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PICTURIi QRAVIWE SECTION THE LINER, SHE'S A LADY" EVER SEE HER IN HER PRIVATE DRESSING ROOM? . IMJl li" '1 !- JeL lrf f-"1- Hit -1 v tw&w 1 fern 1-".' xa - I r.j 1 v.v 5gB J.S," rtlW.) Ill 2 f ft A u i "4- ,!.. if.. , i V . fin Juit little (iaih of gold br, the entire ihipment eonnating of $9,000, 000. Ech box weigh 25 poundi and ia valued at $25,000. All con aigned to a young firm which ia making a name for itself, J. P. Morgan St Company. Viicounteaa Maidatone, formerly Misi Margaretta Drexel of Philadelphia, and her two children, Henrietta and Daphne. This international marriage attracted great attention in 1910. aaaiaaaaaaaaiaaaiaaaaaia 'Uaa ar. , - m m K aw . v f d I T a..ut.n ukA U nnw viitlno k United Statea with Ladv MViu nuvmpiiui " w w " - - - ' . Miaa Suaan L. Hartridgt of Jackaonille, Florida. They were married in June, 1917 Shortly after the marriage he became the fifth Baron Auckland. : afe' t - . St- V. i ' 1 r-:; aw. ofi3 Here is a young at eel towbost which draws only 15 inchea of water with 3000 pounda of cargo aboard. This type of craft makea poaaible the navigation of 70,000 mile of unused waterways in the United states. All rioht. brina nn vnnr railrnar) ctrilcM inri ieh. Thia vnnnu railroad belongs to your Uncle Samuel and it runa and runs and runs. Nothing stopa it. It ia an all-soldier line on Governor Island in New York harbor. v70 m i it - r -. .. ijtfs n 11 " ,wiiwi'ifiiiiriSaM ! ! -jSs, Q5 o ": t- xS aMHBBMM ri" '1 r ,iSSWI;jyjf 5 f I 09 i V '"V k 0 St. ' r;i - -.r "i 4Kls . i iwPllaw IL o 3 -Si. Jlr j a I Sbj '. mm "TU linn sh a ladj." When Rudysrd Kipling dashed off tbstJin he settled a lot of argument for good snd sll. This young lady liner ia indeed in her private dresaina room bein m.,1. f, k . ian't really a liner, yoa know. Sh. ia Hospital Ship No. 1 at th. Phil.d.lphi. Navy Yard ruly "it., to m, ' .Sip h" C0B,m out n us two; Sh