Newspaper Page Text
1 R I E F BRIGHT REE Z Y BITS OF NEWS "MIRACLE MAN- BACK ' AFTER HOLIDAY JAUNT. Vew Carlisle, Ind., Nov. 30. William Ways, the so called" "mir acle man,' is back at his sanitarium here today following his "mysteri ous" disappearance. Mays had spent Thanksgiving with relatives at Ot- tawa, III., and hearing reports that 1 J I 1 : i i t j I c was uciicvct iu uavc K"uc lxJl Rood" telegraplied friends here to disregard the rumors. After a bat tle with muddy roads, Mays and his automobile finally reached here and the "miracle man (immediately be gan "treatment" of some hundreds "V of persons who awaited his return. VERY FEW ANKLES WORTH LOOKING AT. Londoil, Nov. 30. Every attempt to discourage the short skirt seems f to result in making it shorter. ' Dr. Walter K;dd of Cheltenham now ap peals to feminine vanity. Despite his name, he is very much in earnest. He says sadly that in his walks abroad during the past year he has observed carefully 2,000 pairs of feet and ankles. He declares it was "a miserable' subject" and re ports that: Man,, urnmhn wall. litrp ita srtlllflft ' some afford instances of spiay foot; !() per cent suffer from flatfoot, in sipient or pronounced; most women have deplorable ankles and feet, which they display with equal levity ' and audacity. Dj. Kidd adds that the only way to prevent flatfoot and kindred disfig urement is by systematic foot and leg exercise. In the meantime, he pleads that tli Cheltenham women of this gen eration iengthen their skirts jo spare him the pain of having their lack of v symmetry thrust upon nim. WILLNSUE "SOPHS WHO SHAVED HIM. ' Lancaster. Pa.. Nov. 30. Investi gation of the crudest Hazing that , ever took place at Franklin and by the college authorities. Thirty sophomores caught Robert Dumonhofer. a freshman. and shaved his head and eyebrows. They then, took him outside the city and beat'i him. he charges, in a shocking maimer, ending .by throwing him into a creek. Passersby found Dum onhofer and took .him home. Suit is. to be entered against the hazcrs. ( . . ; ' BODY OF MISSING MAN . FOUND BELOW NIAGARA. Syracuse, N. Y Nov. 30. Mys tery surrounding the disappearance of 'Storm Vanderzee Boyd jr., after he left the home of Dr. O. H, Cobb, was cleared by the positive identifi cation of a body recovered from the Niagara river-Tost below the falls rear the Maid, of the Mist landing. Positive identification was made, by Mrs. Hazel F. Boyd, wife of the missing man. The clue leading to the identification was the -laundry mafic-. "5932" found on wearing ap- parel. ' "y- v PICKS UP NUGGET" -t WORfH $2,300. ' , Oroville, Cal., Nov. 30. Accord- 5ng to a report from Stone ind Webster's camp near Caribou, a gold nugget, valued at $2,500, was found by "mucker," whose name is unknown? While working with several other companions in a cut in the North Pork canyon, the "mucker" suddenly picked loose from the formation a Jump of gold shaped like an apple "and weighing nearly four pounds. Bewildered by his sudden wealth, the workman immediately dropped his pick and went directly to his bimkhouse. There he remained the ' entire night without retiring, fearing that some one might rolihim of the nugget. Eifly next morning he left for parts unknown MAN GOES TO SLEEP STANDING ON HIS HEAD. x Pittsburgh, Pa.', Nov.. 30. Will AVAtt a nnrtM side stableman. - discovered bv a policeman stanaing on his he 1. asleep and snoring enthusiastically. West, when aroused, said he had intended merely to rest his head on hay in the manger, but slipped in head first and lcept right on with his naP-' ' ' PUP SENT 220 MILES WITH STAMPS ON EARS. x San Francisco, Nov. 30. At Win- - ' ters, Cal.,' a pup wa9 slipped into the (? niails and reached Elmer Crews in Bayford, Trinity county, 220 miles awav. The dog was recognized as first- class mail for three days. He was ) fed, watered and pettedthc entire (ItSt&ItCC According tl regulations, pups t either travel in baggage cars or 1 ladies' laps, the mails being reserved tor queen Dees ana aay-oia cnitKs. However, this one got through v with 35 cents in stamps pasted on his ears. : . ' - CHANGED HIS NAME THEN SHE WED HIM. , ' Los Angeles, Cal., Nov. 30. Michael Malouvicpopoulos was de termined to marry, but