Newspaper Page Text
.Bee ADVERTISING 19 TTTK rwrVKIWAli LWGIAGE RFORKN KVKRVAVHERK KZ BUYERS AND SELLERS, MAHA AILY THE WEATIIEB Cloudy VOL. XLV NO. 37., OMAHA, SATURDAY MORNING, JULY 31, 1915.-TWELVE PAOES. Oa Tmtne, atketel ewe Steads, te 04 SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. JLHE SNIPERS KILL TWO AMERICAN MARINES AT PORT AU PRINCE Admiral Caperton Reports Casual ties Caused by Irregulars Among IT. S. Landing Force. YANKEES RETURN THE FIRE aval Official Announces No Further Disorders During the Night. OUTSIDE ATTACK REPULSED WASHINGTON, July 30. Two Americans of the landing force from the cruleer Washington werektlled at Port Au Prince, according to a message from Admiral Caperton, re ceived today. The men, members of a patrol, were fhot from ambush by sniper last night, Admiral Caperton reported. The marinus itetumed the fire -and no further dls Iturbances occurred during the nirht The ernes of the killed were withheld at the JS'avy 'department. ,The names of the two men killed as announced later, are William Oompera Eesnisn, 107 Stockton street, Brooklyn, Ji. y and Caaon S. Whllehurst, ordinary eeman, 0S Clay avenue, Norfolk, Va. Admiral Caperton reported the town rae attacked from the south at 8 o'clock last night. He had been warned, dis posed his forces for defense and repulsed It. He aald there was no alarm. .The two men were killed In the sniping from the brush in the,, outskirts. ' A statement issued by the Navy de partment said: ' "Admiral Caperton reports from Port Au Prince that owing to a report that the town would likely be attacked during the night that he made disposition of his forces for defense at 6 p. m. Attack from the south - about S p. m. Sniping from brush In outskirts of town. Two killed in the seamen battalion, nono wounded. .Successfully repulsed attack. Maintained quiet and order in Interior of city throughout night." Young Man Ground To Death as Body is . Dragged Over Street HASTINGS, Neb,. July 0.-(Speclel eTl efcrm -Jele oDty, a young farmer met death here tonight In a runaway. He wm loading ..lumber at the ( Oliver Lumber yardsjtvhen bis team "became ' frightened And Inched aTiead. He grabbed for, the lines and was pulled close to The horses" and rendered fcelpleest when hie body was ' pinched between the Rouble trees. Toung Doty was dragged through the crowded streets ever the pavements for 'several blocks. When picked up the youtig man's head was practically ground away. , Ira Doty, a brother of the victim, vai atendfnff at' t.e Mrnr rf flir atrAAi ft tand Hastings avenue when the runaway Ura decltra h Jo not tnat u u were sighted daehlng down First street. necessary for hlin to make such a de "Lefs see who" it ft.'- Mr. Doty ei- mnd- H llev the demand he made elatmed. and with the companion dashed wU1 prdv u"l:lnt-i M:' after the runaway I Mr- Weaterfleld declared a further check The men were the first on the scene i ot th 'un, 1 b ceMnr t and when the young man's llfele body j ublul tht xlu:t bal,Lrc iv the..01: Was picked up on ftouth Denver avenue, J ' To Pr t Differed. It was then that Mr. Doty recognised his'1 After Treasurer t're receipted for the Brother. An ambulance waa called and lie was taken to a hospital. Austrians Defeated . In Battle of Gorizia ctrvmrM. ,,,, '. v TJ2Z Pk ASJSS the Italian. , Gorlaia. with 170,000. men Including 80.000 Bavarians, ou the night of July ai, with disastrous results. The Austrian losses numbered 12,000. "On the followinr dav a florr. Am. trlan attack on the Carso plateau alro waa repulsed. . 'The Italians hold all the positions they have captured In the laet fifteen daya, except the advanced trenches before Gori ala, which' have tteen evacuated." ... The Weather Forecast tUl T p. m. Saturday: For Nebraska Cloudy; not change tn temperature. much Temsteratere mt Oma ha Hours. Yesterday. 1 Deg. 71 70 71 s a. m.... a. m.... T a. m.... S a. in.... a. m.... 10 a. m.... 11 a. m.... 13 m 1 p in.... I p. m. . . . 3 p. in.... 4 p. m ... 