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The Omaha Daily Bee Wanta swap something for omethinff else more useful to you? Use the Swappers' column of The Bee. TFE WEATHER Fair VOL, XL1V NO. i';;s. OMAHA, TUKKDAY M0UN1NV., MARCH 23, 1916 TWELVE PACES. On Tnlai and at Hotel Hews Steads, Bo. SINQLE COPV TWO ; CENTS. THOMPSON TAKES HAND SEEKING TO KILL ANNEXATION Democratic State Chairman Butts In at Lincoln and Tries to Prevent Senate Agree ment. DOUGLAS MEMBERS WRATJtFUL Richmond and Howell Give Voice - to Feelings Over the Action. TEST TO COME ON COKCTJRBENCE ( FTom a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, March 22. (Special Telegram.) State Chairman W. H. Thompson of the democratic state committee got Into trouble this aft ernoon In the senate chamber noon jifter adjournment of that body. His action in coming here and opposing the Omaha annexation bill today, ! after It was understood that the Par- j riott amendment ghing the people a chance to vote on the proposition was satisfactory not only to himself but to Charles Bryan, has made many democrats decidedly angry and nany of them are not backward Is eo expressing themselves. Probably Representative Richmond of the Douglas county delegation Is as much Settled as anybody by the activities of the state chairman of his own party. Richmond Srorri Thompn, He said this evening: "I think it is Utterly out of place for Mr. Thompson to come her and take the stand he has on a patter which concerns us people in ouglas county and which is not a po litical laue. I opposed the Parrlot amend ment at the time it wan talked of. but Judge Brecn and other friends of annexa tion thought it waa the only thing to do In order to Insure annexation, and aa we understood that both Chairman Thomp son and Charles Bryan approved the eniondment I did not care to make any talk against it. ' "Now Mr. Thompson comes here and (toes over to the senate and tries to have the whole bill killed by opposing the amendment, which la the same thing. H Is a subterfuge used by him to thwart the wishes of the people of Omaha and a large number living In the proposed ter ritory to bo annexed, and we do ittit like it. . 1 u fair lrddltnar. ' "It I BO affair that he ras any right to meddle with. This legislation could1; have gone through had he not Interfered and the people would havt been satisfied, t but he takes advantage of the fact trat lie Is chairman of the state committee to use his Influence to defeat legislation ef a. local matter, and In which there is no political issue at stake." Senator Howell, like Hepresentattvo Richmond. Is not at all good natured wrr me k. nun ul i.uHirmtiri l numpFon. , action of Chairman Thompson. lie said trie evening that Thompson wnsjniorals n a metropolitan cuj. opposing the amendment for no other j The report handed to the city reason than ha btlleved i would kill j olerk by Rev! A. C. Douglas, presl- Thtest will come on the ability of the j dnt f the ""Ion. con- Thompson steam roller to flatten Doug- i taitred the names and addresses of las county democrats who favor the an- ' about thirty places where it was al legation bill when the bill conies On 1 leged investigators found violations tre senate for confirmation of the ame 1 . , . . . -with the rarrlott amendment. of laws on rp,-ent date8' The. tenor of the report had been soft What Move Means. jened tnaterLiUy after several meetings Should" It be stricken out. It means that 'of the special vice committee, and by the the democratic chairman can swing a I Mlnlsterlul union Itself. The ministers xood whip successfully and that the bill will go to a conference which It is said Is Just what he desires as re believes it will get no further. Chairman Thompson was accosted by j explained their viewpoints and conditions Rt.presenta.tive Jerry Howard just as the I which must be faced In a large city, senate adjourned In the evening and the j Commissioner A. c. Kugel, superinten Irate member from Houth Omaha turned j deat of the police department, said that loose on the chairman In a manner char- it takes