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Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 22, 1915, Image 1

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Omaha Daily
The sure way to satisfy
your wants is throfh use
of the want ad pages of The
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VOL. XL1V-X0. :23 7.
On Trails sad at
lotel llsws Stands. Sa
fa1 snam itWei mJkwtm I H H
Next Few Dayi at Lincoln to Deter
mine Time This Session of
Nebraska legislature
May Adjourn.
Fanners Are Already Becoming
Anxious to Return to Land And
Get Their Grain In. , .
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. March 21. (Special.)
The coming week of the legislature
will determine at what time the. mem
bers will be likely to pack up and go
home. The end of the week will
bring the session to that point where
the members will begin to get anx
ious. Thursday night will complete
the constitutional sixty days for the
house, while the senate will have
three days longer in which to com
plete its constitutional limit.
April Tenth May
According to some of the leaders . of
the houae April 10 may be the day when
the clock will be stopped and the longest
day ot the session observed. Usually the
clock Is atopped Just before the ex
piration of the day and the bodies work
on finishing up the work and waiting fpr
the Inst bills to be engrossed and slimed.
Then the final drop of the gavel la hearS
and the thing Is oer. Should the legis
lature run until the tenth, which Is two
weeks from next Saturday, It may be
Monday beforethe' real end comes.
X Dnr Cam Tell About It.
However, no one' can tell very much
about It, for on account of the order of
Speaker Jackson Issued that no vouchers
will be made out until the end Is reached,
there may be enough of the members form
a combination to hustle things up a
Already the lure of th"e oat field is
drawing the farmer members, one farmer
member being heard to say lat Thurs
day that he ought to be home getting
his 'oats in. When the call of the farm
begins to be felt It generally spreads
rapidly and should warm weather start
in this week thore is no telling what
may happen by Saturday night.
Important Bills to Come I' p.
There are some Important bills yet to
be disposed of, the Omaha annexation
bill has to go back to the senate for
approval ot the Parrlott amendment at
tached ' - the house, while the v Omaha
water board lighting bill has yet to go
up against final passage in the house and
then go back to the senate.
Then will come the anti-dlscrimlnatlon
insurance bill. On top of these the ap
propriation bills have got to run the
gauntlet of the senate, and some of the
appropriations will be changed. This will
mean a return to the house and the prob
able appointment of a conference com
mittee by each body, and that will mean
mure delay, so it the lure of the farm
strikes the members they may be com
pelled to forget It and stay to the end. I
"Night Riders" Who
Menaced Landlords
Held to Grand Jury
SIKKSTON, Mo.. March 21.-Ten men
arrested here last night at the organiza
tion meeting of a Night Riders' asjocia
tion were bound over to the grand Jury
tociay and tonight were placed In Jail at
Kenton, Mo., to await action of the Jury.
Two other ' prisoners were released on
bond. ,
The arrest of the band'was ai ratified by
u group of detectives brought here from
Chicago, who had' become members of
the association. The detectives were en
gaged by landowners and business men
wno several weeks nso 'learned that a
night riders' band was being formed.
The band had written letters to many
landowners threatening them with whip
pings and destruction of their homes un.
less farm laborers were paid 11.50 a day.
The letters also demanded lower rent for
all tenants. The owners of the Scott
County Milling company were threatened
with the destruction of their plant by
tire unless they paid higher waes.
PersiaAsks Eussia
To Leave Province
' 8EKUV. March 21 (By Wireless to
Sayville, L. D-'The Persian government
has called upon Russia to evacuate the
province of Aser'oaitan (northwest Per
sia)," says "an Item given out . by the
Overseas News agency here tonight.
The Weather
-trutperatare at Oaaaka l'rsteraay.
. ii
. Hours. Deir.
6 a. in. .
e.' a. in..
it It. m
I a. m
a. m
10 a. m
1 11 a. m "
3 m ' jy
J A P- m , :
i m a,
J ? P- m ao
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P- ni ,io
3 p. m jn
Caaiparatlva Local Record.
