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THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: JUNE 13, 1920. 5-B 1 ' xxecipes tor j Wedding Dishes Wedding Breakfait Clear Mushroom Soup Stuffed Breast of Guinea Chicken with Ham Forcemeat Crab Meat and Pineapple Salad Tiny Buttered Rolls French Ice Cream with Caramel , Sauce Bride's Cake Wedding Cake Coffee Clear Mushroom Soup. Add stems and skins of one-half pound mushrooms to three pints soup stock. . Simmer one-half hour, strain, cool and clear. Stuffed Breasts of Guinea Chicken With Ham Forcement. 3 guinea t'hU'krnt Ham forcemeat I.ardlna; pork Salt and pepper Cream 1 Flour 2 tableapoons fat tablespoona peanut butter HX cupa stock from guinea chicken Remove breast meat from birds, make a pocket in each and stuff with Forcemeat. Lard tiocer oart of breast with four small strips of lard ing pork. Place in pan, sprinkle with. salt and pepper, brush over witn cream, dredge with flour and bake in a hot oven 30 minutes, basting three times with fat in pan or with melted butter. Make gravy from two tablespoons fat in pan, peanut but ter, one and one-half tablespoons flour browned together, one and cne-lialf cups chicken stock, and one-half teaspoon salt and a few grains pepper. Stir and boil two minutes. Forcemeat. 4 lb. lean raw ham, chicken or veal 2 egg whiten Few grains pepper Few gratlnga nutmeg Vi cup heavy cream Chop the meat fineljv, add egg whites unbeaten and mix to a smooth paste. Rub through a sieve, add pepper, nutmeg and heavy cream, a little at a time. A forcemeat can be baked in tim bal or cutlet molds and served with Bechamel or mushroom sauce, i Crab Meat and Pineapple Salad. 3 teaspoona gelatine l4 cup chicken atock 1 tablespoon tarragon vinegar 1 cup mayonnaise dressing 1 grapefruit 1 cup canned pineapple 2 cupa crab meat Soak gelatine in chicken stock and dissolve over hot water. Add tar ragon vinegar, then add slowly to mayonnaise dressing, .Seating thor oughly. Pare grapefruit, remove sections free from membrane and cut in pieces. Cut pineapple in small cubes, mix fruit, crab meat and mayonnaise and serve on let tuce leaves garnished with Mara schino cherries. French Ice Cream with Caramel "" Sauce. H vanilla bean H teaspoon salt 3 cupa milk 1 cup heavy cream 4 egg yolks Crushed Ice. 4 cup sugar Ice cream salt Split bean, add to milk and scald. Pour over egg yolks mixed with sugar and salt. Return to double boiler, stir and cook until coatingis formed on the spoon. Cool, strain, add heavy cream and freeze, using 'hree parts crushed ice and one part ice cream salt. Remove dasher, drain off water and repack with four parts ice and one part salt. Two teaspoons vanilla, added just efore freezing, may be used instead Aif vanilla bean. Caramel Sauce for Ice Cream. V, cup sugar 14 cup corn syrup 1 cup thin cream 4 teaspoon vanilla 4 teaspoon salt Mix sugar, syrup and cream, and hoil stirring occasionally until it forms a very soft ball. Add vanilla and salt. Leave over hot water until ready to serve. Bride's Cake. J-J cup butter 2 cups flour V, teaspoon soda 14 tablespoons let. ! Julca Whites eggs W cups powdered rugar Cream butter; add gradually one and one-third cups flour sifted with soda; then add lemon juice. Beat egg whites until stiff; add powdered sugar gradually, while beating con stantly; combine mixtures, then fold in two-third cup flour. Bake in two round cake pans, one smaller than the other. Put together with frosting, having the smaller cake on top. Cover with ornamental frost ing and decorate with frosting in white or colors. Uncooked Ornamental Frosting: Put two egg whites in a large bowl, add two tablespoons confectioners' sugar, and beat three minutes, using a perforated wooden spoon. Repeat until one cup of sugar is used. Add two teaspoons lemon juice gradu ally, as mixture thickens, Continue adding sugar by spoonfuls, and beat until frosting is stiff enough to keep in shape. (Recipe for Cooked Orna mental Frosting given in the June Companion.-) Wedding cane, lb. butter, lb. brown eggs. sugar, 1 c. molasses, 1 lb. flour. 4 t. cinnamon, 4 t. allsplr. ly, t. mace. 1 nutmeg, grated, Vfe t. soda. 1 lbs. raisins, seeded and cut In pieces, t lbs. Sultana rais ins 1M lbs. citron, thinly sliced and cut in strips. 1 lb. currants, ty preserved lemon rind. 4 preserved orange rind. 1 c. sjrape iulea or Jelly. 