public influence and public sentl acterlstlc of tre South Omaha represents- j ment to properly administer the laws. tiva. He called him a "d lobbyist" Commissioner J. J. Ryder ventured tha and accused him. of butting Into a prop-j statement thnt condition mght be even ositlon which was none of his "d j worse thsn represented by the report of business anyway." The Weather Forecast till 7 P. m. Tuesday. For Oman la, Council Bluffs and Vicinity Important change In tempera- ' ... i '-- "-Fair; no tur. i Tempera tare Vrsterdar. Deg it i Can pa re. 1 1 ve Highest yesterday . lowest yesterday . Ateaa temperature Teanpetature aad cal Metered. WIS. 1514. 1913. M" .... i- m H 2.' 1' t .w .s precipitation depart- urea from trie normal at Omaha sines March 1. and compered twa years refleteicy for the day""!!"!!!-"-f!.'!!! J Total deficiency since March 1. .1M 5. .Pn! .Normal precliHtation f laches Deficiency for the day Uj Inches nv.Bi 1 . .1 . .. 1 ......... u. 1 1 ... . 1 . - Kxcess since March 1 77 lot hea Jieficlency tor cur. period. 1314. .73 inches Fxcess-for cor. ptriur. W.i l.js inches ' Station and Rtate Temp. Hi ,'h- llain- 01 weatner. i p. in. cat rail rhenne. clear "4 J v3avenpoit. cloudy ) Iienver. cloudy 31 Jri Des Moines, ear 41 41 X)odg l U). partly cl'dy. 34 44 U-ander. partly cloudy... W drth Plalte. .-l.-ar S4 OmHlia, olsr 4-' Kapid Sity. clear 44 fait Lake, partly cloudy.. .J t-'anta Fe, cloudy 4 .",4 therldan. panl cloudy.. 5.' .' Kioux City, clear 34 t: .Valentine, clear 3? ill At T indbates trace of precipitation. 1 A. Wilia Local at ec aster. at Oataha Hour. I W 1 1 san & in.. fWH 4 l.m::::::::::::::' MB( E ifcS: ::Si i alii a 1 m I f-3r S t-V P m 4i I 3 h X P. m 41 I 1a.m... I p. ra... ONE OF WAR'S PALER GLORIES Russian outpost in forest of Gallicia strengthening barbed wire protection against expected Austrian attack. i fA j i ' II S i f 11 Ml MsW , I I i mi fil W i i k p.-Vi.: . .. 5 ...... ...vAjr" ja-u e e . jp af- m - . VICE REPORT READ TO CITY CODNCIL Ministers Appear in Person to Pre sent Views and to Ask Com-. . - missioners Questions. - - " ' ' COUNCIL TO ACT ON TUESDAY . . . . ... j The submission Of a "Vice report" i by a committee representing th forty-one western railroad systems now and for all time the appalling ra i Omaha 'Ministerial union, to tbe city are applying for increases In freight Zf "'''iT... o h"Vi" commlsnlcners Monday morning, brought forth a spirited . and inter- , ,,.,..,i- .i,. .kt r , said they came to the commissioners in a spirit of helplulneas. The commis sioners declared they stood for enforce ment of the laws and they Individually !th mlnlsteia. The mayor ssld he was; ...v ......v oi vnu.vons In th. report. nraurt at 4 wmlttee. The gist pf ho. statements made by the yce committee in the report follows: ! We heg leave to :iv further In retard ... . . i to these matters that the persons who ; maje the Investigation. al i " . ... pear before your honors)'! re ready to ap- your hoaorsble body or any other properly constituted authority and submit their evidence. We are far from 55 tContlnued on I'age FUe" t'olumu Two.) ; Villa Says Tax On Foreigners is Por Benefit of the Poor WABH1NUTON. ifarch It-Ueners i . ... mumriTf i... eiiu.iTira iu ine "lAiwrkiii coas.ul ti.ere. Secretary Bryan (today announced, the the pupose of Ih.s I lK u" foreltfners and othcis was for the 1 relief of the destitute and poor. i )n consideration of the rvlief rendered by the American K d Cress, Americans were not taxed. Only a few foreigners ' with toe Paetiwcre taxed, aome nioJeirtely and other.i ' not at all, the general explained. - ) v'" s'.ajija that measures would le ' ! talten to kerp food fricrfc Ion' as 41s uoh- I ,u,e. The . ity was reported unlet. 1 I . I . " i XT.i 1 1 o Rolf T.PClirOC! ; XXlllo IJCUi JJ''dVCr Note She is Sane : .oo I UIMiriTO.V. N. V.. March IS.