Newspaper Page Text
THE BEE: OMAHA. FRIDAY, JULY 2, 1920. 14 AUTOMOBILES POR SALE See Jiggs and Maggie in Full Page of Colors in The Sunday Bee. Drawn for the Bee by McManus. fopyriibt. 1920 lnternstional News Servtra Classified Advertising Rates: lTc per line (count S words to line) 1 day lie per lire. ,. per day. 3i consecutive diya lie per line. . .per day, 7 consecutive days lie per line. . .per day. 3 consecutive dsys No ada taken for less than a total of JOc These rates aprly either to the Daily of Sunday Pee. All advertisements ap pear in both morning and evening daily papers for the one charge. CONTRACT RATFS ON APPLICATION Want ada accepted at the following of fices: MAIN OFFICE 17th and Farnam Sts. South Side 2318 N St. Council Bluffs IS Scott St. WANT ADS RECEIVED BY PHONE AT TYLER 1000 THE BEE will trot he responsible for more than one incorrect, insertion of an advertisement ordered for more than one time. CLOSING HOURS FOR WANT ADS Evening Edition 12:00 M. Morning Edition 9:00 P. M. Sunday Edition 1 00 P. M. Saturday. BRINGING UP FATHER- Tires and Supplies. NEW TIRKSrUlliST-CLASS !0x3 . . J10 95 I 321 4 ' Sx:'t, 13 .T, 3.i4 V 36x4 29 95 I 34x4 ! & GOODRICH FORD TUrtES $2 40 K AIM AN T1RE .InHHKRS. 1 .Q. "t'SELi TIRES." soxj. j;..oo: sot3h. $.. All slies In proportion Look vrw our rebulits Open Sundvya. Tyler 2981. W SAVIOR TIRES. 90 N 16lh St KevstJtie Tire Bhop. " NE W " G 1 - A W A NTEF.lV T IRES. SOU .. 9 7.'. 53x3S "s ,n .30x3 l? . 12 50 3 44 . . 21 15 STANlAHl" TIKE CO. 4D N. 16TH ST. At'TO electrical repairs, service station for Rayfleld carburetor and Columbln storage ntterles Edwards. 2M6 N. 19tlu Repairing and Painting. r"adT AToh" "cT u "1 "s r a l 1 n. Manufactured In Omaha, V4-tour serv ice for auto, truck ami tractor. Epert radlnior nnd fender repairing; body dunla removed; new fenders made. OMAHA AI'TO RAD1ATUH M KG, CO.tyj 1S19 Cuming St. Tvler 917. 5 H JUKiV1 THINKtNC, AvIiOUT CO INC. TO WO I HAVE A LETTER OF" THAT tORtE:ir. Don't ou: RE COMMENDATION FROM A MiNlVTE. WON'T H I THOUGHT I'D WE. DO -HERE YOU THEFItybT CHANCE. -r TO H(5E MF WHf HE MAY KNOW - ANO WE WANT NOT? I YOU OtH UNDaS - Hjpl--, SOMEONE THAT tl WE OON'T WORK aMTT KnotVj VOO THE QK1- l I 2j DEATH & FUNERAL NOTICES. ALVOHl' Frank Flo-t t. ri i d June. an. ago years, resident of Omiha SS years, Mr Alvnrd is survived hv h:s widow; on-1 .-on. H A Alvnr-1. and daughter. Mr? .love Koch. Services wtll h Friday at 2 o p m . from the ButkM hit i I. Leaven worth St FUNERAL DIRECTORS. STACK & FALCONER, 'INDEPENPKNT V X P K R T A KERS ' PI ERCE-AK ROW AMBULANCE SERVICE. Thirty-third and Karnanu Harnpy M. TAG G ART & SON, tTNDFRTAKKRS AND KM RALMERR. Telephone Pouches 714. L'lfi Cumins St. HEAFEY"& HEAFEY, Vnd-T fakers and Fmbalmprs. FhonA H. Office l Farnam. HULSE & RIEPEN, Pioneer Funeral Directors. 701 South 16th St. Douglas lOsfi. FLORISTS. LEE L. LARMON 11 Douglas St. PukIhs'J-H. 1m. Hendetson. 151) Farnam. Douglas 1 C 4 S. JOHN BATH. 1Mb. and Farnam. I. SOno". MONUMENTS & CEMETERIES. THE larKr-st d'sp'v qT monumnte In thft T'nltPd Rtafps. FRANK fcfVOBODA, 1215 S. isrh. rhon Douglas U72-52H. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Births .in mfs and rra.- Morton. ?."4 4 FTiimft 5trppt. to , Hichir-1 and Flora ML lnrTi, 24? i Dodtrp trf, i; . Ctf. and Arna Prill, S"4.i North Fory 'vrnfti avp nu, bnv. Wfisil ind Olc.i, hns pital. KirT; Norm. m and Edith Luppca. hnspita 1f bov , 1n plus and Sunn i W tl roprdine. hcspifai. bnv, John fin-1 Maiv KlnK. hopltai. bny : Frank and APha An derson. I'-vlO KutKles stroff. bnv. John and Anna Mraz ;n pouth Ntntppnt h 1 ptrePr. bnv Deaths Tohn R Kdardr. 4 year!, Rf6 Pruth Twcnt'-.fpvpnth .trpc. Krank Baurnfe'nd vju r'uHnirin hofpl; Xeal Ciillins. IS vrs. Fontpnpllfl boulpvard, Paul !i n.i ?,pu-k!. 14 years. hoepttaK Anns K Oldpn. S3 ypurs," "4' outh Ninth utr-ppf, Frank R T.urkp, f.2 ypars, 4213 Pout h Twenty-sixth street , BrtdpPt Murrav, 73 years, 2317 strpot. M erf in C Robertson. 4 I ypar-. Tin mil ton Apartmrnts . Jnpphlnn McKinnpv, 4!l yesrs. hspitA 1 ; Hannah Andersen, h2 years, Fl IS South Tiventv-thlni ptrpet ; Helen M Oarlnn. ! 2 years, hnsnitn I , BcstP StvlanrJ. f5 year?, 2 2 1 Nnr'h Thir teenth street. MARRIAGE LICENSES. William I. Cook. :2, I.inroln.-Nob . arTl .Carrie L. M. Blair. 19, Lincoln. Neh. Silvatrre Pnrtino. Omaha, and Jen Sio Salerno. ;!, Omaha. Wlaflyslaw Kimlnski, S2. and Mary Chonio. 22. Omaha. Percy I,. Ptarnir, ;5. Frsia, la , and SIr P. Bom-k. 22. Perfla. Ia, Fred Pelsor. 4. Omaha, and Eunice C.ampho!!. 39, Omaha. Robert L Graham, is, Cojad. Neh., and Kvle. Euderott. Council Bluffs. Ia Gsorsre w. Huxford. 29. Council Bluffs, Ia.. and Ruth Lackey, 22. .Marshalltown, la. Edward T. Veldeman. 24, Omaha, and Anna Hayes, 20, Omaha. Truman S. Pay. over 21, Omaha, and Elizabeth. Bohrens. over IS. Omaha. David P. Woodruff, jr., S7. Omaha, and Beatrice, Tugsloy, 2", Omaha. ""Elmer B Nordell, over 21. Omahi, nnd Anna V. Fellgren, over IS, Klron. fa. Oscar If-H. Jensen, 21. Arlington, Neh, and Anna Jlarle Strobe. 