5 p. m.... t p. m.... 7 p. in..,. I p. in.... 72 72 74 78 77 7 80 si I li Comparative Local Record. WIS. UN. 1918. int. I Jllffhest yesterday .. lxest yesterday .., Mean temperature . Iro-lpllaUon .0 65 ,7 7 7 9 0 .U T 701 7V Temperature and precipitation Rartur-a from the normal: ormal temperature , Excas for the day Tutiil deficiency since March 1 2ao, Normal precuKation 11 inch total rainfall sinca MarLn inches r.ii ess sines March 1 96 inch leflclrncv far cor. Dprfoi 1 fil 4 I 71 ( n .1 inc.i - , - . - - ; .. z . etatloe ar.d ptate Temp. High 7 p. in. eat. .... S U Rain fall. ef Weather, fheyenne. clear.. .ft jKwijon. rain in l'enver, clear tn Ix alotnea, part, cloudv M put Cliy. part, cloudy M M Kl S3 Hi 70 & 74 M tVf 70 M JW I id! Lei.dor, imrtly cloudy 'inana. Clear Pueolo, ciear ha lU City rain Pit Lske City, clear.. t-ania te, clear hi,i-tlan. clo d f-lou fity, clar Va'eatlna. cloudy .01 1 .0) 1.1 .00 .1-0 .N .01 U M 7 tfi 71 M .01 T ' Uidk-atf trace of preoipltatinn X A. tLSW, Local t uiecaeur. m CHARGE OF THE CRIPPLED BRIGADE Wounded French soldiers hobbling to their luncheon at the military hospital at Aznberdieu, France. m 1 - W' Vrr- VI - WESTERFIELD PAYS IN MOSTJF MONEY Gives Ure All He Demands Except About Four Thousand, Which He Says is Not Due. AGREES TO PAY DIFFERENCE Ellery . Westerfield and bis at torney, A. C. Pancoast, presented to Treasurer Ure certified checks In totaf amount of $132,937.02. being $4,051.61 less than the,;- total of $136,988.63 claimed by the city de partment of accounts and . finances to be due. -' - The city reported a shortage of $21,048.81, but Mr. Westerfield claims It is $16,997.20,, which he has turned In with the other balance. 'There are credits in. the fiscal agen cies which the city did not take Into con sideration, and ' there are other. Items which I should be credited with," slated Mr. Westerfield. ' The former treasurer of Pundee doe net maintain he is positively sure whether the total amount - he- paid tn 'Is -correct, and he conceded it may be more or less, but aays be la "reammably ure," he paid in the correct total. , , ' , Vw" Aeeepta Tbeeka. - ' - Treasurer Ure accepted the certified checks "on the Omaha National and the Htate banks; The treasurer made a de mand for "all funds due the village of Dundee." Corporation Counsel Lambert asked the treasurer, to. make specific. demand for 121,048.(1 shortage," but Mr. certified checks presented by Wester field, the latter gave the treasurer a signed agreement which reads: "I agree to par in cash any further amount that is shown due from me as treasurer of tho village of Dundee, ' requesting the privilege of checking the accounts." j The written demand served by Treas- urer l7re upon Mr. Westerfield read: As ' t of the city of Omaha. I hereby ! Drdfc:,.orn.y0toT. SS ' me " ,u?d, blo,nln to the village ! of .w k.fc. M, In to the certified checks. Mr. j Westerfield turned over securities in the i of SH.788.M. Magaey Holds Back. At the present status of the case the county attorney told the mayor ' and corporation counsel he does not feel justified lr, starting a criminal pro ceeding against Westerfield. To the cty of fleets Mr.'Magney made ths statement: "I think the publlo be lieves Westerfield Is guilty of at least diverting public funds, but In view of the fact that Westerfield returned of bs own accord ana is here reaay to turn statement on .Wednesday. 'admitted hav over whatever funds are due, I do not ling received the money and distributing believe you could . get a conviction in any court." During the conference in the county at torney's office Corporation Counsel Lam bert said he believed Westerfield Is guilty of embenlement, but he coincided with the view of the county attorney, namely, that on the present evidence a conviction rould not reasonably be expected. "Suppose we show that the money 'Con t mud oen Page Three, Column Four.) American Says ' T n 1111 t iiosses oi Allies in Turkey Enormous o!f BERLIN. July .-By Wireless to Bay I vtlle.) A dispatch from Athene to ths Overseas News agancy sayst Tne American cruiser wortii Carolina recently returned to Greece from an es- i Undel trlp th W,r "OM- Tn 0"""r of the ship told an acquaintance that h. - t i . u - . - -1 1 , . 