bradbury, rJ.D.B., who has Just announced his removal to splen did new quarters In the Woodmen of the World building. Dr. Bradbury opened offloea at his old location twenty-six years ago, at the age of 18 yeers. Two years later he bought out bis associates and has owned his own praoOce for twenty-four yeara. Pr. Bradbury has won success In his profession and has found time to serve the general interests of Omaha as testi fied by his work of eight yeara on various committees of the Commercial club. His new offleea occupy the entire sooth end of the west wing of the ninth floor of the Woodmen of the World building, and have been divided into eight rooms. Dr. Bradbury and associates each have separata private operating rooms, beside the laboratory, women's rest room and reception room. The chairs and fitting are of white, and black eneamel and glass. The suite is lighted from the east, west and south. Dr. Bradbury graduated from the In diana Dental college with high honors In a ciasg or urty-elght students. Tie Is a member of the Commercial club, Field club and various fraternal and benevolent or ganizations, la a golf enthusiast, a seal found in tha public part of tha hotel, of a dark brown color and, it Is most richly decorated with about five pounds of gold lace and tassels. The taxi man found also at the door Is i lad in the same colored uniform, but with different design. ' Bellboys, pages and others In this Sec tion have such uniforms and so have the elevator operators. On tho lupcls of all of thrni which are black Velvet Is the crest of the hotel dona In gold. , MEET AFTER FORTY YEARS At A are nf 00 aad geboolday Friends Heroine Sweet. v hearts. A chance meeting Inst summer, after they had not seen each other In forty years, led to tho marriage of Frank II. Conner, a wealthy Colorado ranch owner, and Mrs. Katherlne K. Turker, a widow, im North Flxty-Nrat street, Philadelphia. Conner la 63 yeara old and his bride Is 0. Tho pair were bom In Glrardvllle, Pa,, and attended school together. Aa a young man Conner went west and engaged In allver mining. Amassing a considerable fortune, he Invested In cattle,, and now has one of the largest ranches In Colo rado. Borne yeara after leaving fllraidvllle he married. Ills childhood friend became a bride, and neither saw nor heard from the other until Conner came earit several months ago. Then, at a reception, he met Mrs. I'arker. Hhe told him her husband dhd twenty yesrs ao. Ho told of the death of his lfe three years ago. They talked over old times in Olrardvllle, and when Con ner left tor the west he had her promise to become his wife. )lo returned Saturday and tha wedding took place. Philadelphia North American r -Efl WE FURNISHED ALL THE asBBSgSBBMSMZ inmusjj ao FOR THE FGNTENELLE OLTOKI Cl SONS CO. U'ssay 1 CZj 1515 HARNEY if FACED WITH Hy-Tex brick Let Us Show You Some of The Beautiful New Creations In The y -Tex Line A Brick for Every Purpose Hydraulic-Press Brick Co. 1302 W. O. W, Building utter and frr w We feel proud of the fact we were awarded the contract to furnish all the Butter and Fresh Eggs for the hew Fontenelle Hotel C. JL Iwsasoa r1 r'?f irn- v " - - " it M- , " ' S 1, I j ( Mi . i h )'-'. !ff:if t-' ; ' v- -sf -ii im f siniMi nil ' 1 t i mi' man ..j T. S. EUUoa We have been in business in Oniaha for 30 years; in ! wholesale business for 17 years evidence' we give satisfaction to all. The Jerpe Commission Co.; Wholesale Butter, Eggs and Poultry 422-424 South Eleventh Street,. Omaha, Neb. - TTE wish to call your atten W on ;he Marque cur- , tains oh the Douglas Street en trance, as a sample of our work. We Do Classy Work. Scott-Rawitzer Mfg. Co. llth and Harney Sts. We Are P roud of This Contract CUD AMY PRODUCTS Will Be In the New Hotel ."ont'enelle Cudahy Packing Co., South Omaha c. .5 i , .. - ; , , T ' i' ' . , i- t. v ;' ) i - d r ENGRAVINGS FOIWSH 2LLE 1:, ..:::.:.;r.;,-ai . Jfll.500;pp.p ;holcI Iiirnd opeiiiii;!;.yV? "are proud ofl hayinj had Ihc pnvtlcs !o pror 'duce "all ihc cngraviii oij used by ihis cnicrpnc in announc- vnp; piclerialjy ific opciun this handsome Hotel ? i Hotel PbNTENEUE W vatttsaaai Omaha Nc M, 2Lw5. - I smi mmm im aa Mkaj fiutal Mat waaa. tW' kX - Wat mm U.s ft'S a4 sb M -aTCf- SMraNa. fcn ulm mm m i la m 1 a 1 . 1 i ' i n fit: 4 Mi ,1 u Hi f.'llim:f.!i';;r;rT!TT