Newspaper Page Text
V'ir HUMOR INJECTED INTO CARMEN'S WAGE MING Caustic Repartee of Morning Session Ends When Lawyers And Witnesses Join in Laughter. Humor was introduced at the sfternoon se.-si'on o fthc street car bearing: yesterday before the Rail way commisMon, in direct contrast to the spirited argument of the mornins session between Alvin Johnson, attorney for the street car company, and A. H. Bigelow. coun sel for the street car men. The afternoon session was ex ceedinply tranquil, save for bursts of l.aighter now and then from re marks and counter-remarks of at torneys and witnesses, Subjects from wages to health were discussed. Questions to Frank H. Hudson, superintendent of transportation, who was on the wit- 5 LYKOUaeld In orlglnil pirt M only. Ilk plotur bo. ftf uH all (ubatitut. Heat Prostrations occur most frequently with those in a run down, weakened condi tion ; who are nervously and physically exhaust ed. It will pay you to keep in trim these hot days by taking The Great General Tcialc Sold By All Reliable Drussitt Sole Manufacturers: lVko medicine company Nw York Kansas City, Mo. tor a.ile by Beaton Druff Company, 15th unit Farnam St a., and all retail druggists. AnvrRTISK.MF.XT Eczema Caused Years of Intense Agony "I ha 10 filtered intense agony from eczema on my lr;r and other parts of my body for yean, and received enly tempo rary rclieC from other preparations. It is only a morih since I stard to ur.e PET ERSON'S OINTMENT mid there is no sipn of eczema or iteliinn. Ymi can refer to me." Geo. C. Talbot, 27 Penficld St., BuffMo, K. Y. "I've r.ot a lir.m'i-cd testimonials say Petersen of Buffalo jurt c rineoic r.rd honest as this one. Yea apo, when I fir.-t started to put out PinRSON'S OINTMENT. I made up my m'nd to pive a bift box for 60 cents, and I nm still doine it, as every drufrffist in the country knows. "I Kuarante PETERSON'S OINTMENT because 1 know that its niifrhty healing power is marvelous. I scy to every one who buys a brx thit it is rigidly guar anteed for eczema, sti' rheum, old sores, Mind, bleeding and itchint: piles, ulcers, ckin diseases, chafinr:. bum?, rca'ds and sunburn find If not satisfactory cry drug gist will return your money." Mail orders filled by Peterson Ointment Co., Inc., Puf fn'o, N. Y. Shci-rian & McConnell Drug O. w;ll aupr'y ycu. I PREVENT Skin Troubles bij Daihj Use of Cuticura m 11,1 Make Cuticura Soap and Ointment your every day toilet prep arations. Bathe with the Soap and hot water on rising and retiring, using plenty of Soap, best applied with the hands. Smear any signs of pimples, redness or roughness with the Ointment and let it remain five minutes before bathing. Finally dust on a few grains of the ex quisitely perfumed Cuticura Tal cum, it takes the place of other perfumes for the skin. uplttckrMbirlIU AiWri:"CrtlrLb. rtMrlm. Stayt. a, lllt 41. Man." Solrl (Terr whr. Soap tec OinCmeotK and 60c. Talcum 26c. JVCutkura Soap shawe without mug. ADVERTISEMENT Apply Zemo, Clean, Penetrat ing. Antiseptic Liquid It is unnecessary tor vou to suffer with eczema, blotches, ringworm rashes and similar skin troubles. Zemo, obtained at any drug store for 35c. or SI 00 for extra large bottle, and prompt ly applied will usually give instant relief from itching torture. It cleanses and soothes the skin and heals quickly and effectively most skin diseases. Zemo is a wonderful, penetrating. disappearing liquid and is soothing to the most delicate skin. It is not ?reasy. is easily applied and C03ts little. Get t today and save all further distress. The E. W Rose Co.. Ckvdand. a DISEASES fVfA -SMFioiCHE,NEURAL61A.!HFLUEHZA AND AllMIN ness stand all day, brought chuckles from court attendants. Appear to Be Healthy. "Have you any record of the health of any car employes being impaired by their service with the company?" Attorney Johnson asked. "No, but there's plenty of evi dence otherwise," Hudson replied looking askance at several robust car employes attending the hearing. When Hudson testified that his good health was not impaired by lb hours of work daily, Attorney Bigelow asked: "Could a good man do the same work in eight