Newspaper Page Text
TI1K RKK: OMAHA. Kill DA V. .H'l.V PA 11 URAL ESTATE ACREAGE Why Not Buy An Acre In Benson Gardens? Equal to six or eight rejlar city lots. The advantages are many. You will hnvo plenty of room for a garden. You can grow all the vegetables you need. You can have from 500 to 1,000 chickens. Your car faro is the sunie (5 cents.) You can have a cow and have fresh milk. You will have a better place for your children. You can grow all the fruit you need. You can reduce the high cost of living. You will have better health. You have no city taxes to pay. v There are many other good reasons why you should buy an acre in this beautiful Acreage Tract. Only $10.00 down, $10.00 a month payments. The best savings account you can have. Call and get prices and literature telling more about it. Hastings & Hey den 1614 IIARNEY STREET. FOR, RENT Moose lottacf.! Mlecellaaeeaa. FIDELITY rntai, FREE flunt Do'ialaa 288 for complete Hat of Vacant house and apartments; also for, moving. 18th and Jackson Rts. -ftcOM. 1717 Leavenworth. Km. Phone D. Gordon Van Co. Stoisra. tl N. 11th St Tel. D XSH or Web. 1283. Maggard's Van and storage Co. Call ua for as tlmataa for mov- inv, peckln unc, 14W. shipping. 1711 Webstar aH. Dcuglas FOR COLORED. ttt.fSO MNS Paul 6 rma., gas. iwater paid. 316.002323 a 16th rma.. toilet, u, water. 118.001121 Pacific 7 rma.. mod. ex. heat. 1 8. 80th Ave., modern, $30. tfOS-10 N. 18th, 10-r , mod., each $30. 1033 8. 22d, 8-r.. $18. W. FARNAM SMtTFT CO.. Phone D. 1064. 1820 Farnam St. J. C. Reed j Exp. Co., moving. aoklng at storsge. 207 Farnam. D. H4& Ittm bad Offices. Nice Cool Office With Vault Near the Elevatov and Stairs Electric Light Free THE BEE BUILDING COMPANY, Superintendent's Office, Room 103. FOR RENT Ground floor and basement Maaontc brick building, 30x80 feet. Ktwner front, corner lot. business aec tlon, county seat Inquire of J. L Grimm, Wil per. Neb. Office on 17th St Double "Windows ONLY VACANT ROOM AVAILABLE ON THE STREET. Private Office Waiting Rtoih 180 Sq. Ft. $18.60 The Bee Building Office Room 103. REAL EST AXE PARK A RANCH LANDS FOR SALE liaUtraia. , Live Oalt Colo tuna, none better. W. T. Smith Co.. IIM4 City Nut. Bfc. T. 8819. Colorado. FOR SALE Four sections Cheyenne countr. Colo., land for Bale. Good col ony propoaltlon. Address Y 837. Bee. Florida. vortT ACRES, two miles from Arcadia F-ia what have you to trade, worth $3.UUt). Box HI. Teoumsoh, Neb. Iowa. intra rrr a farm for SALE? Write a. good description of your land .nrf ...mi it to the Sioux City. la.. Journal. 'Iowa'a Moat Powerful Want Ad Me dium." Twenty-five worde every Friday evening, Saturday morning and every Saturday evening and Sunday morning r. one month, uivlng sixteen ada on twelve different day for $2; or 60 word a. $4. pr 75 words, fa. T.tiret circulation off anr Iowa news paper, 60.000 re ad era daily In four great atatea. MINN, farmi; low price, easy terms. Idtnneeota Land Co., P. O. 817. Omaha. 140 ACREd 46 mllea from Minneapolis, one mils from town; 160 acrea under cultivation; balance uael for pasture; can practically all be cultivated; tioavy soil; good Ml buildings, consisting of -room bouae. large barn, granary, corn crib., windmill., etc.; tha land will pro duce 8 buahela of corn per acre; tele phone In bouse; country thickly settled: complete set of machinery; fl bead of stock, consisting of 11 cows, balance I and J years old; al good boraes; i boga: chickens; one-half of this year's crop and everything on farm goes at 00 per acre; half cask, ktohwab Bros., 1041 Plymouth bldg.. Minneapolis. Minn. . MlMuuri. BLACK alluvial soil; corn, 90 bu. acra; wheat, 40 bu. Alfalfa and hogs make the farmers rich. Notice the price, tit per acre; $4 acre cash, balance twenty years. Opportunities like till, are rare, be Independent. Buy a farm now. G. P. Btebblna. ftebraslut. I HAVE 40 acrea of land in Oarfild county, Neb. Would like to sell. Will take (4 per acre for It. Address W. T. Reeves, lenton. Neb. i REAL ESTATE LOANS ITIKM LOANS, f. PUR CENT. TOLAND A TRUMBULL. 448 Bee Bldg Ijnn TO llOonA made iiromiitly. F. D. Wend, Wead BldgT-. 1W sna r amam cts. CITY and term loana, i. i't P r cent. J. H. Humont 'o., 41 State bank. WANTED City loans an l wertanta. W Farnam Smith at Co., 1320 Farnam St WANTED Good farm and city loans at lowest rates. PETERS TRUST CO.. 1823 Farnam. CITT property. Large loans a apeclalty. W. H. Thumae. .state Bank bldg. MONEY on band for city and farm loana. H. W. Binder. City National bank Bldg. OMAHA homes. Fast Nehiaska farms. O'KEEFE REAL, E-STATli CO.. 1011 Omaha National, phone lHuglas 2716. PRIVATE MONET. 82,000 to loan on improved farm. E. Reiff A Co.. 0S Brandeis Hl.lg Geo. SK'W us first for farm loans in eastern Neh. United States Triwt Co.. Omaha. t( CITY liOANS. C. U. Carlberg, v 810-12 Brandeis Theater bldg. 