Newspaper Page Text
;.' ' THE BEE: OMAHA; SATURDAY, MAY 15, 1920.: VIOLATORS OF i nnnn i Am m s - m at m m m m m m kllUVII kllllV IV PAY PENALTIES Firms Employing Children Un . dcr 14 YearsTOIc Liable' to l : Tax of 10 Per Cent On , . proms. d by- lederal revenue , agents in ' ' flmaha nrt fhrnllffhnilt Nebraska to ' ferret ut possible violations of fed eral cniia laDor siaimes is ucsigncu particularly to call attention of em- ployers to strict compliance witn an provisions of child Iabr laws, ac cording to K.'J. Carson, chief dep i:ty internal revenue collector for Nebraska1! In certain cases revenue rollecors' are ordered to collect a 10 per cent tax 'on the total net .profits of firms emptying child la bor. 1 he- heavy tax, ueputy ear explains, amounts to a penalty. Tfnrmit Warfiinar Taaueri . , He issicd yesterday the following wnroing to employers, regarding regulations on' child labor in fac tories and other manufacturing es tablishments: , Excepting under certain special conditions, it is illegal to employ any child under 14 years of age. All employers having such children in their employ are liable under - all conditions to the special 10 per cent government tax on their annual net , profits. " 1 Under federal statutes employ ment of a child; between 14 and 16 ,- years of age is permitted only when the child is not employed more than eight hours per day (the hours to be. ; between 6 a; m. and 7 p. m.) and lint trior than civ Have a url ' . Employment certificates prepared by school officials must be kept on llc as long as a child remains as an rmplwye, and returned to the super- i infendent of schools when the child leaves. , A list of children employed must , lie kept on file and copies posted Vnear entrance of the building in , .which they work; In rooms where children work no f tices must be posHed stating hours "of worlt reauired each day and time jalb'wed for each meal. A daily time record must be kept, showing hours of employment for each child.. 1 in cases, where there is reason to doubt a child's statement that he is over 16, it is the duty of the enW -ployer to make further inquiries and require the- child to furnish a cer tificate. The. child's statement does not protect (he employer. . . Deputy Carson pointed out the restrictions surrounding employ i mentNof children under 16are so ', stringent that most tmployers en tv cavor to avoid completely employ , Client of child labor. Says Violations Discovered. , He . reported Wednesday, how leve r, that some violations . of fed eral statutes" had been unearthed by revenue agents in their' investiga- tion Conducted in Omaha during the last two weeks. On the basis of their reports attempts will be made (. ro collect the special 10 per cent tax from a number of Omaha firms. The investigation is being ex tended throughout the state by ' deputy collectors n the 34 Nebraska revenue collection districts, Mr. Carsort said. There are few fac tories outside of Omaha that em ploy any child labor, he stated. Historian to Speak - - At Fifth Meeting of hrc v '' ' r... The fifth lecture of the School o' Roliticat Education , for Women, which is being conducted under the fiuspics of the Omaha School r Forum in th council chamber of thcCity hall, will be given today , by Prof. J. W. Garner, University of Illinois, on ""Nation and World Politics." v Professor Garner is the author of four volumes of history of the United States in collaboration with Senator Lodge, ' author of a two lume treatise on "International . , Iw aild the World War." He made 35 addresses to soldiers in France ' during the summer of 1918. Three; more lectures are scheduled " , before the schqol closes. They will be given on May 22, May 29 and on June 5.