1 " " - v. .ioo .inriii, in heretofore reported. The Australian and Irish detachments were almost annihi lated. "The attempts to storm the rocky steep heights on the Asiatic side ot the straits were termed by these officers as simple )! Insanity. Turkish machine guns, led by the Germans, fought with great fury. "Wounded English .officers at Alexan. drla spoke with the. highest admiration of their antagonists. One Australian regiment of I.OuO men returned from a charge sixty-seven strong. These were wounded. Their comrades were dead. - er Germans Force Crossing of Vistula; Capture Several Thousand Russians BERIJN, July .-(Via London.)-The German army headquarters stntf today Issued the follow' lng official statement: Western theater: Near Perthes, In the Champagne region, both sides exploded mines. Ours destroyed a French flanking trench northwest of Perthes. "In the flrest of Le Pretre, a french attack collapsed before our Infantry and artillery fire, when in front of our trenches. "In the Vosges, yesterday afternoon th enemy again attacked our line at Unge kopf. Hand to hand fighting for posses sion of this position had not yet come to a conclusion. "Two English airmen were obliged to descend no the water, near the coast, and were, captured. Eastern theater: The situation ,1s un changed. ."Southeastern . theater: Troops , of the army of General Woyrsch eayly in the morning of July 28 forced a crossing of the Vistula at several points betwen the confluence of the PUIca and Koslenloe OKHMA CABINET : -' RESIGNS IN BODY Parliamentary ' Election .; Bribery Scandal Brings About Downfall . of Ministry in Japan. MAY. ASK PREMIER TO REMAIN TOKIO, July $0. The Japanese cabinet, beaded by Count Okuma as premier. Baa tendered Its resignation to Emperor YosMto. This action fol lowed the resignation yesterday of Viscount - Oura, minister, of . the . in terior, following an investigation by the ministry of Justice into bribery charges resulting from the . parlia mentary elections last March. Vis count Oura's resignation-was sanc tioned by the emperor after, a report on the situation bad been made to him by Count Okuma. Premier Okvma believed he should hold himself responsible for the acts of the. members of his '-abinet, waa the first to tender his resignation. The other ministers Immediately decided to follow the example of their chief. After receiving Count Okuma, the em peror" sumnSoned the elder statemen for a conference. A cabinet change at this time Is unpopular with the publlo because or the war. ' . Two Cases of Bribery. -Two cases havt oeen mentioned as re sponsible for the crisis. - The first was the charge that 10,000 yen O5.000) had been offered Viscount Oura. by a eandU aate ror the house as the price for keep ing a rival candidate out of the field The minister of the interior denied hav ing accepted this bribe, but K. Havaahlda. i chief secretary of the lower house. In a it for campaign purpoeee. The second case involves two repre sentatives charged with accepting bribes to desert the Belyukal, or conservative party, and support the government In Its campaign for an Increase in the army. The elder' statesmen will meet tomorrow and it is considered probable they will ad vise that' Count Okuma be invited to letaln the office of premier and reon struct the cabinet. The nam of Count Terauchl, governor general of Korea, also has been suggested, however, tor the post of premier. . Maaero Faaally Re a a too. . EL PASO, Tex. July . Generals Baoul and Emtllo Madero, commanders of dlvUlor.s of Villa's forces, arrived here today to attend a reunion of the Madero family. It wis said that they ram out of Mexico with the consent of OenTal Villa ar.d that their presence here had no political siicntficanc. The 'Stop Off" campaign fives plenty of room for each individual resident to help it along. Everyone haa friend or relative traveling acrota the country these days.' Write them to stop for a vi jit in Omaha. I -atsxeafc i J mm - vaUe mmmmmrT-':Xt', THE-GATE'CIf Y-OF-THt.'WtST r t i I ! U 1 $ A (sixty-five miles northwest ef Sando mleree). Fighting on the east bank Is proceeding. Up to the present fto pris oners and five machine tune have been captured