4 squares chocolate, melted, 1 T. hot water. Cream the butter, add sugar grad- APVKRTISKMKST "TIZ" GLADDENS SORE; TIRED FEET No puffed-up, burning, tender, aching feet no corns or callouses. "Tix" makes sore, burning, tired feet fairly dance with delight. Away go the aches and pains, the corns, callouses, blisters, bunions and chil blains. "Tiz" draws out the acids and poisons that puff up your feet. No matter how hard you work, how far you walk, or how long you re main on your feet, "Tiz" brings rest- , ful foot comfort. "Tiz" is magical, grand, wonderful for tired, aching, swollen, smarting feet. Ah! how comfortable, how happy you feel. Your feet just tingle for joy; shoes never hurt or seem tight " Get a box of "Tiz" now from any druggist or department store. End foot torture forever wear smaller shoes, keep your feet fresh, sweet ! and happy. Just think! a whole - year's foot comfort tor a few cents. Betrothal Cake A Mi? ' fwK AVV Ji'tZ 1 via t ; if? c ty;v- - A Kwv y " S SPtSW iff M 14 , J The comparative excellence of all cakes is a matter of individual taste, but is there any housekeeper who will not welcome a new recipe for ni&king cakes? The following recipe will be found both good and un usual: For a betrothal cake of Renerous size, allow one cup of butter, one cup of sugar, six eggs, half a cup of cream, two cups of flour, one pound of raisins seeded and chopped, half pound of citron cut in long strips, one tablespoonful of ground cinnamon and one grated nutmeg, half teaspoonful of mace, half teaspoonful of ground cloves, ground allspice, and one teaspoonful of vanilla essence. Rub the butter and sugar to a cream. Whip the eggs 'without separating until they become thick and creamv. Stir them into the butter and sugar a little at a tjme, adding the cream little by . little. Mix the flour thoroughly with the fruit and spices snd then add to the egg mixture. Stir all well together and add the vanilla. Beat long and vigorously and pour into a pan lined with but tered paper, filling it about three fourths full. Smooth the top with a wet knife, and bake in a moder ate oven for about two hours. Cover with a boiled icing. For a be trothal party decorate with fancy designs and little china cupid favors. Afternoon Tea By WILMA PHILLIPS STEWART. Just a cup of tea for hospitality. If not tea, some cooling drink, dainty sandwiches, good to eat and not much work. Try some of these. Commonwealth Sandwiches. Cut bread in thin slices, remove crusts and spread with a thin layer of butter. Spread with orange mar malade, press together, brown on both sides in a moderate oven. Sardine Biscuit. Two cupa flour. Four teaspoona baking powder. Two tablespoona butter, f Three-fourths cup milk. Two tablespoons lard. One teaspoon salt. One-halt cup sardines. Combine ingredients as for-biscuit, adding the minced sardines last. Toss on floored board and roll to about one-third inch thick ness. Cut with the smallest cutter you can find, use small vegetable cutters if you have them. Bake in a moderate oven seven minutes. Split, pread with butter and serve with t.a. ually, add melted chocolate and beat thoroughly. Separate yolks from whites of eggs, and beat yolks until thick and lemon colored. Add to first mixture, then add flour (ex cepting one-third cup, which should be reserved to dredge fruit), mix and sifted with spices, truit dredged with flour, lemon rind and orange rind finely chopped, grape juice or jelly, and whites of eggs beaten until stiff and dry. Just before putting into pans, add soda dissolved in hot water. Cover pans with buttered paper, and steam four hours. Finish cooking by leaving in a warm oven over night. Cake may be baked in fireless cooker with two stones heated to 350 degrees. Coffee. Serve boiled or filtered coffee sweetened with honey, and whipped cream. Woman's Home Companion. In pressing a serge dress over a wet cloth, the precaution should be taken of not continuing the pressing until the cloth is dry, as this causes shininess. Saving Gas To save gas during the warm weather get a small gas oven that fits over one burner of the gas range. It will bake potatoes, ap ples, biscuits, a small roast, pie and cake as well as the large gas oven, without having to wait 10 or IS minutes for the oven to heat. It is particularly good for warming por tions of food, and without the cover makes an excellent toaster. Salad Hint All the ingredients for a salad should be very cold. Lettuce and other greens may be kept crisp by wrapping them in a cheesecloth or