Newspaper Page Text
4 THE TIEK: OMAHA, SATURDAY, JANUARY 15, 101(5. MERCURY IS RISING IN THE SOUTHWEST ? Temperature Generally Tea De gree! Higher in Kani, Okla homa, Missouri, Texas. WIRE COSDmOKS IMPROVED KANSAS (ITT. Mo.. Jan. 14. T'asnlnn of the high prssnre rea to tbe upper Mississippi valley and Great lake region today Is bringing relief to the southwest from the cold nave. The mercury rose from four to nine decrees in Missouri over i.ight. a little more in Kans and Oklahoma, r.hile In northern and western Texas the reading reported to the local weather bureau genr ft 1 1 y were ten degree higher than yesterday. ' S-nw . far Mlaanarl, Slowly rising tmMratiirra. with lii eralng rlou1tn'- that iny bring now In Missoutl. Kanr and the north ern pait of Oklahoma were predicted. At Kansas City tlir mercury stood at Tty drrrw blo trrn at ( o'clock this mornlna. , Four and a hntf hour tatr It hsd risen to the ter mark. Iea Molaea reported 16 Wreea below r.rm at 7 a. m.: Rt. Jo seph. hlow; ("onrorrtta. Kan.. below; orie tlty. abne; Fort Hmitli, Ark.. 14 aenve, and Corpus t'htlsll. Ton., 24 al ov. " Wre conditions were much Improved and trttina were rrsiimlria; normal sched ules. i Marnier at . t. Paul. ST. jPAfl.. Mum.. Jan. 14 C.radually rlain . temperature throughout the cen tral northwest aiales today brought re ll' from the Intense cold of the laat two daya and enabled railroad to resume tiormsl service. In the. Twin Cities the temperature was 17 decree lelow early today, as com pared with 31 below twenty-four hours previously. Cald Karr Hearhea Atlantic. WASHINGTON. Jan. 14.-The cold wave has reached the Atlantic atates, although not In; full force, over the north aectlon and cld weather rontlnuei weatward to the Rocky mnuntalns, although with a ronai'lerable rise in temperature west of the Misalaalppl river, i I Knar Hrlarr at 4 hlraao. CtlltAdo, Jan. H.-The cold weather ahith' has prevailed In the mlddlewest for the last thirty-' house, continued today,' but the weather bureau preduoted hiKhei lr m ne rut it re a before night.-, , In this lty at 7 a. m... atreot tlier iiioiik tel a in tlm viowntown district rcf Interedj 4 deurees below' aero. Kallrnad traffic . west of. Chicago- la still far from normal, although report from t'lowa and Minnesota, where tbe mnat ,'aerloti trouble was ''encountered from the storm, state that conditions are Improving. ....... HAUSER'S NERVE BREAKS AS TRIAL APPROACHES END (Continued from Tag One.) laat tiling of, the law the preaumptiou of Innocence till g''lt la proven. And I most firmly and sincerely beleve that no pefaon can'eay Arthur ltauaer"a gullt has laven proveh, beyond question of a rioubtlby the case which the state has made. , "Counsel for the state haa asked you If yoi are going to ' turn Mauser loose upon j this community. Oentlamert, lha luestipn Is not the Interest of the com munity nor of Hauser'a family. Mauser's Ufa Is not worth -much. He la only a niuniiy Ufa Is man, II tinned. Vol like the rest of ua. lie may have lie has sinned. should forget the Interest of the community,- the city, the state, his old mother, his' wire, and hla daughter. But elnce j counsel' for the atate ha men tioned! the -effect of the result of thl trial, (let me say a few word concern ing tgose on whom convtcltlon would liear hardly, ' Pleatta far Baby. "Arthur llauser haa a little baby there, lying in her mothers arm. Dy her atJe ait the man' acd mother, fume time . when Arthur ' Mauser lie hurlcc whether In a prison yard or In a bet er graveyard, that little girl will be a f oman and she will marry nj be come a mother. When some one asktl brr: 'Who are you?' die will answer: '1 am, the daughter of Art Ilouaer. who was electrocuted for murder, the first nan o sit In the deathihalr In the state i'f Nebraska "In j Kansas where my home ta thy have abandoned the drain penalty, but yuu have It In Nebraska and If you be lieve lArthur Mauser is guilty of thl murder, I tell you to send him to the uath! chair. 