OCR Interpretation

The Madison daily leader. [volume] (Madison, S.D.) 1890-current, May 09, 1896, Image 2

Image and text provided by South Dakota State Historical Society – State Archives

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn99062034/1896-05-09/ed-1/seq-2/

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We have been handling some but they
Tiave been high so far. Now the time has
when all can use them and we will
have a good supply through the season by
the box or case. Leave orders with us and
we will fill them to your satisfaction.
Strawberries, 12 ^'c. per bos
Fancy Lemons, 20c. per dos.
Fancy Oranges, Seedlings, 30c. per doz
Fancy Oranges, Navals, 40 to 50 c. per doz.
Fancy Bananas, 25c. per doz.
In Ladies Shirt Waists, Summer Cor
sets and Oxford Ties we are offering some
good things. Come and see us.
SATUIiDAV. MAY it, 1826.
Si 1 y««ar
B* mail, month#
not attempt to open this season.
A proposition has been made by tiie
management vhich it is hoped may be
accepted, and which will put the associa
tion in i-hape to continue its work.
Otherwise the talent winch has been en
K' ued will be transferred to Big Stone
Jake, and a Chautauqua enterprise in
augurated there."
is barely possible, though
8 00
month* l.BO
Daily, t'y carrier, per week 16
THC DAILY LEANER A special feature of
furaUbiDK information concrnlnjj the advantage#
and resource* of the city of Madison and ol the
•tjte at iarif* entitling it to the patronage of ad
7erti*erK ufevery cia«».
J. F. STAHL. Proprietor.
Handsome Elk. the ludiun desperado,
for whom two U. S. deputy marshals
were sent to the reservation, ou advice
bf Boss Farmer Morgan of the Lower
Brule agency, has given himself up. He
intended to fight to the death before be
ing captured. He is now having a pre
liminary hearing before Court Comajis
Bioner .Stewart utul cattlemen adjoining
the reservation have offered to go on his
bond. Developments invo.viug while
men as the primary catlse of his trou
bles and shooting scrape, are looked lor
at the trial.
Sioux Falls Press, 8: "Unless a satis
factory arrangement can be timde with
its creditors, the .Madison Chautauqua
at all
probable, that the unfortunate may hap
pen to the Lake Madison Chautauqua
'v the creditors fusing to accept prac
t: ally 100 cents on the dollar in duo
tiiue. if this proposition is accepted,
li lt tiie statement that if the project
Is here the talent will be transferred
to Big Stone lake and a Chautauqua
held there this jear, is a trilie inflamma
tory. Big Stone lakais just the place
a Chautauqua, but it is in no shape
to furnish (icvouiuiodutioiib fur one
right away,*bucu as would be needed to
utilize and make profitable the amouut
and quality of talent engaged for Lake
Madison. Such preparation costs a big
expenditure of tirue
Mr. Andrew D. White, lately our
minister to Russia, has shown that there
are more murders in the United States
in proportion to its population than in
any other country on the globe. This
probably does not take into account
auoh ebullitions of enthusiasm as the
Armenian massacres, but even without
those it is a humiliating and depres:ing
Huron's city council has raised a com
mittee to look up and adjust its indebt
edness at-d has called upon the business
Bien to form an association and appoint
A committee from their number to as
Ijist. The council has also a very effi
cient member in Alderman Thrall, su
oerintendent of Congregational missions
in South Dakota. As chairman of the
ftoance committee he has discovered
at the records show a difference be
ween the clerk's and citv treasurer's
fyooka of 9506.75, in favor of the city
iBvafltiflatinn has been
Some timejago Mr. Thrall tried to se
cure the repeal of the "blind pig" ordi
nance in that city but failed. Lately,
however, he has pushed through an or
dinance compelling such places to run at
all tines with open windows, close
promptly on Sundays and reasonable
hours during the week.