she wouldn't stand for the name. That's why the fcourt let him change it to Jim Lee. HUSBAND ANGERED WHEN CAUGHT WITH ANOTHER. New York, Nov. 30. After hear , ing testimony in the uncontested di vorce action of Mrs. Verna Elliott Cowles, daughter of Sir Arthur El liott, of England, against Edward B. , Cowles. a wealthy resident of Rye, with offices iu the Grand Central terminal, Supreme Court Justice Young at White Plains said he would grant an interlocutory decree. , The couple were married in Lon don in 1912 and ihave one child. They separated in 1916. Mrs. Cow!s tes tified that her husband has not con tributed a cent to her support since that time. , Two private detectives and a mau who was an usher at the wedding testified that they entered a room ing house in Seventy-second street and found Cowles in silk pyjamas, in company with an unknown woman. -They testified Cowles said it was an unfair trick to play upon him. Three days later Cowles who was a cap tin in the United States army, was served with the divorce complaint (- "THE VELVET tiAMMER"- LOCAL CELEBRITIES DONE IN VERSE ON EDITORIAL PAGE. Mil ,y Bee VOL: 43 NO. 142. I'JW P. TM? "Sin? rv$ OMAHA, MONDAY, DECEMBER. 1, 1919. By Mali (I war). Dally. 15.00: tutivt 12 Mi Daily an Sua.. M.OOi ouUlfe Nab. aoitata aitra. TWO CENTS. THE WEATHER: Light snow and continued cold Monday, and probably Tuesday. V t . Hourly trm iirriH urc: H it. m. a. in., S a. m. Da, m.. ... ? 10 a. m 11 a. m .vl 11 m ...II 1 l. t n. i. p. n. T l, ni . . in. . ' '. '. '. lis T Ii W m o) H, m U' f f V J MJ nn uu iam was WHOLE CITY TIED UP BY FUEL SHORTAGE; SUPPLIES RATIONED TO EVERYBODY Many Churches HeU Last Service Yesterday, Down to the Last Ton May Pool Fuel and Hold Union Services-Stores Open This Morning at 10 Heat in Office Buildings at 9:30; Steam Stops at 3:30 This Afternoon Cars to Be Pulled Off in Slack Hours Thousands Enjoyed Last Taste of Theaters Yesterday for Some Time. ' With schools and colleges closed, -street car service curtailed, business hours of every industry cut nearly in half, and every place of amuse ment closed, greater Omaha and Council Bluffs this morning will en ter what is probably the most trying period of its history. The order by the terminal fuel committee for conservation of coal, which, entails the foregoing results goes into effect this morning "Last Taste of Theater. Theaters were packed yesterday afternoon and evening with patrons, who desired one last taste of amusef nient. The offerings at every the-1 ater, moving picture and- legitimate, were of "a hfgh grade, and it was with a sigh of regret that the cfwds watched the last curtain fall. Every public school, Creighton university, the University of Oma ha, and the medical school of the University of Nebraska will all be closed, and hundreds of teachers without occupation. Retail stores will not open this morning until 10 a. m., and the closing hours will be at. S p. m. Heat will not be turned orf in the office buildings until 9:30 a. m. and will be turned off at 3:30. Manufac turing establishments, jobbing nouses, brokerage offices, and corn mission merchant offices "will open at 8 a. m. and close at 2 p. m. Private clubs will be cold and bleak without heat, except during the noon hours, when the commit tee's order permits luncheon to be served. JT.he . topms of, thosying. in club Dundings will be heated. It is uncertain when the rigid ban on coal consumption may he lifted, according to H. L. Snyder, acting chairman of the terminal coal com mittee. He declared the situation unchanged last night. "We have just about a week's sup lily of coal in the city," he explained. "The matter of lifting the ban will depend entirely on the action taken by the miners. ' Other members of the committee expressed the hopethat the drastic order might be lifted by the end of the week. The progress of the trainmen's strike in Kansas City is being watched closely. If fhe strike con tinues Omaha will be cut off from about oile-fourth of the already small supply of coal it is receiving, according to Mr. Snyder, and prac tically all of the oil fuel must com; through Kansas- City to reach Onfeha. 