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9-0 Room With Double Bed at the Hotel Castle bottom of rnrh Toor, lov1n th crtltnc "rftifd" It wcrf, ni with tli Mhl ronPTct xtn1ln hrtwr th rftfr rriMrndltiR from Iho rcni-rrto. Tbo j-1r- i tT ll thn UPPllfd ovrr thl t.rl Inth, mix lt0 Ka flttft fffn.t Thiji tVPM or ,1ot unit forming tho floor of tho ..... .. .. ,n " ,f finish U iKf-d -h'rt:y li offii'C l'Ull.1- room Hhove. B,a, tmrnt bow.., e.-hooln nn,l Thl -Vtrolfortii" coiiKtmrtlon h ninny ,,,,, Tlll, ,vrP rf fln,,h , i m dvnttr s over hollow rlny tile ion- ,,,1,, trurtlon. brlnir BbnoUitrly rroof fiRnlnM i IraknKf. brlna MkM In Height Btil In- , crnnlnn nprr.1 In conitruiMlon. To obtain flat rrlllnKs lnatfa.t of tho i InvMtoi with mono rr". iho Honl raftrl rtlr'. heavy rlM.1 atrH lath I TMat ml In The IVr. Advrrtli-r your Is fantfnort to thr bottom of the finished j prorfrty for a qtik-k fair. J . .i Tim OMAHA SUNDAY HKK: MARCH 21. IMS. If L3 MWV. nun, i i .Wmi.ll....i..iiuMLZf' SOME GUESTS TO BE BARRED Messrs. Rat, Mouse and Bug and Their Families to Find No Homes Here. NOT EVEN SLIGHTEST CHANCE CONCRETE FLOORS OF CASTLE ARE OF THE LATEST TYPE Th concrete floors of the Castle are of the very latest type, the particular Wnil of construction being known an the Meyer ayatem steelform concrete floor construction. This vystem consists of steel moulds which are set In place and which support the concrete of tho floors while It Is hardening. After the concrete has "set" the moulds ere easily removed from the There are certain residents of old-time hotels for whom m quarters have been provided In tho Castle. Nor will any quarters he provided for them. In fact, special pains were taken to see that there should be no place for these cUBtomory residents to live In tho Caatle, because It waa well known that they would not have to be invfted. They are "buttlnfklg" and they need no Invi tation. They pay neither board nor lodg ing, and yet they take both. And besides they are not popular with the other guests the paying guests. And so special care was exercised to see that there should be no place for these customary residents to live. Who are they, these unwelcome guests, who will find no place for them In the Castle hotel? All Are Barred. They are Sir. and Mrs. Rat, and the little rats, Mr. and Mrs. Mouse and the little mice, and Mr. and Mrs. Bug and the little bi:?3. It is rumored that they have been watching the erection of the new hotel from neighboring buildings and planning to move Into it. "Just wait, my dear," said Mr. Rat to his spouse. "Walt till the new building la done and we will move into it and live In luxury, with plenty to eat." "Mebby It's a church," said little Os wald Ruffon:Rat. "Ah, no, It Isn't." said Papa Rat "Quite the oppoalte of that, my son " ""What Is the new building, Edgerton?" Inquired Mamma Rat, with an admiring look at her lord and master. "IJsten, my dears," said Papa Rat, with shining eyes and twitching whiskers. In anticipation of delicious meats and cheeses that he saw In the future, "listen: It Is going to be a hotel." All the little Rats danced for Joy, and some of them ran off to tell the good news to their neighbors, the Mouse fam ily. Papa Rat spent all the time he could out at the door of their home watching operations on the new Castle and figur ing out Just what part of the kitchen he would move his family Into. But as time passed a look of disappoint ment pased over his little brown face. Mamma Rat noticed It and asked him what was worrying him. rnP fnr Worry. "Oh, nothing." aaid Papa Rat, "nothing at all. What a silly idea! What would I havo to worry me?" "There is something worrying you Just the same," said Mamma Rat with a searching look. "lias that big maltose cat been around again?" "No, no, I haven't seen any cat," said rapa Rat looking uncomfortable. "Well, then, what is it?" Insisted Mrs. Rat. "Well, my dear," confessed Mr. Rat, ' "I see they are putting concrete floors j and walls In the new Castle hotel." I Mrs. Rat said nothing and all the little Rats were silent and stopped eating. Finally little Aw Rat's shrill voice rose tn a wall. "Now we can't go an' live In the new hotel," he cried. Mrs. Rat wiped her eyes on a corner of her apron. "Isn't there any hope?" she asked. "There's Just one chance," said Mr. Rat "They may put some fixtures In the kitchen that will give me a chance to establish