I y THE DAILY LEADER. MADISON, HOl'TH DAKoTA HRUAV EVENING, JUNE 6,1«0. l««al Tin* TtMr, n|H«r Mllwuk.e« a»dN U FmI ltBDfesi,wMS* moll iffir' II*.' _n ftSSf«**r Uftia goi&f MM PMWBgHMiB fOiBf »W tl:Mi |tl*r t: ti -r. §:M) 1-. .1:00 4 fms itoiBK««I 5Jx** v«t iotas wa»t ^,rr,-*r^ hM*a«*r tnhi cotuc eaat makna e»n«"»etio»a «t Ihb for nil uotot* #«iith, ao«l pwuftgwf train folng w#*t, W.nuiKxk'-i for *i- north. •ADKUK liki, MliU"gataie»o*tte •••...*• JffS''*' hmtpr arrive* from ih« Monk si*• tH E^ClTY. .. MCAI, i*K* ITI«a» flNiiiiliKl medal contest at the OpM boose thin evening. KM. Booth of Rich HO. o* m* J. a M** eitjr. A large number of passenger?* change oaf* at Madison station to take passage on the Madison and Bristol tine. Q8heriff Leo retu met 1 from Sioux Palis, whither he had been to deliver a horse (htef to the sheriff of Minnehaha county. The corn nwn «ni on eseroiee* of the State Normal school will be held in thia «1| m* week Ifwut aatl Tuesday, June N. SmWi & €»#a**d ing their storebuilding from a site on lower Egan avenue to the mill grounds, where it will be used as a warehouse. Aak a farmer "What's the news?'1 and he replies. "Oh, the crops in my neigh borhood aw bootping the beat proe pecta I hmiMailM I territory." (J, W N» hol« of Sioux Falla haa ac espied the position of (ratter In John Drisooli's merchant tailoring establish ment. 8am Ron mag, who ha* had charge of thia line of work, will tail© a vacation, not having fully recovered from hit) late serious illness. Jn the case of Novee A. Pox vs. Lind murm tiros and E. A. Bohna], on one 2d Jitdge ATkens granted an order appoint ing W K Packard receiver of all the per sonal property conveyed by the Lind wurms to the defendant, BciiaaL The court held that the tnortgnge and bill of aale given by Lind worms to defendant Bchaal uooeUWUki a pmtMmalud WBMgu meat. Urn of Uarr Ibchey, oontractors to aink the Madison arieeiitn well, arrived to-day from Vilas. The machinery for the work in Madison will arrive thia evening I)|M. Mr Tiaunina confirm* the report that granite waa struck tn the Vilaa well. Work on the artesian well will be commenced iti Mad ison to--morrow if nothing intervenes. Mr. Tmnmns gives it as his opinion that granite underlies Mauiaou, but Mjfs it is poeaible a tkw of w«ta* mmj be aaoared betyev reaching it- Through the kindness of F. H. Hag erty, The Daji,yLkadrk haa been pla-red in possession of a 60 page pamphlet en titled "Facta About Dakota: An official Encyclopedia containing useful infor maUon in bandy form for settlers, home seekers and igvastora, in regard to soil, climate, productions, advantages and development egrioultaral, ataaufact urtng. commercial and mineral." Copies of the pfiiiiylilet. will be sent free un application to Mr. F. H. Hafsrty, Ab«r deen, K. I). Owing to the fact that it is reported that granite waa struck at a depth of about 600 feet in the artesian well at Vtlaa. there ia some discussion in this city of the inadvusability of attempting to aeoure an artesian wall in Madison, city Ixmds to the amount of §10,000 hav jng recently been voted for the purpose. The pt»n suggested lata dhfert the bomis to securing a water system by some other method. Th* Pail* JLjuoku is decidedly in favor of following the origi nal plan of securing an artesian well if poasibh. We habere it would be money well expended to bore for ao arteaiau well even if the oity waa not fortunate enough to aecere a apouter. It would be worth something to know what un derlies th»« city, and nolxxiy ta batter abla to make tlie iaat than the oity. W. W. Kill* and Edmund Falloa of Bamona Urare in the city to day Mr. Hilk gives a glowing report of the con dttion of the crojps in his neighl*whood. Everybody is happy, and exerting them selves to seed every nook and corner