Officers of the Douglas Hotel Company
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Official Roster of
Officers and directors of the Douglas Hotel Com
pany, which built the Fontenelle Hotel:
G. W. WATTLES, President.
A. C. SMITH, Vice President.
A. D. BRANDEIS, Vice President.
A. L. REED, Secretary and Treasurer.
DIRECTORS G. W. Wattles, V. B. Caldwell, J. H.
Millard, F. T. Hamilton, John L. Kennedy, A. D.
Brandeis, Arthur C. Smith, John L. McCague, F. H.
Davis, George H. Harries, Q. M. Hitchcock, Victor
Rosewater, A. L. Reed, C. E. Yost, C. H. Pickens.
The company that is leasing the Fontenelle hotel
from the Douglas Hotel Company, which built it.
WILLIAM H. BURBANK, Omaha, Neb., President:
and Managing Director.
WILLIAM F. RAFFERTY, Merchants Bank Build
ing, Syracuse, N. Y., Vice President Chamber of
Commerce, Director City Central Trust Company.
EDWARD A. HUNT, 417 North Clinton Street, Syra
cuse, N. Y Treasurer; Director City Bank of Syra
cuse, Vice President Burhans & Black company.
THOMAS W. MEACHAM, 500 Plum Street, Syracuse..
N. Y., Vice President Onondaga Hotel Corporation,:
. Vice President Merchants National Bank, President
New Process Gear Corporation, Trustee Onondaga'
County Savings Bank"
ALAN C. FOBES, Bowen, Perry & Fobes, Gurney
Building, ex-Mayor City of Syracuse, President
Syracuse Chamber of Commerce 1913, Director New
vYork State Railways.
DEAN E. BROWN, 121 Dickerson Street, Syracuse,
N. Y., Director Syracuse Trust Company, President .
C. G. Brown Furniture Company.
IRVING F. BAXTER, Omaha, Law Partner ex-United
States Senator Norris Brown.
JJought Direct for the Fontenelle by
the Brandeis Stores Draperies
from New York.
Carpets, table linen.", towels, bedspreads
nJ blanket for the Fontenelle hotel
were supplied by the Prandehi stores of
Curtains, draperies and bhades came
from the big Ktern Brothers More In New
Torlt City of whkh Arthur Brandiis la
vice president.
For week workmen from the two
atorea skilled In the Installing; of such
things were busy nlnht and day, rimhini;
the work In order to have the bis hoxtelry
ready for occupancy at the appo;ntei
.To see that the work was properly
done sd completed on time, Arthur I.
Brandeis. vice president of Stern firoth
fs, and president of the Brandeis Stores,
was in the city from New York for three
weeks, supervising the work and giving
It. so far as possible, bis personal atten
tion. '.Something of the site of the contract
nay be understood from these facta:
The Brandeis Stores carpeted 330 rooms,
using more than 10,000 yards of Axmln
ler carpet. The color arrangement
vr1e. with notes of green, blue and
mulberry predominating. On the upper
two floors of the Fontenelle. Lowell-Ax-mtnter
carpets are used, brow n and tan
combinations being adapted throughout
tli floors.
iMportfl I.taeaa.
All of the linens table linens, towels,
bedspreads, etc., were Importt-d direct for
the Fontenelle by the Brandeis ft ores,
and more that t.uu werth were repre-
Fontenelle Hotel
r-nted in the Initial order. Fortunately
these linens Were shipped from Kurope
before war was declared and they have
been In Omaha for some time, all ready
to be transferred to the hotel when the
hotel was ready for them. The Brandeis
Stores furnished also 770 blankets
The Stern Brother, part of the contract
was of considerable magnitude. Including
the curtains, tapestriea, draperies and
shades, supplying these furnishings for all
of the bedrooms, all of the Bultea, all of
the parlors, corridors, dining rooms, etc.
Wliei, the Fontenelle lH opened, Feb
ruary 23. and the public haa an oppor
tuniiy to view the Interior, all will. 1 be
Hve. be struck by its beauty
ami rk-hneM," tairt Arthur Brandeis.
'Naturally, 1 am greatly gratified that
the two stons with which I am connected
should et such a large part of the con
tra' ts !W furnishing this handsome
hostelry, and I am certain that we have
done our part of it and have done It ex
ceedingly well.
M ill He Heady oa Time.
"A few days no 1 aked Mr. Hahn,
manager or Morn Brother decorating de
partment. I .e tho'iKht we could com
plete the work and have everything ready
for the time vrt f.,r the opening, lie
said, Well, we furnished the New Plaxa
hotel completily in New York In less
time than we were given here, and the
other work on the I'le.m was not nearly
so far advanced as is the work on the
Fontenelle.' Mr. Hahn's prediction will
be realized.
"In this connection Is might not be
amiss to nientUn that 8tern Brothers not
only furnished the Aaaa. one of the fin
eat hotels In (lie world, but nhat most of
th- higher t isss hotels Ir. New -York were
furnished by them.
Tnlctu sometli ng wholly unlooked for
shorn occur, we shall have our part
. of tl.e work fully completed just as wa
agveta. fo rar as our responsibility Ih
concerned, the Fontenelle win be all
ready fer Its opening February 3."
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The above buildings, completed within the last
has cause to be proud of. The new fontenelle
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O. C. S ELD EN, Pres. C.
D. L. DRECK, Vice Pres. G.
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R. VAUGHN. Vice-Pres. and Gen. Mgr.
W. HERTHEL, See. and Treas.
three years are structures that every Omahan
Motel is one of the finest hostelrys in the country
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Fir$t National Bank, Lincoln, Neb.
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Castle Hotel, Omaha
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