Newspaper Page Text
TIIE BEE: OMAHA. JULY 191o. i ft i 4 s 0 4 ft CDonoaoQonoaoaononononononoDonononoDODoaononoaonononoaonoaonoaoaononoaoaoaonoaonoaoDoaoaonoQoaoaoQoaonionoaoaoaoaonoDoaoDonono Do not drift into property poverty through permitting your rent incomes to g I lapse for the timely use of Bee Want Ads keeps tenantable property tenanted g oaonoasaoaonoaoQOQononoiOQOQODoaoaoaoaonoDonoaoaoDoaoaoaononononoaoDonoaononononoDODoaoDonoaoDoaoaoDoaoDonoaoDononoDononoaonoii! 10 WANT ADS Wnt ad refwlved et any time, but to Insure proper classification must be pre- Mnlu Kf .-i ra 11 a'nlnak not before U o clook noon ror everuna adltlnn inH 1 -aa D. m. for mnmlnf Pun da v edition. Want ads received after uoa hour will ha under the heading, To Lai to Ciee-rtfy." CASH RATES, , See-a wmwcuU't time. 1 cent ft word arh Insertion. ... . Two or mora consecutive UmM 1H cent On UtM, I cant word. CHARGE) BATES. , fVren eonseoutlve time. eent Una eeoh tnaartlnn. . . Thraa oonsecaUv UmM. M cent ft Una ' eaoh lnsertl(-h. On time. Jl cents a link. . Count lUlTtm word to ft Una, Vlmlnium charse, K ceti'. An advertisement Inserted to b run .tints! diseentlnued fnuat be Stopped or written order. . - !l o1ima for error tnurt, be Jf" within Iftean days after tlx Ut ber Uoa Wt the adTerUeement. Tan can n'eoe your want ad In Tbs Bee by telephone. , PXlATnS ARD FUNERAL TfOTICEf KKANCriffMra. Alfred, age year tfvor an Ulnaa of six day. leraali. will ii in atata at Hray , Kaafer chapel, Twet.ty-slxU end Pr oam trta, tUl Saturday I P- t"-. whan body will be removed to 1218 Mason UMl. rfiiuurel UrvuuUy. August 1 at 2 p. to. , Body of Mra. Mary formic will lay , to atata at ha HealVA Heefy chajpel. I Hth and Karnaro, until Saturday, July u, mi. CARD or THANKS. Wm wlab to thank wr friend and r.lKlbora for Uielr many klndneeeee .l.uwn ua during our reoM)i bereavement in the loa of our deer, beloved wife and n-o;hr; also for tbeir beautiful floral tribute. MR. a A. LARSON AND DAUGHTER. BIRTHS AMD DEATH . Birth Davtd and Alrlne Bran not ! C4ito4 avenue, gtrli Henry and Laura iunaohan, V7u4 VteJlr. iHi L and tanor1ea Tillman, Va B, boy; J&meat ! cxnd EJtheJ Turner, MM Virion, boy; ijoaaph and tlary Klui anior, 8& (.'uirUMK, ftoy; H. I. and Orao Allluurn, litJO Uuml : ovenue. Kid; AlfroJ and jMm. Nlnhola, ! J. boy. Ml 8, and Ida McDuffeo, twapltAl, arirl ; tarlea and Madeline Mc ,Mamra, il7 North nfteonlh. toy; Fred 'and Minnie White, Glbeon, flrl; Odin C. and Mabel Knudaon, X&i'i kouth Eigh teenth, boy; I'aullno and Cuell Haxga tJlne, XI Si Meredith avenue, girl .torwo A. C'ann, 6J , yoara, and Ctimln; Mra. Mary. Formlaa, iS yeara. 111 Maafm; fcrnlly H fan, 7 year, 17.1 South tlghth; Albert i.-vana, lb yeara. hoapltat; Mra. Ida Jaolc .aon, ) yeara, 111 Nirth Twentieth; Mra. I Hammond Knight. W yeara, hoeitU.l. MARRIAGE LICENBKf. Permlta to wed have been granted to the following: Najvie and Kealdence. Age. JUrold Fell. Cleveland, O Mallle R. tlgutter. Oraiht M Roy N, Bhriver. Omaha. T Catherine Cleo Smith. South Omaha., a Walter A. Beeley, Omaha 40 Nellie 1'attereon. game Mary P. Nutter, Columbua, O 14 Be mice M. Clutter, wmi ti Oluaeffe Corrltore, Omaha. ti Salvatrloa Italia, aame ti Pyron n. rdxon, Omaha ti Mary C. Chadwlck. aame 1 Thome BL McC'onnell, Omaha.. ti Edna Chaney, Central City... SS Andarey Onlk, South Omaha Z3 Mary Bednara, same IS ' Joseph Fabian, Jr., Omaha 14 Mary Precakd, South Omaha IS Weaver I Northrup, Miller 11 leal O'Neal. Gloria, la 11 - BtlLDl.NU PERMITS. Matt HaJk, mn T. frame dweUlnii, t!,i"0; Ixuls Jobnaon, hiu liurt, repair to dwelling, 11, o; C. W. Martin, frame and etucoo dwelling, na followa: 1 Florence boulevard, i3.M; Florenos boulevard, M.ujO; tM Newport avnnue, l.l.u; 25 Ida, $?.; t7 Tltiie avnue, VOil; iAiil Kanaaa ivvenue, lAMX); Dolt North Twenty-enoond, I.!uO; till Hane&e ffnue, tT.No; 0 Crown Point avenie, IJ,x; im Crown Point avenue, I4.0W; .111 .van. $1,500; JS4 Ida avenue, 1.Xrt; J4T Tltua avenue, ;i,!K; 2Ci VaiVk 2,fiiO; fc3 lji-d avenue, JJ400; iXtt Kexllok avMiu, M.hoO; N'orth Tweny-fouih. tooo Im4 Vrittmore avenue, $2 SDOj Wi Mary, tl.MD: 2iTT Kanmiia avenue KftO; fcT Ktnwa avenue. Titu a venue. la.fc.iO; U31 Iiaumin, 3,RiO; Whltmong avenue. $3,0X1; t6 North Twentyfourth, Today's Movie Programi XJUrrCRN aitdea for tnovle. Bend your copy to ua W oaja reproduce photo or will prepare your copy. We will color aa dlrecUd. Be Photo Dept. ICt Bee Bid. bowm.wa, EMPRESa 15th and Douglas. high class Vaudeville. WHOM TUB OODS WOULD DHBTROT, $-r. Iru iHAM, TUB PTATt'K. KAt.FM COMEDT. )( SAPM'-Hf.Utl NO ., MH. riXBX S UIUIMAIA. V1TAQRAJPH fOM v.iy. I'itiNt.'Ktia. 1H7-1 DOUGLAS. K! Rarrlacole la ft wonderful t-aat Mutual Matrplotur. The Mallug. TI.e Mraw Man. Ciever Juvenile comedy. GRAND, 16TUAND BINNET, "Theater Beautiful- - . Home, of Good Picture. The Romance of Elaine No. I. '. I'uuhi Pal, l'rania. l-eaturlu VMilluu Hart. -rL "J lie Btatrr. iiinnl conw-dv. L4JTUKOP, J4T1I AND. LOTUKOP. Ruth Roland and Henry King In Who 1 be final fHv,ln. V est. MONROE. 