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3-A Nebraska Nebraska Nebraska Nebraska Nebraska TI.K OMAHA SfNTAY HKH; MAKCM 21. 1015. (Juardsmen Roast Legislators for n..ii. rv r r n 1 uuiung uii uasn (from a Ptaf Correspondent.) LINCOLN. March 20. TSpeclal.) Mera er of company A of the Fifth rerflment ft the) Nebraska National Guard, for berly company P of the Second, and known as the Lincoln Light infantry, keld a. banquet at the Armory last night, the banquet wag in commemoration of m third anniversary of the penitentiary kutbreak and the second anniversary of ha Omaha tornado, on both of which oc- Klone the guard was called Into serv- Major Haysel was toastmaster. Ex Bovernor Aldrlch, Judge. Cosgrave, Chief fustic Morrlssey, Major J. M. Blrkner. hheriff Hyers, Adjutant General Hall and John G. Maher responded to toasts. ift.Il of the speakers deplored the action f the lower house In outtlng- the Na tional Guard appropriation to what is al leged to be a totally Inadequate figure. Mr. Aldrlch was particularly, strong in his denunciation of the legislative ac Uon, describing it aa f'cheap politics" and "panny-wtoeness." Following; the banquet the hall waa Reared of tables and a dance was given. Notre from Callnwar. 1 CALLAWAY, Neb., March . (Spe cial.) The citizens of Callaway met In fcaaee meeting and this year placed In domination but one ticket for the munici pal election. H. N. Balrd, N. M. Keyes and W. R. Wright were placed in none Cation. Tha question of "wet" or "dry" 111 be submitted tha same as heretofore! and the nominees are pledged to abide by tha decision of the voters regarding this Bnestlon. Callaway has been "dry" the last year. Mrs. Nina Hoskin, wife of Dr. E5. C. Hosfcln, passed away at her home in this rfty early Thursday morning after an illness lasting but two weeks. Deceased ieayves a husband and three little daugh ters. Funeral service will be held Bun lay at tha Episcopal church, Tha S-cnonths-old baby of Mr. and Mrs. ted Black, residing west of this city, was found dead In Its bed at 1 o'clock Wednes day. . Tha child had not been sick. . Note fraaa Weeping Water, WEEPING WATER, Neb., March 20. fSpeclaJ.) At tha caucus of tha business temperance party here last night, the following wera placed In nomination on city ticket: Mayor, Fred H. Gor- er: city clerk, W. H. Lman; treasurer, C. W. Blah; oounctlmen: First ward. J. I fW. Colbert; Second ward, E. E. Mar- I shall; Third ward, & J. Marshall;, mem bers of school board: C E. Day and F. J. Da via. Martin Johnson and Miss Bertha . Mit Cer wera married Wednesday evening at paptUlon, which It proposes ultimately to he farm home of tha bride's father, Peter tend to Lincoln. Tha bond Issue, how filler, west of here. Rev. William El- Lv,rf penta money spent for the most ledge, pastor of tha Congregational Church, officiated. They will make tholr fcome on a farm. Mrs. Emma Lindsey,' aged 82 years, died at 11 o'clock Wednesday night at the home of her son, Joseph, two miles southwest of Union. Two Lyons Women Are Dead. ' LYONS, Nb March (Special.) Urs. Irrael Davlss, died at tha home of tier, daughter, Mrs. H. A. Kelley, 'death being caused by a cancer, from which phe has been a sufferer for more than a year. She leaves five children, as-followa, (George W"., Israel, Mrs. Greeiy .;sst and Mrs. H. A. Keliey, all ot this place and Charles Davlss of Sioux City, la. per, husband died here several years ago. The family settled at thia plac Jhlrty years ago. She was born In Iowa and was 74 years of age. Mrs. Charles Daffr, a former Lyons' fcveraan, died at her home In Mil ford, pCeb., and the body will be brought here' for burial in the Lyons cemetery, Sun-, (day. She was 46 yeara of ag and Heaves a husband and a number of children, phe was a member of the' Royal Neigh bors' lodge of this place, also of the Yco knan lodge. Mill at Mlnden la Burned. M1NDEN, . Neb., March 20.