hours?" "Yes, but he wouldn't remain fat," leplied the witness, himself nearly as heavy as Fatty Arhuckle. Referring t,o a petition circulated by Mr. Hudson at the time of re cent strike threats when he sought the signatures of employes who would remain loyal to the com pany. Attorney Bigelow asked him if he distributed the petitions among the men during his 16th hour of work. "That was my 24th hour of $.har that day," Hudson replied. "And I was ready to begin another day." Other testimony offered at the hearing disclosed that if a strike were called, the company could re ly upon 75 per cent of the men re maining on duty. "We have plenty of applications from men who would fill the vacan cies of the strikers," Mr. Hudson testified. Attorney Bigelow, in fiery ones, demanded the witness explain why the question of whether a man be longed to the union was asked when he made application for employ ment with the company. "The federal war labor board ordered the street rail vav company to disregard the question of union ism." the attorney declared Hudson testified th?.t only until recently was the question of union- ! ism asked an applicant. The hearing will be resumed at 1(1 o'clock today. Grandmother Must Go to Jail for Contempt of Court i Irs. Julia Kammcrer. charged I with aiding her son, Charles B. Kam , merer, in kidnaping his 3-year-old I son from his former wife, has been denied a new trial. Mrs. Kammcrer I is under arrest for contempt of court, i but was too ill at the time the war rant was issued to be taken to the county jail and so has been permit ted to remain at home. Kammcrer is believed to he in Canada with the baby. County At torney Shctwel! has asked the De nartmcnt of Justice at Washington for authority to extradite Kammcr er. His former wife, from whom the child was stolen, was in court yes terday when her mother-in-law was refused a new trial. Chimes Clock Is Presented To Kountze Memorial Pastor In recognition of his 25 years in the ministry, Rev. Oliver D. Baltzly pastor of the Kountze Memoria' Lutheran church, was presented with a chimes clock at the weekly meeting of the teachers' associa tion of the church Wednesday nicbt. The gift, which came as a sur prise to Dr. Bilt.rlv, was presented by Albert Hcdlund. W. L. Ger nandt presented Mrs. Ualtzly with a bouquet of roses in appreciation of hr services in the various organiza tions in the church. Rev. Mr. Baltzly will talk on "Twenty-five Years n the Gorpel i Mnrsiry at the 11 o clock services Sundav. Woman 67 to Get Estate Of Man Who Divorcsd Her Although Aucrusta Hohnberg was divorced from Peter Holmherg two months before his death, she is le f.allv his widow and heir to his estate, according to a decision banded down Thursday by County JiuIrc Crawford. The iudpe based his decision on the law which makes a decree of divorce not effective until six months after it is issued. Mr?, llolmberg is 67 years old and her husband at the time of-hi. death was 77. Holmbcrg obtained the divorce, charging cruelty. It was granted October 24. 1919. His estate is estimated to be worth $0,000. A Unique Exhibition Lloyd Loom Woven Baby Carriages Sat. Superior Construction of Lloyd Carriages Means a Happy Baby. A Beautiful "Lloyd" Car riasre Will Be Given Away at End of Demonstration. i Up in Michigan there is a firm turning out the most beautiful Baby Carriages in the world and at the same time weaving them on looms into shapes that are the most restful for a baby. These scientific features of construction will be demon strated Saturday and all next week at the Union Outfitting Companv. A "Lloyd" Loom Woven Car riage is the most economical you can buy, as the body is sun proof, waterproof and the reed will not warp, split or break. Comfortable upholstering; oil tempered springs and locked spoke wheels make it different from other baby carriages. "Lloyd" Loom Woven Car riages are nationally advertised and are evidence of the high character of merchandise to be found at the Union Outfitting Company. No transaction is ever considered complete until the customer is fully satisfied. RECEIVERS ARE APPOINTED F 0 R CATTLELOAN