1915. 1914. lll 1813.
llivhest yesteriay :il Ji 22 Si
lowest yesterday 21 14
Mean temperature 'M -f IS 1$
I'recipitution OS T .00
Temperature and precipitation depar.
tures lrom tna normal:
Normal tenpf raturr 39
I w(i'teicy fur tin- day 13
'I'olal ih'lifirnc y nhit Md.ih 1 luO
N rmal precii Itntton 04 liu h
UriH-iewy tor the day ill ln h
'Ii ImI laiufnll siiuc .March 1 14 Inchus
K Mji( h 1 iiw h
;..fi iin y for int. friil. 1I4. .72 Inch
j;cH for cor. prriuii. li! i l.!3 int-hea
X imiKaita tiaxe of pn ripitai l.;ii.
U A. WKLUli; Local Korcaster.
infantry going aboard army transport at Galveston to sail for Colon, where they will be on
duty patroling the canal zone.
'IHI - f
11 I
r i i l i
3 V. .
t: 4
i f
W a m w
Would Have Annexation Stand on
Own Merits and Arrange for
Voters to Participate. v
Mayor Dahlman, the city commis
slonera and various wouid-De com-
missioners are against the proposition
to postpone the forthcoming city
election on account(" of prospective
annexation. The mayor spent a
busy day yesterday with the Douglag
county state senators who came back
from Lincoln to spend a few quiet
hours with the home folks.
The mayor -went to the office of
Senator Ed. T. Howell and the twain
discussed the situation several hours.
The mayor saw other members .and
told them what the city administra
tion and others want. The result of
the Dahlman-Howell conference was
not very definite." -" ' " 1
Wll Block Amendment.
A determined effort will be made to
block ' the proposed amendment to the
Omaha charter whereby the May 4 elec
tion will be postponed so that In the
event that annexation goes through at
a special election, candidates of the an
nexed territory may file for the elec
tion ' " '
"I do not believe that our election
should be postponed on account of the
annexation watter. Let annexation stand
on Its own merits and arrange so that
the voters of .the annexed towns may
participate In the election May 1 4, even
If they cannot participate; In the filing
of candidates," asserted tha mayor.
The mayor contends the stage has been
set for the primaries April t and the elec
tion. May 4 and to upset those plans
would' be unfair. He asserts that various
candidates have spent money for cards
and other advertising and have started
their campaigns. '
Things aie stirred up- and this week
promises some hard work at Lincoln.
There will be frequent trips to Lincoln
and many of those -who oppose the post
ponement of the Omaha election Intend
to camp at the state house. ,
Jim la Full of I'laht. .
The mayor has hi fighting clothes on
and he predicts that the Omaha election
will not be deferred, not If he can help
it and he asserts that he has plenty of
help which he will summon.
There are some who assert that the
only fair way would be give the people
t.f the annexed territory a chance to get
in on the commissioner fight, which could
be brought sbout by putting the election
Jct.n Paul Breen. iarter; maker and
publicist, believes the latter part of June
would be . nice time for the election,
hie says that would not be a long wait
for the anxious ones. He admits there
wou'd be some Inconveniences in 'filing
new. petitions and getting out new cards,
but he explains that those who have filed
would not lose thefr filing ' f eoa of $10
each. ' '
Jury "Hung" in Trial
Of Woman for Murder
TACOMA, Wash., March 21. Afterliav
ing been out since noon Fjiday the jury
which heard the evidence against . Mrs.
Bertha Difflcy, accused of the murder
of 3-year-old tlartme Hall, reported to
night that it was unable to . agree and
a as discharged.
Three of the Jurors were women.
Mrs. Dlf fley -was housekeeper for Amos
Hall, father of the boy. Neighbors testi
fle'd that she . cruelly abused the child.
