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The farmer and mechanic. [volume] (Raleigh, N.C.) 18??-19??, July 06, 1915, Image 4

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Frank G. Carpenter Has an Interview With His Excel
lency at His Home in Asuncion.
The President Chats of the United
Stales and Its Relations to Para
cuay He Dlsciifitws Uie American
Cattle Ilaihcr and Says He Has the
fircat Meat Land of the trc
How a South American Republic is
oerned A Revolution Which
Failed How the Treasures of
Iiopex Were Hidden $5,000,000 Yet
to Bo Found Paraguay's Great
War That Killed Off Two-Thirds of
the People A Situation That Com
pares With the Present Conditions
lu Kurope.
(Copyrighted, 1915, by Frank G. Car
penter.) ASUNCION. Paraguay.
I have Just had an interview with
the President of the Paraguay Repub
lic Hie Is the democratic ruler of a
country situated in the very heart of
the South American continent. His
territories are three times as large as
the State of Illinois, and their popu
lation is not much greater than that
if fcoston. including its suburbs. Po
tentially, the land is the seat of a very
fcteat nation, it nas some 01 me
richest soil upon earth, and its cli
mate is a combination of those of
Florida and southern California, The
capital of the republic is this town
of Asuncion, which has about 100,-
originated with the cattle brought in
Dy the Spaniards shortly after this
machinery of government as the Uni 1 carry it. This was taken .
ted States. It has a president, who is buried or hidden in the swam;
elected for a term of four years, uia no une Knows wnere it is to u..
a vice president and congress. The wooaen cross was erected t-
congress is composed of two houses, me &poi, out mis is saia to hi
a senate and a chamber of deputies, burned down during a great fire.
. . i x iv. f ninr s rppnrns nn-v noon r i , .
xne vice presiaem is me pi caiucm ui i - : . " . t:.
tho on-t ThP nresident erets less possibility or tradition shov.ir.i-
than $10,000 a year, and each mem- spot was removed by Lopez, v ,
ber of congress receives about $1,900. the men who drove the carts ;:
The army and navy are small. The the holes for the treasure killed .
army has a total of about 100 officers time. As the story- goes, th
and 2,500 men, end the navy con- all shot and their bodies were tV
sists of a flotilla of small merchant on th top of the chests in onU
vessels armed with modern guns. It "ieir ghosts might guard the tr..
intended to act only as a sort of uuui tne
part of the world was discovered, but Jflr the country The mlli ary the' war and Mme. Lynch He
has degenerated. Of late years many EliCjrt!rfned bv German offices that she had plans shown ,
of our estancieros have been import- haJ lrSIvr Wn where the money lay, but that f
aiiu xjiv, -
ing bulls from the Argentine. Some
This Mme. Lynch was a hw
headquarters of war and marine have in Paraguay. There are old
been established in Asuncion with J here now who tell stories of h ,w
supplies to equip 10,000 men. There I dominated Lopez and persecute
is here a company of Boy icouts, people. Our minister, Mr. Wash
A- J A
" ' . ic AiBcjiuiie. wm fnr- militsrv sohnnls siruy eu mem.
are crossing the native stock with the - .T V' v.
best breeds of Europe and the United . At Vn d - w
States f t,w t .,-n size of the army and navy, and new
- " w n vr uiv.ip Tv 111
a steady upbreeding. They also bring
in zeou bulls of East Indian origin.