In these operations. "Yesterday the Auatro-Qermans, under Field Marshal von Mackensen, again re sumed the offensive. West of the Vlepre, German troops broke through the Rus sian positions. In the evening we reached the line of Plsaki Biskuplce and the rail road running tat from those points. We took many thousand prisoners and cap tured three cannon. "This success in the advance of the Austro-Gerrft&n troops to the east of the Vistula and the advance of the Prussian Guard to Kurupe, northeast of Krasnto stav, and of other German troops In the district of Wojcs Wojslawloe, haa shaken the . Russian front between the Vistula and the Bug. "This morning the Russians evacuated their positions along the entire line and are now only resisting to the north of Grubechew.' ' AVERS EASTLAND , : SAFE FOfi'2,600 Inspector, Asserts , Roomed ;Boat Could .Carry, that Many if Handled Right RED FIELD IS TO TESTTTY CHICAGO, July SO. N. B., Nel son, supervising steamboat Inspector, when questioned by Congressman Sabath, during the Redfleld inquiry here this afternoon, said the East land was "abol.utely. safe for .8. BOO persons It the ballast tanks were properly bandied." - Secretary . Redfisld and Mr. Thai-man asked permission to go before the state grand Jury and their request was granted by State's Attorney Hoyne.. Dissatisfaction with the progress ef the Red field inquiry was expressed by Max M. Korahak. assistant corporation counsel. Rear Admiral David Watson Taylor, chief of the Navy department's bureau of construction, probably will be asked by the city to supervise the examination of all vessels plying out of Chicago har bor, which was ordered by the council. plan to span the Chicago river at Clark street with an Eastland Memorial bridge was aproved by the city officials todav . . Clash Cornea. , The first clash of the Investigation occurred when Michael Sullivan, assist ant to State's. Attorney Hoyne, took up the questioning of Inspector Held. "You don't ask. fair questions," said A. L. Thurman. solicitor of the Depart ment ef Commerce. .... "What you ask about the right of ap-' peal from a local inspector to the euper vising Inspector Is In the statutes. This man la not a lawyer." "If. this, man, .who. bad thousands ef lives under his care, is not familiar with the common practices of .the In spection bureau, we want to know 1L" Mr. - Sullivan replied, and repeated his question.. ....... 'The supervising inspector ' has the power- te overrule the local" map," re plied the -witness. : "How -many times has that been donef" sakod Mr. Sullivan.. ' t ' "New. give .him a, chance,", interrupted Mr. Thurman. .... "Oh. he U well protected." said Mr. Sullivan. '-In how many instances have there been appeals from your decision as an Inspector?" he asked the witness. "About four." was the reply. The Erteksoa Arraaiaeat, Held then sold that Mrs. Erlckson wanted her husband on the Eastland so that he could live la St Joseph. Mich., which was her home. Lieutenant Colonel William A. Jud son of the local government engineering corps, testified concerning the depth ef the river and said be did not believe the boat could have grounded. Illinois Regiment j is Visiting Denverj DENVER. Colo. July SO. The First ! regiment of the Illinois National Guard ' arrived In Denver today enroute home ' from the Panama-Pacific exposition. An official call was made on Governor Carl son and the regiment gave an exhibition drill. t CHARLES BECKER DIES. IN ELECTRIC CHAIR AT SUNRISE Former Police Lieutenant,, Con Ticted of Murder of Herman Rosenthal, is Executed in Sing- Sing Prison. WRITES DYING DECLARATION He Reiterates His Statement that Had No Part in Slaying- New York Gambler. KEEPS COMPOSURE TO THE END SINO SINO miSON; Oselnlng. N. i ., July 80. Charles Becker was put to death In the electric chair this morning for the killing of Herman Rosenthal, the Now York gambler. The former New York police lieuten ant retained his composure and pro- nested his Innocence to the last. He went to bis death with a photograph of his wife pinned on his shirt over his heart. Three shocks were given before the prison physicians pro nounced