Newspaper Page Text
THE BF,F,: OMAHA, FRIDAY, .TWA" HO, 1015. By MELLIF1CIA. Thursday, July 29, 1915. NEBRASKA Is thoroughly well represented In the doings and ssun terings of all of California. Miss Pauline Bush of Crwco, an erstwhile understudy for , Maude Adams, is playing for the movies out In Los Angeles. She Jim Just married Mary Pickford's manager and now plans to retire. Miss J3usb Is well known In Omaha, as. she belongs to the Pi Beta Phi sorority nd Is a member of the class of 109 of the University of Nebraska. The Influx of native Omahana to the San Francisco exposition is given by re ports from saanterers there who In one day'a time will encounter any Dumber of their friends. Mr. and Mrs. Harley Moorhead and Mr. and Mrs. Dan Baum are at the Hotel St. Francis In flan Francisco. Mrs. Warren Rogers and daugh ter, Miss Mildred, and Mrs. Dan Wheeler and Mrs. Louis Bradford, are reg istered at the Plata hotel, also In San Francisco. Mrs. Guy Cox Is In Los Angeles. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Klrkpatrlck of Lincoln are guests of Mrs. Klrkpatrlck's uncle, 0. W. Wattles, and Mrs. Wattles, at their home in 2lollywood. At the Fielding hotel are Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Burgess and Mr. and Mrs. William H. Clarke. Teil-EIffiitter Wedding. The wedding of Mis Nellie K1iittr, daughter of Mr. Charles R. FJmitter, and Jir. Harold 8. Fell of Cleveland. O., wu celebrated at 1 o'frrH today at the home ef the bride's Uncle and aunt. Mr. arul Ws. N. P. FbIL KabM Frederick Conn f Temple Israel officiated. Only the family and Intimate friends were prenent. The ceremony was performed on the rpacloue veranda of the Fell home. A Moral screen encircled the apaoe, the en closure being banked to simulate a forest effect with palms, ferns and asparagus. Studded with Pink gladioli. A color scheme of pink and green was carried out mainly In the decorations, pink sweet peas and feathery asparagus being used throughout the rooms. Preoedlng the entrance of the wedding party. Jflas Marie Swanson played the 1-cheng-rln wedding march, while the soft trains of the harp were heard tn "The Angel's Ferensde" during the reading of the marriage lines Following the cere mony, the Mendelsohn march was played. The bride, who waa presented by her father, vas most attraotive In her wed ding gown of sheerest Ivory s4lk chiffon. The gown was simple In lines, with a white satin girdle causht at the back with a large butterfly bow. Crystal and ed pearl ornamentations were used, the viodlee being embroidered in crystal de aler and the skirt and draperies edged with crystal spheres. The three-quarter length Mandarin sleeves were finished with the same crystal sphere. The short bridal rell was fashioned Putch cap ef fect, with a frill of Illusion enclrrllng the fiead and was held In place with real orange blossoms. Instead of the conventional white wed ding bouquet, the bride carried an arm bouquet of Ophelia rosea of the moat delicate ylnklsh tint and llilea of the valley. Mr. Stanley Fell, Dr. FeHa brother, waa the best man. There were no other attendants. Mrs. a. It Foil, mother of the groom, was gowned In handsome black char meuse, with overdress of black tulle. Mrs. Nathan Boeewater. also here from Cleve land, wore sliver gray Georgette crepe. Mis Anna Fall, the bride's omisln, wore m. Tlnt flowered crepe de chine with ruffles and fluting of the white crwpe. Following the ceremony, a wedding breakfast was served, the giieets being seated at small tables of six covers, with ten covers at the bridal table. Baskets of Mrs. Ward rosea decorated the table, the pis res bt-lng marked by favors con sisting of white china euptda bearing tiny boxes