200 Cars on Way. v Two hundred cars of coal ordered from the Rock Springs district to Omaha are expectedto begin ar riving tomorrow. E. E. Calvin, feder al manager of the Union Pacific railroad, in an interview Saturday, promised to divert as muih coal from the Wyoming districts to Omaha as possible. The mines in the Rock Springs district are producing almost ca pacity,, and mines on the Jiiirlington railroad are in operation, according to latest reports. More urgent and more frequent appeals for coal ty .small towns west of here are being I (Continued on Pare Twor1 Column" "tlbCT' AMERICA SENDS ANOTHER NOTE7 ABOUT JENKINS No Intimation of its Character Disclosed, But ' Believed to Be Sterner Than First. Washington, Nov. 20. Another note to the Mexican, government re lating to the arrest and imprison ment of William O. Jenkins, con sular agent at Puebla, was sent by the State department today to the embassy at Mexico City for pres entatronitomorrow to Carranza. The note, which some officials in dicated might be the last on the subject, was in reply -to Mexicojs answer to a sharp demand by this government for" immediate release of Jenkins. No intimation of its character was disclosed, but officials in touoh with the situation believed it was more emphatic than any sent heretofore. Won't Be Questioned.' It was thought here tonight that the note would be delivered by the American representative tq the for eign office at Mexico City by tomor row, but there was no statement as to when the text would be made public. State department officials declined to be questioned as to the nature of the communication. v There were no advices tothe ae or the latest murder of another oil man, Waflace, although the embassy had been instructed to investigate and report;. " Congressmen Interested. -' Senators and representatives, bade today for the regular session of con gress tomorrow,- took a live interest in latest dispatches from the south ern KPublic, and there were indi cations that debate would break loose in both houses -ttfrhorrow on the general Mexican situation. Several senators Kvho had expect ed to discuss the situation said thj-L woufcTawait publication ot the last note from this government before expressing their views. ' In some quarters it was believed that the president's message to. congress, to be presented Tuesday, would have a good deal to say about Mepcico. Eggs Will Not Hatch, So Swan Kills Mate London, Nov. 30. An extraordi nary case of wife murder by a swan has occurred at Dartmouth park, West Bromwich; A pair -of swans have disported themselves on the park pool for over forty years, and in early life they reared several broods. After a 25-year interval the female bird resumed laying this year, and the male bird was seen by keepers guarding his partner during- the hatching. Both birds became fero cious, and attacked any6ne who ap proached them. and the male bird, it is presumed, became so enraged that he forced her head beneath the water and held her there till she was drowned. ST. JOE FACING ACUTE FUEL AND WATER FAMINE Only Three Carloads of Coal Are in the Railroad Yards Mass Meeting Called. St. Joseph, Mo., Nov. 30. With only three carloads of coal in the railroad yards here tonight and fuel oil practically unobtainable, St. Jo seph faces a fueland water famine which will force the closing of the light and power plants the water plant and big industries of the city. A mass meeting df citizens has been called for 10 o'clock Monday morning to consider y the situation. Conditions here are said to be main ly the result of the Kansas City switchmen's strike. . Villa Will Inflict Terrible Pumshment ' - . For Angeles' Death El Paso. 'Texas, Nov. 30. (By Universal Service.) Death by burn ing at the stake isthe punishment Francisco Villa has sworn to inflict on those who had a'nyl connection partment today from the Mexican I tion o General Angeles, accord capital concerning the Jenkins caseT- to word reacmng here frorr uig to word reaching iiere trom northern Mexico. Villa agents here- said he had been informed of the death of Angeles, but refused to say where he was of how the news reached him. Unofficial reports said Villa was near Pilar de Conches, SO miles north of Parral, near the scene of the Angeles capture. Tears rolled down the .bandit's cheeks when he was