Newspaper Page Text
7 1 s .... THE BEE: OMAHA. TUESDAY, MAY 4. 1920. ' 11 AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. HAVE to food UMd can to Mlcl (rem. All eric. . MEEK8 AUTO CO.. 3023 rsrnsm. fORD touring, 111) model, slao on 1317 mnnm. Hirimv inn Repairing and Painting. I : RADIATOR CORES INSTALLED. Manufactured In Ouiaba, 14-hour sr. 1 Ice for auto, truck and tractor. Expert radiator and fnder repairing: body danta removed; new fenders mada. Omaha auto radiator mfo. co 1813 Cumlrt St. Tyler 1T. Tires and Supplies. ' NEW TIRES. STRICTLT FIRSTS. on ., $.75 iOxss hits lifsJH 17.15 32x4 SHIPPED SUBJECT TO KXAMINATION. 8TANDARD TIRE CO., . 41 North lath Ht. - Pougls 3380. THE GUMPS- still PEDDLING. CAftP CAVIAR Drawn for The Bee by Sidney Smith USED TIRES. 30x1, 15.00! SOxJfc, $$.00. All sixes In proportion. Look ever our rebuilt!. Open Sundays. Tyler :!. SAVIQE TIRES. 90t N nth Bt, Keyatona Tlra 8 hop. NEW REPUBLIC TIRES CHEAP. F1SK... .312.35 I 14x4.. 121.31 lxl S.$i I 18x4 2l.fl K AIMAN TIRE JOBBERS. MM CPMINO. al'TO eleolrlcal rapalra; servlc atatlon for Ilsytleld carburetor and Columbia storage batterlae. Kdward2616 N. 13. Accessories. 16-VOLT buttery and alx-volt battery for Me. Amea Garage, 4123 No. 24th. Col fax . Motorcycles and Bicycles. Sarley - dav;dson motorcycles Bargain In uaed machines. Victor K. Rooa, tho motorcycle man. 27th and Leavenworth 8tf. FARM LANDS. Acreage. kfOR SALE Flv acrea on the orphanage road, 4-room hou., well, tie tern, barn, and some fruit. Colfnx 240. ) Arkansas Lands. WRITE ua for description of fruit, stock and grain farms In our wonderful coun try. Shermer & Fields, Slloam Springs. ArK. Colorado Lands. "BEST LANDS". I bought right and will aell you ab. anlutely right, any part of 7,000 acrea bt the beat wheat and corn land to at Colorado. Writ for facts, now. a our crop. Investigate. R, U Cllne, Owner, - Brandon. Colo. yi'AUTER. aectlon, cloaa to Burlington, Oalo.. partly fenced, 80 acrea under cul tivation, well and windmill, no other Improvement. Trice 336 per acre; 1500 down will handle, Address Box K-68, Omaha Bee. ISO ACRES In Burlington district, unim proved, 130 per acr. Would conalder Omaha property ss part payment. Phone Colfax 4182. Frank Qaaa. Owner. 4005 North 26th St., Omar.. ' Iowa Lands. AVE OWN and control several good farm In Iowa. W will aell theae farma on , easy term or accept other property In exchange aa part pay. Liberal commla lona to agenla. Submit what you hava to offer. K. V. Lucey & Co., Storm Lake, ' Kansas Lands. Remember we are cutting a 6,000-acre tract of land in thomas co. To aull purchaser; over 3,(00 acrea lu wheat; aend for cur Hat. FELTON & WEST. THT5 Kendall Land Company owns and control 30,000 acrea In the famous Thomas county, Kama, wheat diatrict. Writ for folder. KENDALL LAND COMPANY", COI.BY, KAN. Missouri Lands. "Some Bargain" ' J0 acrea well Improved, large orchard, good water, cloea to school and town. 1-1,0(10; $500 will handle. Hop on car, com to It. Owner, Wellman Arthur, Mountain Ttew, Mo. Minnesota Lands. . IMPROVED FARMS In southern Minnesota t real bargain. Com and ba convinced. Send for our nw Hat. New RJchland Ind A Loan Co., New Richland, Minn.' I ' ' ' " 1 AS. I UV AN&.BR&VrWE- I'M O'bflUGrATED TO YOU - THAT 'AA CaOMCr TO WVNt VOO A Tip THAT'S JUST UKt GlVWC, VOO THE. CQfA BIN AT ON. "TO y Oiling LISTEN At,- IJUSY ,&UPPOSS THERE WA3 :ONLV ON-.ICN-E JN THE WOKLb'TO STEAL AlN.b l'V HANDING IT TO YOU- IM fcUrN( XQVJ TrAT I STARTED IN THIS THIHC VNITH ANO WHEN ( Gtc;l THROUGH WITH IT - I'LL HAXP 30 1 tVVUUH &OOfci;Wi CAN SktU IT OR CrRANEtTO BANK ,RAIL&0AD5 DO YOU. BEUtrVF N PAIRieV? DO "NfoO STILL BCl'BC TrVfVT iTOW ABOUT ON0ERELUA AND THE v CRV5TAL SUPPER AND ALt'A&'W and That wonder?ol lamp -? AND BEAUTY AndTnS BEAST? WHffl SHE WALKED UP. AND KISSED TrAT TouQN LOOKNCt QoY AND MADE APRlNli! OUTOrHA? OOVOOTIU B til EVE TNAT STUFF? YOO KNOW THAT IS ONLY MUSICAL F-ETtHJD" i . rrvaaw r NON LISTEN AN5YY0UkN0lrV IM . A !5DtNr. OR VOU& V- VOO KNOVM LL GOTHC LINMT- THERC NO ROADTOOj . . . . . frA ktf V-- Vft a IIP I I LONC OR TOO rxouvjH iu FOR YOO OLO Klb- 8UT KEEP TNiS. Thin QUIET- IT 'S AURlCiHT NfYHYOUR FfelENCS BoT DON'T PCDDlETHI5- YOU'LL WAKE' UP SOME AORNlNC NA DETENTION HOSPITAL ANDTncOUDCjE fiAlUlT CRT ftllY THP Mr?OM0l SlfSFOi TKc BED ANp TOUiu t3trPtCKNr r- OUT OP CACyE FOB The REvr . 111 A REAL ESTATE WANTED. REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE. JOHN.W. SIMPSON Doug. Silt. !4 Patterson Blk, REAL ESTATE and all klnda of Insurance, HERMANSEN At CO. T4J Omaha Nat. Bank BIdg. E. G. SOLOMON JSiS! 314 Brown Block roug. t:3. WANT TO BUY t to 7-room house; mod. em or part modern, on psymentj. Col ored. Webster 4150. REAL ESTATE UNIMPROVED. LOT In Minne I.u addition, 63-foot 'frontage, near park; prlred right. Call Xerell, , Douglas 974 or Harney S155. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE. 18.000 EQUITY In 4 new strictly modern houses; fin location; priced right: want astern property, Chicago preferred. Will require 38.000 cash to handle, M. PEASE, til Brandels Theater BIdg. BEAUTIFUL larg hill tract lots In be.t Part of Council Bluffs. What havt you to trad. Carl Cbangstrom, 3030 Far nam stre. Nebraska Lands. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS. WELL LOCATED . . APARTMENT Or four-fmly home, two 'even-room and two eight-room houses, each with sleaplng porch and maid's apartment, Beautifuly finished, streets and alley paved.' Will guarantee 33,000 net In come. Priced right for cash sale. If Interested . us for particular and appointment. M Omaha Nat'l Bank Bid. Doug. 2000 NEARLY new duolex brick flat, cloa in oak finish, 310,000; Income, 31,080. Call gays, Douglas 1734. FOR SALE Thre-tory bnok building, -full eor ner lot In wholesale district. Possession If wanted. DUMONT & CO.. 411 Keellne BIdg. 1'hon Doug. t0. WAL8H-ELMER CO., Realtors, Real Estate. Investments. Insurance, Ren tals. Tyler 1636. 133 Securities BIdg. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. Council Bluffs. FOR SALE S-atre farm with 8-room house; cement basement: city water; 33,600 cash, 3440 Avenue J, Council piutm, it. Dundee. ' 4,000 ACRES Northeast corner Box: Butt County, 35 per pent best of farm land. Rose bud silt loam sol), a snr.p at 32a an S. S. and R. E. MONTGOMERY, !13 City Nat. Bank BIdg. FOR KEITH AND PERKINS I , COUNVY LAND Writ ua for Hat before looking elst whera. FELTON WEST, SOT Crouns BIdg. Opposlt P. O. Phon Tyler 448. " CORN AND ALFALFA FARMS, UlPr.OVEl). IN CENTRAL NEBRASKA, at the right price. Writ for Hit. LARSON A CARBAHER, Central City. Nebraka. For Ntb. Farms and Ranohes eeo Oraham-Petar Realty Co., 33 Omaha. Nat'l Bk BIdg.. Omaha. A. A. PATZMAN. Farm. 301 Karbach Blk. New York Lands. FARl - FOR SALE. New York t . near Buffalo; won derful farming opportunities; rich, pro ductive dark lohSi aoal; Ideal alfalfa, wheat, corn, potato, bean land;' nice buildings: stock, tools, crops Included: prlcss 330 to 3H0 per ur: wetrn farmera making thousands of dollars purchasing here. Catalog containing valuable Information and descriptlona "75 ample Farm Bargains" mailed free. Send immediately, Buffalo Farm Ex change. Buffalo, N. T. DUNDEE .... $10,500 Eight rooms and sleep ing porch. Sunroom, living porch, dining room and kitchen first floor.; three bedrooms and sleep ing porch second floor, Floored attic; fult basement.' Oak floors throughout and oak finish first floor. Full lot, nicely located, with garage for one car. First time of- f GLOVER & SPAIN i . REALTORS. " Douglas 2850. 91820 City National. ACREAGESNAP OWNER LEAVING ' , CITY . Excellent two-story lx-room home, over four acres of ground on paved street with paving all paid. Barn, ga rage for six cars, fruit. tu. Priced at $12,000, part cash. . OSBORNE REALTY CO., 4.10 Be BIdg. Tyler 396. Wisconsin Lands. FOR SALE 160-aor farm. I0 acres cieara; nw noutie anu pstni n t biub of machinery, including a milking ma chine; 31 cows, young atock- chicken, hog and 4 horses: clos to town; best territory In tho state of Wisconsin. Prlc only 81S5 per acre, worth $200. Writo to Jacob Kaplts. Mllladore, Wis. Wyoming Lands. SOLDIERS 840-acra homesleads; avn months residence. Duff. Casper, Wyo. Miscellaneous. FV.RMS for sale or exchange. Over 100 large and sir s 11, in Illinois, Missouri and Arkanras. Writs Forman, No. 317 In ternatlonal Lit BIdg., St, Louts. Mo for fra llt. financial: Real Estate Loans. i S. H. LOUOEE. INC.". $28 Keellne BIdg OMAHA HOMES EAST. NEB. FARMS, O-KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO. ini Om. Nat. Bk. BIdg. Dou. 3715. Oil Leases. OIL LEASES FOR SALE. Flv-year commercial oil leases. Ten acres and up: $50 per acr four miles from7 well; $30 per acr. alx mile from wall. Act quick If you want a leas at thia prlc. Eight wella now drilling her, oil In McDonald No. 1 at IMS feet Ab atract furnished. Writ for information. You cannot afford to miss this buy now hfor price advances. T. B. Davis. Real F.atate. Oil Leases, P.- O. Box 344, Hlg Bprmgs. icx Miscellaneous. "TrtAMONDS AND JEWELRY LOANS. Loweat ratea. Privat loan booths. Harry Malsshoek. 1814 Podge. D. 561$. E. 184 BDTV1TV VT V IT V tios to $10,000 mad promptly. F, P. WEATJadJBldg.ilOB. 13tH St. PR IV ATP HfOKKY. SHOPTW COMPANY. Doug. 4381 PROMPT aervlc, recsonabla ratea. prWat money, usrvin nro.. a.o .fiiinH . " D. E. BUCK, Loans. 443 Omar Nat. REAL ESTATE WANTED. We have sold since January 1 61 hnmrs Tf vnurs is still for sale list with us. We are getting, re sults for others, why not for Jou? CREIGti, SUNS & CU., Doug. 200. 508 Ree BIdg. W n havo aerved the Omaha public In - buying and selling real eatat tor or Sg years. W hav many calls now for bom. List your property with u. W will servt you to your Dt wierssia. McCague Investment. Co Beautiful Bungalow Just Being Completed , 5 rooms. 