CO, Bad Investments and Losses Of Stock Are Given as Causes Leading to Bankruptcy. Charles E. Burnham. banker of Norfolk, and J. B. Fradenbnrg, at torney, of Omaha, were named re ceivers by Federal Judge Wood tough yesterday for the Missouri Valley Cattle Loan company. Bad investments and losses of cat tle on the western ranges last win ter are alleged to have been tbe causes for the receivership. The company has offices in the John L. Kennedy building. F. M. Ctirrie, Broken Bow, is president of the company, V. V. (iittings i secretary and R. S. John trea :r. the latter two being Omaha men. The petition, which was filed by live stockholders, W. G. Sherman, F. K. Cowden. K. Smith, H. H. Hopkins and W. J. Mawhor states that $1,872,000 of stock in the company has been sold, with 25 per cent paid the stock salesman. The assets of the companv arc Given as $1,000,000. Most of this amount is in loans for cattle which i almost a total loss because of winter live stock losses and other reasons; and other securities amounting to SICO.000, which are valueless now. There also is about f6nO.O00 worth of notes for stock in the companv bought by stock holders. The liabilities are $700. 00O of rediscounts and about ?50,- 000 of hills and accounts payable. The petition also states that 10 stockholders now arc suing for $141,775. Another suit of $8().875 also is filed against the company by the other stockholders. These stockholders were given notes for stock which is the reason far both .iuits. Secretary (iittings of the company yesterday ' refused to make public 1 statement on the receivership. Two Men Blown to Atoms. Reattyville, Ky., July 1. Henry Alexander and Georg? Hughes, teamsters, were blown to bits today when 600 quarts of nitroglycerin ibey were hauling exploded near here. Divorce Court Dlvorro Prtltlnm. .IrsRlc May Mulonre agnlnst Emin"t Mnlofire. cruelty. Thoodoro Arp ntfalnst Apncs L. Arp. de sertion. Elonnor Huston (gainst William F. Hun ton, cruelty. Divorce lierrrm. Marie Specht from Frederick- Spcuht. nonsupport. Flaky, with a dis tinctive flavor and mild saltiness, PREMIUM SODA CRACKERS are relished with every course. Ask your grocer for them today. NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY aBingggaaiBaagg The Public Has Found Out What Our Downstairs Store Means Each of its departments are independent from the Upstairs Store, and it can be said that the merchandise found in our Downstairs Store is not composed of job lots, but every section shows a large and complete assortment of goods, so that our customers who want inexpensive merchandise can find it in a splendid variety. Our aim is to have dependable articles that can be sold at a lessened price, and it is to your advantage to shop in the Downstairs Store as a means of getting the most for whatever money you wish to spend. Friday We Offer Many Extreme Values Which include: Cotton Hose Silk Hose Union Suits Curtain Net Lace Curtains Bed Spreads Silks Do your holiday shopping Friday and Saturday, as our store will be closed all day Monday, the Fourth of July THE BEE: OMAHA, Briej City News Omalui Stores To Close I'.etaii stores in Omaha will he closed all day Mondavi according U an an nouncement by the Rcta: ers' asso elation. Ticket Office Closes The con ffoliitated railroad ticket offiee in the I'nion Pacific railroad head quarters building will be closed aV day Monday in observation of In dependence day. .New Marriage Record A new record for Omaha was (stablinhed in June when 421 marriage licenses were issued. The previous record was for December, 1919. when 394 licenses were issued. Parson Marries .": Couples The Rev. Charles YV. SavidKe of Omaha, commonly known as the "Marrying Tai'son." performed 53 marriage ceremonies during thfj month of June which, he says, is a new rec ord. tioing To Alaska C. C. Shinier, head of Home Uuilders (Inc.) and his wife and their daughter, Doro thy, will leave Kriday night for Se attle, Wash., en route to Alaska. They will return by way of Canada and (! lacier park. Harper Is Discharged W. H. Harper of the I.oyal hotel, who was arrested on a charge of keeping