There is no doubt but that this is as
where: oSr"StT Jt -! ! at he was afraid U , u:
the climate is such that th nitti d for an increase in tne size or me are. ie aid not xear putmc ese-i:,
out of ! doors all "the vear roud Vome army The country has a national but rather secret poison or assassir
of our pastures nLd reXnuAe bt uard to wnicn all-citizens of the re- tion. and this because Mrs. Was- .rn
lent stock. As it is now. it takes Lnv J L??.01Z,L uZ"lJZZw ldlumeniSl
about five acres npr Animal crt that uaoie LU BY"-C- i0ia6uai
a sSuarrieSue will supplVtsome !? WJVlL
thing like 800 cattle. With the im- tv nf thVnto young, lady of Asuncion, lane
provement of the grasses it will sup- Jf" hf, !5E;i death. She had the confidence 0
DOrt more III, OUl ils yrujjic iriiiciui nc ft-1 .v
Mme. Lynch had one of her
5 to
f L-
VZ v K Jw2 a;o tt Pez, and he would torture or kill ary
war of the past when Argentina, Uru- I k'' m, a '.' .y
T ensile !..u i STUav ana JOrazu comoineu agamsi - t.i v,r- tv. " . ,
bilities of Paraguay, and the president Pa??Jl i,d .SSli? er " to intercede for a prisoner. The
said these would be greatly affected afa!Est WhlCh Practica"y ruin" Bnext day he was shot for his preempt
by the new railway connection with e1 tne country tion. The madame demanded m. n. y
Buenos Aires. Heretofore Paraguay " of private citizens, and those who r-
nas aepenaea upon river transporta-I ine war wmcn nine raraguay msea ner were sure oi torture ai d
tion, and it has taken from three tofought with the three great countries possibly death. She took the 31
five days to eret its nrodnr'ts tr tvi I about it is interesting now in view of I belonging to the church and had them
!!!J,0& "jL?eL0tw525. !. hre be high! U.; Mlm .d France, men It government trea.ury and Mod ,u
ernment is the great paiace wnicn i mK -w " , , . .' owav hov in irar ahnnt Lmmtmr -a i
was built by Lopez along about the and th have . charged all that the the close of our. civil war, Paraguay She undoubtedly carried Veai
period of our civil war. It is situated traffic woulQ President had something like 800,000 people. It deal of money out of the country (1rl
on the banks of the Paraguay river, gChaerer:
lasted five years, and at the close the at one time admitted that nhe had
with a magnificent view or tne coun- We ghaU comDetition Population was less than 300,000. $250,000 with her when she left. Sh
try for miles up and down that wide both b riyer we shall Nearly all the men and boys were fled from Paraguay to Europe. Th. r
and fast-flowing stream. It is there Decome th veffetable and frnit Wr killed, and for a generation thereafter she lost her money, and when sh
ine president nas ms omces. aim viuue den of Argentina. This is one of the tne Proportion of women to men was died in Paris about fifteen years
also are the homes of his cabinet pt ftroL "1:"5:, 1. i1.-,, five to one. It is said there were only she was a oanner.
"J8!- i, uJWe raise oranges by the millions: 2 5'000 m.en ? A" thecountrywll.en FRANK G. CARPENTER
aii iiijr miciYicn Lwwaj, t . v,-, and until nnxr ViQiA v,i iv. . i I ufacc was ueciarcu, anu ui liic ic-
Excellency received me in his private rGat nnanmiM T -it!f"yotV1 mainder something like 100,000
house. The a udience was arranged f", ofifte ae. the FERTILIZER CONVENTION
for me by the American consul, and those that -J J" fr15 j"?0SlSf A7,Vi rest were children. It is a curious
u txroo k nvinrv in lI1"se mat grew in the interior could v,4 v- v, vv ,rr,.
hour we met was 5 o'clock in iit Day the that since the war tne average , v . .
evening. 1 found that the Pres- W lhfttJjaPaV.ii ch5Ig!SJ number of births of boys have ex- Annual Meeting of Nat.ona
me evening, i iuuiiu uiai ncs- ft.j . , . 'inumDer or Dirtns oi doj
ident spoke excellent English, and it th .T,r ceeded those of the girls by a large
in the tongue of the united states nr ov" ' T"" ' r A" ""I percentage. It is as though nature
mir?UCmg " brought about by the war.
1 ml
Southern Association.