3 downstairs, finished in oak, 3 bedroom and bath upstairs, in white enamel. On paved street. $6,500, Call Walnut 281 J for particulars. DUNDEE BARGAIN ) Large 3-atory, 7-room Kellastone vesl flunce, with double garage, south front, u block to .car line; only I block to school; up-to-the-minute in every re spect; Immediate possession. Price, $17,- Viiu. ivninui -oi-. rtunriaj, noiTtpS C. B; STUHT CO., . . .. . , 113-14 ttty ivationai. nioi. DUNDEE Modern T-room home for sal py owner. hihui jo- Elorence. C, L, Nethaway for suburbau property. Floreno Sta.. omana. r.n- voi. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. West. WEST FARNAM, HOMES ' 209 SO. 35TH AVE t This is a 7-room modem house with furnace heat fine large lot with trees and shrubbery; can be purchased for' $2,500 cash and bal ance monthly; house shown only by appointment. Do pot bother trie tenant. ' - 610 SO. 35TH-AYE A 6-room, house on a corner. lot; completely modern aiid worth the price asked. $2,500 cash, and bal ance monthly. . 311 NO. 33D ST. .This 7-room modern house has just been completely remodeled and will make a fine home for you; good neighborhood; close to school, and within walking dis tance of the retail district; terms can be arranged. CREIGH, SONS & CO. Doug. 201. , . 5U8 Bee Hiflg. IiAVK inquiries for good home In good location. w ywu wnk w u jjk oroosrtyT List It with C A. 0rlrn- mel. $4 Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bldg ru WANT TO BELL THAT HOUSE? want quica aciiou iusi sw u. - " Tylar 43s. QSBORNB REALTY CO.. 430 Be BIdg. To buy or sell Omaha Real Eaiat a FOWLER & McDONALD 1130 City Nafl Bsnk BIdg. Toug. 142S. . A j HAVE cash buvar for cottagas and 1. bungalnwa nicely located. ShrKer. 147 '. Omaha at. BaaX BIdg. . 18J$. Montciair Bartrain Immediate Possession " T irrr. .ctnrif afiirrn rsirlpnc: has large living-room across en-, , . r i .. '.L C. 1 tire ironi or nouse, wun urcpiaLc, large dining-room, breakfast rooi; kitchen on 1st floor; 3 bed rcdms, bath and closed-in sleep ing porch on 2d floor;'oak finish downstairs; white enamel and ma hogany doors upstairs; oak floors throughout; large attic; plastered basement; on paved street; south neighborhood. Am offering this house tor quick sale at )u,you. Phone Walnut 2812. , West' Farnam Bungalow V4 have a beautiful bungalow near 3Tth and Cass SIr with tlva dandy rtoms on first floor., and ample space for two more upstair. Built five years, by owner, haa practically all oak flnleh. , full basement, everything complete. Eatl front Jot on paved street. Prlc $7,340. Call Schroeder Investment Co. 0. iHU tU Railway Exchange BIdg. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. West. FULL TWO STORY A buy at ' last. Six dandy rooms, three and hall downstairs, and three and bath upstairs. Oood basement, gas heater and hot and cold water In base ment. This is pine finish, but s dandy. Big 80 foot on paved street and several hade tree. Two blocks from car. Trice $4,280. $1,000 down, or offer. shopen & qo. Douglas 4228. Keellne BIdg. BEAUTIFUL HOME IN LEAVENWORTH HEIGHTS. 5-room stucco bungalow: large living room, dining roorrr with bullt-ln buffet, whit enameled kitchen; south, front; on paved street. Price $7,000. Phone Walnut 2618 evenings or Tyler 3540 days; ask for Mr. Sloan. , A SPLENDID HOME I room, all modern, oak finish buaga low with 2 lota; only $4,860; about $3,000 cash, balance easy terms; let me show you thla property. If you want a good home at a email price this is what you are looking for. Phone Walnut 2813 for further particulars. For Sale. A Bargain. Two nice, sightly residence lots In Brlggs' Place, North Side. Capitol ave nue, between 46th and 48th streets, 100 front by 96 4 feet deep; somewhat above grade. $1,600 for both. Ona-thlrd cash. A. C. Wakuley, Doug. 1572 or Doug. 3008. A REAL HOME : Beautiful 2-story stucco in Montclatr, nicely finished in oak and white enamel, large living room with fire place, etc. South front. Price $12,000. Walnut 2812. . Omaha Real Esta'r. and Investments. JOHN T. BOHAN, 21 Partnn 1'IV. Phone Tyler 488. North. DO YOU WANT A REAL BUNGALOW IN MIL LER PARK DIS TRICT? We just listed a 6-room, strictly modern bungalow all on one floor, a special built bungalow, 28 feet wide and 51 feet long, consisting of a large living room, dining room, kitchen, 2 extra large airy bedrooms and a dandy sun rom; oak finish and oak floors, full cement basement, furnace heat, Milton Rogers furnace, coal bin and everything complete; nice large attic, on paved street, paving paid, lot 50x155 feet. This is priced at $7,600, one-half . cash, balance easy terms. Thjs is a real buy a"nd you would say so if you had time to investigate same. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, 537 Omaha Nat. Bk. BIdg. D. 1781. Sunday call Colfax 3227. Ask for Mr. Gibson. 6-ROOM SNAP, NEAR SACRED HEART CHURCH This 1.1 aieautiful modern home lo cated close to Kountz Park Addition. 