'WANTED City and farm loans, lowest rates. W. Q. Temple ion. 60S bee. T. 2u. RHL ESTATfc VACANT LOT 40x130. well ImpioveJ walk.; tree., etc. Price. lauO. Inquire ljut Jarasa Bt. N. Gcuaiia. Web. RKAL ESTATE ACREAGE HEAL ESTATE FOR EXCHANGE ON'K-HALF aectlon Rood farm land, two and one-half miles from town. In the beat county In the state of North Dakota. Will trade for good hotel, well located and doing (rood business. Must be priced right. I alao have a few fine fnrma for sale at snap prlcea. Peal di rect and aave commlaelona. P. D. Will lama Land Co., Cooperatown. N. D. U-ROOM modern bouae. for land, acrea or vacant lota. What cava your Owner, Box 79. EQUITY In 8-room modern houae In West Farnam district to exchange for late model automobile; full value given. D. 1862. REAL ESTATE NORTH SLDB Beautiful Laird St. Home Bungalow style, oalt flnlah, beamed ceilings and other special features: style and arrangement la unique; construction the very beat; choice lot, paved street, location Ideal. Price very reaaonable; terms easy or lot taken aa first payment. Rasp Bros. 100 McCagun Hldg. ioug. 1S53. A Little Down Balance Like Rent This home lias reception hall, living room, dining, room, kitchen, pantry and rear entry on first floor. Two larare bed rooms and bath on second floor. Large closets. Osk floors throughout. Furnace guaranteed to heat. Screens, Including screens for front porch. Lot 60x1.10. Paved street. Price 12.960. Located, 8331 Ames Ave. i erms. Norris & Norris 400 Bee Bldg. Phone Douglas 4270. YOUR home In Elvanston will Insure tho proper .environment lor your .family. . REAL ESTATE SOUTH SIDE $700 Cash $40 Monthly Field Club Home Irving room acroaa entire front, larea dining room, with beamed celling, and I'aneueu wana; aun room ana Kircnen on first floor. Three bed rooma and bath on aecond. Kumed oak, mahogany and white enamel finlnh. All floors are oak. Kat front lot, 4if9136, on boulevard, near Maaon. Houae ia very attractive and com plete In every detail. Rrand new. Oe oupled but a few months by owner. Who la now compelled to aell quickly. Priced at a bargain figure. Only t4.X). Armstrong-Walsh Co. Tyler 15. Rate Bank Bldg. 7 ROOMS, $2,800 Field Club district, all modern, aouth front lot, aplendid location on Mason t.a close to school and car line. 0. G. CAltLBERG, 312 BRAXDEI8 THEATER BlDG. -R. cottage, 171a Ontario, large lot. city water, gas, ahade& fruit trees. Inquire S447 So. 16th. After a p. m. Hun. Red 61:1. FOR SALE by owner, J acrea, 8-r. house, chicken houae, barn, all kind fruit. S. J701. BUILDING lines eatabliahed In Evanston. REAL ESTATE WEST SIDB An Attractive House West Farnam District 819 N. 4 1st Ave. The exterior of this houae ia attractive In dealgn. being a combination of tapestry, brick and stucco. The first floor la finished in oak snd haa a living room acroaa the entire front, with brick mantel and grate. Well ar ranged dining room, with panelled walla and window seat. Three bedrooms, bath and sleeping purcn on the second floor. Two rooms snd bath on the third floor. Ixit 60x110 feet, to alley. Can be bought for less than cost, if offer is made at once. George & Company Tel. I. 7V,. 903 City Nnt. Bk. RM Near Saunders School $750 Cash nri balance monthly for new 'nnr, corner lot, eaat front lot, Uxl6. Price lias been V,0w, but price Is cut 10 per cent ror Immediate aale. O'Keofe Keal Estate Co., 1016 Omaha National. Doug. 2715. RIGHT on the corner of tath Ave and Pacific, an acre of level ground; direci in the path of the projected and assured new boulevsrd; IVi blocks from Elm wood park; a remarkable opportunity for in vestment or home. What have you to offer or exchange? P 7H4. Bee. For Sale By Owner New modern six-room house on 42d St., near Farnam; oak floora and finish; has fireplace, sleeping porch and built in bookcases and cupboards. Must be sold and will sacrifice. Cull Douglas 2070 dining business hours. PRICE ItKbll'tU. New, modern, seven rooms, sleeping porch, oak and birch finish, fine buffet snd bookcases, beam ceiling, pressed brick foundation, close to car, short dis tance out, south front. Bent buy lu Omaha TEL. OWNER. DOUGLAS 152. HE A L ESTATE WANTED FOR sales, rentals, loans. Insurance, care of piopt-rty snd collection of reut see V. D. WIAD. itrt raruvn. REAL ESTATF SUBURBAN Daadee. "DUNDEE" "WEST FARNAM DISTRICT" Big Sale Saturday HOW TO KEACH TllE SALE. Taken Dundee car. GET OFF AT 49T1I AND DODOK STREETS. Don't miss this pale. AVp will sell your home. Why not move to the new district, where every tiling is beinjr done to secure ideal home-like surroundings. PRICES are low in this sightly traet of ground. TERMS can he arranged to suit purchaser. No discount for cash. CALL DOUGLAS 25, wc will send a salesman with an automobile after you. Send for plat and price list. H. H. HARPER & COMPANY 1013-14 City National Hank Building. TUB new part of Dundee, eouth of Ioda atrct, ovrrlooklnn Klmwooil Park and Happy Hollow Oolf Orounda. H. II. HARPKIl OOM PANT, 1013-14 City National Hank Uldg. T-lphone Oouglaa KVANSTON lota are priced to acll. REAL KSATK INVESTMENTS 7 on Your Savings and a Share of Profits You are guaranteed 7 per cent dividend earning on the ftrat of July and January of each year, if you lnveat with ua In our Profit Sharing Plan. Alao a division of the profile at the end of each year In addition to the 7 per cent aeml annual dividend, which haa not been leaa than 9 per cent tor the paat twelve jreara. Your monty In vented la amply aecured by well selected Real Eatate. Mortgarea and Contracta of Bale. Bhare can be purchaaed now at 1106. Authorled capital. $300,000. Write or aee ua about It. Hastings & Heyden 1614 HARNEY ST. FOR BALE or rent; trackage building, 11th and Reward.. 