Physicians aatd blows on the head caused
death. Mrs. Diffley asserted the child
fell from a U'unk.
Shots Stop German
Vessel at San Juan
SAN JUAN. Porto Hico, March 81.
Tha German merchant steamer Oden
wald, which attempted to leave porth
this afternoon without obtaining clear
ance paix-rs. was stopped as it was
passing out .the entrance to the harbor,
l.y two shot across U xw from a 5
liuh gun and direct hints from a maxim.
It- then returned and was ifn in
iliurte by tiio collector of customs.
it -"A V
in iiiii i , mini i aj jm fm -
Meeting to Be Held in Omaha Tues
day for Purpose of Forming
a State Organization.
Between forty and fifty retail clothiers
from out In the state are expected in
Omaha Tuesday, when they are to organ
ize a state association of retail clothiers.
These associations exist now in many
states, and are affiliated with the big
national association.
NatlonHl association men are to be In
Omaha Tuesday to assfeit In the details
of organising the new state body. L. M.
Myers, Springfield, III., president of the
natlonnl association; Charles B. Wryi
pes Moines, secretary of the national,
and Charles Bono, Council Bluffs, director
of the national, are to be among the na
tional association officials who will be
Local clothiers of Omaha are to give
a luncheon at the Hotel Pontenelle In
honor of the , delegates. R. E.. Wilcox
And J. W. Metcalfe are on the local com
mittee ln charge of arrangements for the
dinner. -".",
The clothiers say they simply want to
organize, for social advantage and shop
talk. They feel that there are problem
In the clothlhg business which can be
best worked out by co-operation and a
discussion of the difficulties. They say
there are many problems -connected with
the spring and fall sales, the buying and
selling of goods, and other strictly shop
propositions that can be handled to ad
vantage if the dealers of the state are In
touch with one another ahd understand
each other.-
Standing Rock Indian
Reservation Thrown
Open to Settlement
WASHINGTON. March 2i:-The govern-jpc
ment has issued the proclamation ooen -
Ing the .Standing Hock Indian reserva
tion to settlement. This reservation is
In both HoiUh and North Dakota.
A new system Is to be evolved, which
does away: with the old lottery system
used at the ItosebiM and other places.
The land will be open to Inspection from
May 3 to May 19, and filing may be made
on the latter date. In tha event there
are more than one" applicant fori the
same piece of land then these contest
ants will draw lots.
In North Dakota the filings will be
made at Bismarck nd In South Dakota
at Timber Lake. There Is 1.300,000 acres
in the reservation, hut after the state
has taken 1U share, uti.l with the Indian
allotments made, thore remains 300,010
acres for settlement.
Hand Grenades Hit
The Queen Elizabeth
March 21. An of filial ' statement Issued
today from Turkish headquarters says:
'Observations made during the battle
I In the Dardanelles established that the
French battleship Bouvet was struck by
two 'heavy bombs. Five of our grenades
reached the Queen Elizabeth and four the
Inflexible. : ......
"On our side only one long range gun
was damaged and about twenty soldiers
killed I
. "The enemy attempted no action today
against the Dardanelles." ,
Hurls Children Out
Fifth Story Window
PHILADELPHIA, ,' March 'Jl.-Bamuel
Llebmiln of New York, who Is charged
by the-pt)lk of that city with throwing
his two small children out of the fifth
story window of a tenement house .last
Wednesday, resulting in the death of
one and the serious Injury of the other,
was arrested here tonight by New Tork
and Philadelphia' detectives.
Llebman admitted his identity and, ac
cording to Uie detectives, said he threw
the children out of the window becauae
be was fired of supporting them.
LOGAN, la..
March ' 21. (Special.)