-HSpeclal ewxnuiLiMrina minaen raiiiinir com- Eany's mill was burned" to the ground last lght The fire it seems originated In (the engine room and at 10 o'clock when (discovered by Mr. Hotchkln, one of the proprietors living nearby, had such head Way that despite the prompt response of the department nothing could be done toward saving the mill itself. Surround ing buildings were saved., t was the only mill in Minden and was built four yeara ago.' Seven hundred bushels of wheat was destroyed. The loss is partly covered icy Insurance. . ' . aecona siate at Broke a bow. BROKEN BOW, Neb., March 20,-(Spe-(Cial.) Since the city caucus of last week when a municipal ticket was put up, there has been more or less dissatis faction expressed by opposing ' faoflons. iThe-matter assumed definite form this week by the nomination by petition of a second candidate for mayor and second candidates for councilman In three of the four wards. This latest ticket read as follows: Mayor, G. T. Robinson: coun- rllmen. first ward, John Johnson; Second ward, Louis D. George; Fourth ward, T. 1 Buckner. Dr. Bradbury In New Location LetV You and I Get away from this Technical, hlghBrow talk about dentistry and get down to half-past-hard-pan. As proof of confidence and square treatment, I Will Refund YourMoney If you are nut thoroughly satisfied with the work I do for you. No quibbling or protesting; if the work Is not as guaranteed, no one shall ever have occasion to say that they paid Dr. Bradbury for value they didn't get. . . CROWNS, 92.50 XV. We Issue Shoppers' Mileage. i'inr" tonrr- Dr. Bradbury, Dentist iwiin ia Tuu est on locatiow. Bolt Ml-sa Woodmea of the World BaUalac. Tel. X. 17&4. I4ta anA rarAam 2trts. Grabenstein Wins In Postmaster Vote ECSTI8. Nb., March JO. (Special Tel egram.) Notwithstanding bad and weather, 146 votes were cast at the post mantershlp election held here today for three candidates. Following Is the vote: E. O. Kyner, 12; John Grabenstein, 81; J. M. 8111, 52. No one but democrats were allowed to vote. All votors were sworn as to being r strong of the office and democrats. CLAY CENTER TO HAVE NEW GYMNASIUM AND LIBRARY CLAT CENTED, Neb.. March 0.(Spe clal.) The Carn-gte corporation hiive flg nlded their assent to the building of a municipally owned gymnasium In connec tion with the library building for which It will furnish the funds and upon which work will commence 4n this city at an early date. The plan as contemplated now is to have the gymnasium distinct from the library except that the south wall of the . CarneXte building will make the north wall of the gynaslum. T!ejro posltion la being financed by ' popular subscription. The martlage of Mr. George 8. Bohwab and Miss Ella Frieda I'leper, was cele brated In the German Evangelical church In this city Friday evening. Mr. Schwab is a prosperous young farmer in this county and tho bride Is the eldest daugh ter of Her. and Mrs. "H. Pleper. County Sheriff Bonntfltld returned Sat urday night from 64oux City, with Frank Hood In charge. Hood waa returned un der a warrant Issued by the county court, charging wife desertion. He- sentenced the prisoner to ninety days In the county jail or until - competent ; bond should be furnished for his release. t - A smallpox scare soma three miles east of this city has resulted In the placing of the home of Stern Price undor quar antine and the temporary closing of the district school. ) Tha annual oratorical contest of the local high school waa held In the opera house Thursday evening. "Wayne Gray won first place with Miss Olive Falrley a . olose contender. Mr, Gray will rep resent tha school In the district contest STOCK AND BOND ISSUE HAS BEEN APPROVED (From a Staff Correspondent) LINCOLN, Mjircn 20. (Special ) The state Railway commission has approved tha Issue of 1130,000 worth of stocks and bonds by the Omaha A Lincoln Electric Light and Railway company. Tho coro na nv haa an Interurban road as fir as part In the development of Its commer clal lighting business. Benjamin . Baker of Omaha filed a remonstrance, claiming the company had not actually expended the money. At the hearing held recently. 