96xta. Apply 144 Guat 8t. ' EVANHTON offere quality and character. Tha ideal place to build vour home. REAL. ESTATE MISCELLANEOUS EVANSTON, the new part of Dundee, la aouth of Dodge atreeL EVA Nf? TON. H. H. HARPER V COMPANY, 1013-14 City National Bank Bldg. Telephone Douglas 2TM. EVANSTON la high and alghtly. LEGAL NOTICES OFFICE OK OOMMIBHARY, FOURTH Infantry. . N. u.. iu city National Bank Bldg., Omaha. Neb. Healed Drjposala. In duplicate, for fur nishing and delivering on or before Au gust 6, 1916, at Fremont, Neb., sub alatence stores as beiow. In accordance 1th specifications snd conditions set forth in Circular No. , Office of the Commissary General, Washington. D. C, April 11, llw. will oe received at this of fice until ten o'clock A. M., August a. 1916, and then opened. Kpeclflcatlona will be furnished upon request. iell F. IxiKh. Captain Comrolaeary, Fourth In fantry, N. N. a. 816 the. Means, w ma. Kice, 3,ff75 lbs. Potatoes, 1,060 lbs. Onions, ft'ct cans To matoes. 100 lbs. Prunes, 1U7 cans B . B. Jam, 81 lbs. Peaches (dried), 2H lbs. Coffee (roasted and ground), 840 lba. Sugar, 1M cans Milk (family else), 10 gals. Vinegar, 10 gals. Bour Pickles, ICS lbs. Salt, 41 csns Pepper (black), 18 ll,a. Lard. lbs. Butter (creamery), r jns. Oleomargarine, 42 gala Syrup, 100 lbs. Lsiundry noap, bu oouw vaniua Khc traot (2 OB.), also 8,76 lbs. Freuh Beef. M5 lba. Bacon, 4.20O lbs. Fresh Bread. 200 lba. Flour, to be delivered as specified. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. a.led nroPoeals wOl be received Lincoln, Nebraska, by the Board of Edu cation, Nebraska State Normal Schools, up until ten o'clock a. m., August 8, lyit, for ths erection of a brick and stons sudltorium for ths Stata Normal School at Kearney, Nebraska, In accordance with plans and specification prepared by J. H. Craddock, Architect, Room 18. Continental Bulldlnr, Omaha, Nebraska. The Board of Education, Nebraska State Normal Schools, will also receive proposals for the heating, plumbing and electric wiring for above building, ac cording to plans and specifications pre pared by the architect, up until tha hour and date above named. All bids must be accompanied by a cer. titled check for five (6) per cent of the full amount of Md. made payable to O. E. Hall, Stat Treasurer of Nebraska. The Board reserves the right to accept any or reject any or all bids. Signed by the President snd ths Secre tary of the Board of Education, Ne Li asks State Normal School. Jy-2ldL?t CHICAGO LIVK STOCK MARKET tattle Firm Hosts lasetlled Sheep Btroag. CHICAGO, July 29. CATTLE Receipts, 4.0UI head: market firm; native beef cattle, 3e.iil'.:&: western steers, 34.fc4 x 15: cows and heifers, 33.2o& X; calves, 37.&311.0u. I Uxitt Receipts, 6.(00 hesd: market un settled, averaged 60 to 10c lower: bulk of calea. 8.r--u.ll0.' light. 37.OOA7.75; mixed. 2ti.3v2i7.Sh; heavy .OifTOti; rough, KOOif li.l'i: nips. tifi7.4il SHEEP AND LAM BS Recti ot s. 14.MW head: market strong; aheep, KUi,; lajfubs, 84.dM)S.0. (Ill nnd Rosla. SAVANNAH Ga. Julv m -TURPEN TINE Firm: 3IK'; sales. 44 bi'ls.; receipts. hit hols: shipments. 4.X7 I. tils., stocks. 22 bhls. ROSIN Firm: sales. 1278 bbls ; re ceipts, 20?' bbls ; shipments, 1.112 bhls.; stocks aj(a tjb'K Huo'e: A R 82.8'); C. D. 82 90; K. 83.0013 05; V. H il.V(jt lo: O H. I. 83)0: K, Uii; M, 3406; N. 84 ); WO. 8&.80; WW, 85.90. Live llork la Hlabt. Receipts of live slo k st the five prin cipal markets: Cattle. Hnva. Sheep. . i.ij !;.( . 4.' . 14.0O0 . Ni 7.1 l.r , 6.(n 4 2. ISO . 1100 8. boO l.CJO .13.800 66.MM 20, ) South Omaha Chicago Sioux City ... St. Louis .... Kanaas City . Total REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Deadee. of Dundee Lots Beginning Sale From 9 GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Old Wheat if Strong1. Holding Its Own, but New Wheat Dropi Two and Three Centi. ALL RECEIPTS 'ARE LIGHT OMAHA. July . IMS. The market for old wheat was firm, selling unchanged to a cent higher. New wheat was weak and declined from 2 to 8 cents. The reoelpts of both the old and the new crop were light and were sufficient to take care of ths slow do-, mand. Corn receipts were light and the de mand was only fair, raustng a drop of a H-fr'IVfcc for that deceal. The demand for oats was light and 4he aalea were unimportant. The oata market remained unchanged. Weather In the winter wheat belt was favorable for thrashing and where farm work of thla kind Ib being puahed the producers showed willingness not only to meet the views of the buyers, but asked for bids In many Inatancea. Clearances were: Wheat ami flour, equal 72S,')00 bu. Corn, 27.000 bil. Oats, 640,000 bu. Liverpool closing: Wheat, unohanged to Id lower. Corn, unchanged. Primary wheat recelpta wers 1.8OK.0O0 bu., and shipments 6fi4,O00 bu., as against recelpta of 2,168,000 bu., and shipments of 9M.000 bti. last year. Cilmsry corn receipts were 438,000 bu., snd Khtpmenta. 