2555 FARNAM. A'1" Brady In A T Sow. A William A. Hisilv feature In 6 reels. Ik tilde. APOLLO tk2 4 LEAVENWORTH. Hert-JM'g News Pictorial, No. ti. A l'iyiiil Fsml'y, 1 ree'S. iTU AND N. Midnight at Maxim' -reei Kalem. Onlriit.LM. i4Tli AND N. S'rs. WtKts of the CVbbage Patih. I reela. tinirl.t t r HjiiKytuucn. AX XOCXCE51ENT8 JJTN):Y TUAKS1T CO. fi-vd cis lost rta. Phone Doug. 4511. 1,000 Craw Fish Frjfh every day. V ' "Ml Hi..' U-t'-r, Call Doug Hit V1' . ilAVi. rw.5 led IK 1M bu:i'.iliiga aiin e 1 end litr Lad one stru n. S s t iKr.i-e unr ).,o, AMKKICAN ii-iilMNa hull CO.. 70J a. lu.0 tot. MOVIES a FEATURES ff TODAY rA 1 BES3E. I4TH AND N, Midnight at Malm', 4-ree! Kalem. GRAND, BIXTKENTH A BINNEY. The Romance of Elaine. No. MUNROE. 3666 FARNAM. AH"e Brady In Aa Te Pow, Brady f'afire In t reel. A Wm. A. ORPHEUM. 24T1I AND N. Mra. Wlyga of the Cabbage Patch. I reela. VR1NCES3. 1817-19 DOUGLAS. Resale Barriecile In a wonderful aact Mutual Maaterplece. The MaUng. ANNOUNCEMENTS Cool Offices For HOT DAYS Re Couiforlablo Yourself aa) Furnifih Comfort For Your Customers and Patrons by locating in The Bee Building Superintendent'1 Otfic itoom 10. fnveeUgat) Y.ALCA. out g park, aumjoaa. ATTTtAOTIOHfc WaNTEI ConceMlona and "attraction for carnival at Oraftcn. Kab., Auuat 1. 2 ai. Vr. O. & Hubbard, aecretaxy. AUTOMOBILES Whenever you are conaldertng aelllnf or buvlna; a, uaed car and you want full Va,lue for vour mnnev .iv vn ii wm nnU . . ... . . j va vu nvuv fWyiV who are willing to pay lor what they are .... jruu win nave no regret ir you TrruM inrougn ine uaea car . " c.m mi i ue rg, i nune l yier WW. OWN tit will eacrlfice llil3 CadaUo tour ing car ror quick eale. Tirea nearly new and engine Juat overhauled. Addreaa I .is, Hee, One al.cyllnder Cole. One foiw-t ylinder ( roxton-Keeton. One fonr-ol!n.lor Chalmer. Prlcea from lW to 1,(K). ii. rn-iiuw. rep j arnum Bt iONTKNKLJt; ALTO CO.. 216 8. Win" Bt. RlDert niulHn.' . " ' ' ' til UMU ' 'yzlllzr0 mm iPreented, lioo RtoWAnn r,. . "7 . r..i.l. ..-"'""""i" we can l ' ' 'B ""ywt'orrer. yiu N. l.H, .'..n..llM. f ii'in if. amtf, C"wS'i,iiAHS'r":R,.,'prt rolt"" nd 'amp yerton'a for lcy radiator. Wo. denier.. Went an auto. C. J. Canan. McCague bld Induatrlal Oarage Co.. th Harney Bte. t"'.""0 f0 Ford 875 ', fOiFord .... I 225 OVH1"!'1 mVrruck ........... m nd exchange. vJUK AVTO CLBAR1NO HOUSE. cyi Farnam. Tel. Iioua-. it10 A.2l" .-Peew-nger Ford touring oar for J1J6 Farnam n AulomobU College. BUSINESS niAnraa .ilv.our bu'ui" Chance will atand Ilf ,d !velnn nd la Juat what it la advert eed, or If you are looking to atart In bualneaa for vouraelf you will be per fectly aatl.ried If you uae the Bualnoa ln25VdTi,,,n",K0,.Th When bu" ing or aelllng a bualneea I hone Tyler mv. FOR 6AIJ3-Reataurant, Ice cream, par lor, grooerlea. frulta. etc.; boraaln If Neb? "rnlt rM T. K""1 'umlahlnga of the best little liotol In weatei n Nebraaka are lor wale A goo paying bualneaa and a good on! Ptun'ty for aomeone. For term write Mra, C. W. William. OrL "Z.u WiM T I. M I . .. !T.T.l " . , " 7 . Pougu, !?' ExPr,nc unneceawiry. llQNB. ahow carda. Clark 4a Son, D. Ai v iiTr."ri"5, ""","i call on QANOBTAD. m Bee llldjrlioug. H77" k ,L't,t Bualneaa ilaa euppTiiTor handled; all atatee. F. V. Knlaat Omaha. TliUATKKH-buy, leaee er sell your the? ater, maohlu and auppllea through w HLJ,t JHOUv1 PPerty with W. ... ....I.,..., ovine nig. i. to7. TO SELL or bur a -n Buscli A Borghoff. Frenaer Milr. r inYi K , ; -. . . . . fjQtp, iiPrlt"'- R liit Neville bk.MlaeWaltnn: y o.u-im in town or g.ouu, doing a good bualneaa. Beat rllrvj town In the atate. For particular aUdrea Y "L'?-',l3'"i restaurant and borbe? iJlh?,P' 2iJl Av'- "f'N cr tarnriood loostion; reesnn for selling, going out weet B. Marlonald. Bin ite "n. flluff tIVY V Bit 1.1 1 1 ! FOR PA l.Ti-Or trade, blacksmith shor, : r - wmm town. Aoorwi - - . 