'tivntlemen of the Jury, where were you the night of October IS. I. was In the sanctuary of my home with my wife and baby. If aomeon said I wa om wherd elae how would 1 prove where 1 wa. I'd have to tall that loving wife, j That Is what llauii-r did. I rare Jerr la Believe M Ife. "What is to 'protect you If your wife la not to be belie ed whin alua come on Hie stand, unshaken and aaya you were with her. Is she not to be believed even if her tralluiupy I not corroborated? "Hit tn this case there waa corio boratkui. Ilai.ner and Mi. Mauser said the laundry wa delivered the night of the nturder. 1 went to the laundry com pany iaml thry told ma "No." 1 cam back .'and said; 'ily God. Mauser, are yuu llng to us.' Ha said, 'No.' Charles A. Unter. driver for the Chicago laundry company, called to the alines iud by the state to refute the alibi wiiiih Mr. Mauser, the bandit wife, bad aoulii to eslabllrb for him. broke down at the, last nilnut and admitted that hla ash 'record showed be had delivered laundry to the Hause' home on October l. the date of the murder of the late cashier of th Woodmen of lha World. t tswd t baae Kalth. , Tbis meant little in Itself, but, coupled with bis pruvlou deuU and with th tea tunony which fraU tlttlft ; wonan,' - a faithful wifit and devoted- inotber, had ilveu au ttr reik)ul-, it bad the ap-t-arance hf a Ireueadou blew to tue .roaeutka. ' It wa the that the crowd. wbluH hr t' fore tat eminuuly ajulet. daiaandliuj death fr the slayer of iimth, to a fi chanced its i!id. , "Turn '.tun loo. waji atgnaied to the ;uy, hvndttv.t of a.-n and women ud 1. nly rUi.j..,,! tl.tir" bunds and Slamping tfjir ffe one kmo. H we eaid by touit ir'i'Uia tu bake btea on bt u,. Mrs. Haiiser and Child at Trial of Her Husband -f . yw . - moat dramatic scenes ever stnaed tn an I Omaha court. Court official leaped to their fcut, rap ping for order. Judge Enrllsh threatened to rler the room, and In a second order had been restmvd. Mauaer and hla. law yer were Jnhllmit, and state counsel were rorrespnivllnaiy downcast, lawyer on both side Hild tht In previous con versations I.lnter had refused to admit that he delivered laundry to the Mausers on October IS. ladea Card l.eada fa I Umax. An office Index card for October 1.1. In advertently brought Into court by Unter, led to the climax. Attorney for the de fense seized It, found that It. allowed I.lnter hud called at the illauser home for articles to be laundered on the day before the murd-r. Introduced It In evi dence, then naked IJntcr' whether hi cah book did not show a delivery on the following clay. The altness examined the bonk and found the entry. "I did deliver laundry there on Octo ber 16," he said. A moment's questioning by the county attorney failed of results, and court ad journed for the noon recesa. Mrs, Haiiser hud teatlflrd her husband was . homo with her at o'clock the night of the murder, and that she got the money from him with which to pay Lln ter when he delivered It. aBra. Mauser, by her evidence, repaid her husband for the klndneas and af fection which, she declare, he has lav ished on her and their baby during aft lha long series of desperate crime of which ho la accused. Her devotion to hint is manifested by her evident hap ptneas at being with him and by her willingness to do whatever he dealrea. Hho dldn'lj want to have her photograph taken, but "I'll ask Art," she (aid. "Art Is willing." she aald next, and photographs of her and, the baby were taken. Mrs. Mauser conversed more than half - a , ,. , i .tffas - ff How Soldiers I&ep Sixm i . V Jil uxg, imponani mmg 10 ngnung soldiers, a sick soldier cannot work with vigor any more than you can work with energy when you are weak, tired, almost sick. One efficient warring government is giving