2M.000 bu., as against receipts of 462.000 bu., and shipments of 41.000 bu. laat year. Primary oats receipts wers 374,009 bu., and shipments, 8x9.000 bu., as against receipts of 964,000 bu., and shipments of SKi.OOO bu. laat year. CARLOT RECEIPTS. Wheat. Corn. Oats. Chicago 21 IK 128 Minneapolis 107 ... ... iMiluth 8 Omaha (t 81 t Kanaas City VH 11 8 St. Louis 14 52 22 Winnipeg 48 These cash sales were reported today: Wheat No. 2 hard winter: 1 car, old, 81.40; 7 car, old, 81.39; 1 car, new, 81 20. No. 8 hard winter: 8 cars, new dark, $1 20; 1 car, new, 81.16. Corn No. 8 white: 1 car, i.Ac; No. 8 white: 8 cara. 75c No. 2 yel low: 8 cara. 7c. No. 8 yellow: 1 car. 77c: 1 car, 74c; 1 bulkhead, 7Vc.. No. yellow: 1 car. 76c. No. 2 mixed: 1 car, 764c; 8-6 car. Ibr. "No. 8 mixed: 8 cara, 754c. Oats No. 8 white: H car. 49c; 2-4 Lar, 4CV1C No. 4 white: I cara, 46o. Omaha Cash Prices No. 8 turkey, $1.22 J 1 41 ; No. 8 turkey, (1.2KS1.40: No. 2 hard. I1.1W3T40; No. 8 hard, 81.16T1.S: No. 4 hard, 81.10in.36; No. 8 spring, Il.M fil.40; No. 2 durum, 81.0?.0; No. 8 durum, 11.0701.08. Corn: No. 2 white, TSCTUc; No. 8 white, 76HUT6c; ' No. 4 white, 75a'75e: No. 6 white. 74!)4ia'4c: No. 6 white. 741V()iBc; No. 2 yellow. TV 77c; No. 8 yellow, 78,(llT; No. 4 yellow, 7tVfj7'.c; No. 6 yellow. 7f.f78'e; No. I yellow, 76VJr7c; No. 2 mixed, 7&Mtr7&ie: No. 3 mixed. 7fiViSr76c; No. 4 mixed, 74 t(75VC; No. 8 mixed. 74H675e; No. mixed. 74Vu74,o. Oats: No. 2 white, tfHfiHMic; standard. 4(Va'4lc: No. 8 white, 4T.Mf4w:; No. 4 white. 44?r4fc. Barley: Malting, MrtSc; No. 1 feed. (Wtfflte. Rye; No. 8, VXlW.c; No. 8. li802c. CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS' Feat a res of ths Traalas? aal Closlagj Prices oa Board of Trade. C11ICAG4J, July . Clearing weather la tha harvest rewlon did a good deal today to bring- about much lower prices for wheat. The market closed heavy at 244 to 34c net decline. Corn, lost Vlo to o, and oats, tvc to fAAQ. Pro visions wound up with galna of 16o to 46a The fact that rains In the winter wheat crop belt were confined to sections sast of the Missouri liver led to a notioeable Increase of country wheat ortere and tended to make handlers confident thst the movement of new wheat would show a rapid increase, besides, advices at hand that the yield per aero for winter wheat would average an appreciable amount nture than had been suggested b" the recent government report. Fading away of the black rust scare added greatly to the discomfort of wheat bulla. Experts went ao far aa to assert that the South iHtkota crop aa now nearly safe. Another bearish influence was the slowness of export demand. It was ssid the total sales to Europe ag gregated only frio.uuO bushela. Corn followed wheat down grade. Higher tmnpsralures, that Implied faster growth, stimulated activity on the soiling side. 0tts fluctuated nervously owing to croD Unmaxe reports. In the end. however, tho market was dominated by the heaviness of other grain. Buying on the part of packers led to a sharp rally In provisions. Export busi ness ai said to have been the ground for the investment. Closing prices on options: Artklei Open. I HUh.l Low. I Close. I Yes y. Wheat i i i I July. 1 14 1 14 1 10SI 1 10! 1 U Sept. 1 OTHI 1 08's1 1 06 1 06 1 07H torn I I July. W, HV 7 I 7") 80H Kept. 74S! 74l TJP 7SS! 74 Oats I I July. I &iJ .6 I 64 I M 66 H fcopt.. ibV 3tM X 3'iA, Pork I I ' rleot llSM IS 66 13 17 13 13 30 Oct . I 18 36 llSSU I 13 i". U DO 18 46 Hiept l 7 78 i 8 10 ! 7 75 8 074; 7 75 Oct.. I 7 86 8 17V! 7 85 ili 715 Ills I Sept.! !-" 3 60 ! 15 47V, 82., tx-t.l 3 22t,l 46 I 124! 8 46 I 3 80 Clih agu ( ash Prices Wheal; Nu. 2 red, new. 31.11W'il.l4V-: No. 2 hard. new. 31.11', i-l 13 Corn: No. 2 yellow, Sl'ffWV; others nominal. Outs: No. I vlute. 'J 6".c; stundstu, W, . Itve: No. i. nominal; No. 3, 8l.UVtl.01. Barley: 71C 77c Seeds: Tlinoi.iv. 4 jO'nC 6; clover, fftnf! 13.26. Provisions: Pork, $13 U); lard, 87.0li'. rlhs. 81.I(l).l7. Kl'TTKR-Uwer; creamery. 21V26c. h.tiOE Iiaer; receipts. 10 oil cases; at mark, cases Included. 14o"!7": ordinary firsts, If.'.! Irtc: f Irani. 18V, 17". POTATOES- Ier; reclpt. 15 enrs; Virsinla enhblera, barreled. $l.J'''il.; bulk. -tf:c. POULTH Y-Allve, lowe.-; fowls 1j'c. springs. n-WI'- Kaasas 4'ltr (.rata aad 8-rovlsleas. KANSAS CITY. Mo.. July . WHEAT -No. 2 hsrd. 3121(1146; No. 8. $1184)1.42: No. 3 red. 11.11.17; No. 3. L1 A 1.1a; REAL ESTATF Ml III KHAN Usage. at 9 o'Clock A. M. to 9 P. M. .tulr, 3115; September, 81.01H; December, 81.0JV CORN No. 2 mixed, T8v; No. 8. T7c; No. 2 white, 7fcc; No. 8. 77c: No. 8 yellow, TVWdiwV; No. 8, 7Ki(T9c; July, 77o; September, 71Hf71Vr; -Iecember, O'VtiOOSe. OATS Steady; No. 2 white, bOc; No. 8 mixed. 4S'ir44c. BUTTER Creamery, 27c; flrata, Sxs; secnmla. Xlo; packing, lc. JCOOH Firsts, 1H;; seconds, 12Vc. POULTRY Hens, 12Vo; rooalera, to; broilers, l?4fl9c. I NRW YORK GKftKRAb 3IARKRT Qaetatioas of the Day oa Varies. Commodities. FIX)UR Barely steady. WHEAT Spot, weak: No. 8 red. 81.18. and No. 2 hard. 21.19V. c. I. f. New York: No. 1 northern. luluth. 81 11V r. I. f. Buffalo. Futures, weaki September. 81.18. CORN Spot, oasy: No. 8 yellow. 