13 R SAUS-A cement block factory In . ww.. wild uLKiait niaoiunery and mixer and doing a gooil bualneaa. C. P. Stroud, Boelua, Neb. t)H aALB-Bakery doing good paying bualneaa; chance aeldont offered; sac rifice on account loeing my family George Ihmann, VUltsoa, la WANTED to buy hardware stock In small town In Nebraska or Iowa; give fuil particulars in first letter. No trade stork considered. J. F. McLae, Florence. Neb. EDUCATIONAL Boyles College Day Bhool. Ntirht ..r.,..!. business eourse, complete sliorthtmj or steuotype routae, complete telvaraph course, civil service bmuche and tiig linh. Students a'lmttlal at in n, Write, phone or call fur 1911 catalogue. BOYUKS COLI.KOrt. II. R. l'llYl.I--l lr..l,l-r, Tel. D 16''. I.oylva Bids.. Oinaha. Neh. FOR sale, the folium ins arhularaMua In a first i.l"i Oiuaha liusineaa College: Oiu unlimited r..riil,li,i t..n I... ....... and ahoillmnd course. , tne uriiiuutea sieuographlo courae. Cine line inontbs' busiuraa or eteno r!.riic course. Will ha I a A I -n-,1 , n ft . .w. of The Omaha Bee. FOIi BALE FOR SALE Here la a cUsalflcatloa that Is of the uiniust UipurUiuce to every reader, aa tbls cuiuina oifers some eaceu UviiiKi opporiuiiiiiea every dmy eu4 a want ad will sell our article at It full value. 1 hone Tyler 1 w. raralisre, ItwaaehuliX (...oUa, fcte BARUINU IN FURNITURE AND li 1 Jl-AHL!-'?' :th. w En p.;, Yul .S'U coupie leaving cliy August 1 T sell reasonable complele five rooms and hail furnitura. Party purchasing furnl tme can alio rent flat. i N. J6ih m Tel. H. MTV Nr.W lusli sia.le hacrif u-e. F.n ju. k sale. Any reaonal,B offer cepied and terms. Phone lMuglaa W'., Fnrt 8M.E Five gaeranit'(.tjito " 2.3 N. 'Hot bt., or Ij lions Doug a .'j FOIl RALE FertiHejre, llnaarbold t.ooite, Kin. m'SfSibount nd '' f. Reed. Ilareve Vairirs $.'') buy a well broke, neck rtln aaddl horse. H32J Marrleon M. Phnne Wo. . Grocers, Attention! OI'R Isrtre stock of delivery wagon (Stiidebsker'a, and our own make), of fend at low prices to mke room for our new Automobile truck and Ford truck bodies. JoHNSOX-DANFOnTH COMPANY. lf.2-?l-M !!. 8t.. near Clark Kt STRONO. llub'. wagon tor sale; In good condition; 1423 S, 14th; Bod 3 Maslral laairamrsli, Kllshtly u. hlgli olano. D. gmf. I'AaDri, ant a a plie. 8TEKKOTYI'B matrlce make the bel and cheapest lining for poultry houses. They are 17x2.1 Inches, stronger and mor d"mble than taired felt and practically fl'proof. ao a hJndred at The Bee offh'e. y.i.U-A' giain. 100 lb, Wagner, aul X. IHth. TYPEWRITERS, tip and up. V Boa Bldg. Tlphirt olu, rmteu. repairaU. Central Typewriter gie. 106 Farnam. tt teeellaaeoss. BIO sale 00 trunks, bnga and ultoaa Friedman, 1211 I'ongles St. TO11US. shovels, picks, 'aokaorewa, win dow elaaa. 2 rurnunter benches, tl each; 10 mutch machines, 50c each, I hot water 1 boiler complete, VQ; combination electric fixtures, itc each; Iron beds, complete, tl; good hnri-e, lj harneaa, (19; good ex tvres wagon, Is J. a IBM. Tel. Harnev HI 708 B, Wat Aye. fj0 OA Oolden West Whiskey, full JS.'S I quarta bottlad In bond, pre. v pild. Cackley Brca . rmah. MOTOR boat, lli-ft a-h, p., -cyl., eleo trls llahta, dynamo, storage battery, earcbllght, born, finest equipped boat on Cartsr Lake. Johnson, vt H. Uih St. D 246 XT iJ-hand motors, dynamo, 1NPW magneto, etc. mechanloal . ' w " ' repairs. Le Brou UleoUio Work,lla-f0 & uth St FOR SAXJ&-tlOo Hall safe, juat a good ft new: lw will take it. CADlLUAC CO. OF OMAHA, tOCA Farnam Bt. Doug. 123".. t OH BALK New and second-hand carom arid pocket biMlard tables and bowling alle and accessories; bar flxturea of nil kinds; easy payments. The Brunswlck-balke-Colh nd' r Co.. 4Q7-HO H. 10th Bt. Id-hand Burrough adding machine. Excel lent condition. Must sell quick. J-7M, Be. HELP WANTED FEMALE Clerical a ad Office. BTENO r&: srtcno.,. ftlo; teno, and bkkpr., email office, 140; stenographer, railroad, m0; comp. opr., executive ability, $40. Wfc NB.TO TEMPORARY 8TENOS. WATTS RKF. CCX, SM8-40-4i Bran. ITjea. CAN plac today, 3 morei slenographers. BUSINiIBS MHN'8 REFERENCE AfcWN. m-30 Woodmen of World. factory aa Trades. QIWL to learn halrdresalng. Opnenhelm. lionM-keepera aad Domestics. THE Bervant Girl Problem Solved. The Ben will run a Servant Girl Wanted Ad FREE until you get the desired results. This applies to residents of Omaha, South Omaha and Council Bluffa. Bring ad to The Bee office or telephone Tyler 1000, WANTED Cook, white woman, between 36 and 36 yeara, to KO with party to New Orleana end return on motor boat trip. State quallficatione. Address Thos, K. Boyce, Owyhee Hotel, Boise, Ida. or 21 housework. Mra. Fred HaJra. xa R. 16th ec. Appiy mcrrungM. WANTKI A middle aged woman for general housework, am a. lutn Ht, WANT ED O I rl for housework, small family, German or Bohemian preferred. Call Webster Mlaeellaaaoaa, YOUNG women coming to Omaha a strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women Chrlatian aaaoclatlon building at St. Mary's Ave. and 17th Bt. where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers' guide at Union atatlon. HELP WANTED MALE Clerical aad ufliue. (WANTED Drug clerk. I to S yeara ox perlence. bckermann, 24th and A Bt., South 611. SALESMAN, A-4 proposition. Junior salesman, city, 140. WATTS ItEF. CO., h38-tO-43 Bran, ea. ST KNOURAPHER Young man of good