Newspaper Page Text
III*!! i £. htm ?. *:,*r -,*4? ^rv5^^ VOLl'MF. I fRESENT STATE OF TRAMP lun's Review for the Ending of the First Quarter of the Year. ». Jk.. I 4PMP "i IMllHIMl k. Without the Predicted Finar. yial Fail urea—-Money Markets If tha Intarter. t« iow."T rade Still Depres News of the Day from aii O-iar-' m» rf tiw 8tob»ri •wTi'M Apt! 3. o u n & o w e e k y e v e a trade *.»v« t'b* first qaftstor of ||a# |»a*«ed wttboat ths financial •nee which miny aaw reaaon bo §?m*t Uiltir«*« than in ths mmm* tpai veer end mailer liability with it target milroa) l|i Itw watnt* i|H»rtpr of nay ®nd with larger paymentetb* i banker* and clearing Houat ew Y t»rk. Foreign ttM# h»' •»an »*«r (or the KMtMi, mill tjbnsumpf »u while nine tt*a:i usuai eoai, in avy wiMilca ftekvi goode wait mum is nearly »H new quarter Nwnus iti ikon of Btoaetary difficulty gtni level ol piifi'ii recovering Mre«eton of Pebruary and Jgeprovemeut in many qtti •H' imeuoe of failure# of #iu and manufacturing c*«rtwMH9B attention to th« *vi! »ti f«diU Hi that depart in«ad an* %aual xtndn to whieh u ha K s'.» wOCCIMMMOH of -M s»||,i «r Tb« iM JUI^ ran 2 IX AO HJl! «f a|»pr*hetk«ie0. h-dnra* of loat* a roiaWi eice«e ver import* to iUn-h, auM tha# filer untie# Apfwar* tf (a«t» r^t outgo of j|uu«y m»rkwln in (he tnt*»V W"-.tou noting r«r Uttk- p«-saurtf, tbCM^tb r*U.-.-i at r«|ortH R.oe»y eauiwr, f|(«nt Inhuiim if iu»n rhw large 111 souttorn cut. rprta*«. Fitt«V tm.i •ti-nwuiil at U» 7 |*i i'mii flrttmewt. »tb ^ooi xupph fnm tbf to "i |«r l]r|.- 4f.ji» an #Mjr Miktl ll'swtrm mttf"? Ck^tlaM ru»g«*34'jf. i 9t R. wodlf a* (•en autl a B»amiift f« vtraaia jl"-' IfeeMH^irttrr sniirkf ksu*{ |«4Wa driiMiii it Half rials by tht- cl.-ttn ai|HMMi tit is entire tlepart ta etaepttonal disad**i MMt|4ton« ts front au at'coiuu ul Uu to lid vm- Hejorta of ImmA, Alutt v are uearlv all favorafcl* C*»v»«ment 25 tS 4 A i, Kttelisb and Prwoch stocks W$^io twu, affnuMt W"»,lW to»e a»i i 24,H«r. tons a year •yfo- list, tbe south atete«, but mi 41* and weeterii «tat HabiHttes was la«t year. Hp-rt was ats ine th-- ttuddle statin —wtth an iftrre»#e The hnatueae fatinr th« ««onutr? 'tiifin ilmber aa« r^aifNM :Vf$ taee k. For T*K honee oa Horaan *»^#iey ^d oe»«ape*i bj ii«tr^-«d by tire. In bar ftid the even at th.uittb March 1, Uin MI doll aid weak *&l tha dtilleet week for It Iocr Hum t& l«wt closed at afct'Ut K.H6. ]iM|H» ta of trada from teteari&i .aitia* »Hsf (aittraU favorable. New «rtoae« note* thf aeuaationai rxaggsi at iotas of ittqtury by the ov^rftow, hnt tlte aotaa! inten nptiou te aaffK'o-nt to a oat ess and to or ia el distribution at the he felt at St. I ctttee report a eatioofc. dealinitK ge es**af of laat yeax's t. leet ton* rarely nati fair. tho«ib u-r«rlaidl ott to that rewjxMt itade nontiuiien eno for the week being afplnfit ,iiaah haef showtuK ®|fc» t'tucf meats a hii-g#- iftoreaae, 4| ^i|ixU »«I«h gain ail»r laat yeaflf 10 jijha|at. Ihvts far. ^t l'htl»d«l} biu theiMNfeier b,nh is ail. all tied, the drag trnAft fhir aii tobweeo MMloat USU'lllv failitm gmio awn tfeet|ta hnthela, yeai, dreaaed Mire active, t«. Hrtmafcra, heeattae of the proponed dtitlea, t»ut ho ltd |«i( in Mateh Mi Car h»i»« laat y«er'a roe etti The nuuiliei of failarea 4erin« the Int ot Ifhfci wt® 1,2311, s^Hiiast 9,311 hMtt year, with a dMUied decff„«e at th# He tbe »n*d T«|f»t.« 0f •t tu,. •jMrttraler th at«f ia poroaal. *eetWww. I sroutrboet ihs «.