a disorderly house, has been rils charged, the judge stating that he believed Harper had been punished sufficiently. I'lan .Municipal special committee consider plans for a Hospital The appointed to municipal gen- eral hospital has recommended an initial building with not less than 160 beds and not less than 80 acres and preferably more ground lor a site. Discovered Wasn't Stolen Mrs. J. W. Pinkstun. :'415 .North Twen ty second street, who icported to police that a diamond ring had been stolen, presumably by two electri cians who had been working at her home, later found the ring under a mattrc:'. Omaha Swaker Invited Will V. Mukel has been invited to address (he national convention of 1 'hite Sewing Machine travelers. The Omaha man's invitation eonies as the result of his success in leading the entire country In sewing ma i nine sales tho last six months. New Kxpress System A new f.y.stem of checking and receipting for xprcss pnekages is now being worked otit by the American Kx press com pa ny with a vie'v to re ducing tile number of express pack ages lest or stolen. Each employe will give a receipt for each package that comes into his possession and will i'( eeive a receipt when it leaves his possession. Lawyers' Outing Today Mem bers of tho Omaha liar assoeiation will observe their annual field day today at the Happy Hollow club. There will be a luncheon at the Chamber of Commerce after which members will go to the club iHnrrjnHiiirini'trijpisiMrsiJiajninninnrniniiiMiHMmiifiiHiiMiiHiiiii For Your Vacation I Splendid Bags and Suit 1 Cases Specially Priced 1 Walrus Bag $15 This handsome leather-lined WALRUS Bag, snap catches, sswed on corners, stron.? frame, 18 inches Ion;?; special, at mcimo 6 STdNLi FRELSNG "Cmaha'i Best $15 I x. 1803 FARNAM ST. iiii::;::ii!ii!!:!ii!ii;;i!iiiiiisi;ii!:iiiii!!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiii::i!iii'Mtiii!i!iiu:i!:. White Materials Bed Sheets Gingham Voile Children's Shoes Women's "Keds" House Dresses FRIDAY, JULY 2, 1920. FOUR INJURED BY LIGHTNING DURING STORM Hands and Arms of Two Workmen Paralyzed Bolt Kills Youth Near Coun cil Bluffs. Y. H. Jackson and Joseph Law rence, employed on a new building at Forty-first avenue and Chicago street, narrowly escaped death dur ing the rainstorm Thursday morning when a tree under which they had sought .shelter was struck hy light ring. Hands and arms of both men were partly paralyzed by the i.hock. Dr. V. 6. Liston. who attended the in jured men, said they would recover. Two other workmen, Harry Gotf ;.nd George Bodka. who were only a few feet away, were stunned hy the lightning. The telephone company and the electric light company sustained some damage to their lines. A tofal of 1.08 inches of rain fell, accord ing to records of the local weather bureau. In Council Bluffs lightning set fire to Dodge Memorial church. There was some damage to buildings from the wind which accompanied the storm. John Benson, a 19-vear-old boy living near Crescent. Ia.. north of Council Bluffs, was killed by light ning. grounds in automobiles There will be hanebnll, golf and ot.icr sports Federal Judge J. W. YVoodrough and others will speak. Burglars Cief $240 Burglars se cured about $240 in cash and a considerable quantity of jewelry Wednesday night from ; -coming house at 820 South Thirteenth street. Entrance to the building was gained by forcing open the kitchen door. Demist Is .Tailed Dr. K. T Church, dentist, l'axton block, served 30 minutes in .lail Thursday because a car in which he and an other doetor were riding last Sun day ran Into a post. Church and his eompanion were charged with being intoxicated. In addition to the jail sentence. Church was ined S 2 5. His companion drew a $10 fine. Special luncheon, 75c. Taxton ho tel, main cafe. Adv. Fiber Suit Cases Are very strong and good look ing (very much like leather in appearance), yet they are very much cheaper and lighter in weight. $3, $3.75, $4, $5 and up. & STEINLE Baggage Builder" Tennis Shoes Blouses Dresses Skirts Corsets Baby Vests Wash Goods 7 iW TINY SPORT SHIP LACKS POWER TO: MAKE FIRST FLIGHT Pilots Taxi Small Craft