-Mrs. 11 William 1. Dutton, formerly of t;hy- enne, Wyo., and her -year-old daughter I wvre found dead today behind doors that .02 1 bad ifn nailed faat In their home at T J Fllejiville. A note addressed to the cor OO 0Iier red: W ; "It U Ukiial in caaea Ilka this to render . a verdict of suicide while Ij.tane. Your -,M j verdict, to accord with the fmu In this I case, should be suicide w ith perfectly sound mind and bedy." ill GRAIN RATES INTO fl M A U A I 1 1 W H K K 1 1 Uillniiii LvUuiVljL' i itt Vj ' Mr. Townsend Says This Would Be ! One Effect of Raise Western Roads Want to Make. CITES LORu UoT D :llQVRbb . . . CHICAGO, March 22. Although j rates on certain 'commodities which, they esjtlmate would ' Increase their I Mvinn 1 rt flAO OOfi o vonf. the new 1 , , , ...... . , schedule which tbey propose 'would In tbe case . of , grain , In ..some In stances, 'result In actual reductions from the present rate. .. .. F. B. Townsend, traffic manager of the Minneapolis & St. Louis road, so testified in the Interstate Commerce j workln ollt own torm of govern commission hearing on tbe railroads' ; ment and their own form of national da applicatlon for higher-rates. , ' jvelopment in full-liberty whether they Mr. Townsend sought to Justify thejbK"'l state small states. That Is railroads' proposal to increase the rate;our Mal- " on grain and grain products an average : Tha lenBi Ideal, of 1 cent a hundred nounds -on ertaln ' Th German Ideal Is that the Germans shipments to Chicago and 3 cents a hun - drcd pounds to gulf ports. Ha dealt par ticularly with the etfect of -the-advance on traffic from Bouth Dakota, Minnesota and Iowa. He-said actual reductions are effected by the establishment of a , new line ot. rates from South Dakota to Omaha, where commodity rates never hava k sen in force before. Aaalysa r.ffect hf Hates. An analysis of the present and proposed rates from the states to the various ...... ....-.. w.. ym-,, Furi,run. continually invoked .and without our pol- jtu show that to many no advance would ,py Mng dlrU,.d by lhe mUJUfjr domJ. effected, while to others present rates n,tion ot j..,,. , would be actually reduced because of the , w, c,H,m for'ouw,v .nd lo-ether j inauguration of commodity rates - onim lth our M w U vin that r , grain, where at Dresent no commodltv'. j - , rates aaplr. the grain being hauled un- drr class rates. ! "From South Dakota." said Mr. Town- send, "there ara no changes In tates to j C'lilcago, Teorla, Minneapolis or Duluth. i Krom thirty-four South Dakota stations to ist. I.uiils the advance averages .bet i e nts on flaxseed, .617 cents on wheat jsud .6i'8 tents on coarse grain, being thus In ea. h case about '4 a cent per hundred j p( unds. ' Mualh llaWtlla K wmmm I la.. ! "From South 'Dakota to Kansas City there is n r u. t. .w. , teen stations and 1 cent from f,ve sta - i.i... ..v,ii. .i.i... .....i ..... ..vna tun l-r Ig aLglllllsl ll IC t oniinued on J'ag t Ive. t'olunin Five.) i J L 7 tl w. WaZaXXiaalL THEGATECITYOFTHCWEST Omaha skyscraprrs testify toits metropolitan characur. Our taJlest building', built by the Woodmen of the World, is eighteen ttorisi with a tower going 260 feet up in the air. The Union Pacific headquarter!. City Nationals and Fontcnelle hotel buildings are also in the skyscraper class, and more a-coming. 5 t 0 P X. p rr , . xi GREY SAYS THIS IS LAST TIME PRUSSIA WARSUPON EUROPE British Foreign Secretary Asserts Nations of Continent Must be Free to Live Their Own Lives. GERMANS ' SUPERIOR PEOPLE" One of Terms of Peace of Allies is that Belgium Must Be Freed of Invaders. REVIEW DIPLOMATIC SITUATION I LONDON. March 2 2, "War might have been avoided by a European , conference when and whore Oet j many desired." Foreign Secretary Sir Edward Grey told an audience in London'Xjila afternoon. At the time he was acting as chairman of a gath ering which was listening to a lec ture on the strategy of. the war. Continuing along this line the for eign secretary said: "Germany from Its experience In the Balkan conference knew it could count on our good will and that we were ready to do last July what we did before. But Germany refused every suggestion, and on It rests for nil time the appalling responsibility for the war. We now know that Germany had prepared for the war, and only thotfa, who have planned