Newspaper Page Text
VhE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, 'JULY S. lyiJO. Briej City News r Ringer Aotlnn Mayor rolice Com mlsrtoner Ringer was actinK mayor of Omaha Friday, both Mayor Smith ana Commissioner Ure being out of the city. fil Mexicans Injured 81x Mext ciin track laborprs were injured, threa probably fatalli, when a gasolino car n which they were ridlnjr Jumped the. Burlington track near Ashland, Neh., Friday. SO Autos Recovered Of 40 auto mobllea stolen in Omaha tn June. 3D have been recovered, rolioa Com mlwiloner Rlnjer aald Friday. Dur ing June, 191, 71 automobiles were stolen and only 50 recovered, recordB show. f Turn in Miiiiiin After., motorists tn the business sec tion of the olty must turn around in tha middle of the block, instead or at intersections, Police Commis sioner Ringer announced Friday after a conference with traffic offi cers. Celebrate nt Camp (ilfford Oma had Boy flcouts and their friends will calelirate independence day Suturday at Camp Qlfford. the regular Scout camp. A spcrlnl train left the l!ur llnton stntlon at 5:30 p. m. Friday and will return at 10 o'clock Satur day night. Sunday P'.cmlc Planned The Voung Mens and the Young 'Women's Hebrew association will ho!d a Joint picnic Sunday,-Tily 11, at Fnntenelle forest reserve. Trucks to carry the picnickers to the re serve will assemble in front of the Lyric building. Advertising Men Here Today A number of Chicago advertising men are expected In Omaha today. They are traveling tinder the auspicea of the Capper farm publications. They will lunch at the Kontenelle hotel and In the evening they will take dinner at the Carter Lake club. I-'nkc Magazine Agents Omahans are warned by police to be on the lookout- for a crew of magaslne agents who represent that they are earning; money to attend college. The leader when tiuestioned by offi cials Is said- to have failed to give a patlsfactory showing of the enter prise. , llejs Rrtld Pop Stand Billy Reed, 12-year-old son of W. E. Ileed, presi dent of the school board, who con ducts a cold drink stand in front of his home, reported to police that an automobile load of boys stopped Thursday night, drank a bottle of pop each. Jumped In the car and drove away without paying for the drinks. Texas Boys for Home Hero Father Flanagan, whose home for boya is rapidly growing in popularity, has been asked by the treasurer of the state of Texas to take care of three 14-year-old Texas boys, sons of poor parents. Father Flanagan Is expecting the new arrlvalsjn time to assint in the Independence day cele. bratton next Monday. Omaha Police Searching For Three Missing Men Police are searching for. three Omaha men, reported Friday as missing. Charles Peterson, 70 years old, started Thursday night for the Union station and has not been seen since, according to his daughter, Mrs. W. A. Chrisman, 2419 North Eighteenth street. Edward Gighen, 1710 North Fifty fourth street. went riding in a new automobile last Tuesday ..rid" has not been heard from since, according to people with whom he made his home. O. J. Hanson, 3128 Charles street, put $200 in his pocket and disap peared, his wife says. Prominent Omaha Sportsman Seeks Divorce From Wife Guy H. Beckett, p;ominent sportsman and western golf cham- pion, nas inea suit mr uiyuhc. charging his wife with cruelty. During the war Beckett was an ensign in the navy. He is a step-son of Judge Woodrough of he federal court and makes his home with the judge's family in Ralston. It was in New York thai he met Miss Claire Van Horn Vreeland. They were married in March. 1919. Miss Vreeland's home wa. Jersey City. 'The charge of alleged cruelty is based on failure of his wife to come to Omaha to live. Nw Air Mail Time Record Between Omaha and Chicago A new air mail time record be tween Omaha and ChiSigo was es trhlished Thursday .ben ' Pilot Clarence I.ange made h nonst6J fHcht in 3 hours and 25, .rinutes, Two new pilots are expected here socn which Manager Voiaw says will restore the service to iiormal. Pilot DcWald left for icago at 1 p. m. Friday. , The Bee's Fund for Free Milk and Ice IT IS HOT. MANY BABIES IN OMAHA SUFFER FOR NEED OF MILK. The Bee's fund is for them. The Bee's readers provide the fund. WILL YOU nO.SOMETHING v FOR THESE BABIES THROUGH THE FUND. JUST SEND OR BRING WHAT YOU CAN