'however, the -re-menstrator was not present In person and his side of the case was not put in at length. The application of his attor ney for a continuance was not allowed. Midyear Party Is Given. CRETE. Neb., March 20. (Special. ) The annual midyear party of the G. K. S. society was held Saturday evening - In the Congregational .church parlors. The guests assembled In the highly" decorated reception rooms promptly at 6 o'clock. After a short social cbat, the party -repaired to the adjoining room, rich In decorations of daffodils' and society aol ors. And there, amid the music of the vlclrola, about the tables neatly trimmed with hand-painted society emblems and vases of flowers they partook of a boun tiful four-course dinner. ... - A Japanes gong dre wthem Into the Japaneso gardens of Toklo, and there anion gthe blossoms of apples and cher ries and the palms they were entertained by the Japanese maidens with a -program and songs by the quartet sextet and chorus. The O. F. &. Japanese maids. In the custom of local hue, then served a delicious luncheon and tea. The G. F. S. song and cheer drew the happy even ing to a close. - t . , . Osrallala Defeats Sidney. OQALLALA, Neb.. March 20. (Special.) Ogallala High school's debating team defeated the Sidney High school team here last night In the discussion of the conference question, "Resolved. That the government should own and operate rail roads." Ogallala took the affirmative and was represented by Misses Winifred Overstreet, Ruth Callln and Hazel Chln grenr Sidney was represented by Clar ence. Wright. Francla Hlrbert and Gold win Do ran. The Judges were Mtss Adam son of Brule, George Young, principal Julecburg High school, and H. Humph rey, of Patcton High school. Charter to Elkhora Bank. LINCOLN. 'March 20. (Special.) The State Banking boasd has granted a char ter to the Commercial State bank of Elk horn.. The bank la organised wttn a capi tal of tlS.00, and th? following officers: Otto II. Sohurman nrrklflent: J A,. .bins, vice president, and J. N. Wyatt. ca.hlee Fatal Illness Takes Fogarty, Whose Vote Won Daylight Fight ' (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, March JA-lSpeclaU-John L. Fogarty. whose vote passed the day light saloon hill at the li09 legislative ses sion, died In Arkansas this week. Mr. Fogarty s home was at Greeley Center. He had been suffering from stomach trouble for over a year. A few weeks ago he went to visit a sister on a cotton plantation In Arkansas, and while there was1 taken with his fatal Illness. The body will be returned to Greeley Center for burial. fMr. Fogarty was an unmarried man and lived with his mother, who Is over SO yaera of age. . Mr. Fogarty represented his district In the house In 1!W9. When the daylight sa loon bill was voted upon It necessitated a call of the house In order to get a con stitutional majority. The call hung on for an hour or more, and finally the bill mustered fifty-one votes. Mr. Fogarty waa on the "wet" side of the liquor question. but his vote waa recorded by the clerk for the daylight saloon bill. Althaugh It was claimed at the time that he had actually voted "No." Mr. Fogarty did not ask to have the record changed and his affirmative vote stood. The bill was subsequently signed by Governor Hhallenberger, which made It a law. GOVERNOR REAPPOINTS FOREST COMMISSION LINCOLN. March . - (Speclal.) fGovemor Morehead has reappointed the commission of three provided for by the IMS legislature to Investigate the feasi bility of the forestatlon of the school lands In the sand hill region. The commission Is as follows: Carl Rondo -of Columbus, chairman; A. H. Metsger of Rolf, and Woodruff Bull of Valentine. The commission recently re turned a report, which Is being printed now by Btate Printing Commissioner Ludl. 1 License Is lir at St. P.inl. ST. PAUL, Neb., March 20 (Special Telegram.) The cltiiena caucus was held at the court house last night and the following were . nominated:. For mayor. Colonel H. J. Paul; clerk, T. J. Nelsen; treasurer,. Alvln Johnson; engineer, T. N. Beruie; councilmen, First ward. L. A. Warne; : Second Ward, William Har very. Only the one ticket will be In the field. The license question will be an is sue at