Newspaper Page Text
"2 B THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE:. MAY 2, 1920. Society Wrieth-Kroeger. Mr. and Mrs.i G. L. Kroeger an nounce the marriage of their daugh ter, Leon a Margaret, to Otto ft Wrieth, which took place Wednes day afternoon at their home. Rev. F. W. Seesko -officiated. The at tendants were Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Grabow of Springfield. The couple will be at home after May 15 at 1104 South Fifty-sixth street. Warren-Hart Nuptials. - The wedding of Miss Emma War ten, daughter of Mr. Charles E. Warren of Brooklyn, If. Y., and Mr. Henry Bebbington Hart, son of Mrs. Ernest E. . Hart of Council Bluffs, will take place on Wednes day evening, June 2, at the home of the bride, 825 St. Marks avenue, Brooklyn. The wedding will be a small affair, followed by a small re ception. Mrs. Walker Corbin of Worcester, Mass., sister of Mf. Eldred S. Hart will serve as his brother's best man. Follr .ving an eastern wedding Jrip, Mr. Hart and his bride will re side at the new Oakland apartments on Oakland avenue in Council Bluffs. ' Stigge-Dietrich. I Mr. and Mrs. E. Dietrich. 4700 R : street, announce the marriage of their daughter, Mary Dietrich, to I Julius Stigge, 2913 S Street, last Thursday afternoon at the Lion Lutheran church. ; Rosacker-Tebbens. The marriage of Miss Amanda Tebbcns and Henry C Rosacker ; took place Saturday evening at the !, home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Teb- bensj the Rev. O. D. Baltzly per- i forming the ceremony. i Miss Edith Isakson and Lewis M. J . Whitehead were the attendants, f , Mr. and Mrs. Rosacker have gone to California and will be at home at I 2350 South Thirty-fourth street, af- S ter July 1. I Karlson-Saltrman. ' Mr. and Mrs. M. Saltzman an- 1 nounce the engagement of their daughter, Mollie, to Henry Karl- son of Chicago.' No date has been set for the wedding. . To Give Musical Program, i Mrs. Harvey Milliken is in charge of the musical program to be given May 17 at the new First Central Congregational church, I hirtieth and Harney. It will be a two-piano recital by Adelyn Wood and Doro thy Morton Tobst. They will be as sisted by Mrs. A. I. Root who wilt sing. The members of Mrs. Mil liken's committee are Mesdames Ed P. Smith, Fred Loomis, Fritz Bucholz, H. N. Wood, W. R. Wood and Miss Ida Smith. Monday Night Club. " ' , A dance will be given Monday evening at Crounse hall, Sixteenth and Capitol avenue, by the Monday Night club. ; Benefit Play. The Bohemian Dramatic associa tion of South Omaha will give a four-act play "Charlie's Wedding Kiss," on the evening of May 16! at the National hay, Twenty-first and U streets, South Side, for the bene fit of orphans and widows of Czecho-Slovakia. , vjft- Surprise Affair. ' : A surprise party was given in honor of Mrs. Matthew Pitzel, vat her new home, Thursday afternoon. Those present, were Mesdames Matthew Pitzel, Joe Long, F. Weiss, J. Chleborad, J. Trummer, Charles Mrs. Nash Cartan a Visitor - ' - .... . .. , . . . , , : '. . A petite and chic Omaha visitor is Mrs. Nash Cartan, who, with Mr. -Cartan is visiting Mr. and Mrs. L. C- Nash. Mrs. Cartan was formerly Miss Rachel Ward of Los Angles, her marriage having taken" place' March 23. The couple are enroute from the east where' they have been honeymooning, to their future home in San Francisco. A number. of affairs have been given in their honor. Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Westbrook will entertain at supper for them Sunday evening at their home. Their guests will include Mr. and. Mrs. L. C. Nash,. Mr. and Mrs.. Jack Summers, Miss Mary Fuller and Jabin Caldwell. Meidlinger, A. Gutchewsky, F. Poll- reis, A. Schmidt, M. Pitzel of Ral ston, fred Grass, O. Hantzinger, J. Meidlinger, W. Spaneenberger, A. Lippert, Miss Catherine Weidlinger, Fred Gerhard, jr Bobby Gerhard and George Clyde. , i - 7. . Go To Norfolk. Mrs. K, R.'X Edholm and Miss Alice Marshell ; leave Tuesday to spend three days "at Norfolk, Neb., where they will aid in the woman's club conference for baby welfare. To Entertain at Dinner. ' JZoV and Mrs. John Morris of Fort Crookwill entertain-at dinner Thursday evening at their quarters in honor of Col. ind Mrs. B. D. Buck, who recently arrived at the post. ' ' Date for Benefit. . The Junior league benefit will be held Thursday, June 17,. at the Omaha club. . " ' Auction Bridge. , Mrs. G. A. Seabury will -entertain an auction bridge luncheon at her home Monday . , Canteen Meeting.. ' Company B of the Red Cross can teen will hold their weekly meeting Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Henry Luberger in theh High land Court apartments, 2860 Harney