Around Field, But Fail to I Hop Off. I Lack of power prevented "G-2", j one-man airplane, designed and constructed in Omaha, from soar- ! ing above Ak-Sar-I5en Hying field' yesterday, when it was given its hist test. Mechanical Superintendent Smith Builds Health for it contains just the food elements nature reQuires. iraMuts Ik Food forwkfkers Needs no sugar Theresa Reason Toilet Articles Cigars At ills 5 Sherman & r1con:te!l Drug Stores Friday and Sat day, July 2 end 3 It seems incredible that 125,000 different articles should be' asked for in Omaha and com-' prised in the lines of goods we handle, but this is really true and that is why we must buy goods from nearly 1,000 firms, located in all the vast territory between Burlington, Ver mont, Portland, Maine, and Waco, Texas, and Portland, Oregon. When ycu want rare drugs, chemicals, new t silet articles or perfumes come to us. We shall have the latest and best the market affords. That is our policy; and always at as Iow a price as can be procured in this market. Ve really and truly "save you time and money." You will find one of our five stores conveniently near and your telephone makes a long distance very short. Special Sale Fiiday and Pure Grape Juice I Saturday )n Friday and Saturday i gala If On we shall sell 100 cases Lfggrtt's pure unfer raented Grape Jules 15c 4 oz. bottles. 10c ea doa-n. .$1.20 35c '2-P'3t bottles. &1 ea., dozon 32.25 45c 1 Pt. bottles. Sic cp... .lozr-a. .$4.GO S5c 1 Qt. bottles, 64c ca.. dozen.. 57.50 Delivery free in full dozens or more. Nature's Remedy 25c size -18C 50c size -30 $1. ?ize . .69 Buy in Five, Pay in One Customers of the Sherman & MeCon nMl stores may make purchases in any one or pll of our stores at any time and ONE BILL only will be m;ii:ea from our Gen eral Office cn the first of tbe month. This ftcccunt may he paid by m a i 1 I n g rhecX direct to the General Office, 2nd floor, ifith and Far nnm, or by personal payment to cashier in any one of our five stores. All bills payable- promptly each month. We Have a Complete Line Radior Toilet Articles. Tooth Pastes Povders and Liquids About 200 Items In this line here, too, we "wave you time and money." 30c Kolynos for 19 50c Pe-Be-Co for...34e 25c Victors Antisep tic Tooth rowdei14 K 1 e n z o Tooth Paste, makes mouth feel clean. 25 Knox Tartar 12 Rubifoam 19 75c Jewsbury and Brown's Oriental Tooth Paste, jar. .59( 50c Pepsodent 34c i lb. 1 lb. Kodak Supplies and Finishing All 5 Stores. Malted Milk, 50c size 39c Malted Milk, $1 siz 79c Malted Milk, $3.75 size, ..$2.89 Atjove include Bor den's, Coors, and Horlick's. SHERMAN & McCONNELL DRUG COMPANY 5 Good Drug Stores in Prominent Locations. Corner Sixteenth and Dodge. Corner Sixteenth and Harney. Corner Ninteenth and Farnam. Corner Forty-ninth and Dodge. Corner Twenty-fourth and Farnam. General Office, Second Floor, Ninteenth and Farnam. Telephone Doug. 7865. of the government air trail service here, piloted the plane aero.s:. the large field and succeeded in rising a short distance, but a lack of re serve power made it uu-afc to leave ihe dield, he said. Pilot De W'ald also taxied about the field and often acquired a speed that raised the tail of the plane, but did not hop ot). The tiny plane was designed ami built by Kdwin Cireevy, who re cently built a suecestul monoplane. It has a i.M-1'oot wing spread, weighs 285 pounds and is equipped with a 25-horscpower engine. A new and more powerful engine will be secured, it was announced after trials today. Superintendent Smith asserted the little "ship" was GUY L. SMITH senvicc rmw There is no regular style in drugs, but there are distinct "seasons" for the sale of numbsrless articles in drugs and toilet goods line in our stores. in i II i 'VrZ. yfJOJtie i B YOUP DRUGGIST 5 H- Box mm Well Known and Standard Ready to use (Patent) Me dicine At deeply cut prices t;0c Bromo Selzer..44 $1.23 Hood's Sars.i parilla 9Stf 60c Syrup Figs ( gen uine) 44c $1.00 Rexall Rheu matic Rem 84C $1.25 Lyko Tonic. . -9S? 70c Sal Hepatica. . .54c $1.00 S.S.S. Blood Cigars Not Scarce Notwithstanding the widely heralded propa ganda as to the scarcity of tobacco products in cluding cigars, our opin ion is tnat this is most ly fabricated publicity to support some necessary and some unneces sary advances. Our stocks of standard brands are complete i enough. We can give the j smoker good variety and ; good value. ! 