«*»» days I *iiL 44J last ikm weak el .leal the fear the tigatee were fS& the «it| h.)ui«tea4 of s i-,*si^usa^na. X. T.» •|M "K V' --lii FLfMHM* IX T»«K *Ot*TM- «(«r* *IMU KMltt W*tl»ippl Ikna^wr tw R«i«n«* »4«» Ml K*v». Aptil 4. netif**^ from Balling Fotk*. •it a )»t hf»ur ift»( m#t»t «*•#. "Th« in Dwwf *n»k li&« rw«i 4 fwH within hoars »dI t* m»* rnn •««r ita tiok*. »«d ia otfll mioK *t dt ti*lf an tnrlj j*r honr. Ev«t\ df dry iaad n» Itottlni? Fork* b* nndw wiUi b«for« morutuf{. |A train from itat' b«w night. dui uut arrtv« till tbi- iitoroing, and eon Id go no fnrth«r. Aft" mmamiog haro for n«v*ral hour* It )va» t«un»U aronud and «rdeml back to L« jtaixi The tr*m mm t»«v it in itnpoMibb to |ct but'k there, because the track baa ffct U 1 off ita bed. A *p«ci^! from How 4rU Miat.. M?a: The ntm lev«e at Catftah •ff0k hfok# thin murain^ and the water ia fto« ro«hit)K tbroagii a gap (eft *iJ« Hy addiuff to tht# the Tulnaie of rwuiv nor« or lam tlooded by bre«k« tower v*ty I down Maoy of the be«t «att»te« in tba j^oj, THK SATlON HljtlVAW. HkmI k«t|»roprMttng tm *k additional vr I iibltM for the nritiooal ma- In Mm UodVhk On aMknt of Heudersen, 6# Qifooh. re»olntiou wan adopted taiiliuK ot the secretary of war for information a* to ahetbtir tbe projoeet tu u(«u tbe channel thet mfm |3Ur iMw |»*O- nut^i ea«t sawA. stroiiK opjM»sitiou i« opail^ PNnhI duty on bblee 1 he coal trade haa m4 itaMl tH* varion* m+rttaK* attti (a«RMIIattiMI« Mid atjtbt.^it« ctovf i» U50, vitb iiitnnunij(s «|H.»tt»d at (KSk itu the iron bii*tne»* th«re ts aaotbtft of. fart at Philadelphia to create mow#mottr. i®pre»*ion»!, but it te oo» admitted IhHi tu Hfit» of the Uojmjs tb^re entertu ued thr tlemaud for the |a*t ha» !#e» "JBBW Suit al prloen. SotthMtt tmu t» stUl jrefitted for iwle u#re aatns little tnpiovement in aNMHet for etrnetaral trou tat, !t$i raiU »r«- not h«Hi»§ tbf r«t« |noted, ami i| kMwe orders can place.! i opjor has been weaker we*«o l^ake Ontario aaA lrondejotat t»ay will U of ftdvantatfe to tbe eomuer«c of tbe lakes. The bill was passed amending the *tti rte« of war, so aa to provide that ia tim*a of peaee general coarts martial for trtal of eomnttaatoned officer* shall be appointed ftnly l»? tbe president. Kenem! coroiBatiding officer or gen( ra! oftiwt onnnaudiug the Uiilitury dtwaion, and that judge advocates mast not he present at any delibewtiwt ef roarU martial in close aeesiou The Nil pwraed granting right «f w*y through Fort l*i mbini» military reserva tion to tbe Iulutti .t Mauitoba railroad eompaaf.- Aleo the bill providing that ta time of pence all enltated m*n. oharged with offenses now cognisable by germon or regimental -eourt-martial, ahall wittjtii twr»iity fiMir hourw nfte) tbetr arrest be brought i«efore a suitiiuar court, which shall mnstMt of the line ofhc**t second it» sank at the po«d, or station, or in com aiaud of tbe alleged offending soldier, who •h%H bear nod determine th« cam, and when satisfied of th«* guilt of the licensed may object to the bearing of «umuiary eonrts apd ii-tnand trial by court-martial, hicb demand «baiI be granted hy right. By voir of 7 io 3 tbe hoaee committoe on elections of president Mil vice pewai dent and repreeentativew in oongretut. to day iiathoriwd a favorable report with amendment* on the ftttct onia» biH. to pre veut gerry tnmlartng of congressional dis tru-ts. The bill also provide* that repre sentatives to the Fifty-second congresH shall l« eS^-ttnJ from dirtti«t« i%)iuj»M»»«d of tbe •ante terrttoi y «nd n«mg tbe sarue Iw-uudarj as ttio«» from which repreeenU Hves in the fifty first coupes* wereejeetad. A minority of the eommittee will snbmit a tipil us «|)(Meitio(i to the b«t|,. A MUatnir Will. *V' Wmrn t/ Krw Vita*. April r. Near relations of the late Andrew 1. Ihtvis, tbe wealthy tb»» city and are ioier#«t#ti in the divlwow of the estate. Bince Davte* deatb, wioeh twurred a boot three w eefc# ago. the rela tive* tu i'hicago, Calrivera# n-uuty. t'ali fortn.i New York and liutte, Montana, have bee® engaged in an active search let a will, bat so far none ha«i»eeu found. A gentleman who is well acquainted with tbe ei*nation and t« one of the claim antis, »a* seen by a reporter. "1 uuder stasid," said he, "that search has leei» made «t Hatte for the will which wee made l.