toll f his chief lieutenant's fate and seldom had his followers seen their leader weep. They watched him in amazement. Villa's grief was. succeeded by un governable rage. He made a speech, declaring eternal enmity to Carranza and promising to avenge Angeles' death by burning .aH who had any connection with it. Major Gabrino Sandoval and five followers who captured Angeles were paid 1,000 pesos each bp the Carranza government. "For every peso that the traitors received I will take a drop of their blood when they fall into my hands," Villa was reported td have said. "Then I will throw them into the fire to perish like the coyotes they are." A . The four generals' who passed sentence on Angeles are in Chi huahua City, with the exception of general Escobar, who is in com mand of the Juarez garrison. Former Emperor III. j . Berlin Nov. 30. (via London:) Fprmer King Frederick August of Saxony is seriously ill at Sybille- The hatching was unsuccessful, nort in Silesia, according to the Reichenberg Zeitung. With his family he has been residing in Silesia since he quit the throne after the 1 revolution a year ago NO ARRESTS YET MADE IN CASE -' OF NEWBERRY Hold Over Apprehensions Sun day to Prevent Jailing De fendants Can't Get Bonds. Grand Rapids, Mich., Nov. 30. No arrests have been made as yet as a result of warrants which were issued upon the return of indictments in the federal court charging United States Senator Truman H. Newber ry of Detroit and more than 125 other men with fraud in the election by which Senator Newberry ob tained his seavin the senate. As sistant Attorney General Frank C Dailey of Indianapolis specifically requested that no arrests be made immediately to obviate the pos sibility that some of the defendants might have to spend Sunday in jail through lack of ability to furnish bonds. It was considered probable that most bonds would be accepted by the court for all the-135 men in dicted. All Warrants Served Soon. It is not expected that any of the defendants will be brought here to perfect their arrangements for bail, as they probably will be given an op portunity to post bonds before com missioners jn the districts wherein their arrests are made, in the event post boiids.are not approved by Judge Sessions. United States Marshal Sherman O'Connor stated that-expected war rants would have heen served upon all the defendants by the close of the present week. There is much interest here as to whether , Senator Newberry will claim the constitutional immunity from criminal prosecution which is granted him as a United States sen ator, and an announcement from him on that point is eagerly awaited by politicians and others wh have been watching the grand jury in vestigation closely. j Expected in Capital. Today. Senator Newberry h a s i been spending a vacation at Hot Springs, Va., and it was understood that he is expected to be in .Washington Monday. Should post bonds be accepted by Judge Sessions it wCVuldTeKerfrthe individual defendant of the necessity of obtaining individual bail. It would be a bond in such sum as the court might approve covering all the de fendants in the one instrument, and all of them would be released from jail pending their preliminary hear ing at least. v EQUAL FOOTING FOR LABOR AND CAPITAL ASKED Vice-Chairman of A F. of L. Outlines Organized Workers Attitude Toward Questions. Washington, Nov. 30. Organized labor's attitude towards many ques tions pending and likely to come be--fore congress was outlined today by Matthew Woll, vice president of the American Federation of Labor, re plying to a series of questions sub mitted to labor leaders by Chairman Hays of the republican national committee. y ' To make the fruits of labor more effectively useable for the welfare of the country, capital and labor, Woll declared.