3 rooms and reception hall down. 3 rooms and bath up. Newly decoret'id and painted: Brick foundation. Full cement bssement. East frontage. Large lot. Uood garage. "Paved street. Vrize $5,000, forms. GUARANTEE REALTY COMPANY 224 Bm BIdg. Tyler 5171. OWNER LEAVING CITY FOR CALI FORNIA. LOCATED NEAR 16TH AND PINKNEY. Seven-room, strictly modern cottage; i rooms and bath on the flrnt floor; 2 rooms partly finished on the second; fall cement basement; furnace h.-at; dandy nice south front lot, 50x130 feet on paved street; paving paid; garage; half block to car line. Price, $5.00; $1,800 cash; balance $40 per month. This house is a buy for the money. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, 637 Omaha National Bank BIdg D-1781. Ask for Mr. Uibson. Sunday Call Colfax 3227. 6-ROOM MODERN BEMIS PARK HOME Three rooms main. Oak floors. Large pantry and ice box room. Thrne rooms ana hath up. Pine finish. Newly deco rated throughout. Situated , high and sightly. Comer lot. Plenty of shade trees and shrubbery. Both streets paved and all paving paid. Basement has sep arate eoal bin, furnace room, storage room and laundry room. Price $6,800. Terms. GUARANTEE REALTY COMPANY ' 3S4 Bee BIdg. Tyler 6171. 'KOUNTZE PLACE ' Tins very well built home having 8 rooms and sleeping perch, must be sold before Jan 1, as the owner Is leaving the city at that time. We can safely recommend this house as a bargain. For further particulars, call D. V. SHOLES CO. ( . REALTORS. Douglas 46. 915-17 City Nat: Bk. BIdg. TWO 8-ROOM HOMES Fine condition, all modern, hot water heat, $1,000 down, balance easy terms. $4,000 and $4,400. Located 1612 and 1614 Burdett street, Street to be paved thla year. 372 PQWLER AVENUE. Eight-rccm modern. ' hot Nrater heat, ccrner lot, fine shade' and fruit, only 3350: easy terms. S. S. & R. E. Montgomery 313 City Natl. Bank BIdg. Doug. 1313 7-ROOM MODERN NEAR BEMIS PARK 4 room main. Oak floors. rqoms up. Hot water heat equipped with COO gallon tank, oil burner attachment. South frontage on paved street. Newly decorated and painted. Fruit, tre and shrubery. Large new garage.. Price GUARANTEE REALT.Y COMPANY j: Be BIdg, REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. North. WELL built, strictly modern 6-room bun galow, flv years old. Oak floors throughout. Full cemented basement with drain. Excellent furnace. East front lot and beautiful view. Close to school and carllner Owner leaving city. Must sell quickly. $4,500 reasonable terms. E. H. BENNER CO., Sunday call Mr. Boise!, Web. 3607. Douglas 8406 , 5-ROOM MODERN NEAR BEMIS PARK Corner lot. Nicely finished and deco rated throughout. East frontage. Ma ple floors up. Large rooms. One block to Harney car. Price $6,250. Terms. GUARANTEE REALTY COMPANY 224 Bee'Bldg. Tyler 6171. WEST FARNAM HOT! Nine-room stucco, oak downstairs, maple upstairs: fine condition; close to Cathedral ori 39th street. Party leaving town, make offer. S. S. andR. E. ' MONTGOMERY, 213 City Natl. Bank BIdg; Doug. 1313 5-ROOM PRAIRIE PARK. First time offered for sale. Thoroughly modern throughout. Only one year old. Oak floors. Bullt-ln bookcases. Large lot. Close to car and school. Eaat frontage. Paved street. Prlc $6,350. ' Terms. GUARANTEE REALTY CO., 224 ,Bee flldg, Tyler-6171. Modern 4-Room Cottage " $500 DOWN BALANCE $30 PER MONTH. LOT 50x1 30. DANDY FLACE FOR THE I MONEY. ONLY $2,750. 3235 OHIO STREET. WEBSTER 8537. NEW BUNGALOW $1,150 Down Price $4,750 Balance $37.50 per month; 6 rooms: all modern; oak finish. Owner in ' house. 3348 North 69th. Webster 3537. FOR SALE" BY OWENR 10-room, pressed brick veneer home, strictly modern; hot water heat; oak on first floor, with beamed ceilings; large garaget on paved street; newly decorated. This house would cost $16,000 if built today; bar gain at $li:00O. Colfax 2460. TWO HOUSES FOR $2,600. 33D AND FRANKLIN. One,4-rooi and one S-room house, on, a lot 70x66, paved street, on car "line; electric light, gas, city water, sewer. Call Mr. Toliver. ' Terms. RASP BROS., 212 Keellne Bldg1 Tyler T21. MR. COLORED MAN. Dandy 8-room modern home with gar age at a bargain.. Don't fall to, call Webster 4258. A FEW homes and lots for sale In Park wood Addition; a safe place for Invest ment. Norris & Norrls. Dougla 4270. 2527 SEWARD. 4 -room, new, modern bungalow, $500 cash, balance monthly. Creigh. 608 Bee. Douglas 200. COLORED Beautiful, strictly modern G room home, paved street, near carline. A bargain. Webster 4180. BARGAIN BY OWNER. Six-room cottage, modern except heat. 88.500. Harney 6374. M 1 NNE LUSA homes and lot offer the best opportunity to invest your money. rnone Tyier lei. STORE with 5 living rooms, fine location. - an (n I - t- - ill1 s.i.fuu. Terms, j'imhwii, "tuam FOR quick results list with Benjamin A . , , en. Ti 1 .1 rtA,U. 74 r ranKmiuera. us. tirp tj,u .-.wn . . -- J. B. ROBINSON. Real Eatate and Invest' ments. 