for war can prepare for It." i Maat Hr I.oat. Amid loud cheers Sir Kdward added: 1 "This Is the fourth time within Irving j memory thnt Prussia has mae war upon ' Ktirope und we are determined It shall I lie the last " j "The expenditure of hundreds of mll . liens of money and the loaa of millions of lives mlglit have been avoided by a con ference of the , Kuropean powers held In London or at The Hague, or wherever 'unci la whatever form Germany would ihave consented to hold It. It would have j been far easier to have settled the dls ' pute ' between Auatria-Hungary and Serbia, whirh Germany made the Ocea nian for tli wnr th.n it was to aet suc cessfully through the Balkan crisis of j two year ago. ; 1 "In recent years," the foreign secretary I went on to we hava given Ger- many very urnc thBt aagresalve move upon It' would receive no support from us. We withheld from It anly one thlng-tha unconditional promise to atand aside, however aggressive Germany Itself might ,be tt) .its neighbors, v Germany Refalsaa, "Last July, befora the outbreak of war. franca, Italy and Russian wwe rtady to fa ft onerenc, German refused every suggestion made for ettltnar tha dispute this way and upon It must rest taking "What is the issue for which wc are fighting?" Sir Edward proceeded as follows: ' "In dfte time terms of peace will ba put forward by, the allies. Oral eaaentlal condition must be the restoration ot Bel gium to Its Independent national life and free possession of Its territory. I The great Issue i Is this:- ,1 ' "We wish, the nationa of Kurope to ba fiee and to live their Independent lives re "Parlor people to whom all thin are lawful ami against whom resistance Is unlawful and rauat be put down: that they must establish domination over tha nations of the continent, and that aU must be subservient to Germany, 1 "1 i would rather perish or leave tha continent altogether than live in it under such conditions. After this war, wa and tha ether nationa of Europe must be free to live without the Interference, without the 'clang of armor and the sword ootv- tlnuallly rattled In the acabbard; heaven o nve ana pursue our national existaace. . th(, uZAtml ..... but In the light of equal liberty." Wilson Sees No Reason for Calling an Extra Session WAtiHIXGTON. llarrh Formal n. """"Cement was made at tha White l!ouso today that ot preaent Prealdent ! W!Un hV " lnt"tl0" f el"" ;tra se-islon of the senate or of con- ' . . . , . j uriuicj ia? nrKinntnR ll 111 IPgUIHr ; -salon nxt fveember. It was said that the president ies no )ripe'-ts of any 1 contingency arising which wiuld cause blm to nlfar his present Intention. Italy' Stops Rail : Freight Traffic With Germany pONHON. March 22.-The Ontral News states rhat the Italian government toduy Mopped all railway freight traffic with Oermany hv way of Switzerland. ; PATRIOTS URGED TO CEASE , USE CF STARCHED SHIRTS Correspondence of the Associated Press.) , EKBUS, March 1.-The current Issue luf the Tageszcltung urges male patriots to ae the use ef the "boiled shirt," on the ground that the use ot great quan tities of starch In laundering the stiff Inisomed hlrt requires the conversion of a considerable quantity of material that might otherwise be tued for food. German Writer Gives Description of Recent Battle in the Dardanelles BERMN, March SJ.-tVIa tnUon-The I correspondent at 'Ainstantinople of the ( Wolf f bureau telegraphed today a des cription of the fighting at the Pardan elles on Thursday. Marvh IK, In which the French battleship Houvet and two Itiit Ish battleships were sent to the bottom. There follows an a'.i Idgement of the cor respondent's story of this engagement. The effort of l!iv allies to force the straits of the Hardniielles rent bed their cllnisx In an aitllierv duel on Thursdnp, Marrh 1R. which Ifistei) seven hours. The entire atmosphere around the Turkish forts wss darkened hv the c louds of I smoke from exploding shells and quan tities of earth thrown Into the air by the projectiles of the nemh and Hritlsh warships. The enrth tieiulled for miles around. . The nl'les entered the