Burglars robbed lie Canty drug store
of laigan last night and carried off the
entire stock of morphine and cocaine.
mmr , 1 1 tmuw U mmmmrm''
Hemp Growers of that Mexican
State Join American Importers
in Plea for Relief.
committee of hemp growers from
the state of Yucatan, - Mexico, and
representatives of American hemp
importers laid before the state de
partment today an appeal for some
action by the Washington govern
ment that woufil terminate the rev
olutionary trobules between General
Alvarado, the Carranza governor of
Yucatan and an posing faction.
Members of the committee said
the revolution, which resulted lu
the recent blockade of the Port of
Progreso by Carrahia, threatened
the destruction of a large portion
of the .. Bisal crop, front, which most
of the harvest binding twine used In
the United States is made..
The people of Yucatan, they as
serted, did not wish to tafto. part In
the revolution, but were afraid to
disobey orders given them by tha
Dozen Candidates
Bring in Petitions
Twelve new candidates for the el'y
commission filed their petitions yester
day, bringing the total numbor to dute
to fifty. They were: ' Edward Fimon.
author of the loan shark and children's
pension laws: C. T. Walker, 2624 Ames
enue; J. N. Carter. 201S Wirt; Thor
Jorgensen, 1001 Park avenue; Max Klrxch.
baum. 813 South Twenty-second: R. I.
Morrow, 341U Decatur; Jeff W. Bedford,
?922 North Klgliteenth; William N. Cham
bers, 1813 Farnam: Louis Burniester, 317
North rllxfeenlh; Owen Flaven, IT'C South
Tenth; William M. Nash. Sl'.t' ttouth Thirty-third
and Walter 8. Jardjne, ,'H19 Cali
fornia Scott Brings Piute
Insurgents to Bluff
D1CNVER. Colo., March "" St. General
Hugh L. cott. chief of staff of the army,
accompanied by Tse-Ne-Gat, a Piute In
dian, wanted by the federal authorities
for murder; "Old Polk." his father; Chief
Posey and the letter's son arrived In
Bluff, Utah, late today, according to a
special dispatch received here from Bluff
by the way of Cortes, Colo.
1 "T--l"aiiH iflf
Admitting to the Folio wingjflovjng Picture Shows:
This lieo coupon ontitlow braver to frco tickot to any one of
these lnh-class 'Moving Picture Theaters on the' day
named. Present at box oft'iee with regular price of one
adult paid ticket and get additional ticket FREE.
Besse Theater The Grand' Monroe Theater
24th and N, Theater Beautiful, -,,,, ,
South Omaha 16th and Binney J00 rarnam-
Th Buckle of Houth
Omaha's Aniuneiiient The Home of High. BiOfiTaph Day
lk-U." ;rade Picture. " . m1
Every Thursday
Coupon good for "
Monday and- Thursday Coupons are good for
nights If accompanied any Monday night Oood for Tuesday
by a 10c paid admis- when accompanied by when accompanied by
skin. ' one paid admission. a lOo paid admission.
Favorite Theater Hippodrome Suburban
1716 Vinton St. 2514 Cuming St. 24th and Ames.
A Clemn Theater, with h ( IHrt. Wla-re Your Knter-
Finest Moving t nM2LlbZ ". nt ia Firal ton-
llcturea.v Obtainable. . .iderallon.
Tills ttee Coupon la This Coupon good When accompanied by
poo. I on Mondays, ac- any Monday nlaht If a paid adiuisHlon, this
tooii'ttiiiud by a paid a'-conuanled by a paid Coupon la good any
iuj iiiUjIuo. admission. Monday night.
Loving Mitchell Held at St- Louis on
Charge of Killing Illinois
Family in September,
j Communities in Several Westsrn
j States Terrorized by Crimes of
; Mysterious Assassin.
ST. LOl'lS. Mo., March 21, In-
qutriei made of the St. Louis pollceiiuy a farm, uaciung mc i-,i..v ,
today Indicated that the arrest here
last night of Loving Mitchell, a necro. j
i would result in reopfntng investi-
gallons Into thirty murders commit
ted since N1!111, Identical In nearly
j every detail- The crime wore com
i mltted at nipht while the victims
lay asleep In their beds and nil came
to their death by means of blows
from an axe.