The Canton News gives publication
to the following interesting facta:
On fourth class merchandise, the rail
roads charge 50 cents per hundred from
Milwaukee to Pierre, and they charge
48 cents per hundred from Sioux Falls
to Pierre. The rate from bioux Falls to
Alcester, about Tfty miles, is 29 cents
per hundred, and the rate from Milwau
kee to Alcester, about 500 miles, is ex
actly the same as frsm Sioux Falls, 20
cents. The railways either haul out of
Milwaukee 450 miles for nothing, a thing
no one supposes they are able to do, or
they charge too muoh from Hioux Falls.
The rate from Sioux Falls to Garretson
and Sioux City to Garretson on some
classes of freight, are just the same, al
though the distance from Sioux City to
Garretson is nearly three times as great
as from Sioux Falls. A friend shipped
the writer a barrel of apples somtf time
siuce from Baraboo, Wis. The freight
from Baraboo to Sioux Falls was 85
ceuts ana the freight from Sioux Falls to
Canton (less than one-twentieth of the
distance from Baraboo to Sioux Falls)
was one dollar. Oh, no, the railroads do
not discriminate against the people of
the state, but will they pleuce explain
these figures?
Mellete, dispatch, 8: Hon. E. A. Dye,
ex territorial superintendent of public
instruction and one of the best known
and most popular men in the Btate, died
at his home in this city to-day.—S. L.
Sage, of state capital tight fame, has
taken oharge of the Mellette Tribune.
Yankton dispatch, A suit has been
commenced against Yankton county by
the state to recover $1,750 which it is
claimed is due from penalty and fund
collected and never turned over to the
state. It has been the practice in this
county to retain the penalty and interest
collected on sta'e taxes. It is said that
thiH practice has been general through
Senator Hili'.s gadery play at Senator
Pettigrew's expense with the Argus
Laadwr's false report of the Huron con
vention, did not win him any votes
against the investigation of the adminis
tration-Wall stre-t bond steal. Senator
Hill stooped to small argument in de
fense of so great villainy. It was not
expected he would carry all the
senators with him but to get only
six votes out of ninety was humiliating
indeed. It was more honorable to have
been Pettigrew, ten times over, in that
the state. If this is true and the
courts uphold the auditor the state will
be the gainer by about £50,000.
One minute is the standard time, and
One Minute Cough Cure is the standard
preparation for every form of cough
or coid. It is the ouly harmless remedy
produces immediate results.
Wanted for Sh»»oti»ig Two Menilxn of
the I it I inn I'olleo.
CHAMBERT MX. S. D., May !).—Deputy
Marshals Tshetter and Lewis and ex
Sheritf James Morgm. now nil em
ploye at the Lower Brule agency, ar
rived here at noon, having in custody
Handsome Elk, the Sioux, who three
weeks ago shot two policemen, and has
at large. He has been
closely pressed by the deputy marshals
and Indian policem'n since last Satur
day. Handsome Elk surrendered to
ex-Shor.ff Morgan, h.s action being a
surprise, as it was believed he would
never surrender.
low* Gota W rat Placs.
T|'I:KA, Kan.. May 0. A. McCioud
of Lennox college. Hopkinton, la
Wit* given first place in the interstate
oratorical contest here. Fred Elliott
Monmouth college, Monmouth, Ills.,
took second place. Wisconsin sent two
representatives, each claiming to be
legal. They were both thrown out of
the contest.
Extradition flr««ted.
LONDON, May 8.—The extradition
of W. A. Turner and William Duulop,
who were arrested here ou the charge
of hayiug stolen jewelry valued at
fW.Ooo from Townsend Burden of
New York, was granted at the Bow
street police court, by the chief magia
Irate, bir^oha Bridges.
The Incomparable Acrobatic Harvel* ol Tw
ncnt*. A whole Family of Acrobat*. Performing
moM difficult «.ymnle rmi la fall livening font a
The tteosHtioo of Partisail^v.AiWfiW
theatres, the
Most Expert. Danger-Defying Aerialists
in the World.