448 nee BIUX.. unugia vi. FIRST-CLASS bungalow at 2915 North 45th street. , BENSON ft MEYERS CO.. 424 Om. Nat'l. South. California Bungalow $6,000 It's a beauty, five room, with six mom accommodations, one bullt-ln bed. Large closets, dandy full basement with built-in tuba, fruit and coal room. Oak and white enamel finish, all oak floors. Best of fixtures, base bathtub, bullt-ln pantry and ice box from outside, For quick sale, price $6,000. Terms, $2,460 cash and $35 a month. D. E. Buck & Co., REALTORS 442 Omaha Nfl Bank BIdg. Doug. 2000 YOUR OPPORTUNITY WEST SIDE HANSCOM PARK Splendid two-story, six-room, oak finished home, strictly modern, dandy garage, lot 50x140, paving and all P- ' clals, $8,300. OSBORNE REALTY CO., 430 Bee BIdg. i Tyler 43 Clairmont Addition. Two-story, 6-room stucco, strictly mod ern, oak finish, bullt-ln features. 3 bed rooms, white enameled, 8 closeta and linen closet on 2d floor; carpeted; all curtains and draperies Included: wull basement; house nearly 3 years old; on car line: 1 block to school. STEEL R. E. INVESTMENT CO., 18lh and Farnam Sts. Tyler 2022 or Tyler K!5 evenings. Miscellaneous. Brand New 5-Room Strictly.-Modern Stucco Bungalow $500 cash; balance easy terms; will give you immediate posses sion of 'v this up-lo-thc-minute home; good neighborhood; south front; oak and enamel finish; oak floors throughout; stairway to at tic; full cemented basement; fur nace, laundry conveniences. Call Douglas 491 laydays, Tyler 5167 eve nings. Beautiful New Five Room bungalow in an excellent location, cast front, on paved street; very nicely arranged; neat built-in bookcases; oak floors throughout; bedrooms enameled; large attic; full porch; fine laying lot; only three blocks from car. Posses sion in two weeks.' Good terms to right partv. Call Walnut 5373 or Douglas 7412. Ask for Mr. Grant. GOOD HOMES 3516 Howard $-room modern home, 33,750; terms, $2,000 cash. 3130 Myrtle Ave. 7 room, modern, fine homo, $11,000; new. 3711 N. 34 St. 7 room, rriodern, 2 story brick, with garage r $3,950. 296 N: 24th St. 7 rooms, modern, oak finish: $c,7;o. - . J 3,700 Crelghton Blvd. 5-room mod ern, oak finish: $8,760, with garage. , 423-32 8 ;td St. 2-It -story modern houses: fine corner $7. "on: rash $2,000. JOHN W. SIMPSON :i rallcooa Blk -! Uvufla lUt. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. Miscellaneous. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. Miscellaneous. COZY 5-ROOM COTTAGE 1-YEAR-OLD Thorougly modern In every respect. Close to car and sclvool. Oak floors .'throughout. Oak finish living and din ing room. Excellent plumbing and light ing fixtures. Just the place you are looking for. Price $5,700; terms. GUARANTEE REALTY COMPANY 224 Be BIdg. Tyler 6171. NEW 5-ROOM BUNGALOW Oak floors throughout. Nice arrange ment. Oood location. Full cement basement. Price, $6,450 $450 caan, balance like rent. GUARANTEE REALTY COMPANY 324 Bee BIdg. Tyler 6171. I Will Help You Get a home of your own. If you have $450 to $1,000 to pay down I can sell you a brand new, all 'modern home, situated in good neighborhood. Don't lay this aside, but call Douglas 7412 now and aks for Mr. Cole for full par LISTEN FOLKS If you want a dandy little stuc co bungalow, cozy and nifty, you want to see this one I have. It's jiew, well located and on terms. 'Of course, it's strictly modern. Phone Harney 3556 evenings. HOT WATER HEAT. Six-room, modern, on Prettiest Mile B(vd. Immediate possession; about $,60 RASP BROS., 213 Keellne BIdg. Tyler 721, COLORED t-Joom, part modern cottage. large lot. 2UU casn. rrice Webster 4150. BIRKETT & CO.T.e,?.,.",r,.,n'.. - . I n 111 and Insures. Too nee mips:. u"u REAL ESTATE AND INVESTMENTS. AMERICAN Sbiunui v. N. W. Cor. 18th snd Dodge. ( Doug. SOI. Real Estate Transfers Avis, M. Hall and husband to John D. Wear, .Harnoy St., 196 ft. ,w. of 33d St., n. ., 50x102.65 $10, Hastings & Heyden to John Lubold, 33d st., 66 ft. n. of Orebe, e. s. 66x130 : H. B. O'Halloran to Mark J. Meer, 2tbt St., 114 ft. a. of Manderson, e. a., 60M24 Pansy W. Daniel and husbarfd to Frank K. Kudoipn, uoage St., zuu ft. w. of 51st St., n. ., 60x120.. JoKef Zellnskl and wife to Agnes Cecilia Palla, 39th St., 240 ft. n. of P st w. s., 40x118 !, Stella Hart to Louis Berka et al, 13th st., 18$ ft. i. of Center, w. i.f 80x125 4, Max O. Gruttemyer and wife to Frank W. Grosjean and wife, 50th st., 100 ft. s. of Jackson, w. 50x130 International Realty Asstes Inc. to Kate H. Burgstrom, 47th ave., 80 ft. no. of Wirt, w. 40x125.... Ella J Keller to Hugh O. Arm strong, sr., se. cor. 66th ave. and Corby St.. 163x194 3, Hugh G. Armstrong, sr., and wife to Francis R. Armstrong, Corby st., 96 4 ft. e, of 66th ave., s. ., 664x194 s, Hugh O. Armstrong, sr., and wife to Hugh O. Armstrong, jr., e. cor. 66th Ave. and Corby, 66HX194 3, The E. 8. Redlck Co. to N. P. Dodge. Harney St., 476 ft. . of i4th st., s. ., 60x180 56, Earlus M. Click and wife to Jose-, vphln Honlg, se. cor. 19th and Jl t.. 62x98 J, Laura Allis Maxfleld and husband to Carl H. Backer. Cottage Grove av., no ft. w. of 30th t n. a., 40x120 John J. Jones and wife to Oskar Anderson, Maple St.. 107 ft, . of 32d St., s. s., 63.6x127 6, Rosena Dalmon to Vlggo J. Peter son, Ohio St., 100 ft. w. of 20th St., s. ., 45x119 3, Charles G. Sotners .and wife to R. . If. Fair, et al, 33d at., 800 ft, n. o$ Pacific e. ., 60x186.7... 