the election. The Scourge of Chronic Catarrh v kpwel'lVfh ft- SlasMhatEts Peruna cured fhrnTiif ratarrh or viii viiiv VMfcv a as v nose throat and sfomdchx Mr. Delbert B. Craft, R. R. 4, Lowell, Ind.;1 writes: 'Tor a Ions time I suffered with chronic catarrh of nose, throat and stom ach. I would continually talce cold and my stomach was In bad condition. I truly suffered un told misery. I took various med icines and tried the treatment ot several physicians, but I felt no better. A friend advised me to take Peruna. I wrote to the Pe runa Medical Department, who prescribed treatment. As soon as I commenced to take Peruna, I was surprised at the relief it gave me. I kept on taking it until I bad taken thirteen bottles and was cured. I' would advise all those afflicted with catarrh to use your remedy. I am a great friend of Peruna. for It cured me of a bad case of catarrh." ' Read WhaVThese Men Have to Say. The Serum Treertment employed by only ten days' time required for a DR. W. W. BOWSER,. 314 7'hirt'j-fifth JVor For Liquor and Drug Users Removes permanently the craving tor Liquor and f'rug. Always Improves thy general health. KurroundlnKS pleasant syatem Im mune, uutlilna "Imrolc." Drun are withdrawn gradually, and wlali the aid or our tonic remedies Patlentu suffer no t'ollacan. Do not )ie prsuad'-l that all treat nirnl) are allK. Ours la the only effective one. aa time and eaoer "" lenoe proves. Come to uk without dtlav. These con dition are t.iiou and there should ba no x pertinents fend for illustrated booklet. Corre spondence strictly confidential. The Keeley Institute Corner 85th aad Case Vtreets, OhLa-KA, Its. Bank of Ravenna Registers Protest (From a Ftaff Correspondent )' LINCOLN. March 30. (Special.) "Stung" was the word printed in large letters upon a card of green that greeted the astounded eyes of State Treasurer Hall as ho ran through his mall at the state house this morning. Vagiw- misgiving flashed to his mind as he thought of the numerous county treasurers out after his scalp -since his order requiring monthly remittances of state funds. Closer Inspection, however, revealed that It waa only 'the protest of the state bank of 'Ravenna, pinned to a check for 130, the hank's payment of the examiner's fee. Many of the banks have always objected to paying this fee, which comes twice ai LINCOLN COMMISSIONERS CONSIDER BRIDGE BIDS NORTH rLATTR. Neb.. March 20 (SperlaM The county commissioners have been In session since Wednesday morning considering the bids for the con struction of the steel and concrete bridge to be built over Oie Platte river, one mile east of this city and along the Lincoln highway. Heven bids were submitted, ranging from $.16,000 to $.V.000. bat no ao tlon has as yet been taken. The commis sioners have adjourned until next Tues day, when the contract will probably be lot. The lowest bid was that the Canton Bridge company of Canton, O. They bid JjW.Ooo for the bridge, but this did not Include the fill on each end, which, It Is estimated, will cost about 18,000. ATTORNEY GENERAL SUES TO GET O'CONNOR ESTATE HASTINGS, Neb.. March 20.-Spelal Telegram.) Attorney General Reed today filed suit In tho district Court against 13S alleged helra of John O'Connor, peeking to secure for the state the $00,000 O'Con nor estate. . , . License h He )ane at Table Rock. TABLE ROCK. Neb, March 20.-fSpe. clal 1 A caucus was held at the opra house in Table Rock Wednesday evening, and the following were nominated for village trustees, there being two to elect: C. H. Carmlehae!,'y.. T. Porter, W. M. Linn and W. ' E. Craig. The following proposition is to be submitted, at the vil lage election: "Shall the board of trustees of the village of Table Rock, Neb., grant saloon license for the sale of malt, spirit uous and vinous liquors In' said village for the ensuing yearT"- - "1 had serious catarrh of the head : , Perutid i curcdme." rW Mr. E. T. Phillips, Menasha, wis., writes: VI have been trou bled with a very serious case of catarrh of the head and throat for a number of years, and I tried many prescriptions from . good