- ' . v , dough Elected President '. Of. New-Formed Lions Club . One hundred charter members at tended the organization dinner of the Omaha Lion's club at Hotel Fontenelle Thursday night. L. B. ,, Clough was. named president; Dr. Max Emmert and Melvin Taylor, vice presidents; Jose Elfred. secretary-treasurer; William C Ranisay, E. L. Drosre and Ralph A. Van Ors del, directors; Ray Swanson, lion " tamer, and E. R Carse. tall twister. Highjackers Who Get No 1 Liquor Take Silk Shirts r Highjackers, who gained entrance r" to the home of. Harry A.. Wolf, 3323 Farham street, failed to get any contraband liquor because Harry's supply had run out. x iic iiwcvcs raniticKea me nouse and carried away 12 of Mr. Wolf's i silk Shirts, a traveling ' bag and a v gold watch, all valued at $200. GRIEF OVER LOSS1 OF PAL BELIEVED CAUSE OF DEATH L E. Converse Dies Month After Passing of Life V Long Comrade. V t . ( Grief. over the death of his life, long pat, and overwork in a business left solely to his care, are believed to have hastened the death of L. E. Converse, 51 years old, Omaha drug gist. .... , Mr. Converse died Thursday aft ernoon at the Methodist hospital where he had been taken two days ago to recuperate from a recent ill ness.. ...- . The death a month ago of Louis H. Fosselman, pal aad partner of Mr. Converse from boyhood, caused him to! brood considerably. ; Both men. were confirmed bach elors, having left their home' town, Fort Dodge. Ia when mere boys, they remained together until death. During the past five years Mr. Converse, and Mr. Fosselman operated a drug store- at Sixteenth and Binney streets, prior they, were located on the South Side. The body of Mr. Converse was taken yesterday to Fort Dodge, la., to be buried ftVthe same cemetery as the body of his former life associate. Frances Keppler Dies' In Bluffs Hospital; Was an Orpheum Star Frances McMillen Metzger Fitz- gibbons, 33 years old, died m Mercyi hospital, Council Bluffs, yesterday, She was better known in Umaha by her stage name, Francts Keppler, under, which she played on the Or pheunt circuit, with Bert 'Fitzgib- bons, whom she married several years ago, . ' ,. f miss Keppler died Iron complica tions resulting from child birth, ' a child being born to her in Mercy hospital May 4. , Miss Keppler was born and rtared n Council Bluffs, the raughter. of Mr. and Mrs. James McMullen. bhe married Kalph Metzger, son of A.- Metzger. prominent Bluffs cafe man, a,nd later divorced him. , Besides her husband she Is sur vived by two children, one " 18 months old, and the other-, bctrn May 4. . '. ' r Funeral services will be held from the home of Miss Ke-ppler's aunt, Mrs. Maurice Woolman. 606 Oak land avenue, Council Bluffs., , , King Patk Season . . Opens With Grand March Saturday Night , ; I The grand march. yVhich will take place promptly at 8:30 Saturday evening, will formally open the 1920 season at Krug park." Dancing at the Dark will be un der the supervision of Harry White, long associated with one of the largest academies in Omaha, Three lady instructors and a hostess have been engaged by the management to assist Mr. White. ' The rides will continue to interest, as in the past, the. countless thou sands who enjoy thrills, such as are furnished by the giant coaster, aero plane and whipi The old mill, the scenic "wonder-way" and the merry-go-round have their part 1 on the amusement program and will be kept busy everyday during the summer season. : ' . f; . v Omahans Go to Atlanta' For Grocers' Annual Meet Omaha, Lincoln- and Council Bluffs grocers " left Omaha last night for Atlanta, Ga., where they will attend the national convention of retail grocers. The group leaving ' Omaha in cluded Ernest Buffet. Mr.' and Mrs. J. J. Cameron, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Wise of Omaha, Mr. and Mrs. S. T. McAtee. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Williamson, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Huntington and M, Bernstein ' of Council Bluffs, and H. S. Fredrichs and J. F. Barr of Lincoln. The convention opens Monday and will continue three days. Some of the Omaha party expect to visit Savannah. Palm Beach and Havana, J Luba, before returnmg borne. Storekeeper at Athletic. 1 Club Is. Held for Theft ' Charged with knowledge' of the theft of a $6,000 diamond bracelet from the apartment of Mrs. M. S. Miller, Terene apartments. Will R. Mmson, 50 yefars old,, for . three months storeroom, man' at the Omaha Athletic club, was arrested Thursday night.1 He was given 30 daysin jail for vagrancy. Stinson's wife is employed by Mrs. stiller to look after her apartment and has pass keyfc to the apartment, accord ing to police, who believe the Jheft was an "inside job." Stinson was formerly employed . at the Y. M. C. A. : , . . Champ Retains Title, Newcastle, County Down, Irejand, May 14. Miss Cecil Leitch retained her title to the British women's golf championship' here today by defeat ing Miss Molly Griffiths in the final roifnd of the tournament by 7 up and 6 to play. that. the logical place for you to have . r - your tubes ajid-casings repaired is at the Rubber lill'of the Sprague Tire & V Rubber Company? ' j . Call Tyler 3032- ASKS $100,000 FROM CITY FOR UOhlAfl'S DEATH Administrator of Miss Jen--sen's Estate Files Suit To-day Motorcycle Cop Made Joint Defendant. - -. , . . Damages to the extent of $100,000 are asked in a suit filed yesterday against the city of Omaha and Mo torcycle Officer Charles George Swan by I'eter Jacobson, adminis trator, for Hhe estate of Mi$s Anna JP. Jensen, Omaha school teacher, who' was killed when struck by a motorcycle rjdden by Officer Swan May 7, , j. In the petition, , Mr. Jacobson says: .. ' - ' "The city placed in the hands of Officer Swan a dangerous vehicle known as a motorcycle, and know ingly allowed Swan and other traf fic policemen to use said vehicle as nuisances, racing up and down the streets of Omaha' without any ne cessity or excuse at speeds exceed ing 45 miles per hour. ." "While driving on .Thirteenth street, May 7, Officer Swan ran into Miss 'Anna P. Jensen, at Thir teenth and Canton streets, while go ing. at a rate of speed from45 to 65 miles an hour, and she was thrown 50 feet."- , . ' Officer Swan was ordered held for investigation by a coroner's jury last week. He said, while lying in Mercy hospital with a fractured skuill. that he was chasing a speed ing Cadillac whidh dodged aroun4 the" car from Which Miss Jensen stepped before he had time to stop his motorcycle. ' .'. , Motorist Runs Down Man; : Held for Reckless Driving D Penniilgton, teamster, 36 years old,!; 1709 Avenue ;D, Council Bluffs, came to Omaha yesterday to look fori work. He was struck by an automobile driven -by J. E. -...': iv c...i. .t ... .u.j vcui.iii:, U7 . ouuiii iwcuiy-imiu TEARS OF GIRL IN COURT MOVE JUDGE WHO PASSES FINE Tears Up "Golden Rule" Sum mons But Behaves. When Officer Threatens Jail. ' Miss Bernice Banksen, 2117 Wirt street, escaped a fine in police court Jesterday when her tears moved udge Fitzgerald. He discharged her when she appeared before him for failure to get a 1920 wheel tax for her automobile. When Miss fanksen was served with a "golden dule" yesterday aft ernoon " by Motorcycle , Policeman Emery she became indignant and tore up the summons, but when the officer told her he would lock her up she suffered a change of heart and promised to apgear in police I Miss Irene Walker, 5102 Capitol avenue, was fined $5 for speeding 40 miles, an hour