straits at II. V a. m. and shelled the town of 'hanak Hale, four French and five Hritlsh warships took part In the begglnnlng. This en gagement reached Its climax at 1 :; p m.. when the fire of the allies was concen trated upon Fort IlHinllieh and the ad jacent fortified positions. The- attack of modem marine artillery upon strong land foris presented an In teresting as well as terrifying spectacle. At times the works were completely en veloped III MYloke. A o' lock the allies changed their tnctlis nd concentrated their fire upon Individual batteries, hut It waa evident that they found difficulty In getting the range. Mnny of their shells fell short, cast up pillars of water, or went ovrr the forts to explode In the LEGISLATURE STOPS ON SIXTHOF APRIL Joint Committee Agrees to Run Nearly Week Into the Com- . in; Month. GIVES BUT TWO WEEKS MORE (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. March 22. (Special Telegram.) The special conference committees of the two branches of the legislature got together this aft ernoon and agreed on Tuesday, April 6, as tha date of adjournment. This means that the clock will be stopped at that time and the two bodies will remain In. session until the work is completed, the bills engrossed and signed. All unfinished business will go to tbe discard probably Friday night or Saturday morning following. Taylor, Saaa and Mockett were tbe members of tbe house committee, and Wilson of Frontier, Henry and Lebnera represented the senate. Monday- was tha fifty-seventh day 'la tjM house and tha flfty-foUrth, day in the senate. If aeaslons are hold slir days this week and the same number of days next week It will run the house up to a total ef sixty-eight legislative- days, while the senate will have sixty-five aa its record. Two years ago the session was strung oot longer than eyer before, the house journal showing seventy-one legislative days. Another step toward closing up the business of the aesslon taken by the house Monday when It unanimously a'.pted a motion offered by Mr- Anderson of Boyd that all house bills left In standing com mittees at S a. m. next Thursday shall lie Indefinitely postponed. Appropriation bills are not included In this rule. Snowslide Causes ' Death of Fifteen In British Columbia VANCOUVER. B. C, March 2i -Fifteen miners were killed and as many more Injured by a snowslide which swept away several bunk houses at the Britannia mine at How Sound, 11. C, according to a dis patch received here. Besides tha bun houses part of the aerial tramway of tire mine waa carried sway. The mine level .is on tbe skin of a moutain and nearly I.WO feet above the shore of the sound." The tramway de stroyed extended from the mine to the beach. Hoon after reports of the avalanche were received here a steamer with phy slclana and nurses left for Howe Bound. Details are lacking, owing. It Is believed, to the fact that communication with tha mine has been cut off, as telephone wires ara down. The Britannia Is a coal mine employing more than l.floo men. " Air Attack Upon Calais Eepulsed CALATrt (Via Paris), Man h 22 -Ttre third Zeppelin attack upon this city, timed at almost the precise that tha aerial raid waa made upon Paris early oXiaday momlng, waa made Inef. feetlve because the atiirrfog of tha air ships' motors gave adequate warning of their approach. The Zeppelins came rrom tne airaetiou or ins eea, out ra- loelved such a vigorous bombardment from French artlllory that they re treated before they reached the city. It la aupposed that they intended making another effort to drop bombs In the her bor and on the railroad Junction. Enemy Aviator Shells A Town of Baden BERLIN, March 3.