each soldier a vial of cod liver oil every day because far-reaching experi ments show how wonderfully it increases the calories of human energy and gives them strength to prevent winter sickness. Is this not convincing proof that you need it at this season to enliven your blood to prevent sickness? Cod liver oil is scarce and high-priced this season and many inferior grades may be offered. But remember that SCOTT'S istheone EMULSION wnich guarantees pure cod lrr er oil free from alcohol and drugs. If you are subject to colds, throat or lung troubles; if you are easily tired, run-down or have thin blood, you should take Scott's Emulsion at once. If your children are back ard in growth, frail or anaemic, nothing will do them so much good as Scott's Emulsion, and for girls and women in home or business it is nature's great strength-builder. Scoff Vis not a "secret" medicine. It is a rich blood - food and a pure tonic; it contains nothing harmful and is pleasant to take. "ai ... ..'.' V V ' ,: : tin i f c ' : -. : . ' : ... , " . ' ' . , Kf ' .' : i - s . " j i jj t7tj asy an hour with her husband before arte testirted, during a reccs of court. Then she waa called to the stand. Married Klaren Years, . "My name I Mr. May Mauser." she testified. "I have been married to Ar thur Mauser eleven years on February i. We came to Omaha on Octobor 1 and left October 21." "Do you remember the night of Oc . 1 11-' It is prescribed by physicians and liberally used in hospitals and private schools. One bottle may prevent a sickness. At any drug store Start it to-day. Imitations are sometimes offered bat this Trade 'Mark has stood for supreme quality for the past forty years. ALWAYS INSIST ON SCOTTPS. iA;ott & Sown), Uloomfield. H. J. tober IS?" "I do." "Do you know where you wer7" "Tea, sir." "Who was with you?" "My hurband end my babe." "Where were you?" "At 2117 Weha'er street from o:.) o'clock Saturday until Kundsy morning." "Mow do you fix the date?"- I.aaadr) man t ame at Mae. "The laundiyinan came at' 9 o'clock. Also Arthur and I were polng to go 'down to buy me a coat. Arthur said, 'I believe it hcM not to take our baby out tonlifht. because it Is mlri'ng.' " "What lau.idry ai It?" "The Chicago laundry." "Who jald the laundry lm 7" "I did " "Where did you gt the money?" "I 6'it It from my husband. I wnt hack to the kitchen where my hu.ibnnd nnd I were playing cards and ant It." i Mis. Ilminer here told of Kolng Into the rooms of Mr. and Mrs. Croxier, pro prietors of the rooming houee, to art the liany, I.lila Mauser, who, alie aald. had run in there, wearing only a pettl 'coat. Mr. Croxier in previolua te-itlmony ihad said he iememlered the Inrhioiit, but 'did not fix the date of It. Mrs. Mauser Isnid Arthur rent her after the child. orleil Out Baby' Clothea. M-s. liauaer further established th? I alihl by testifying that on the evening of October 1. ahe undid the pnekage o' clothea and sorted out what she needI j for the budy over Sunday. J- "Mr. Maimer put on the Irons for me und 1 Ironed that night," she said. "Then we retired and got up about S o'clocn Hunday nuirnlna. County Attorney nliirnoy did not cros.t examine tlie witness. The laundry driver hml admitted he some tlmea worked late on Snturdays. Ucullirr Man on "land. Other wltnesae for the defense wer-: Prank O'Cojinor. who teBtifiod of mes- urlng distances at the scene of t he crime: Colonel I A. Welsh, weather forecaster, who told of the condition of the weather ; the night of the murder, and Vr. A. F. Tyler, who live near the scene of the crime, and whoee testimony wa Intro duced In an'effort to Impeach Miss Grace Slater, eye-witness of the murder. Colonel Welsh said; "According to my records. It rained from 8:15 to 7:20 the night of October 1H, and from 7:50 to 31. A total of .18 of an Inrh of rain fell that night." ' The forecaster said .03 of an Inch of water fell between