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THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, JUNE 12, 1920 11 i 4 r MUCH SPLENDOR CMF OLDEN DAYS I VOID AT COURT Buckingham Palace Reception This Week Toned Down Pre War Pomp Ruled on Style of Dress. London, June 10. Minus much of Its prewar splendor of gold lace and fancy buckles, a court was held by the king and queen at Buckingham palace Thursday night. Although to the eye of the prewar courtier the function appeared sober and low-toned, to most it was a wel come reversion to the days of court brilliancy. Scores of debutantes awaited the vent in breathless expectancy and with calm confidence that news papers would list presentations, while the picture papers would, somehow, manage to publish snapshots or care fully posed portraits of those promi nent enough to warrant attention. Hundreds of those young girls en tered the social world during the war, when courts were discontinued", and during last season, when there were only royal garden parties and no official gazette of publicity, were a bit envious of their younger sis ter uests 'came censored by roy alty." For both the kiug and queen took an active hand in remodeling the traditional rules and tregulations regarding apparel at court functions. Queen Was Economical. Tke queen, with an eye to econ omy and to modesty in dress in these days of extreme backlessness and scantiness' of attire, several weeks ago approved three dresses as models for girls, young matrons aad more elderly ladies to copy. The queenly suggestions regarding mod est Vs and as regards the general line of the court "gown were fol lowed. But the royal ambition to set an example of economy was hard ly realized. j The king's rule of dressproced ure were more difficult to evade. Where the feminine social world had suggestive guidance merely, through three model dresses, the masculine world received a detailed schedule of nearly 300 words, drawn with the exactness of the "King's Regula tions" which control the attire of the officers of his majesty army. Excerpts from it follow; Gave Considerable Class.. "First and second-class uniform: The wearing of the full dress coat is optional. The levee coat may be substituted for if." "Third, fourth and fifth-class uni forms: To be one pattern for all three classes, but with distinctive embroidery on the collar to mark the three classes. (Patterns may be seen at St. James palace.) "All persons ni possession of civil uniforms made in accordance ' with the existing regulations may con tinue to wear them as heretofore. n lieu of either civil uniform or court dress, alternative dress may be worn by gentlemerr. "An ordinary evening dress cuat. Black or white evening waistcoat. Breeches. Plain black evening dress material of stockinet, with three small black cloth or silk buttons, and small jet or black buckles at the knee. Black silk hose. Plain court shoes with bows no bockles." Late Ezra Millard Left s Entire Estate to Wife The late Ezra Millard left his es tate to his wife, Rosa Marion Mil lard, in his will, which was filed in county coure yesterday. The w'll was signed November 14, 1910. and wit nessed by Bert A. Wilcox and Frank Boyd. The value of the estate is con servatively estimated at $100,000. Mrs. Millard is named executrix without bond. Mr. Millard was a nephewjof ex Senator Millard. He was cashier of the "Omaha National bank and died June 2 after an operation for appendicitis. Omahan Named President Of State Optometrists Ray C. Kingslcy of the Columbian Optical Co. was elected president of the Nebraska Association of Opto metrists at the 15th annual conven tion at Hotel Fcntenelle yesterday. Other officers elected were J. C Mitchell, Red Cloud, vice president; R. O. Warde, Lincoln, second vice president; C. S. Dixon. North Platte, secretary-treasurer. . Members ot the legislative board are May Egge, d Island; c. is. Lombs, Omaha; M. L. Jones, Fairfield: Grover Spangler, Fremont, and D. D. Draper, Lincoln. Negro Community Service ' Workers Will Hold Tag Day Today is tag day for the ne gro cummunity service of Oma ha. Women or the Lake street di vision of the community service, un der the direction, of Miss Ducille La Cour, director of girls' .activities at ihe center, will sell tags to pedestrians and motorists on down town streets all day. IF O RE! iLvanrthln far tha Calfev. ' Everything for the Golfer. Ment Our New Barber Shop Insures Summer Pom fort - '-' Fourth Floor Main Store B C9 CUVUflKJD f - Keep the Kiddies Cool Hair Bobbihg 35c Second Floor Main Store An Example of Brandeis Service - " Just When You Need Them! Cool and Comfortable The Largest and Most Seasonable Offer of 5,928 Pairs of Men's Silk Hose At a Price Equal to Fifty Cents on the Dollar 1 69c , 'JpHE entire surplus stock of silk hose from two well known wholesale houses, bought by us at about 50 on the dollar, some at even less than 50. SILK HOSE, in all the latest shades for Summer wear plain colors and fanc'y silk mixtures and, better yet, all sizes in every color, so that every m!an may be fitted. 