in West Farnam street. She told the court she thought it was going to rain and was hurrying home to avoid the storm. , ' - L. W. Cerney, 1305 Connell court, was fined $10 and' his automobile was impounded for 10 days for speeding 45 miles an hour in West Leavenworth street v E. B. Smoak, 3021 Marcy street, also was fined $10 for speeding.. , Socialists Ask Palmer : ; To Free Political Prisoners Washington, May 14., Citing am nesty decrees of several European nations, a delegation of socialists, headed bv Sevmour Stedman . of Chicago, socialist candidate for vice president, appealed to Attorney ven- eral Palmer foday for "inimediate amnesty and .pardon for all federal prisoners convicted on the basis of political speeches, and writings or labor union activities," " ' V . . . f , . Army Intelligence Tests Made In Omaha Schools Omaha public school children of the eiehth A and eighth B classes are the first of these classes in any citv to be eiven the Alpha army in street, at Sixteenth and Lea,venworthtcliigence test. . LAWS OF STATE FORCE LAD BACK IN THE STREETS streets, rtnnington snttered con tusions of the -right leg and hands, lost several teeth and cracked his lip. Ceurtic was arrested for reck less driving. . Leon" 6. Smith, assistant superin tendent; has given' this test to 1,001 eighth B pupils and-to'593 eighth-A pupils, to -determine their mental abilities. . . "FOLLOW THE ) BEATON'S BEATON PATH, VTV J, 1Lj)argains" LtiJIe Joe Bonacci Too Young to Work In Hotel Must Re .'turn to Job as News- . ' boy. ' The boyish dreams of Joseph Bo nacci, 10-year-old page boy at the Hotel Fontenelle, have been shat tered. ', i . , or two years Joe sold newspa papers in front of the hotel to help support his mother, his. invalid father and his eight little' brothers and sisters. Then the hotel management of fered him a' job as a page boy after school and on Saturday, bought him new clothes and began paying him a salary. ' ' 1 j The job meant much to Joe,- for it enabled hint to continue ' in school; to be df greater financial as sistance to his family; gave him a c.nance:to woric to tne goal or ms youthful dreams the managership 9f a great hotel. , But now Joe must return to the street and sell papers. It was ordered bv Tohn Larsen. inecial in vestigator for the State Department of Labor . yesterday. , ' ' "I'm sorry that Joe can't remain at the hotel," said Mr. Larsen, "but the -state child labor .laws must be enforced ... . . Vjoe Sob When Told. . When Informed" of the law's edict by Assistant Manager Stafford, of the hotel,' Joe burst into tears. 'I-I'-was so haoov. and mamma was so happy," he sobhied. f "She thought I could go on tb high school and -maybe college if 1 kept on work ing' at the Hotef Fontenelle1 after school, and now I suppose I'll have to just go back, to selling papers and grow up to be a- bootblack .or ' ,, . ... V someimng. Steps'avill be taken to obtain spe cial permission to enable Joe to. con tinue with his job after school and Saturdays, despite the statement of Larsen that the law i inflexible. - Besides employing more than 25, 000 men in the shipbuilding industry. Canada gives employment to ap proximately 25,000 more in the man ufacture of marine equipment and supplies. -. "FOLLOW , THE BEATON PATH" y if 1. Everything fey the toUet table, bathroom.and ipk room for health, comfort and luxury. Read every item you will find just what you want at just H the prices you want to pay. ' '. .'. f ri '..S. :yf: ' Phone your wants we deliver FREE to all parts of Omaha. ' ' - Phone Douglas 81, 82, 83 and 84. i ATURDAY and MONDAY 'FECIALS $1.20 Fitch Danflruff Remedy, '. at ..................89 25c Orangine .......... 