street. Merry Makers Club. A dance will be given Wednes day evening, May 5, at the Ben Hur academy, Twenty-eighth and Far nam streets, by the Merry Makers' club. . T " Piano Recital. Cecil Berryman presents Margar et M. Widenor, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. p. Widenor, in a piano recital, Monday evening, May 3, at his studio, 400 Barker building. Connecticut Is St a ge f o r Campaign Suffrage eyes are turned on Con necticut with the hope that a special session of the legislature will be called there, and that the result will be ratification of the federal suffrage amendment Mrs. Charles Dietrich of Hastings has gone to' represent Nebraska in the monster rally in Hartford May 7. Each state in the union will have a delegate present. On Sunday evening, May 2, Mrs. Carrie Chapman Catt,. president of the National American Woman Suf frage association, will entertain them at dinner at the McAlpin in New York City. Other guests . invited will be Mrs. Stanley McCormick, Miss Mary Garrett Hay; Mrs. Henry W. Rogers, Mrs. Frank J. Shuler, Miss Father G. Ogden, Mrs. Afthur Livermore, and Miss Rbse Young of the national board, (Mis. Gordon Norris,. acting chairman ' for the League of Women Voters for New York, and Miss Katherine Luding ton, who is expected to come over from Hartford to meet the women and escort them into Connecticut the next morning. .Ort Monday, May 3, they will be entertained at luncheon in Hartford and God-speeded on their way by the Connecticut women. Governor Holcomb has set lh30 o'clock, Friday, May 7, as the date on which he will receive the depu tation of women who are coming to Connecticut from every state in the union for "special emergency week," The deputation will be joined by a large group of representative Con necticut women. Mrs. Carrie Chap-, man Catt, president of the National Suffrage association, and Miss Katherine Ludington, president of the Connecticut Suffrage associa tion, will head it. . V The women will not, however, come to Governor Holcomb until after a week's touring of the state, during which time they will have testea out Connecticut's suffrage sentiment and will make their re port to him. t Following the hearing, as a cul mination of the week's activity, an out-of-door mass meeting will be held ' on the capitol grounds at which members of the delegation, together with prominent men of his state who are working for rati fication of the federal suffrage amendment, will speak. When the" "Emergency Suffrage Corps," as the group of visiting women1 will be called, arrives ,in Hartford, Monday morning. May 3. for the opening of the campaign, they will be entertained at a lunch eon in Hartford, lifter which they will be motored, in groups of 12 each, to New Haven, Waterbury, Bridgeport and New London, re spectively, where they will hold eve ning meetings. Local committees of promient men and women 'are making arrangements for these meetings. On Tuesday the women will sep arate into 12 groups of four, women each and during the next three days they will address a series of ap proximately 40 meetings which will be held throughout the state. The men's republican ratification committee will provide men speak- l -"X1 ,; f. Movie Written by1 Mrs.- Brandeis To Be Seen The movie, written and produced by Mt$. E. John Brandeis "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star,M shown for the first time in Omaha Saturday eve ning at Brandeis theater at the Christ Child benpfit, will be held in Omaha until next Saturday, May 8, when it will be shown at the Strand theater, by courtesy of Mr. H. B. Watts. A small admission will be charged, and the entire proceeds will Christ Child society. A continuous performance, will be given irom y 10 is in me roonuus. Children from the Social Settlement, the Creche and the Christ Child-center, will be present. Camp Fire. Girls One of the popular numbers on the program given at the Brandeis theater Saturday evening for the benefit of the Christ Child' society, was the exhibition of social dance steps given by Miss Phyllis Water man and Mr. Charles Burgess. An interesting feature of ' the number was the mystery of the bachelor partner of Miss Water man. Not until Mr. Burgess stepped before the footlights was his iden tity known. Mr. Burgess and Miss Waterman are numbered among Omaha's most artistic dancers, and last night's per formance adds merited honors to them both, as exponents of the terp sichoreon art. ers for all the "emergency rallies" which will be- held in the 40 towns and, cities throughout the state dur ing',the week of May 3-8. These rallies will all be addressed by members of the Emergency Suffrage corps. G. A. R. Card Party. ' Garfield circle of the G. A. R. will hold a card party on Tuesday after noon. May 4, at the home of Mrs. Carrie Peters, 1110 South Twenty eighth street. 