of their forms with fifes. Mr. HiMs ts well posted in regnrd to the condition of crops in other states,' as wsll as the prices of grain, and Hails that in many other Iocaiitiee the promts* of good crops this year are not equal to the prospects this section He notes an upward tendency in tiic pri*» of grain, and gives it as his opinion that the fanners will receive good prices for their produce thia year. Mr. Hills will de part next Monthly for the home of hia boyhood in Maine, and during his visit will hunt up the good halting holes he frequented the early time*, and de vote about two mouths to roaftntilift.il Hgtj •ajoymenU _____ craggy, room. J. McOotxrtK. A J1IM* Uvrr, T**n» dispatelw^'JPDVt^ yearw ago Muses Evans, a teacher in Hon roe county, Tennessee, was |$iMd by a youfty imifr. Me forsaiwora cornin«iten Uon .witte file {«UowoMMai and burtad him- self in the mountains. He baa become celebrated throughout thia whole aecuon aa "The Wild Man of the Chilhowte." He has maintained an unbroken silence through all these years, keeping away from the haunts at men and hying in the almoet impenetrable fastnesses of the mountains. Occasionally he would ac cept offers of clothing to his naked ness. Several men of At hens, Tenn.. em ployed negroes to capture him, and he waa brought to Cfealtanooga yesterday for sxhihition. The police, learning of the affair, arrested the entire party, and Evans will be returned to his hermitage. His forty years of unbroken silence has made bint forget tbe use of his organs of specch. He sesma to understand eome thing* spoken to him, but very little. He is of pleasant countenance, though his gray hair ia unkempt and his scragged beard matted and dirty. His feet arc bare and the skin as tough as leather. He is large of frame and as strong aa a lion. With nothing but an oaken staff he haa battled with th© wild beasta of the mountains and hunted the htuu And deer tor his winter supply of foo4» TMK IK»AI. OXTF.*T, Te Be Mr 14 at the I*#*™ Mow* tilts Rvpslsg I'alsf DM Jka«ple«« «f tlw W. C.T.I'. Elalwrate preparations have been mndc for the JDcmnrcst medal contest to be held at the opera house this evening under the auspieee of the W. C. T. U. An excellent programme has been pre pared and our citizens may depend upon being delightfully entertained. Tickets to the contest have been placed on aale at Bmith A Cook's drug store Admission 35 cents Normal students, and children, 10 cents. The following items concern ing medal contests have been furnished Tar, Daji,y LuAHjkK by the oommlttee having the entertainment in charge. We clip from an exchange the follow ing: All honor ia due to the W. C. T. U. for tbeir efforts and labors in carry ing to a success these highly beneficial entertainments. The oontest given a few weeks ago so pleased those w|k at tended. that the announcement of this one brought scores of people, lrreapao of party,from all sections of the country, and the hall was packed to its ntmost capacity long before the hoar of open ing, and many returned home for want of room. Over tbe artistic deooratioos of the stage hung the (nod notto, 'From Oontest to Conquest.* The Pemorest medal contest hat* be dome a national instiution. The prime object ofthc work u» the education of the young in the principles of the prohibi tion of the Uquor trafHa Becondary objects are the training of tile contest ants in the graces of oratory, and the cultivation of a prohibition sentiment by the public interest winch the contests arouse. As the contestant* for Mivsr modal must be under twenty-one yearn of age, "A Hour Grape Club" was organized in one town, composed of fourteen voters and one young lady, ahe being the only one who had the courage to say she waa out of her "teens." To the wonder and amaaement of the boys, thia