19' 75c Abbott's Saline Laxative, at .......59 Phynola Flesh Reducer, $1.00 30c Packer's Tar Soap, 24 1.00 DeWitt's Kidney Pills, j at . . . 79 Tilly's Haarlem OH 15 Jlio Herpicide . . ... . . .89 15c Creme Oil Soap ..,.10 15c Lux Soap '. 12 15c Palm Olive Soap 10 30c Norwich Milk of Mag- ' nesia .21 50c Kodol Dyspepsia Tab lets 39 15c Sterno Heat 10 Castoria ... v 29 Packing Camphor ...... .20 ,60c- Walnutta . ; 49 $1.00 Liquid Silmerine.'. .89 $1.10 Sr&. S. 83 60c Non Spi ..39 $1.00 Phelactine .....83 60c Canthrox y45 '60c Milk Emulsion . . . . , .49 . 80c- Pompeian Massage Cream, . "at ;................. 59 ' 60c Putman's Dry Cleaner, at:.. 42. 60f Orazm Tooth Paste, 34 J0c Listerine . 38' 35c Colorite ........... .24 30c Jetum . ..'. j 25 $3.75 Horlick's Malted Milk, at . ... i . ...... . 82,98 .75c Household Rubber , Gloves . .49 Coco Bloom Cream, a wonderfuL tissue builder ...... ...75'' $1.25 Pyros Antiseptic. . '.98 15c Powder Puffs 7 40c Sloan's Liniment. .. .29 60c Syrup Figs . .' .47 Graham Beauty Secret Lifts out lines Draws out blackheads - Reduces enlarged pores Bleaches the skin Corrects sallow skin Sold Only at This Store 25c Bandoline, light or, dark, at .19 25c Goutorbe Nail. Cake. .l7 25c. Vt. lb. Peroxide Hydrogen, at 10; 1 lb. Epsom Salts. . .10 1 Xo'. Powdered Borax. ! '. .15 Leonard's Ear Oil. . . ...81.00 60c Resinol Ointment, 46 30c Mehtholatum .... .17 50c Eatonic .. .39 $1.25 Hay's Hair Health, TO 35c Freezone ...... j . . .27 25c Phenalax" Wafers. . . .19 50c Stationery, in fancy boxes, at 29 CANDY DEPT. Agents for Huyler's and Original Allegretti Choco lates. -80c Chocolate Caramels, ' at . ..65 80c Jordan Almonds. .59 PHOTO DEPT. Films developed free when prints are ordered. .We do our own developing. Give us a trial and you will be coflvinced, of the superiority of our work. ARTISTIC PICTURE FRAMING, We carry a complete line of Ansco, Rexo and Pre mo Cameras. Let us make you an enlarge ment from your fayorite nega tive. - : ' MJI TO-MICHT- II VI Tomorrow Alrijrht I Tomorrow Alrijrht) PERFUMES . $1.25 ' Piver's 'Extracts, j Muquet, Vivitz, Aventur- ine or La Trefle, per oz., at .: j. 79 75c White Rose Extract, per ounce . 49 75c Locust Blossom Extract, per ounce ......... 49 $3.00 Mary Garden, per oz., at .....S1.89 SATURDAY and MONDAY PECIALS CIGARS, Knowledge Cigars, special, each, at 5 El Cinto Clear Havana Cigars, each .... ....... J...;J..5 Box of 100.... V... 84.50 Parker's Plantation Cigars, box of 100 ............84.00 RUBBER GOODS $2.25, 2-quart Velvet Combina tion Water Bottle and Foun tain Syringe 81.38 $1.50, 2-quart Radiant Foun- v tain Syringes, red. rubber, at .......89' $2.00, 3-pint Victor Metal Hot Water Bottle ......81.25 - t Virginia Dare Wine Dealcobolized A drink of quality for all hospitable oc casions. It's a ?eal wine. Millions ', Drink '. It Quart bottles,. .$1.00 Don t Spoil a Good MealWithaBad Stomach It i re.lly pltifuf to o many thousand of people worrying about what they can eat and what they can't eat. Dyspeptic, they call themielvei, hut they atretelr the imagination when they do it. - . All these people need to ntlca them ' healthy, cheerful and of sound appetite is a box of Mi-O-Na Tablets. ' The stomae of a dyspeptia is overworked and run down. It needs help to digest the food, but more than that it needs' a prescription that will cleanse, renovate, strengthen and put elasticity into the stomach walls.' Mi-O-Na is the prescription that will do this and do it so promptly that you'll -wonder why you didn't try it before. i It stops belching of gas and dis tress after eating in flv minutes. It is undoubtedly the greatest stomach tonic ever given to the publis by s specialist in stomach diseases. We sell Ml-O-Na for SO cents large box on the money back plsa. Beaton Drug Company , 15th