The warrant on which Mitchell
was arrested charged htm with the
murders of William T. Dawson, his
wife and daughter In Monmouth. 111.,
on the night ofg September 8 f 1911.
oinniunltlea Terrorised,
Communities in Missouri, Illinois, Iowa,
Colorado and ansas have been terror
ised since the first nxe murders com
mitted In Sept mibcr, 1911. In Colorado
Springs, Colo., when six persons were
nln. In nearly evury Instance the
murdersr killed an entire family.
In the house at Monmouth, where the
Dawson family 11d, the police found
an lelectrlc flash light, on which were
scratched he words "Colorado Springs"
and "Lovey." This wa practically the
only tangible bit of rt,lence ever found
by the) authorities nft. r the discovery
of the bodies of the victims. Tha blood
nnieared axes, with n hlch the crimes
were committed were left behind In
moat cases. BKut Investigation proved,
as a rule, that the weapons had been
tlio' property of the householders. Finger
prints on the handles were photiferaphed
by experts, but In most cases were too
blurred to bo of 'service In tracking the
I.l( of Axe Murders.
A list of recent axe murders follows.
H. C, Wayne, wifo and children and
Mrs. A. J. Hurnham and two children,
Colorado . Springs, Colo., Heptember,
Ml. . ' '
Willlrtin IC. Dawson, wife and daugh
jt, Monmouth, 111., September, 1SH1.
William Bhowman. wlfe and three
children, lCllsworth, an., October, 1DU.
Boll Hudson and wife; Faftlv-Kan.(
June, 1S12.
j. It. Moore, four cl'lldren and two
girl guests, Vllllsca. la.. Mi.
McVann, Speaking for
The Omaha Shippers,
Grills Rail Witness
CHICAGO. March 21-That the western
railroads. In proposing to advance freight
rates on cotton piece goods, did not con
sult the cotton goods manufacturers of
Texas sa to what effect the higher rates
would have on business was asserted by
. , T T 1 . L....I 1 U . , ... f , 1 1
manoger of the Chicago. Bock island
nafifin a-illrnjtri. ii nil op rrnflxam1natlnri
at the wes.ern freight rate hearing today.
E. J. McVann, representing Omaha, and
Council Bluffs shippers, aaked the wit
ness guest'ons designed to teit b' i P' r
sonal knowledge of figures submitted in
tuhl.a Mr .Tnhnimn rentled he hnrf hen
assisted by official, of other railroad "r,by on m-' .
He said lie was particularly Informed a. , , l""8lrtlv commute was appointed
to the Rock island, but his conviction ' "'' Tw " "i !1? . "1
that an advance in rate, was necessary ? ' pP?(f,"rl.101f
on all the road, was based on Info, ma- PoIMcmI science at the t nlverslty of ini
tio,, he had obtained, nols. He prepared the report.
- J .
German Plane Drops .
Bombs Off England
lONDON, March 21 A Oerman aero
plane dropped several bombs today oft
Deal, a seaport on the Htrnlts of Dover.
The bombs all "landed In the sea. A
patrol boat opened fire on the aeroplane,
which turned and disappeared.
r ,
Texas Land Owner Says Great Lack
of Tenants in Want of Eco
nomic Sense.
OAhLAS. Tex.. March 21. A gov
ernment Inoulrv Into agricultural ;
cordltlons in the southeast ended
at ral1s, after five day"'. taking of
.testimony by the I'ntted State Com-
mission on Industrial Uelationo.
j Judge M. M. Brooke of Dallas, a
northern Texas land owner, said for
I veral years he has had a standing
! offer to become security for any of
' hlH tenants who will aave 1,000 and
...... .1- - A ....! I
the vfarm la paid ror. j
onii trrenlril Offer.
never got one man to accept the
tifer." he said. "Many have made
Hie $1,000, but I hey would spend
It. The great lack by tenants In this
tountry Is lacjt of economic sense,
I nnve seen them plowing wearing
patent leather shoe and red socks."