-(Vla londun )-n enemy aviator appeared Sunday above Mulhelm. Raden. and dropped three bombes on the city and the artillery bar raeltt. Three soldiers were wounded. JTRNIBMFH room with housekeep ing privileges; good prtiuosilion for man and wife, mother ni dauchter or two youiin Udiev. Sor further Information about this opportunity aee the Want Ad section ef The Bee today. town. At A. lit oMock when the homhardment was at Its hottet, the Prem-lt battleship flouvet was seen to be sinking at the stern. moment Inter Its bows swung clear of the water and It waa going down. Hoarding cheers from the. Turkish gar risons and forts gieeted this sight. Tor pedo boats and other craft of the alllea hurried to the tescue. but hey were suc crnsful In saving only a few men. Having been struck by a mine the Itouvet was shove water. One projec tile struck Its forward deck. A mast also was allot away ami hung overboard. It could he seen that the Hon vet when It sunk was endeavoring to gain the mouth of th straits. This, however, wua difficult, owing ap parently to the fnct that Its machinery ad been damaged. Shortly after the sinking of the Bouvet, a Hritlsh ship waa Mruck on the deck amidships and compelled to withdraw from the fighting. Then another Brit ish vessel was badly damaged and at ,1:45 o'clock waa seen to retire under a terrific fire from the Turkish battery. This vessel ran In toward the shore. For a full hour the alllea tried to protect it with their guns, but It was apparent that It was doomed for destruction, night effnctlva hits showed the hopelessness of the situation for this vessel. Then It withdrew toward the mruth of the Dar danelles, which it reached In a few min utes tinder a hall of shells. The forts continued firing until the alllea were out of range. WHITE HOUSE IS . PREPARING NOTES Representation Will Be Made to Great Britain Regarding Effect of Order in Council. WILL ASK KAISER ABOUT FRYE WASHINGTON, March 22. It waa stated definitely at the White House today that a note to Great Britain, making representations on some fea tures of the order In council la being framed and will be dispatched to London In a few days. Tbe bails ot the representations was not dis closed. Ask for Reparation. Representations to Germany for reparation for the loss -of the Amer ican sailing ship, William P. Frye, and Its cargo, sunk in tha south At lantic by tha German auxiliary cruiser, Prlna Eltel Frledrich, also are being prepared and will be dis patched to Berlin In two or tare days, ., Tha. representatona of Orsat Britain are expected to dwell chiefly on Great Brit ain's jiotlce that It reserves the right to hold up all goods suspected of having an enemy origin or destination, even though they are consigned to neutral porta. Shipping Trust Is Out of Punds; May Be Receiver NEW TORK, March M.-E. E. Parvln, secretary of the International Mercantile Marina company, which operatea the White Ktar, Ked Star Atlantic Trans port and other trans-Atlantic steamship lines. Issued today a statement concern ing reports that a receiver might be ap plied for In the courts to take charge of the company's affairs: "The International Mercantile Marine company, not being in funds of October 1, last, the date upon which the Interest became due on Its i per cent bonds, took sdvautage of the provision, of tbe mortgage which allowed six months' grace on payment of (.he coupons before the company could be declared In de fault. This time wilt not be up till April 1. Any action aa to a receivership will not be taken, If at all till April 1. "If a receiver la asked for It would not mean bankruptcy, for despite the war the International Mercantile Marine com pany has been doing a good business." The bond Issue upon which tbe pay ment of Interest was deferred Inst Oc tober Is for lfc3.Cwe.noo. Rock Island Minority Not Allowed Access To Company's Books NBW TORK, March 21-JoLn J. Qula lan, vice president of tha Chicago, Rock Island ft Paclflo Railway company, ami Robert I Forbes, Its transfer agenda were discharged when tbey appeared be ore a police magistrate today on sum mons charging that they refused to per mit stockholders to Inspect the compsny's stock transfer books. The defendants were summoned on January 23 upon com plaint of Warren C. Crane, a member of tha so-called Amster committee, repre senting the minority stockholders. The magistrate declared that in his opinion it did not constitute a violation of tha law for an officer of a foreign corporation In charge of stock books within this state to rafuse to allow stock solders to see the share book. Tha demands of the minority stockhold ers were prompted by a desire to secure proxies to vote at the coming annual meeting In Chicago. Three Children Are Burned to Death PROVU. I'tah. March 3.