I'eerlesp, Plastic, Acrobatic Posers, in
Living Monumental Tableaux of Artistic
In Terrhi' Hi ndlum I'lnngee and Peerlrc tfinelii
ersnulti1 from the Top wf
all loot I.adder to thi (iroixaA.
of Fancy Piicvclietu and Grote^qne Roller Skat
ere. Direct lrom Pun?. A complete play on wbeela
Human Top, whirling in Mid.Air PUPpend
ed by the teetq at the rate of 850 Ravolutiona a
Mike Kooney, Wm. DeMott, Jerome Dlrhl.t'haa
Accoii, A1 Leonard, Kleti* Kyland, Lizzie Koou
ey, .Tonie Neii«on, Sallie ilnuhvti, Marion Leslie
and a score of oiber great llo4r«a«a Uorse
Specia.1 ZZsecuxsloxx 3&a.tes on. a.11 XZa.llzoa.dLs.
Boys Bead Thin.
Chauncey Depew, against whom no
one would think of charging a puritan
in spirit, speaka as follows on the tem
perance question: "Twenty-five years
ago I knew every man, woman and child
in Peekskill. And it has been a study
with me fo mark boys who started in
eveby grade of life with myself, to see
what has become of them. I was up last
fall, and began to count them over, and
it mis an instructive exhibit. Some of
them became clerks, merchants, manu
facturers. lawyers, and doctors. It is
remarkable that everyone of those that
drank is dead not one living of my
age. Barring a few who were taken by
sickness, every one who proved a wreck
and wrecked his family, did it from rum
and uo other cause. Of those who were
church-going people, who were frugal
and thrifty, every single one of them
without an exception, owns the bouse
in which he lives, and has something
laid by, the interest of which, with His
house, would carry him through many a
rainy day. When a man becomes de
based with gambling, rum or drink, he
does uot care all his finer feelings are
crowded out. The poor women at home
are the ones who suffer—suffer in their
tendereut emotions, suffer in their
affections for these whom they love
better than life."
It will be a great blessing if bojs will
not only read this, but will determine
that, with God's help they will never
drink the first glass.—Young Reaper.
The cause of total abstinence re
ceives this bit of testimony from the
Chicago Herald: "Any one coming in*
to contact with the swifter currents of
city life will learn thftt there are hun
dreds of men who abstain from drinking
not because they have certain objects in
life, and have learned by experience or
observation that the use of whisky
would interfere with tbeir plans. They
are well oontent that other men in their
same lne of business, or those with
whom they deal, should drink, if they
want to drink, but as calculating sports
and speculators, they have gone orer the
records and have decided that the liquor
habit is a handicap."
It is stated that the drink bill of the
House of Commons lor
.toon* lor ttvw foootb^
cording to latest otticial returns, is
a very large amount for each, when
temperance memler» are deducted.
Small wonder that temperance legisla
tion makes no headway in England.
4rre .t«
A .Mii.u \i KKK.
HOH'I!I:I 1 !l*Ve
ItX'l i
Mii.WAL'KKK. V L.—Everything IS
quiet in street cur rc Dvr 10
cars are now in serv oe and the num
ber will steml.iy increase from this
time. The company has issued a no
tice guarantee ng protection and per
manent t'mp.oyiiirnt to all men who
accept plai'e* at the present fim«. Tne
arrests mailn have sfrve to quiet the
hoodluiin ail 1 it in expected that car
service to the subnrbs in all directions
can be resumed
i t:
obstructions have
been removed
The common council ni^t to consider
the strike situation, lut adjourned
without act.on F.tty men brought
here to take tu-i p.ace of strikers left,
after parad.ng the streets bearing
transpareiica pro^a.ming their de
sertion of i he company. They were
from !-t. Pa-.t a::d Chicago.
The refus.tl of the railroad company
to enterta.n any petition f«.r mediation
from the CCUHUJII council and Mer
chants' association committee is gener
ally criticised and tends to increase the
sympathy for the strikers. The strike
has resolved itself into a light to the
Usai* Fm4«i1 One Bill.