That the Twenty-second
A nil ual
that we chatted together about our Dreedimr. We lr inSASJSfiV1 was trying to equalise the differences Convention of the National Fertilizer
But first let me
President of Paraguay
Association and the Tenth Annual
Meeting of the Southern Fertilizer
I Judge, under forty; a straight, well y othlr rDOnrietors
formed man with broad shoulders and t Lked L ?nPfnt S
. i tu in I A Kea as to tne col
a muscular frame. His face is Swiss
11 vii
rpsnpri i v ri 1 1 11 iiiiivh. a . . -w-
vanties, sucn as the navel nranpfi T
. - I know of nriA rriflTi ixrVin Vocs q Ann I '
tell you how tne of thSt .. T m f " "'Vin The Paraguay war was caused by Association, both of whih will he
ay IOOKS. Jrie is, nw ntrlx . the ambition of one of the most no- held at Hot Snriners. va.. durinc the
other moDrietors " tonous tyrants , of South American week beginning July 12, 1915, will be
cotton nosihili- 1 history.. His name was Francisco I largely attended, with proceedings of
ties of Paraguay. The president said BPlando lopez, and ne was tne son oi great interest, is conhdentiy prtuiot
nnr. on u A A. I Carlos Antonio Lonez. His father was ed by those wTho are in a uosition to
German-Swiss and his mother a Para- fltted fo u but ho far nur r,inf a President of Paraguay as far back as know the conditions.
"7'a"' v..a.. xv Uong experimental - t in tne aays oi i-resiaent lyier. The Southern Fertilizer Association
Eduardo Schaerer. He was born here know of one man who has 3?f cres He made himself dictator, and ruled win meet Monday, July 12th.
10 Paraguay, and has grown up with in cotton. The crop does well and I the country until the time of his The Soil Improvement Committer
the country. He is a man of fine edu- shall t R some of my own lands death- elder was in con- of the Southern Fertilizer Association
cation, speaking several languages, in- in the ear futureUI my own Ianas stant quarrel with foreign nations. He win aiso meet Monday, July 12th.
eluding the Guarani, which is used had a fuss with Uncle Sam, and in The National Fertilizer Association
throughout Paraguay. I asked President Schaerer whether 1859 tne United States sent a squad- wm hold meetings on Tuesday and
He Is a progressive, and is doing all nIg country waa not a hd of wnifil ron to tne Rio de la Plata to enforce Wednesday, July 13th and 14th.
he can to develop his country. Dur- tio and whether he cnside his demands against him. This man was Thursday, July 15th, will be devot
ing my stay he has been receiving bids government as stable He 3 ?ri noted for his crueltiea He had all ed to the annual Golf and Tennis
for the improvement of the port of hft rAnnA c nc MU"eu sorts of ingenious tortures for his tournaments of the association.
Asuncion, and I understand that t ohnnM v, - I enemies, one of which was having The Middle West Soil Improvement
t Question fnr mr fi7X: them sewed up tightly in green cow's Committee of The National Fertilizer
tri(le 0n.f0?.ti- Uhat question for me
tive. I believe
'tors. He has also organized move- T vn s tt. "t1"41" skin and then set out in the sun. As Association will hold meetings on 1 ri
ments for the introduction of imml- froi now 0 Ti 1 Si the skin dried u shrunk and squeezed day and Saturday, July 16th and
km - , u nnH VA Irllnm lin rr on nnlao I ... - vr I V. a -mn - nnV.
. . I 111c X1ICI.11 IU VlCLLll.
Francisco Lopez was, in the phrase-
Practically the entire week will t
fv r . " ; . VT revolutions, liut who can tell As it
throughout the country, and he has ah. nfva, t . ?SU
number of other live works under fied. ur administration it hamnn" ology of Rouse's version of the Psalms devoted to the discussion of all th
way. inns, nnrt thp otv i V"": of David. "Another of the same." His important factors that make lor a
Our conversation opened with a doing what we ' 7GJ:"tw- "wLzZj cruelty bordered on insanity. At one larger average yield per acre ot Let
reference to the United States. The We are pushine the building of in' time he had several hundred natives ter crops.