21. Lincoln, Neh. " Gustav a. Plats, over 21. Scottshluff, Nob., and Nellie L. Groner, over 1, Oma ha. Gorga XT. Francis, R2, Omaha, and Blanche Butln. SO. Omaha. William Falk, ,ir., 19, Omaha, and H(eii Hamilton, IS, Omaha. Howard H. Maynard, :i:i, Omaha, and larion Helland, 33, Milwaukee. Wis. ' 'Frank E. Cook. 39, Wambloe, s. P., and Plant h Alderman, 36. Omaha. John R. Leeder, over 21. Omaha, and Ciadys Button, over IS, Omaha. "Ewald Bergstrom, ,"s, Greeley, Neb,, and Alnm Swanson, 23, Greeley, Neh. Thomaa Hughes, 3.1. Omaha. and Louise J. Crabb, 35, Omahv Taul D. Selby. 2S, Spswich, S. P., and Enia K. Cleland. 27, Omaha. Williaro Anderson, 23, Omaha, and Matte B. Pukes, is, St. Louis, Mo. Everett C'heever, 22, Jim Falls, Wis., and fercil Harding, 19, Chippewa. Falls. Wis. Theodore Schaelhterly, 34, Fullerton, Jleb., and Alma Mahnert. 2, Omaha. Charles M. Green, 21, Malvern, la,, and LUlie Craig. IS, Malvern, la. BUILDING PERMITS. ' Charles Polear, 4 10 Marcy street., build trams dwelling. $4,000. LOST, FOUND AJ4D REWARDS. li6ST Tan handbag, between 24th and lth on Leavenworth, containing money and other articles. Finder, will you w pleasa return; a liberal reward, C'oU fax 1467 or Tyler179S. i'OB ARTICLES LOST on treet cars tefe phon Tyler !oo. We are anxious to re store lost articles to rightful owners. OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS ST. RY. CO. oST Small, black bill folder at, or be ... tween Ideal Pleating Co., or C. F. Bllz. Eeward; no questions asked. Web. 53S1. LOST Wedding-ring, Tuesday", '"June 'ii'. on street car or Soulh 35th Ave. Call Webster 4601. Liberal reward. LOST Bar pin. A small diamond. At Kms Park. Liberal reward. Call So. S654. PERSONAL. JHE SALVATION Army Induitrial home .. . solicits your old clothing, furniture, J magazines. We collect. We distribute. V Phone Doug. 4135 and our wagon will - call. Call and Inspect our new home, 1110-1112-lllt Dodge street. SYSTEM of Swedish massage, facial mas- sage and steam baths Douglas 954:). ELECTRIC bath and massage. Webster " 3D11. UASSAGE and electric treatments. 318 Neville B)k X. E. Cor. 161 h Harney. MASSAGE and electric treatments. 31$ Neville Blk. N. E. Cor. 16th and H. St. SASSAGE. J10 North 17th St, ANNOUNCEMENTS. . DO YOU KNOW that Ameri can forty strand copper cab'e will absolutely protect your family and fropertv against lightning! Tele phone TJouglas 629o. Home office 2014 Farnam Street, Omaha, Xe - braska. Accordeon Pleating. ACCORDION, side, knife, sunburst box : .Weatlng, covered buttons, all sizes and " styles: hemstitching, picot, edging, eve ret cut work, button holes, pennants. - Ideal Button and Pleating Co.. 30S Brown Blk. Douglas 1936. JXxp Kotch Shopi Hemstitching, braiding, beading, all kinds pleating. Doug. 6011.. -" Room 33. Douglas Blk.. 16th and Dodge. - Chiropdists. Carrie J. Burford. 620 Paxton Bid, D. 12Q8. Contractors. B. -J. RUBEES carpenter; all kinds or new and repair work. Webster 3233. Dancing Academies. SUMMER DANCING- RATES. K KT,-PTNK School for Dancing, tlJl- i-l i-i 2J24 Farnam. D. 7850 - Class at S: dancing at 9 p. m. Monday, - Tr.ur.. Sat.: private lessons any time. Dressmaking. DRESSMAKING and tailoring", specal at ."tentlon given to Individual designing, , Call the de&utner at :i01 Miami. Web. 1 Uii- - ANNO UNCEM ENTS. Dentists. oPr. Brddburv. No pain. 921 W. O. W. Bid. Detectives. PIPKIN'S NATIONAL P E T E CT'FVE AGEXCY. Incorporated. Douglas 1107. Arlington B'k., Omaha. Neb. JAMES A IX A NT 3 lT'Nvi"n Blk. Evi dence s -cured In all cases. Tyler 1136. RELIABLE Detective Bureau. Railway Ex. Hldg. Douglas 2056: Night. Col. 4S5. Dress Suits. FULL dress sults and tuedo for rent. 109 N. Kith St. John FelJrnan. D. 312S. Printing. WEDDING announcements and printing. Pougtas Printing Co. Tel. Douglas 644. Electrical Utilities. VA r V l -l C I E A NFR S" d ilVpred . ca lied ft-r. a day. Webster 1657, in a. m. to 4 p. m. HOOVER and nthr sweepers for rent dfivred. Webster 4:3. r T; ENT -! Tfrir ,icu uni cleaners. D. 571 Gas Stoves Connected. AN DY" M 1 1. H O NR t h gas m a "n.s t n ves ' ronnej:t'-(i, house pi pine Wa I nut 200. Crt n ne r n on 2 H ; o u s ftp i p m g. H 161 ' Hats Blocked. HATS cleaned and blocked while-you wait. I nt Pax ton Hat works, Jmi7 4 Farnam Sf . : work guaranteed. D. r ft 3 9 . HATS cleaned, reblocked, ladles' straw hajs speciaHy. Mastos Prns . lf20Har'y Jewelry. DIAMONDS pav the best price with privilege to buv hack at. small profit. GROSS JEWELRY Co., 02 N. 16th St. Doug. E049. Kodak Developing and Finishing. FILMS developed: printing and enlarging. Write for prices. The Ensign Co.. 1607 H ownrd St. Lawyers. tliMl'NP H. M'l'ARTHT announces opea lne of law offices at fii'9-U Peters Tru.t Jldg Tyler 5250 Mattresses Repaired. CITY MATTRKS3 CO., mattresses trade over; box springs repaired. 2-14, Cum ing. Harney 7162. Phonographs. QUALITY PHONOGRAPHS AND RECORDS, LOWFPT PRICES. CASH OR TERMS. THE MUSIC SHOP, INC. 1616 Harney Pouglaa 6SS9. Sewing Machines. SEWING MACHINES We rent, repair, ell needles and pirta. MICKEL'S 15th and Harney. Douglas 1878. Tailors. M. KEISF.R, 306 South 18th. Poug. II S7. Painting and Paper Hanging. LET me figure your panel-hanging and Interior decorating. Otto Larsen, Web- ) ster 4,i71; FilNTLNQ. vaperhaneing; guaranteed work; prices right. Phone for estimates, 1 i'an save you money. Tyler 2765. FIRST-CLASS paper hanging.- raintlng. Pnpglas 4909. PAINTING. paperhanglng. Walnut 4Sf7. plasterlns PAINTING. paperhanging. plastering. Walnut 45IVL PAINTING, paperhanglng, cleaning, Doug las 6322. rAPERHANGING; 499S. prices right. Walnut P A P E R 1 1 A N G 1 N G , painting. Tyler 2765. Razor Blades Sharpened SAFETY razor blades sharpened, new ra zors, razor blades mold. Omaha Raror Sharpening Co., 1522fr Dodge. 