WASHIWOTOX, May 9 —The result of
a three and a half honrs session of the
house wm the passage of a bill to
amend the act creating a court of ap
peals so as to allow appeals from the
supreme courts of the territories to the
court of appeals.
jMkson Coassra Barred.
WASHINOTON*. May 9.—Postmaster
General Wilson has issued an order
barring the Acme Novelty company
and A C. Roberts of Jackson. Minn.,
from use of the mails on the ground
that they are operating a fraudulent
Mlouwnt* Federation of Labor.
8T. PAUL, May 9.—The call for the
semi-annual convention of the Minne
sota Federation of Labor has been is
sued, and the meeting will be held in
Minneapolis Sunday, Jun« 14, at 10
o'clock. The basis c* representation
for labor unions is one delegate for
each twenty-five members or major
fraction, but uo organization will be
entitled to more than five delegates.
•*. tj-ri :.«.• ii» r~
Superb Spectacular Festival of Olympus.
A new and Entrancing Dlvertlsemeat. A Reproduction of the Pomp and Glory of Old Greece. Presented upon a scale of Magnitude Hever Belore Attempted, and grandly inaugurating the moat
Respondent Circa" Display ever seen in tUis or any other country.
Together with Hundreds ol other New, Startling and Unique Features, all presented with the same completeness and on the tame acale of magnificence a» daring the
Every Morning at 10o'clock, in Matchie«« Array and Prismatic Splendor.
Gold-Glittering, All New, Free Street Parade!
Th« lohgest, richest, moat gorgeous pageant evet witnessed, representing the magnificent effect and impressive truthfulness, a GRAND TRIUMPHANT MARCH OF NATIONS, witU ita Immense
chariots, open dens of wild tMMts, marching herds of ponderous elephant*, camels, dromedaries, hundreds of plumed horses, richly costumed charioteer*, dazzling tableau cars Tally-hos
and Knglish T-carts, great military bands and moving cathedral chimes and organs, the whole passing in kaleidoscopic view under the irrldescent sheen of a thousand shimmering banners.
1.OO0 People. 4M Hui»e*. 4 Kailrnait Train*. SOU 'lreu» Performer*, lOO Acta and Content*, 3 Kln«»
Mtrsen. Kaermonn Raring Trark—All I nder the (.argent Water proof Trutn Ever 4'onNtrarted.
T77"lll I»ealti-v«l3r TE =cli.rcit In.
Burglar* Attempt to I'. a li.ink »t
IWtlilitirii. i:u
LAI ON, 1114 May !.—The little town
of Washburn, Woodford county, was
the scene of a rani Vy bank bbers,
and, as a result, one oi the desperadoes
is lying in the county )a:l at Metnoria,
seriously shot in the neck and back
The cracksmen entered th^ private
banking house of Ireland lie bou by a
back window and at once began work
to open the vault, but the moment they
got inside the building tli" burglar
alarm started a gong rinving th*
house of the junior m* inber of tha
firm. Charles Ireland, an i he armed
himself immediately and started out to
raise a posse. lie gathered a. doz u
men and surrounded tne ounk.
The robbers in the meantime had
blown the tumblers out of the safe,
and while the men were making ready
for another blast the posse made a
noise and the three men dashed out of
the back door, to be met by a volley of
shot and bullets. One robber fell mor
tally wounded, but the other two men
got away, although the trail of blood
showed that one of them was wounded.
What tli* Pro*
P«fTer Investigation
vld* For.