education, brain and exceptl-wal nbll jtv, for rlvate eecretarv to one of Omaha' moat successful financier. Only man of highest caliber and standing; accurate, rapid and dependable. Give ref erencea, experience, salary, eta Address M 7 Hi, care Omaha Bee. HKlH-OUAliK commercial positions. WKsT. REFERENCE A BOND ASSN. 701 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. NEW location, 640 Paxton Blk. We have eeveral positions open. Roger Ref. Co. Aeeuta. aateatava a4 tollcttors, CITY solicitors wanted. Beat of refer ence required, ttalarr to right man. Call Meneray-Omeha Nursery Co., & State Bsnk Bid., or Slat and Avenue A, Council Bluffa, la WANTED STATE I IEPRESENTATTVE A MAN OF KXEOITTIVB ABILITY. ONE WHO IS CAPABLE OF HAND LINli SALESMAN. WE ARU IVTRO. PVCINO FOR THE- FIRST TIME? IN TMEl UMTED STATES AN ENTIRELY NKW HOUSEHOLD INVENTION THAT jf? BOUND TO REVOLUTION1ZHJ PRFPENT METHODS Ht'dK SI'C. CFbS IN ETUROVH PAST SIX YEARS. BIO SALES AND PROFITS ASSURED. DEVICE -BELLS FOR 30.. A NECES SITY FOR KVP.KT ItO.MO. PARTY MUST HB FINANCIALLY RESPONSI BLE. AND MUST CAME WELL REC PMMFNPKI). AN EXCEPTIONAL OP PORTUNITY FOR BRIGHT MAN. WRITE IS FULLY CONCfTRNXNG YOUFSEI.F. ir AFPIJCATION IS SATISFACTORY. WILL HAVE TRAVE LING REPRESENT A TIVH CALX, ON Tfil' AND lEMONSTRATB THIS WONPFH FULLY EFFICIENT DEVICE. APimiM THE INTKK NATION A L UTILITIES CO.. TRANSPORTATION BIJMl., CHICAtm. 11,1 o 10 BALKriMEvN and uraauiiers, or men with iiisursnr. subscription or adver tising experience, to do national work; not Insurance; t-V to 3100 per week to men of ability, must furnish bond; give reference and exiwrlence in first letter to get attention: no advancea; exceptional opportunity. Write O. W. O, M Ob servatory Bldg., Ivs Moines. la. o WE have a good plane for a live Inaur ance man. Mutual 'Vneflt Health 4k Ao Cldent Aas'n . 4-3 City 'Nat ank Bldg. Very Desirable 8 pace for Printing Office Light, water and Janitor aervlc free. Cheap rower Inquire The Bee Building Co. liHerlDtendenC Office. Room 10 J. Factors' aad t.aees. prig store ana pa: join. K no 1st. Bee Bldg. Free Tuition lor a short time. WESTERN BARBER ul 11-hk. ie. rise tt v K need men; had to turn down two bs per week Islttly. Get In. Lear ' our method. Get one of thee )oba 'sl-gue D. R Ii,. Nebraska Auto ) -Id School. 1417 Dudgs bl HELP WAXTED-MAI.K Kartory an4 Trades- WANTED At once, one boiler marker. familiar with work In contract ahop. Address, Fremont Foundry and Machine t'o. Fremont. Neh. LKAHNBAIU3E1I TIIADE Wage paid. Tool given. Porltlon guaranteed. Call or write for Information. Trl-flty College. 1124 Uouglaa. Omaha. ilOLER BATlliEH COLIQE Special aummer rate, mailed free. 110 80. 14th ft.. Catalogue Omaha. Positions Now Open. AMERICAN AUTO 1 fJ Farnam St.. Free Catalogue. OMAHA. NEB. Bt Iscellaaroas. MEN wanted: government Job; WO rr month; Omaha examinations Sept. U. Sample questions free. Frtnklln Insll- u': DfP' tZl F. Rochester. N. Y. WANTED Names of men, IS or over, wishing government Jobs. month. No pull necesenry. Ad'irees Y W1. Bee. WANxtiD at once, concrete and steel bridge foreman; preferably expciiem-ed in Iowa bridge and culvert work. Apply Bos 208. Tama, la. SITUATION'S WANTED GIRI iiaa been working l.i firm c'ass hnlai In V. VL. ...... v 1. a head pantry girl; familiar with ai: ort of fancy salads Address J "iii, Bee. YOUiS'G mn with good habit want 01 any Kino: nave nan experience 1 bookkeeping and typewriting. Inquire l 11 A.l.tltfl.l 9,117 l,..4aA u r-m . Tyler Wcl. YOUNG lady would like position as clerk Or office work: oxrMirlenrpd In arm-era and garage business; can furnish refer ences. Mis O. borenson, Box 47, Grand Ave., Counall Bluffs. Ia. LADY of eduoatlon and refinement Would like emnlrtvment nf inma lilnrt Can cook. Reference furnished. Ad. dreee G-1X9. Bee. W A N T B D-Posltlon by experienced draughtsman. J. Ia Ferguson, 343 Ben ton St., Council Bluffs, la., Tel. 8721 WANTED Position aa bookkeeper, cashier or office work. Harney 4lta, EXPERIENCED farmer with good team and wagon want grain haulina- or mow ing, mowing machine to be furnished. Addres K TBI. Be. Phone $223, Council liiuria. WANTED A steady position as house keeper, in or near city. Addres 8302 Leavenvtottli St., Omaha, Neb. LADY would like to take care of child ren afternoon or evening. Address M 719, Beo. WANTED Steady position doing cham bermaid work, dusting or cleaning. D. 4S8. COLORED girl 13 year old want steady posit Inn to assist In housework. Phone Webster 1344. COLORED man desire teady place In nouseworx, cook, or any otner claa work; references. Phone Web. 7324. COLORED boy want steady light work of any kind. Web. 6839. COLORED couple wish work in hotel as kitchen help; have bad 10 year' hotel experience. Tel. Web. 6i67. POSITION wanted by young woman. 