91 Up, prompt shipment. OATS Buot. easy: standard. 64Vic: No. 3 white. Wc. HAY-Flrmer: prime. 31.40; No. 1. 31 1.87i; No. 1, 3180; No. 3, 31.26; shipping, 31.O0fr1.10. HOPS Stesdy; stale, common to choice, 1914 crop, ttWl.Hc; Pacific coaat, 1S14 crop, IJrmiic, mix crop. wile. HIDE4 Firm; BogoU, 81c; Central America, Wo. l.HATH Kit Firm; hemlock flrata. Sic; seconds, 30rMo. PROVISIONS Pork, essy; meas, 318.00 ifflS.W): family. 8aO.(iOti'!3.60; short clear. 81 004(10.60. Beef, steady; meee, 317. Mj 17.7T.; ramliy, i.isn(rr?o.5o. ird, firm; middle weet. 38 no98.10. TALLOV-rull: city, 6c; country, 5h1Hc; special, fce. BUTTER Unsettled; receipts 7,302 tubs; creamery extras, 20ftT,c; ftrels, iAQtVt; second, XXfrtSmc. FOGS Irregular: receipts, 17.SM esses, fresh e-hred sxtraa, 2SHto; extra firsts, 21VC; flrats, 18W; seconds, levrfinr.. CHKMSra-Steadler; recelpta 8,0M hoina; state, whole milk, fresh, flat and twine, white and colored, specials, 1314u; do, 1 overage fancy, 9-ne. POl'LTHT I.1TS, nrui; wewiarn tnica ens, broilers, 22c; fowls, 17c: turkeys. II fi!12c; dressed, steady: western froxen roasting chickens, , IWMttc; fresh fowls. Iced, l.T,4-17c; fresh turkeys, Iced. Wit lOo. OMAHA GR14IH8L MARKICT. BUTTER No. 1, Mb. cartons, c; No. 2, 00-lb. tubs, 4o. CHEESE Imported Swiss, 8fic; Amer ican Swiss, 26c; block Swiss, 82c; twins, 16 Wc; daisies. lHo; triplets. 16c; Young America, lHc: blue label brick, 17c; Urn burger, 2-ln., 90c; New York white, 18c; Imported French Roquefort, 40c. FISH Trout. 16c; whlteft.h, 18c; hali but, 12c; channel catfish. 16c; herring. 7o; codfish, l(Kj12c; mackerel, 16c; , aalmon. WirMo. SWEET POTATOES Kansss. 32.78 bbl. BEEF CUT44-Rlbs: No. 1, 1Vc; No. 2, Uc: No. 8, 17,4o, Loins: No. , 20Ho; No. 3, lVc: No. 8, 184c. Chucks: No. X, llo, No. 2, lie: No. 8, 10c. Hounds: No. 1. 16Vc; No. 3. lTVic; No. 8, 14c Plates: No. L 8o; No. 3. So; No, 8. 8Ke. Fruit and vegetable prtcee furnished by Ollllnskt Krult compsnr: FRUITS Oranges, California Vlenc1aa, 100s 12s, 2Ks, 3Mm, 3Vm. 34.1)0 per box; California Valenoiaa, lf-is, 84.Z6 per box; California Valencies, 17s. .. Zim. 260a. 34.60 per box. Lmons. extra fancy Gol den Bowl, 800s, 8i0s, 86 60 per box: extra rancy nunsist, amis, ans. .. per box; extra rancy Had Ball, Buus, 36os, 84 60 per box. I'eaches, California Crawforda. Tf'O r 1kx: Elberta, four basket crates, 00o per crate; Elbert, four basket crates. 60-crate lots. 67!Ac crate: Elhertas. bush- els, 81. 26 per bu.; Elhertas, 2f.-bushe lots, 3120 per bu.. Plums. Burhsnks, 8O0 peril, crate. Pears, California Bartlatts, 32.M t 1er 2.00 2.00 crate. Hlackberrlea. 24 pr. cases per crate. Bananas, medium fruit, to 32.26 Der bunch: J umbo fruit. Changulnola and Port Llmon, 4c per lb. Cantaloupes, Ponies, 64s, 82 36 per crate; Maops Nevadaa Standards, 83.00 per crsta VK41KTA BUEH Oahbage, homegrown and southern, H4o per lb ; hd. lottuce, 31.00 per dox.; peppers. 90c r basket; If. lettuce, 20c dox.; tomatoes. 81.76 per bog; oulons, Wah . 24i per lb.; celery, 36c per dox.; cucumbers, 81.78 per basket; Parsley, 86o per dox.; wax and green beans, ROo per basket; green peas, 60a per basket: new beets, carrots and tur nips, 40o per basket; radishes, 2oc per dox. New potatoes, 6oo per bu. Sweet potatoes, 81. (6 per hamper. Nuts, No. 1 walnuts, 18c per lb.: filberts, 16c per lb.; Braslla, liPo per lb.; pecans. 12 V per lb.; almonds, 'fc per Ib. Miscellaneous, Crackerjack, 83.60 uer case. Curnpops, 83.Z6 per rase. Crackerjack. $1.76 per hslt case. Cornpops, 31 per half case. Peanuts. No. 1 raw, so lb.; Jumbo raw, 7o per lb.; No. 1 roasted, 6c per lb.; Jumbo roasted, to per lb. Watermelons IV- Pr NUl'U-No. 1 walnuts. 18a lb.; filberts, 16c lb.; Braxlls. U'Hc lb.; pecans, 124o lb.; almonds. 2oc lu. M IhCELLAN EOUB Crackerjack, 8S.50 case; case, $1.76; cornpops, 63.25 case; vt case, ii.t. j-eanuts- No. 1 raw, ao lb.; No. 1 roasteil, Sc lb.; Jumbo, raw, 8c lb.; Jumbo, roasted, 10c lb.; salted, 81.26 can. Honey, H.M case. Limes, $2.00 basket Watermelons, lVao Ib. Mlaaeapolls Grain Market. MINNEAPOIJS. July J9. WHEAT July, $1.36; Sejrtemher. $I04X; No. 1 hard, ll.4e; No. 1 northern. $1.31), 1.4!)H; No. i northern. $l.iH''lf 1-444,. CORN' No. 3 yellow, '78Vf79o. OATS No. 3 white, 4x-4!o. FIAX-81.52'44 1.54V FLOUR llwluced. BARLEY fu 8c. ) RYE $1,004)1.02. BRAN-$il.&0. 4. Lewis Orala Market. ST. LOUIS, Mo.. Julv 29. WHEAT HlKher; No. 2 red. $l.lmi l.K.Vj; No. 2 hard. $1.1; Jul, $1 08V4; September. $1034. tXjRN-Steady; trsck No. 2. 74i4i )r ; No. 2 white, SuH'ftstc; July, 78'ic, fcep- temher, 73'4iC. OATS Steady; No. 2. 4Hc; No. 3 white 57(s67Vtc; July, 62c; September, $6c. Liverpool Grata Market. LIVERPOOL. July 28 WHEAT Spot, No. 3 Manitoba 11a Hd . No. 3, Us 6d; No. 1 northern, DolutU, Us 7Vtd; No. 2 hard winter lis 7Vd. CORN Spot American mixed, new, 8s d SI. Joseph Live Stork Market. ST. JOSEPH. J il 28 CATTLE-Re ceipts. 04 head; market atrong; steera, 17 o"i0 5o; cows and heifers. 34 2-yijy.oO. islves. $(X10IS) HOGS Receipts. T.60O hesd; market loner; (op, 87 20, bulk o' sales. $8.4j'7 li. SHEEP AND I.AMHS-Kecelpta. 