WASHINGTON, May y.—Following is
the Peffer bond investigation as passed
by the senate:
Resolved, That the oommittee on
finance is directed:
First—To investigate and report gen
erally all the material facts and circum
stances connected with the sale of
United States bonds by the secretary of
the treasury in the years lbUA, 1595 and
Second—To investigate and report
specially what amount of available
funds, classified, was in the United
States treasury and on deposit in other
places, subject to the order of the sec
retary of the treasury at the time the
bonds were sold or offered for sale
who purchased the bonds, in what
amounts and where, whether in the
United States or in foreign countries,
and in what proportion ana from what
persons or classes of persons the go.d
was procured to pay for the bonds
what the bonds sold for and
V W'M ih »rk-t Tree
of our government bonds at the time
and what effect the bond sales had
the rred.t and Lu*ne?*of the pen -.e
the Un.ted tt'ates.
ird—To .avefti'raie an i retort as
to the manner y n'Jt ot "u
bou ts, by yvLur wil.ur ty, »ud wua
The HighcNt nalarictl Act K*tent. A Forfeit of
'•j* AIO.OOO offered by Mingling Hrot* for their Kqaaln.
Their Peero Sever Have and Xever Will Kxlnt.
3 Herds tf Educifed Elephants
StrauitaneouMy nppenrinj.' in three pari.t
incindine the only herd of
iti the World.
Natalie's Pig Circus
Performing the moot difflciilt and Laugbabl*
feats and climblnK ladders elevated
40feet in Air.
Stupendous Revival of the
Ancient Roma 1 HIppodrone
A Kioriouc picture of Home under the Caeaars,
reproducing, with etartlins realism, the aportr,
Gladiatorial displayn and thrilling races ol the
Itoniau Muximuf, together with the racing
•jlortes of tne modern tarT.
Million Dcllar Menagerie
Th« lBi*t complete Zoological Collection on
earth. Only giant giraffe in America. Monster
Blood Esiidinir Hippopotamus, an hundred* of
other rare wil^ beaste exhibited in superbly
carved and fold illuminated cages.
contracts, advertisements or proposal-:
were made by the .secretary of the
treasury in relation thereto what
agreement or contracts, and whether
orai or in writing, or whether publicly
or privately, were entered into by the
secretary «f the treasury and any
•syndicate t.r person or persons with re
sjiect to the sale and purchase of the
bonds, and the profits made or to be
made by sucii sv^dicati or any person
or persons couueeteu w.th such synui
cate, directly or iudirect.y.
UrlrgalM K "Mfil Mttil Instructed
V« i•.r cKi"l««»
DETROIT, M.. A*ay An ani
mated l.gni ii.emo y ijuestion
wa.ihe mos' strikuig. feature of tile
M.chigaii henubl,c.ui convention. It
resuitod in mi!: .' l"th the gold
piank offered by the majority and the
silver p.ank stjbmitt by the minority
of the resolui.ons committee, and the
substitution tii refor of the money
plauk of the ywineapoas platform of
McKini' y was endorsed most
unequ.vocally. a id tin delegates were
strongiy instructed in his^avor. Four
delegates at large were ekcted, as fol
lows: General Alger, Thomas J.
O'Brien, John Duncan and Mark S.
The Tenntitta 1. inocrntic Convention
I y Atteudrd.
NASHVILLE, Teuu., May 9.—Thi!
largest Democratic state convention
ever held in Tennessee has met and
adjourned. It was a free silver cott*
vention from start to finish. Fully
3,o00 delegates and visitors were in
towu. Tiie platform contains a strong
free silver plank as follows:
"We demand a restoration of the
money of the constitution by law pro
riding for the free and unlimited coin*
age of both gold and silver as full legal
tender money at the ratio of 10 to 1,
regardless of the action of any other
Mat.TM Hur'n»d for Witchcraft.
LoNix)N\ May 9—News by mail fron
Free Town, Sierra Leone, is to the ef
fect that the American missionaries at
Timpany report that u natives were
recently burned alive there on the
score of witchcraft.
Incorporated a Railroad Cooapaajr.
FAKGO, N. D., May 9.—The Fargo
and Northwestern Railway company
was organized here with capit
stock of ifcSOO, 000. The road .will
to Sherbrooke via Hunter.

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