27, as housekeeper; can take full charge, In country. Please atate wag is and par ticular. Writ Mis Kretchmer, 2423 S. 4th St.. Omaha. WrIDOW, with e-ycar old boy, want position In small town. Addres Mr. M. Hpencer, care general delivery. YOUNG lady wlshea steady position a housekeeper. V. 3tib6. LOST AND POUND OMAHA COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Persons iiavlng lost some article would do well to call up the office of th Omaha 4k Council Bluffs Street Rallwny company to aacertaln whether they left It in the street cara. Many artlolea each day are turned In nd the company la anxious to restore th em to the rlghtfu I owner. Call Doug. 43 STRAY KD OR STOLEN 1 bay horse -with atar In forehead, left hind foot white, weight 1.100; small sore under hslter rubs. Reaaonable reward will be offered for it return. Harrington Mer cantile Co., Florence, Neb. Phone Flor ence S40. 1 I . . IT 1 .4 ... t . 1 - - ' - m 1.. viii.ii. w ami aim Found medium means the Immediate re turn of that article if advertised In The Bee, the Lost and Found paper. LOST OR STOLSTn Large gray horse, wire cut on hind leg; finder notify H, Olisaman. Station Ik Omaha, or phone Walnut 1631L PERSONAL YOUNG women coming to Omaha as etrangera are invited to visit the Young Women s Christian association bulldlnu at Win at. and St. Mary'a Ave., where tney win oe directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look tor our travelers' aid at the Union statlen. THE Salvation Army Industrial home so licit your old clothing, furniture, maga glnes. We colleot. We distribute. Phone Dougiaa 4186 and our wagon will call. Call and inapeot our new home, 1110-1113-1114 Dodge St. fif YOU or any of your family, young or old. are troubled with Indiuuatlon nr constipation, write the Continental Pro ducts Co., )T07 N. Halstead. 6t.. Chicago. GORDON, tbe Magaain Man. Tel. Doug. 71C4. . SWAPPERS' COLUMN Wanted to Swap. Wuy not advertise something that you no longer have any use for and get something you really need? It coeta you uothing to loin the fcwappers' Club and you will find It lots of fun swapping things. Write Room lot. iee rung., or pruuie lyirri'w. Ai1'O Too Lb Dundy chest full of auto mobile tools, will trade. What have you? S. C. 2tt9. Bee. AUTO Stanley alesuner, 10 h. p., 4-pass., fully equipped, silk mohair top. Rush more lamps, Presto; trade for gas car; might pay some difference. Tula I in A-l condition. S. C. 1263, Bee. AUTOMOBILES Fur other automobile bargains ae tbe "Autoiuublle" claastfi- tailon. CH KMT full of automobile tools. Will trade fur diamonds, or what have you? Addifss S. C 11WV cate Bee. CHALMERS auto to trade aa part pay ment on acreage property: ten acre or lees, or what have you? Address 8, C. LI. Ba-e. DIAMOND karat. 115. to trade for . . I . r. . . ' .V. 1 1 - , K. M...w A ... 1 V , a.,UB. ,n. .. . , are w a. 1.1. make. Addreaa B. C. 1270, Bee. ENGLISH Bull dog to trade for Bird dog. aja.-i.t-r iiriri rrti. auurra I m, nee. GOoD Guitar to trade for Mandolin, con ceit alia ot 3iJ value with case. Want a better Mandolin, willing to pay dif ference. Addreee S. C. l'.tl. Bee. GOOD residence lot in Cedar Rapids, la.. to exchange for late model roadster or flve-pasaenser car. Address Y-t;l, Bee. GENUINE lulnk furs. kodauT opera giaasaMi, hand-mad china, cabinet and too braae bed. Vt iil UaUe for dlamonda Address. S C, 1266. HORSE. RUGOY. ETC. Nice little all- around horse. ruDber-tlrt-d buvxy, har ness, gardenrr'a wagon, express harness. Mow. cultivator, drag, fctd arinder and five d-en homer pigeons and accessor ies for Ford auto or runabout In good coudition. tonis of my liiinxa are new ana su in gooa conaitioa. Addrea B. C 1J-4. liee. lCK'liOX-1 sd abort time; good condi tion. Will swap tor rhhkena talue to lid or any thing else. Add reus 8. C, Hc-e. ONE dresser, 1? rolls of plsyer piano UU music, one 6x7 camera, 1 sanitary couch aid a lean mowr, In good condition. What l.a.s you to awap? Addreaa a, C. Lui, Bee. SWAPPERS troLUMX maTl" ORDER BUSINESS Old-estab lished business In city. This will In voice about .",Oj0. and l. doing a good business the year round. A splendid proposition for anyone. Doe not require experience. W managed by a lad for 10 year. Very light running expen Must make a change at once, ao will ex change for clear land or residence prop erty of equal value. Investigate this If you want a paying proposition. Addres S. C. 1271, Bee. ONE ."fc-lnch Btec-I and fibre trunk; one l-lnch leather lined handbag; will trade.- Address S. C. V2M. Hee. ORGAN Kimball, ueed abort time, good condition, will wap for pony, shotgun or anything of eaual value. What have you T Address P. C. 12B.S, Bee. riA.