a home under them or be tween them and the wall. We'll see." But a few days later even this hope had vanished. Mr. Rat came home and re ported that they would not be able to move into the big hotel where they had counted on living. Kitchen New Fanifled. "The kitchen Is one of these new-fan gled sanitary' ones." he said. "Kven the j plate warming arrangements and the steam tables are set up from the floor on iron lets. Ah, things wtre different when I was a little rat. I remember well the place my father had in a hotel. And we were a big family, too. Hut we lived on the cream of the land, bad the finest of everything to eat. I'm very sorry, dear wife and children, but we must do the best we can." "Can't we go an' live In the new Castle hotel?" wailed little Ruffon Rat "No, that la Impossible," said his father. And the sad news was aoon communi cated to the Mouse family and the bug I family. They can never live In the Castle. The kit' hen has four big rankles and : all the most modern machinery for doing : the work of the kitchen. It is located j behind the cafe dining room in the most ' convenient place. Just down the stairs from the kitchen is a large room with shower and bath. This Is for the exclusive use of the chef, so that he can quickly take a bath and rub either before or after his work. Near this are two rooms, one of which la the dining room for the kitchen "help" snd the other is the service bar, a room from which liquors will be dispensed di rect to large gatherings without goinr IhiuuKh the bar room. ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT IN THE CASTLE HOTEL Electric Llfjtit Electric I-ower lilcctrlc Telephones Electric Fans Electric Clocks Electric Signal System 13 OUR WORK SATISFACTORY? Ask Mr. Caatle, Proprietor. 1 lie Owner, Xhe Architect, E. C. Bennett Electrio Co. CITY NATIONAL BANK BLDQ. IT PAYS TO PLEASE J m PICKLES m VINEGAR Used at the Hotel Castle are Supplied by the Haarmann Vinegar & Pickle Go. 1914 SOUTH 20TH STREET. T.H. WEIRICH CO. Made and installed the Office, Cigar and Cafe Furniture and Counters. They make high-grade mill work of all kinds for private and public buildings. 1309-1317 North 24th St. OMAHA, NEBRASKA. a ran Lighting Fixtures ..In., y CASTLE HOTEL Were Famished Burgess-Granden Company 1511 HOWARD STREET 11 UUHi The Beautiful Silverware Used in the New HOTEL CASTLE Will Be the Original V Silver Plated Ware YOUREX May indeed be termed a new discovery in precious metals. It expresses the highest achieve ment in the art of silver plated ware. In "YOUREX" you get a sil ver plated knife that will not rust or wear black, that can be sharp ened the same as a steel knife without showing black around the edges, and guaranteed for all time. We guarantee that this silver plate will give absolute satisfac tion and we. agree to stand be hind and replace every piece of. goods bearing the "YOUREX" TRADE-MARK that does not give satisfactory service in any household. Sold in Omaha by T. L. COMBS & CO. "The Busy Jewelers" 1520 Douglas St. I, -4 ?! i I YOVKBX MAK.TO-NKIX PATTERN. We Furnished Our Share of the Equipment for the HOTEL CA S TLB No Cnntrnrt too largp and nonn too small for thin big OmaAa Insti tution to fill In satisfactory mannrr. Wi ship goods all oyer the world. We placed and did the sheet metal work in the Hotel Caotle kitchen. We occupy the entire sli floors of our building, and manufacture marly all the poods we s'll, from the steaintable in the kitchen to i he register on the desk. We operate our own china kilns end ran quote lowest prices on M'ecially designed china. We want you to take a trip through our entire plant. We are the largest beer pump house in the west. We repair and in stall hydraulic and electric compressed air beer pumps. I.KT I S nni'RK ON VOI R HOTKIj NKKDfl. WRITK F1R OI R KHI'K HXl'STRATHD OATAUX1. Omaha Hotel Supply Co., 1208 Howard Street, Omaha, Neb. Manufacturers and Wholesalers THE MEATS FOR THE HOTEL CASTLE a V T V ftf A U U I." T 10 MAJUrBT JT. will ii rtnunsxxD bt none IXmarlae t7W. THE EMPRESS MARKET Opp. Woolworth's Bo kBd lOo "tor.. U Bo. lata B. . -W. OIUIAHA TRANSFER GO. CHECKED TO DESTINATION 309 Go. 14th, 14th and Jackson DOUGLAS 295 II ; " ' I No hottlin th state is better equipped with lighting fixture. Omr goods are built up to a standard not down to a price. We were not the lowest bidder. HE (FIGS rui E CaiTEL EfflD bude M M J FIHIOMII DULM t