physicians, bat in the end I found myself no better. On the advice of a friend who had used Peruna with good results' I purchased a bottle,- and the effects from that one bottle were so encouraging that 1 continued its use and I ' think I uned about six bottles in all,. which I em glad to say cured me completely ' of this trouble gome disease... I' can therefore connclentlouMy recommend it and am a firm believer In the power of Peruna to cure catarrh." C AH DE CURED r MONEY REFCSSED me,- is the only positive cure . known; cure; for full particulars call or wrlU Bee Building, Omaha, Neb. lOO'o efficiency that's t I what yoa want when yon place an order fer engraved plates.' We put $nap in oar work, we have work-1 i ... r I men that we can reij upun. it. ' i K T Pk, iii iic r , 14 i Osteopathy Bill Killed by House (From a Staff Correspondent) LINCOLN. Neb.. March 20-(8pecial Telegram.) House roll No. 179. known as the ostepathlo bill, was killed by the house this afternoon In committee of tha whole. The vote on the motion to rec ommend the bill for passage was. ayes, SI; nays, ft; absent, U. Peterson, the author of the measure, then moved to Indefinitely postpone it and the motion prevailed. The bill Increased the mem bership of the board of osteopathy and lengthened required term of study. TWO DAIRYMEN ADMIT - MILK BELOW STANDARD (From a Staff Correspondent.) . LINCOLN, March W. (Special.) rood Commissioner Harmon haa successfully conducted two more prosecutions, this time catching two Fremont dairy men. Roth parties plea led guilty to selling milk below standard and paid fines. George W. Hall, with whom It was a second offense, paid a fine of 30 and costs, assesnod by County Judge Wln- terseon. Tiler lllgbee was fined $10 and costs. The complaints in both Instances were flld by Food tnsitor Graham. Barn r eTnrd Itnrned PK;WAHI, Neb.. March 50. (Special.) Kira Miller, a farmer living near Beaver Crossing, placed an oil stove In a hog house to keep young trtock from freealnp Friday night. The mother of the pigs knocked over the atove as completely as did the cow the lantern that aet fire to Chicago some years ago. The nog house, swine (large and small), the barn, grain, one horse and harness were consumed., tiy Contracts at Mney. SIDNEY, Neb., March 20. (Special Telegram.! The city council todiiy awarded tho municipal heating and eleu trie light plant as follows: Tho Murray Iron Works, Burlington, la., two Murray boilers, two marine type bollera rnd power plant, 115.323; the McGraw com pany, Omaha, electrical apparatus, com plete, and labcr. $ll,(0.30; W. J. Wllserk, Cheyenne, building, $7,1M; total, $3.1,531.30. gnlnnn at I.etvh Robbed. LEIGH. Neb.. March .-(Speelal.l-The saloon of Aaron Henry waa robbed lost night and $?4l.2t waa taken from tha safe. John Chldester, the bartender entered tho place about midnight to look at the fire In In stove and upon entering the front door he heard the rear door slam. F.n tranoe was gained through tho rear door by breaking the latch. Bloodhounds have been sent for to trail the thiol. di)erfectwn?d After taking fieruna am a w mujy Mr. J. B. Reese, Habnab, Md., writes r "Two years ago I became a sufferer with catarrh, which continued to grow worse and made . me miserable. . I could scarcely smell at all, and my taste bad almost entirely left me. My head ached constantly, and at times had high fever and bleed ing at the noee.. I. was a perfect wreck.. I tried several doctors, but derived no relief. I read in one ot your little booklets called 'Ills of Life,' of Teruna being a remedy for catarrh, and procured a bottle at once. After the use of one bottle I felt some better, so I . tried the second and then the third, and now I am a well man. My health Is much hotter than It has been for three years. Alt praise la due Peruna." . mmmm The Drug Habit Since openlns; our office in , Omaha we have successfully treated a.lnrffe number of rases of drug addietlou. Not on of these has returned to use of drusrs, and all express their gra titude and are prattling; Th Kuieka b-day iJrus; Treatment. Kcveral have