President said that Paraguay felt roads nd imnrovin our nortS q and foreigners arrested, tortured and The speakers and the subjects of
friendly to us, and that it could never far as T know these movement Jm executed on an unproved charge of their addresses are as follows:
forget how President Hayes, as the ar- continue , but who can nrwt conspiracy. These people included Mr. Gustax Jarecki, Cincn.n.iu.
bitrator of its international dispute tne future'" prupnesy ior &eneralSf ministers, judges, bishops, Ohio President's annual address.
with Argentina, decided in favor of " j priests, foreign consuls, and even his Mr. W. H. Bowker, Boston, M .1
lraguay. He referred to Villa Hayes, T am told that Trifl soAM own brothers. Two members of our "The Relation of the Fertilizer In
the colony across the river, which had standTwel with the nf legation were tortured, and the dustry to Agricultural and I.,di.stri:d
hPPn tinml in rnmnlimont tn v 1. U wun tne Dest of his peo- A wnc,i,K Develonment of the Countv. ' Mr.
former President, and announced his 5 element f Shioh saved only by the timely arrival Charles H. MacDowell. Chicago
mrrmt t hot thora n'ora . "ui. uum
a i v.w " umo to time. There was a
Americans as a part or tnat colonv. I
it , . . , , , , ivtuiuiiuii lasi iew jl ear wnicn wni
of a United States gunboat.
Francisco Lopez assumed the gov-
There was a little
"forttrTOlSSnirt lhJS CSe the PreAdent winauceS Soutt America. While there hefell in
v i v,s ... I Wil a.tttlSB pieieit to go to the artil- " Wlliti11 "a",cu "n, rr t?
respond to Mr. Bowker.
Hon. Myron T. Hernck, ex-'.vtr-
Hc snoke of the colonv headed hv :-T" Vcw,.x ctl r"11-" was " nor of Ohio and former United m .
, , , : . , . " " pui uuwii uy me DOllCe and thA mili- ciiinicni un tiic utctLii ui iii lamer, i , j
Mr. Hlckard, which is now operating tm. mtnn,, ,Ti v"?. ?aa TT had hPPn in Franr. anrt hP hrt AmDassad
1 11 ai - . m . -i I i w I. LI 11 111 ttUU IJ L l I 1 fJ T I ... J - I V f tt w 1
I"...1"" l"nn. Af."a spns had been killed or wounded. In a" ambition to be the Napoleon of n."" in '-nnd
or to France-
The .W d "f
J. Rice Mnith.
to Mr.
J. H. DeLoach, IMr
neera, ana mat ne nopea tniS Was DUt lprv hnrMte u r " il and hrnneht hpr baok with hin-i tn Ak .v-v,.. .
the beginning of a ereat cattle In Ji!P IRCkA ?..a Experiment Station
. . . iv w v llic 1 CVUIULH TllSTS QTin l nirin-I I "' fc uio imoti co.
dustry backed by Americans.
cu oicp uuwn ana out of the presi-I . wwinctn. one i industry."
aeennea to do so, and by r. v ' im.B" f11" lu "v Prof. W. I. Jones, Jr., State Ch hh i
iat afternoon his friends 1 e faUSe ofch.e tortures and of the of Indiana "Fertilizer Control i.v,m
fVia ic, revolution. Stimulated by her, he mu;. Mr.
New Responsibility of the Ferunr
dency. He
At this point I asked His Excellency Ik nvinoi ho
i i . i " " aiicuiuun nis iriends i : . - - .
for America dislodged the insurrectionists revolution. Stimurated by her, ne and Their Administration. ' Mr.
iVI ?ii invebtmen in I araguay. and the president had regained his m,adwa on.1the "i1? 75" Charles G. Wilson, Richmond. a .
