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THE OMAHA SUNDAY . I5EK: MARCH 21, 1015. KIGHOLS FIGHTSFOR FARMER Hadiaon County Member Reienti Allegation that Bill it Not in Their Interest. 70 RESTRICT SUITS ON NOTES (Trfm a Ptaff Convpr'ondpnt.) 13NCOUN, March 30. special.) In sinuations bf Taylor and others atmlnst the Lancaster deli-Ration and frlrnda of It. R. WO this afternoon hrouarliTout a rnl hot aperrh of Nichols of Malison, who challeniced the accusers to rhow one vote or one unoech mat ly Mm that showed he waa not on the square or hacl tint uaed hi Influence along lines which be believed waa right The debate waa over the provlalona of the bill which ta Intended to protect farmers from the mr-aftlng medicine fakir and quack dortora who iro About the country claiming to do wonderful thin pi In healing, secure a note from their vlo tfma and then aetl them to bank who firing suit for their payment. The bill was intended to forxe the holders of the notes to sue the maker In the counlr In which the note was irlren and not force him to travel to Omaha or Uncoln or aome other point where the note was being held to fight the suit. "No more Important legislation has been before this legislature," said Nichols, "and It Is along the lines of protection ta the constituents whom we people from the country districts are supposed to represent I defy any man In this legU- latare to ahow tme rote or-one speech mails by me which has not been on the square or which ,haa been Intended to lead any of row from the real facta In h controversy. This bQl la 'la the In terests of the farmers and others who tava been defrauded by the quaoks traveling; about the oouhtry and If you want to klU this bill kill It. but you will ; be defeating the best 1ia of legislation before the session." i T doat think this lmrtsiature can legislate 'brains into any body, shouted Umlth. I Lanlfaa also made a fight for the bill, I Introducing amendments to help it . The j till .was recommended for third . reading; by a vote of 3G to 8, Darr Indicted in . ! ' Connection With ' Sutton Bank Case ErroOLx; March' tO. (Ppecial Tele gram.') The federal grand Jury has brought in ', two. Indictments against George H. rarr. formerly of Lextngton. but now of Omaha, on charge of aiding and abetting President Ixicbben of a But toa bank la tho issuance of certificates of deposit The first covers a trans action of January , 1SU, amounting to ttl.009, and the seoond Jointly with Lueb. ben and Matters September H for Lundgreri Loan ": i Shark Bill Passed (From tf f Correspondent.) ' MNCOLN. Keb., March (Speolal Telegram) House roll No. 44, the Isuid. ?fen loan shark bill, Dasaed the houae this jnurnlnf with only on vots In od nosiqon, the affirmative - side ' getting evettfy-elx votes. Under Its provisions M per cent Is the largest that can be col-leeted. legislative t. ,, Proceedings. " Btfttae- Comaattte Repert. til lt 'wlund-Affecu school die trtot 4ounil tries, -. , It. It .103. Chambers of . Tbunrton txmnly board mwubori to draw l&fio ur day for supervising road work. It M. bn. Waylor LocU ajweaaors to Sra Uiy rtpwrt Mrtoul- 1L K. tru, Lancaster Delegatlon-ults on notes restricted to county whore pria Opal maker Uvea, " S1 "'!? Nort-tAte budget system. M. R. . Norton 4.)pUnnaJ commission Iorn of irovernment for counties). . Norton Allows state treaa. rr to sll low lnterext rate bonds at lJhan fh.y coat. If U can reinvest at K. R. tfci. Norton Creates state fft. Sn2 r"mnUion of six members. '. Orwoe and bushee Htorage of Hood waters for Irregaxtoa purposes. H. 7. NO. SaadsJWitrengthena mbea Blentent statute. H. It. Me. l oterson Abbreviated opln- w pmnw wurii li. K. e. liarrett-Kour-year terra fr stUte offloere. , CansUtuUoiuU ntnend. znent-J It R MX Petorson-Jory commissioner for ctuJt county. H. K. 7li 1 1 u nte r Uniform contracts for sale nf gooda. vuaumnm a. IT. lilT Mattes Provide that attor ney general akall appear la litigation over bridges. H. H. CH' Woodhurat Requlrea automo biles to stp t ruiroatf crossings. BUU 1um4 by Ifonae. J1- R. , LundKTen Legalises loan shark bualiutss at 4 to (w per cent