1 Regular monthly meeting of the Guardians'" association will be held Thursday at 7:30 p. m. at the Y. W. C. A. , Last Saturday the girls of the Minnehaha, group, with Miss Ros- , . r.lie Platner guardian, hiked from the Albright car line to Hillcrest for a wienie roast. They went home n a truck. Miss Grace Gallagher was a guest of the group. The Gukyano group of Camp Fire Girls met at the homo of their guar- ' dian, Miss Merle 'Hughes, Mjnday evening and enjoyed a stag tarty,' which was a great success. The Weloca Camp Fire met at the home of Caroline Levi Wednesday. An election of officers took place, with the following results: , Pauline Boone. Plans for raising money Crowell, secretary; Caroline Levi, treasurer; Frances Honig, reporter. The rest of the. time was spent learn ing songs. 1 The regular meeting of the Tata pochon Camp Fire met at the home of their guardian, Miss Velora for summer camp were discussed. The Okeosoma group enjoyed an afternoon at Deer park Saturday. They built a fire, had a wienie roast and sang campfire songs. The Rabsu Camp Fire met at Melba Burke's Thursday and discussed their plans for camp. ' The Osoha group held a business meeting at the home of their guar dian, Miss Margaret Stirling. Eight , of the girls are working for their firemakers rank. - ' ," I Conac Club. An informal dancing1 party will be given Tuesday evening, May 4, at the Blackstone by the Conac club. : Holy Name Card Party. A card party will be given Thurs day afternoon by the women of the Holy Name parish, Forty-fifth and Burdette streets. ' v 1 Lodge Dance. Banner Mondamin, Lodge will give a dance Tuesday evening, May 5, at Lyric hall, Nineteenth and Farnam streets. Columbian Club. A card party will be given Wednesday afternoon at Lyceum hall, Twenty-second and Locust streets, by the Columbian club. THE UNIVERSAL CAR The Garden Farmer will find the Ford Model T One Ton Truck an! especially Valuable factor in his business because of the flexibility as well as the reliability of the service which can alwayr be depended upon to be given by this splendid truck. The worm-drive of manganese bronze carries all the power of the motor to driving the truck and there are combined in larger and heavier form all the elements which have made the Ford Model T Car the greatest motor car in the world in point of service. The Ford Truck with its werm drive is most economical in operation and maintenance. - There is very little, if anything, to get out of order at any time; there is the simplicity in control; there is the convenience inlhe flexibility of the car, it will turn in a circle of forty-eight feet; it accommodates itself to narrow alleys, and it "stands the gaff' of hard work day after day, and month after month, to the great satisfaction of the owner. , There is hardly a line of business activity where the Ford One Ton Truck is not really a necessity. On the farm, or in the factory, with the railroad, it is solving the economic delivery of merchandise and produce better than any other truck we know of. Any of the Dealers mentioned below will be glad to discuss the matter further with 'you, take your order, and ee that you get delivery as promptly as possible. Adkins Motor Company 4911 So. 24th St. i ; McCaffrey Motor Company 15th and Jackson Sts. Sample-Hart Mptor Company 18th and Burt Sts. Universal Motor Company 2562 Leavenworth St. C. E. Paulson Motor Company 20th and Ames, Ave. a m yoia ai'G dpottioIgcI - We want you to take the SUPERVISOR'S desk in your department tomor row morning. We have been well pleased with your, services and you are fully deserving of this pro motion and there will be a still better position for you in due time. , nri , t.. ji . i At' TcnrkTmTTXTTmv miss ..Drown look auvaniage ox me urrusxi uinii j that is being offered to you TODAY. She came, in talked it all over with us found out all about our TRAINING SCHOOL for LONG DISTANCE SERVICE and quickly decided that it was HER chance. She found the work FASCINATING just as you will. She worked in PLEASANT surroundings so will you -and she was well paid for her time while our EFFICIENT instructors were training her for this work; we'll do the same for .YOU, too. If you have a sincere desire to become associated with one of the LARGEST and MOST IMPORTANT branches of industry come in and talk it over with MISS BELL you'll find her in ROOM 318 New. Telephone Building. - ' ' ; V - , The American Telephone and Telegraph Company Long Distance .Lines Department . .