and 30. The murder wis committed at 10 o'clock. Dr. Tyler, who live at 11 Mnroln boule vard. 250 feet north of Dodge street, said he eaw a man and woman on the oppo site side of the street from bis house shortly before the time of the murder. They turned artd went south to Dodge street. "A moment or two later I heard th report of a pistol," aald the physician." "Did you ee anyone after that?" "No, ir." said th witness; not until the crowd gathered." Miss Slater had testified she and Smith did not go north of Dodge street. Llnter. the laundry driver, was called In rebutul by the atate to disprove Mr. Hauser'a statement that he had delivered laundry to the "Wilsons," as the Hauser called themselves while living In Omaha, on the night of the murder. He first testified that he made only two trlpa to 2117 Webster, where the "Wilson" were living. "I wa there the afternoon of October 20 and the morning of October 21," ti said. ... A few minutes afterward cam th "break" in Ida testimony which wa fa vorable to the defense. Read The Bee Want Ada. It pay! ft 1 ! W 9 ..s-rrvTvTiiy, Jj Him M mm s- r lj r J COTT- KMULSION MADE IM UNLIT UAaOftATOStlKaV Generals Rodriguez and Almeida Shot EI. PASO, Tex.. Jsn. 14. Generals Jose Rodrlguet and Almeida, were executed at Madera, shortly after their arreat. according to a dispatch received by the Mexican consul from (Seneral Jacinto revino today. Andreas J. Garcia, Mexican consul, de clared today In answer to a formal in quiry, that no armed expeditionary forces of Americans would be permitted to enter Mexico to run down Villa and his bandits DEATH RECORD Crank O. Peterann. WK8T POINT. Neb.. Jan. 14.-1 Special. ) The funeral of Frank O. Peterson took place from t-"t. Mary's chvrch. West Point, on Wednesday mr.rnlng. Mev. A. K. Klemenx. ssalstant pastdr. celebrated the requiem mass, the funeral sermon being preached by Ke. F. Peitx, pastor. Mr. Peterson was an arly settler of the Bell Creek neighborhood. In Turt cot.nty. neir Oakland, settllnif there forty years ngo. Me leaves a wld v. three daughters, Mrs. John Reenian end Mrs. Lawrence Scemen of West Point a;.d Mis Mary, at home; also three sotu, ' Joseph, Qustave and Otto. The deceived was W yeara of age and died of heart disease. Mra. Kalherlne Hedmond. TKCl'MSElf , h.. Jan. 14. (Special. ) Mrs. Kalherlne Hedmond, a resident of Johnson county ii:ce 1i70. died at her home in Crab On hard on Tuesday, Jan uary U. Her husband. John It. Tted mond. died more than ten years ago. She Is survived hy the following chil dren: Mrs., I. J. Turner. (Jrldley. Cel.; Mrs. Sera J. PUtl, Crab Orchard; Mrs. W. M. Doolittle, Tuconvi, Wash.; Joseph P.edmond, Colbv, IHn.; Miss Madge V. Itedmond. Kansas City, Mo.; J. I,, ftcd- mond. Crab Orchard; Ilr. K. 11. Ited Convincing Evidence IP m its I if - $12.50 $13.50 $1).00 $18.50 $20.00 $22.50 $25.00 $40.00 $35.00 Shirts on 'in such excellent materials us Rice Cloth, Madras, French Print and Mercerized Oxford. AMl'SKMBSTS. Katro Plotnr larrlc Praaanta tba BmlBa aaarloaa Xmotloaal Aetraas, bwit rrrrzvs Za ta TOm BanaattoB, "The House ol Teire" HIPP Varamonnt rhotoplaya, 13th aad Karn7. s. aoa. Concert Orchestra XU.BT TXafXI TOSAT XllOO. I:a0, lt40, S:00, 440, :40, 7:00. CiaO aad 9;0. aa-laad'a rarnoni Star Baaaty CONSTAKCE COLLIER "TCRCUES'OF MEM" Where the Omaha Bee Unir ersal Animated Weekly May - Be Seen FABJTAM THEATTtB CAMKRAPHOSS tXBM LOTAJU . rABTDCB UlUO MAOiO HAIfSOOM ARBOR rVT FALaVCB DIAMOJTD BURT AXHO twawa Bxxaoif ruaKEisxm fcii1-i,ili''-aTig,iiii!r!rnnrr!!ilii.i,., jj mond. Pan Antonio, Tex.: Miss Ella Red mond. Crab Orchard; W. D. Itedmond, Wayne, and Mr. 1 C. Hrnly, Lincoln. Funeral services were held this after noon. - Theodore Thoaia. WEST POINT. Neb.. Jan. U.