per year lnUruat. Ayea, J; nays, 1. H. R. U(, feteiuiiMiyer Allows telephone, telegraph and rleitrlo companies to con. damn riKhta-of-y along section and naif section Unas Ivur private , landa. Ayes, tt); naya, a. S. F. K, Kaurulers Permlta charitable socUKles to ejiiond their periods of In corporation. Ayes. ri; nays, a H. F. ltvi. Q us sjiiJ Others Incorpor ates Ancient Free and AHpted Masons Uraod Ltnlne of Nebraska. Ayes. 7b; nays, 4 IL It 42. Nli hols-Prrmlts state banks to loin federal reserve ayausra. Ayes. 71 nars. a It R. 430. Douglas Delegation Strength ens corrupt practices act Ayes. 77: nay, 1. i- R. ne. Naytor Provides for stone and concrete culverts on pobllc roads. A, 7 naya. (. H. K 330, Reynolds Water power dis trict bill. Anti-Bucket Shop Measure is Sent To Third Reading rrrenj a Ptaff trrespondrnt.) ' LINCOLjN.. March JO (HpecuU.) A bill Introduced by Hunter of Inuglaa, In tended to hit the people, who have been able to evade the preent law rerardlng bucket ehnpa, haM paaed committee of the whole and Is now up for third read ing. The Mil Is known ss house roll No. tST and is designed to catch branches Of the Chicago Hoard of Trade, some ot which are established in Omaha. They are not operated aa , bucket shops In the strict sense of the word, but operate as agencies snd have been able to get around the present law without getting themselves In trouble. .' Hunter haa made the law a study and believes he has In the prevent bill some thing which will put this class of people out of business, as It prohibits the use of telephone and telegraph wires to carry' on the buslncnM. A feature of "the hill which prohibited the posting of grain prices was rut out of the hill by Mr. Hunter after consulting with Ed T. Pmlth, attorney for the Omaha Grain eichange, not desiring to deprive the Omaha exchange of the prlvllepe of posting its prices. The bill was unVversally voted for In the committee of tho whole and It is be lieved ' will have no trouble passing, as will alio a companion bill, No. US, which gives any person the rlfrht to enjoin the operation of any business covering bucket shop work. WAR NOTION STRONG IN YONHINDENRURG (Continued from Page One.) If I fall It Is ths most beautiful and glor ious death; if I am wounded It can only be of good service to ma; and If I re turn unscathed, all the better." Was a, Battle Thinker. ' ma sister writes of him as follows: "His military calling was ever the cen- ter of all his thinking end brooding. , Even aa a cadet of 10 years, he would Iran along by the side of his father's company, while exercising. When as a j young crnoer rve woum ecnte nome on a . furlough and wc took walks together, he would often atop on the top of a hill, sur vey the surroundings with never a word for a long time, after 'which 'ha would begin to describe to us a plan for a battle there. Then durtag the evening at home he would take a map of the general staff and bending down over It study It carefully, making measurements from time to, time. He waa a battle thinker. f . "On his desk he keeps a card In view with the Inscription In lAtln. "work and pray.' It had formerly stood en our father's desk. When hundreds of his friends halted his automobile at Orau dens and Jubilantly honored him for his victory, some climbing Into the trees to get a sight of him, he made an upward gesture with the hand and snld, tThank Him up thrc'ond drove rapidly' away." ATTORNEY WAKES CHARGE " , AOAINSTJUDGE WADE IOWA farchX.-Bpetl Telegram) The name of Martin J. Wade Of Iowa City, democ ratio committeeman from Iowa, recently appointed federal Judge for the southern district of Iowa, has brfonie-lnvolved in facts surrounding the arrest of Seward 8t John.' secretary and treasurer of the Transcontinental Townalte oompahy of Winnipeg, Canada, whlqh took place In Chicago yesterday on the charge of operating .a confidence game. H. J. Toner, a lawyer, who makes the charges, says he represents the stock holders and that he intends seeing State's Attorney Hoync today with a view of presenting to him the facts concerning Judse Wade's connection with the case. RentToora