-o What have you a v payment on new standard planof arcfcp. 8. C. 12K7. Bee artlal Ad- PRINTING outfit, confuting of two presses, motor, plenty of type, impos ing stones. Will trsde for land, automo bile, stock merchandise valued at $1,200 Address S. C. 12W. PIANO Manufactured by Booth Bros., almost new; first class condition; pre fer diamond or lot. Add. -ess S. C. 14.', Beo. SINGEiR ewing machine, drophead, -drawer; good condition. What have you to trade? Address S. C. 12T7. Bee. TYPEWRITER What have you that i useful for a 12 Hammond typewriter! Address fi. C. 125S, Bee. TYPEWRITER Smith Premier type writer No. 4, In good condition; trade. Make offer. Address 8. C. 12r-2, Bee. 60 VOLUMES law text books, message of president end encyclopedia, for any thing 1 can use. Address, s. c. 1Z5, Res WELL secured motgage on Omaha prop erty and difference for diamond worth up to $. Address 8. C. 1188, care Bee. WILL trade I. H. C. truck for good Twin motorcycle. Benson SOS-J. WILL swap Hupmoblle. 20 horeepower roadster repainted, redesigned, thor oughly overhauled, new tlrea and fully equipped except top; will take motor cycle. What have you? Addres S. C. 1254. Bea. WHAT have you- to aw an for ft I H.-P. Falrfcank-More vertical gaaollne en gine, air compressor, air tank and auto matic air hammer and complete et of drills? Addres 8. C. 1272. Bee. WANTED TO flUT Yale buys everything Knd hand. Web. 4904. OFFFICE furniture bought and sold- J, C. Reed, 1207 Farnam. Doug. 14 WANTED We wlah to install a bowling alley. If you have a good one that ha been used some for sale, addres Sibley ft Langevln, Curtis. Neb. WANTED TO RENT WILL leaae 9 or 10-room modern hom prefer close In; can furnish best of ref erences. Apply 628 Ree wing. vveo. sow. o FOR REN1 Apartmenta aad Flats. The For Rent advertisement appearing In the For Rent column of The Bee dally cannot be beat for variety that will pleaae end fill the needs of any one de siring to lent, fnone yier iwo. 6 AND ROOM apartment, north, strictly modern, greatly reduced rent 2501 Sher man Ave. FOR RENT-24-19 6-room brick flat. Blnney St.. 127.60, Tel. Webster 731. 6-ROOM apartment, St. George, 118 N. 81st Ave. Phone Tyler 1636; evening, Web. 174. o BOMETHING new 7-room duplex dwell ings. 623 Park Ave, VERY choice, 4 or (-room, steam-heated apartment on West Farnam street. JOHN W. ROBBIN8. 1802 FARNAM BT. ( RMS. 1713 Leavenworth, Phone D. 3602. A n gelu Apt., t and 4-room apt. H. 204. o ESTABROOK, 4 rooms, modern, cool, close-in, 126. O. P. Stebbin. LOW RENTAL. Fine six-room apartment, in Hanscom park district, near park line car. Janitor service and heat; only 346. This I a nap. Ask for appointment to see it. SCOTT A HILL CO., Dougla 1009. Famished A part meats. FRONT APARTMENT. SPLENDID. NEW, FURNISHED APARTMENT for rent In the NEW Traverton FIREPROOF. I4TH AND LAN DON COURT. Catering to people of refined taste. Apartment 1 completely equipped for houeekeeplng; up-to-date and comfort able. TRAVER BROS.. Tel. Dour! s 1163. 706 Omaha Nat Bank. 4-ROOM aipt., nicely furnished; front view, strictly modern: price 836 per mo. Hot and cold water. Howard Manul Apts., 21st and Howard. Phone Doug. 0164. Board and Iteems, Furnished Rooma that offer every mod ern convenience and comfort In private families or boarding bouaea of the high- eat class will best be found In the Fur nished Room column of The Bee. Phone Tyler lonO. Faralshed Moons. REEDHURST, 108 N. 26th-Beautlful . lawn; homelike surrounding; meal un excelled; room single or en aulte. D, 83o0. The Prath, cool, cloae In, 13 S. 26. D. 8138. LARGU, modern, cool, desirable front Ki.m. 1 tit . . C u. u .ii a . n. i a. , . ' 1 1 1 ai , , i . o a. ajar;., 1M. a. 4n.II D BEAUTIFUL room, with two exception ally large closets. In a West Farnam home; large porch and yard; good board; If you do not aee anything'- that aulta you In the way of Furnished Room you tan call at Room lot Bee Bid., and aak for th Free Furnlahed Room bureau and we will gladly refer you to ft high class rooming or boarding houa In any part of I he city. SPECIAL LOW RATES TO PERMANENT GUESTS. HOTEL SAN FORD, 19th A Famun. HOTEL HA RLE Y. 20th A Farnam. 8. front rooms, single or enaulle, modern, cioso in. itt unaon t.'ourt. noii, mi. Furnished large front room to rent, close in. 610 a. gist Ave, mono Dougiaa 7&19. ITBral.aad HaaaaaiMiai.i. a. . .. - UZt DODGE-Uodern light boueekeepingi reasunaoie. North 22d, 614 Front room, mod., rea a. ST. MARY'S AVE., x3 1 rooms fonv complete; modern. Phone D. MODERN suite of housekeeping, rooms; aim single rooms, inv nioago. o. avis. Four nice rooms; new bath. 1113 8. llth. frooma and bath. 1113 8. llth. Itoaeae aad Cetlace. Itertla. 11K N. CD ST. New -r. brlek. mod. ex. heat: ateel range, ga plate, kitchen cabinet, water liald. 