-rnust be placed on an equal footing by making all corpora tion charters provide that under its powers the holders might not deny employes the right to organize, bar gain collectively through "represen tatives of their own choosing," or to determine. for themselves the con ditions and relations of their ser vices." Without this check on cor porate powers, he said, 'the domes tic conflict now raging cannot and will not be permanently ended." Plan to Settle Unrest, j S Discussing the plans to settle or minimize industrial unrest, Mr. Woll declared, "arbitrary exercise of un warranted1 and unconstitutional au thority by our courts" could not al lay it, adding that "to avoid building up a judicial aristocracy" the word of the supreme court,"state or fed aral, should not be final on the con stitutionality s of an act. He pro posed re-enactment of the measure. "The government by injunction should be prohibited, the rjghts and liberties and freedom should be fully safeguarded and the upbuilding of a judicial autocracy made' impossible for all time to come." Congress, he said, "should speed ily approve the covenant of Jhe league of nations, including the labor provision contained in this remark able document, which holds the hope for future peace of the world in its keeping, instead of filibustering and fiddling away like Nero while Rome was aflame." , Advocates Other Measures. Measures to prohibit child labor, total exclusion of immigration for two years, a government employes minimum wage and retirement act, a federal employment service, elimi nation of convict labor competition, soldiers' land legislation, state loans to home builders and repeal of all taxes on necessities were advocated. Women should receive equal treat ment and pay with men, but should be given tasks pror . nae with their physical- strength and potential motherhood, the latter stated. . t ANTHRACITE MINERS MAY JOIN STRIKE President of Kansas District of Miners' JUniqn, Predicts Ififinm nf Thorn Will loin WW j WW VI I I I V 1 1 1 Villi Win in Bituminous walkout. GOVERNORS CONSIDER MORE DRASTIC AUCTION Dynamiting of Mine -JSwitch Track , in Pittsburgh' sCoal District ReportedRegional Fuel Men Mostly in Control. - Chicago, Nov. 30. Mines in many states were ready tonight to reopen tomorrow on the basis of the 14 per cent wage advance fixe,d by Fuel Administrator Garfield, but the an ticipated refusal ' of many union miners tcr break their strike, now one month old, left the prospect for increased production an unanswered question.. But with nearly the whole of the country under fuel restrictions more stringent than in war time, many governors were considering taking some drastic action similar to that of Gov. Henry J. Allen of Kansas, who took over control of the stip mines under court receiverships and who had federal troops at the mines tohigtrt- and 1,200 National Guards men on the way to protect volunteer workers. Governors and attorneys general of seven states held a con ference here today, recommending a more thorough organization of ,;the fuel administration and more, rigid conservation of coal, but agreed on no, 'drastic action pending develop ment of government- plans1 The governors will meet again' in one week. ' - Dynamite Switch Track. . Alexandex Jiowvesid&otQt tbc, Kansas districfr-oi the Miners union, whose 13,000 members have been on strike since November) 1, predicted that 160,000 anthracite miners would .walk out in Pennsylvania, soon; He belittled Governor Allen's action in obtaining volunteer workers for the strip mines. The Kansas situation was marked by the report of the dynamiting or 4 mine switch track in the Pittsburg coal district. Generally regional fuel commit tees virtually took over control of fuel stocks today and hundreds of non-essential industries will b e closed. In Chicago the regional offi cials organized a local committee of coal dealers who must submit sworn statements of supplies on hand and deliver no coal to non-essential in dustries and institutions and make no deliveries even to essentials the first five divisions of the priority list when they have less than one week's supply. . y s Dealers Own No Coal. T. W: Proctor, chairman of the northwestern region committee, ex plained that the action meant that the dealers really -owned no coal, that it was now in the hands of the government to be distributed as the government directed. "Nonessential industries will be' crippled, manufacturing will be stopped, commerce will be lessened and slowed down and luxuries, if not certain conveniences, of travel will be eliminated. Mr. Proctor explained that thye sit uation would call for elimination of palatial trains