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Dtresjg Cram tfe Rattle) Aran. The Bee's Real War Photos Beet of Them All. Omaha Daily THE WEATHER Unsettled VOL. XLVXO. o.. OMAHA, THURSDAY MOHMXO, JULY 29, 1915 TEN PAOES. Oa TralBa, at ItW sTswa Sjtaads, ta M SINGLE COPV TWO CENTS. Bee M H U JLJLJi- SIX MEN WILL BE INDICTED IN CASE OF THEEASTLA.ND State's Attorney Hoyne Says There is Plenty of Evidence to Sus tain Charges of Man slaughter. DAT OF PUBLIC MOURNING Bodies of Seven Hundred Victims of the Great Tragedy Are Laid to Rest. COFFINS ON MOTOR TRUCKS DEATH LIST GROWING. Identified dead, 82fl. Unidentified dead, ft. Revised list of misting, Ml, TotAl, l,8fl2. CHICAGO. July 28. At least six Indictments for responsibility for the Eastland disaster of last Saturday will be returned by the state grand Jury, according to an announcement by State's Attorney Hoyne. It will not be decided until a later time whether to ask indictments on charges of criminal carelessness or on manslaughter. "There Is plenty of evidence for either charge," Mr. Hoyne said. The coroner's inquest, it is ex pected, will be completed later, and immediately thereafter the state grand Jury will go into session. Explaining the taking into custody of W. K. Greenebaum, general man ager of the Indiana Transportation company, which leased the Eastland last Saturday, Mr. Hoyne said: "Mr. Greenebaum, in response to questions at the inquest, admitted that he knew nothing about the East land, but added that he knew, or had heard, that It was not seaworthy." Other agencies investigating the dis aster are continuing their work. Sec retary William C. Redfield of the De partment of Commerce, who Is here on instructions from President Wilson said he had not decided whether his In quiry will extend to all of the lake passenger traffic or whether it will be corrflned to the Eastland. "For the time being we will confine ourselves to the case in hand," he said. Day of Public Mourning;. In response to a proclamation by Mayor Thompson, Chicago observnd today as day for public- mourning. The'-cltyf hall la closed and the burial of almost TOO of the excursionist recovered from the river took place. Facilities are lacking properly to han dle the funerals and services over as many as thirty bodies were held simul taneously in a church. Because there ! are not enough steam and electric fun-i eral trains and hearses the dead were i removed to cemeteries in various sorts of conveyances. In many cases motor trucks which carried several coffins were used. In the vicinity of the West ern Electric plant, where most of the victims were employed, the funeral pro cessions blocked traffic. Thirty of the dead were buried from the church of St. Mary of Czestochwa. At Mary Queen of Heaven church, services for twenty-five took place. Mayor Thonpioa Rrtirnt. Mayor Thompson, who cut short his visit to the Ban Francisco exposition when the Ewatlar-d accident occurred, re-t'i.-r.d to Chn.ago today anj went im- v.i .ItaiAltf tr . I- l il . . .. w i., unit, vnere ne held a confe-ence with his department! heads. The niayjr expreKKed satlsfac tlo i with the rescue and relief work. The steamer Easland was taken in charge by federal officials today, re placing city policemen as the wrecking boat Favorite, said to be one of the largest and best equipped of its kind in the world, began the task of raising the half-submerged craft. It wilt take ten days to raise the boat, according to those In charge. While this was going on forty divers searched the river bottom for a distance of two blocks from the point where tho (Continued on Tage Two, Column Two.) The Weather Forecast tlU 7 p. m. Thursday: For Omaha, Council Bluffs and Vicinity Probably showers; not much change la temperature. Temperatara at Omaha Yesterday. Hours. Deg. .... 68 .... 68 ... 68 .... 7 6 a. m. a. m. II. m. It. m. L m. 1" a. m. 11 a. m. 12 m... 1 p. m. I p. in. X p. m. 4 p. m. ft p. m. p. m. 7 p. m. .... 71 .... 71 7 7J .... 73 .... 72 .... 7i .... 72 .... 71 P m. Comparative Local Record. 1915. 1914. 19U. 1912. Highest yesterday 7 97 93 S7 Ixtwest yesterday W 7i A 71 'Mean temperature 70 M 7 79 Preclpitalon 1.46 .00 .67 . 00 Temperature and precipitation de partures from the normal: Normal temperature 77 Deficiency for the day 7 Total oeflcency since March 1 284 Normal preclptation 13 inch Kxcess for the day 1. A3 Inches Total rainfall since March 1 .. .19.07 inches Excess since March 1 1.16 Inches JmfMency for cor. period. 114. 3.17 Inches Deficiency for cor. period, IvlJ. 3.41 Inches Reports from Stations at T P. M. Station and State Temp. High- Rain- of Weather. 7 p. m. est. fall. Cheyenne, partly cloudy.. 70 74 or Denver, partly cloudy... 72 fv ',.1 Dos Moines. Cloudy 74 7 l ander, clear s; ( North Platte, pt. cloudy. 