317. RASH BROS, lot M CAGUE BLDO. 8-M. modern; f'.ue yard: large barn ault abie for garage. Ito7 No. lmh. Web. $678. ata. For Rent South half of double brick feeuae T room. 4 bedrooms, ail modern, at lill South tyia fel.. star Park school, one block east of Haaeooua para 1ml Dougiaa 8m3. 3kJ Pacific, 7-r., modern. Will put la beat condition, IJ6. 1H Park Ave., T-r.. modern. In fine condition. liV ARM STRONG-WALSH COMPANY. Tyler t-.tate Bank Bldg. tCouUeued oa Col. 7, tlila Pago.) Ready Reference Directory The following firms offer quality and expert service that will please tbe most critical: ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. REED ABSTRACT CO.. oldest abstract office In Nebraska. 2f" 'Brandels Thea. ADVER TI9I.U MJVEL.TIES. F. Shafer Co., 12th. Farnam. P. 7474. M AMATF.LR FIM9HINU. FILMS developed free if purchased from rlLMS developed free If purrnasea iron. Photo Craft Shop, 41 Bee Bldg. Dept. P. ACCOUNTANTS. E. A. DWOkAK. ACCOUNTS AUDITED Book opened and closed. Cost eystem installed Ict me call on you to explain the advantages cf mv eudlt service system. Addres 4.3 437 Ramre Bldg Phone. Dong. 1408. ARCHITECTS. Everett 8. Podds, 12 Paxton Blk. P. 21r ARTIFICIAL STONE SIDEWALKS SIDEWALKS, drive, floors, walla, ateps. oplngs: anything In guaranteed con crete. Est. J MM. John Grant Pavlnf.f,0.' 630 Paxton. D.3318. O.B.Grant Mgr. W,"28. ATTRACTIONS. MCNIC PARTIlTrl DE-ilRtNO RE FRESHMENTS PHONFJ HANaCOM TIC. ATTORNEYS. T. Dlltlnson. 611 Paxton Blk. P. 104. AUCTIONEERS. Dowd Auction Co.. 1115-lfl W.O.W. R, 82S8. Nat'l ale tc Auction Co., 1327 W. O. W. AUTO INSURANCE. AUTOMOBILD MUTUAL INSURANCB CO.. Dougla 219. AUTO RADIATOR REPAIRS. Omaha Radiator Rep -o., 2028 Far. P .tWI. BAKERIES. Z. H. REEDER, 1608 N. 18th. Web. 82T. MEDDING. OMAHA PILI5W CO.. 1907 Cuming. Dougla 2467. Renovate feather and mattresses of all kinds, makts feather mattresses and down covers. BLUE PRINTING. HORNBY BLUB PRINT CO., 802 Omaha National Bank Bldg. BRASS AND IRON FOUNDRIES. Paxton-Mltehell Co.. 27th and Martha St. CARPENTERS AND CONTRACTORS. STEVENSON. 82S B. Tta. Pougla 6620. Lessard A Son, 1906 Cap. Ave. T. 1632. CHIROPRACTIC SPINAL. ADJU'M'TS Dr. J. C. Lawrence. 1 Balrd Bldg. P. 846L Pr. C. H. Brlggs, 2323 Harney. Red 7711, CHIROPODIST. Carrie J. Burford. 820 Pax. Blk. Red 4fr. CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION. Western representative of VELVETTLB COMPOSITION flooring. 1NVESTI QATB. 811-13 City Nat. Bk. Bldg. D. 1672. DANCING ACADEMIES. CHAMBERS Academy, classic P. lSTt Summer rate now at Mackie'a; private lessons dally. 1818 Harney. Doug. 644ii. DRESSMAKING. Terry Presamak'g college, 2Xh A Farnam Exp. dressmaking; home; out. Web. 6815. DYERS AND CLEANERS. STATE Pry Clng. Co.. 120 N. 12th. P. 6071. DETECTIVES. JAMES ALLAN, 812 Neville Block. Evl dence aecured In all case. Tyler 1 134. DENTISTS. Pr. Bradbury. No pain. 821 W. O. W. Bldg Pyorrhea. Pr. Flcke. 724 City Nat Bank. Taft Dental Room, 1517 Dougiaa. P. 2180. IJKUGS. DRUGS at cut price; freight paid on $10 order; catalogue free. Sherman A Mc Connell Drug Co., Omaha, Neti ELECTRIC PIANOS. Continental Nov. Co.. 119 N. 15th. Term. ELECTRIC UUl'UK REPAIRING. CAHILL ELECTRIC CO.. Bee Bldg.D.tTTt 'electrolysis. Uloa Allender. 824 Bee Bldg. Red 8055. EVERY THING FOR WOMEN. ACCORDION, aide, knife, sunburst, box pleating; covered button, all slsea and style; hemstitching, plcot edging. Ideal Pleating Co., 2u0 Dougiaa Block. D. 1U3X. NEW YORK sample store. Must vacate, building coming down; cloak, suits and dresses sacrificed. 208 N. 16th St FURNACES AND TIN WORK. HABERSTROH. 4026 Hamilton. Wal. 2971. FLORISTS. BATH'S, florist. 1804 Farnam SL P. 3000. L, HENDERSON. 1519 Farnam. P. 1261 Member Florist Telegraph Del. Ass n. UES3 A 8WOBODA. 1415 Farnam St. A. PONAOHUE. 112 Harney. Doug. 1001. GOLD AND SILVER PLATING. Haaaa. 1 WIS replace everything of metal. Omaha Plating Co., 1230 Harney St Est 1SH8. HAT CLEANING. Panama cleaned. D. Elsele. 1138 Cltv Nat. INSTRUCTION English, French, Instruction. 306 Lyrio Bid ICE. Lakeside Ice Go FOR ICE 'PHONE WEBSTER 6911 General Office. 13th and Manderson bta JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. H. IL CLAIBORNE, 611 Paxton Blk, R 7a-L Notary Put., deposition aleuo. C. W. BR ITT. 801 Baker block. LIVE STOCK COMMISSION. MARTIN BROS. A CO.. Exchange Bldg. LIGHTING FIXTURES, WIRING. DTIRK1V Thornae. Dougla 2519. uuxmi.t Uit Cuming St. MOVING PICTURE MACHINES. OMAHA Film Ex., 14th and Doug. Motion picture machine and tilm bargains. MOTORCYCLES. HARLET-DA VIDSON MOTORCYCLES. Bargains in used machinea. Victor Rooa, "The Motorcycle Man." 270g Leavenworth. MUSIC AND ART. RAGTIME piano playing. Positively ..Uuht, ia leaaori. 