103 N. 1 . Patent Attorneys. INTERNATIONAL PATENT CO., Patent attorney: procure, buy and sell pat ents 1716 Dodge St., Omaha. Theatrical. THEATRICAL, historical and masque cos tumes ror amateur theatricals ana par ties for rent at T. Lleben A Son, Omaha. Towel Supplies- Omaha Towel Supply, 207 S. 11th. D. 628. Tree Trimming. TREES trimmed; cavity work; bracing; treatment of Injury and disease; remov ing; planting and transplanting; twelve skilled tree surgeons; over 400 satisfied customers In Omaha nnd nearby towns. PACE TREE SERVICE (INC.) 210 Davldge Block. Tyler 400. Rug Weaving. WEAVING, old rugs remade. Tyler 1431 Safes. QATPEfQ BARGAINS. 12th Frnm. AJkJ j, j Derlght Safe Co. Wanted to Trade. WILL trade 2S pounds Paris green for Herman marks; nave marnet. -'sss Corby St. Welding. OMAHA WELDING CO. "The Careful Welders." 15th and Jackson. D. 4397. Miscellaneous. PAXTON-MITCHELL CO. 27th and Martha Sts., Omaha, Neb. Brass, bronze, aluminum and machine gray iron castings EELL'S MENTHOL OINTMENT can be purchased at Rialto Drug Store. 15th and Douglas Sts.. Omaha, Neb. DUMP ashes S. W. corner 35th and Fran cis. Douglas 420. FOR SALE. Furniture and Household Goods. SELECT YOUR SPRING HOUSE FUR NISHINGS FROM THESE BARGAINS Adam rerlod bedroom suite at--4213; an Adam Period dining suite, at $153; large collection of fine furniture; room size rugs at a great reduction; cane mahogany living room suites, at $185 each. STATE FURNITURE COMPANY, Corner 14th and Dodge Streets. Opposite U. P. HeadQuarters. Omaha, Neb. WE sell new and near-new furniture, stoves and rugs at lowest prices; cash or payments. Amer. Furn. Co., 605 N. 16. FOR SALE Oak bed. dresser. buffet", biilliree. 2714 Sprague. Colfax 2:',27. GAS RANGE, side oven, for sale; dellv- ery and conected. Walnut yo. FOR SALE Large gas range with aide ovens. Call Tyler 1752. ECLIPSE gas range, high oven. S. 4SR0. Pianos and Musical Instruments. A. HOSPECO. ramJ Pianos for rent. $4.00 per month. DRUMS, traps, marimbas. Instructions, repairing. Phone Harney 2967. Geo. A. Smith, 2761 Davenport St. UPRIGHT wainnt piano, big bargain, at $150; must be sold this week. Dg. 559S. BARGAIN In Steger '& 'SonspTanoTlirst class condition. Douglas 4703. PIANO Ebersole, guaranteed fine condi tion. reasonable. Douglas 4703. KRANICH & BACH PIANO. A-l SHAPE, BARGAIN. DOUGLAS 4703. Typewriters and Supplies. TYPEWRITERS ADDING AMACHINES ALL MAKES, bought, sold, rented anil repaired. Sole agents for the CORONA. Get our prices before you buy. Every machine guaranteed. Central Typewriter Exc. oug. 4i:0, 1912 Farrjsm. FOR SALE. Typewriters and Supplies. CHECK WRITERS, Toilds, Peerless, F & E. all makes; bargains; some new; save half. THF. SAFEGVARD DIAGONAL, 32Q Neville nidg. Pouej 13. WE buy, sell and exciiarige all makes of typewriters. Write for Mat. Midland Office SupplyCo.:I404 Podge. FOR SAT E FndTwood typewriter, excel lent condition; at sacrifice. 327 Se curities Rldg. ALL MAKES Typewriter o . '"aft makes'" 205 S. isth St. Tyler 24U. Miscellaneous. FOR S A L F. G fo ss. S x 1 0 6 x S, Mt7. splen lld for ht house, etc See, or call Mr. Hadly, Bee Engraving Dept., Omaha Bee OM.-ULrTYxOW00 Mattresses mad over tn new ticks nt half thft price of new beds, 19P7 Cuming St Pouglas 24C7. M R?"S0PA FOFNTA IN ' M AN 3 doz silver vortex ,iishs. like new, ( r heap. F ho ne Col f a xV 64. PERFECT blue-white diamond, nearlv K siae, bargain. Address Box X-2, Oniaha Pee CHERRIES, currants and eooseberrie? Waistr.-ims. 50th Sprague. Colfax 2915. CHOICE ripe cherries for sale. Cheaper if you pick themyeurself. Wal. 401.;. RHTTT FQ at Nathan-Steinberg's. i' x 1 l"" Harney St. P. 5166. SEWING machine, china cabinet and kid dle car, reasonable. Colfax 2305. CREPE PE CHINE dress, slje 33. Har ney S517. KINDLING and jumper. Webstep. 49 CHERRIES "Walnut WANTED TO BUY. WANTED TO BUY. 25 MILCH GOATS AND 2 BILLIES ALL-AMERICAN CHEMICAL CO. 121 S16TH. DOUGLAS 4S64. WE BI'Y baled waste paper, old maga zines and newspapers State quaniitv you have on hand Write or phone for prices Omaha Paper Stock Co, 15th and Marry. Douglas 159. DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks; used desks bought, sold and traded. J. C. Reed. 1207 Farnam. P. 6145. LIBERTY BONDS BOUGHT. MACKS BOND HOUSE, 1421 FlrstNatJ. Bank Bldg. Tyler 3644. WANTED TO BUY 'C" m"lody saxo phone Address Box 275. Loup City, Neb. WILL buy second-hand clothing, shoes and furniture. Tv. 259. A Zavett. 705 N 16. , SITUATIONS WANTED. Male. YOUNG man with college education and five years general office and account ing experience desires position with pro gressive concern who can assure pro motion Will work for small salary at first if Inducements for promotion are Kood, Yl Dili Bee. WORK WANTED during summer months. Have, college education. Address Box X 74. Omaha Bee WANTED Lawns to mow and light haul I ng. Walnut 3&1S. Female. COMPETENT stenographer qualified to Hike Slato Par Examination this fall, wants position in law office, either in or out 'of ciiv.. References furnished. K175 a month.' Box Y-l 1 ?1 HOUSEKEEPERS, LAUNDRESSES.' Watch the Domestic column of The Bee. Lots of good places are always advertised. TJon'tmisi them. j, PASTRY'like mother makes. Web. 3948. Laundry and Day Work. CLEANING wanted by experienced, col ored woman. Call Mrs. Murphy. Tyler :U7 9. EXPERIENCED laundress wishes work Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Web. 70:!4. BUNDLE WASHING, sweeping, Webster 17 27. ironing. CLEANING, day work; experienced. Web- ster32.'4. LAUNDRY for jlon., Tues., Wed. Web. :ios6. BUNDLE washing, soft water. 