GIVE TO THE BEE . OFFICE. It will be acknowledged in this Column. BIFF! OUR sales always help a man. Good shoes at low prices never meant mote. This one giVes you a chance to stock up at prices that will not be repeated for months. So buy several pairs and' tide x yourself over. Every thing you like is included. Plortiheim, $15 to $18 values $ "1 J85 I10tf ,afcl Flox'sheim, $14 to $16 values $ 1 A85 now j 1 vPf Worthmore, $12 to $14 values $QS5 now "ss WortklSbre, $11 to $12 values $Q85 now, O3- FlorsEeim Shoe Store 315 South Sixteenth Street BETWEEN FARNAM AND HARNEY for these sizzling hot days, when the heat is unbearable. It quenches the thirst, satisfies, and will inject new life and "pep" your tired System. . Heathful, delicious and nutritive. , For sale wherever soft drinks' are sold. Made by BLATZ Milwaukee Order a case for your homt SWARTZ-STANER COMMISSION CO., ' 501 South 14th Street Omaha, Neb j Q Phone Douglas 2793. rpfo 5 OMAHA ljfr---?g"" II "ZWJ-1 PRINTING SLi 1g II f M$ J.COS1RANY fiPjjfiir I IV Commercial printers-Lithographers - steel Die Embossers LOOSC LEAF DEVICES BEE WANT ADS WILL BRING DESIRED RESULTS BANG! BING! Q, Saturday Is the Final Wind-Up of Our Great Stock-Reducing Sale . ' " FOR SATURDAY Woman's Black Kid Low Heel Shoes, small slaes. ........ ...95 Women's White Canvas Shoe and Slippers......... ..... 81.95 Children! White Canvas Strap Slippers 81.75 Children's Black, Brown and White Sandal, all sires.... . 81.75 1,000 Pair Women's and Chil dren's Slippers delayed in ship, ment will go on sale Satnrdrj. 1 A Weimer Shoe Brokerage Co. 412 NORTH 16TH STREET -A ' OPPOSITE JEFFERSON SQUARE Our Store Will Close All Day Monday, -the Fourth. URGESS- "EVERYBdDYJs STORK" Get a cool, refreshing, drink in our Cricket Room, Fourth Floor. Prepare for the "Fourth" on Saturday v Your Unrestricted Choice of .Our Entire Stock of n Wool Jersey Suits Price Come and get a hair bob and take a ride. Barby Bill has ponies prancing aHiis side. ') - IN THE Barber Bill Barber Shop On the Fourth Floor. Here children rnay have their hair bobbed by the most experienced operators and at the same time erijoy riding the ponies. This is an exclusive feature with the Burgess-Nash Store. Barber Bill buttons and' postcards given free to all children accompanied by their parents. For traveling, for motoring, fo cool days at home or the seashore or the country, the wool jersey suit is useful. It is most, serviceable, it does not rumple easily and-it' Jiolds its shape. In several good sports mod els and in bright colors, as well jls the more subdued browns and blues and vmixed colors. $ Doll Gtothes Sewing Class Saturday Saturday morning from 9 to 11 A. M., we will hold a doll sewing class and cordially invite all little girls to attend. It will be held in the toy department on the fourth floor and all thread, needles and material will be fur nished free of charge. Children's Union Suits, 65c Children's union suits, low neck and sleeveless, knee lengths, well taped and but toned. Specially priced, fi5c Women's Vests, 55c Women's vests, slightly soiled from counter display, but won derful values at 55c. Main Floor Women's Lisle Hose, $1 Women's black, while, rhoc olate, bronze and navy silk lisle hose, full seamless, double frarter top fine quality. Spe cial, $1.00. Main Floor Special Sale of Union Suite, 79c Cotton and lisle union suits, knee and ankle length, medium and li?;ht weight, in flesh, Dink and white.x M!n Floor Children's Sox, 45c In a large assortment; very specially priced for Saturday. Main Floor - Women's Silk Hose . Women's pure thread silk hoie; this will fill all the needs. Specially priced from y 1.75 to $6.00. . I )LiV Sooks xcepona Attractive Offerings in To MuZr4he - White Tub Skirts Mary Marie (Eleaner Porter), 5 -$4.95 Select Your Summer Footwear in This Sale of White Nile Pumps 7.45 Pair We have selected three styles of white Nile cloth pumps in the Season' 8 Best Styles One style, a new ribbon tie or tongue pump effect with " ribbon bows, medium vamps, , narrow ties, covered Louis heels. Another, a dressy tongue pump that can be worn plain or X V with buckles. Still another model fits the arch and has high French covered heels. This pump" is especially suitable for dress. , White Liquid Dressing, 9c ' Second Floor l g- For the Holiday Trip