1, Charles a. Homers and wife to R. H. Fair., et al, 3Sd St., 260 ft. n. of.PaeJflo, e. ., 60x186.7,.' 1, Fred Janousek et at to Howard H. Coonen, Hickory st., 100 ft. w. of 28ts t., s. ., 60x100 4, C. George Carlberg to Osa 1. Jen- , kins. 34th St., 81.9 ft. n. of Oak v at., w. ., 40x136 . 4, John Stohl and wife to Henry N. Bank, J 8th' st., 120 ft. n. of J. St., ' w. s., 86x130 6, Daniel J. Farrcll and wife to Ma tilda Llndburg, s. e. cor. 38th and U sts.. , 50x60 5, August Frahm and wife to Joe. Boi ler, Ersklne St., 120 ft. o. of 68th st., n. ., 50x180 '. 2, Anna Strehlo and husband to Oscar ' Manger, n. w. cor, 15rh and Yates sts., 60x137 2, Charles L. Mattson to Hlland B. Noye et al, n, w. cor. 48th and California. 100x128 Ray Julius Sorsnsen and wife to Os car Manger, Lake st., 465 ft. w. of 26th st., n. s., 50x127.2 C. George Carlberg et al to Ernest F. Williams et al, 32d t.. 42.3 ft. n. of Frederick, w. .. 40x116.4.. D. Johri Pearson and wife to First Swedish Free Mission church, Chi cago st.. 107.6 ft. w. of 30th' st., s. s, 50x120 000 300 660 13,600 ,225 ,600 600 900 ,800 000 ,200 000 ,500 800 000 100 760 650 000 500 000 ,250 ,500 ,500 ,000 3,200 7,230 4,750 65 Negro Section Men , Flouted by Angry Lakeside Citizens Lakeside, Neb., May 3. (Special Telegram.) Negro laborers em ployed with a section gang near here, following an outrage perpe trnied upon a small boy of Lake side, were driven from their , quar ters Sunday by a mob of enraged farmers fand citizens. The mob, composed of several hundred men, refused to disperse until every negro connected with tne section gang had disappeared. The mob, which gathered quickly from all parts of the city following the report of the mistreatment-of the boy, threatened to hang the negro' responsible for the offense, but cooler heads advised against ?uch action. Strike Ties Up Harbor Marseilles, May 3. This harbor is almost completely paralyzed by the strike. No ships have left since the walkout was declared, NEW YORK WILL NAME DELEGATES TO CONVENTIONS Republicans and Democrats to Hold Primaries This Week State Convention in jdaho on Today. i . "' . . . New York, May 3. Fifty dele gates to the republican national con vention and 68 delegates to' the dem ocratic national convention will be selected in primaries and in state conventions to be held this week. Republicans hold a state conven tion at Ogden, Utah, Monday at which delegates will be selected. Senator Hiram Johnson of Cali fornia, Gov. FrafrltvO. Lowden 'of Illinois and Maj. Gen. Leonard Wood each have conducted a cam paign in the state although it is possible an instructed delegation may be chosen. Sixteen delegates to the national convention will be selected in Mary land Monday. Senator Johnson and General Wood are the principal re publican presidential contestants, electors also having the opportunity to vote ior uninstructed delegates. There are no democratic presi dential contenders on the ballot. Kentucky elects 26 delegates to the democratic national convention at a state convention in Louisville on Tuesday. The principal contest will be between delegates wishing to go to the national convention un instructed and those pledged to Gov. James M. Cox of Ohio. California holds a state primary Tuesday to choose 26 delegates each to the republican, democratic and prohibition national conventions. Chief interest there centers in the fight between a group of republican candidates 'for delegafes-at-large pledged to Senator Johnson and an other group pledged to Herbert Hoover. . On the, democratic ticket in Cali fornia Henry H. Childers of Los Angeles, who favtys a liberal inter pretation of the national prohibition amendment, is running as a lone candidate against a group ef 26 un pledged candidates. There is no con test in the prohibition party, the 2trj candidates being pledged to the can didacy of Henry Clay Needham of Los Angeles. $500 Per Day Is All Chicago Hotel Wanted From Omaha Delegates Gould Dictz, representing the Ne braska delegation that will attend the republican national convention, walked into the Congees hotel, Chi cago, last Saturday and explained that he was in quest of Nebraska .convention headquarters. The management started by show ing Mr. Dietz the gold roosn which was offered for $a00 a day. The Omaha man continued his round of the hotels until he engaged quarters on the parlor floor of the Auditori um hotel. The delegates will have sleeping quarters at the Atlantic hotel. "Just imagine us paying $500 a day for a room trimmed in gold," Mr. Dietz rernarked yesterday morn ing when he explained the results of his trip to W. G. Ure, member of the delegation. ' Woman Badly Crushed When Caught Between - .Moving Traction Cars " : 1 .: Caught between two street cars at Fortieth and Dodge streets, while attempting to ' board one of the cars, Mrs. Pauline