6949. Webster DAYWORK Experienced Webster 5652. laundress. SMALL bundle washing. Men's shirts a speciality; Douglas 6329. Bl. NDLE washing, reasonable. Webster 2127. CURTAINS, jbundlewashjng,exp.Veb. 1975. DAYWORK. col, laundress, exp, Web. 5024. VO OLb ja n kets, lace c 1 1 rt'ain s. H. 1 1 30. DAY W O R K. e x p er ienced. Wibste r6 531. DAY WORK. Colored woman. Web. 60731 CLEANiNGandlaumiry. Doug. 6 4 00. DAY WORK WANTED." Webster 5862. LAUNDRY, day work. Webster 4224. BUNDLE washing. 1016 Davenport St. DAYVORk.creanlng.Webster6216J DA YWORK ,1 a u n d ry." .Webs t e r6 0 3 4; BUNDLE WA8"iUNGvebs!eir 1379. DAY WORK wanted. Webster 1 508. DAY work by hour. Webster 6 028. D AY work wan ted. Webster 6 842. BUNDLE washing. Webster 3303. BUNDLE washing, Webster 1 953. DAY WORK wanted. Web. 665S. HELP WANTED MALE. Stores and Offices. SALESMAN, paper or printing experience, city work, salary open, SALESMAN, mcise. exper., salary open. BOOKKEEPER, good place, $131 to $150. OFFICE clerk, good penman, $125. TYPIST and CLERK, good future. Jinn WATTS REFERENCE COMPANY, 1138 First Nal'l Bank Bldg. TRAVELING salesman, staple commodity, $140; young man, cost accounting, as sistant to bookkeeper, $125; invoice rterk, $100: assistant bookkeeper, $110; clerk and tvplst, beginner, $so. WESTERN REFERENCE & BOND ASSN 736 First National Bank Bldg. ADDING machine operator. $100-. hook keeper, familiar with traffic manage ment. $120. RIGHT REFERENCE COMPANY, 536 FirstNational Bldg. ' BOOKKEEPER" AND "CASHIER. $175" $200; city salesman, paper and printing experience. $:-oo.j300. ; stenographers, S17.i-$15l-$32.6n week. THEMARTI CO- 1126 W. O. W. Bldg. EXPERIENCED male stenographer, de sires position in Omaha or vicinity; good references. TELLER for Omaha bank: give expe- rince. etc. Box. M-60. Omaha Bee. DRAFT and collection clerk. Omaha hynk. Box, M-61. Omaha Be e. Professions and Trades. BARBERS WANTED Permanent positions. Pay fiO pr cent with guarantee of $3ft tn $35. Good men' can and do earn $45 per week. Best of working conditions. Railroad far refunded lo men who can qURlify and remain 3f davs. A. R. PARDUN 1507 Farnam St. OPERATOR WANTED Combination ma chine and floor man; thorough knowl edge of machine not necesary; three to four days of week on machine, balance ads and job work. Can use man at once, permanent employment. Write Republican, Central City, Neb. WANTED A shoe maker, right pay for right man: steady job. Apply Peter Kosmos. 1219 O St., Lincoln, Neb, WANTED A drug clerw. either regis tered or not; steady job. Y-l 180. Bee. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE. 110 SO, 11TH ST. CATALOGUE FREE. H ELP WANTED MALE. Professions and Trades. CAR KEPA1RERS and rough carpenters for freight car work. Apply Cass Street Gate I'nlon Pacific Shops. Salesmen and Canvassers. V.'ANTED Tour.g man between the age of 25 and 30 years; outside position In city Good opportunity for advancement for live wire. Box X-46, Omaha Bee STOCK SALESMAN Experienced stork sa'.ppman to pel! the Ouarantnd Dividend Preferred yiock of an oll-estabi?he.l Omaha mm Vany rated at $soo.onn. credit which has paid regular dividends for tf n vears. docd If ads fur.iish:-d. Call Room fi. JVevi Bid?. AKR you a rea! salesman? An establlfhed mmpny dosires the servirf-s of a ftrst rlassproducer. Wrlfp, wire or phone. Amrican Live Ftot k Insurance Co., 1S17 Ioulis. Omiha, Neb. SALESMEN City "or travellnsr" ?1. 500 up! Eperine unn-'nxflarv, Prepare 'n spare time for big salary. Complete training and positions furnished. P 65, Omaha Brc. U ANTE fen p 3. k en in sell shop tm! Kry garage a prop pert A sure monev maker. Ca !1 or write, C. N. A t h e r t o n . Pan f o rd Ho t e 1 S. LESMEX For household specialties"; men with ear ran make good money. Call and see lis and let us explain. C, V. Adams Co, t'.2S P lh St. Boys. BOY, about 16 vr-ars old, to a?sist in South Side Bee Of fice, morning and evening work. A?k for Mr. Comstock. 2318 X St. Wanted Boy to wait on tables at sod fountain. Beaton Drug Co Miscellaneous. WANTED. FREIGHT HANDLERS. EIGHT HOURS PER DAY. Jino A MONTH. AMERICAN RAILWAY EXPRESS. UNION STATION. jf WANTED. LABORER3. BLOME-SINEK CO., 27TH AND Q STS. WANTED. WAGON HELPERS. HOURS PER PAY. APPLY AMERICAN RAILWAY EXP. STABLE, 15TH AND DAVENPORT. MEN FOR WAREHOUSE WORK, Byrne & H.immer Pry Goods Co., 9ih and Howard Sis. UNITED SALES PRODUCTS COMPANY Want 25 ambitious single young men; no experience necessnry; salaries $140 lo $200. Phone, Douglas 6555. WANTED Pressed bricklayers for nut of town work. Apply to M. O. Midthun, 1201 Davenport. HOUSEMAN wanted. House of Hope. Colfax 4229. HELP WANTED FEMALE. Stores and Offices. BRANDEIS STORES WANT YOUNG LADY TO ASSIST TELLERS CAGE IN BANK. APPLY E. ,1. MA LONE. MR. STENO., law office, $95; steno., some ex perience, $85; steno.. beginner, $75; bookkeeper, some typing. $110; typist. $75: experienced clerk, good