-T tb» l%t« Ia"rts ten yeans sgp. I know tha%"Wl^ wt» execntad. bnt what has he come of it i* something I do not know. lavi« btujueathed bis entir.- estate t«B ye»r«-agt. to hH brother «r*H!i I'avis, ef eatntyited at $llh®WMMX. tt1# Awrti :1. The weekly bank statement shows the reaervs km d^creaee*! Hie bankn now hold la eHNfli ef 'lie legal requirements. **C ••:. ftli-I ^itfri -A wc*Vr,- .." -.f 5 1 The Wtyority of them Ascrltie Remarkable Comhuct to Piq tie I, •«t#r from breaks lower down, the baek reaiailtabte conduct to piqti# and jt-aioasy eoantry will l»e iaandat^ and the dH»~ of w„h («antry will, hawevar, be flooded to I than h@ formerly go¥-raed at an ueleiodbti tojiniderable depth. It i* befteTerf ehifftain, and it is oonti that trwafttion« have be*Q tahen to ptt tt«K»rt«d that tho i*«l»rf of year, tect utofk. auti that human life i wfajfa ife .utmi tu be hu *al»ry. (f bnt AllanHfMH» -4. ,• s, Hoiail part of the ^atoluuteotn of hi« uf K*|ir*««iUittT«» Nt IB "VDNMRIB t«tHKtfa|[ or IS«rtte«| Ion. »«»i'xw*oii. Aprtl AtuObK tbe petitioas |ue«OBtel to the Vttat4* was one from the preaident of the fl'-thodixt !!pls*rt|al cburrh mie^ioti, pro jp»tt !»k aKato^t fhr pttw«ii4{» of t» bill pn» nt for tbt deports! nntl imprieon tieof Chinese found thia ©onotry ritliont certifloatra. Also veoolationa«f th1 b^ard of cortiwrrr ~.f f*art Frsnrt'ir^ %H uust tne r»p»nf if th ami f»: minnmm'i M«t«hitto« *$mt «T JPWPIML GHTI«W proThii $m k*a *m tit*, 00 n. ktslw»aia «a» Mi* m4 mmmUM by the |8-0too thart tW a Hot»ed ttetwiR irhaii not »e tahe^ *ac*- tii fav»t of ao\ |i«*re«u ••laiaatnK »t rth :.i IVt tiivll) ill *10UtltHi .f tt»f 44utaud of the preaideat** yrpdai—lt»a, «i lit wait paaeed. 'tfionir th« weuate bill* paawrd were the Piewmg 'ppropnatinit fSt),t00 for an Imiiaa ia ik III*' -I'luK'i iti 1 t'iilj, i' HAD1SON, SOUTH DAKOTA, MONlUt, APRIL 7, IBW*, F10I THE OLD WORL* Various Conjectures as to th4 Cause of Emin's Joining the Germam. J«tlouty A wA Trti noeiBt*marek'i List of Pi-jwpnis Amusing One—Has Di^covpred ftot—Cabligramfc. Th. »tioo of Kaio I'aaha ut MM« iadu^! HtanUv. Othmr theori^ are will probably I incwstttl, Tba 1 tbe wlief that M»j. Wi«4mtn he* Whi an. .»f the pltrntfttioD* i«u»d itf .1 *re »1- tj1()r,/e{i t(, noffieient fo»«« to it ut anbjw 0f a C4|K o.arh j(iyAt»«r «*vi»ao»M» olljaritorVj pMltion. As to Uaj Wiaaaaan'n au^^ tn«nted aettvity. it is .issnuied he i*- itt^ afiircu by Koaper»r MTilium, whose *ag«t. to «*\tfnd (iertuan? coloutid •tou« aod'influeuee iu all diretttons w w^|g kaowu. In tbi» belief it i»t predu ti-.i that l^ermsoy will alutoat imiticdiutaljf uu.ugu rate au polkqr ta iOttth. eaatom' and central Africa. %A*ai*Aa, A prli Bam»^, April s, ^.y,^ The list of PrlbM) ftis titarok's hTmBwy gifts i* tin amnsiiig otu«, foul provide con clusively ho* dear the diplotuiitst t* to the popular heart. Tbe gift* include t«o luaatiiTs, forty.three drinking megs, over N*t lonr pijNiw. meerschaum am! w«i^d, three hunt tug gttus, many poandt* of to hacco, a large arm chair made of hornn. «evera) do/en canes, innumerable ih« ksg* of prewrve#, i-ake aud candies i*eui by farmers' wives, barrt-U of eggs, *ide» haeou ketUtr egfts from plnttdeulcblaod, half u sheep, a medicine eh»st ooutatuing a