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Is at their former prices. •lain Illustration Itfefore You. m: how our aluiea work. For •v work, or »n aid to reading, rnirntfyiDH different nil j.erfectlY eroond from the SMI t.est Wc tfoaratitfe !u»ll AND take a look mmencing Saturday, Oct. Pffmade,have -of Consists garments worth from $9.00 to $14.00. I a)| n n e for atiy purpose •.he r»iiC of tt»e optician* art. Amine eye* free of charge, mid If ••in! the proper lentea and fit S':f fllCe. c. H. WOOD, Optician. CENTRAL BLOCK. .QVER3 OP ART at our window of IS FOR 1900 home complete without Prices from 25c to 50c. is. ScHtilL Dm Store. E DAILY leader ADI8UN, SOUTH DAKOTA. OUTOURK '•». 18«». HE CITY l-OCAL BREVITIES. M. Miune went .'o Oldhatu this |i"k' fv M. Oltoe VMt lo Sioux them in black and CHOICE Falls to morrow, Htoi'k of •torm window® "id nt Column's lumber yard. t* -4|. v :.-A A Departures by the easttfoinff train were Mrs. Win. Barton and Mrs. Felix Vidal. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Craney Rave a party in honor of MIBS Altnina Jacks, lant evening. Wheat, No. 1,53 No. 2,51. Plat, $1.05. Nluy wheat in Chicago opened at 73% and olosed at 74. Col. Gritfsby of Sioux Falls went west last evening and was a returning passen ger this morning. Will Gregory departed tician, of Sioux Fallsu A good attendance !s requested nt the (lood Templars lodge Monday evening. Election of otlicers tikes place and pro gram will be rendered. Arrival* oa the evening train, D. M. JnukH and wife, Mr. and Mrs. A. L, Phillips, the latter sister of Mrs. C. A. lvelley, Contractor Simms and Zela Steel. Geo. Cook, the jeweler, is offering Home special bargains iu watcher this month and some excellent purchases may be obtained by calling u pon him Do not fail to avail yourseH tto ®P* portuuity. A crew of threshing haodfl irere in town last evening looking for one Ilenry Veady, who came here from Roswell with a threshing machine whioh was heavily mortgaged. Veady disappeared several days ago and the crew would like very muoh to see him. Division No. 4 of the Presbyterian ladies will give a Halloween social in the church parlors next Tuesday evening Admission, 15 oentr. Your fortune told free of charge. Home made candy for sale. Refreshments consisting of dough nuts, pumpkin pie ft&d oollee will be served. Howard Democrats!, 27: Mr®. Mary Daly came up from Madison Tuesday evening for a few days' visit with her friend, Mrs. T. f. Sweeney... Clarence Stratton was up from Madison Satur day and brought suit in Justice Browns court against hie wife for the reoovery of household goods. The case was dis missed at plaintiff's costs. Farmers compliment this weather as being elegant for oorn-husking. They say corn is a tine orop too ju s Y a all gone—Now is the chance to get a splendid garment for little money. flOr LOT 'B' colon— well with storm collars. Good bar- SALE PRICE Adrian, Minn., where he has found employment at his trade of baker. Hugo Filsinger went to Sioux City to day to look after some stock of whioh he has recently become possessor. Henry Nelson, son of Agrim Nelson, left for LaCrosse, Wis., this morning to receive treatment at the hospital in that city. Hoard of education met last evening at the clerk's oflioe but transacted no business except the allowing o( bills for current expenses. Mrs. M. L. Clark gave a party to a company of yonng people last evening in honor of Miss Ureebe, trimmer for Mine Kate Mueller. November 14 to 2 », inclusive, are the dates for the next professional visit of Henry II. Frudenfeld, tb« t«obnioal Cull on 'phone No. 31, for wood. op SPECIAL CLOAK SALE all MCDONALD BROS. PRESENTED TO K1NLEY. Contains garments worth from $6.00 to $8.00—I have them in either black or light colors. Good, heavy warm Jackets. SALE PRICE, Volga Tribune, 2G: N. O. Helgerson will move down on his farm in Prairie Qnecn, Lake oounty, this fall, and has sold his residence property here in town to Hans Freeman. Mr. Helgerson has made many improvements on hiB farm the past year in the way of buildings and has things very convenient and com fortable there now. He expects to get moved by the first of November. CHOICE