and parlor ' cars., While the mines now in operation are producing better than 40 per cent of normal, the railroads re quire 34 per cent, Mr. Proctor said. Closing of schools for one month in Chicago, aswell-as limiting the hours of theaters and church serv (Continned on . Page Two, Column Four.) f German Socialists , Discover Plot to Enthrone Ex-Kaiser Dusseldorf, Nov. 30. The German socialists have discovered a monar chistplot which has as its purpose the return to Germany at the begin ning of December of former Emper or William and Crown Prince Fred erick William. Husband Names Apple Peddler as "Other Man" San Jose, Cal., Nov. 30. Charging a love affair between his wife and an Italian vegetable peddler'ahd alleg in gthat he discovered her in a com promising position with the veg etable man in a local rooming house on .South First street, Charles B. Southgate, wealthy Jaundryman of this' city, replied tolhe charges of his wife, who filed suit in the superior court here seeking annulment of a common law contract marriage. , Snow Slide on Interurban. A bad snow slide from the" high lands over the tracks of the Fort Ctook interurban line delayed cars going in both directions at a late hour last night, the slide occurring between the Country club station and Child's crossing. , RAILWAY STRIKE IN KANSAS CITY IS CALLED OFF Kansas City, Dec. 1. The strike of railroad switchmen, whieh began Saturday, was called off early today. BURGLAR ELUDES7 POLICE WHO TRAP HIM IN HAT STORE Cordon of Officers Surround Place, But Cannot Locate the Jntruder. Where did the burglar go when Police Officer Olie Knudtson saw him prowling about in the Omaha ha factory, Fourteenth and Douglas streets, shortly after midnight last night? Olie was just starting out to walk his beat when henoticed an alert figure dodging about in the hat fac tory. Olie rapped on the sidewalk wirkjjis night stick and brought fwo other officers from across thestreet hurrying to his help. Olie stationed his help at the front door and went around to the alley door himself. In the meantime one of his helpers called the police sta tion for more men to surround the building. 4 Comes on Burglar. As Olie forced the back door in he 'met Mr. Burglar almost face tor face with about 15 feet between faces. , Olie ordered him to halt, but the burglaY had already backed into the building. Olie pursued, watching the back door, however, to prevent the burglar's escape by that means. A Ford full of cops arrived from the police station. Officer John Bar ta was stationed at the front door and the other cops were distributed around the premises white Officers Knudtson, Sinclair and . Hansen searched the building. Just when the search- was about b begin Bar to heard Mr. Burglar trying to un fasten the moorings of the coal hole- coJcex,, 11HJ0U& street id. walk in front of thi hat factory. John waited patiently, but the burg lar gave up his attempt and with drew again to the cellar. - Barta Sees Him. A, few' minutes later Barta saw him in the tjuilding. Hansen, Sin clair and Knudtson searched the building from cellar to roof, but failed to locate Itfr. Burglar. Detec tives arrived from the central sta tion pretty soon and they, too, searched the building. A place was found where Mr. Burglar had gained entrance on the roof, but the tracks in the snow pii the roof indicated he had gone in that entrance and 'not out of it. At 1:35 the cops assured .themselves that the burglar was not in the building and gave up the hunt. MAIN PARX 0F , RELIEF MONEY TO BE RETURNED Of $100,000,000 Appropriated for, Supplying Europe, Uncle , Sam to Get $88,750,000. New York, Nov. 30. The Amer ican relief administration will re turn to the United States- govern ment approximately $88,750,000 of the $100,000,000 appropriated' by congress for relief in Europe, ac cording to the preliminary report of Herbert Hoover on the work of the administration made public to night. The money wfH be returned in the form of treasury notes f,rom the various European governments who shared in the relief work.N The remainder of the fund was ex pended for supplies which were "do nated on a charitable basis for which there will be no reimbursement" ' Won't Get Cash Now. - Because of the foreign