dosen b«»ttles of soiue wonderful core for rheum aiKui. hair potuade, brushes, cu«h iotjf, rmjn sod »u eiior«*t»us •ni uoii Wale*. The caar aas ataii«ioned tki prfepoeed hunting trip in t'oiawl on accon it of a plot to tbrow the iui^riai train off the track. A decoy train, supposed to eoit»in the esa? and suite, vie 'Weotod hy teefce plaeed on the rails. Jttm Ti^rtlk tM M»e Ws jie^t* LoMetMy^Csnil i ,f lr Arhind, a Weet eadtH»yeic«w, iBftifea that tnere is any truth in the report Mr. Khan lion, th Dublin solicitor Timm who condacted the negotiation* witfe Pigott. has fled from the oouutry. He "aa the wholes story u a hoax. A trieud of Dr. Acland left Bhannon in Canada early in March and is no w on his way to rejoin bim Hbuunots faintly, aeeordin^ to the same ^utboritv. axv aware of hit- addfea*. aud t|l«»i tias uflVt:t been auj •Mwt nc I ad mg among itx hmr. U-r* Jbf »iup*ror. rhnti(H»llor mu ('apfivi ami (*?!», do rtici». th«« ituniM^T of w*r. to twoticil# tbf dpiiiorrnttc p«r ties altcua »d lv iiittmnrek, and that emperor haa adopted tbe noeialtst tbtoritfi ot Luttli* a«il T»ui«. It savs ha haa taken tin'd#*1 atrial d« «trut* i»t«» hu owa baed" to n**e the tolt«mig throuan of K i Mr, •1 U* bolt Kacttab .«! *mm ofcr., «4| bio*-*** «idtaWMt j. npbmm «f mt!urn'e fleariy.. d»-ti««d, WtwtwwHMi 'Hudy»«nterpri«iB|( G«r»ait« 4r« eutu-iuy wMhtif thatr right in av thea»»'4»e* at cF-ry «H«istauce. Aajf traon Aajr t?ai &r tt« i MMth^4itber the En^litib or ttte er tw matter for diplomacy. If I th. Arabs bt: will iidt! to bl| repatatuxi aud not liait Ku(|it»b i»t«r*j»tn Milt the 'Wiuiaue ranuot tou ratitu.oa in thvir uatar*i desire to tmwym Ua4e routes. Emma |*roclaaaattou tevealaaor* ueaa and was «oue*»«nary. Wan MUt. 'c MH. UtUutJu mmm **i aim lei w wsai i a of Uvmu nor has T*i fN»»i»Wet haa *»m4 m*- Tltr. steamer Hcaudu, amiel at Maubnrv Tltr reftort of a rmdure Hnl g«tia and Ifervia i« ofleially kcUrei at Hofla to In- untme. As tH« r««ult of id^au bi iea. t«ti»*Rt «t Debreetti. !('tngitr. f«ftjr rhnl- 1 an •geuwut with (iertuaiiY to return te- MK Bra/.iiWui )i«bo|M will t»*oe central Afrtea hae girea ri»e to uiuitm-ra.^. r»fn»liig to eoo»«»t te the tep bk" ttieorww to acconnt for bin change of front, the ».ijorit i.f whieh ascrtt«» hrt«[ if^Hratiou bav,. Ix»ei i*««ed uf Uj#*I mv off^i b„„ tu« ahMolntR iiitrol ehurrh and atate. v gtHtbtojn*". i«Hit«Hnf i ii«nnt mid h*vi» row to o confer witfi ten. HuaUu^er. f-H* rtatf 4«wasnrrr of th«» aotiiti of Tn-iuo, Switmrlaud ha« br«« arreatMl on Mhi ehatf*) of emlv-r/Uaft l,t*»t»,O,)0 frauce' 1'ttiiir.R, th'* rfnanriul n Wiser of tho khedive of KjfT|it. and fgrnue Pasha start for Parts by the aext mail to ium*«tiie ooe«er»t.m of tbe Efypthw •am Lxi, ohavge laffimi of the Hed Btiite* ta Btitil, h»M peeaeoted fu u. lf«xtora IHi Fonseca with the con t/r ttolator\ i not ton adopted by the 1'nited Hr*itts cuugri iw aod a^|»ove4 by l'reahlent Hsirrtaon. Tir PaeUb Ma^t- eoaip«9'a at«4aMMr iiina nrrtffd iu houg Houg, March 31. Jlt-r time from Kiui Fratreiaeo was tweaty s. tiirludtnKa atap ai Vakuhattta. Tla« n r* l«ee« th.- time two Aafa, brtng fact- r"" Monotb. iW lk««M Ik4 .••"•w n»b.M. Kjit to »ct I tb, "ilhll»'l,,J" eratnu oentMM |arty, and to yield to the fforerniuHut ou no point withont see tiring a ailiuff |!'WH^ airil aiie^oate eoaeeaaioa. I II K TALK tl)FH|K^ WMSmmtj Mas M*e N« A»ss»ist awee »rtth a Bsgwi Vtssok a*ni«l, New oaa April i. Danlap s Cable Neew Barrtee eablad an untrue auil aeaaationul nloiy from Ioadon on Mar'ti to th^ «»ttVct that the )auglii-r. .