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naming Beginning Monday, Store Closes Daily at 5 and on Saturdays at 6, giving to our employes an added hour of daylight to devote to other pursuits and for recreation. ' Marvel Hats $6.85 You know the quality you know the high grade styles we know that we have another fascinating lot to show. ' Second Floor Brandei Store. 5 E i I A Special Purchase of White Wash Skirts amwncerjEiMi Diante Stores - 500 Just Re I I Women's New Summer Frocks $18.75 and $22.75 Navy has the call. That is anaccepted fact and these new navy Taffeta frocks for busi ness and travel and afternoon wear are ex ceptionally fascinating. Combined with Geor gette and with dainty white accessories in col lars and cuffs, navy presents a very charm ing appearance at this time of the year. A dark frock yet extremely cool. New models with tunic skirts, tucks and pleated blouses with buttons, and bits of em broidery, Georgette sleeves and dainty fichus. Bathing Suits for Women We are 'exploiting the Annette Kellerman Bathing Costume, made in two distinct types; one the suit with tights attached, called the 2-in-l, and the other a slip-on model with tights, one of the most famous Annette Kellerman Costumes. All Bathing Accessories, Caps, Shoes Tights, Bags, etc. Suits from $3.98 to $10.00 Caps from 59c to $3.50 Second Floor Brandei Store 11 r i - in ceived From a High-Grade -Maker Most Extraordinary Value at $2.90 These Skirts would sell in the regular way at $4.00 and $5.00. Here is an opportunity that speaks louder than words to you right now. An assortment of more than 500 Skirts, new, crisp and clean, right from the makers' hands. There is a variety of newest styles to choose from all the novel ideas in pockets and belts, trimmed in pure white large carved pearl buttons. The materials are superior quality Piques, Gabardines and Whip Cords. You will note at a glance superior workmanship, finish and perfect fit. These are what you would expect to get for $4.00 and $5.00. We know that you will buy your sum mer supply. Second Floor Brandei Store CI earance Sale of Corsets Some of our most popular lines where sizes have become broken or where it becomes necessary to clear these away because materials cannot be bought again and we shall not duplicate these models may be purchased here on Saturday extremely low prices. While you may not find your size in every style, you will find itin manv of these crouna. Discontinued Model Nemo $4.00 and $5.00 Conett, at. .$3.00 American Lady Cortett, silk striped coutil, low top, very long over hip, with wide elastic gore over thigh; Saturday at. .$2.25 Brandei Special Silk Broche Cortet, girdle top, free hip sec tion, wide belt of elastic in back, at .$2.25 Cortet for Slender Figure and Medium, in white batiste and fancy pink material; low top and long hip, at $1.00 Braniere, special at 50o and 75c Third Floor Brand t Store at I A 1 M as . I I'm W ft :5 ll 11 Exceptional Offerings of Drugs and Toilet Needs Java Rice Powder, special at 33c Mentholatum, 50c size, at.. 29c Oriental Cream, $1.50 size; spe cial at $1.19 Lucille Face Powder, 75c size, and Lucille Rouge, 50c size, both for 75c Palm Olive Shampoo, 50c size, at 19c Epsom Salt, -lb. pkg. for 5c Mary " Garden-Perfume, special, the ounce $1.39 Armand' Face Powder, 50c size, at 33c Witch Hazel, full quart bottle for 49c Simplex Cuticle Remover, 25c size, at . .' 15c Large Bath Sponge, special, 19c Sloan' Liniment, 25c size, 16c Pinaud'i Lilac Vegetal, $1.00 size, at 69c Pond' Vanishing Cream, 25c size, at 16c Djer Kiss Vegetal, special at 98c Bath Sprays, 98c values, at 59c Two-Quart Maroon Fountain Sy ringe, $1.19 values 79c Rubber Sheeting, yard wide, special, a yard 49c To-Quart Maroon Hot Water BoHtle, special 59c Lusterite Nail Enamel, SOC size, at 17c Azurea Perfume, special, the ounce, at f 79c La Trefle, special, the ounce, at 79c Creme Oil Soap, special at... 7c Aladdin Dye Soap, special at 8c Olivilo Soap, special at 8c Essex Peroxide Soap, special, 7c Spanish Castile Soap, 20c cake at 12c Benzoin and Almond Soap, spe cial at 8c Palm Olive Soap, special at 10c A complete stock of Bathing Caps from 19c to $1.49 Main Floor Brandei Store oqonononoaoncnonoiononononooononononooonononononononji D Sale o f Ribbons Fancy Warp Print Ribbon, 6 and 7 in. wide, light and dark colors, in the most beautiful designs, satin stripes; splen did assortment for all uses, val- oq ues up to 65c yard, at v. Brocaded Ribbon, 5 in. wide, in white, in five distinct patterns, in heavy silk, unusual values at, a qq yard aw 5 C Main Floor Brandei Store O 0 o D o a o D o D 0 D o a o D o a 0 a o n 0 D o D o D o D o D o D Misses 9 Midsummer Frocks Third to Half Below Regular Prices A Very Important Reduction Sale Note this well you devotees of Fashion, who have admired these exquisite Frocks in this Misses' and Small Women's Specialty Shop. Here are highest grade cerations to be sold on Saturday at a THIRD TO A HALF BELOW THEIR REGULAR PRICES. Organdie, Georgette, Linen, Pongee and Satin are the materials used in their