Becker dead at 5:65 o'clock. Becker led the way to bis own ex- ecutlon. The condemned man sat up all night on the edge of his cot, calmly talking to Deputy Warden Charles II. Johnson. "I bare got to face It," said Becker, "and I am going to meet it quietly and without trouble to anyone." . The deputy warden left Becker about an hour before the time set for the execution, and when the priests, Father W. FN Cashln, the prison priest, and Fatnr Curry of New York, came to administer the last rites they found the man who Instigated Herman Rosenthal's mur der with his face resting on bis band gazing at the prison floor. The priests remained with falm to the end, First Witnesses ArrJv. It was shortly after I o'clock when the first of the witnesses of the execution began 1 to assemble outside the prison walla. Quietly their namea were checked ff by .Deputy Warden Johnson, who directed them to take their their places at a gateway that led directly to the exeoutloa chamber. Then the witnesses were led to the place of execution in a new death house which had been built adJelnins the eld execution chamber, Where the f eur gunmea were pt-te4athej ovee year ago .for, killing Rosenthali Wben the witnesses were seated, Deputy Warden Johnson nodded to the principal keeper, rred Dorner. and., they left the room through fta small wooden door that led to the death cells beyond, where Becker was praying with his spiritual advisers. . Becker rose to hie feet when he saw Johnson and took a crucifix from the hand of the prison priest. To Father Curry, Becker gave his last messsge as he took hie place at the head cf the file of men that marched to the room ot death. Final Dealal of Crlaae. Becker s message, which he uttered to the priest, wse: "I am not guilty by deed, er conspiracy, or in any other way ef the death ot Rosenthal. I am sacrificed to ray friends. Bear this message to the world and my friends. Amen." - The only time the police officer hesi tated waa as he entered the execWon room. It seemed to the witnesses as if he was startled that the death chair was so near at hand. He looked quickly at the double row of witnesses, glanced at the floor, swept with his eyes the whit ened walls of the room and then suddenly, as If coming to himself, walked briskly over the rubber mat and seated himself in the electric shalr. Behind Becker fol lowed the prison priests, chanting a prayer which was repeated by. the con demned man. ... "Jesus, Mary, Joseph, have mercy, en my soul," nervously spoke Becker, as deputy wardens stepped forward and ad justed the electrodes. Hardly a minute elapsed before the electrode was applied to the right leg. After the electrode had keen firmly adjusted against a shaven spot on the back ot the condemned man's head. . the state executioner looked at Deputy Warden Johnson, who surveyed the figure that was still mumbling ths death prayer In the chair. Johnson half turned his head, and the executioner Jammed the switch. Three Shocks Otrea. The first shock lasted a full mlaute and the executioner said that it was LttO olts snd ten amperes in strength. It came while Decker was still commending hl soul to his Maker. The two prison physicians stepped for ward to txaralne the collapsed figure that sat supported In the' death chair by the thick black leather strap. The stethoscope was applied to the heart and Dr. CTisrle I'arr, the prism physician, pressed his finger against the artery In the neok. There was 'srtlU a feeble fluttering of the heart. The physician stepped back from the rubber mst and again the electrie eur rent pulsed through the body. The shock laaten seven eaounds. The eurrenf was then turned off. After a baety exami nation Dr. Kerr asked that a third shock (Continued on Page Two, Column One.) I" Tomorrow the Best Colored Comics with The Sunday Bee STATE WILL INDICT FEDERAL OFFICERS Alleged Attempt to Whitewash the Steamboat Service Causes Sen ' sation in Chicago. MAYOR THOMPSON IHTJIONAKT CHICAGO, July 30. Indictments against persons directly or Indirectly connected wltb the causes of tbe Eastland disaster, even federal offi cials, despite questions' of jurisdic tion, may