Newspaper Page Text
THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, MAY 8, "1920. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. ptlc RUICK. OU want a. ba.rv.ln. thla far- irlcd for quick sale: A-l ihaoe. Phone ' wain at4 30; y "QR TE R M a Vim nam .'ma TERMS ' VAN BKUNTS. Laok for th rd on wlndahltlJ, SOME bari-aln. In ii mm A VnrA ra r lie. caffrt Motor Co. Th Handy Ford Borviro station. )lth and Jackaon. Doug laa S600. THE GUMPS- O, GIRLS, HAVE YOU SEEN THE NEW SPRING STYLES? Drawn for The Bee by Sidney Smith used cars of quality. standard motor car co., 0s0 farnam st. THE DIXIE FLYER. W. R, NICHOLS MOTOR COMPANY, 1KB nrmm at -AUTO CLEARING HOUSE. 203! TARNAM. EXCEPTION Ali USED CARS. OAKLAND Usnalbla Six. ov, MARSH OAKLAND CO.. IMt Farnaaa St. SLICK car nearly nw, Tail can't tll It from a new on.; will anil cheap. Owned oy private party, soutrt no WANTED For apot caibiflOO ueed cara, ;4UlcK' action ; no delay. Auto Exchange ramam hl uoug. alia,. t UK BALE Bulck roadat.r. model E-44 f 1 rat rlaea condition; tire. In Rood ahape. an mom L'ounc.i muffa. WJ5 HAVE 10 good uaed cara to aelect .isom. All prices. MEEK8 AUTO CO.. SOU Farnam. 1119 . FORD touring, fine ahape. tlrea .good: .bargain. Bee It at 172? Howard .ot , uouitla. 477". j i MUST aell my Ford touring car, nearly new, with aclf -starter. Sea it at 1811 irt pt. FOR SALE t'hoap. 7-pasaenger Pachard, let claaa condition. Harney 819. FORD .read.ter. -able.- for quirk good val. condition, reason- Colfax 8818. FORD touring. 191 model, also ona 1917 AN Oldemohlle 4, perfect conditio. Webeter 2237. Call 1918 FORD touring Wter 430. fine condition. Repairing and Paintine. RADIATOR CORES INSTALLED. Maltutactured In Omaha. 14-hour aer. tea for auto, truck and tractor. Expert radiator and fender , repairing; body denta removed: now fendera made. OMAHA -AUTO RADIATOR MFQ. CO, 181- etimlng 8t, . A Tyler HT. - Tires and Supplies. NEW TIRES, STRICTLY FIRSTS. I 13 7fi 11.... 17 as ,i in nil J BHIPPED SUB.1ECT TO EXAMINATION. STANDARD 'TIRE CO., 418 North 18th St. . Douglaa 3830. USED TIRES. .. -l-'JOxI. IM0 SOxlH, 16.00. AU.aiaea In, proportion. Look over our rabullta. Open Sundays. Tyler 3988. SAVIOE TIRES. 908 N. 16th St. Keystone Tire Shop. ,eNlrM .RKPUBLI"' TIRES CHAP. SIHJ ri8K....lI.M I S4l4 H 91 80x3 t.t I 88x4....... J6.fl KAlslAy TlHB JOBBERS. 1732 CUMIN'l. AUTO aleolrloal ralra; aervlce atatlon Mir-leyfle!rl oaL-'tor and Columbia ' sQprage batteries. I" irds. 8616 N, 11. ( LOOK Vr THIS BUNCHES' I TrwAT A.A THlSOLft PANAAA- ( GOH,Y LOOKATTNlS- HERE-WAS THt HAr OP NATS - J .1 NitTV HAT- IT WA 50NV.E KA ANf I THOUCjHt TNOUtW-THEY DDNTMKe . t)U ; I ft poROrori.t.v ( WA& AWOLE WHEN I BOUCjKT 'T- WfcS SONvE Kf&VHrJ UKE YNIS ANYMORE- 7 , A.IJOOT EN TH5fiS.) M 4uTHrTHAT 1 T TOOK fcrVCRYTWfVcr t BOOfcNT YH'S- AM NVOVT CONVPORTrX&LE ( MliJ tlri VntH.h J WZrrHsuNM 7 d.ttman ipuycAh wat .ever had on 'N J U&"oZ vWh.swc WcrTN( i A-NO A&" THERE'S 1 T T -OTitl JaM- HOVSI THE 1V.V.HAVeiTCLEAK6D ' 1 rto 1 HOPEFUL BONUS BILL MAY PASS PRESENT SESSION Republicans to Consider Modi fications to Make Highest Amount Allotted Soldier Not More Than $500. FARM LANDS. Miscellaneous. 200-ACRE FARM WITH 4 Horses, 17 Cattle, Tools ' In world's greatest dairying section, close to R. R.. all conveniences; machine-worked fields, 40-cow aprlng-wa-terod pasture, big wood lot, fruit or chard. 900 sugar maples; 7 -room house, big basement "barn, spring water, other buildings: nulck buyer gets all live stock, complete machinery, tools. Ford car, etc., for 86,006, only 33,000 cast?, bal ance easy terms. Details page 12 Strout's Catalog Farm Bargains, 83 states, copy free. Strout Agency, 831 B. F. New York Life Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. REAL ESTATE UNIMPROVED, Acreage. LOT In Mlnne Lusa addition, 63-foot frontage, near park; priced right. Call Norall, Douglas 674 or Harney 6166. 