* vx-Uov Mc.F.uery. of liOnhi wa. had nwt a avnrtoiiH freech marquta tbe French liner, l^a 4 ampagne, on one of rr^Kt fnr~ H~.v to New York, .jnk* st«rf slie^s« rfcet am» of tbe -young \w# imi th-*- *e«rge of becoming m- Kf llrenrnhMKa, who ealied *»•?*,m i-^'woci,. U ittfe.!- Ou the arriv«t *»f ^he st*»aui«! at New %o»k »hf eovem«r met hi* dnugbtent at tba aud a a iiiU a tki marquiK The governor gave hial a tsoat enrdial te oeptiou, invited biui to a special henqoet and was #o weli pleaioul that be inlnxiuced h|m to many .Sew York friends. Suddenly tbe oiarquix «iiK called to Jeiasto look after his ranches, and not Wanting to wait for a reuatttsnce, drew through the obliging k,'ov« rnor on a i»aftines* firm at Hston Ilogue for f2,ti|M) aud a second draft ou some other place iu Texae for He bade a most affec tiooaie fsiewell. with promise to vchange hrtters, hot was never heard from again, and ttie draft* remain unpaid. Tin Mince top iweeaesrsa '*ftrth€t, St. I'ktbi mo, April The indice at Gatz^-biuui dtaeoverod et plw^tirfw «n frroocd* of the tmpertui palace. The imperial famtlv has in conso •iuenee renoat)ce\l the idea of going there to hnteb ent. The rat for two day* has suffered from a reiapee of ictiurtt?.*. which has compelled him to poet[»oii£ aiulieu^es. His conditien ia not seriooa. maws.- ticyi Caiu^Mj tbeir fat) M|^^HPrttt Kf I the! rt The rce\ »lrHai JUis Imnoii April (lea. Bonlangee, faleaat flerljonde, La gonrn*. Kochefort, and thWy other eaem I hers of tb.« }ioalaugi»t committee. held a conference at residence of tb« general i on the island of -tereey yeaterday fp'»B the coneluaiou of ti«a conference tb« com mittee s»re a heaakfaat to Om Hyulinger. The nomauttee will letan Wnmm le night. l»wm f'wlro "li HcHss* IttssM, (kmiKt April Hie illnees from whieh Dow Pe«ftHh Iba depo»ei emperor of Br*/il, ia aetfenng, hu aeenmed a critical phaee. 9ft was in a couiataw state during the greater part ef .v«tte(d».. and hi# coodttion sertons that it «ii* coiiMiderni nec^Kfciwv «o altiini iatet the laat saens&ieut* ef the church. The prince of Wateu, who has jna*-*rm«d at tjannsw, haa pabi, a **atf t^ Pedro. Vns Atwfi a. A telegram froaa Be^ttii, vbiab mm de layed by the prr»* nan worship, aitttmmee* the pnUicatiou of a pamphlet entitled. "He C»o#* "W had Now* that HaifWfM' Willu»i»i aethor of the pampbl«t. Vt S H#,, It 3 gover discovered that thr mar(nia ia a i reuch bef and is now l»»ls»*v*-«l to he tm Pari* working in a restaurant. The whole vtory is.a creel hoax, wrthoot a word of truth in lit. lbe Missee ktc. Baery travele4 tn Europe isst Mummer antler ihe ig of Mr*. Wileon, wife of ttM- planter, of Lou iont^ uion« ou tbe La n the steamer arrived ««Orleans. Et Gov. to proprietor Cran- York Hotei, to have lis i.tughters at sent a trusted ladies to the •oi the ptdT Mr t'ranaton employs, who escorted the hotel. In a fe» days they went to Kea (irleans in company with »ome old friends they had met in the hotel. Neither ex Oov. McFnery nor hw daughters ever met or heard of any Manjui* de I^enuout or anyone representing himself to be a mar quis. The whole story as cabled and pob Halted ui tbe New York and nonthern newspapers is utterly false and maltctons. TIm CrsMdc Iprts4) to Kssmm. Wicbit*. Kan., Ajirll .» The eruaade agaiaat tbe aalooaa or "joints" has reached this etate. Some of the mvtubers of the Woman bristiau Temiwrauce I num, of Kingman, applied to the court for warrants to pull joints" and the bnsineaa of the courts waa aaeh that the warranU eonhl not he given at the moment they «dled. In tbe movement time was an im portant feature, ami tbey decided to make i a fatd Three of tbe places where tt was tnpposed iiiioxtcintsi were being Sold were visited, and all packages of suspicioaa flavor were