2,io0 head; market higher; lambs. $" OMAHA LIYEJTOCK MARKET Good Beeves Ten to Fifteen CenU Higher, Others Steady Sheep ft Quarter Higher. HOGS LOSE FIFTEEN TO QUARTER SOUTH OMAHA. July , IMS. sheer. 421 7,311) 7,: !, Receipts were: e"attle. l'c s.fn 'metal Monday 4.2 Official Tuesday I W Official W edneaday.... 2.i"3f Katlmale Thursday.... l.uw 10.2(4 !, Four days thla week. .10.766 44.1 la X.'9 Same days last week..16.ilu6 8o.ti0 SamadayalwM-aaaso li.ivw 4I..5 Smil)'ilwMin((o a.l IH n.4)1 n4.m Snina dava 4 wka aao 14.111 4S..'W 37,01 Sama daya laat yrar..lrt,W JK.Sfrt H'il The followin lalmt ..wa it rfirta f caltla, hoa ana anp al :ha South Omaha live alock marKot for ho year to flata aa cornea rd with lifct yrar: 1S15. 1914. Inc. Poo. attla tHO.MN 44I.M7 1100.1 HfRa I.MS.IIK4 1,S;.S.W7 7,Wi 1.:4.278 1.2d1.7 S.7 Tha followlnc l0l ulioms tha kvraa prU for hog. at tha f-nnh oma'ia Hva atx-k market tar tha laat J'.va. with -oiiiHrlona: Pato. ll14 nail.nwi i'hu. llK.ll. July 14. July 15. July Id. July 17. .Till v If). July It July 20. July 21 July 22. July i.1 July 4 8 Ml 8 OA 8 Ml 8 OH 8 Ml 74 8 Tfil 8 82 141 3 X, am r- 7 7 I M 7 83 T 74 . 7 78 7 70 7 69 7 67 7 67 86 T 02U 7 15 7 161 1 8 21 TOM. 7 IS 8 80 6 141 8 So 6 8 86 m 1 oc 87 '1 731 8 1 8 88 8l I 8 711 8 87 8 Kl! 7 17 7 TO 7 2 7 i 22i i 28, 97 8 81 8 871 8 S 8 83 8 4.H 8 Ml 8 681 8 Ml 7 841 8 84 8 77 7 W 8 88 July 28. 8 641 8 77 7 47J 8 3rt 8 July W. 8 72t I 8 SM 7 R7 I Ml I 7 Sr 461 8 27! 7 61 July T7.I 8 (UV 8 681 1 7 Snl 6 h.l 8 811 7 46 8 (Ml 8 801 I A41 8 2:11 7 87 Si 8 67 7 H 8 871 7 w 7 27 July tSk 3 2V HMiiday. CATTI.K R.celj)4s wers very light today, leaving the total for the four claya thla week at 10,766 head. Thla la the smallest of any recent week barring only Fourth of July week, and slightly smaller than a year ago. owing to the very few rattle In sight buyers picked up the beat beeves at prices that were lwiGo higher. They paid 375 for good killers a cut off the same cattle that sold at 89.96 on Wednes day of laat week. The medium to com mon ktnda of beeves were only steady. Cows, heifers and feeders showed little or no change, prloea remaining practically In the same notches as yesterday. Quotations on cattle: Oood to choice yearlings, 8.OUiija76; fair to good year lings. 8a.2TityO.Q0; good to choice heavy beeves, 3:.2f.75; fair to good onmfeu beeves, 38.Mtt2T; common to fair oorre fed beeves, t7.M8,66; good to choice fed heifers, 37.CJxtr4-.6V; good to choice fed cows, 86604r7.26; good to choice grass neners, .;x,7.o; good to rholoe grsse rows, 86.2r.i5; fair to good cowa, lf,btp ; common 10 rair cows. 3.7Tg,60; good to choice feeders, 37.60ffi8.60; fair to . good feeders. W.fi0ir7.&0; common to fair stockers, 5.NU4. 10; stock heifers, 36.76fr.60: stock rows, 8i.iVV8flO; stock calves, W.Outrf.M; veal Calves, 83.GOgaO.00; fat bulla, atags, etn., 3VtW(j7.2&. BEEF STEERS, "o. Av. Pr. Kb. At. Pr. I" in 7 is s 7j 6 ( . 1:S 7 14 1174 I I. 10 " 111 II imt t 40 4 601 t li n. IMT 7 " WO I M U 11M I n 8TKI0UM AM) HEIFERS. 400 I 111 4 ?i 8 T 7 10 14 ;m tt ' 4S7 7 at COW8. 3 M I 04 8 1W0 6 M H" 1000 00 M II HEIFERS. ! M M0 I Is 414 6 41 3 lit I 11 Ill M I ALY C.B. 870 8 4 7 11 I 00 3. 44 T 00 1 110 0 14 8 too 1 to 8 iae m I aw I 00 1 no t 7t 1 I2 1 10 14 00 STOCKERS ANO FEEUKUS. 1 7 4 to I., tt T 00 7 110 3 00 10 1047 7 M HOGS Fresh receipts of hoga footed up to around 180 loads, or 11,000 head, tour days' total Is the heaviest for sev eral weeks back, - amounting to 44.116 head, as against 86,100 hesd Isst week, 17,836 head two ytcks ago and 28,868 head a year ago. Besides today's liberal run, offerings Included some forty loads, mostly of heavy hogs, that were carried over from yesterday. With ao large a ahowlng to pick from, and shipping orders none too largt, shipper hogs declined . fully 2oo and even more than that In sots. Tops reached 37.16, but sales over even money were very scarce, and ran from that on down. Packers also were In a very bearish mood, and their sarly bids were anyway oatc off. They bought quite a num ber of light and light mixed hogs early, and as they came Into competition with shippers on some of them, they were forced to pay pretty close to shipper prices. When butchers and heaves fin aly began to move It was very uneven deal, but prices were quoted as fully llxq&c down, meaning a general decline of anyway 20c. The narrow bulk of packer hoga landed at 3b. 10U. 20, with mixed and light hoga on up to nearly 87.00, and heavies ss low aa 36.K0, Owing to the fact that ao many heavies were left unsold yesterday it Is hard to say juat how much lower today's sales on this sort or sturc are, but there la no danger in assnrhlng that they showed at lraat as much decline as other grades, and. If anything, more than that In spots. At a late hour there was still a good share of the offerings unsold. Representative sal.a: No. At. ah. Pr. No. 44 1:4 40 t M 41 . At. ....114 ....141 .... ....1W ..,.197 ...1H ....1114 ....1"4 Sh. Tr. 40 4 60 4 40 ... 470 ... 3 74 ... 4 44 ... 4 40 ... 4 44 ... 7 00 ... 1 14 l 171 10 0 00 1,0 .177 ... 4 04 11... KM , . 4 10 14.., ,J7 144 6 16 41.. .24 !4U 4 10 '.4 . .lh 40 4 18 44... MO ... 4 44 14.. ... 