penman, $100; comptometer opr., $70; file clerk, $65. WESTERN REFERENCE tc BOND ASSN. 736 First National BankBldg STENOGRAPHERS, $1 2fi-$110-$100-"$ 9 0 f H S - $ 7 5 ; bill clerk, $90-$s5; stenographer and bookkeeper. $100; typist. $75; file clerk, $65; office (lerk. ?7.'; ledger clerk. $75; compt. operator, S75, WATTS REFERENCE COMPANY, 1138 First Njit JBankBlrlg: WE haven't time to list our -Hosltlons. Come in. tell us your wants and we will place vou. RIGHT REFERENCE CO., 536 First National Bldg. LADY clerk wanted. Apply Mr. Ruhen stein. Central Market, 1610 Harney St. Professions and Trades. YOUNG LADIES Do you want a permanent position T No profession today offers better op portunities for good talaries and steady employment than local or long distance telephone work. The work Is fascinating, pleasant, healthful aurroundlngs. annual vaca tions with lull pay. Sick and accident benefit without cost to employe. No experience necessary. Substantial weekly pay while In training. Rapid advancement. Parents Invited to Investigate working condition. Apply to MRS. MORRIS, Employment Secretary, Room 614. New Telephone Building. Nineteenth and Douglas Street. WANTED Experienced operators on power machttes: Shirts, pants, learther and mackinaw coats. Latest improved safety machinery: large, clean, light, airy room. Good wages. The Allen Mfg. Company. 1722 Arapahoe street, J!yCoJo. EXPERIENCED trimmer onmen's" hats", good wages, Dresher Bros., 2217 Far mru St, HELP WANTEDFEMALE Professions and Trades. WANTED KM'FRlENTF.ti TRIMMER FOR MILLINERY 1 EPART.M KNT. GOOD SALARY, STEADY POSITION. APPLY AT ONCE. ORKIM BROS. CON A NT HOTEL FSI.PG., SIXTEENTH ST. WANTED.X tfoMEN AND GIRLS. EXPERIENCE UNNECESSARY. COOD PAY, STEADY WORK. GORDON LAWLESS CO, 5TH AND DODGE. LATY. unincumbered, to do drawing oc casionally for landscape work or to work landscape nurserv business Write CH. Knight . 2303 Cass St Saleswomen ana Soiicitors. LADY canvassers tor electr!e irons and lamps; good proposition. C F. Adams r- b2S s- !glh at- Household and Domestic. AVANTED Woman for general house work Nu washing. Frrft-r one with daughter over 12 vears old who can tnke care of 2 children Call 165. FOR LA TJ N DRESSES. DA Y WOMEN, ETC, LOOK IN THE SITCATION COL UMN OF THE BEE. HOUSEKEEPER wanted on farm by'youns man, mention wages wanted. Y 112, Omaha Bee. ; EXPERIENCED" woman for cooking: small famllj; no laundry. 415 S. 3Sth. H 2650. WANTED Experienced Mrs. Barton Millard, Har. 47. cook (white). 123 No. 39th. WANTED Competent cook. Call Harney Hotehancl Restaurants. WANTED An experienced girl for the candy dept. Day work; good refer ences. Henshaw Valley of jSweets. COUNTER girl wanted, good wages; no Sunday work Lincoln Inn Restaurant. 216South l'lth. BIG SISTE'RS "ASSOCIATION, for the benefit of business girls. 623 Bee Bldg. Douglas6692 COUNTER girl, 6 days week. No Sunday work. Harney C a feter I a . 1509 H a r n e y . GIRLS to wait soda. Apply In person. Phelps Hut170S Dougas. WAITRESS WANTED Wellington Cafe, 1M9 farnam i-t. FLOOR maids wanted Ford Hospital. Miscelinenous. GIRLS WANTED FOR WRAPPING BUTTER. OMAHA COLD STORAGE CO., STH ND FARNAM. BOOKKEEPER, grocery experience. $110 $120; comptometer operators. $75-$SO-$100; typist and clerks. $95-587. 50-$100. THE MARTI00. 1U'6W. 0.W. Hldg. WANTED Experienced pianist at Mon YenLoCafe, 150S Howard St. CHAS. L. FISH, piano tunerT violin and piano teacher. Colfax 4907. HELP WANTED. Male and Female. WANTED Men, ladles and boys to learn barber trade; big demand; wages while learning; strictly modern. Call or wrlle 1403 Dodge St. Trl-Clty Barber College. EDUCATIONAL. DAY SCHOOL. NIGHT SCHOOL. BOYLES COLLEGE. Complete courses In accountancy, ma chine bookkeeping, comptometery, short hand and typewriting, railroad and wiring telegraphy, civil service and all English and commercial branches. Write, call or phone Douglas 1565 for large Illustrated catalogue. Address BOYLES COLLEGE, Boyles Building. Omaha. Neb. LEARN tire repairing and retreading; also tube repairing and all rubber .ul canizing IN THE ONLY EXCLUSIVE TIRE REPAIRING SCHOOL IN OMA HA. Three weeks learning, $15. Writ ot call NATIONAL TIRE SHOP, 17th and Capitol Ave. Van Sant School or Business, Day and Evening Schools. 220 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Douglas 5890 BUSINESS CHANCES. WANTED, A PARTNER I own 2 , 0 0 A acres of land, 7 or 8 hours' drive by auto from Sioux t'ity, la.; I want some one with a bout $30, noQ pav men! a from now until March. 1921, to take a one-half Interest with me po I can hold -the land for a few years; rental will return ft pep rent per an num, on the investment; land will double in a short time; can give best of rrferenres; no expense to look it over; no wild rat deal, but a good honest proposition to the right party. For in formation write to Box M-6S, Omaha Bee. GARAGE FOR SALE FOR SALE The only garaco In town; modern, new buildlnp, fully equipped: furnace heat, service station; all the business we can handle. Will sell build ing and invoice stock at cost; $3,000 will handle this. Reasons for selling. White i'lou'1 Garage, While I'loud, Kansas. FOR SA I.E Vulcanizing Shop, Akron Williams equipment, complete, up-to-dale and as good as new; good location. Y-11S4, Omaha Hee. ' TO get lntr out of business. See LEWIS & CO. 411 McCague BldY FOR RENT Business Property. AUTO showroom, lease just expired on one of the best downlown locations. 