4220 Cuming St Walnut 3379. MOTIONS. NOTIONS, new a cigars, candy, las Park OCULISTS. Eye examined, glasses fitted, par yoq can. Drs. MrCsrty. 1111 W. O. W. Bid. OSTEOPATHIC I'.t SR1.4AS, JOSEPHINE ARMSTRONG. 615 Bee Bldg PATENTS. P. O. Barnell, Paxton Blk. Tel. Red TU7. H. A. Pturges, fj?.C Brandels Theater Bldg. -PAINTING AND PAPERING. HUGH M'MANUS. 417 N. 40th. H. 5-J PLATING. P. 6277. Acme Platlnir Co. Ill S. 15th St. o POSITIONS WANTED. SEE U8 for a Steno. or bookkeeper. Free ervlce Co-Op. Ref. Co. Doug. 4911 PRINTING. WATFRS-BARNHART Ptg. Co.. quality printing. Tel. Doug. 2190. 624 8. 13th SL CENTRAL PRINTING CO. DOUG. 8754 DOUGLAS Printing Co Tel. Dougla 844. RUBOAUE COMPANIES. NEBRASKA RUB BAG E CO. Thl la the man to call if you have any ashes or tin cane to haul. Phone Webster 6819. SAFE AND TIME LOCK EXPERTS. SAFES Opened, repaired, comb, changed. F. E. Daven port, 14"8 Podge. D. 18V1. SCALE REPAIRING. Om, Standard Scale Co., 618 8. 12th. P.OTX . SHOE REPAIRING. FRIEDMAN BROS., ahoe repair. 211 S, 4. ! SEWING MACHINES. We rent, repair, sell needle and parts for all eewina for all eewing machlnt "MICKEL'S," . machines. NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., 15th and Harney. - Douglas 1663. SECOND-HAND CLOTHES BOUGHT. Highest price paid for clothe. P. 4714. STEEL CEILINGS. CARTER Sheet Metal Company, 110 8. 10. SCREEN DOORS. Omaha Window Screen Co., Poug. 4802. STORE AND OFFICE FIXTURES. DESKS, safe, scales, showcases, shelv ing, etc. W buy, sell. Omaha Fixture nd Supply Co., 414-16-18 P. 12th. Doug. 2721. TOWEL SUPPLIES. OMAHA Towel Supply, 207 S. llth. P. 528. TAILORS. CHAS. C. LANDERYOU, 108 N. 16th St TRUNKS AND SUITCASES. FRET-ING A STEIN LE. 1808 Farnam St. TYPEWRITERS FOR RENT. RENT an Oliver typewriter mo. for 4 Oliver Typewriter Agency, 1906 Farnam. i ' BUTTS Typewriter Exchange, Sit S. 18th St All makes for aale or rent. - RENT a "Remington, not lust a type- writer. Low rent. Call Douglas 12s4 WATCH SPECIALISTS. Christiansen, 2d fl, Paxton Bk.. 18 vr. exp. - WEDDING STATIONERY. Wedding announcement. Doug. Ptg Co. WINES AND LIQUORS. ALEX JETE8. 201-8 S. JSth SL Wine, liquor, cigar. Plate dinners 11 to I, 10c. HENRY POLLOCK LIQUOR HOU885, 16th and Capitol Ave. Ten-cent lunch. MEDICAL RHEUMATISM treated successfully, re sults guaranted. Dr. Bowser, 314 Bee Bldg. PILES. FISTULA CURED. Pr. E. R. Tarry cure pile, fistula and other rectal diseases without surgical operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book on rectal disease with testimonial. DR E. R. TARRY. 240 Lee Bldg. RUPTURE cured In few day without pain. Call or write Dr. Wray, 80S Be Bldg.. Omaha. Established 1614. o FOR RENT Hoaaea and Cottagrea. Soath. 9-ROOM, modern house, 2407 Jones, 832 00 per month J. I. Kemp, Dougla 9S7. West. IIOME FOR RENT IN WEST FARNAM DISTRICT: A verv desirable and up-to-date modern home, with four bed rooms and sleeping porch, 800. Possession August 1. Will lease for term of years. J. H. DUMONT A CO., IT. 11 Cl.t Uanl, UM .,...,. rSnna S4W HlaeelUsrosa. BARGAINS IN RENTALS. 837.606 rooms, entirely modern, t bed- roon-a upstairs, corner lot, nice shade and shrubbery, 2301 N. 22d St. 83S.00 7-room. etrlctly . modern, elegant home, practically good a new; oak finish; paved street. 1534 Spruce $40.00 Brand new, 3-atory house, fine sleertng porch, entirely modern. In Field club district. 3.M5 Pacific Ft SCOTT K- HILL COMPANY. DOUO. 1009. HOUSES APARTMENTS FLATS. 812.0k t-r., H4 N. lbtii.. mod. ex. heat. llu.i'O-S-r.. lt S. 27ih Ave.; newly dec. Si-SOO-I-r., ?.I0J Howard modern. 331 rnv-s-r., ESS S. 28th Ave., modern, 32 50r.. 117 S. SOth St.. modern. 7-r.. 703 8. 18th., mod. Janitor erv. $45.00 7-r.. CI S. JHth, mod., hot and cold water janitor ervl-e. $45 01 7-r., "17 H. 18ih, mod . Janitor eerr. .'.0OO -r., Sf?8 Harnev, mod., flrat claa. $75.00 8-r.. 1121 Farnam; extra fine. os-yltox: A- COMPANY. Tel. P. 7rA. W3 Cltv Nat. Bank Bldg. AT.I. MODERN. 8-r. !)Hrk. 11 N. l0!h. 8150. 6-r. brick. 2o3 S. 30th, $25. 6-r and hall. 1 block lo car, full -tory. sou a re. $2S. 8-r. and ball. Sfith, near Farnam. 835. O'KEFFP REAL E5TATM CO., IfiH Omaha Nat. Douglas 2T1S. SEV EN rooms, strictly modern, full lot. on paved street 2'4 blocks from car line. Rent, $30 per month. J. H. DUMONT A CO.. 418-18 State Bank Rlda. Phone Doug. A. 60 HOUSES IN ALL PARTS OF THE CITY. F P. WEAD. Ift'l FARNAM ST. -NW LAKE. drnrly 5-r. modern. Web. 74o3. irnilRPH C-elrh Sons ft Co.. Bee bldg. f-Kf the Certral Furniture fltorea FRE9 pe-NTAI. I.'ST Alt etes. -r month t.r. V)7 palut GlobeVan & Storage Stereo, move, pack ahlpa: S-horse van an I men. t Ci per hr. : storage 88 per mo SarUfnctloB cuar. D. r)g A Tr. laV ( CONT1N u E O ON PAOE NINE, ' . COLUMN ONE.).