74 71 oi Omaha, cloudy 72 73 1 t Pueblo, rain 74 n 92 Rapid City, cloudy 76 7S ,k Salt Lake City, clear W s 'ou Banta Ke, clear 74 7S c Hiieridun. cloudy 72 w '01 etutix City, paitiv cloudy 74 7 'flu Valentine, partly cloudy.. 74 76 uO I i. WEX9U. Local Forecaster GERMANY'S TALLEST OFFIO ncral von Plus- kow, who commands a Oermar ' -orps on the eastern battle front, and some of hr Wit r x , r K 1 1 J : . ; . ' .... ' ,. , MAGNEY WILL DRAW COMPLAINT TODAY To Prepare Information Against E. H. Westerfield for Com- nnsienerM -Sign- DAHLMAN FOR PROSECUTION County Attorney Magney expects to prepare a complaint today charg ing E. H. Westerfield, former treas urer of Dundee, with embezzlement, he said late yesterday, following a conference with Corporation Coun sel Lambert. Mr. Lambert left with the county attorney a certified copy of the re port of the city's audit of Mr. Westerfleld's accounts, which indi cates a shortage of more than $21, 000. Mr. Magney said the com plaint which city officials will be ex pected to sign will charge embezzle ment of the entire amount. "I will examine the report tonight and tomorrow I expect to prepare a com- j plaint," said the county attorney. "That Is my intention, and unless something unforeseen arises that will be my course of action." Dahlman for Procreation. Mayor Dahlman says the voluntary re turn of Ellery H. Westerfield will not cause him to change his mind regard ing the criminal prosecution of the Dun dee man. "The matter will, of course, be up to the county attorney, but I shall insist (Continued on 1'age Two, Column Two.) Strike at Bayonne Oil Plants is Over; All Men at Work NEW YORK, July 2R. The strike at Bayonne, N. J., in the plants of the Standard OH company and Tidewater Oil company ended when virtually every man who walked out ten days ago returned to work today. The plants of the Vacuum OH and General Chemical com panies, which were closed during the rioting, in which three strikers were killed, also resumed operations today. Instead of the large armed forces which have been used by Sheriff Kinkead dur ing the strike, only a few police were about the gates of the plants today. The men appeared glad to resume work. Jeremiah J. Baly, who led the strike until arrested, sat in an automobile with the sheriff and watched the men return to work. He will be released today. The sheriff al said he would release Frank Tannenhaum, the Industrial Worker of thv World leader, arrested last week. J. S. MORGAN AND BRIDE REACH SAN FRANCISCO SAN FRANCISCO. Cal.. July 2s Juntus Spencer Morgan, son of J. P. Morgan, with his bride and party, came ashore here to4y from the steamer Kroonland, which brought a distinguished company of easterners from New York by way of the Panama canal. Many of them ssld that the idea of going to Die Pacific coast this year was rpreadlng among the class which usua'l goes to Europe. A suusd of police met the Kroolilsnd t) arrest a steward charged with m'.tiry. snd gave rise to a report that a aiteclnl guard had been detailed tor Mr. M 01 pan. Pellre officials said there was nothing to this TI I .Kr;I wwi vws I j ! PRINCIPAL MOORE ACCUSEDBY WIFE Makes Strong Allegations in a Cross Petition in Pending Di- . ... -r-TOTCrfittit.- -i-v" j'T-' TELLS OF VARIOUS ACTS That her husband, Samuel W. Moore, principal of the South Omaha High school, referred to her as "a rag, a bone and a hank of hair," Is the averment in the cross-petition of Mrs Vera B. Moore, filed by here In district court in a pending divorce suit. This allusion to her, she declares, was written on the margin of a leaf in a book sent by Mr. Moore to his son, Bion, aged 8 years, she alleges. Mr. Moore is plaintiff in the divorce suit, charging that hla wife deserted him in May, 1913. They were married June S. 1906, at Hiawatha, Kan. Moore had Instituted the divorce suit on the ground of desertion by his wife. Mrs. Moore, who is now llvng in Riley county, Kansas, retorts that her husband is of a Jealous, fault-finding disposition and that she was compelled to live apart from him. Incidentally she makes the following other charges of cruelty: Other Charges A Heard. Asserts that he accused her of Infidelity. Alleges he questioned her motive' when she was taking treatment for appendirlts from a physican at Hiawatha, Kan. Says he circulated untrue reports about a hospital where she underwent treat ment for the same ailment. Accuses him of holding a hammer In hla hand and threatening her. Alleges he tore telephone wires from the wall when she was talking to her mother in 1913. Charges he accused her of taking money and letters from his offce In the high school at Hiawatha, Kan. German Submarines Have Sunk 292 Ships AMSTERDAM, July 2S.