fashioning Garments Up to Now $65 to $125 MISSES' CAPES are also in cluded in this sale. Second Floor Brandei Store o Q o D o D o D o D o D o D o n 0 D o D o D o a o D 0 a 0 a 0 & 0 0 D Vacation Wear for Boys Here's a Saturday Sale of Hot Weather Suits $5.00 Palm Beach Suits, cool cloth Suits, khaki Suits, wool crash Suits and mohair Suits. All $6.50, $7.50 and $8.50 values. Hundreds of them to select from, smart rfew models and styles in sizes 6 to 16 years. Some Have Two Pairs Pants. Boys' Bathing Suits Ga lore, 75c to $3.50 Fancy stripe Suits and plain colors; big assortment; sizes for little tots 2 years old to big boys 16 years old. Boys' Summer Neckwear . Waih Four-in-rUnd, splendid quality, each 25e Silk Sport Tie, each, 35e and 60a Foulard' a treat summer ue, eacn ........cue Windsor Tie, each, 35c and 59 "Play Soldier" Suits, at $4.00 to $8.50 Complete outfit, Cap, Coat, Pants, Puttees and Belt Hers ire real military Suits for real American boys. Bigger Stocks Than Ever Before Willi Pant, St ... .7Se to $2.00 Boy' sport collars or regular collars, at . .75c to $2.00 Koverall at $1.00 to $1.25 Pajamas in summer styles, each, at .. $1.15 to $2.00 Playtime Koverall, at ....75a Wan Suit, at. . . .$1.39 to $5.00 Second Floor Men's Bldfw-Brandels Store nonononononoaonoisaononoaononoaonononononoDonononono' Ladies' Hosiery Exceptional Offers Women's Pure Thread Silk Hose, pure dye, in all the wanted shoe shades. Some; others with lisle tops, reinforced soles, heels and toes; good $1 75 weight and quality; including black and white; at, a pair p Women's Silk Hose in vari ous colors and black and white, with lisle tops, double heels, toes and J1 OC soles, extra qual. Women's Silk and Fiber Hose in all colors and sizes, fashioned and seamless, gar ter tops, double feet, OC medium weight, at.. 00 Main Floor Brandei Store Women's Silk Boot and Fiber Hose in black, white and colors, fashioned and seamless, all sizes, ir- CA regulars, at OUU Children's Hosiery Infant' and Children' Sock In all styles, colors and slsss; rolled and plain tops, lisle and fiber; for ail size children, at, a pair 25a, 35c and 39e The EnglUh Sock, something new for the 8 and lSVyear girl, with fancy tops; at, a pair t .... .05c Mi' Hoe In black, whits and tan: silk lisle, spliced heels and toes; good dye and good quality; fine ribbed; at. ... . .50c Boys' Ho, In all sizes from 6 to 11. The Black Cat brand and other makes. These have triple knees, spliced heels and toes; Saturday, a pair, at 35c to 50e Main Floor Brandei Store Here Is a Basement Sift Shop Sale of Splendid Silverware at $1.00 Surplus Stock From the ' National Silver Company of New York will be placed on sale here Saturday at LESS THAN HALF THE REGULAR PRICES. Pie Server, Cold Meat Foks, Gravy Ladles, Salad Forks, Berry Spoons and Cake Lifters EXACTLY LIKE THE ILLUSTRATIONS . with beautiful pearl handles on each piece. Heavy Sterling Silver Ferules ' , The Best Silverware Sale Ever Held In This Basement Gift Shoy Basement Brandei Store Kodaks and Photo Supplies We are showing a com plete line of Kodaks and will develop your films free when you order prints here. Brownie No. 2, 214x3 . . . .$2.75 Brownie No. 2-A 2x44 . .$3.50 Brownie No. 2-C 2x4 at $4.00 Premo No. 2-C, 24x4, "at $3.79 Kodak Albums, 50 loose leaves, 6x9 49c Kodak Albums, 50 loose leaves, 7x11, st 69c Kodak Albums, 5x11, paper cover, special 15c Main Floor, Rear Brajidehr Store Let us develop and print from your films. Best Wear for Girls' Low Priced Dorothy Frocks for Girls Just arrived, a new assortment of these frocks. Dorothy Frocks are sold exclusively in Omaha by the Brandeis Stores. Frocks that are found in vogue and shown in the smart shops on 5th Avenue in New York and California. Individual styles, something just a little bit better ihan the average frock. They are shown in- imported Jap Crepe, Fine Linens, Madras, Dimities, Organdies and Net. Every dress is nicely finished. Prices. . . .$6.95 to $20.00 Cool and Dainty Summer Frocks for the Girls Pretty eolored Voiles, just as pretty as they can be. Shown in the high waist and normal waist line, with all the pretty new belts and pockets; also the new round necks with Organdy col lars and cuffs. Hand touches make these frocks very fas cinating. Come in sizes 6 to 14, also the flapper sizes, 12, 14 and 16 years. Prices range from $3.50 to $16.50, Girls' Flapper Dresses Age, 12, 14 and 16 Year - These Dresses are especially designed for the girls hard to fit. An exceptionally good assortment of Girls' Tub Frocks, pretty and inexpensive, yet practical. They are shown in pretty styles with the new belts and pockets, high and normal waist lines; come in all colors, ging hams, percales, stripes and checks $4.50 to $5.95 Children's Bathing Suits Every girl wants to take a swim during the hot weather, and here is a chance to get her an attractive, practical Bathing Suit for a small sum of money. Shown in the one-piece knitted garments in plain and bright colors; sizes 2 to 14 years; priced at, from $1.00 to $4.50 Second Floor Brandei Store v i- i ? i . - i f