4 REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS. F-RMS for. sale or exchange. Over 100 large and arr.all. In Illinois, Missouri and Arkanras. Write Forman, No. 317 In ternational Llfa Bldg., St. Louis, Mo., for free list. ' Bee Want Ads Are Best Business Boosters. Accessories lS-tfOLT battery and six-volt battery for 'sale. Ames Oarage, 4123 No. 24th. Col fax 886. ' '.'Motorcycles, and Bicycles. ajARt - DAViDSON MOTORCYCLES Bargains In uaed machines. tavenworth Sts. Boos, -Lbs motorcycle man. Victor H. 27h and FARM LANDS. Arkansas Lands. WRITE as for description of fruit, stock Vnd -grain farms In our wonderful coun try. . Shermer & Fields, Siloam Springs, Colorado Land:. IZBEST LANDS" I bought right and will sell you ab solutely. rlghL any part of 7,000 acres ' of tba ' best wheat and corn land In east Colorado. Write for facts, now. Geo our crops. Investigate. t. , . R. T. Cllne, Owner, "... Brandon. Colo. QUARTKR section unimproved in Burling 1opj; district; will' taks Omaha property as part payment.' Frank Oass. owner, 4008 North 26th St.. Omaha. Neb. FINANCIAL. Real Estate Loans. FARM and city 'oann. E. H. I.OUOEE, INC, 628 Keellne Bldg. OMAHA HOMES EAST. NEB. FARMS, O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO. lfllfi Om. Nat. Bk. Ttldg. Don. 271S. Oil Leases. BUY DUVAL, COUN'TY. LEASES, TEXAS, OIL Where There Are IS Drilling "Wells. 40 100 ;oo i son 2,000 acres, acres, acres, acres, acres, IIS per acre 314 per aero 113 jor acre $12 per acre $10 per acre All within 3 to 25 miles of these drilling wells. . - 1 Acreage In Puvai has sold for $100 per acre, not so wen located as the above. BUY BEFORE OIL 13 FOUND And make big money. Fortunes have been made that way. FOR SALE Three-story brick building, full cor ner lot In wholesale district Possession tf wanted. DUMONT & CO.. 418 Keellne Bldg, Phone Doug. 660. 1ST MORTGAGE. second mortgage and contract for sale at a discount. 7 per cent Interest. D, 4413. 519 Bee Bldg WALSH-ELMER CO.. Realtors, Real Estate. Investments, Insurance, Ren tals. Tyler 1636. 398 Securities Bldg. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE. FARM LANDS and acreage close to Oma Jrft and Council Bluffs for sale or ex change. v Apartments and city property to exchange for farm lands. Qood bakery, central Nebraska town' of 1,000, for sale or exchange for pool hall or picture show. WM. N. HILL, Real Estate. D-4413 Formerly of Scott & 519 Bee' Bldg, Hill Co. BEAUTIFUL largv hill tract lota In beat part oi council uiurrs, wnat nave you to trade. Carl Changstrom. 2020 Far nam atree. IMPROVED 60-acre farm. SO miles from Omaha, to trade for Omaha residence, prefer bungalow. Address 405 McCague Bldg., or phone Douglas 4M6. REAL ESTATE--SUBURBAN. Council Bluffs. FOR SALE 3-acre farm with 6-roora house; cement basement; city water; $3.(00 cash, 3440 Avenue J. Council Bluffs, la. Dundee. 160 AfftKS unimproved, close to Burling- ' tony $30 per acre. $600 will handle It. 1 s10 , , i b s Iowa Lands. ; 'S'E 'OWN and control several good farms ,Jn Iowa. Ave will sell these farms on , easy terms or accept other property In exchange as part pay. Liberal commls- oton-to agents. Submit what you have to offer. E. P. Lucey & Co., Storm Lake, Kansas, Lands. fREkendall Land. Company owns and controls 30,000 acres in the famous . Thorns county, Kansas, wheat district. "Wrrte'ifor folder. H END ALL LAND COMPANY. "V COLBY, KAN. WRITI5.J for prices ami terms on -ki Tltomas County, Kansas. "Went. -807 Crounse Blk. lands Felton & Missouri Lands. "Some Bargain" 80 acres well Improved, large orchard, good- water, close to school and town. $3,000; $500 will handle. Hop on cars, com to see It. Owner, Wellman Arthur, Mountain View, Mo. Nebraska Lands. ;.-640 Acres 640 Rock County At Auction Monday, May 10th . ' 2 P. M. On the above date under cover. In Bassett. Neb., we will sell At , public auction to the highest bidder regardless of prico the following described real estate located 30 miles southeast of Bassett: The 'West Half of Sec. 27 and the East Half of Sec. 28. T. 36. It. 17. West of the 6th P. M.. Rock County, Neb., containing 640 acres more or less according to government survey. Terms of sale. 20 per cent of the purchase price rash 'day of sale. 30 per cent June 1, 1970. when possession' will ba given. Owner will carry remainder of purchase price for a penoa of tnree years to oe secured by a first mortgage on the above described land bearing interest at the rate of 7 per cent payable annually, (jood and sufficient abstract of title to gether with warranty deed delivered to purchaser day of settlement. 