3,648 Pairs of Fibre Thread Silk Hose 1,200 Pairs of Fancy Silk Plated Hose 1,080 Pairs of Thread Silk Seconds This is one of the most fortunate purchases in men's hose that this store has made in the last four years, and it will pay you-to attend. ' ,K0 C.O.D. . Phone Orders one so to .dealers, as we wish our regular patrons to obtain the full bene- Orders fitqf this money saving sale. , - Limit-of Twelve Pairs to a Customer Come Early ! Brandeis Stores Main Floor Men's Store A Most Fortunate Purchase of 780 Sample Pairs of Men's Silk Mixed "O Very Y TQ Per Special V.Ov Suit and Silk Fibre Regularly from 8.00 to 12.00 and 15.00 A per Suit V v They are of the finest quality silk mixtures; silk fibre and pure silk and silk fibre striped madras. Every garment, being a sample, is perfect. I Plain colors and fancy Jacquard patterns in all sizes worth regu larly a great deal more than this sale price. , Really exceptioAal values, offered very specially for Saturday, per Z CQ suit, at . N JD7 Brandeis Stores Main Floor Men's Store A Great Sale of and Oxfords Tennis Shoes r J Values from 1.50 to 2.50 at 1.00 .1 o w . a in n i. Saturday we place on sale 1,265 pairs of men's and boys ' tennis shoes and oxfords. This sale comes -just at the tim when you are beginning to want tennis shoes for athletic and vacation wear. t Made of Canvas in White, Brown, Black Your choice of the lot, "Saturday, at, per pair, Brandeis Stores Main Floor Men's Store 1.00 2,400 Silk Delayed Shipment Receive! , Very Special News Just received 2,400 fine Men's Silk Neckties. This ship ment came in too late to be put into our big sale of last Wednesday. This selection 'comprises even better values than offered Wednesday, but will be offered Saturday at the same price, 6c. 8 Brandeis Stores Main Floor Men's Store d Now's Your Chance to. Buy That Safety Razor A Money-Saving Offer of 'Keen Kutter' Razor Sets Only 500 Service Sets Regularly Sold at 2.50 Extra gack o Special Made by Simmons and, bought from the United States Army surplus. ' Each outfit is packed in service kit and individually boxed in perfect condition. A wonderful value, very special, at ; 59e Each set contains one of the regular Keen Kutter razors, one package of blades and one of the regular 1.50 automatic 'stroppers. U. S. surplus supply of Keen Kutter razoikH blades; regularly 35c package, special, at JLOC 'y ' Main Store Drug Department West - Light Weight and Cool Headwear for Men STYLE in a straw hat wouldn't do you much good if it didn't give -you comfort. N You will get comfort in one of these straws, and style, too. They are very light in weight, and of fine quality. All you need to do is to pick out the stye that you like best. TV 1 . PV - SVSV A J V mm V. - raced at z.3u, i.w, 4.uu, s.uu, o.w Buy a Real Panama Pel-ham rouhoucht PanAmas warn an prtravncraruio XTnf t n rm,A -more at first, but tjiey last longer.: It's a simple matter to have them cleaned and reblocked and theffthey're just like new. We-are showing a splendid selection of them, genuine,Panamas, cool, light, airy, y Priced at 5.00, 6.00 and 7.60 1 Brandeis Stores Arcade. .'..".'..,. . v Ready-Made Suits . , Are Good Business ' TV T ANY men wHo haven't felt -Mhey could be satisfied with x ready-made suits in the past are ' being satisfied with them now. They found the custom tailor's prices high foo high; they bought ready-made clothes for the saving. V Then . they found they were getting the finest tailoring possible; fine all-wool fabrics, correct style, a good fit they'll - never change back now. Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothes If we don't give you wjiat we know is 100 right for you, we won't give ypu any thing. Hart Schaffner Marx clothes are guaranteed to jatisfy. Money back if they don't. ' Brandeis StoresSecond Floor Men's Store u t S "BEST PRICES ,' The Townsend Gun Co. . . lSlFaraam St v