and Farnam Streets ; Mail Orders Receive Our Careful Attention 9 i f f - I- Copper's Cunning In Recovering Duds Iris ; , ... Lost as Lucille Left .Wlien Lucille B. ' Kelly and Iris McKay were rooming together at 2216 Douglas street, Lucille sud denly left with $175 worth of cloth ing' Jfay 4, leaving a note' that she I was'' to live at 514" Locust street, Siotlx City. Iris reported to police. The case was assigned to Detec tive Dolan, who, when he heard the Locust street address, doubted the Sioux City part of the story 'and wired Des Moines authorities. Lucille was arrestee at that address in Des Monies, and Thursday night Detective' Dolan brought her. back to 'Omaha to face charges of grand larcenyv -r . Police have a shirtwaist and a pair of -gloves said to belong to Iris, which were found when Lucille was arrested. - They are being held for evidence. Plans Are Completed for Demo Convention In Omaha Plans Vor the demo ratic St.-'5 convention in 'Omaha next Tuesday are practically ' complele. Head quarters will be n the Paton hotel, where E. P. Sprague of York, chair man, and C. J. Campbell of Lincoln, secretary, will open offices. (The convention will be called td order at 2 p. m., Tuesday, by Mr. Sprague: Rev. H. H. Harmon of Lincoln will deliver the, invocation, Mayor Smith an address-of welcome-A. C. Shal lengerger and answer, Mrs. T. J. Doyle - of Lincoln and1 . Misa An toinette FunkofChicagoshort talks. Plan Military Posts for " Stopping Ireland's Disorders Dublin, May 14. The plan of Gen. Sir NeviJ MatfUady, com mander of the government forces in, Ireland, looking to closer co-operation between the police and the mili tary in an effort to suppress the dis orders in Ireland, involves the es tablishment of military posts in iso lated (districts, it is stated here on apparently good authority. Garage Man Held Up And Robbed bv Two. 'Amateur' Highwaymen;. , Two armed highwaymen Thurs day night held up J. V, Galloway proprietor cf the Liberty garage 84Q1 North Thirtieth street, Flor ence, and escaped after robbing the cash register of $99.25.- The two men entered the tfice of, the garage shortly after 10 aad commanded Galloway, who was reading a magazine, to throw up his hands, he told the police. One of the men was about 25 years old and brandished a ' .38 caliber revolvers The other was a boy, apparently i about 17 years old. Both' appeared to .be amateurs and' they , had dif-4 ficulty in procuring the money front the register, (galloway said. ', , After robbing the register, one of the men turned to Galloway and , aslced him if he had any money in his clothes. When he told them he had none they fled without stop. J ping to scorch Kim. He had $30 and a gold. watch in his pocket, he said. si r ) pen Saturday .Evening Until . V r. M. Take Elevator-Save $10 n i i llMrK Open Saturday I renin Until h yoii have jn miiid to pay, BAFl- . KER'S Save You $ 1 0 on your I spring Suits arid Topcoats t New Colors Always new goods to select from. You m can buy up-to-date: clothing always at m a lower price than ground floor stores OUn off fir flip snrrifi nn'olifioc 3 vv Gjfiier un- ?m at usual Values 1 TTT . 1 t i a r a PA I Every Suit Guaranteed All Wool and Hand Tailored z 5i GUARANTEE If you can duplicate these suits or top coats for less than $10 more in any ground floor store, come back and et your money. Odd Trousers $5.00 $7.50 y . Compare , these, values and we can safely .say you-will be five dollars to the good on every pair you buy from us. v Raincoats and Slip-ons r 1 ' m -. . ) --3 Men's. and young men's styles. Priced the-upstairs way M I $10 to $65 1J TRvetity feet above th hiK I Mwlm Chi aw- ! Second Floor 16th and Farnam Securities Bldg.' H ".. ' -' ' ' ' ' . ' ' . ' 1 ' . 1 I