20 acres under cultivation; about 200 acres more ' rould be broken and profitably farmed; 'balance pasture, well grassed. Land no level to gently rolling. Black sandy Iflanl toll. For further Information ad 'dresa Nebraska Realty Auction Co., Ventral City, Neb. Mark Carrahar, Auctioneer, M. A. Larson, Manager, Geo. M. 8.Lelnlnger. Sutton, Neb.. Owner. REMEMBER, $15 per acre and near 14 drilling wells. Opportunity knocks Insistently, but not . Indefinitely. I Act now and seud draft to THE WALKER COMPANY, 226-227 Bedell Bldg., San Antonio, Tex, , OIL LEASES Big money tor you -in oil leases present high prloes of oil stimulating development; safe Investment and big returns possible; have soma splendid acreage in New Mexico, Texas and other fields for gain cheap It bought now: wells going down now In all fields and the bringing In of a well near your acreafre makes possible 100 for 1 on your investment. Act quick if you want In on ground floor. r. c. wreath, si Orand Ave. Temple, Kansas City. Mo. LEASES joining gas well Just In, at 800 ft.: 10 acres for. $160; guaranteed title; must act quick. i. Morearty, Bee Bldg. Douglas 3S41. Cass County Farm At Auction iay 5, Wednesday, 2 p. m. On the above date in the Jordan Han, Alvo. Nebraska, we will sell at public auction to the highest bidder regardless of. price, one of the most productive form In eastern Nebraska, consisting of 160 acres. Located 2 miles north of Alvo, Nebraska; 40 miles from the great Omaha markets and 20 miles from Lincoln, with every educational ad vantage. All good black loam soil with rtsy subsoil. Land lies level to gently 'iolflrig. No better dirt out of doors. Polsesalon June 1. 1920. Purchaser will receive this year's share of crop and rash rental for pasture. For terms and Jfull description, address. Nebraska Realty Auction Co.. Central City, Ne braska, Mark Carraher. Auctioneer. M. A. t Larson, Manager, Fred M. Prouty, A TV. Neb.. Owner. WArgdlpartlculara ; ; 4,000 ACRES i Itortheast corner Box Butte County, 66 per cent best of farm land, Rose . bud gilt loam soil, a snap at $23 an S. S. and r E. MONTGOMERY, 218 City Nat. Bank Bldg. WAKE UP Best west Just coming to Itself, Hayes n Hitchcock counties Improved and unimproved wheat, corn and alfalfa lands. Box 23, Palisade. eb. CORN AND ALFALFA FARMS. IMPROVED. IN CENTRAL NEBRASKA, t the right price. Write for list, ,.F LARSON 4 CARRAHER, Central City. Nebraska. ' 113-ACRE ranch in Loup county, Ne braska, for quick sale; only $16 per karre. -JFor terms, address Gustaf Qoth jttrgo 184. Station D. St. J oseph, Mo. Foriifb. Farms and Ranches see Graham-Peters Realty Co.. Omaha Nafl Bk. Biflg.. Omaha. Miscellaneous. PRIVATE MONEY. SHOPEN St COMPANY. Doug. 4228. PROMPT aervlce, reasonable rates, private money. Qarvin Bros.. 34b omana Nat i. DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY LOANS. Lowest rates. Private loan booths. Harry Malashock. 1614 Dodge. D. 5618. Es. 1866 PRIVATE MONEY. 8100 to 810.000 made oromntlv. F. D. WEAD. Wead Bldg.. 810 8. 18th St D. E. BUCK. Loans. 442 Oraata Nat. REAL ESTATE WANTED. FOR quick action and satisfactory results in selling your property list it with SCHROEDER INVEST MENT COMPANY 538 Ry. Exchange Bldg. Doug. 3261. LIST today, sell tomorrow, our motto. We have parties to buy houses- of five to eight rooms. See us or rail WM. N. HILL, REAL ESTATE. Formerly of Scott & Hill Co., 518 Bee Bldg. WE havo served tne Omaha public in buying and selling real estate for over 36 years. Wa bava many calls now for homes. List your property with us. Wa will serve you to your beat lntereats. McCague . Investment. Co WANT to buy 7 t 10-room house; not over 20 blocks west of 16th. and Far nam: will pay $1,500 cash, .balance monthly. 1 Itaj VMII, JL. Owners call Tyler 2022. HAVE inquiries for good homes In good orations. Do you want to sell your property? List it with C. A. Grlm- mel. 848 Oma ha Nat'l Bk. Bldg. TOU WANT TO SELL THAT HOUSE T Want quick action? Just try us. Call - Tyler 486. OSBORNE REALTY CO.. 430 Bee Bldg. To buv or eell Omana Real Estate see fowler & Mcdonald 1120 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. Doug. 1426. WE HAVE ccsh buyers for cottages and bungalows nicely located. Shrlver, 1047- Omaha Nat. Pank Bldg. D. 1636. REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE. JOHN W. SIMPSON 14 Patterson Blk. Doug. 3666. REAL ESTATE and all klnda of Insurance. HERMANSEN & CO, 748 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. E. G. SOLOMON 314 Brown Block. Real Estate Investments. Doug. 5266. WANTED TO BUY From owner. 6 to 7- room house, on payments. Web. 4160. REAL ESTATES-UNIMPROVED. Acreage. V. A. PAT2MAN. Farms. 