carried out and domped into tbe eieae*. Wait* a crowd edhr« t«4» A Btuns ftsn f?»tewrr .. W»w V'as. April S. The stone from Cat very, which is to derm the corner of Dr. Talmage'a new tabtrn&cle. has arrived at Brooklyn on the •teamer iitava. is- abont three feet square and ten inches thick, and weighs nearSv UMA ponnde. li* color i» dark red an«i it look* very much lk« a piece of Can adian ir*anite. The iegsnd is that the atone is one apon whieh the Kevtor steptied while on the way to the reeae* i4d» vetto* aeeompanlad tin* {.tone. I tail Afil 1« ea«Ti»N. April A Halifax speeia* to tbe tf*rta£rf aagre: The MewfMiu4taad government had de cided to rej'»eal the ait act, and hereafter tba\French, Ameri*au and Canadian ftsh trmen will t»e 'roaitted to fmelv pmoliase l« re|M»rtf-il bait in Newfoundland harbom fi{en the If waa the I payment el It states that a 1 »e**a faaa. -iL®- {Mi. jfink:• 1G IJVA A VERITABLE UV1NG T01B The Chamber in Which Con demned Criminals at Sing ling Wait Their Doom. The SoCoy-HatHeld Feud Revived 6 Fresh Murder at JLc^an Couri Houia. Clever Capture of a Gang- of Counter feiters- -Texas Wants Much Room •I the World s F*iiv irmt Tfuir l,»rii l-a*tf H^tiiHflmati haa filed with Clerk |l|»arkst. of the general sessions, a noriee of appenl in the ease ef James J. Slew urn, etiee it arell known |m*4eaeional heae ball jdayrr who wan rotoi'M of mnrder in tbe fine digits in iMiatitii' his wife, Kllen Itloentn, to death with an at, aud sen fenced hy Jud^e Martine to die by elec tricity. vii»«-d my elient. Hloeuiu,"* •tiitl Lawfer ileu„-v-lman, in the axeen« five ahanibf-r et King Ming, I have had a iatjge professional asixm tne« in plitce^ of penal coufinenient, hut nothing that I have ever »een approaches tti H« awe inspiriug attributes this terrible prison. It is a onegatory granite baiiding. aliont fifty feet Mjuare, dis-ounectel with all other narts of the building, except by the deadly wire that connects it with the dyuannt shed. The granite walls are five feet thiek, I am told, aud eertsipiv appear to be. There are Hirer iron dwor*. one within oue another, at the and of the dwath chamber, fiicing the river. The-keepern *eat is within the third floor At the further end of the ehaml«er, factag the keeper's seat, are fo(& oella. The walls between the oella are of granite, and two feet thiek. The Inmates of the cifflK are al*itv» under lbe keeper's eye. Owing to tht* thickness of tbe walls and of the three doors not a spnnd of tbe world •otniie is andibie. It is a veritable living feranb. When a lawyer or priest or mints lei aeex one of the condemned men, a heavv grwen b«i/e curtain in dropped oyer the doors of the other cells so that the in ei-ite* cannot see the facn of the visitor or hew^los voice. It ik a terrible ordeal, and K Mtuis alutoat ineeadibte to me that the)' can r.-t nu betr reaaon until the kMr oif eteeuti ut arrives. fit»ve"ltegvia Ms* toormmonn. Mt., ApH* Hostttitles on the bloody groend ruad# notorious by the Hatfield-MeCoy feud have broken out afresh and auotber »t-iiin vendetta- Information tome* from Logan court hon*e, W, V«., that Jerry Hattiihi and 51, C. I^ae, an adherent ot the Mc( y faction, met to a public houae. Hoth innne.llately drew revolvers and began t» bluwajrat each other. The fusiladt continued until their ammunition was ex hausted. Hatfield dropped dead on tbe door. I^ee, nourishing bi* revolver and threatemut t« kill every luxty »bn trie«l to stop him, thati went to the nearest stable, compiled the owner to saddle a horse and gallop* acroae the state line into Ken tucky .ferry Hatfield was a cousin of "Devil Am»e." The tragedv has caused much ei-iteuient in togan Court It* us« sad »ere bfaodabed hi feared. fmrawtsitsn tsplswA Bi'rrAU. April 4. United Htatea Beeiet Bereiii lUfi!.'