-'Speclnl.) The death of Theodore Thorns, Jr., n lesident of West Point, occurred at a Remedy Prescribed By Many Doctors Compound of Simple Laxative Herbs Proves Most Efficient. Dr. W. A. Evans, wilting for the Chi cago Trlhine. makes the insertion thai practically everyone, nt smne time oi other, e.lfers fiOm constipation. Tills applies regardless of age or condition in life. The col.geal on of stomach waste in the bowels is evidenced In various v.-nys: bloat. nuctHtion of foul stmnnh ga.ics, sick hradache. languor, all Indicate con stipation, and call for proin; i uttciii I ju. nol only to relieve the prcicnt dlsium foi t, but also to avoid possible dise.'is" that follows neglect of this imnortnnt function. Harsh catharti.s and violent purgs tivcB should not be employed, as these afford only temporary relief, while they serve to shock the entire system. A mild laxative such a Dr. Caldwell's yrup Pepsin Is far preferable and Is now the remedy generally used anl pie acrlbed by many doctors. It Is free from opiate or narcotic drugs, acts easily Hml pleasantly, without gitplng or other pain and is a safe, effective family remedy. Mr. Chas. Schell. 132 Church St., Urcn- is evidence so clear and so: force ful that none can gainsay the point. That is just what is offered, in Sam Peck and Steiri-Bloch clothes Convincing Ev idence of Clothing Superiority, splendid value at regular prices, when in , a sale comment is superfluous. Suits or; Suits or Overcoats, now 9.25 Suit or Overcoats, now .$10.25 Suits or Overcoats, now .$11.20 Suits or Overcoats, now .1.... $13.50 Suits or Overcoats, now... $15.00 Suits or Overcoats, now ...$16.75 Suits or Overcoats, now $18.75 Suits or Overcoats, now .$22.50 Suits or Overcoats, now $26.25 Alterations Without Extra Charge. Sale $2.00 Kinds, $1.50 Kinds, $1.00 Kinds, 1516-18-20 F ABNAM STREET. AStrSCXENTS. TODAY yJS, Last 2 Times Th XHstlaa-iUahaA SarUh Actor Mr. Cyril Maude Za Hla lataraa. 4ini?llrVIPY" - tloaal Trlanph WHUIIir I Mat. BOO to 11.60; T., 5QB to $9.00. Jaa. l-17.iV.l, Mat. Waaaaaday HE. MOKMAJT I1CC1TT la WlUard Maok'a "KICK.liM" Mat., SSO, BOO. 750 Irs., SSo, 6O0, 75o and $1.00. "OMAZCA1 TVM OVirTZK" Frank Hunur'a Bl.ckfaMl.m : nkl. Rlc'i Im arMnatloii.; lalrr a O'H.y la th. Ntutr.l tk.lch. "In th. Traura.;" S.iii MirfLId, 1 . aial. Barllon.: Fr 4k L.rdl. Waav.r from ct.. K.w York HtppodroBM. bi Bautr ckoru.. Z.adla Dim BCaUaaa Waak Bay. aav. Nit .a Wat. "Jlk Cnturr Maid." Today NEWfTonlte 2:30 HrUJ3 0:20 North Brothers Stock Co. Oataba'a Bat Taaatrloal Barrala, "THE SPENDTHRIFT" 10 Oats. Brrd Baata, SS Cat. I Vat Waak, "MiOMS,- Tea Olxl la Walt 1 Bhoao D0U4-. 4 THE BEST OF VAUDKV1LXB. MatinM TtxUy, 2J.5 Early Curtain Tonight, 8:15 Bast Waak A- la Two BUUar TaaU ar.a - Porot-ay Jardoa aad Jail aUaa k Co. Let The Bee get you a good job. "Situations Wanted" ads are free 4?loux City hospital on Tuesday. Mr. Thopis had bi- n Inking treatment M Kioux City for some months without benefit. Me Is the o'dest son of Theodore Thorns of this city, a aell-knuan and early seitlrr of Cuming count. He wn a native of this place nnd was -"j years of uge. nnd unman ie I. The boily brought tn tills r ty for Interment. j Af . J V. ISW.S !: ' J hy vv':i:'.'v; I L'm-jaiini"i7 nn V, dfi i i i ii ii r r KB. ClAl. SCHII.I. jflda. Miss., writes that he found relief himself by using Dr. Caldwell's Syrup ' Pepsin and now keeps it on hand for fam ily uso. A bottle of Dr. Caldwell's Syrup I Pepsin should have a place in eve,ry ; family nudh lne chest. A triHl bottle can be obtained free of charge, by writing to I Dr. W. H. Caldwell, 4M Washington St.. iMonticello. Illinois. now. ;.$1.15 now 95c now 65c AMUSEMENTS. BOYD 1 P.M. to Jt TONTIXLOUS LAST TIMES TODAY Henry W. Savage's "Excuse W A Pullman Car Pleasantry of Berths and Mirths. A PATHE FEATURE Prices, 10c and 20c. BHVn SUNDAY, MON w I la DAY, TUESDAY, The Funniest Play Eyer Written HiO Gmm1 Ixmer Floor Seat&t nt $1 GET THE HABIT. Phoue D. 999 lor Ileaerved Beau. Contlnuuua 11 to 11. 1 sJ n (