of lice In the patet shades, each euptd being used as. a atandard to bear flowers for each place. Later the bride rut the wedding cake and herself distri buted portions of the cake among the guests. The bride Is the aranjaughter of the late Mr. and Mr. Edward Kosewater, In whose family aha was raised after the death of her mother, and with whom she travelled extensively both In this country and In Eiurope. She Is a gradu ate of the Omaha I Hah sc hool and of last year's class of Bmlth colics, while lr. Fell received hU degree In medicine from the Western Reserve college, fol lowed by a term of service In the Michael Beese hospital In Chlcaso.' Mrs. Fall's go-am ay suit la of midnight blue gabardine, made Norfolk style and with a white collar. With thta la worn a hit of midnight blue satin to match, with corresponding trimming of white. Dr and Mra. Fell go to Buffalo and thi.ce by auto to New England, where they will tour the Berkshlree and the White mountains. On their return they will be at home In Cleveland. At the Country Club. Mr. and Mra Jack Barber will enter tain at a beautifully appointed dinner this evming at the Country club. The table will be decorated' with large baskets of . rose asters and covers will be placed for fifty-four guests. Mr. B. IS. Fairfield gave a dinner of eight covers last evening at the Country club; Mr. and Mra M. C. Petere enter tained four guests; C. W. Hart of Coun cil Bluffs, three, and O. C. Redlck, six. Bridge Luncheon. Mrs. W. A. ftiilUi entertained at lunch eon, followed by brine Wednesday at her home tn honor of her sister. Miss I.Inst rom of New Tork City, who baa tome to Omaha to reside. The house was beautifully decorated with garden flow ers, carnations and potted plants. The prises were awarded to Meedames J. W. Wood, Alex Jetes. P. Mfhrens. Frank O. Browne and H. K. Newton. The guests entertetnrd Included: Mesdsmes Meedames J H lilr.-hardt O. K. Ioveloy, V. W. t'rerninan, J. 8. Zipfel. V ). Browne, It. K liiderwoud. W. F. I-oree. J. W. Hood. J. K. Burke. Alex Jetes. It. W. Vlerling, H. K. Newton, V. Mehrena. V.'. A- Bmllli. K J. Wslerg. simses Misers riiie Lores. H. Linntrom. , Metis Houseman, With the Visitors"" Miss Katharine Banders has aa her rueuts the Misses Josephine Bulkley of Chicago and Helen Gese!r of Macomb, 111. Mra. Bandera gave a luncheon at ftappy IWlow today In their honor. Mrs. Harry E. Schiller of Detroit, for merly Miss Madeline May Relchsnberg of Omaha. Is visiting her parents In Coun cil Hluff and her sister, Mra William M. Umb, In Omaha, the will visit Mr. fc.i'!ler's parents In Central City, Neb, before reiiirnlnar home. Wedding Anniversary. Mr. and Mra Joe AniUh of North r ! t- mnroiA street entertained Wednes day evrclng at Crlr borne la fc'jnor vt I their sixth wedding anniversary. A num ber of guests were present from Benson and Omaha who presented the Host and hostess with beautiful gifts In honor of the occasion. Those present were: Messrs. and Mesdsmes fl. R. Butler, . I. Ruraelt, K. Hornrhart. 8, P. Pnreneon, V. K. Campbell, J. Janek. J. I'anuska, At Happy Hollow. Mrs. T. E. Sanders entertained at lunch eon today at the Happy Hollow club In honor of her guests, Miss Helen Oessler or Macomb, III., and Miss Josephine Bulk ley of Chicago. Those present wers: Misses Misses Elisabeth Berryman. farsh fl-ers, PMlth ('apron, Irene McOuIre, Katherlno Bturdc- Katherlne Panders, vant. Margaret Oetten. Mrs. Victor While entertained eight guests Informally at luncheon today at the Happy Hollow club, and Mrs. N. H. Basmuesen had four guests. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Weller will give a dinner of ten covers Baturday evening at the Happy Hollow club. Mra F. R Hoagland entertained seven guests at luncheon today at the Happy Hollow club and Mrs. Walter Petersen was hostesa at luncheon for twenty., Mra Porter M. Oarrett entertained at luncheon today at the Happy Hollow club. Her guests were: Mrsdamea Mesdsmes Jnnnie H. IlJtts, Kittle Hprasve, . C. Sutton, Carrie Kllet, KranK iutns.m, J. H. Hu4chJnscn, He..n Usrrett. Miss Jnsoi'lilne Ruble A bowling party this morning, followed by l o'clock luncheon at the club. Included: Mesdsmes Mesdames B. C. Fowler, Nancy J. Moore. Misses MIum- Loulse Halmon. Julia Klllabaeh. Mabel ralmon. At the Field Club" Mlsa Gertrude Keating and Miss Smith entertained at luncheon today at the Field club In honor of Miss Ellen Stewart and Mlaa Weeks, who leave August 1 for Columbia university, New Tork City, for a year's study. A small luncheon party today at the Field club was composed of: Mosdejn Mesdame-. V. It. Uould. n. A. Keaburv Jack Beaton, Hudolph Koepp Krsnk Roberts. of Chicago William Bausnn. M tears Misses Gertrude Branch," Alloe Troxell. Mrs. A. V. Bhotwell gave a luncheon today at tha Field club complimentary to her alster, Mra William Brooks of New Tork City, who Is her house guest and for Mlsa Mary Hall of Chicago, the guest of Mra C. D. Bturdevant A large basket of gladlolas and correopela decor ated the table, and covera were placed for: Meedames W. R, Wood, Arthur Rogers, Harry Nicholson, Robert Manley, E. P. Boyer. John Im Kennedy, W. C. Lambert, OierUs Olson. Charles Marsh, Misses Mary Hall, Meedames Bernard Capen, Cieger Kbeiilltl. Jack Kelly, Hsrry Llddell, Simeon Jones, Robert Craig. M. Plater. C V. Bturdevant, Mlsses- Maiy Muorhhoff, Parcel Pott Surprise. A "parcel post" surprise party waa given Wednesday evening at 8. K. Han ford's cottage at Carter Lake club for Mra Martha .Chrlstlancy la honor of her birthday. Those present, were: Messra "and Mesdames ' H. C. Barton, A. A. Hollman, E. U Cain, a. k. Hanford. L. F. Bhrum, Mesdames Mesdsmes I B. Bmlth. Carrie Iscoll. Robert Allen, Lenna Ellsworth. Misses Misses Meta Wolf. Emily Allen. Maude Bmlth. Marthena Hanford. Bessie Enereon, News of the Wayfarer.. Messrs. Hsrry 8. Byrne, A. Hospe. Oeorge V. Ollmore and Harry Weller are in Ban Francisco Msttlng tha exposi tion. Personal Mention. Mra w. Etstar Is spending a oouple of weeks wltii bar sister at Gregory, 8. D. Mr. and Mra. R, B. Nichols and daugtv ter. Cecelia, left Monday night for a month's stay tn Denver, fait Lake City and other western Polnta Miss Mildred Todd and Visa Margaret Donelan of PtaUemoutit will return this evening from Madison Lake. Minn. Sergeant RuaseJl B. Hendricks of Fort Leavenworth, Kan., who has been tha sueat of Mr. Robert Peterson, returned Wednesday to hla home. Mr. and Mra. O. E. Engler and Sana Paul and Howard, who motored In from Plalnvlew. Neb., last week. irt thi. Wig for their home, after being the guests of Mr. Enjrler's mother. Mrs. W. K. Foote and daughters, Fran ces and Katherlne, and Mra Virginia Oyball and Miss Irene Pyball are attend ing the summer at Colorado BVrlngs and Manltou. The Omaha colony there are Planning to visit points In Colorado together. 0hf Heinous Crime! Man is Pinched for Smoking on Street Edmund Alexander gSofelken, who 'was enlisted In the United Stats navy at the local recruiting office, was compelled to admit In writing hla application that he hc beeti arrestsd. But it wasn't for Intoxication or hlgliway robbery or mur drr ttiat Mr. Bohlken had been arrested It waa for "smoking on the street." He was aipr-heided for thU awful crime In 7M City, III., the city of the late Alex ander IMWle. BuMken's home la at SJ07 Ijninaua avenue In thut righteous ilty. BRIDE OF TODAY WHO WILL UVE IN CLEVELAND. 