Dan McKinnon. Dan McKinnon. as it med to be in Iowa. One farmer remarked, "I am tilling a double box right along from five rows, 70 rods long. We always considered it a good orop in Iowa when the same number of rows 80 rods long would fill the double box." kinds of Part of residence to rent. Apply to Mrs. John Walter, near Normal school. At the Model, To-l»ay. Chocolate Gauolair .9$o Cream Puffs 20c Lady Fingers lOo Chocolate umblee lOo Vanilla Jumbles lOo Angel Food Cakes loo Chocolate Jelly Rolls lOo Don't forget to try the Chocolate Eauclairs. Do you want a polish that will not raiee dust all through your house while blacking stove? Then use Red Hot Stove Polish. Sold by His Resolution* Urging llitn to Offer 8*r*icM Mediator. WASHINGTON, Uct. 28.—The resolu tions adopted at a mass meeting held in Carnegie hall, New York, Oct. 11, urging the president to offer the friendly services of the United States in mediation between Great Britain and the Transvaal and Orange Free State republics has been presented to the president by a delegation from New York. The president said he favored peace and assured the delegation that the petition would receive hia most earnest consideration, but that any move must be made with great reserve as many diverse interests were at stake. For Wldowa of Uritlah Sold ten. SPOKANE. Wash.. Oct. US.—The Eng lish-born residents of Spokane at a meeting decided to raise $1,000 for the bedefit of the widows and orphans of the British soldiers killed in the South African war. Those present subscribed IW0. Bain Quench®* Foreat Flrea. GKAND RAPIDS. WIS., Oct. 28.—Heavy rain has been fulling all day, but it came none too soon as the forest files were getting very dangerous. They are now psactically quenched and seri ous damage lias been averted. The "Plow Boy Preacher," Rev. Kirkman, Belle River, III., says. "After suffering from bronchial or lung trouble for ten years, I was cured by One Min ute Cough cure. It is all that is claim ed for it and more." It oures ooughs, colds, grippe and all throat troubles. Scores of Men IF YOUR MIND buy your clothes of us. COOK & ODEE, Parties have stolen our labels, style of package, and the sick that "our' tea is just like Rocky Mountain Tea.Thej would ruin your health for a little added profit. Beware! FRANK SMITH. in this vicinity now wear QRINAOER'S CLOTHING. is preoccupied with the knowledge that your cloth- i„g i. not proper you are iU at ease. If you wear OUR CLOTHING you U.Ve that Belt assurance that rightfully belongs to the Well dressed man. Th.s and our prices, is the secret of our ever increasing sales. THE FINEST CL0THIN6 PRODUCED is what we always aim to snpply to onr patron Correct Styles. Perfect Fit Unexcelled Workmanship is what you pay for and what you «et wnen you GRIN AG ER BROS., The Leading Clothiers. THK CIII KVHKH Order off KxerriNPN In Houftea of Woriihlp To-Ylorrow. Usual services morning and evening: pulpit tilled by Prof. A. W. Norton of Sioux Falls oollege subject of riiorning sermon, Children of God evening, New Testament Paradoxes. FUESBYTEIITAN CHCRCH. Services morning and evening. 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. Sabbath school at noon Christian Endeavor, 0:30 p. m. morning subject, The Influence ot Thought on Life evening subject, The Law of Use, a talk to young people. Everybody cordially invited. GRACE CHURCH. Morning Prayer and sermon, 10:30a. m., by Rev. Osborne subject of sermon, The Soul's Picture Gallery: Sunday school at 12 o'clock. The public cor dially invited. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE services will be held at the residence of C. W. Wood at 10:45 a. m. Brings the bloom of youth to the faded cheeks. Drives away headache, indi geston. constipation, makes health, beautiful womanhood. Rocky Mountain Tea. I shall ofler some of the greatest bargains in the line of LADIES CLOAKS ever ofiered in this city, and shall keep them at the same unequalled prices until they LOT 'C' thn IMflVrent In the'tily M. E. rncacH. Class meeting, 10 a. m. preaching, subject, Independent, Faithful Service, 10:80 Sunday school, 12 m. Junior Lieague, 4 p. m. Epworth League, G:30 address, Mormonism, 7:30. You an in vited to worship with us. BAPTIST CHURCH. FRANK SMITH. ¥*M» (Nfht to know when suffering from any kidney trouble that a safe, sure remedy is Foley's Kidney Cure. Quwwteed or money refunded. CHRIS. STCHLTZ. AN INTERESTING INCIDENT. JSraverjr of l?o«r« Shown by an Act in MM EUndtlaagle Battle. DURBAN. Natal, (Jet. 28.