301 Karbach Blk. Wisconsin Lands. foil SALE 160-acre "farm. 100 acres cleared! new bouse ana barn: all kinds . of .machinery, including a milking ma chine; 21 cows,, young stock; chickens, wags and 4 horses; close to town; best .territory 1" the state of Wisconsin. Pries only5 $165 per acre, worth $200. Writs . U Jacob KtplU. iliUaiore, Wis. ANOTHER ACREAGE A atunnlng buy of two acres, facing on two streets and fine garden spot. AU ready to plant, plowed and bar rowed; 80 bearing fruit trees; dandy big chicken bouse and yar and also angina house and cement floor garage: build ings all electric lighted. House is I years old and Is a bungalow with beau tiful south front. Is modern except gas and city wster. Full basement; In dandy shape. Prise for quick sals la $6,000. Make us an offer of terms. - SHOPEN & CO. Douglas 4228. Keeline Bldg. TWo fine lots in Omahsj for sale. Lot 8. block 139, Dundee Place, will make a fine building place on both of these lots. Price for this lot for quick sale, $1,$00 and the other lot Is lot 3, Creston Annex for quick sale, price. $1,700. If - interested write or phone J. X, S'slsoa, Malcom. Neb, Pbono ill?. DUNDEE LOTS Have 2 --well located lots on 61st St., close to car. Paved street, sewer, water, sidewalks and gas. Only $2,20, easy terms. One on b'id St., just south of Farnam, for $2,500. Good location. Easy terms. These are both good buys. Only a few HASTINGS & HEYDEN 1614 Harney St. hone Tyler 60. We specialize in Dundee homes. ' C. B. STUHT CO., 812-14 City National. Douglas 8787. DUNDEE Modern 7-room home for sals by owner. Walnut 162L Florence. C. I Nethaway for suburban property. Florence Sta.. Omaha, Neb., Col. 1409. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. West. BEMIS PARK HOME 3519 Hawthorne Ave., in the prettiest part of Bemis Park, beautiful strictly modern eiyht rooirl frarrre and stocco home. Has three bedrooms, nice sun room, large living room, kitchen and den. Floored attic. All new ly painted and decorated; con dition very good. Excellent hot water heating system. Large lot; paved street and alley. Price $5,800, about one-third cash, bal ance less than rent. FREDERIC L. HEYN, REALTOR. Doug. 3235. 60 2l'eters Trust Bldg. BEAUTIFUL MONTCLAIR BARGAIN Two-story. 7-room stucco residence, Vi block to Harney car line; south front; all large roomS: fireplace In living room; oak finish downstairs; white enamel up stairs: oak floors throughout; this is a real bargain and must be seen to be appreciated: can give Immediate pos session. Price $12,000;, can arrange terms. Thone Walnut 2S12. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. North. NORTH SIDE HOMES On Newport avenue, overlook ing Minnc L,usa, wc have a nice 5-rooin, modem, oak ' finished bungalow. Built-in bookcases and. cabinet work in kitchen. Price $5,000; $1,000 cash. If you are looking for a home in a choice residence district, let iu show you this dandy bungalow. hive exceptionally large room. Living room and dining room finished in oak. Oak floors Two large bedrooms. Dandy brick basement. Large -attic. Beauti ful corner lot, 53x128. Two blocks from Prettiest, Mile Boulevard and two blocks to car line. Price, $6,000. Terms. CHARLES W. MARTIN & COMPANY REALTORS. 742 Omasa Nat'l Bank Bldg. Tyler 187, $7,350 KOUNTZE PLACE strictly modern, six rooms; large living room arrangernent, with hreplace. built-in bookcases; large dining room with panelled walls; handy kitchen with built-in cupboards; pantry and ice box rooms; oak floors and oak finish first floor. One extra large bed room and two good sized bed rooms, each with clothes cioset, and tile bath room; oak floors and one panel birch doors. Corner lot. GLOVER & SPAIN REALTORS, 919 City National. Doug. 2856,' KOUNTZE PLACE If you are looking for a home which is strictly modern, well built and in ex cellent condition at much less than its aotual value, you should consult -us about this; house has 8 rooms and sleep ing perch, and certalnly-Is a bargain at the price at which we are offering It. Only $3,000 and $2,000 cash will handle. D. V. SHOLES CO. REALTORS. Doug. 46. 915-17 City Nats Bk. Bldg. MONTCLAIR BARGAIN Let me show you a real stucco bungalow; just what you have been lodking for; six large rooms, five on main floor, one on second; large living room, oak and white enamel finish; this property is nearly new; can be bought fo $7,500, part cash, balance easy terms. Walnut 2812. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. North. BEMIS PARK g-room strictly modern: oak floors downstairs: throe nice bedrooms up stairs; well ventilated; price, $3,750; $2,600 rash required. GRAHAM-PETERS REALTY CO. Phone, office D. 653; Sunday, Wal. 1103. A DANDY HOME 3235 Ohio St.; modern 4-room cot tage; lot 60x130; only $2,750, $500 down, balance) $30 per month; for particulars cajl Webster 3637. . NEW BUNGALOW 5 rooms, all modern, oak finish: price $4,750, $1,150 down, balance $37.60 per month. Owner in house. 3349 N. 69th. Webster 3537. ONE strictly modfrn six-room house, htif lot, on north 22d, street, $3,700, $2li0 cash. - Ono sevon-roojn modern except electricity; corner lot, $3,200. About $750 cash. Ono eicht-room modern house ex cept heat, on Kheman Ave.. $:i,200. About $750 cash. Call Webster 59(18 REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. Miscellaneous.' Seven rooms, close to Windsor School, $4,150; easy terms. Five rooms, near Windsor school, $4,750; $2,000 cash), balance, $27.50 mo. Seven-room, modern,. Hanscom Park, oak finish, cast front, $6,800. Seven-room, modern, new, Field club district; $10,000. Easy terms. See us for other well located homes. CONBOY & GREEN Peters Trust Har. 4999. Bldg weD. S156. 600 Done. 3841. NICE HOMES 29 Indiana Ave., 6 rooms; modern; $5,250. oash $1,600. 32 Myrtle Ave., 7 rooms; modern; $11,000 cash: new home. 35 Howard, 8-room modern; $5,500, cash $2,000. JOHN W. SIMPSON 24 Patterson Blk. Doug. 3556. FLORENCE BLVD. home. ; $10,000. half cash, balance like rent; $50 a month. Call Colfnx 1099. South. $2,750 NEAR 48TH AND Q IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Four-room house with acre of ground all plante.i. Plenty of cherry and apple trees. Street to ba paved soon. Acre adjoining leased and paid. Dandy place for packing house employee. Terms if desired. v J. A. LOVGREN CO. Offirp Poufffas 2522. Res. Harney 7078. HANSCOM PARK $2,400 cash and $45 per month buys a beautiful full 2-story 7-room modern home and a large lot next to the corner; quartered oak floors, oak finish, built-in features, sleeping porch; our price at least $1,000 under real value. Ask us at once to see this or it will be too late. Commercial Investment Company Doug. 393?. Doug. 6230. H. 499A Evenings. HANSCOM PARK 6-room. strictly modern oak finish downstairs, 3 bedrooms upstairs, full basement, eaBt front, paved street. Price. $6,000. $2,100 cash reouired. GRAHAM -PETERS REALTY COMPANY, Phones. Office. P.. 553; Sunday, Wal. 1103. FOR SALE BY OWEN R 10-room, pressed oricK veneer nouse, strictly modern; not water heat: oak on first floor, with beamed ceilings; large garage; on paved street; newly decorated. This houso would cost $16,000 if built today; bar- gain at iii.oou. t'nirax 2450. J. B. ROBINSON, Real Estate and Invest rrfnts. 442 Bee Bldg.. Douglas 8097. 2827 SEWARD, 4-room. ' new, modern bungalow. $600 cash, balance monthly. Crelgh. 608 Bee. Douglas 200. REAL BARGAIN In 10-room brick house, all modern, nicely located, high and sightly, full lot 50x142; close to car line; in best of condition. For particulars call Walnut 4309. This Is What YOUR ARE LOOKING FOR. If you want a fine home at a small price, all modern, 6 rooms, oak finish, with 2 lots, only $4.S5ft, about $2,000 cash, balance easy terms, let me show you thi9 property. 3'hone Walnut 2 812. CLAIRMONT BARGAIN Beautiful 6-room stucco bungalow, large living room with fireplace, oak and white enamel finish: corner lot; 1 block to car line; 3 blocks to school; for particulars call Walnut 2812. Omaha Real Estato and Investment!. JOHN T. BOH AN, 821 Paxton Wit. Phone Tyler 488P. North. HOUSE VACANT POSSESSION AT ONCE ' MILLER PARK DISTRICT Seven-room strictly modern semi-bungalow; 5 nice rooms and bath on the first floor, consisting of living room, dining room, kitchen, 2 bedrooms and bath; oak floors and oak finish; 2 nice bedroonis finished on the second floor; full cement basement, fur nace heat; hot and cold water and laundry conveniences; nice large lot on paved street, paving nearly paid; garage. One-half block to street car, stores. 2 blocks from Miller Park school, 2 blocks from Miller park; house newly painted on the outside and newly deco rated on the inside. Up in first class condition. If you buy this today you can have possession to morrow. Price $7,500; about one half cash. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY 537 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Douglas 1781. Ask for Mr. Gibson. Sunday call Colfax 3227. MONTCLAIR BUNGALOW 5-room strictly modern bunga low, all on one floor; large living room across the front, dandy din ing room, kitchen, 2 bedrooms and bath; oak floors and oak fin ish; full cement basement; furnace heat; dandy extra large attic; room for 3 large rooms to be fin ished off; nice lot on paved street; paving partly paid. Price $7,650; $"3,500 cash. If looking for a prac tically new, up-to-the-minute bun galow close in, in walking dis tance, don't fail to se this. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, 537 Omaha National Bank Bldg. D. 1781. Ask for Mr. Gibson. Sundav call Colfax 3227. BARGAIN BY -OWNER. Six-room cottage, modern except heat. $3,600. Harney 6374. $350 DOWN If you can pay $350.00 down, I can sell you a brand new four room house with three good lots. An opportunity to get a home on , easy terms and it is brand new. Call Walnut 5432 evenings, Doug las 7412 days; ask for Mr. Cole. BIRKETT & CO. and Insures. 250 Beo Bldg. Real estate Douglas 638. REAL ESTATE AND INVESTMENTS. AMERICAN SECURITY COMPANY. N. W. COR. 18TH AND DODGE. D. 5013. Real Estate Transfers Lois Annetts Lund to Henry T. Johnson, 40th St., 200 ft. n. of Emile st., w. s., 100x130 $ 6,300 Olive Christensen to Fred A. Bailey, Bedford ave.. 60 ft. w. of 66th St., n. s., 50x128 1,800 Engelbert Fleckensteln and wife to Ira Alphon Hany, 41st ave.. 200 ft. .. of Orchard St., w. s., 40x120 2.660 Charles J. Leapley and wife to Zack Alden, P St.. 200 ft. e. of 15th St., s. s., 23x130 900 Joseph A. Polon and wife to Charles Kertacinl, 24th St., 47.5 ft. n. of Oak St., w. s., 47.6x1564 4,800 George W. Erlewlne and wife to Edith M. Sautter. 42d st "120 ft. s. of P St., e. s.. 40x120 1,700 Anna Handley and husband to Blanche L. McKelvy, Farnam St.. 150 ft, e. of 49th St., s. s., 60x150 10,500 Michael J. Stillmock and wife to Oregon T. Daykin and wife, sw. cor. 16th and Y sts., 100x130 1.80O John J. Toms and wife to Henry J. Wlsnier. 19th St., 180 ft. n. of Manderson St.. w. s., 60x140.... 3,00 Frank L. Egleston to Isadora W. Rosenblatt, Lothrop St., 200 ft. w. of 14th ave., Sx124 5,500 Jlarion H. Spurgeort and wife to Clark A. Slgafoos, 28th st., 78 ft. n. of Vort St., w. s., 39x98 3,700 Fayne Slater Co. to John D. Wjjar. Leavenworth St., 44.66 ft. e. of 25th St.. n. s.. 50.84x90 12.600 Henry B. Payno and wife et al to M1NNE LUSA homes and lots offer the best opportunity to invest your money. Phone Tyler 187. FOR quick results list with Benjamin Frankenberg. 624 Bee Bldg. Douglas 722. FIRST-CLASS 45th street. bungalow at 2915 North BENSON A MEYERS CO.. 424 Om. Nat'l. Miscellaneous. BEAUTIFUL BEMIS PARK HOME 7 ROOMS $7,850. Kxceptionally well constructed house with splendid arrangement of all rooms; spacious living and dining room with large, light kitchen adjoining; oak floors and finish; 4 bedrooms and bath up. narrow pine floors and birch finish; floored attic: brick foundation; lot 60 X140; south frontage; large new garage, cement floor; alley entrance: close to Harney car line and Franklin school; built by a contractor for his own home. GUARANTEE REALTY 224 Bee Bldg. Tyler 6171. BEAUTIFUL HOUSE. Just completed. 6 rooms with break fast alcove, fireplace, tile bath with sep arate shower; finest quality oak finish downstairs: white enamel and mahogany ioors upstairs; full two-stories; substan tial brjck foundation; Kellastnne and frame- exterior: a real home; close to park; see this today j you will like it. im ttewforl I BEAUTIFUL 5-ROOM ' ' BUNGALOW $5,000. I,ocaled near Thirty-fourth and Ames; close to car and school ; rooms all on one floor; oak floors and finish through out; good sized rooms and very well ar ranged; modern In every respect; about 3 years old; garape, with drive; lartro lot: this is a very beautiful little home; $2,700 rash required. GUARANTEE REALTY CO., 224 BEE BLDO. TYLER 6171. NIFTY STUCCO BUNGALOW Nearly new; excellent arrange ment; six fine, light rooms, base ment and attic; finely finished in oak and enamel; lately decorated; a dandy looker inside ind out; price for quick sale $7,500; shown -by appointment. Call Mr. Benson, Walnut 1580 penings, Tyler 3540 days. MR. HOME BUYER READ THIS Neat 5-room cottage, floored attic, east front, paved street, reception hall, living room and dining room finished in oak: 2 nice bedrooms and bath with maple floors, birch doors, good basement with guaranteed furnace, floor drain, elegant neighborhood, near Windsor school! price $4,750; will carry $2,600; balance cajh. OR AH AM -PETERS REALTY CO.. Phones Doug. 553 or evenings Harney 3835 and Walnut 1 103 John D. Wear. Leavenworth st., 64.42 fl. e. uf 27th st. n. 64.42xS8. 