exchange situation in Europe, Mr. Hoover said, it was impossible at present to "obtain reimburse; lent in cash." The relief supplies purchased by the administration, according to the report, .were all of American origin and practically none of the appropri ation was expended outside of the United States. - Poland vcefved $57,000,000 worth of relief supplies, or more than half of the money spent. Armenia was" second, receiving $10,000,000 in sup plies. Other countries receiving re lief were Czecho-Slovakia, Russia, Esthonia, Letvia, Lithuania and Fin land. Donation to Children. The supplies that were donated were for the relief of "under-nourished children." In addition to the children's " re lief, the administration paid approxi mately $550,000 for freight and ex penditures on old clothing contribut ed by the American Rea Cross and commission for relief in Belgium. The report gives the following ap proximate lists of the amounts each government to be turned over to the UnSted States: Polaqd, $57,000,0(10; Czech-Slovakia. $6,750,000; Armenia. $10,000,000; Russia, $5,000,000: Esthonia. $5,000, 000: Letvia. $3,000,000; Lithuania, $700,000; Finland, $4,000,000 -H YEGGMEN TIE WATCHMEN AND BLOW TWO SAFES IN HAYDEN BROS.' STORE Currency and Bonds Estimated at $48,000, ana Jewelry Valued at-$17,000, Stolen by Three Burglars Work Greater Part of Night Opening Strong Boxes Rest at Midnight to Eat Lunch, Play Phonograph and Dance Gold and Silver, Estimated at $50,000, Too Herfxy to Carry, Left Behind. ; Yeggmen obtained approximately $65,000 in loot some time between 10 p. m. Saturday nig;ht and 6 a. m. yesterday morning from the department store of Hayden Brothers, ' Sixteenth and Dodge streets, in the heart of the business dis trict, in one of the most daring robberies in the history of the middlewest. , , v ' - , The, scene of the robbery is five bloqks from Central po ' lice station and just across the street from the federal build ing. ""' N Work AH Night. ' Binding two night watchmen hand and foot and while a -policeman on the outside was walking his beat, three robbers ; spent the greater part of the night in the store in blowings open two safes. . The yeggmen rested some time during the night, went to the grocery department and ate "midnight lunch," amused themselves by playing a phonograph and dancing and then' resumed work. 1 ' , Discovered Sunday Morning. i The robbery was discovered by an employe of the store at 8 yesterday morning. He liberated the twb watchmen and notified Joseph Hayden, owner of the store, andlhe police.; - Included in the loot wfas currency, gold, bonds and checks estimated at $48,000 and jewelry valued at about cause Gpld and silver estimated at $50,000 was-left behind be-' e it was too heavy te carry. . DETECTIVES AT WORK ON GLUES WROBBEfiY - Cause Three Explosions. - " The robbers caused three explo sions wirh nitro-glyccrine iu the blowing' open of two safes in the office on the second floor of the store and left at 6 a.' m. with their, loot. a,JThat--obbers -bad- visited- the store -was first known at 3 yesterday morning wruen Kirby J. Atkinson, 824 South Forty-hrst street, store ' engoneer, failed to find Henry Fea ber, on of the night watchmen, at his accustomed position on the main floor. Shortly after entering the 5tore Atkinson, according to a state ment made by him, made a search for the two watchmen, Feaber and Henry Leaders, and when he pro ceeded io the rear, of the store fie heard faint shouts. y Finds Watchmen Bound. ,; Going into the basement Atkinson' found both Leaders and Feaber bound Hand and foot tying on the floor in the vegetable department ofs the store, after which Mr Hayden was notified in his apartments in" the H"otel Fontenelle.- , k Mr. Hayden hurried to the store and with other employes made a found that the burglars nad blown the two outer doors of the two safes in the office. The inner door of the safe in which was kept money, jew elry and other valuables also was found blown off. That the yeggmen were profes sionals was evidenced in the man. nr in tunirk AiA iha irk Tl,.' ... " ... t..v.j UIU It.v. JUU. A lit. two safes are inside a small cage and; the robbers brought up about 50 woolen blankets, , saturated with water, and carefully laid them all around and 'over the cage. -. ; Over, the blankets'was piled about! ?