. *ssiste«l by the poln-e, maTe a clever capture of gan« of counterfeiter*. .Shortly after o clock the po«se uiad« a Vaid upon a room on the top fioor of No. HV East Uaneaaee street The door waa snninheil in, and seated about a counter feitiuK outfit, with bran new liogus dollar* scattered around them, were found Kdward Hvlvestev, Charlie Mann and Harry Williatea. They were qntckly hand «ufTed and taken to the police station. They are a pretty tough trio, hjhester ia about vears of age, a well known counterfeiter. Mann is none other than Charles McCr«n, a well-known des p«Tsdo. aud a native of Lockport, and haa, with his brother. Kig Frank." been under surveillance of ibapolio* in all part# of tbe rountty. WtllianiH. sW»ut a month ago, wai« exhibiting »t Wonderland"" i is clev erness tu cutting design* on cards with a knife aud selling the product of hi* genina ^to onlookers At the atation-house Kyi testtf-, who in credited with betng the ring leader broke doan and cried like a child. He told tbe police that it was lucky they came when they did, fer be lug town at oaee. Aerili. he*ei B. It 1'eddock. presuleid of" Hprmg I'alare Exhibition company. h»e arttved in Chicago for a conanltatUHi with the world s fair commission in referenda to tbe allotment of ten aeres-of-epnee for the jj erection at tbe fair of a r#|roductton on a large scale of the spring palace W. H. Ki wouan, pteneral trattc manager of tbe Chicago A KeHhwestffM roatt, faid that tie Te*a* palate Irai* a fa* more original affair than anything be bad seen either at tbe centennial at Pbiiadeiptti® or at laet year s" 1'arin e\|M«itiois. The «tructar« is an im ntense rwsiutic representation of the prod ucts and industries of Texan. Meeoee of cattle ranches, harvests, mining, cctton picking, etc., are shown, wry ind**trv betng represented by the axelnrive «ae el the pro^tnetr of chief importance in each. A Peesriasr Antaani KabAMaaoo. Mlete., Apitt 1 Tfc? »triwtr»#rd work at AlJtfgmii rtP" fteene of a peettliar accnbsnt. Tin. bottom rf the stoiebouse gave way and let .'»«m bai rels of liutw into the tail raee of tbe null, Tlie lime at onr«« began to slack and rained an intense beat, tba* «n»dangermg eight i tons of straw that was stored overhand, Tbe fire department was called out «nd after a hMg eVart a vented. mill i« ftttrl iMeain iwaa ^H^aMsr ^aiHidli tiili- I ijlltnl O- i "O 1,'Sh r%-,vr^ N I K I IS'I»RP1^ITKI.\ fOTMPONKD DnaHoiN** April-l|ieeial: fa the honae thia afternoon, aftef M» atdetabte c.taeuaakMi and parte ifig, h| whish it wae ahc#n that an favori. able eetiea conld he hope«l lor on the democratic eenena Mil, tt was moved an4' carried th«t It be fidefinitely poete. Wg le a eeatproaaiee al Uita ssaaion A MIMSIKU VORI.KMAX. *SI» fat*. Tt»er« Is n*l al g»m». mm W t^oiim, Aprtt o, lord Hoyle, whose mystertous dt|ap| |earaiK'e on the w*#tortt ranches of AlHertf' teportetl by nablp from London, wae-wtit"*. known iu the ('luiiuliu nittbwest, repreaentml the Macl^od district in legislator* and wae leoke.i iipo as one of its moat ahintng lights^ At tbe last elections he retireii frtm tb^ bonaa and siuUenly disap)eaml. atncti whieh time there has been no trace of bH wherwalKuts. It was at first supposed feH lordship had gone to mining camp i:mf/ I v bnl all inquiries atuixtg turner* fail« to give his friends any elue- Hince tbe am nonnnament of the death of the earl of Shannon and the aucceaston of younj| Hoyle to h»»- Nthei s title and euortuoi 4 eKtates in Flnglaud. aearcb hae been r«. newetl, and