-(Vla London.) Oerman submarines, acoordlng to a telegram rceived here today from Berlin, have sunk In the war lone up to July 26, 229 English vessels, thirty other hostile ships and six neutra craft. The latter, the message says, were sent to the bot tom by mistake. Twenty-seven additional neutral vessels, the dispatch adds, were examined and sunk' because they csrried contraband. Second Cloudburst at Rock Springs, Wyo. ROCK SPRINGS, Wyo.. July 28. A second cloudburst late last night added to the flood which has done serious dam age and is reported to have caused one death here. Residents of C street, which was exposed to the full force of the flood, left their homes in panic .nd fled to higher ground. Becker Must Die In Chair Tomorrow NEW YORK. July 28. Supreme Court Justice Ford of New York has denied the application for a new trial to ex-l'ollce lieutenant Becker for the murder of Herman Rosenthal. This means Becker will b electrocuted oa Fridi. I Ihf1l . 1 j J ASQU1TH DECLARES WAR HAS BECOME TEST OFENDURANCE British Premier Sayi England Ap preciates Gallant Efforts of Russians Fighting Invad- ing Teutons. POINTS TO SLAVS' COURAGE Confident Allied Armies in the Western Field Will Be Vic torious in End. ITALY IS GAINING GROUND LONDON, July 28. The war has become and is likely to continue for Koine time, a contest of endurance, Premier Asquith told the House of Commons this afternoon while mak ing a general review In moving the adjournment of Parliament from to morrow until September 14. The premier remarked: "We should lie ungrateful and Insen sitive indeed. If we did not recognise at this moment the Indescribable gallant efforts being made by our Russian allies to stem the tide of invasion and to re tnin Inviolate the Integrity of their pos sessions. Praise for Rnsalans. "I do not think In th whole of mili tary hlotory there has been a more mag nificent example of discipline and en durance, and of both Individual and col lective initiative that has been shown by the Russian army in the last seven weeks. "Our new ally. Italy, is with care fully prepared movements steadily gain ing ground, making their way towards the objective, which we believe In a very short time will be within their reach." The premier declared that the British government's confidence in the results of the Dardanelles operations waa un diminished. The premier emphasised his confidence In the victory of both the British and French armies engaged In the western field. Referring to the fact that next week would see the completion of a year of war. Mr. Asqulth remarked that the, world never had seen a more miracu lous transformation in this country; not it its spirit and heart, but in the out ward manifestations of its life, than had taken place here in thesa twelve, months. - Fleet Is Stronger. The British fleet today waa far stronger, the premier continued, than at the beginning of the wax, "and to its quiet and unobserved,' but utriquitoua and all - powerful activity, la due the fact that the seas are clear or substan tially clear. "For, after all he said, "this sub marine menace, serious as It has ap peared to be, is not going to Inflict fatal or substantial Injury on British trade. The seas are clear. We Jiave our supply of food and raw materials, upon which we and the rest of the country depend, flowing In upon ua In the same abundance and with the same freedom, and I may say without much exaggeration. Judging from serious hazards and risks as in times of peace." Mexican Policy is Not Yet Decided CORNISH, N. H., July . President WIlnn has not yet decided on the next step In his Mexican policy and no an nouncement will be made on the sub ject until after his return to Washington. Word to this effect came from the presi dent today In answer to questions sub mitted to him on the Mexlcsn situation. He said he had not received aoy new Mexican data and that Secretary Iansing had not forwarded any recommendations ss to what should be done. The president did not deny that some step would bo taken In the near future. WASHINGTON, July 1.-Mexloo City was still cut off from the outside world today and Secretary Lansing said ef forts to get frt hand information of conditions had failed. The forthcoming step to be taken by the United States with respect to Mexico he would not discuss. Reports that General Felipe Kngeles, Villa's military adviser, was again on the border, were denied loJay by Villa's Washington agent, Enrique C. l.lorente. The Villa agency received a telegram that Carranxa troops had raptured Cor ral, Honors snd were marching to attack Guaymas. GIRL SMOTHERED TO DEATH UNDER LOAD OF HAY FAITH. B. P., July 28 (Special.) Margaret, the 4-year-old daughter of Rev. Q. 1). Robinson of Faith, lost her life in an ancldent. Mr. Robinson was hauling a load of hay, his young son snd the little girl riding with him, when the wagon struck a inudhole and over turned, the loal of hay covering the three. Mr. Robinson and Ms son dug their way out from the hay and then set to work to rescue the little girl, but she had been smothered to death before they could reach her. While the war in Europe has disturbed buiineii everywhere now for a whole year, all competent observers a (Tree that Omaha has gone ahead more nearly "as usual" than any other American city. Production of Radium by Federal Bureau is Past Experimental Stage WASHINGTON. July W.