-Three young children of Mr. and Mrs. Christian Riding were burned to death In bed last night when the parents were at church In Provo Bench, near here. Two older chil dren of tie family escaped from the house. The flse hildren wore put In bed and . Limp left burning la tbe room. It U supposed the lamp exploded PRZEMYSL FALLS, DEFENDERS YIELD TO MIGHTY ODDS Garrison Holding Gateway to Cra cow and Hungary Surrenders Without Fight After Long Defense. BATTLE FAMINE AND DISEASE Depleted by Scourge, Living on Horseflesh, Surrourided by Su perior Numbers. ALLIED N CAPITALS CELEBRATE The Day's War News rOHTHKM ItV PR7.KMt"I. has or eadered to the flaaalaea. It had hern heeleared by them for several months, I MIXTA P.OI offensive move, meats aaalnat the tier man Aaa trlaas and Tnrkiah armies from tha Italtle to the Black. Sea, have and In aome seel Ions definite prog ress la reported. In tbe extreme north the nermana arc retreating from Memel, Float Prussia, and the Rnaalana are believed to have he aim anotae drive at TIleM. In Po land there Is activity all alonar the front. rtl SMA ARMY In the t'aacaana'has announced a victory over the Tnrka In the fighting alona the Rlaek Sea roast, In Tnrkiah Ar menia. GERMAN WAR OFFICIO annonneed that the city f Meanel, on the Baltic Sea In the northern tip of Frneala, had been retaken from the Hnaslan force whleh eaptnred It last week, following? a battle near tha city. OPERATION IN FRANCIS aad Bel gians were of mark the same char acter as recently. Planting Con tlanea In northern Fraaee near Arras In Champagne aad In the Argonne, uuNvvix, Marcn zz. The long in vestment of tbe Mld-Galiclan fortress of Prremysl has ended. DepKed by disease, subsisting on horse flesh and surrounded by a superior force of Russians, the garrison has sur rendered to the besieging army after a defense lasting many months, which up to the present Is recorded as Aus tria's most noteworthy contribution to'tba war. ' . ' , ''., S Petrograd, London and Paris are celebrating the event tonight Petro grad and Parts in the 'spontaneous manner characteristic of those cities; London with silent and grim satis faction which lg the Britons' way. Call It Kvrnt of War. ' Tha nnwananara sort that tl tall of the fortress marks the most Im portant capture of the war, not ex cepting Antwerp, In that it not only releases considerable Russian forces which can be thrown Into tne fluctuating struggle In tbe Carpath ians, but opens the door to Cracow and the plains ot Hungary. " Yields Without Fight. PETROORAD tVIa 1-ondon), March Tha Trsemysl , garrison, which capi tulated to the Russian army today, sur-, rendered without a fight. The hoisting of the white flag over this fortress, which waa said to be on the point of surrender on a number of occasion, caused little surprise, aa It waa generally known thai It was In j terribly weakened condition, without food or ammunition and Its en durance waa only a ueetlnn of duys. War office advicea report tqhat . nluo Atatrlans generals were taken, more than DUO officers and 60,000 men. 1 be Husalun general commanding the Investing army has been decorated with' Bt. George's cross, A heavy snow atorm failed to check the enthusiastic demonstrations In whlih (Continued on Page Three, Column five.) "Homey Rooms Kooms differ. Home art cheery and inviting and "liomeyT" and others are just rooms. To find the former is dimply a matter of knowing where, to look knowing where bucIi quarters find most frequent of fering. . A glanee through tlit Want Ad columns of The Bee will put you in touch with the choicest rooms for rent in Greater Omaha, Under the. heading, "Fur nished Rooms," you will find listed the rooms you are look ing for at the price you want to pay. Telephone Tyler 1000 THE OMAHA BEE Everybody Heads Ilea Naut Ada,". i