2aaC J 4 : V W -l.aVA it.,. SAFETY BUREAU CUTS DEATH RATE Union Pacifio Ha but Half as Many Employei Killed Second Tear After Organization. NOT A PASSENGER 13 KILLED MRS. HAROLD 8. FEIL. Nee Miss Nellie Hlgutter. Japanese Minister Resigns Because of Bribery Scandal TOKIO, July 2-Vlsrount Kanetka Oura, the Japanem minister of Justine, suddenly resigned his portfolio today. The minister's action, following aa It doea, the Investigation Instituted by the minister of Justice into bribery charges growing out of the parliamentary elec tions last March, caused a sensation throughout Japan. The case Involves several members of the Imperial Diet. Count Bhlgenbu Okuma, the premier, reported the situation to Emperor Yoshl hlto, who sanctioned the resignation of Viscount Oura. . The Investigation Into the charges of bribery growing out of the March elec tions rcu!ted In the arrest yesterday of K. Hayaahkla, who had been chief secre tary of the lower house for twenty years. The arrest of Hayashlda Is said to be connected with the charge aaalnat Vis count Oura, who Is alleged to have re ceived a present of SMiQ from a candidate for- membership In the house. assented hr Chamberlain's Link meal. 'Laat winter I used Chamberlain's Liniment for rheumatlo nains. atifrneM and soreness of the knoes, and can con scientiously say that I never used any thing that did me so much good." Ed ward Craft. Elba, N. T. Obtainable) everywhere Advertisement. FINED $100 FOR KEEPING A DISORDERLY HOUSE Mis. Ida Rockafellow. 181 J Webster street, was flnsd l00 and costs In police court for keeping a disorderly house. Two girls, Kdith Bohone and Margaret Lewis, who lived at the place, testified that Mrs. Rockafellow knew that they brought men Into the house, and did not object Although the case . savored of white slave traffic there was not sufficient evi dence to warrant their being turned over to the government. Only half as many employes of the t'nlon Parlflc railroad lost their lives In accidents during the fiscal year ending June n, 15, as lost their lives by ac cident In the flees I year ending June 30, 1MJ. which was the last year before the road's bureau of safety waa organised. During the latter year twenty-eight were killed, compared with fifty-nine killed during the former year. Not a single paens;er waa killed on the road during the latter year. Employe Injured durlna; the latter year numbered 4,537, and during the former year S.007. Bsssenaers Injured during the lattT year were 2J and during the for mer year 333. ' Killed and Injured among employes during the two years of comparison were divided as follows: Year Kndlng June 3 1. June &. June . 1I3. 1914. 1915. Conduitors 72 M M Engineers ! (W 7J Hremen Z1H 19 144 Brekemen 2.T8 178 Mechanics' helpers.. .1.X37 1,117 S74 Merh. helpers M 40 S Htationmen 94 49 ; Lnoorers 1,W 1.7CI 1,521 Kafrsnae AV express. 39 82 2i Vsrdmen 112 112 M fllimslmen M 44 41 Miscellaneous 431 279 273 Totals R.15H R.Bll 4.565 ladla-estlnn f C an't Katf Vn Appe tite! Tr. Kins;' New Life Tills stir up your liver, aid dlgeRtlon, you feel fine the nest day. Only 25c. All druggists. Advertisement. Handy Recipes Br MRS. SAHAII TYSO RIIRF.R Stewed C ahbeae. Chop the cabbage rather fine, soak It In cold water for one or two hours, drain, put It Into the large baking dish, rover . with boiling water, add a tea spoonful of salt, cover the dish and cook In the oven a half hour. Drain, add two level tablespoonfuls of butter and two of flour, mix, add two-thirds of a cupful of milk, stir a moment, season with salt and pepper and put back In the oven for fifteen minutes. Panned (talons. Peel white skinned or Bermuda onions, soak them for a half hour, put them In the