-Troiluetlon of rsdlum from Colorado carnotlte ores by tho bureau of mines In connection with tho National Radium Institute, has passed the experimental stage and la now on a suoi-essful manufacturing basis. In making this announcement today, Secre tary Lane declared that statements mndo to congress concerning the ability of the bureau to produce radium at a greatly decreased cost over other pro cesses, had actually been accomplished, and that the costs were even less than predicted. The secretary said ha had been In formed that the cost of one gram of radium metal produced In the form of bromide during March, April and May last was Itt.OnO. This Included all ex penses Incident to production. "When It is considered that radium has been sell ing for 112.nno and U.ion a gram." aald Mr. Ine, "It will be seen what the bur eau has accomplished. "The public, however, should not Infer that this low cost of production necca aarlly means an Immediate decrease In the selling rrice of radium." The National Kadlum Institute was for tunate In securing, through a Colorado steel company, the right to mine ten HAITI PRESIDENT IS KILLED BY MOB Executive is Dragged from French Legation by Infuriated Popu lace and Shot to Death. FURTHER VIOLENCE IS FEARED HII.LKTI. WASHINGTON, July 2K. Ameri can marines will be landed at Port Au Prince, Haiti, to protect the lives and property of Americans and other foreigners. Instructions were sent to Rear Admiral Saperton late to day by the Navy department. Ad miral Caperton arrived at Port Au Prince today on the cruiser Wash ington the collier Jason, with 100 additional marines, was ordered from Guantanamo, to arrive at Port Au Prince tonight. PORT A IT PRINCE, July 28. A mob of Infuriated Haitlens today re moved Vllbrun Gutllaume, president ot Haiti, from the French legation, where he took refuge yesterday, and shot him to death In front of the building. This ct of YjotenC" followed Im mediately the burial of the 160 polit ical prisoners massacred In prison yesterday. The mob was mostly composed of relatives of the massa cred victims. They Invaded the French legation and seized Ouil laume, and though M. Glrard, the French minister, protested vigor ously, he waa powerless before their fury. Oulllaume was dragged from the pro- I tectlon of the legation. Once in the street, while the crowd surged around him with imprecations, hs waa promptly shot to death. Even then the anger of the people was not appeased. The body of the president was mutilated, snd tied to the end ot a rope waa dragged through the street of the city. The people are in a state of Intense excitement and further violence is feared. Umax of Violence. The lest thirty-six hours have seen In Port Au Prince a succession of violent events, bloodshed and massacres. For five months there had been active revo lutionary movement against President Oulllaume, headed by Dr. Rosalvo Bono. Up to yesterday this activity had been confined mostly to the northern part of the republic. At daybreak yesterdsy a disbanded Haltlen regiment began an attack on Tresldent Oulllaume and a band of his followers, who took refuge In the presi dential palace and defended It cour ageously. Oulllaume fled to the French legation and the most prominent of his supporters, General Osoar, governor general of Port Au Prince, took refuge In the Io mlnlcan legation. It became gnown during the day that political prisoners to the number of 160 had been executed yesterday morning on orders Issued by General Oscar. An infuriated crowd dragged this man from the shelter of the Dominican legation and executed him In the street. The second act of retaliation came today. The people counted Oulllaume as also responsible for the execution of yesterday and vented summary ven geance upon him. f'roUer Wathlnstoa on Way. j WASHINGTON, July 28 -The crulaer j Washington with Rear Admiral Caperton. 700 bluejackets and an expeditionary force I of 100 marines on hoard sailed from Cap Haltlen last night for Port An I Prince. Hs will use his discretion about land ing marines. Officials do not know what action hs will Uke, but It la thought he will de mand that fighting cease within the city. Resents Request-pf Secretary Lauaing i LOS ANGELES, Cal.. July SS.