be returned before night by the Cook county grand Jury, State's Attorney Hoyne Intimated today. Gossip about possible government "whitewash" ot fedoral Inspection service officials in the Investigation by Secretary of Commerce Redfleld caused Coroner Hoffman to request divers and experts to keep check on the government divers reported com ing from Washington to Investigate for the secretary, The federal grand Jury empanelled by Judge Landls today be nan the ex amtnatlon of witnesses and under or ders from the Judge a United States marshal officially sclced the Teasel. Tbe reason for tbe seicure of the Eastland under a federal writ of at tachment, It was explained by gov ernment officials, waa to prevent any person tampering wltb tbe ballast tanks, their valves or other mechan ism on tbe submerged steamer until authorised government agents have examined them. Adam J. Wackier, city harbor master, the first witness called by the federal grand Jury, is said to have repeated the story he told at the coroner's Inquest, when he said that the boat was over loaded. Weckler saw the Eastland over turn and a few minutes before had re rused to let the boat leave the dock until It was evenly balanced. He shouted to the captain that the vessel was listing badly. The inquiry feeilng made by Secretary of Commerce Redfleld' was resumed with the examination of several witnesses dur ing the morning session. Mayor Thompson Areaaed. Mayor Thompson, who la closely watch ing the Inquiry Into the Eastland dis aster, being conducted by Secretary Red field, said today: , "I don't want to criticise, now, 4ut If the results at the finish show that the investigation has been a farce, I will start something. They will have a good deal ot trouble proving to me that every- thins on that ship was Ot K. and that It'Juat turned over en Its own aceonntj "Ton can't tell me that it waa not known to b a dangerous vessel and that a great many seagoing men and govern ment officials ere learning for the first time now that la wasn't a stable arid Safe boat. "There Isn't a yachtsman on the lake hut knows that the Eastland was a dan gerous, cranky boat, built for speed at the sacrifice of stability, "I would like to ask one question and that is 'Why did this accident occur? If all these investigations don't answer that, I'll find out myself." Cerxser Advises' Cheek. Coronor Hoffman - today requested Mayor Thompson to employ two city div ers and a naval expert to oheck the work of two divers said to bo coming here from Washington to explore the wreck ' of the Eastland. Reports have reached the coroner that Secretary Red- (Continued on Page Two, Column Two.) Missouri Pacific Attacks Nebraska Two-Cent Faro Law (from a Staff Correspondent) LINCOLN. Neb., July . (Special Tel egram.) The Missouri Fad!lo railroad today filed a bill in equity In the federal i court here to have the Nebraska S-oent fare declared void. The railroad company names the State Railway commission defendants and asks that It be enjoined by federal au thority from enforcing the penalties for violations of .the t-cent fare order. The company haa exhausted all Its resources In appeals - to the Nebraska Railway commission and the Nebraska supreme court, being unsuccessful In every instance. I'nfalr discrimination between freight and passenger traffic is one ef the spe cifics ohergea of the Missouri Paclfo. Quintuple Tragedy at Temple, Texas Remains a Mystery TEMPLE, Tex.. July 80. Although of ficers have made several arrests, ths murderer of three enlloren in tbe W. R. Grimes ' home, near here, Wednesday night, was no nearer a solution than be fore. Surgical examination of Mrs. Grimes Is said to have established the motive of the crime. The only evidence, a combination spike maul and nail eut ter, with which the children snd their father and mother were beaten, came ap parently from a fanta Fe railroad sta tion house, JU0 yards from the Ortmea home. Neither Q rimes, nor hie wife, have recovered sufficiently to give an account of the affair. Grimes, in a eemi-eonsclous state, said hs hss a dim recollection of a negro being In tbe room. Eleven Killed by j Breaking