Testimony concerning the Tsft ranch
In Texas. re-,;irdln land tenants alleged
to he victims of n expensive middleman
system between the farmer and hl mar
ket, was covered at th closing aer.slon.
The principal Tafl Industry considered
was the Coleman-Fulton Pasturage com
pany of San Patihin county, consisting
of d.floS acres under cultivation.
;reen Is Witness.
Joseph IT. Oreen of Gregory. Tex., gen
eral manager for tho Taft Interests In
Texas, testified thnt the company ha"
twenty stockholders and the stock Is
worth about M tier share.
Tanta and laborers on the farm, he
said, are mostly Mexicans, with a few
American. More than half the American
farmers aho have been on this place In
the Inst doxen years, he said. 'have bought
their own farms. Of the Mexicans, two
had bought farms. He said the company
had notified all employes they would be
discharged If tbey became candidateK for
any political office in the county.
Prof. Charles U. Alvord of Gregory,
superintendent of the (arm, testified he
had known of but one American farmer
permuting his wifo to Work In the fllds.
Mexican women end youths of both
exes worked In the fields, hut seldom
young Mexican children. He said Mexi
can laborers on the place receive 80 cents
a day. against It a day lost year. Mexi
can boys begin earning the full wage
at nbout U. Most of the labor, he said,
was Mexlcsn. '
Wkr Mexicans- Hired.
"Why don't yoii employ other labor?"
asked Chairman Frank P. Walsh of the
commission, , :
"There Is not enough In the rountry,"
reMleri Prnf. Alvnrd. .
t- ;.r... ..... ....' . -
i'v .vuu. viotuoj .juA-Jucaiui uecauae. you
can get theni cheaperV ' .'
"No, not necessarily. It depends on the
efficiency we get out of them."
Suggests Complete
Reorganization of
- Illinois Government
BPRINOKIKLD. Ill,, March 2t. Corm
plete reorganisation of the Illinois) state
government Is recommended In the report
of a legislative committee on state effi
ciency and economy made public yester
I day. The executive department of the
1'nltcd States government are taken as
Providing a general out Ine for the pro
posed syetcm, which would comprise ten
I "tment.
Objections made to the present arrange
ment are that It duplicates salaries, posi
tions and work, and make for Ineffi
ciency, besides burdening the governor
Urew ot Dresden is
Taken to Valparaiso
VALPARAISO. Marc!- 1. The Chilean
cruisers Rsmrralda and Mlnfstro Zentcuo
arrived here today from Jnau Pcrnandes.
Island with the crew of the German
cruiser Dresden, which was destroyed In
an action with British warships off the
Island March H. The members of the
crew will be detained here on bo and the
German aleamer Tork.
No official announcement has yet -been
msde as to the result of the Investigation
into the naval flMit by tho Chilean gov
ernment. Tht Chilean schooner Argen
tina, however, has arrived from the scene
of the battle, where It was damaged by
shells, and the members of its crew con
firm the Oennan version of the encoun
ter, which was that the Dresden was at
tacked in Chl'ean waters, being at an
chor In Cumberland bay, on the north
side of the island. ,
j British Losses in
! Straits Sixty-One
j IjOXDON, March il. (11:50 p. m.)-TI.
rttrttlah casualties In the Dardanelles
inumber sixty-one kill d, wounded and
' Hissing, according to the official in
' nouiicenient made tonight.
j SPRINOFIBLD, Mafs., S I rch t-
Richard Hooker was yesterday elected
presiueui 01 mc ttepuoiican company,
succeeding the 1st" Samuel Bowies as
publisher and editor of the Kepubllcia "
Mr. Hooker Is a nephew of the fomth
Samuel Howies, who has just died, and
a grandson of tne thlid Samuel Howl's,
i-inee 1X1 he has l-ecu a member of tne
Republican's btaff In various ' capacities !