1915 Douglas St. Hlackstone No. 2. FOR RENT ROOMS. Furnished. PHONE THE WANT AD DEPARTMENT, TYLER 1000, AND ASK ABOUT OUR BIG ROOM LIST PRINTED EVERY WEEK FOR THE BENEFIT OF OUR READERS ANDADVERTISERS. TWO elegantly furnished front rooms, on bath room floor; private home; Just completed; close to car .and boulevard; must be seen to be appreciated. Web- SL'L? 3 12 - SINGLE room, men only, running hot and cold water; walking distance. Brown Apartments, 508 N, 21st St. Doug. 6644. Hi BLOCK to car. 6 blocks to 16th. Terms reasonable. 2219 St. Marys Ave. You'll like them when you see them. LIGHT sun sleeping room suitable for two; private modern flat, close In. S13 South20th. Douglas 34:i. OXE large, light housekeeping room; gas furnished; laundry privileges. One block to car line. Harney 3737. COOL. MODERN ROOM."1 BETWEEN "i CAR LINES; REASONABLE. 2101 MIAMI. WEa 6451. ONE room for young lady, near park and Farnam carjlne; references. Har. 6408. ONE room fpr young lady, near Park and Farnam car llne refe renco;Har. 61. LARlit, cuol, "attractive room. Ty. 4519. FOR RENT ROOMS. Furnished Rooms. COOt, ROOM, modern." furnished flat; player piano, no children Dougles 6ii9 ELMS HOTEL, 1 9th and Harney. Rooms, J3.50 per week and up. Doug. 5005. LARGE furnished modern room, 300S licllc St.H,irney 1291. 32.1 N. 3Sth Bnautiful, cool room, mod ern; private home. COOL R. iu private home. Ladv pre ferred. 1I 444. 2 desirable rooms, ladles pfd. H. 1912. ROOM for rem. 4 20 "s. "2 th'st ."Tyler" 77. 24J4 Sralrl!ng,room with hath. Col, 3476. COOL anrativefront room. s. 1472. Cf-OL room. "iVt. f 1 m iiy. " Wa 1. ! 9. ROOM forwent. "526 S. 20th Ave. Housekeeping Rooms. ONE large room, two closets and kitchen ette, one large front room with closet, furnished for housekeeping. 2566 Doug las St. 2701 DAVENPORT, two-room sulTeTlnod !rne!ectriclight; gas range. H. 49S9. NiCE light housekeeping rooms and sleep- Ing room. 2IMCass Dg 9250. TWO furnished, cool rooms. 3157 Farnam. 25"3 LKAV 2-rm. hsk'pT apt. T y2l 1 i Unfurnished Rooms. 4 very large rooms and bah on second loor. rrlvate family. Walnut 4970. 2432 PARKER 3 rms , mod. Web. 6?1. FOR RENT HOUSES. Furnished. I WILL rent my 9-room furnished heme, ftlst and Chicago Pts . Dundee, for the summer to responsible parties with ref erences; posspsslon.jit once. For details c,ilDg.4 674 or Wal. 736 ONE 7VROOM house. fiiTrTlahedT for rent for July and August, Call Webster 53S3 . ! 1 7Locus tS 7-ROOM house, furnished CriT-at 31 26 1st Ave., Omaha, berween 4 and 5 p. m. FIVE-ROOM furnished Mlnne Lusa home. For details call Colfax 4253. Unfurnished, HANSCOM PARK A splendid nine-room house, all mod ern, good condition. newly decorated and painted; threee fire plas. A splendid place to keep roomers will be vacant July I. F D. WEAD. 310 So 1 Sth St , Tvler 151. LEASE Two months. 5-ronm mod. house; no children : reference. Har. 4114 Miscellaneous. LIST your property for rentor sale with FIRST TRUST COMPANY. Realtors. Tyler 7JI. ; FOR RENT APTS. AND FLATS Furnished. HOME WITH CONVENIENCE "OF HOTEL. Suites of 2 and three rooms In beau tifully appointed building. Linen, bed ding, china, cooking utensils, heat, gas. light, water, phone and niher necessi ties furnished. We assume your servant rroblem. Every courtesy extended in showing apartments. EI.-BEUDOR APARTMENTS, Dndgeat lSth Tyler 4200. COOL room, modern furnished flat, plaver piano; no children. Douglas 6S90. Unfurnished. STRICTLY modern 4-rnom apartment, with tile bath. O. A. Swenson Sales Co.. 57PaxtonBlk. P. 7401. i-K. OUTRIDE Apt , "mod"," ianitor serv ice. The Dunsany, 10th and Tierce. D. 6192. MOVING AND STORAGE. FIDELITY satvd van CO. STORAGE. MOVING. PACKING HOUSEHOL DGOODS AND PIANOS. REASONABLE RATES. FREK RENTAL SERVICE. COMPLETE LIST OF HOUSES AND APARTMENTS. 1fihand Jackson Sis. Douglas 288. MOVING. PACKING. STORAGE. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separate locked romis for household poods and pianos, rrfoving, packing and shipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO., 80 6 Sou t h 1 fit h. Dou g. 4 1 63, METROPOLITAN" VAN and STORAGE CO. Owned by H. R. bowep Co. Tyler 3400. GLOBE VANrTRANSFER AND STORAGE CO. For real service in hauling or stor age, call Tyler 2"0 or Douglas 4339. Auto or wagon service. HORSES AND VEHICLES. FOR SALE 20 head fine farm horses, mares, mules; some mares in foal; all stock guaranteed sound; good condition. Apply St. C. Peters Mill Co.. 29th and B Sts., or after 6 p. m. pnone South 4 75. FOR RENT GARAGES. OARAGE for rent. 1041 S. 9th. FL 7366. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. Remodeled Sale of Fifty Used Cars To he sold at a bargain. Will trade or sell on terms. Do not miss this chance to get a real car cheap. We are open night and day. Marsh-Oakland Co., 20th and Harney Sts. Douglas 5:51. ESSEX" 5-PASSENGER TOURING JUST LIKE NEW. Car is equipped with wire wheels and is complete in every way. Has been only slightly used and as good as the day it left the factory. A real bargain in a strictly high grade, small car. See it today or phone Douglas 1970 for information. GUY L. SMITH EXTRA good 1917 Ford touring car. Tires all good. No repairs needed. Priced to sell quick for $376. Call Mr. llencn, Cotfajt 175 or Colfa 64S. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. CADILLAC CADILLAC 55 PHAETON' This car is in Rood condition, live tires, flood paint and top; will seat 4-5 passengers. CADILLAC 5.) KOADSTER Car now in our shop; will be ready for delivery in n few days. PACKARD .1-25 TOl'R IN'G Seat ing capacity seven, fine paint; car in good condition. PACKARD 3-28 PHAETON This car is exceptionally good con dition and we are offering it at a very low 'price. HUDSON SUPER SIX Roadster. NASH SEDAN Fine condition, good tires and paint. HAYNES TOURING In fine con d:tiori, good tires and paint. VELIE TOURING Car has had best of care; five, tires and paint. A Safe Place to Buy J. H. HANSEN CADILLAC CO. Harney 710. Farnam at 2fith. FCnP touring, wonderful shape, cylinders ' just reground by Sunderland Machine Co, new pistons, rings, bushings and wris'pin: new crank shaft, rear axle, completely overhauled, heavy steel cowl, ventilated windshield, demountable rims, oversized tires all around: extra tubes, casings in fine shape, one brand new. Hesslor shock absorbers, foot, throtle. 1 4 r Wlllard battery, large headlights, paint and top in good shape. $275. Have just had this work done for a 3.nen-mtle trip, hut raii'l Eet away. See owner, ion Douglas, second floor. WE have the following high grade, worm rlrive trucks for sale at bar gain prices: TWO INDIANA one-lone trucks, good as new. ONE INDIANA one-ton truck In first class condition. ONE ONEIDA one-and-a-half-ton in good snape. , ONE MASTER two-ton hydraulic hoist and dump body. one a. M. c. two-Ion chain drive. ONE VIM lltht delivery. STANDARD MOTOR CAR CO., -'OJff Farnam St. Carl Cliangstrom, Pres. Oualiiv Oars and ?iuare Dealing. O U RS J NTH YE AR IN BUSINESS. Buy a Guy L. Smith Used Car A SAFE INVESTMENT. . We always have a few first-class t:sed cars which are real bargains. Kacli is guaranteed and with a ical service behind it. Ca'l Doug las 1970 any time for description of cars and prices. DRIVE IT YOURSELF COMPANY RENT A KF.W FORD-DRIVE IT YOURSELF THE MOST ECOXOMICAtj AUTO- MOBILING; CHEAPER THAN OWN ING A CAR. NEW. Al CONDITION f EI.F-STARTERS. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT THE 365 DAYS. 1314 HOWARD STRKET. DOlTfJ. 9(152. FORDS, BUICKS, DODGES NEW AND USED , Cash or time. Drive them and pay by the month. All cars In good mechanical shane. Fords, bodies, cabs, truck bodies. Send for catalogue. GOl.DSTROM AUTO SALES CO., 1318 ilarnev St. Tyler 714 CENTRAL GARAGE. Open flay and night. FOR SALE. Five-passenger. Stevens "Salient Six" with extra lire and bumper, only driven 150 miles; also 2 lots on naved street, sidewalk, city water, sewef, all paid. Address 3010 s street. South 47 76. Ask for Mr. Yuhas. today'only. One 191S Studebaker Six, mechanical ly perfect and looks fine. First man with $4".0 takes it home. TRAWVER AUTO CQ.. 2210 Farnam St. Douglas 9070. EXCELSIOR MOTORCYCLE, 3 speed, thoroughly equipped and overhauled; new drive chain tire; lights. Write to O. H. Knight, 2303 Cass St; SOME bargains In used Ford cars. Mc Caffrey Motor Co. The Handy Ford Service Station, 15tb and Jackson. Doug las 3500. NEW Standard touring car at sacrifice for Immediate sale. Call Harney 73S3 evenings jir Sundays STORAGE batteries, written guarantee, exchange price 3 cell, $15; Dodge and Maxwells. $20. Midland Battery Co., 261S Leavenworth St. OVERLAND COUNTRY CLUB Good tires; motor in fine shape; will sell or trade for Ford with siarter. Tyler 627; ask for Mr. Squire. WANTED For spot cash, 100 used cars, quick action; no delay. Auto Exchange Co.. 2069 Farnam St. Doug. 6035. U-O you want a good car at a bargain price? All makes and sizes. Terms or rash. CallMr. Jones, Douglas ills. CHEVROLET SEDAN Only run l7s'"o miles; terms. Tyler 6:7; ask for Mr. Squire. WE HAVE 50 good used cars to select from. All prices. MEEKS AUTO CO.. 2026 Farnam. THE DIXIE FLYER. W. R. NICHOLS MOTOR COMPANY. 2520 Farnam St. WILLYS-KNIGHT COPE for sale at a bargain; excellent condition, terms If desired. Harney 54 5 OAKLAXD Sensible Six. MARSH OAKLAND CO., 2309 Farnam St. FIVE-PASSENGER touring car, com pletely overhauled. Just the thing for small family. See at '3527 Fsrnam St. j'OR SALE Good ton H Republic truck. T Equipped with stock bady. also heavy harness. W. B. Etchiso Harneyl 488. MUST meet payment on property so am bliged to sell my touring car at a bar- galn. Colfax 1 765. HUDSON Super Six speedster, mechan ically perfect; new cord tires. Doug. 1553. OLDSMOBILE. 1919 Excellent shape; terms. Tyler 627; ask for Mr. Squires. DODGE delivery truck, very cheap. See ai 3527 Farnam St. FORD touring. 1917 model, fine shape. Bargaln. Harney 2790 sfter 6 p. ra. BARGAIXJn Dodge touring. Web. 1337. 4-30 Chevrolet, $276, "Walnut 6763. FARM LANDS. For Rent. For "Sale Or Rent 2, One. acre ranch In Cherry coun'y, Nebraska and Todd county, South Dako ta: la miles fi.'in Valentine. Neh; P" s.'tsi.iii at "in '. 11. W. Harper, owner, Valentin.-, n.-i.. Canadian Lands Alberta. HAVE you tlioiii.-lit if buylnn Alberta, land'.' Then ;i I IP.ree: Both are In on,, of tli.- 1"-M f n nilMi; il l.s' rlcl.s in Cen tral Alt'-il.t. Pi-Hi .-ire K"lnK concern and liuve kiv.-ii ih.-:r owners Kood re turns fur the i it t-ti yi:irs: 1,12" a.-r. s. n 1 1 . . 1 1 1 1 D 1 for siock and lil!