quick with a Bee Want Ad. Husband and Wife Both Saved From Suffering Z wish to tell yon the good results my self and husband received from Dr. Kil mer's Swamp-Root About eleven years ago I had a severs attack of La Orlppe and waa confined to my bed about eight weeks under the doctor's cars. He pro nounced my case ' kidney trouble and rheumatism and not receiving the results from the doctor's treatment I should have received, I decided to try Swamp Root After taking several bottles . of Swamp-Root X was able to get ud and attend to my work. About a year later my husband was affected with a severe attack of kidney trouble and doctored for aome time with the' doctors and re ceived no benefit Knowing ot the good I had received, he decided to try Swamp- Root His condition was such that he was confined to his bed and wurds can not tell how he suffered, but after taking Swamp-Root he was relieved so he could go on with his work without pain. I wish to heartily recommend Bwamp-Root to all persens afflicted with kidney and bladder troubles and you may publish this letter if you wtah. Tours truly, MRS. A. B. BRIOG8. - ISdred. Pa. Sworn and subscribed to before me, this th day of May. lrfl2. IRA MCCARTHY, Notary Public. OSLY OME HOMO Ot'INIMR. To get the genuine, call for full name, Iexattve bromo Quinine. Ixtok for signa ture of E. W. Grove. Cures a cold In one day. JK cents. r 7ette te Xr. aUliaer Co.. Slsgaauuoa, M. T. rrsvs Wktl SwasiB-leet WIU D ler Tea Send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer at Co., Binghamton. N. T., tor a sample sits bot tle. It will convince auyone. Tou will also receive a booklet cf valuable Infor mation, telling about the kidneys and bladder. Wben writing, be sure and men- lion ue umana Sunday Bee. Regular fifty-cent and one-dollar alse' bottles for sale at all drug stoma. An Easter Gift That Charms OXK THAT WILL KXTKKTAIV AND XMKOnT YtH NO 1IO.UK COMPLL'TK WITHOUT OI K FAMOUS LIVING MUSIC BOX V. S. 9wUmt Vo. goaas. . The canary with a mbM education, slugs entirely different from ai.v other t ai.j-y and ftu- superior lo anything you have ever heard. 1 is vole i. BWs-t ,k1 soft, no harsh notes ami the bi-st of all). thy are trajnd to elng by nru. ftciaj lihl as U as dyliirht. We have. Af ft $Xs:xto??uJ. v.l.!!T?.?rr. .56.00 Each hLi t tilrrl 1st Swkl.ti sllh ... ..-Wee - . Jay . approval. Uoe ana on 1XAX GEISLES BIRD COMPANY, 1617 TARN AM ST. 'J8 A J ' THOMPSON, BELDEN r COMPANY- New Fashions for Easter Are Constantly Arriving An idca'is born A new style conceived And almost simultaneously the news reaches our personal representative, Mr. Nicoll, la New York City. ' Adaptations of the best originations of women's suits, coats and dresses are coming into the store daily. The newest of all things women will want for Easter are here in sufficient diversity to please every1 one. And we think you. will be surprised at the goodness of the materials, and the work manship which a little money will buy. ' A Wise Woman ' , is she who. bestows , infinite care in the selection of her hats She has learned from experience that an unat tractive hat ; will simply spoil the effect of an entire outfit, while & distinctive, becoming hat will carry an insignificant gown to tri umph. Perhaps she has been told, too, how much younger she looked with her hat on than without it. The right hat will take away years from one's appearance. Individuality in Hats It 1 impossible, bowmrrr, with ont large and varied stock selection, from which to maJkn a ' choice. We ; sun showing large and small, low and high hats this spring, goid all sure fan hi an able. Their charm and atyle Ue la their distinction of line and trimming. Neckwear Extremes What are you going to be, fluffy or tailored? Or are you going to take a middle course? Because, if you're going to be fluffy, here are frills and daintiness enough . to satisfy the most .Victorian : in aid. . . - And if you're going to be tailored you'll find neat neckf ixings and vestees and ' all' sorts of neckwear, fin ished with tiny buttons or1 prim black bows. An in-between fashion is one that combines a high stock