—An inter esting incident in connection with the Elandslaagte fight is reported here. When the tire of the British guns be came too hot eight Boers ran forward out of cover and. standing together, coolly opened tire at the Imperial Light Horse with the evident purpose of drawing the latter's tire, while their comrades retired, beveu uf tlie brave eight were killed. Will Reach Iowa Nov. o. COUNCIL BLUFFS. Ia., Oct. 2t*.—A tel egram has been received here that the Fifty-first Iowa regiment, now in camp at the Presidio. San Francisco, will be mustered out Nov. 1 and roch here on the morning of the 6th. President Kiug, Farmer** Bank, Brooklyn, Mich., has used DeWitt's Little Early Risers in his family for years. Say they are the best. These "famous little pills cure constipation, biliousness and all liver and bowel troubles. HOOK & ODE*, Wanted—Men to learn barber traie by mail attend our nearest college, Chicago. St. Louis, San Francisco or Minuespolie. Eight weeks required. Expert instruc tions, practical experience, two years ap prenticeship saved. Catalogue free. Moler College, Minneapolis. Miun style aod^JiftUty—well worth^$5.00. Silks and Satins. Ia this matter of silks and satins you will hear all kinds of claims as to largest stock, low est prices, best styles, and so on, Believe as much or as little ns you want to, but be sure to do one thing—visit this store and see our new fall silks. That's all we ask. and if you do it are likelv to make the sale 4 J. A. JOHNSON u i. mm Contain black Astrachan cloth, also Beaver cloth garments, worth from $4.50 There is Satisfaction in Buying at J. A. JOHNSON'S. First you can always rely upon qual ity and style second, you can feel sure that prices are right. However, we do not ask our customers to accept these assertions as fact without convincing themselves by seeing what others offer in the same line. Our confidence in the leadership of this store is founded upon our splendid stock of General Merchan dise, now larger and more complete than ever before in the history of this store. we '^'Groceries. 4 You would have to go far to lind a better grocery department than ours, or as good. It is completely stocked with a splen did line of pure and wholesome food products, always fresh be cause of our large sales. For miles in every direction people come to supply their grocery needs here because they can do better than in other stores Have you tried it A.JOHNSON Two Spools Clark's Thread For 5 Cents All we can say is you will miss it and miss it bad if you don't ^et one of ours. We sell La lies' Jackets from £3.00 up. f—^ City residence lots for s'tU. •rlo toS- X) SlU RlOAN. to All of them nice looking Cloaks, put up in good $5.00— i 3.25 SALE PRICE CHOICE Dress Goods. The fabrics designed for wom an's wear for this fall and winter deserve high praise. They are artistic in coloring and design, attractive in quality, and will prove satisfactory in wear. To ap the climax, many beautiful fabrics can be sold at popular prices. In our Dress Goods de partment you will find such well known fabrics as the Gold Med al, the Broadliead and the La Porte Woolen Mills productions, prices ranging from 10 cents to *2 a yard. J. A. JOHNSON SHOES. If you don't need a new pair of shoes to-day you will before long, and therefore it's a good idea io get posted on the best place to buy. We don't expect to be able to sell you unless it is to your interest to buy here. It's easy to prove that to you, however, if you will give us a chance. Will YOU Ladies'^ Capes & Jackets J*A. JOHNSON J. A, JOHNSON Two Spools Clark's Thread For 5 Cents[ J. A. JOHNSON. Special Value 4 in all BOtK COFFEES From io to 35c nt C. A. KELLEV'S. JONES BROS DEALERS IN Hard & Soft te~C0AL. ELEVATOR 'O' Prompt delivery to any part cf the city. We] respectfully solicit a share of your patronage.