In iHith edltorlul and business dprt
ments, having served for some years a
the flepubllcun's Washington correspondent.
English Steamer Cairntorr, Loaded
with Coaf, is Sent to Bottom
by Torpedo Off Bcachy
Dutch Vessel, Batavier V, Seized by
Teutons and Towed Into
LONDON, March 21. The Brltinh
learner Cairntorr was torpedoed
this afternoon off eBachy Head In the
English channel and snk according
to a news dispatch from East Bourne.
Its crew escaped when the steamer
was struck, rescue boats put out to
it and attempted to tow It Into port.
Jt ank sight miles out. however.
The Cairntorr was bound from New
Caatle for Genoa with coal.
The Cairntorr was a vessel of
2,293 Ions and was built in Sunder
land In 1904. It was owned by the
Oblrn line of New Castle.
Dilrb Steamer Setae.
AMSTKRDAM (Via Ixindonl, March 21.
Another J"utch steamer the Batavier V,
has been seised by the Germans and
taken Into 7.eebruggi according to tlm
Talegraaf. The ship, left Rotterdam
Thursday for London with a cargo com
posed of meat and general merchandise.
Tho Rotterdam Maashode says It hna.
learned that tho crews of the Batavier
V and the ZnaiiKtroom (a Dutch steamer
seized by the Germans Saturday after
noon) together with the women and chil
dren who were on the two vessels were
released uvon their arrival at Zecbrugge,
hut that the officers and sixteen BelRlau
pssHengers have been arrested.
The Batnvlcr V Is a steamer of only
K0 tons, owned by a Rotterdam firm.
The y.antistroom, which was loaded with
eg? whn aeired by the Germans Is
claM'd in shipping records as a trawler.
Freed "Snow Birds" .
Flying to Lincoln
' At least half of the alxly-odd drug
fiends recently released from tha county
Jnll at the expiration of their sentences
have migrated to Uncoln, according to
Deputy SherlTf - Ed Casaldy, who lias
beeft watching their actions. Cassldy
says he catinbt find out t lie reason whv
the "enow blrs" choose Lincoln as their
abiding place, , but that they have la
nevertheless thofac .
BKLLK FOl'RCH IC, ,S. D., . March 21.
(Wpetial.l The Belle Fourche Commercial
club soorod another success last week
when 'the Trade Extension Committee
staged and managed the Second Annual
Industrial show. '. .
The Development . school was one of
the most Instructive series of farm and
live stock lectures' ever given In this part
of the state The first day of the De
velopument school, Trof. J. W. Wilson,
of Brookings talked on dairying and hog
raising; the second day Beyer Aune of
the Belle Fourcho . experimental farm,
talked on alfalfa culture; the third day
F. R. Cook, acting secretary of the state
live stork sanitary board talked on sheep
feeling and wool growing and the last
day Prof. C. A. Michaels, special govern
ment agricultural agent, talked on plant
ing, growing and cost of producing sugar
beets. The Peasson theater had been
elaborately decorated for the Industrial
show; the thirty booths being typical of
the lines represented, many of them sur
passing In beauty and attractiveness
those of last year.
Mrs. Theresa Lederer, aged 7 dlcfl yes
terday at her residence, 1533 South
Seventh street. She had lived In Omaha
for more than forty years. Five children
survive. hr, Mrs. Theresa Crosier and
Mrs. Jennie Sautter of Omaha, Mrs. Annie
Pechtel of Hamburg, la.; John Lederer
of Putte, Mont., and Henry Lederer of
Berkeley, Cat. The funeral will be held
at Hoffman's undertaking rooms Monday
afternoon. Burial will be In West Lawn
cemetery, '
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