baking dish, cover ith boiling water, add a teaspoonful of salt, cover and cook In the oven a half hour. Take them out. drain the water and save It for stock. Put two tablespoonfuls of butter Into the dish, sprinkle the onion with pepper and salt, put them In the oven, uncovered, for a half hour. Serve In the dish. Potatoes aw Gratia. Chop cold boiled potatoes rather fine. To each pint allow a half pint of white sauce; season with salt and pepper, turn them Into the round or oblong dish, cover with grated cheese and hake fifteen minutes In a dulck oven. Macaroni aw firatlw. Boll four ounces of macaroni for three Quarters of an hour, drain, throw It Into cold water, mix It with a half pint of white sauce, add a teaspoonful of salt and! a saltspoonful of pepper. Turn this Into the round or oblong baking dish, or the pie dish, dust with grated cheese and brown In the oven. Spaahettl Spanish .Creole Fashion. Boll two ounces of spaghetti until ten ner; blanch, it In cold water for fifteen minute. Put two tablespoonfuls of but ter Into the large baking dish, add a tablespoon ful of chopped green pepper, one chopped aweet red pepper and two tablespoonfulg of chopped onion. Put the dish, uncovered, In the oven while you boll the spaghetti. Cook until the onion Is soft, but not brown. Add a half cupful of the solid part of a can of tomatoes, or three fresh tomatoes, a level teaspoon ful of salt and a dash of pepper. Drain the apaghnttl, put It into this mixture, cover the dish, cook In the oven fifteen minutes, atlr carefully and serve in the dish. rPIAZA HOTEL- IN EArf YORK PIFTH AVBNUB and FIFTY NINTH ST. The coolest hotel in New York. Overlooking Central Park. Within easy distance of all theatres and shops. Your address known the world over while you stop at The Plaza. OUTDOOR TERRACE AND SUMMER GARDEN Special Dancing Features Slejte Rooms with Bstb, $3.50 up Double Rooms with Bath, $5.00 a Ts rniwl meow er to Meers farther lefoesMttoa sddrss SRKU STERHY, MaMgiaa Draw Fresh Cake with the Home-made Taste Next time you want cake, ask tha grocer to bring you Sunshine Loaf Cake. It has all the tempting flavor of the beat home-made cake absolutely pure, fresh every day. Loaf Cake 10c 8 Flavors Chocolate, Orange, Creole, Claret Wine, Angel, Devil's Food, Raisin and Fruit Mad r .MM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,; irtliirlrllltrnrri A Big Friday Bargain Day in The Pre-Inventory Sales i. riB . Jttr Vf ss v f sa fcMn-or,iiwaii r,? ,X 3 he P. V s VL"T ' rfVlr i e--V- ; ifir&i$z!i 4: ft"'''?-': '' y J 4 f 3 1 S3 3 li 1 1 BVXX -J Mill Remnants of Voiles, Lace Cloth, Batiste, Dimities, Dress Percale, Calico, Shirting Prints,. .24c Dress Zephyrs Fine quality, mostly checks and broken effects; lengths j i to 15 yds., yard U2 C Dress Percale Full atandard grade In dress, shirting and wrapper styles; 10c vaU yard ;..6ic Dress Materials Remnants of fine printed dress materials, length from 1 e to 8 yds.; worth to 40c... lliC 8c Crash, 4 Vic One case of full bleached towel ing, soft and absorbent; fancy borders 4ic Plisse Crepe 32-Inch Finest Plisse Crepe, pure white, pebble weave; n I 15c valne, yard 02C Dress Poplin Highly Mercerised Dress Poplin, full pieces and remnants t j up to 16 yds.; 15c vals ... I Tissue and Batiste Fine quality Dress Tissue and genuine Clarem'nt Batiste, f 12ttc vals., yard DC 40-Inch Voiles Beautiful, sheer, rrisp quality in choicest shades and "7 1 printings. 15c value, yd.. . .1 2 C Pin Dot Swiss Fine white pin dot Swiss, 27 Ins. wide; regular 15c values, in Friday, yard 1UC Cambric and Muslin Bleached Cambric and Muslin, long serviceable length to f" 15 yds.; 10o vals., yd DC Wash Goods Remnants Remnants of silk and cotton dress fabrics, 27 and f 36-ln.; 35o vals., yard 1UC Printed Flax on In dainty floral designs on white and tinted grounds; e 12Hc value, yard '. 