voluntarily aaked u to (five their names to those who are addicted, anl are skeptical aa to results. Omaha nh yalrlana are becoming; convinced of the merits of our treatniHnt. and are advising; drug; Users to come to us. We sttaraatee to remove all craving- and devire for druirs in & days. Our method la painless and harmless. No suffering;. No craving;. pat WKfw aaTOrxtrs Terms reasonable, and pay mantg euHlly arranged, Wa art Permanent ly located. Call o' write, tiptfn till 10 p. m. Etreka Drug Treatment CSS Aveane. Address . Ooreham. Phone Karaey jfca. 5 J 1. i'tJr-l I. l MMllt- " of their actual worth. Iu- eluded arc English Paramater, English Cashmere, Oalxr dinea, Panama Cloths, Bnraberzines, Egyptian Twill?. Linings nre plaid silk, plaid worsted and fancy cashmeres. S7.50. S10 & S12 Rubberized Raincoats. Now $15. $18 $20 Rubberized Raincoats. Now - MM ErPBIGE S f-r 1 . 1. X IUU KIIUW WIHtl, J'lW SIC S"iug t,u ynj wiuic J i leave home. '. It's a low price and an honest 6ne, and tho work carries the M. & L.'b most rigid guarantee. . i , Latest and 'Best Methods of Extracting Teeth. ( 1 Hourc, 8:30;A. M. to 8 P. M. Sunday,' 10 to 1. . a L BEHTAL COUPAHY ; 14th and Farnam'Sta', Over Union Pacific Ticket Office. . ' - ITione IKnitflas 8H72. aK7E Safe Remedies are remaraibly efficatioie In the treatment of diseases for which they aro named. . 37 yeara of world wide uat is sufficient evidence 'of their merit '' Try them and ba convinced. Wamsr't tats Rme far r 1 KUntya an Uvsr ; Ma and $1.00 Wsmefa tafi Msumalla Rsmsdy Ul Wamer'a Safe Blaastss Rsmstfy US Warner's tafa Nsrvlna , 60s and 1.00 Wamer'a Safe Asttima Reiasdy .71 Wamer'a Safe PHIa ' .21 For sale by all druggists, or direct postpaid on receipt ot price. , , A nunplm nt if afeaVreaf. .. : Warner's Safe Remedies Co. Dept.;, ',' : Rochester, N. Y. I Start Saving, Now . Han't keen nuttlnc It off hist because 'you think 'you will have plenty of opportunity ' later on. Oat started , now . No -matter If the ami'int la small, niaka tha start and sav. rearularly, syste matically. Tlie total of email sav ings will surprise, you lust aa . surely aa the amount of your small standings has. . The 4 Interest we pay will help to Increase the total. Your account, however, small will 'be appreciated.. I SOUTH OMAHA SAVINGS BANK 24th and U Streets H." O. BOSTWICK, Prealdent TRUMAN BUCK, V. Pre. . F. R. GETTV, Caahler. Bargains in practically new articles in "For Sale column; read it. Great Raincoat Sale Continues Monday Hundrodn of finest ponr anteed rubberized rain coats nt a email fraction S175 $J75 BEDTIST 4a l-i C tVi TAii Very Best Heavy M AA Oold Crown, 22k....V$VV Best Bridge Work, O M A A per tooth.... T.WV Finest Stick-tite 47 Cft Rubber Plate. ..... .VI 3U Best Silver Filling. .. . .50d Hotel Ureslm Broadway ai 29 St. "Aa Hotel Whore Guests ara Mad to Feel at Home' Not too large, yet large enough to afford the maximum of value at minimum expense. Exceptionally Accessible 5M RotmuModmt Rtthumat Qurpt Blaile Booms wlfti Raanlnt Water 1.00 te $2.00 per day Stasia Rooms eith Tub or Shower S l.80t. 19.00 pr day Deubls Rooms with Rnnnlnt Vster . f 2.00 I. 14.00 per dsy Double Rooms vlih Tub enShewer S3.oo to ae.oo per dy EDWARD C FOGG. Managing N rector ROT L. DROWN. RMtnt Mai ft Prescription Safety N Be sure you're right. Don't take' chances on having a prescription tilled. Inexperience, inaccuracy, lack of potency In drugs will render a prescription worse than useless perhaps absolutely dangerous. We employ none but expert, registered pharmacists; our drugs are of known freshness, strength and pur ity;' our service has never known a mistake. ' Sherman & McConnell Drug Co. 4 Stores To FAT Pooplo tuo wwa MSB OCT ion amoCt mo favaBM. I wtli MSd (uU ttatlmoulsls with Mine and d. fl lf S Icttfloo Of Uieu Slid VOHIfB VliuWt wriw! Int. mkii r!ii-rl ih -itrni tlicr dr.irwt. aliw KK t K rBOOKTAK.trENTibuiKuiii)vl( K , In tT PKoi'l.K.sU trwi Id plain wi.l.p.1. vmi.k Costs ah.olntly noihtnv; a pos-tua itl ins HI. Dr F.I.bHOLHiM.20 E. 2 2d St., .NYorlC' Liutnd phyictu by A JmoM Hut l iira.) J