3 14 lit. :tl M 4 40 SHEEP A very small Thursdsr run. amounting to only five cars, or l,2ud hesd, wss received. This Is the smallest for any one day since Friday. June 11. Total supplies fur tlie four days foot up 2u,k39 tioai, Deing oniy a lime over a third aa large aa laat week, half aa large as two weeks ago, and a falling off of 8,000 as comparod with the same week last year. iiecctp. so rsr urn week are ins small- st In over a month. Estimates railed for five cars, hut only foiY loads had shovm up when tha mar ket oocned. and only a Dart of a load of these were old sheep. Part of a deck or yearlings hst went st $6.7d looked ibit 26c alove yesterday, eltile a little pack age of ewes carrying three or four weth ers nrougnt a gooa strong price, v-Jo- Lsmb supplies consisted of a little more than three doubles, which sold In good season at 31.60. Fleeces were dry this morning, but quality of the lambs wss not so good as on Wednesday, and the snln waa senerally Quoted as 0x1 hlahnr. This was nmre advance than market con dition, at other points warranted, but lo cal aupultea were so very light tnat sell era were, in a me sure at least, ame to sot their own figures. Today's value touched lrv highest reacneo since July 14, when the same figure, $8.60, bought iiia rtullc (.1 ills oiiennss. Feeders were so scarce today as to be hordlv worthy of mention, but 87. Tb took Hie bulk Ot a fair representation yewter- (iay. Quotations on sheep and lambs: Iimbs. good to choice, $x frotis.); lamtia, fair to good, $8.2ViH60; lambe, feedera, tlit'M good, rr.7.'.!t8.00; lambs, feeders, tT,tft 7.i; yearllnga, fair to choice. tn.Vvd $.76, wnthers. fair to choice, 86.20n.M), ewes, good to choice, 8S.2bo1.26; ewes, fair to good, 84.7fXu.3&. SI. Loals Live Slock Market. ST. LOUIS. July 29. CATTLE Re ceipts, 6.0U0 head; native beef steers, 87 60 4? lu IS; yearling steers and heifers, $5cw 10.01); cows snd heifers. ixT.0O, Block ers and feeders. $.0Uirk.2i; southern steers, $6 cows and heifers. $4.00o 8.60: native calvea. WUi'UlOTfc. HOGS Recelpta, 3.i0 head; market. 10rf 26c lower; plga and Hants. 87.4?r7.70: mixed and butchers. ;.2.i7.Ui; good heavy, t7.Unt 7. 15. SHEEP AND IA MBS Receipts, l.X) head; market atrong; muttons, $4.6oifj, jr.; Inmbe, 84.0iri.66; bleating ewes. $6.0008 7.26. Sloag (Itr Live Slo-k Market. SIOUX CITY. la.. July 29. CATTLE Receipts. sJ0 hesd: mar rket nun; native steers, $4,2648.30: cows slid heifers. $6.0U(J 4 00; t anners, $3 76y4.7&; stockers and (eedem. v uOic. 1... HOGS Receipts, 7.0U) hesd; market, IS 4i2i lower; heavy, $2ovi!00; mixed. 8H .) ti.2i; light, $J.boii.0u; bulk of sales, $6.80 fc SHEEP AND 1 81 BS Receipts. 1 (W0 hesd. market film; es, H.l'(l ijb. lambs, 17 tfuS.B. NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Speculation in Iron Shares Reaches Climax and There Excitement VOLUME OF TRADING HEAVY NEW YORK. July 2 Speculation In war storks reached a climax today. The volume of trading, heavy aa It had been on the preceding daya of the week, was still larger today and the market waa In a atate of excitement throughout the session. It waa the biggest day's busi ness of several months. Prices of the more unstable stocks were rushed up In a violent manner to the highest marks on record. In the last hour there came a sudden reaction, amounting to a co: lapse In a few Inatancea. Tho whole market sold off and. although there was a partial recovery, the close waa unset tled. Notwithstanding the aeverlty of the break, the active Industrials for the most pert showed galna on the day and the rallrnada were about on a level wltn yesterday's cloae. Total sales were 1,M, lH shsrea. No new element of Importance was In jected Into the speculative situation, al though bullish sentiment towards war storks wss fed by reports of Increasing activity of these concerna and of penn ing orders. The pronounced rise In this quarter of the market aeemed to have attracted a considers hie amount of ptih llo house buying, which helped to pusn up quotations still higher. A movement of such range, baaed for the most pert on no precise Information of aufflrient Import to Indicate lta permanency, waa of Itself enough to point to an equally safe reaction. The decline was said t have been accelerated by tha action of banks In calling a halt In accommoda tions on war Industrials. Bethlehem Steel and Crucible figured most prominently in the dealings. Cruci ble Steel Jumped 174 polnta to 83 and then alumed 17 polnta. Bethlehem Steel ' roes 11 points to 27i and In the late break fell back 16. Both share, established new high records, sa did iWesttnghouaa FJec. trie at 1US and Allla-Chslmem at 3t"V Republic Steel waa unusually active and transactlona In that and the other steel Issues, together with the railroad equip ment shares, made up a' large part of the day's total. Railroad stocks were In the back ground. They shared In the earlv ad vance, hut later relapeed. St. Taut de clined 8 points, but later recovered, the action of the directors In reducing the dividend rate from 6 to 4 per tent not being announced until sfter the cloae. Bonds are Inclined to yield. Total sales, par value, 83.7uo.U00. United States bonds were unchanged on call. New York Money Market. NRW YORK, July 80 -PRIME MER CANTILE) PAPER, 84I-1H per rent. HTURL1NU EXCHANGE 8lxtv-day bills, 34.7U; demand, 84.725; isbles, 84.7076. SILVER Bar, 48Tic; Mexican dollars 36Vio. IKXNDS-Qovernment. steady; rail'rosd essy. TIME LOANtV-Firm: sixty 'days. ?4 per eent; ninety days. 2 per cent; six months, 84jlS per cent. CALL MONET-FIrm; highest. 