8c Cigars for 5c Walt Whitman 8c size ci?ars for 5 j straight; dur ing this sale j box of 50 for. .$2.40 10c Cigars 10c Flor de Murat ...-IOC La Caiieta 1()C P 1 e t o r a Porto Rican IOC I Lamarca 1()C j Tadova Inv IOC Medicine $1.59 60c St. Jacob's Oil Lir.imcnt 44c 25c Westmal's Sen na Pills 14 60c Doan's Kidney Pills 44C 50c Stuart's Dyspep sia Tablets 34C $1.00 Wine Cardui for Women 84C 60c Pyramid Pile Remedy 44C 70c Sloan's Lini ment 59C 50c Riker'a Milk of Magnesia 39C 60c Elys Cream Balm 44c Apollinaris Water from Saxony We hcve just received our first shipment since the war of this old time favorite table water. Splits 25c bottle, dozen at $2.75 Pints 30c bottle, dozen at $3.50 Qts. 50c bottle, dozen at $5.50 Special prices on full case lots. Human.-. Inv IOC White Owls IOC Los Ramos IOC Joan of Arc IOC Royal Sovereign .-IOC And many more. Good 2 for 25c Cigars Buy them in any one of our 5 Good Drug Stores. Van Dvi k 2 for 25C Prince?s M e r- cedes 2 for 25C Los Ramos . . .2 for 25 C La P r e f e- r e n c i a. .2 for 25C Mozart 12 or 3 sizes) 2 for 25C Muriel 2 for 25 C Robt. Burns. . .2 for 25C Chancellor 2for25c El Paxo 2 for 25C Tom Moore, 2 for. . -25C Royal Sover eign 2 for 25C Roi Tan 2 for 25c 15c straight ISc and 20c Cigars a plenty. All fresh and in fine condition. Per-Oxide Hydrogen Special sale Friday and Saturday. -i lb. for 14 for.. for.. 24C 34C Mail Orders We have a very large mail order business, ex tending over the entire transmisslsslppl territo ry and this branch of our business is given quite as much painstaking care as though the customer met us face to face. Write us for the article you can not or do not wish to get of your local dealer. We will give your order prompt attention. $1.25 bot. of 100 Tablets Bayer's Aspirin for. . . . 84c Face Powder and Talcum At money-saving price 75c big bottle Rlg aud's Mary Oar den or Lilac Talc r 44C as good an anything he hs scenf. and should fly perfectly with sufj liciei)t motive power. - t Sweden, with nearly 48 per cent ot its area under forest, is the most densely wooded country in Europe and Portugal has the least timber, onlv about three and a half acres 'la -each 100. i'- A Tight Squeeze But It Can Be Done Bring in your clothe or send them in at once and we will be able to deliver them to you, nicely Cleaned, Pressed or Re paired in time for wear, on the "4th of July" Phone Tyler 345 for One of Our Quick Men DRESNER BROTHERS DYERS CLEANERS 2211-17 Farnam St. Friday and Sat day, July 2 and 3 50c Mavts Powder.. 37 C 25c Pompelan Fra grance Talc. Very special at 17f 50c DJer Kl8- Rouge and compact for.. 29 50c Roger Gallet's Perfumed R 1 c Powder Flesh .or white 39c 50c Bourjois Java Rice Powder (4 shades) this sale. 34 50c Armand's or Ma dam IsebelPg Twee tie Dear Powder. 34c 25c Williams or Mennen's Talc. All odors 18c Perfume and Toilet Water Finest selections, low est prices. $2.00 rrivole Toilet Water ..$1.39 $2.50 per oz. Mary Garden ExL...$l.g4 85c per oz. Harmony In tense Extract, any odor 59c Roger and Gallet's Ex-. tracts, Peau d'Ezpagnc Violet Indian Hay-C, per oz. 85c per oz. Da brooks Locust Blossom "Triple Extract ..-59c $2.00 Day Dream Ex tract. The very latest, per oz..$l,59 Special Sale Fri day and Saturday on the Splendid Elcaya Toilet Prep'rati'ns 60c Disappear i n g "Cream Elca ya" 44c 60c Elcaya Witch Hazel Cream . . . .44c 50c Elcaya Cold Cream 39 50c Elcaya Toilet Powder 39 Face Creams and Lotions $1.50 Oriental Cream $1.24 60c Nadinola Cream for 44 50c Victor's Benzoin-Cucumber & Almond Lotion . . .33c 25c Pond Lily Cream Igf 65c Victor's Cream Marquise Orange Flower Skin Food fr 49C 40c Orchard-Wlilte. 28c 60c Milk Weed Cream 444, 50c Aubrey Sisters Cold Cream 444 60c Harmony Cocoa Butter Skin and complex. Cream.. 444. Pinaud's Beautivlva Fac Lotion, White or Pink: $1.00 size for 69C 60c size for 39 11 1!.". l