(10 lnrai more nrift th vctionipn r then were ready to work on the safes. . - ' X i Soap Put in Cracks. 7 Thick layers of soft soap were forced hetween the cracks of the safe ;oors ana tne aoor casing, in wnicn explosives were poured, presumably nitro-glycerin. After tTie' outer doors were blown off the yeggmen directed , their attention to the strong innes safe door and the same methods were used. r On of the safe doors was blown off and landed setting upright at the .side of the cage as though it had' been carefully placed there.' Tht strong door to the inner safe, bor- dered with soft soap, was found where it landed in front of the large cash safe. . v i ; - According to information giv,en bv tile two watchmpn' ' Ffahr una standing near the front door at about 10 p. m. when he heard a dc-, mand te'Stick up your hands." He lonkprl arming and tim . mir, about 35 years old,4 with a revolver in "his hand. r Joined by Two Others., ;;' jreaoer tow Atkinson that ;the r6bber was later joined by two other young men. They . asked, Feaber if he was the tnly watch man and he told them "yes," hop ing that Leaders would get- :a chance to' give the alarm. . Feaber . k. ii i t . was uuuiici naim ana iont ana a gag placed in his mouth and he was left lirtntv n. 1. . ... n '. 0 . . I ijnift vii me mam - iiour near iuc . elevators. ' A few minutes later the three men brought (in Watttini.-in f .iHr whom it 'is said" they captured oir the second floor, while he was makv ing the rounds. After asking Lead-, ers where the office was located and' threatening him with death, if he gave them wroiier information, the - planations were made the parties I three men went upstairs to the. Agreed to marry. They are now at Citfice, leaving the two watchmen Fort Leavenworth (rinn . p... t- - i vviunw vhh Police' Say Looting of Hayden Brothers' Store Cleverest Safe-Blowing Job -in City's Histyry. Practically every detective on the police force has beep detailed to work on clues thar might lead to the arrest of the Ihree yeggmen who robbed the safes in Hayden Bros, store of $65,000. Police Commis sioner Ringe, Chief of Police Eber stein and Chief of Detectives Dunn made a preliminary investigation of the robbery shortly after it was dis covered. Descriptions of the three robbers have been sent to nearby towns in an effort to apprehend them in case they may have leffOmaha by auto mobile. Find Gold and Silver. ; Detectives Wavrin and Knudtson uncovered seven sacks of gold and silver, estimated at $50,000, which the yeggs h&4 hidden beneath a pile of rugs next to the elevator, because they were too heavy, to carry. , According to Chief of Detectives Dunn, the robbery was the cleverest safe-blowing job ever perpetrated in Omaha. That the.xobbery was com mitted by crooks .of another city is the belief of the chief of detectives. "The job was well planned, it is evident." Chief of Detectives Dunn said. "The yeggs showed they evi dently knew the interior of the building, well, especially about the office." V N The lack of a burglar alarm sys tem in the building gave the rob bers -plenty of time for the blowing of the safe and their escape, police say. .;. y Hunt Old Yeggmen. , Investigation of all old-time yegg men recentlyparoled from the state penitentiary and wo are known to have been . about Omaha is being made by detectives. . . ' The only descriptions of the three men learned by the police werc" given by the two night watchmen. AH three yeggmen were approxi mately 30 years old, well dressed and of medium weight. One of the robbers was slender (Continued on Tg Two, Column Three.) Cupid, Apparently, Took Hand in Love Affairs of "Y" Man ( . . Goshen, Ind.,' Nov. 30. William D. Trentleman, building secretary of the army YtTung Men's Christian as sociation at Fort Leavenworth, Kan advertised in a" Goshen newspaper for a wife, explaining that being away from home and 4he. monotony of an army camp made him lonely Unknown to Miss Rose Loy of Goshen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Loy, somebody answered the advertisement, using her name. Trentleman came here and was ad mitted to the Loy home.' After ex-