and the most feminine of frills. Anyway they are all here for your Easter neckwear choosing. Silk Stockinfs Your Easter pair may match your shoe - tops or , your gowns, no matter how odd their shade. . We carry innumerable shades at ONE DOLLAR A PAIR, and more expensive ones if you so desire. " Must Have New Gloves for Easter It's the most important time of all the year Because dainty spring cos tumes can't, possibly sane' tion- old - gloves, above all other ..things. ;- Thfr season we have ' more new ideas than usual, especially in col orings of . new .gold,-, putty, sand and oyster shadeswith both self and 'contrasting stitchings. , ;;.. 7,'.'. Newest o all is, the Washable Cape' Clove We must ask you: to see these, because. a word de scription would not half tell of their attractiveness., s -. Women's Dresses'" . - From the -quaint, old fashioned crinoline ' pompa dour taffeta to the less elab- ! orate, almost plain tailored, there are dresses here for every age and occasion. And such pretty colorings! A hundred women might choose from them and all be different, each be individual. Have You the I New Figure Yet? VI've Just been down to the fitting rooms trying on a new gown, a copy of one of the latest French models, which I bought in the ready-to-wear section. Its lines are perfect over this new corset, but I never could have worn it if I hadn't been properly corsetted first. - "The waist, you so, is a little smaller, and you mast have a . curve at the sides. The corset comee up and supports the bunt It Is Just aa comfortable an ran ; be, and feels so good ta really have a figure once more." 8ucb remarks have been over . heard very often of late in our fitting rootna, ever since the new . gowns beaa to arrive. - ' Before adlecting a gown- or suit , .we would advise a vlnlt i our orset .sMX-Uonv and a rouaultatlon with our coractiere. Then you will have no trouble in being fitted. The Store for Shirtwaists (Original.) " Thousands of Easter blouses smilingly ready to complete any tailored cos tume; blouses more fascinat ing than we ever had before. Prices moderate; materials fine beyond criticism. Monday a Special Offering of Crepe de Chine and ' ESihroiderejd Liheh Waistsc The Store 'for fAitawaists al ways has new J things . to , show yD-rw visit Is always pleasant. Suits at This Moment Are of Absorbing Interest And There is This to Say tf Their Fashions: . Here in our Apparel Section are several scores of different styles, practically every one with some indi vidual touch and expression. N You are not hampered by being asked to select from a few. models, neither are you confused by being shown a collection of commonplace styles, none of which interest you. FOR TOMORROW (MONDAY). More Than 20 New Styles of Hand-Tailored and Novelty Suits Were Received Saturday Afternoon by Express They are the ciass of beautiful Ready-to-wear garments which appeal particularly to women who are accustomed to patronizing, tailors. ; I These handsome-new Spring . Suitst will be, offered Monday for M'- " tr ' ' ' ; v.t- v $35 and $39.50 : r No extra charge f or alterations.., " '. ' - uLmiLimnTizrzni 1 ipnraiaarnnnm Thomp son, Belden & Co. Exp Our Opening 4 osition of ISIew Silks In the Loveliest Weaves for Spring To Continue Throughout the Week Presenting to women interested in Fashion's latest decrees the newest silks, in a veritable court of beauty. Every important fabric, the foremost artistic designers have evolved for the present season. A Review 7 FABRICS To staple silks honors have Wen accorded chiffon taf fetas, failles, gros de Londres, poplins, . bengaline, Pussy Willow taf f etas, and at least a score more, but these are most talked about. COLORS This is to be a season of practical colors no novelties re ceiving undue prominence blues, sand, putty, green and black being featured. s BLACK SILKS, in an unequaled variety which' can justly be com- jjtucu vmy w our own display 01 colored silks in richness. Every Woman Who " Delights in, -Beautiful-Silks is Cordially Invited to View This Display. Silk Section- Main Floor. B :fiklJALi 1 1 ! .Llk JiiUi Jl H II a "',111111 itl '