-.l f:i!)limi.-. 7:.l :icrt-s p. -St whe;it pimi. Wil;:iii" Mrmlinv .-ind p.isuire, nil f.-nc, d, ImsMmiss. dilil.-d well, windmill, tattle v.hrilt, f'-r 2r,o head. K:ir.iKn, urovy i-f :i.t'''ii 1 1 e,w. 170 acres crop, vhc:'.r and oals, tle. iters ft miles, school 1 mile. Price $'.':' per acre, one-fiuar'er cash, balance It-rtcs at t p'-r t --nt. If sold at onoo crop cocs with farm. I'ttO acres, fl'-vnlors t. nillcs, school 1 mile, nuo.l ' vii with l-utter fictory and t-r.-nm station 12 miles, 4.'i ncrcs In crop, ion wheal. 170 oats. :ni fall rye. 2' timothy, fenced and cross-feti'-ed. Two-story !l-ronm hf use. barn, granaries, small shop and outfit of Mat ksniilll tools, dnil'd writ, windmill end 3-horse-poiv.-r engine. S'flllnc tint e Includes crop, full line of machinery, 12 work horses and harness. o hmd cattle. 12 hoes, Cr.-horsepnwer Case epeine and Re. I River Special sep arator, furniture. cre;m separator Price $27,000, half cash, balance terms to suit. A. A. TOWNS. Coronation. Alt-er'a, Canada. KansasI.and&. WRITE-us for prices ami terms on lands In Thomas county. Kansas. Felton & West, 'if'l Crounse Block. Nebraska Lands. Farm and Investment 10 acres adjoining: the- c'v f A'npton, lavs nearlv lev6!, tlnpinc: enoucrh to drain wMl, a-rd s ven' produr 'vp . fl-rnorri mni -pt! hnuyf- with furnace, electric, lifehts and city wa'r. and only a. few Mucks from th par of th ntv; a)o a nine ft-room cottar, a good porse barn, a rat t hnrn. a gmd farrowinp hosr hnits, pond rattle phd, lxfio, and on W40. corn crib l.xfifi, gnfid srranai v. chicken houpe, pr apA and o'hT outbuildinEe The on r. oh account of other ar i aniiments. has put this plac on th market for a rhort rime at. th very low price of 35Q per acre, vith terms $4,00n rash. $4 000 March ( nd the baifijicft on lonp-tprm rvnnta ar ft 4 pr rent interest On ac- ount "f laying ripht alonp the Rid nf a real eood town and only a fpw miles out from Omaha, w f;el t h 1 a rea pnnft fa rm in -vestment fnd nil of the while will m'ikf a f it y- farm home. Graham-Peters Realty Co. ji20 Omaha Nat, nk Bide. Omaha. Xeb. Have" You $5,000700?" If so. YOU can own lmproed corn and alfalfa farm In the Loup Hlver Valley. Address M. A. Larson, Owner, Central City, Xeb. RA RtJA I. in this Tolk county farm at $175 per acre, inn ncrcs in cro(is, r,o acres pasture, fair buildings, fenced nn.k-rfTOss fenced, level.. Mat k soil, clny subsoil. I'larence Headlee. Owner. COltN AND ALFALFA FAR MS, IMPRCiVED. IN CENTUAL NEBRASKA, at the rlKht price. Write for list. LARSON CARRAHER. Central City. Neprsska. 4.000 ACRES Box Butte county farm land; $25 to $:!r an acre in half section lots. S. S. ANO R. E. MON'TGOM CRY. 212. City Nat'l Rank Ride. For Neb. Farms and Ranches see Graham-Peters Realty Co., 82Ornaha. Nat'l Bk. Bldg.. Omaha. FOR SALE Well improved SO. at re" farm, H miles from Omaha, in Pouclas coun ty pooil ternijt. ''all Harney MSS. A. A. PAT ZMAN. Far"is7"30rKarbach""Blk. Wyoming Lands. WYOMING irrigated land for sale. 120 acres in Fremont county, near Lenore. Cnder the government ditch, water rlcht paid for. Hest of volcanic a0 soil. 119 of the 10 acres can be Irrl Kated. Maintenance tiOe per acre. No buildings. On graded road to Yellow stone National Park. This ran be bought for $4.r.O0 if taken soon. One dollar down anil liberal terms on bal ance if purchaser will make Improve ments. W. R. Patton, Centralis. Wash. FINANCIAL. Real Estate Loans. CITY AND FARM LOANS. DUMONT & CO., 416-418 Keellne Bldg. OMAHA HOMES EAST. NEB. FARMS. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO.. J 0' Om. Nat. Bk. BJdg. Dotl g.27 1 5, DIAMONDS AND "JEWELRY" LOANS. Lf west rates. Private loan, booths. Harry Malashoek, 1614 Dodge. D 6619 Es. 1S(4 Real Estate Loans. PRIVATE MONEY. 1100 to $10,1)00 made promptly. F. D. WEAD. Wead Blag., 310 S. 13th 8t. PRIVATE MONEY. SHOPFN ft COMPANY. Doug. 422. PROMPT service, reasonable rates, prlvaTi money. Garvin Bros., 345 Omaha Nat., D E. BUCK. Loans. 412 Omaha NaT Stocks and Bonds. SOUTH TEXAS LEASES. invest now for future independence. A small investment In well located oil leases in South Texas today, may mean $1, nun. ooo for ou tomorrow. Twelve shallow fields already pro ducing and over 5ao other wells drill ing show what geologists and others think of the future possibilities of this territory We own leases In every part of this territory, which lire .., atct! close to drilling tests and which represent the best oil investment. Let us explain the value of our holdings to ou, either as as investor or a broker. HITCHCOCK, COOTER & FET.TXER. Main "lfflre- Suite 231 Moore Hldg.. San Antonio. Tx. Branch Off;.--L"s Angls. Cal. FOR SALE loo shires of stock In the Collins Sifetv Faor Companv, at $17 50 per share lf interested. wr:te full par ticulars by return mall. Frank D, Knebs. Beresford, SDJ FOR SALE" Oil leasts f,1r 12S" acres en Rock Creek Anticline, at reasonable terms K. 7. McCoy. A vll Engineer, Rock River. Wyo. WILL finance development of a good Texas oil lease. Box M-ls. Omaha Bee. REALJESTATEWANTED. WAXT to buy a fi K-rcom bisngalow in Mlnne Lusa or o'her good location. Wtll consider home as high as $8,000. have $5,000 rash. 1'ox M-fS, Omaha Bee FOR quick snd satisfactory results In selling Omaha real estate see SCHROEDER INVESTMENT COMPANY, cj jij'. tx. Bias, uougiaa ti. 'X