-Wlley , Jones, attorney general of Arlsona, re ceived here today a copy of a telegram ! from Secretary Inslng of the Stats ds I partment, asking further reprieves fur iths five Msxlcsns under sentence to (lis Friday at Florence. Aril. The request, the telegram Slid, a as made "in view of the political sltuatk n I In Mexico." The telegram came from : Frank Trott. chairman of the I oar I of I pardons and reprieves at Phulx. Mr. I Jones replied "the I'nlted Stales na uo right to intsrfsrs." claims of carnotltc ores belonging to ltient mnti thtm ttaa lira ft i,n 11 if Ih. ore available at the time. Since then new deposits have been opcne.1, but thesrt are closely held and. according to the bent Judgment of bureau experts, the Colorado and 1'tah fields, which are much richer In radium Iwnring ores than any othera known, will supply ore for a few year only at the rate of produc tion that obtained when the European war closed down the mines. "The demand for radium will also In cresse rapidly, for the two or three sur geons who have a sufficient amount of this element to entitle them to spesk from experience, were obtaining results In the ense of cancer that are Increas ingly encouraging as their knowledge of application Improves. "I'nder all the clrcuinatances, it does seem to me that It does behoove the government to make some arrangements whereby theae deposits, so unlipie In their extent snd richneee, may be con served In the truest sense of our people, by extracting the radium from the ores where it now Ilea useless and putting it to work for the eradication of oaneer in the hospitals of the army and navy and tho public health service." ITALIANS GAIN ON CARSOJPLATEAU Troops Advance Along" Entire Front, but Left Wing it Forced to Yield Fart of Gain. MANY PRISONERS CAPTURED ROME. July 27. (Via Paris, July 28.1 The following official state ment was Issued tonight by the head quarters of the Italian general staff: "In the Alone valley we are in full possesion of the heights on the right slope, having occupied Monte lAvanaaoh and the I'isnnna crest. From points domi nating the opposite slop the enemy's artillery attempted to hinder our opera tions, but without sucoess. After a long preparation by artillery of medium cali ber, tho enemy attacked with several de tachments of Infantry during the night of the 2rtth. Although supported by numerous machine guns, them troops were repulsed. "In the Monte Nero region the struggle continues unabated, notwlthatandlng a fog, which prevents the artllley from; as sisting in the operations. "At riava the second operation under taken to enlarge the bridge head la de veloping favorably. - "On the Carso plateau the Uattle con tinued yesterday. Our troops advanced along the whole front with great dash and boldness, conquering towards tha left wing a strong position on San Mtchele, commanding tha greater part of tho plateau. After being subjected, how ever, to a violent rross fir from ths nemy's ' srllllery of all calibers, our forces were obliged to fall back below the crest, where they are maintaining their positions. On the renter we pro gressed towards San Martlno, carrying with the bayonet trenches and a redoubt covering It. On the right wing, by the perfect timing of an infantry advance with the supporting fire of artillery, we completed at nightfall tho conquest of a position on Monte Del. driving out. Inch by Inch, the enemy, who was strongly en trenched there. We made about 2.J00 prisoners, including ons lieutenant col onel and forty-one other officers. Wa took five machine guns, two smsll can non, trench mortars, quantities of rifles. ammunition, war materials and food as trophies of a day of fierce fighting." Legislature May Repeal Initiated Law, Says Court HURON, a P., July 2S. -(Special.) Judge Taylor has Just handed down a decision to the effect that ths legislature has power to amend or repeal an Initiated law. Ist March a suit was Instituted by several local citizens before Judge Taylor in the circuit court of Beadle county as an er rel proceeding entitled, "State of South Dakota against Beadle County Auditor." seeking to restrain tho auditor fiom acting under the Norbeck primary law adopted by the last legislature. This case waa brought to test tha right of the legislature to repeal a law enacted by a direct vote of the people under tha Initiative and referendum. The integrity of the Richards primary law Is Involved In the esse. This Isw was adopted by a direct vote of the people at the November election In 112. In 1114 the Coffey primary law was submitted to the people s a substitute, which. If adopted, would have repealed the Richards law; but it was defeated. Thus the people by their vote have twice sustained tha Richards primary law. In face of this record, tha 1915 legislature repealed the Richards' law and enacted a substitute to force upon the people a primary election law containing the principle twice rejected at the polls. It is aliened that the effect of Judge Taylor's decision. If sustained by tha supreme court, is that tha legislature tan repeal laws enacted by a vote of the people, and the people can In turn, through tha initiative, repeal aots of the legislature. Kaiser May Not Answer Last Note from United States LONDON, July is.