' , r.: , - .. . . noerty. 'rnia trouble was hardlv dir- cu 1L" , rr I vill resDond to Prof. Jones.
xnere is no aouDt or it. rnis is nified enough to he 11 o t Urosso. As tne population was prnf. rn n ioii rhiraeo I'
one 01 tne meat lands of the future, tion. It arose narthvfiv th iiVh , decimated by battle, boys of twelve Utrflt" 72"?' .'Wwm intl 'iuil'
and the stomach of the nation has to financiai tfouDiePs brouhut were forced into the army and flogged strated lecture, jggence and
Suit Case Appealed.
(Special to The NewB od Observer
Pittsboro, July S. The jury in
me oiuiuucH ui me nation nas to I financial tronhlea hrmio-ht oK, were iorcea into me army aim Aioggey.
5,.f,.""ed- .ur cotton-growing posSi- the war, IZ "it ha noupDrHroiS when fel1 r1r??h"0"-J "!
t;rcui, una we nave vast the better classes men wno wuuiu nut ugui wwc
areas of land fitted for raising good executed, and officers were often
.. government has already During my talk With the nresident stripped of their uniforms and shot
in UmrhaveethnrQoughSiat JJJo Visit the coTsec he imaged them . Verdict Aside in han,.
certain lands that have been unlaw- that he could nol lelve Paraauay as traitors-
viy tM?- r.2fhcreare ?ow his term did not exPire until 1916.' He At the beginning of his reign Lopez
vast tracts in the Chaco thnt hnv. ci-. it 4 o.v. nre-a.mzed creat DUbllC imDrovemnt
l...- r . , . . ojunc Willi ,1 tlLliiUctLXUIl UJL Hie V1SU "" . " T " . , , -. . 1 vvwivf, ouij . it J -T '
which mav h'nlf,?' of Theodore Roosevelt, who was ,n: Asunon e introducedngl sh flfteen tWsand pilars damage suit cf
and sold. All of th,. iry,V,"ti? Lnfay mn?. wne? ne. 1 w; hnilt the r, ' Mtes Lou Riley against W. H. ht
oi L r'.r, 441 lo-ioc i uirougn nere nortnwara on nis way
tti' d much ,of il s suited for to Brazil. During the talk he asked
larmmg or one kind or nthor " I mo nhnnt rirtoi- t? -.ti a
nkH qo v. I . . . .... . . I nf ooncrpss. TTe. hpfan -w
vva u3 i. w Liiri fi nr iti iih i u mini v n n a t n i rro i cmii a i - ' o ' v - r- t- m . i a m ... . . .
-r, r." " r...v8 v. umi60iouu ciio.L ii cLuvi i ,oot t,- wv.iv, . "7, I Qict asiue ana tne case was men a
viiic! uiuuairy. ne replied: our ex-JrTesident were similar in that i " .-.v. ia uUW Usea as v,n r-rt T -
4 'Wo- vio,, i p aaa aaa I? 1...U I i a eovernment tnbarrn wVa,, I peaiea to the Supreme Court. J-
head, and with' the vast pastures of Upon this President Schaerer laughed ;LapOBS fr nimself. modeled 5a IS ?tPWn
the Chaco .and thn, f Pnramiav- nnrt hh ho woo v0r,, T,r,ri r t,o after the Pantheon. eral 3ays and it has been one oi u
oriental, the number could be in- 1 seven children he had of his own.
hardest fought cases ever tried
creased eight or ten fold. I think it During my stay I have secured a pic- As the war neared it 0Tt UTJS i - T.
Saw thev were hnnnrt I Miss Ttilev -whn urne a salesladv i"
support u,uuv,uuu cattle, anti piuu- seems to me tnat it is as nne a iook- to he defeated oni -.1 I 1.1- x ,,.r. TT. , ;
ably more." ing group as that of any other of the escape Thav tnS? fff planned S16 Blore of EIlis Stone & C L ;
"What is the character of the world's rulers. theiwernm
tock I asked . , Kf JVaa ith ttem amounting of theft and she sued the manager
"The mSIt Vf it is native breed. It Paraguay has somewhat the same In specie? Oand0'?t0took Teven S2rtTul me fW damagee for alleged

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