Wardrobe Trunks , Special for Saturday .7.50 One of these trunks will make your vacation more enjoyable. Every garment in perfect order at'the end of the trip. Traveling Bags Cowhide, walrus grain, $10.00. Ah exceptionally good value. Suit Cases $1.90 Wunpost (Daae Coolidge), $2.00 Hand-Made Fable (Geo. Ade), $1.60. Wanted: A Husband (Samuel Adams, $1.75. Blower of Bubbles (Baxter), $1.75 Splendid Outcast (Geo.s Gibbs), $2.00 ' Vanishing Men (Richard W. - Child), $1.S0 Miss Lulu Bett (Zura Gale), $1.75 Book of Susan (Lee Dodd), $2.00 Kathleen (Christopher Morley), $1.25 Surjnv Ducrow (Cooper), $1.90 Red Lady (Kathrine Burt), $1.75 ' ' Third Floor. For the Holiday You Need Picnic Supplies For Sale in the Station' ery Department Paper plates, 5c, 8c, 10c doz. White drepe paper napkinsf 35c . per 100. White crepe papef table cicths, 15e to 50c each. Thermopack ice cream contain ers, $1.25 each. Picnic lunch sets, 25c and 35c each. Paper, spoons. 10c pkg. Lily paper drinking cups, lc each. " , Bamboo knife and fork sets, Be each. Wax luncKpaper, 30 sheets, 10c roll. Main Floor At Special frices fdr the Holiday Slimmer Candy Peanut Goodies, one-half price, 45c lb. -After Dinner Mints and Limes, 47c lb. Salted Peanuts, Jumbo Bize, one half price, 30c lb. Satin ' Finished Hard Candies, 47c lb. Gum Drops,, 39c lb. Main Floor Skirts like these are thoroughly practical no matter how soiled or mussed they have become, they can be made as fresh and crisp as new. You are particularly fortunate in , having so many and such clever new styles to choose from introducing the newest ideas in pockets and belts. In the two groups featured tomorrow you will find VALUES that can't be matched. . Second Floor. Our Entire Stock of Organdie Dresses For Girls at 3 off &r Colors are maize, orchid, light blue, flesh, rose, also all whitfe. Ruffles, frills, dainty lace and rib bons make taese dresses most attractive for hot sum mer days. Sizes 6 to 14. Junior Dpt. Sfcond Floor IIP" You'll Want a Kodak for the "4th" Brownie Cameras, $2.86 to $5.90, and a com plete line of .Kodaks from $9.49 to $29.36. Bring in your films as all our work is (fne by experts and is guaranteed. One. day service. Photo mounts, while they;last, 5c each. Mln Floor J In Preparation for the.Fourth, We Offer a Special Salefof Drugs and Toilet Articles Both matting and cane, at $5.75 andi $12.50. Fourth Floor ' Continuing for Saturday and in Time for. the 4th A Wonderful Sale of Smocks and Middies M off Regular Price THE SMOCKS are in a large va riety of styles in maize, rose, copen, leather, salmon, green, also .white. THE MIDDIES 'ara the famous "Jack Tar" and "Goody" makes, made' "of Middy Twill, standard Jean and Galatea, in all white or trimmed with colors. . Sizes 6 to 14 and 340 3fr. Second Floor. Mum, deodorantr, 19c. Creme Elcaya, 49c. Amolin powder for excessive perspiration, 17c. Djer Kiss perfume, $1.39 oz. Hair brushes, lust the thing for your vacation. 10c . , Horlfck's malted milk, medium size, 87c. . Milk magnesia, Norwich, large size, 22c. v- Bath sprays, made to fit any faucet, 98c. OliV'j bath tablets, 10c bar. Armour's rose or violet soap, Ya 'price, 7i cake. Zinc oxide in tubes, Me. Hind's honey and almond soap, 6c bar. Resinol soap, 22c bar. Four pounds castile soap, $1.29. Williams' mug shaving soap, 5e bar. Pond's vanishing cream, 19e. Luxuria cold cream, 49c. And Sundries ' Mavis talcum powder, 19c. Powder puffs, velour, 4-inch size, 14c Mulsified cocoanut oil shampoo, 42c Jergen's benzoin and filmond lotion, for tan and sunburn, 24c. Espey's cream for tan and sun burn, 19c. v Steven's depilatory, has no dor, 69e. ' palmer's almond meal, 22c. wr Listerine, medium size, 37c Sal Hepatica, targe size, 98c. Bath sponges, '3 price, 12Hc Putnam's dry cleaner, 17c. Anti-colic nipples, 5c each. Syringe tubmg, 5 iU lengths, with reinforced end for attach ments, 22c Durham Du plex demon strator safety razors with extra blade, while they last each M j 10c Thermo Pack ice cream con tainers, v89c. Amami dry shampoo, 29c Ivory nail buffers detachable chamois, H price, 75e. Ashes J of Roses rouge, hand made, 47c. Odorono for excessiva perpira tion, 24c. Hlnkle pills, 100 in' bottle, 15c. Lapactic pills, 39e. Castoria, 24c. Dioxogen, 17c. ' We reserve the right to limit quantities. Main Floor V v. . t ' ' 1