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VOLUME XXIX. Fancy China. Lamps. Albums, Fancy Stationery. TIME TABLE. M. & St. P. Railway. MITCHELL LINE. Trains Going North.West. 11.1, Passengei ,iii, Way Freigl„f n. til, Time Freight 1-1~ Tralna Going South-East, We have the beautiful hand painted China ware, Japanese ware, handsome cut glass pieoes, everything to ornament the home and delight the ladies. "None so blind as those who wont see,'* but you can't help seeing if you have one of our lamps. Suitable for the drawing room, the study, or any place where light and orna ment is desired. These are always appropriate gifts for Christ mas, and we have them in |he latest and most attractive styleB. 1:45 P. 8:05 3:15 3:00 A. Put up in neat and tasty packages, especially designed for holiday gifts. 1 "IS 1:8:' Time Freight MJ'N- A' Bo.94, Way Freight 9:0o A. IdA^ieN AND PI#M® LINE. Trains going north-east, t0., O.408, Passenger 10:50 A. M. 464 Freight Trains going South-wost. fo. o. 401, Passenger 3"25 v. M. 4bl, Freight MALCOLM p*Ml W. 1). GRIFFITHS, Agt. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. AjjD SURGEUN. Iwil] promptly attend to professional call# and fitfully perform surglc^oper^ions.^ O.STONEBRAKER, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. Office on second floor of Zoloowskey Bio __ llHonsc SU J.G.KOOB3. R'U DUVC Office DR. T. T. CHURCH, DENTIST. Oflice over Postoflice. Scotland, South Dakota. 1 PHYSICIAN A SURGEON, over Poatoffic#,inlirojrtt Block, ROBERT JASMSN*-" DENTIST, i13*, ZJl* iv block," In the course of the articles writ ten by Maj. Robert Dollar for the Argus-Leader during the past year on military matters reference is made by him to his experience in 1860 in marching in the column of 11-15 A. M1 Massachusetts militia to greet the Prince of Wales. The following contribution on that subject is from the journal of one of the mem bers of bis company, relating to the same occasion the writer is the person referred to in the arti cles mentioned as the grandson of the first commander at West Point, and the son of a cadet who was eighth in point of number in its first class, Mr. D. C.Lillie of North Easton, Maas. "The Easton Infantry, of which company I am a member, was or dered to appear on Boston Com- m0n SLAPI reviewed by the Prince of VVales. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, ^ole at 8-.30 this morning, to be 0f oace on Main street, first door east of c»«p-jY0it Militia, together with the best the 1st Division Mass. I troops in the other Divisions were oulered out to perform escort duty to the Prince. Oar company &p, peared as ordered and .directed. jTbete t?ere about 3000 troops un« let areas that d»y» It ft Toys of All Kinds. Fancy Mirrors Perfumes. Pipes, and Cigars E S= I future King of England, have help ed escort bim through the metrop- olis of New England, have present ed arms to him as he passed along in review I have seen him in the uniform of English colonel, and in citizen's dress, with a shocking bad hat on his head. He is quite a pleasant looking lad of- 19 years of age, a quiet, modest, unassum ing fellow. I hope he will make a good sovereign. As I looked at him I endeavored to comprehend what a mighty responsibility will one day rest upon his shoulders the vast influence for weal for woe it will be in his power to exert. I am glad he came to this country I am glad that I have had the op portunity to look upon his plain but pleasant face. KKCTOH OF ST. MIKE'S, Aaliburnham, Ontario, Testiiles to the Good Qualities of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. ASHBURNHAM, Out., April 18, 1903.—I think it is only right that I should tell you what a wonderful effect Chamberlain's Cough Reme dy has produced. The day before Easter I was so distressed with a cold and cough that I did not think to be able to take any duties the next day, as my voice was almost choked by the eough. The same day I received an order from you for a bottle of your Cough Betnedy. I at once procured a sample bottle, ftpd took about three doses of th4 medicine. To'my great *elief th| cough find cold &ad completely dis| •append and 1 vis mh ty fpmel tfueelsiaea m» S&pi&r Bfc*,' I kum SCOTLAND, BON HOMME COUNTY, S. D., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1904. EVERYTHING NEW In Christmas Goods, and at Moderate Prices. We have made special provision for the children and our assortment of toys is cer tainly complete. Bring in the children and see how delighted they will be with the beau tiful things we have for them. Made of best French plate glass set in beau tiful frames. Any lady will be pleased with one, and will gaze upon it longer than on any thing else you can give her. Put up iniancy packages, the most fragrant odors, and one of the most appropriate gifts to a lady friend—youiig or old. put up in ChriBtmaB packages. Fine gifts for your friend who is a smoker. Congress assembled on Monday of this week and from now until the fourth of next March public in terest will center at Washington. The question which now seems to be most prominent is the tariff. The stand pat element of the re publican party claim that the im mense majority received by the re publicans at the recent election in dicates that the people are satis fied with the existing tariff sched ule, and they will make that an excuse for opposing any revision whatever. This position can hard ly be maintained by any form of logical reasoning, as tariff revision was not an issue in the campaign. The republican victory was due chiefly to three causes,—the disor ganized condition of the democrat ic party, the personal popularity of Pres. Eoosevelt, and the confi dence of the people in the progres sive policy of the republican party. The secret of the popularity of Pres. RooBevelt is that he iB pro gressive. He does something. Let the republicans announce that present conditions are satisfactory and henceforth they proposed to make no changes, and how long would they remain in power Our: present tariff schedule was good at the time that it was framed and is based, upon right principles ou| PbiHppind policy is good the pre| Utttiuaty work done toward secur ing thfc Patmtna canal if? good's ihi work of $ft|j been nr^lX but, Books. Don't Fail DOLLS. Medallions, Taney Zoiltt Jlrticlcs, and Latest Styles of Wrist Bags. These articles are too numerous to mention, but they are all beauties and we are sure they will please you. We have them for the children or for the scholar. Story books for the children and the latest copy right books for those with lit erary taste. To examine our fancy Stag Sets. These are appropriate gifts for any lady or gentleman and can not fail to please. Any style or price, jointed, kid bodies, large or small. Any kind you want. For Square Dealing vIllS™ J. H. QUEAL & CO. LUMBER, COAL AND WOOD. WBIMfBt NUMBER 30 4 1