Lynch, widow Of "the .late Jaities Lynch, who has been employed for a number of years by Mickel Eros., Fifteenth and Hariley streets, was badly crushed at 9 p. m. Sunday. "She ' was rendered unconscious and removed to the Methodist hos- Sital. Examination by physicians isclosed possibility of a broken back. Building Operations In ' Omaha Break All Records Building operation's in Omaha this year are surpassing-all records from a monetary consideration. The total for last month was $1, 519.280 as igainst $512,715 for April last year. Total for first four months of this year, $6,737,605; corresponding pe riod of last vear. $1,352,887. - Union Wants Union Made No Union by Court Order John Union asked the district court yesterday to dissolve his marriage union with Rosa Lee Union.'. He says she has broken up the union by de serting him and he alleges she has gone witli another man and now lives at Gary, Ind. John and Rosa formed their union in 19L? at Marv ville, Mo,' ' Japanese Preparing For Colonization In South America Chlcsgo Tribune-Omaha Bee Leased Wlr. Washington, May 3. According to advices received here, some Ar ccntine newsDaoers have recently tjeen calling attention to what they regard as indications that the Japan ese arc preparing for an extensive colonization program in South America, as well as Seeking a larger market for Japanese goods on that continent. It is pointed out in the advices that the treaty made by Japan witn Paraguay eives to the former fa vored nation privileges, including the right of colonization. Discuss ing this treaty, Euzbio Ayala, finance minister of Paraguay, is quoted as saying that one of the ob jects of Japan was to provide for colonization in Paraguay. He Ridd ed, according to the advices, that Paraguay, which is a country the size of California, with only 1,000,. 000 inhabitants, and excellent op' portunity for agricultural develop. ment. would welcome the Japanese. It is now reported that a similar treaty is being negotiated ith Uru guay, tne aavices say. Dan Stapleton Dies . At Washington Home; Wife Is Omaha Girl Dan C. Stapleton, formerly of jouet, air., and well known m this city, died yesterday morning at his home iinWashineton. D. C. His wife was Miss Stella Hamil ton, daughter of the late C. W, Hamilton and sister of C Will Hamilton,' Fred P. Hamilton and Mrs. Jack Barker of Omaha. For some years Mr. Stapleton represented English mining syndi cates m South America ajifl spent much of his time in Ecuador, He married Miss Hamilton five years ago. His widow and pne child sur vive. Fred Hamilton and C. Will Hamil ton will go to Joliet to attend funer al services. . Woman Believes She May Have Been Drugged By Burglars In Home Because of a severe, headache when she arose yesterday morning to find that her bureau had been rob bed of $10 in cash and a gold watch, Mrs. Jchn Ely, 1116 North Twenty second street, told police that she believed she had been chloro formed by burglars Sunday night. First Resident of Benson Dies at Age of 63 Years Bernard Henry Tost died at 5 a. m. yesterday at his home, 6207 Maple street. He was born in Germany, October 21. 1853, and came to America in 1873. In 1878 he came to Omaha and engaged in the dairy business at Twenty-seventh and Burt streets. After being engaged in. the milk business for 26 years he retired and moved to Benson in' 1905. He was the first resident of Ben son and was very charitable. He founded the St. Bernards Catholic church which was named after him and was always prominent in the up building of Benson. He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Louisa Post; two sons, W. H. Post and Charles B. Post of Benson; four daughters, Mrs. Philip P. Mergen of Benson, Mrs. C. II. Bowley of Ben son, Mrs.-Roy P. Redman of Hell, N. D., and Mrs. Richard C. Morton of Benson. The funeral will be held Thursday morning at 9 o'clock from the resi dence, 6207 Maple street, and at 9:30 from St. Bernard's church. JOHNSON MUCH PEEVED ABOUT CASEIN JERSEY California Senator Has No . Intention of Putting Up $50,000 for Recount . Of Primary Vote. By E. O. PHILLIPS. Chicago Trlbone-Omahsj Be Leased Vtlrav Indianapolis, Ind., May 3. bena- tor Hiram Johnson hasn't any idea of putting up $50,000 for the pur pose of securing a recount of the New Jersey primary votes, as re quired by the court order entered y"terd4v-: . ..... lie spent tne itnai aunaay oi me Indiana primary campaign in a sharp .series, of conferences about the matter. His campaign manager, Angus McSween, came on from the east to talk it over. The senator may withhold a lormal statement until after the Indiana results' are known. If Indiana goes "wrong" , from the Johnson viewpoint, the country may expect a declaration of war from the Califomian that will be carried all the way through the Chicago convention. . . m It is known that the senator is in tensely indignant over the $50,000 preposition. All that he said was this: , "The burglary at Chicago m 1912 is now