10,000 Edward P. Boyer and wife to John 1. Wear, se. cor. 25th tvt.. and Cuming St., 66.6x136 6,600 Gertrude tllller and husband to Tony Nlcotero and wife, 341 1 St., 60 ft. s. uf Cass St., w. s., 60x186 2,500 Flossie A, Tbornburg and husband to Alfred N. Hagan, se. cor. 18th and VV sis., 100x130 2,0,00 Darius llartson and wife to John It. Smith. Military ave.. 145 ft. e. of 50th St., s. s., 132x133..- 8,750 Hi'rman Benda and wife to Sophie Windier, so. cor. 69th and Wirt St.. 260x270 8.760 Imperial Investment Co. to Bessie Janes, 33d St., 231 ft. s. of Pop ploton ave.. w. s., 67x112 2 Donna H. Lake and wife to William H. Brown, Park ave., 250 fte s. of roppleton-ave., w. s.j 60x150.. 10,000 Fred S. Mueller to Oeorge F. Jones, Howard St., 66 ft. e. of 34th St., a. a., 66x124 1 'Emma D. Everett to Rasp Bros., ne. cor. 40th and Orand ave., 60x125 4.400 Julius Adrian and wife to John P. , Dufek, 23d St., 147 ft. n. of Ban croft st., w. h. , 46x16 3,450 J. I,. Kubat and wife to Hernian Walters and wife, 23d st,, (i0 ft. s. of P st.. c. 26x130 1,000 Frank Ilajek and wlfo to Anna Bouslta and husband. 21st st., 100 ft. n. of P st., e. s., 60x180.. 500 Clara E. Farlow and husband to Kitturia 1). Frost, s. e. cor. 27th ' ave. and Indiana St., 85x15 3,500 Barker Co. to Charles M. High smith. 18th St., 20 ft. a. of Brown St., w. s 45x95. 230 Ifilma Hanson and husband to Em ma Knutson, Pierce st., 150 ft. . of 43d St., n. s., 60x128 1,200 Clarence L. Landen and wife to Minnie May Burns, 49th sve., 141 ft. n. of Burt fit., e. a., 17x13.... 6.600 Blanoho M. King and r.Tisband to Alonxo R. Stork, Charles St., 600 ft. w. of Military ave., s. s., 50x140 4.000 Ralph B, Carney and wife to Thom as E. Whillock, Park ave., 242 ft. s. of Leavenworth St.. e. s.. 48.12x140 12,500 Clara Alice Loe and husband to Clare R. Nelson, Maple st., 99 ft. e. of 42d st., n. s., 60x120 2,000 Eliza M. Fay to Clara Alke Lec, Blnney st.. 200 ft. w. of 42d ave., n. s., 60x90 460 Hazel H. DuVall to John D. West, s. w. cor. 32d and Maple sts., 100x120 1 Vit Sedlacek and wife to Louis Berka ct al, 10th St.. 99 ft. n. of Martha St., w. s., 13x144 3.300 Frantlska Bauer to Charles J. Cerny, B st., 60 ft. w. of 14th St., n. s., 100x107 1 Elizabeth Burgoss and husband to Emmet F. Roal. s. e. cor. 83d and Dodge sts., 57x135 18.600 Julia I.ungren and husband to Mor ris Wiener, s. e. cor. 18th and Clark sts, 87x140 7,769 Jim Russ to Jerney Ortar, 31st St., 44 ft. n. of W st e. s., 43x100.. 1,200 Marie Ames and husband to Thom as R. Sorensen, Stone ave., 93 ft. e. of 33d St., n. s., 60x130.5 3,850 Elmer C. Oetscher and wife to Or lean L. White, s. w. cor. 49th ave. and Leavenworth St., 142x133.6 ...J 1,475 William A. Belknap and wife to Culseppe Salamino. 18th St.. 183 ft. s. of Ohio St., w. s.. 61x144.33 2.500 -4 By E. C. SNYDER. , : Washington Correspondent of The 1VV Washington, May 7 (Special Tek egram.) Republican members of tb ways and means coViniittee have not given up hope of passing a bonus bill at the present session of con. gress, but on the contrary have met in almost daily session during the week in an effort to see if a com mon ground could not be found upon which they might stand in the interest of the ex-service men. Representative Green of Iowa, act' ing chairman of the ways and mean committee in the absence of Chair man Fordney, wired the Michigan representative yesterday to meet, if possible, a conference of republi can members tomorrow, which Judge Green has called for the pur pose of considering modifications in the bill which would make it more acceptable to a number of members who are oppqscd to a bonus in any form. , Discussing the subject with The Bee correspondent, Mr, Green gave it as his opinion that the bill will be modified by making the highest amount allotted to any one soldier $500, and what has been referred to as the "base pay," for want of a more explanatory phrase, will be reduced from $1.25 Jo $1 per day for all days in actual service above 60. Should this be done it