a clean towel and putting them on the ice. If your greens have be come wilted you can freshen them by putting them in a covered tin pail and setting the pail near the ice. When ironing baby clothes or fine garments of any kind, the use of a child's to'y iron makes it much easier to avoid unsightly wrinkles. Doughnuts. Cut the dough in thin strips, twisting the strips to make a "bow knot," or cut in solid circles so they will be balls when cooked. Dust with powdered sugar mixed with cinnamon. Lettuce Sandwiches. This gives you something new in the lettuce line. Spread slices of graham bread with butter. Spread one side with cream cheese mixed with Thousand Island dressing; cover with a lettuce leaf. Combine both pieces of bread, brown quickly in a hot oven, only on one side. Rochester Sandwiches. One-half cup butter. One-half cup sugar. On egg. One-sixteenth teaspoon salt. One square of bitter chocolate. Two tablespoons milk. One-fourth cup flour. One teaspoon baking powder. Mix like a butter cake. Roll as thin as possible, cut in circles, bake in a hot oven. While still hot put together with pimento cheese. Tea Accompaniments. Slices of orange sprinkled with powdered sugar and cinnamon. Slices of lemon stuck with cloves. Barley sugar sticks. Lemon sprinkled with colored sugar. Sugar ' cubes which have been rubbed with lemon or orange. Thin cinnamon sticks. Candied cherries stuck with strips Sailors Are Larger I ' II I There must be one sailor in your hat closet of course, but the size and shape is the thing rather than the color. The tiny old-fashioned hats known as sailprs would stand a sorry chance these days. They have vanished along with other relics of the past. Would you ever recognize the hat picture as a sailor? Well, it is, and a very typical one in navy blue, with a rolling brim and a huge black wing poised ever so jauntily on the right side of the brim. It is otherwise bare. A few rough straws are to be seen in the sailor variety, but the ma jority are milans. Blue and brown are the favorite shades.' A gold-colored .straw with a black wing is considered the very acme of sailor elegance. As tc furs, there must be a little band around the neck of the tailored gown even jf the days are getting warm. of angelica. Orange Nectar. One quart tea. Juice two lemons. Juice two oranges. One pint ginger ale. Combine ingredients and sweeten to taste. When starching linen, add a few drops -of glycerine to the starch. The irons will not stick and the linen will have a beautiful gloss after it is ironed. r CHIROPRACTIC Conquers St. Vitus Dance v and Paralysis Mary Greaser, aged 12, was stricken with St. Vitus dance and in 30 days latter paralysis set in and left the child completely helpless Mary is now normal and healthy, the result of Chiropractic adjustments given by Dr. Burhorn. Don't neglect a child that is not normal, but give the nervous, weak, delicate child a chance to live and be nor mal, robust and healthy like other children. If w cannot help you, we will net accept your cats. Write or phone for literature Complete X-Ray Labora tory under the direction of Dr. Wm. J. Gemar Sanitarium accommodations for outside patients Twelve private ad justing rooms at the office. Dr. Frank F. Burhorn (Palmer School Chiropractor) Suite 414-420-423-426 Securities Bldg. Corner 16th ttS Famam St. Doug. 5347 Lady Attendants Graduate of Northwestern University, Chicago I Extract Teeth Without Pain This is a plain statement of fact that is proven by the testimony of HUNDREDS of patients in Nebraska and Iowa- Ask ANYONE Who Has Had Work Done Here. In this office quality is the first consideration and I do all work personally in order that I can give my PERSONAL guarantee. No students or in experienced dentists touch your bridge or plates. All Work Leaving This Office Is Ready for Inspection By Any State's Dental Board Open Sundays Until 1 DR. W. F. CROOK 206 Neville Block, Omaha Entrance on 16th Street at Harney Phone Tyler Daily Hours: 8:30 to 6 P. M S117 Saint Mary s, Knoxville, Illinois 53d Year An Episcopal school for girls 12 to 20 years of age. Standard preparatory work and two years of advanced work offered; Secre tarial and Cultural Courses. Advantages in Music, Expression and Domestic Science. For Catalogue Apply to the Dean XAT PLAV i f n I Tender, Growing Feet are put to severe tests! The growing Boy and Girl must have good feet to be Strong and Healthful. Think of the tremendous strain tbe tender bones, ligaments and muscles are put to In playing their games and sports. Without proper support, their feet will break nnder the strain Itrohen Arches and Xenons troubles start in childhood, Onr Shoes are built to fit and support growing feet PROPEHLT. Dr. Weeks, Surgeon-Chiropodist, Is In this store to advise yon. There is No Charge for this service. COMPETENT SHOE FITTERS i W. S. Stryker D01ULAS SHOE STOKE, ISC. 117 Aorth 10th Street," Opposite Postoffice. 