of Cable j at Patterson Mine j PITTSBURGH, Pa. July SOi-Eleven i men were killed and six eerlously In jured at the Patterson mine of the United Coal company at Elisabeth. Pa., this ; afternoon, when a cable carrying a train broke on the Incline. The oars crashed Into a party of men at the mouth ef the sVlne. GERMAN HOSTS ARE AT GATES OF POLISIUAPiTAL Russians Begin Evacuation of War saw and Are Endeavoring- to Save the Great Army Intact COMMUNICATION ARE MENACED -a SSBWBsaessBMsi Large Teutonic Army is Threatening to Cat Railroad Running to Petrograd. TRIUMPHAL ENTRY BY KAISER LONDON. July JO. Warsaw, tbe third city of Ruosla and the goal for which the German armies In the east have been striving at sine October, is at last in the throes of abandon ment. Germans In overwhelming num bers are at the gates of tbe Polish capital and dispatches, both from tbe city Itself and from Petrograd. say that further resistance would be un wise. Disputed not only through France and Great Britain, but in Russia Itself, the fall of the city Is expected hourly, and tht problem now Is to move the Russian armies Intact, threatened as they are from the south by the Austro-Oermans, and more seriously from the north, where the German forces are aiming at the railway from Warsaw to Pe trograd. The hope la tbe allied countries now, Is" not for the safety of Warsaw, but for the continued co hesion of the Russian army. The Worsew poetofflce already haa been shifted to some point to the east ward, the populace has been warned to remain calm and presumably for days Russian troops ha hoan .t-ir.rj. ..- city of everything uf military value. German aviators are hovnrimr h. city and, according to German advices, piane nave teen completed for the tri umphant entrance of the German em peror, accompanied by his consort. Drive la West will Follow. With Warsaw eanturee,.. . . -, .. ' u u . vr , 1 V. . It Proven a con true at of lutim advantage, a great wave ef enthusiasm wm sweep over Germany and Austria Hungary and It Is predicted here that th ami tea of the central Btman'vfii th seek to force a period of trench warfare in me east, meanwhile throwing a ;reat weight of men and guns to ths west, with the Idea of reeumlne the ha.tiHnr wards Calais and perhaps toward Paris. in tne weat there has been little worthy of note to break. the monotony of mining and bombing from the North Baa to the Swiss frontier. The British Publlo Is SO little imoreaaed with the events in the east that David Lloyd George, minister , of munitions, in a speech yesterday, apparently thought It necessary to drive home the gravity if the situation In the minds of thnae In. cllned to be over optlmlstlo, reminding them that reverses In Ruasla would mean Increased pressure on the western allies. He summed uo his opinion with the ad monition that "the outlook le serious, if ' not perilous." Freaekt Official Resort. PARIS, July M. The Trench war of flee this afternoon gave out a state ment on- the progress of hoetllttlea which reads: . In the Artols district near Souehea and st The Labyrinth there, waa all last algnt fighting from trench te treneh with hand grenades and bombs. Between the Oise and Alsne, on the plateau of Quen nevleree there was continued activity yesterday . with artillery and bomb throwers. Between Boueaulles ' and Vauquols and In the forest ef Malan court, the explosion ef mines by the enemy did no damage. "In the forest ef Le Pretre, a Ger- . (Continued on Page Two, Column Three.) THE WANT-AD. WAY All Rifhts Reserved. A Uttle WAXTT AO WU1 buy, sU ot tradei By eslmr the same A fortune he s made. Ks now ewms a farm, The title's all elear Tbe future's ail rosee There's aotUuaT to fear. .The bet that he made Was won by lus frisad, ant rn be a ajo he u4 Vsid, blat bla la the ead. The End, Starting- Next Week: The 6tory of the Joblees Wan." The farm land onportunltlea in. rearing In The Omaha Bee s big euiiriay paper win he foun. weil worth the time spirit In luoklng them over. 8end or telephone your ad at once for our bl bunily V'ant Ail .ar.rr. forms close st 7 4 5 Katurlnv even ing. Telephone Ty'er 1 00 and PIT IT IS THE OM.tlU XA?i