yonng lady carried off the honors of th* oostsot, and the bunch of sour grapeu. Bay your drugs and cigars of Bd Hine. THE APVEIfim oafrrrarr M(| uitf M—t tsf »t MmHsmmb laar U N. The annual conference and oamp meeting of the Seventh Day Adventist ditirclv will be Wkt-at l^ake Wef«ia« two and a half miles west of Madison, beginning June 14 and continuing un til the 24th inst. Lake Herman grove is one of the finest bodies of natural timber in the state and its general aurroundings are especially adapted to camping pur poses. There ia an abundant supply of pure water, and excellent protection for tents. The annual aamp meetings of the church have been held at Lake Her man the past two years, and it is the purpose of t.h«' society at the coming meeting to take action looking to the permanent location of the annual mset mga at this paint. A circular issued by the officer* of tbe society contains tbe following information: Prominent speaker* at the dssKxnina tion will be praaoct to assist la the meetings. There wfH be preaching service* dally at 2.30 and 7 .'J0 p. m., of a prnot ical nature, designed to aid those just start ing in the Christian life those who have made no profession, aad the professor who would havf GLgmlmtm in apiritual life. There will l« preaching each evening of the worker'h tueoting. whicli is to be held the week pradsdiaf the camp eneet ing. Taams will meet spah tnlfx and oon vey paiMaimgtw and Ipfigef* ftrae lo tihe grounds Arrangements will be made so tbat feed and proruaons may be had on the grounds. The following ptqpvoMB* lw ob serve! daily duriag the ynigr— of Ihe meeting: Forenoon--5:31(1, social meeHan breukfMt 8, prayer in divisions 8 hmn* nesH w«sNn 10 A), instruction. Afternoon—1, dinner 2:90, preaching 4, btisinees 7 30, prsaching 10, silence. Var SsJe mar Ti sa* lifhty acres of land one-halt mile troiu the it limit*, all kapr*»v««1, with gt*Ml buikiing« C.kii tc Ixmght at a l»ar ^sui of «til trmie same f»»r first jncumiieretl prtipertj^ or en)uir» of un Id the city \d f.L.8orm tar* MJMXMMw i^rarM a i ugn or tfcc ~ftj r«iM ta Hprrial WfMlaa J«*r 4. Tb« it v •..unoil met pursuant to ad journment at the city oouncil Wedn^s day evening, June i. Prwacnt, Mayor Kennedy, Aldermen Trow, Ketocham, Hmith, Wadden, Tierney and Janes. On motion, Alderman Watidso was elected auditor protein. The minutae of the nwftlaga of 'May 5, ?, 12,13, IS, and June S wsra read and approved A petition remonstrating against th« pausing of the electric light ordinance waa presented and, on motion, was laid on the tabic until the next meeting. A petition waa presented asking for a sidewalk on the south side of Mam street along the north side of block *2H original town of Madison, whicli w an, on motion, referred to the cHaoi!ft^ on streets and alleys. An ordinance for a sidewalk to be constructed on the west side of Egan avenue, along the east side of blocks 5, 8,16 and 19, original town of Madison, waa given a second reading and, on being put upon ita passage, waa earned by the following vote Trow aye, Kctchain aye, Smith aye* W'add&u aye, Ti^cney aye, Janes aye. The following bills warn allowed, all voting aye: U. N. Luce, man laat lortva electiobs 8 00 Fifteen judges and olefin for special election 90 00 L.J. Corooraa, ehisf at pallQVi Mt^r .