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SOME GO TOJED TO SLEEP For tb Help of These Darkened Transoms Are Placed in All the Rooms. LIGHT IS ENEMY OF SLEEP Weary traveler iometlmei woo Mot Tsus In vain bcaus aa thy racllna on their couches In the hotel which la tholr temporary abode their eyes ar smitten and their brains jolted Into continued consciousness hy a bright ray of llirht treamtnc In from the hallway through the transom. Wine men have set themselves to think ing of the comfort of travelers or nt per manent residents In hotels where be cause of the lameness of hotel families It Is Impossible to put nut the rat and lock the front door at 11 o'clock at nl(tht and retire to undisturbed slumber. These wise men have devised various Improvements and conveniences and lu iirtrs and Ingenuous devices to minister to the pleasure and comfort of those who are deprived temporarily of their per manent abodes, who are slumbering; In stranxe beds surrounded by strange as sociations. The body machine under these circum stances requires the greatest possible conformity to the ordinarily accepted and physiologically and psychologically cor rect conditions which shall conduce to slumber at the earliest possible moment after the truest has Invited (rcntle sleep. Most leep mi Ntkt. Scientists have demonstrated that Hirht Is the enemy of sleep. The world pro claims the truth of this tenet. Nearly all animals sleep In the n1ht time and so do the birds and fishes and Insects. Man sloeps at night like the rest of creation. His habits today are somewhat modified from hos, of the cave man. his ancestor who dropped asleep at dark and awoke at dawn precisely as the sun moved. Today artificial light and modern dlvestlsment have made man more or less of a nlKht animal. Home Irke to be "members cf the midnight crew" and a-o about the t'rwn with the boys until "all hours." That Is their privilege, but It Is also the privilege of the others to retire to slumber when they please. All of which Is a prefaoa to the state ment that the Csstle hotel bedrooms are jtirnvlded with wooden glass In their transoms. That is to say, there Is wood whore the glass usually Is tfi a transom. And when Wesry Traveler or Man-Up Ono of the Corridors of the Hotel Castle 4f , v ( : ' IT ' t i iuuiiiuiiiuiiiiijs a ' ' ... 1 - n.-i, '"'-a. WUB"" ' rasmmiT i. WffS3t w I ' ! f , J r. C ' " . t I . , I ' ; v -Ml V, J ' rl V V' ; I; ENTIRE HOTEL IS FIREPROOF Ite-List-Nlght wants to go to bed he can put his room Into perfect darkness when he puts out the light In It. He will not be disturbed by the vajrrant light rays which formerly used to shine In from tho ever wakeful hallway. Llkewlso Jack-the-Peeper will be un able to satisfy any prurient curiosity In the Castle with Its wooden transoms pro tecting guest from unwelcome Intru sions. This small detail which may seem a very large detail to any guest who seeks privacy and slumber simply show Fire and Flames and Conflagration and Holocaust No Longer Are to Be Feared. GUESTS IN UTMOST SAFETY Tlmegeire getting harder and harder for fire and flames and their offspring, conflagration and holocaust. The new Hotel fastle simply marks another hard obstscle placed In the way 'if those four once hated and feared enemlos of mankind. They amused themselves by burning down hotels and other buildings Inhabited, by human beings and burning up the human beings with them. Rut their day Is rapidly passing. The Hotel Castle Is absolutely fire proof. From basement to proof there is hardly a splinter In the construction that ca?i be consumed by fire. The doors of the rooms are about the only Inflamable things, the rest being concrete and marble. From the second floor to the top of the building they are Iron. Hven the window sashes are pressed steel. And all glass Is wire glass. Tea, It la a discouraging outlook for old Conflagration. It can never hope to get Into this hotel. "Safety first" to the watchword of the Castle, officially adopted, signed and sealed. The biggest step toward hotel safety Is hotel flreproofness. The Castle's watchword Is more than a mere watchword. It Is a concrete fact It Is a "concrete" fact In two senses of that word. It to also a brick fact, a marble fsct, an Iron stairway fact. In the whole building. What Is a poor, hard working flame to do with such discouragement? In the old times It used to be able to give an account of Itself almost every day. It was a hard week, Inleed that It could not point to some hotel destroyed probably In the dead of night when the guests w-ere In their beds and were burned like rats without any chance to get out. Hut what can It do with a hotel like tho castle? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. It la useless to try. You run no danger of burning tho building down. The walls are all brick and hollow tile. The floors are concrete. The stairways from the basement to the second floor are pressed steel window sash fact, a wire glass fact. Safety Is first Rooms to Be of Moderate Price at Hotel Castle Dr. BrH'a Plne-Tar-If oner. Get a bottle today; keep It for your cough or cold. Good for children, adult and aged. All drugclsts. Advertisement. A going business can De sold quickly through The Bee's "Business Chances." What will he the price of rooms in th" Csstle hotel? ManHger Castle believes he has a "world-beater'' in price He exhibited a Mg front room with private bath and beautiful furniture. "Two dollars " he said. "Can you beat It?" He shewed one slightly smaller, also with private hath. "One seventy-five," he declared. "Ain't It a dandy." Another sire smaller and also with private bath. "One fifty. Won't they go for 'em?" Then he showed a room with private bath, but facing on the court Instead cf tho direct open air. This Is .X. There are l.'o rooms altogether In tho hotel. Of these 1 have private baths and the rest have private toilet and h"t and cold running water. The whole hotel is lighted by electricity and there is a telephone in every room. There arc five bedroom floors. The rooms are arranged In tiers, a room on the second floor being exactly like tho rooms directly over It on the third, fourth, fifth and sixth floors. Rent room quick with a Bee Want Ad. how completely the comfort of the guests has been considered and planned for In Die Castle, and how tho science of mod ern hotol management Is constantly look ing out to correct little defect of th early hotel days. MEATS FOR CASTLE FROM THE PUBLIC MARKET Meats for the Castle will be furnished by the Publlo Market, lfilO Harney street. Thto la one of the largest meat cmicemi In the city and la noted for th excellence and freshness of It good and It quick service, Th location of th Publlo Market I only three square from the Castle, and this will further facilitate prompt service In the matter of securing all kind of meats Just when they are needed. going business can be sold quickly through Th Bee' "Business Chances." shmiwibiiib1 SlillsiBHiBii 3s- taniGto($ fFmisEri Hie We are proud of HOTEL OASTLE. It ia beautifully clothed." Look at ttl t Note the rich, soft, blended colors, vrtilch suggest the hospitality to be found within. The very walls say: "Hello, Bill! (Had to see you!" We Induced the owner and architect to use Sunderland's Multi-Tone Oriental Brick We hare persuaded many owners and the results have always been BEAUTIFUL. If you expect to build, a visit to our brick display and a discussion of BRICK EFFECTS with us will be profitable and interesting. erlaiid-BroVEo, Entlro Third Floor Stato Dank Oldg. ----r -r- Wo Furnishod A1I tho And Tillc Foors For the Hotel Castle Rffl DLToliNj & SONS CO. 515 HARNEY "CONCRETE FOR PERMANENCE" Meyer Steeliorm .Construction A Construction Method which assures the architect and builder of maximum EFFICIENCY ACCURACY ECONOMY "Maximum Engineering Service". Send for Our New Catalogue. Concrete Engineering Company OMAHA NATIONAL BANK BUILDING OMAHA. District Offices: Los Angeles, Salt Lake City. Chicago, Cleveland. (fr We Did All the Tin and Copper Work on the Hotel Castle Ejornson Sheet Metal Works MANUFACTURERS OF SHEET METAL CORNICES Tin work, Gutters, Skylights, Etc. VENTILATION WORK METAL CEILINGS 218-20-22 North 15th St Phone Douglas 2575. OMAHA, NEB. We Do All the GLEANING, DYEING and PRESSING For the HOTEL CASTLE HAVE YOUR CLOTHES CLEANED NOW FOR EASTER J. C. WOOD & CO. "Th Old RtliabU CUantrt and Dyer" 515 South Sixteenth St. W. C. PARKER, Mgr. R ea Plasterieg That's what you get when we do the work. FOR TWENTY-SEVEN YEARS we have been more than satisfying builders with our supreme plastering. We have done work on the biggest anfl best buildings in Omaha, and the contracts were given us because of an efficiency in this lino. We Did All the Plastering on the New Hotel Castle "We feel proud of this contract and consider it demonstrates our ability to do good work and phase. Below, is a list of other important Omaha buildings we plasterod: Bt. Joseph's HosptaL Krug Theater. Hotel Loyal first Christian Church, Saunders-Kennedy Bldg. Hotel Fontenelle. . The Platiron Bldg. State Bank. Henshaw Hotel. y. M. 0. A. Building. American Theater. Hotel Castle. wise Memorial Hospital Baird Building. Omaha National Bank. German Lutheran Church, The Eeeline Apartments. ANDERSON EROS. Omaha. Nebraska. 11 it' A. if 1 The New Hotel Cattle KHANK M. VALKXT1XK, Proprietor, Hotel Castle lUrher Shop. THE HOTEL CASTLE BARBER SHOP Is the finest equipped tonsorial parlor in tho state. The newest and best chairs manufactured, have been iustalled to insure you absolute comfort. Skilled barbers under the personal supervision of F. M. Valentine, stand ready at all times to serve well. QUICK SEltVICE-COURTESY and cleanliness will be our everlasting motto. Clean, steam towel with each shave. Hotel Castfe Barber Shop SOUTH 16TH STREET The furnishings and supplies for this shop were furn ished by tho Phillips Medical Co., of Omaha. EsSBDHBBSSESD m 4 n mmm aamiii m mm - If Hit UUSIliU s-LUUllll.ti the HOTEL CASTLE WAS FURNISHED BY THE NEBRASKA TERRAZZO & MOOIAC CO.F 1024 FARNAM Ir.iaroio ana mo lerrazzo oisps. All Kinds oT Repair Work A. MACHETTI. IWsst O. HKHTACnO, Til g, Wy