Hon. Henry Boyle left L«ndoi| yesterday for Canada to assist the detect ivs« in working ap their case. As the yonag lord was known to have a large sntii of money on his ^raoti at the time of hie disappearanoe, there are fears of foul pla, and tbe impression prevails that Hoyle ha» uu-t a similar fate t» Ben well, the yoang Eugliehman re cently mardered at Woodatock, Ontario, A telegram from MacLeo^l laat night savl Lord Hovl« went weat from there u British olusnbta He •otddnnh disap peared and haa never been heard from «ince. He ia auppooed to have gone to \iaaka. Home of hU friaodi still beiteve him alive and perhapa ia aome remote pert of tbe northwest Auothei th«H'r\ is that be ant have started for England by tbe way of India, And way una Uu «omeeh* re iu the ee*U ll'AVKI) mmc THE U'lRMh i s w n FHIT/ Zinnanon, of New York, kili#.|r a Ilndson river pilot. William Atmrnatbeyk with blow which broke hii skull Tbr* murder ia believed to hare been incited bf a atenmboat emrtueer, who neted the deal man. I'H. IT. It. Britr, ear of theawiet prom* ineot phvaicuuis in Cleveland. 0..hnabeee sued by Oeorge Hinclair. a well kkown dry goods msrebaut, for P2o,IM)H. ttlnoiair olaiiaa that ts«ith alioaated tbe ef hte wife. IHr^lritytMl t»y PlrSt W aTVRHTow^ N V A|Wil ft. The bneiness emHion of tbe tttap of Thereat, about twenty aiilee from here^ burned this morning, forty-two hmldiugp l^ing destroyed. The losa Is Mw«m| 11 and 'JNW.tWU. Al»ottt twenty of the building* were dwellings. Tbe otb»-ri were stores and aho^|. B*N4kis, Me April V A epecHia! from flrwo^H^ Wfeji the ILdui Wead at that place burned early this Biorntng, The house was full of pie and there wera many narrow eecapesk. Five horses, two eara. twenty-two bo^a and twenty tons of hay vaea hawed u± lU» stable, hot twenty benee eaead, ht. Un» April •/. Tb largeet briek block in I^inettviJlei* 111., bur ued yoaterday tnetaiaf. Ijo»sr Atl oi Mta Bed Maps. 111., April ft. Albert Hetnrioh. a farmer of \Y»«hburi% has loat a drove of 10(V fine hogs, nearly at Jeteey mm!o» hy ebeiern withiu «b» hu****':—"*"***) weeks. v TH* MAKKFTTHh __ ,#4** Uf» III una, mm n.v, \|ni Hugs -Eslimatwl r*c»ipts, S8U yesteveay, .Cu. Market aetivs eal *(rt)*j) yuitst»oio. i^ht t-flf* i in. b»a^ v i i ('atU# K»ilinat«a raoaiwia. .**», official ii terda), utiijisjiwuts t.iftn. Merk*i active i arm yut«t iot/a |iateli*rs ifaMTi. iiritii* »H .««.(inalodium iteMi u''s..". t»«.4at4 chote* t«» i.tai |-'uads. exs».'*« i ijh«.I(u* tt guud, ei. i Wi, storksr*. cboie« I tM, ut«»iiluiu U s^-Kxi, ewtOMX.Tu, mlM i ro*i, avtra «-hoiO» #'3 tnwiiuiit to good ea riO«r u coswatow u» int tor ti Wi il'», eamter*. ?Se *i.Tj. e.W.H,»M, ««iue, tst 10/' «J«». bail ctioU'v. gi.:i6eihf.3n cmuimmi, ei.ttl W I5 t. Hsulk OsuAa Uf« Sturm.Omaha. Ajirii j. Sfeeai* lke'*fi-t« l.atjfi. i Mvas, iii »*, astern 'Taaan*. »#w foek rrudnes, Nk* oak. April .5 i 'taetiit at fevw Hh» t«# .* Ther* *t tug ..i hew Y^rI: .4 4 :4 'I 3 '««fs uii£ »-5 Eklgs KsUutased racstpM. g^MHi faster-!*' f,m- Market wfenei ioglMir, satligg si 91 0. i t'aUts V.«tuuaa«Ml ree»*f*tn. l.iu» Ofkiti yaatHrdae, ean Maufcet afmumi rtnajsii rMiiagn live aaeelb .^.y Ciicmo, Ajped s Hot Hac«u.t Marine i tin firm *i ftil. prw#» iigM. ei.iii 1 o w n 4 C«tU« lU«Mipte tj.tNu. Market ttr%mn besvas anl •'.ssr«. •S.e«IA,0& stacks and f«a4ers. Tea** c#«la |a e»| i \«i i-l "Xartet ttmat, .-r«-tafi. f.S«a6.*|5 jai? .1. i WW* M*uhk*« tnivty aettea Ma? Mh. Core M«rk*i. usd tehttw.. nttaeii »*«,. tat* liul! and steady wsaasrn. #V Ptuvt*(A»u»« fu*k uwbmMsml. Lard II M3u tHitasV *k« aati aeaA th. Htois easy *e»t#rn. l#H«vas. II e itlMg •fa eitnT at If u* AKiwjr.£"a3