will enable the committee to take out the sales tax in the bill, which has been criti cised by a number of members and remove from the measure the objec tions of those who are in favor of a cash bonus, but opposed to the sales tax. If this should be done, and Judge Green was f hopeful that it would be, it would make a reduction in the amount required of between $700,000,000 and $800,000,000, which' would be nearly as much as the sales tax, it is estimated, would produce. And if there should be a shortage after these changes were made, -it could be made up by some small tax applied in another way. Judge Green also said that there were certain classes included in the tentative ways ad means bill, dis cussed at the recent republican cau cus, which might be properly takeif out. He believed it possible to reJ duce the total amount required to a billion dollars. "In this form," said the Council Bluffs congressman. 71 believe the bill could be passed at this session." Fix Retirement Age for -i Civil' Service at 70 Years Washington, May 7. Conferees on the civil service retirement bill reached an agreement fixing the general retirement age at 70 years. Letter carriers and government me chanics would be retired at 65 years and railway mail service employes at 62. , NEW' STUCCO BUNGALOW. Arrangement Ideal, all rooms large nearly all oak finish; decorated; nevejr occupied; large lot; paving all paid; a snap at $7,150: terms. RASP BROS.. 212 Keeline Bldg. Tyler 721. 6 ROOMS NEAR 34TH AND FRANKLIN $4,S00. Entirely modern and In very good re pair; situated on a corner lot, 60x124; brirk foundation; beautiful trees, hedg's and shrubbery; this Is a bargain; let us show ynu. GUARANTEE REALTY ,C0M 224 BER BLDG. TYLER 5171. i. Immediate Possession $200 Down 7-ROOM MODERN, BUT HEAT. This Is a good house located just off Crelghton Blvd. Has two lots. A good buy. Better hurry as this will not last long. Amos Grant Company, REALTORS, Dg, 8.180. 34-.H-38 Brandets Theater Bldg. . MON'TCLAMv BRAND NEW Living room, dining room with panrl .walls, kitchen all in oak will! built-in features upstairs; 2 bclrooms and 'hath with oik floors finished 1n while enamel; full basement. Price $6,750, $2,000 cash and $i0 per month, GRAHAM-PETERS REALTY COMPANY 820 Omaha Ntt'l Rank Bldg. Fbonea; Doug. Hi, Sunday, Walnut 103. ROYAL L. STEWART & CO. INSURANCE AGENCY. ' Field Club Home. Seven rooms, garage, shade trees, choice location, a bargain at j $11,000. It takes $4,000 to handle, balance to suit. I Dundee, $9,500 j 4815 Farnam street, two-story, i six rooms, tiled bath. A Bargain in Brick Price $2,100, just a reasonable cash payment, balance monthly. Farm Bargain, Eastern Nebraska. y Quarter section of rich land near county seat, improvements in good condition, rents for half the crop, price only $125 per acre. Will give easy terms 'and low interest rate. ' 10 Acres Improved Six-room bungalow, modern, near school and street car, one block to paving; west side city lim its: value sure to increase; terms. ROYAL L. STEWART & Co., 560 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Insurance of all kinds. AN INVITATION is Extended the Public to Visit West L Street Acres and West L St Acres Annex Today and Tomorrow (Saturday and Sunday) The pale of West "L" Street Acres Annex Will Be Continued Saturday Afternoon and all day Sunday. Over 100 Tracts Have Been Sold Since The Opening: of This Property 10 Days Ago. There Are Still Available For Sale About 60 Tracts. i 4 Acre, 2 New Bungalows Acre And Larger Tracts If Desired. $295 to $495 $10 to $20 Down $5 to $10 Monthly No Interest Until 1921. No Taxes For Two Years. Discounts For Larger Down Payments. Liberty Bonds Taken at Par. Raise Your Own Garden and Reduce the Cost of Living. Take 24th Street Crosstown Car Line to 42nd and "L" Streets, South Side, the End of the Line. The Property Lies on "L" Street Just 2 Blocks West. I TnuwilKi i i li modioli, .twed iiint'; I. N'i finish nil! '(0-771 1 .just eoiiiDiel tl. t ink tul qunrtT- ! Murphy in-a-door I North L'Viti Ave. I Price, Jnnn nnd $R,0Af rspcttvoly : I'M-uin. fl.afid to f2,0f'0 cash and .U to f4i per rnnnth. FOWLER & M'DONALD RKALTORS. 1120 City Kit. Ek. Bide. DiiUg, Hit. Salesmen Meet All Cars, Saturday and Sunday, or Phone Doug las 5074 And We Will Send an Auto for You. When in Doubt Buy Real Estate. Come Early or Late. Shuler & Cary, Owners 202-8 Keeline Building