* 46 00 Msd'son Electric Liffht Hsat and Power Company 0t 50 John Qmgor, senricss ss oity engi neer 50 W m. Matoalf, street commissioner 22 50 It was tuoved and seooned tliat L. H. Keen* lie employed to write up the oouncil proceeding* and attend to other matters by reason of th* illness of Auditor Sheridan. Carried. On motion, the council adjourned to 8atarday w^inii Juue ft* M*clouk. V. E, WaiUK», Auditor protean. Iadka* omaets, 50 cents, at J. W. Davison%. Ladies' white a ootored,gau*e vaato, 2 cents, at W DavisonV VAR1KHM 1% 0(H«Ai They 0tMeiM the AtvMMItty eC Wm the rteia an a Third Psrty. Huron dispjitch, 5: The farmers' alli ance is »Uli in session and will continue over until to-morrow. President Loucka' addrsss adiled fuel to the flame and the clamor of the organization tpr a third party and tbe nomination of an alliance ticket has been kept up the en tire day. The opposition abandoned tbe fight at noon and decided to let the other crowd havo their way. After roasting the railroad and telegraph com panies, corporations, banks, etc., he argued strongly in favor of a third party saying 1 would suggest that aa there is in Huron at the present time as fair a representation of the farmers, mechan ics, miners and laboring men aa can well be brought together, and as we hav© in our various assemblies and aiitanoes thoroughly discuased this question, that it would be quite appropriate for all those who favor an indejenlcnt politi cal party to meet together and organize it If suqIi a party should adopt our platform of principles, then I think all true alliance men will support it. It will not be open to the charge of a class organaatym ftnvl thowft tliff ft) lianof* who conscientiously oppose in deieudant action wili not be held re s]K)naibie. Let us have a new declara tion of indo}»enilenoe read in every county of the state next Fourth of July. This waa mure than the antis oould bear and submit to gracefully. It ia evident tonight aa soon aa the alliance convention adjourns a political conven tion will organ2xe composed of third party advocates and a state, legislative and congressional ticket nom muted. Many will not jmrticipate in auoh a con vention mid declare ojx-rdy that they will not vote any ticket so created Efforts are t)eing made f» wliip the opixwiUon iato line, but with little succe** A resolution has been give* to tbe committee to the effect that any mem ber of the alliance who lakes part in any caucus or primary held by either the re publicans or denujcrats, will forfeit hi* privileges in the alliance. Thc^e is little probability that this will pass. Mueli speculation is indulged in aa to who will constitute the ticket. The name of H- Loucks is freely coupled with ihe of tice of governor, J. W. Harden for con grass, and Alonza Wardall4ortbetTtuted Btetss aenatew Thars ia a will be chosen. at the THK AKT KM I A,31 SASII. lstis—ttag I»iawe-eaten ef tfct is^srt £Jh fewiiafjw K. &C'Blvar, et Vmsll lien Y mI vrretty. Pierre Free Press, 3: G. E. Culver, professor of geology at the state univer sity at Vermillion, haa best! Iff the city for a tew days ami departed tins morn ing He ts geologist for the Dakota* in the government irrigation survey now being made. In oon vernation with tbe professor this morning we attested some interesting information. Jie had no doubt of Pierre's ability to secure a pood artesian supply if she wanted it Arte man wr'er can be reached here at a fepth of rnwmI ItlSUacJ Im pay* artesian water ean be obtained any where on tbe reservation -one for every ccnnty. One thing ttat gwr«W| tha tone Sf **a!«i Tn mi artesian W&Bi ia the texture of tht sjuidatone where it ia tapped. In fcertfua UxWlitiee a powerful gusher ia found snd near by water may be found ®t the same depth but with an inferior flbw This is becanas the sandstone of the Stronger well is ©career and more po*vm*, while the rock of tbe weaker wall i.» of finer aand and the rock jioronri antl the friction greater. Thia water bearing stratum lica at a uniform itepUi, hut ita texture varies aa above in dicated. It crops out ne®r the Ikwkies and i.hi there a recipient of the great mountain nine and de|ioaite of now. It is borne off through this poroua stratum of aau rock, at lifst ai a rapid decline Wl4wh gradually laseops as it