5FE STRIKER" Mesa 1 i The Phonograph Supreme The Schmoller & Mueller Guaranteed Phonograph Clear, resonant, powerful tone. Art Cabinets the highest achievement v of expert craftsmen. And the PRICE is less than any other high type phonograph. rfliMT IIUHt!!liMMl!M'(':!i;illli :!l!:i:-iiir!!lil,i;iiliM:iMi NtlliitlMiilil 6 Models $70 to $250. Ask us for Booklet. H00 DELIVERS THE INSTRUMENT TO YOUR HOME Together with the records you select and buy. Balance to be paid in small weekly or monthly payments. If you cannot come in phone or write us for information. - LATEST O. K. RECORDS f 4092 Rose of Washington Square; Song of Omar $1.00 4089 Make That? Trombone Laugh; Alexandria $1.00 4091 You're a Million Miles from No where; When the Harvest Moon is Shining $1.00 Schmoller & Mueller Piano Co. 114-16-18 South 15th Street Phone Douglas 1623 A Happy Marriage Is Fifty-Fifty By J. J. MUNDY. , Are you not traveling a dangerous courie? ricd life, because you do net enjoy the same sorts of things? Are you associating with those you like because they like what you enjoy, and leaving your helpmeet to indulge in what he or she thinks best? This plan, carried to excess, leads you only farther and farther apart. "Are you not traveling a dangerous course? Getting more and more interested in those with whom you associate and gradually losing interest in the one who should command your at tention? Isn't it a fact that in your home you find little to interest you and there is always a dejire to get, with those who have tastes similar to yours? . How much better if you would adopt a give and take system where by ou could manifest at least a passive interest in what your nuptial partner enjoys, and then perhaps your companion would be a little in terested in what you like. You must realize that your home will never-be what it should be while you both keep going in opposite directions for your enjoyment. It takes two to make a bargain, and each is responsible for half. Fifty-fifty is a good rule. Copyright, 1920, Interna tlonal Featura Sarvlra, lno. Removing Creases When gowns become wrinkled from being packed, hang them in bathroom and run in enough hot water to create a good deal of steam. Close the door for half and hour and the creases will go away. This treat ment is far better for silk or chiffon than pressing with a hot iron. Summer Drink A good summer drink to keep al ways in the ice box is oatmeal lem monade. Put into a large pan one quarter of a pound of fresh, fine oat meal, six ounces of sugar and half a lemon sliced thin. Mix with a little warm water, then add one gallon of boiling water, stirring all together thoroughly. More oatmeal may tie used if desired. Use cold. This make a refreshing and strengthening drink. The newest fad for trimming chil dren's dresses is wool embroidery on cotton material POPULAR MUSIC Positively Taufht is Twtnty Laaaon Christensen System OMAHA STUDIO 4225 Cumini St. Phona Walnut 3379 Call or Wrlta tar Booklat There Is No Gift For the Bride s that compares with the Dowry Chest of Ster ling Silver Flatware, from the dainty Oyster Forks to the After-Dinner Coffee Spoons. Twelve of each. Dinner is where you entertain your dear est friends. The Bride cannot receive a gift that will ever compare with the Chest of Silver from her Mother on her wedding day. Our Silver Department is the largest in the West. We guarantee to sell all Gorham Sil ver at the price it is sold for in the Gorham Company's New York store. It will be a pleasure to show you. C B. Brown Company Diamond Merchants Jewelers 16th and F&rnam The Wedding Gift Supreme 5 A Knabe or Packard . Grand You cannot take too much care .in your selection of any instrument from which you expect life time service. WITH EVERY KNABE and PACKARD Piano Is the maker's guarantee of durability ' and musical excellence. We only ask you to see and hear them before you buy any piano. MICKELS "The House of Pleasant Dealings." 15th and Harney Sts.