5C 69c Cloths, 57c Odds and ends hemstitched ta ble cloths, luncheon size, rT fine qlty mercer', damask. D I C 98c Spreads or Bolsters, 59c About 100 fine spreads In the crochet kind; bolsters of Marseilles designs , 59c 10c Towels, 6c AU-llnen buck towels, hemmed ends; guest size. While lot lasts, each 6c 15c Napkins, 7Vc One lot of full bleached napkins, hemmed ends; mercer- sy I Iced kind ; pretty patterns . . I 2 C Boys' $4 2-Pant Suits, $2.50 About 300. suits in neat browns and grays. All sizes, 6 n rri to 17 yrs. Fri. and Sat.. .. DU Boys' Knee Pants Knickerbockers in splendid wearing fabrics; 6 to 17 if yrs. Worth to $1. pr IDC Boys' Knee Overalls Boys' Double Seat and Knee. One pr. outwears two of A r the ordinary kind. Pair 4DC Pumps and Oxfords 1,000 Prs. of women's white can vas, black and tan pumps rn and oxfords. $3 vals., pr.. . DUC Seamless Hosiery Men's, women's and children's fast black, fine cotton T I 120 seamless hosiery. .. 2 C Barefoot Sandals for children. Practically all sizes. Pigskin and bag leather, or Worth 60c, pair CDC Boys, this is for you 50c Bathing Suits, at 19c Plain blue, blue and white and blue and red trimmed. All ages Cotton Ribbed Vesta Women's fine cotton ribbed vests, all sizes; worth 12tfc, , all sizes; worth 7 1 , Friday, each I 2C Men's Oxfords 8izes to 1t. Tan, black calfskin, patent leather. Worth f tt to $3.00, pair pl.DU Flouncings 12 and 18-In. nainsook and cam brio flouncings and cor- n ft set cover emb. 19c vals... 1UC Embroideries Emb. edges and insertions, up to 2Vi Ins. wide; white and colors. Worth 6c, yard... 2c Wavy Switches Rare offer In natural wavy switches, 30 Ins. long. Regular $5 vals., at... $1.98 Gray Switches Asstd. length In all shades of gray awltches, worth to OA $4. Special Friday.; OiJC Fast Colored Wash Edging.. lo Brandela Sp'l Hose Sup'rs,. . .Jo Iarge pieces Elastic, 10c val.-l Clasps, Buttons, Hooks, Eyes-lo One big lot Rick Rack, Bias Tape, Braid, ape. Fri., bolt.2'aO 60c Notion Boxes, Fri., ea...JOc J. ft P. Coata' 2-Cord Thr'd:2sO Safety Pins, special, card....xo r a I Women and Imm aeulafe Dressing W 'IV 1 Mr AN underarm as smooth as the A face is not merely a matter of X JL good dressing it has become a requirement of careful grooming. Sleeveless evening gowns and filmy fabrics have imposed the smooth underarm as a detail of the perfect toilette. But, more than that, the modern woman finds the occasional use of Milady DeGollofe' Gillof .Q necessary as a toilet refinement. Women are not using the more or less harmful and unsatisfac tory depilatories. They know that in a few minutes an occasional use of Milady Decollete Gillette will remove- all superfluous hair, leaving; the under arm smooth and white. That is why Milady Decollete Gillette has been designed a Gillette especially for women's use. Women who have been using a Gillette for years find that it does not roughen the skin or stiffen the hair. Its use may be discon tinued any time without the slightest incon venience. Of dainty size, In 14-C gpid plate, enclosed in French Ivory cae, lined with velvet and satin in Purple, Old Rote, Green or Old Gold Milady Decollete Gillette is a most attractive toilet article. It will be found with the toilet goods in department stores, also io. jewelry snd drug tores aad the foremost woman's specialty shoos. The pries is $5. Shown by good dealers everywhere Jtr full prtuUr$ but MiUdy Dtclltti GUUtti mj ill uu, urttt m d'trttt GILLETTE SAFETY RAZOR CO BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS b,s4 1 i 1 1 1 1 f3 i I 1 I