admitted by' some of the burglars.. We do not propose to have that job repeated in the Coli seum next month." Outcome in Doubt Whether Johnson or Wood is to carry Indiana Tuesday is entirely problematical. The Wood manage ment "does not now expect to secure a majority of all the votes east, but it does believe that the general will have a plurality of at least 20,000 in a total vote now estimated at 220, 000. This was the final estimate made after General Wood had re ceived personal reports from the 13 congressional districts of the state. Last minute reports indicate that Governor Lowden's ' vote is to be much larger than had seemed prob able when the contest tended to settle down to a whipping finish between Johnson and Wood. It is now indicated that Governor Low den's vote will be well over the 50, 000 mark and sufficiently large to make it improbable that either of the two apparent leaders gets more votes than the rest of the candidates combined. Senator Harding, the fourth pres idential contender, undoubtedly has slipped materially and the Sunday reports are that ne is to finish with not nearly the total that had been expected for him earlier in the pro ceedings. 1 Appeal for Johnson. The Wood, headquarters made much of a card claimed to have been issued in behalf of Johnson, which was a straight-away appeal to all Indiana voters who jre opposed to the league of nations, whether re publicans or democrats, to vote in the republican primaries for John son, something fhat can be accom plished without difficulty under the Indiana Jaw, particularly as the dem ocrats have no 'serious trouble in their own primaries. It now is generally agreed that the candidate who gets the plural ity vote will get thej support of the Indiana delegation on the first two or three ballots at least, although the law is explicit that a majority . must be secured in order to bind le gally the delegates to Chicago. The state convention, however, will not give formal instructions to the 30. for such a plurality winner, according to the word that comes from the men who are expected to be largely in control of the state convention on May 12. The dele-gates-at-Iarge. it is now agreedwill be Senators New and Watson, Gov ernor Goodrich, 1 and Edward H. Wasmuth, chairman of the jtate committee. High Prices Offer Grayest , Moral Danger of America The present era of high prices and prosperity is the gravest moral dan ger confronting America, Robert F. Leavens of the First Unitarian church, said Sunday in his ad dress on "Perils of Prosperity." "Human nature can stand only limited prosperity," he said. ""'The average citizen is flirting with the evils of the en now. "Too much expenditure of money tends to increase self jndulgence, to create a false sense of values and to stifle the better parts of human nature." Electric Light Pole Falls And Injures Two In Bluffs An electric light pole, -being cut down by a squad of linemen in the alley in the read of the People's de partment store, 318 West Broadway, Council Bluffs, fell at 8:35 a. m. yes terday and struck La Vaughn Lu ther, 2105 West Broadway, over the head, knocking his unconscious. The pole also fell across the legs of Fred Walker, 1701 Avenue G. bruising him seriously, Luther was taken to Mercy hospital, where it was report ed that his condition is uot critical. Chicago's Hotel Men Refuse ,to Yield to Demands of Waiters Ch icago, May 3. The Chicago Hotel Men's association" declared it would not yield to the demands of 3,000 striking union waiters and cooks. Nonunion employes, chiefly girls, were being used. The Central Labor council of the , Chicago Federation of Labor adopted a resolution to call out all union employes from nonunion restaurants and hotels to aid th striking waiters and cooks. Wearer of Traffic Badge ' 'Arrested After Collision H. G. Bell's special tfaffic badge caused his arrest Sunday night with his friend. C. T. Shay, 2868 Van street, after Bell's automobile col lided with the car of Benjamin F. Ross, 222 North Sixteenth street, at Nineteenth and Chicago streets. Bell, who lives at 2968 Poppelton avenue, attempted to arrest Ross after the collision, but Ross called the police and Bell and Shay er locked tip. Alleged Evader of Draft ' Faces Court-Martial Today John B. Goertzen, former Auron farmer, faced a general court mar tial at Eort Omaha at 2 p. m. yester day, charged with desertion. Speci fications agai,n Goertzen alleged that he evadejf military service un der the draft i-$w by goingvto Cana da. His broj-er, David Goertzen, will be tried j-hr the same offense today. II Accident Victim Improved ' Mrs. G. B. Dixie, 234 Fourth ave nue. Council Bluffs, who was seri ously injured .when the automobile in which she was riding with her husband turned oyer in Fairmont park, Council Bluffs, Sunday, ii reported improving. Recover Stolen Property Police Commissioner Ringer re ports that his department during April recovered stolen prnperf the total value of $39,738JkV