-The Cologne Ca lotte today published a wireless dispatch from Washington containing the sugges tion that 'in order to avoid the further excitement of public opinion In America" Germany should not reply to the Ameri can note unless It Is able to give a fa vorable ankwer, says a telrgiam from Amsterdam to ths Keuter Telegraph com pany. The Cologne Gazette, the message adds, considers ths messstte well worthy of consideration. RAID ON WARSAW COSTS TEUTONS 500,000 MEN In Spite of Enormous Losses the Iron Ring Around the Capital City of Poland is Hold ing Firm. RUSSIANS CHECK THE ADVANCE City is Threatened from Three Fronts and Defeat on Any Would Mean Surrender. GERMAN COLUMN IS NEAR RIGA LONDON. July 2. Though the Germans now' hold a great line from the gulf of Riga, sweeping south westward around Warsaw, thence en circling the city and stretching away to the Gallclan frontier near Sokalj it Is estimated they have lost 600,000 men, perhaps more, in this, the most ambitious movement of the war. And in spite of that loss the Austrian front Is not yet broken. On the Narew river, north of War saw, the Russians have made a stub born show of resistance, holding Field Marshal Von Hlndenburg for the time being In check. To the south the combined Austro-German forces, struggling to seize the Lublin Chelm railway, have been for days on the threshhold of success without being able actually to achieve their goal. Fighting on this latter front has been renewed with great Intensity and- ths Teutons claim to have Improved their position on tha extreme right, which is resting on tha Bug rttrer. Crisis Is Approaehtaa-. Immediately west ot Warsaw compara tive quiet prevails and it is along the Lublln-Chelm sector or In tha Narew river region that It la baUevsd a crisis will be reached. Whlnh one of these fronts la ot the greatest strategto Importance London critics cannot agree, but this la Irrelevant, as a German victory on either one doubt lens would mean tha fall of Warsaw. Tha Osrmans In the Baltlo provinces ad vancing along an eighty-rails front toward Vllna with a view to seising tha railway from Warsaw to Petrograd. ara dally be coming a mora potent factor In tha fight ing, for, linked up with tha forces to tha southwest, they give tha Germans a front of too miles with which to effect a vast turning movement north of Warsaw, The troops operating against Riga! from whlnh city they ara only twenty mites distant, are oonsldared In tha nature, of an Independent column and It la those forces which hava coma under tha fire of the Russian warships, Italian gains on the Carso plateau and French gains In tha Vosgea mountains are about tha only developments In the other theaters. French Official Report. PARIS, July W. Tha official communi cation given out today by tha French war department reads: "In Artpls, to the north of Bouches, tha Oermsns, after a strong bombardment, delivered last night several different at tacks against three of our positions. After a very spirited combat they ware driven out of ths tranches which they had suc ceeded in oeoupylng, wtlh tha axeaptlon of one point, where they retained twenty yards of a saphead In advance of our front. Tha town of Solssons was bom barded yesterdsy evening. 'In the Argvnne. In tha vicinity of Fontalne-Aux-Charmes, ths enemy under took to maks an attack, hut they were driven back to their trenches by our In fantry fire. ' "On ths rest of ths front tha night psssed quietly. "In the Dardanelles there la nothing to report with ths exception of soma slight progress on the part of our troops on our right wing, together with activity by French aviators who bombarded suc cessfully ths new aviation camp of the enemy to the north of Chanak. They threw bombs on the hangars and a gaso line supply supply station caused a con siderable outbreak of flames." THE WANT-AD. WAY All Rights Reserved s wrote this yonaff dlsrk And this Utter seutt "I dost want all cashi ray (or It lias real." JTow when this letter Ths clerk showed to hla wife, hs said "tst a pack up And give op olty Ufa." wtlls packing' taslr goods, ror eosua had no seta es Want Ads they assd And Old wsU. Indeed. (OoQtlaosd Tomorrow.) Tou csn quickly dlsnoss of the many useless pieces of fumitsre, musical instruments etc.. In yoor home by placing a FOR SALE AH in THK F1EK, thereby turning them Into ready money. Telephone Tyler 1000 now, and TIT IT IX THK OMAHA BEE.