approaches tha, upheaval of granite bordering the eastern j»srt of South inkotnu Here it is cemented above the granite by iro niense strata of alate and impervious blue 1st antl cannot escape -^except as it is tapped in the form of our artesian weili*. It ia, as geologists become famil ial" with it, proving to be the most re markable artesian basin known on earth. Then* hsH recontlv become kuown to ge oUsgtate fonr distinct artesian basins the K»*l river lasin one in eastern Mon lana extending into the western end of North Thikota, and th© Missouri and Jim river basins although the last two are practically one and the same. Prof. Cul ver says the artesian formations of tlve northVfeat have become an exceedingly interesting study to geologists eepec tally «f| they become more familiar with it. Th? Red river basin haa abundance of water, but unfortunately ia saline in Character aud will not be so good for ir rigutsin imrposes. In regard to the at tempt of the government some years ago in putting down an artesian well at Fort Sully. U ««ys the enterprise was given Up in disguwt at a jmjuiI about 15* feet »love the water I tearing rocks. With the bole still intact and the knowledge now assured as to the location of the water tearing rock* the government would probably renew the work on their well ami oiiam a good gusher. The professor wont from Pierre to, Ciett\(4urg to-day. From there he goes to Forest City, where be expects to board the steamer (. haaka and go to Bismarck. FarastMs. 20 cents and upwards, at J. 4V. Dav1e n 'a Iq on|er U) mluue my siM)k, I will aell all giHHls cheap for the next 30 days. J. W. OAVISO*. A wi«a4 of Hanlwarr. Haaaqh 4 Coffey ymterday received a carloadhardware which they will aell at the v^r lowest bottom prices. You girls know very quickly when a man means more than ordinary friendship for you. You hare an In stinct that tells you that this big. good-luoking fellow has come sweet hearting, and that this is the time for roc to study him a little bit Think out if his temper and yours arc certain to agree well together IhiUK. 'jut if hia t^atca and your# ar-» alike, or W they can grow to be so for you know, little women, if you want to be happy in your married life you munt learn the great and wonderful virtue of adaptability. You must choose your sweetheart as you do a new gown, so that he will wear well, says the Ladies' Home Journal, but you want him for longer than a winter he must, last through the long summer days and through the winter anea, and before you put your hand in bis and tell him that you are willing to fight the battle of life to gether think 4t all over well and re umtnln -that you are choosing your sweetheart, net for a day or a year, but for all through life, and, please God. if ymi love each other enough, for after death. MAKDWAPK K) TO McCallister Bros.' l!od\vare Sis a id exatiiine Ths New Process Vapor Stove. FT 18 A WONDER OF 'I .JBBFKCTIO*. Itnc of Hiftrrr nfi.ffftwtf pardware and Build •ers1 Materials. W~Tm Hhop in (XMin«ction with Store. ICE II leered to tin.' city. .UY PART OF Our Umbrellas and Par rank forei in the state. With lowest prioea Mall and Wtadaor Tte« in Tsrleiv Boot* 0. S. v LOVE'S BLOOM. Atfvtee 6'' Clrla ITIim YasMm awse»»i«art»aah Chooic ydnr sweetheart carefully, wisely, ami tendorly. my dear girls. Roraember he is to bo more than evon thiM U) sou some day -bo is to be your huabtuia. for suroiy you ar© not one of the girls who have a sweetheart here, and una there, and give a little love to this una and a little love to that one, until whpn the Ma) one appears the perfect bloom is gone from the peach, and she cannot give him what he offers her. JONES, GASOLINE mnrl C+ilreti0t*4 aP"A ronp«tsotcoll«cioreoBttaGO etuptnytd to alUMt ui MilaciieM la aurmsndisK (Milif. sain loaned en res) watato for *M#r» ,51532" OoaaaspoH turner*: ("hrmicajJfeiUoaal JBsiUtv iLs:* Hju lineal H-ibk, hicaw'o aiooi Fall* National llauk, iuuiu Kalia, Hooih Iakt». HIRDn%KK KUNDERT & FITZGERALD ta aaATi Airi mm* Hardware! Gliddait Barb .Wire, Iroa Pnmpa, Sporting Gkk18, 4c. mmaiTUBK. TIM LANNOK. |(jew Elecrant in FURNITURE RM MIMBIBI CLUIKII t!iva riM Kr CLARK & McKINNON fe'sriTXDxo-A.'rE BLOCK:. IN DEEDS. NOT WORDS, WE GLORY A treat to ^connoisseur* Underwear Ladiea' Jer of 1*ine Kid (Hove*. s*n rill«o«l im'r throad Vesta—15o. to 60ow AM nice line in black. HHp my pair warranted Ors«t Bargains Tbe Days of Humbugs are Gone By Sfeoddy goola hnvo no value. Higli prices are the ruinatioa 01 any busiiicw house. What this nineWnth century '{••nmnd" i«« a sqonr*1 ':p-np4-*l«rtwi| Str^igMforward Honest Business! by akiUed lalxir. Ail of which we offer. Yon vited to inspt'et whether winhing to buy or not. Hcbiy do* aU-MneB »h«Nr bandk«rchlef», ia braullful V xlraordlBarlljr low pne* SURE THIHG! That Oil tnc be*t grutle of gixnlx that can be built Lsdlea, co«n« aad osr betmtfiii Rngn Ourllor of I.aci'OsHaln* l« very dibortli' aad We bar* mure cudiink I.OOftK DflOTH KIMOKM. Kte. we are the only house that makes are cordially W« hare tpvclal trtns Is 0«ila* Underwear and a ooat pl«tc li«»' of Haaka, at t*c«Klin«i/Ueiu' low flgurM. a and Shoes. That means, of course, that yon can get goods ill those lines that you cunnot get anywhere else. Our line of Dry Goodi ia the most extensive. A big line of Carpota. Our line of Boots ani 8hoes is the most complete. Our line of Ladies' Kid Shoea are mamt* factum! by the American Shoe Company, of Lynn, Mans,, and theilt ia nothing in the west that will at all compare with them for quality and good fitting, and the prices are so low that you are sure »KL A*l» UAMOI.I VB, First door west of 1'oHtotiice. KEROSENE, BAXMISti, OLLKCTIOXM, ftte. rtHlilTIRK, r. 0. rata, W. a. McKar, L. B. S««ss, Frwaldoiit. Vlrel'rwildast. Cashier. iiiuMfcu.ii I S Cipital iDd Surplus, $60,000. A GENERAL BANKING BUSI NESS TRANSACTED. Is just fine—?ov Q-arland Cooking and Heating Stoves, JfcCormick & Howlfitt'« SdtM. lt4TWrr DV81UNS IN PLUSH GOODS Hbadeonie Line of liwby Oariisfl— Express Wajjona Ajfent for the Binder Sewing Machtisw Hs4trMlag Mailer. atte»ae«l te e« Mkert wTn. SMYTHE, Civil Engineer! Surveyor s HA n? v 1 #•€. MITCHELL.I kADii^jN, mvm dahk/sa* Bl«'ks is »p«*cialty of Dry Goods ani M. J. McG-ILLIVRAY & CO. to buy. OIL and GASOLINE, H. N. luce. idt S^dCa-lzi. St. A. B. OLMORB, THE KM'I'LA a Furnifure Dealer! ot'K IflW STUCK OV Parlor Hulls and Fancy (hairs mUht to sea them, Tbe price Oh my How cl^sp tbat is what sells these gutnla! "f €4 KM fell AI, MKRiRAaiMaC. JOHNSON' OLSON & CO.. Have received tbeir New Spring Stock General ft/fArnh^nriis^, elaborate display of DRESS GOODS, including the moat fash ionable fabrics. aplete GROCERIES Block. aad freah stoek of In Odd Fellows' BOUTM AMI! NIIOKH (.O tx- ron TH* CEl-KBRATKI) GRAY BROTHERS SBOS8. MlLWAUKi TPfVJt Vmi Mali L.lae Willi Va*tlb«J«4 Tralsa ta twarn lilratTO, HIIwaafcM, H. PMl ainutapolU Tr«M* nulnrntal Roatr between Cl» eajfo. I •..»!»« IS liiuflf Omaha aad tie fsciW (.»«»! Orcai %ntl*M«l Raalr t^tween Cbic*|p| K«h»»' it) and st Mo. Mllrit or K»»(1 reacha* all |.rt*elp|| r* 11 ui*. tn W t«c«ala, ataoeaul^J, int, Mi#»ourt 'ui Uakui* If or mapH, .inu- rate# (railki, «lr tpul) to th* uttanMt #iai»o« agewl tm thai 'vti'iuu. Mn.wAPKa* Ht i*i i. liAii-WAtj or t« an* Hailn»«l A*'"1 auywh«r« in ti»S it!*U.l.nH. A. ¥. H.(UltI'E«TK» Ui tiorui Misai»- i*a*a Tkt. A^k* 0ffur »nf»romli'« In r«fen*ace to La ml* ada Tow»ii uwiiikI H» THT" Un,*K!*iil A T|J K\li.w t* *rile i II t'naiiiwloirr. 1% taciH&sia- (ARI'K»TRV CHAKLE8 JLATZ, Contractor and Bui "5 'id v 'i