2 per oent; lowest, 14 per cent; ruling rate. 144 per oent; last loan, 2 per cent, closing bid, 114 per oent; offered at 2 per cent I.eadoa gtoek Market. LONDON, July 2 Stock market activ ity waa confined today to Marconi shares and the American section st rising prices. Canadian Paclflo aad United States Steel were the firmest shares In the lat ter, j im ujusuia; was urm. SILVER Bar, 23 8-16d per ounce. MONEY 4'f44 Per cent DISCOUNT RATES Short Nils, 6 per cent; three months, tv&tVfc per cent Itaak Clearlsuga. OMAHA. July 29 Bank clearings fot Omaha today were 32, 448,024. 60 and for tho corresponding day last year, 82,a.3i.l. Coffee Market. NEW YORK, July 29. OOFFEE The market for coffsa futures opened Irreg ular at one point deollno to three points advance, and during the day ruled quiet hut very ateady. Offering were light and the market waa thought to be In s firmer technical position aa a result ot the recent liquidation. The cloae waa net unnhanged to alx polnta higher. Sales, 8.760 baga; July, 8.70c; August. e.flRc; September, 0c; Or.totier, .lc; Novem ber. .Jn; December, .68c; January, .; ' February, ,72o; March, .0c; April. 4S.KV; May .90c; June. 8,fc. Spot, quiet; Rio. No. 7, 7e; Santos. No. 4. ic. Cost and freight offere were ten to twenty points lower from Han'oa, but no offere wer received from R1o. Rio exchange on I,nnrton was unchanged. Mllrels prices were unchsnged at Rio and 100 rets lower at Santos. Kansas City I-lve Btoek Market.' KANSAS CITY. July 29.-CATTf.E-Recelpts, 2.IO0 bend; market steadv to strong: prime fed steers, $9.5ntrl0.00; ' dressed beef 1 toe it", 8S.UiXtt9.40; western steers, 87.0(xfY2fi: southern steers, new 8.60; cows,!J7.25: heifers. 8.7.Vn .:.'.". : stockers and feeders, rt.avfr8.4i; bulls 86. Midi 7. 00: calves, 3 flo-Slft 25. HOUR Receipts, tt,&K head: market. 10i Lie lower: hulk. 36.6Vii7. 15; heavv. 8 ?Vf 8.86; packers nnd butchers, 8t.70-ri7.:,i; usni. si.usjj i.;in; Pigs. V.Witl.TO. SHEEP AND LAMB.-4-Recalnta llm head; market steady; lamha, 8w.0lii i; yearllnga, 8ii.7T4f7.60; wethers. K 2ri 7 ( evea. 8tf.nooT8.7S; stockers and feeders, 86.01 1.86. " usrar Market. NEW YORK. Julv 28. SUfJAR-Ra w nominal: centrifugal. 4Mc: motssses. 4.08c. Refined, weak; price list unchanged. although ordersi sre being taken on the basis of 6.8ie for fine granulated. Futures were steadier early on a renewed demand rrom the traoe Interest, uromnteri b reports thst 30.000 tonr. of raw susar hsd been sold to exporters, which offset th sharp reductions in refined. Prices st noon were 4 to 8 polntw higher. flaw sugar rinsed stesdy at the dee ir.e: centrifugal, 44c; molasses sugar, 3.87c. A sale or 80,000 tons of centrifugal to. Hump waa made on the bajrla of f. o. b. Cuba, August shipment. Cotton Market, NEW YORK, July 2.-COTTON-Sp.t . steady; middling uplands, 8.36c. Sales, $A) bales. Cotton futures opened steady: October. 9 44c; December. 8.7Io; January. 8.82c: March. 10 09c; May, lO.Uto. Cotton closed barely arUady at I to 13 points net decline. Cotton futures closed barely steadv: October. $.3Jtc; December, 9.82o; January, .(:, sflaron. s.vnc; niay, lu.inn. LIVERPOOL. July COTTON-Ppot, steady; good middling, 66ud: middling 630d; low middling, .84d. Pales, 10 00) balea Omaha Hay Market. OMAHA. Julv -PItAIR7E 7TAT Chn4ie uHand. 313 SOtf 14.00: No. 1. 8!3? 13.611; No. 2. $10.0"iil!00: No. 8. 1VtVw. choloe midland. 813 CWilS.,-o; No. 1. 12.rVfI 13011; No. 3. $1M12.00: No. 3. $8.0Ofi 10.00; choice lowland. 8U.0ij12. 00; No. $'0.uxff 11 irt: No. 8. $OrttTS0(; No. 8. $nn(t.(io. STRAW Choice wheat, $6.50(rj7.00. None on the market. ALFAI.FA No. 1 to choice alfatfi $11.0o4 liOO; No. I. $9.00.811.00; Ko. 3. V1 tiDOO. Metal Market. NEW YORK. Julv 29. MKTAV4 Lend : Offered at 86 60. Spwlter. not quoted. Iron firm snd unchanged. Tin. nulet. I. Jti Sii.ou. Copier: Steady; electrolytic, 319A At London: Spot cnlpor, 471 be: rutures f72 10s; electrolytic, iHJ 10s. Spot tin. K-4 16s; futures, 1168 16s. Antimony, 125. 1a.A, U3 17s ad. Speiter. tSrl 10a. Dry Goods Market. NBW YORK, July 29 DRY fiOODS Men's wear was more active today, par ticularly on sprinar goods. Cotton goods markets were steady and more trading was reported In print clothe and con vertibles. Yarns ruled quiet with a slightly firmer tendency. Haw silk was steady. Cantons were higher. Evsporated Apples mad Dried Fralle NEW YORK, July 2 EVAPORATED APPLE Dull and easy. DRIED FitUITS Prunee, firm: apri cots, steady, peaches, quiet; lalmns, firm. 7 K. V. Releases. Complaints flle-1 against the Kansas City club that It waa carrying junr than the allotted sixteen men ihu-e-i President Tebeau tu releaae H.tll.. 11. e recruit pitcher, who came i n ;r ih Rio Grande, and to Kite In.; Iiuiru his five-day nolle I ragtssskfl