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AN UNCANNY STOKY. ORIGIN OF THE "SOULLESS MONSTER OF FRANKENSTEIN." Tile Interesting History of nn Old Time \ovel That I* Often Allndeil to In Literature and at Times Quot ed Incorrectly. Everybody, or nearly everybody, has beard of the novel of "Frankenstein.' though it is not probable that many persons read it nowadays. There are so many allusions to it in our litera ture, however, that one absorbs some sort of a notion of it so that he can not help knowing that it is a weird and ghastly story about a monster, but whether or not Frankenstein is the monster even well informed people do not always know, showing that tbey never read the story. Sometimes we hoar allusions to "Frankenstein's monster." as in one of Chaiie s Sumner's orations, where he speaks of the "soulless monster of Frankenstein, the wretched creatiou of mortal science without God." and sometimes the reference ,is to Frank enstein only, as if lie were the mon ster. Of course Sumner, who was very particular in his use of figures of speech, was right. When Mrs. Poland, in her fine novel of "Sidney." makes Major Loo say that "Christianity is a Frankenstein.'* the suffers the major to talk nonsense. The story of this wo!rd novel and the circumstances under which it came to be written are decidedly interesting and may be told in a few words. The facts are as follows: In Mary Godwin, afterward Mrs. Shelley, eloped with Shelley, and they took :p their residence near Ge neva, In Switzerland. They had Lord Byron for a neighbor, and the three passed much time together. Their con versation frequently ran on the occult and the mysterious, and Byron one day proposed that each should write a ghost story. All agreed and went to work, but it was not long before the two poets gave it up as a hopeless task. They could write poetry, but they could not write stories. Mary iM?rsevered and completed her tale in the spring of 1817. When By ron and Shelley heard it read, they were surprised and delighted. It was bound to be the novel of the century! The name of it was "Frankenstein: or. The Modern Prometheus." It was im mediately sent to London for publica tion and met with a great success. Frankenstein Is a Swiss youth, a student at the University of Ingol stadt, deeply interested in the study of chemistry and natural philosophy. Fie resolves to penetrate the mysteries of life and death and wrest from nature the secret of creation. After prolong ed study he succeeds and discovers how to impart movement and anima tion to lifeless matter. He then resolves to mold a colossal man. making him beautiful in form and feature and imbue him with life. He carries on his work in a studio far from the habitations of man, labors long and secretly, and at last the work Is completed. There in the great room lies the form and semblance of a hu man being, perfect in all his propor tions. Frankenstein relates the story: "It was on a dready night in Novem ber that I beh'-M the accomplishment of my toils. With an anxiety that al most amounted to agony I collected the instruments of life around me that I might infuse a spark of being into the lifeless thing that lay at my feet "It was already 1 (/clock in the morning. The rain pattered dismally against the window panes, and my candle was nearly buaied out, when by the glimmer of the half extinguish ed light, I saw the dull yellow eye o the creature open. It breathed hard and a convulsive motion agitated it limbs." Slowly the immense creature arose ftlld the artist, frightened at his own Work, fled away. Then he returns to find his creation possessed of life an every attribute of humanity except a soul. Nowhere can it tind human sym pathy. It is out of harmony with a! things about it, and after searchin the world in pursuit of happiness it returns again to Frankenstein and de mauds that he make a companion witl whom it can live in sympathy an love. Frankenstein declines, and thence forth the monster pursues him with hatred and revenge. It slays his broth ers and sister, his friend and his bride. It follows him to Russia, to Siberia and into the Arctic ocean, and there creature and artist perish together. It is a most uncanny story to read o' nights. Sir Walter Scott reviewed the novel in The fjuarterly, but while admitting its power confessed lie did not like it. "Our taste and our judgment revolt at this kind of writing." All the critics agreed as to its daring originality.— Chicago Post. N" on-I n I on Conductor Indicted. CLEVELAND. Oct. 2b.—The grand jury has indicted Ralph Hawley for murder in the see nd degree. Hawley was a non-union conductor during the street railway strike. On July 24, during an attack on a car, he shot and killed Michael Kornsweit, a boy Who was rid inff OV Oil it Elliott lUUIa* tfce Cbamplonafclp. NASHVILLE, Term., Oct. 28.—J. A. R. Elliott of Kansas City killed 99 out of 100 birds at the tournament of the Belle Meade Gun club. By doing so he re tains the chauipic usliip of wing shots. A Perfectly Natural QaestloB. "Pat," said his young wife, "I wish you wouldn't put your knife in your mouth when you eat." "An phwere would yez hev me put H," said Pat in astonishment, "In me 4PNr9M-~Harp*r't Baaar. CAB DEMOLISHED^ A Michigan Central Freight Crashes Into a Trolley Cur at Detroit, Mich. DETHOIT. Oct. 2?.—Car No. 15 of the Mount Clemens rapid suburban electric line was struck by a Michigan Central freight train at the corner of Gratiot nnd Bellevue avenues, killing Conduc tor Schneider and injuring 22 people, two of them fatally. The suburban car was tilled with the regular theater load bouud from Mount Clemens. Between 25 ami 30 passengers were thrown vio lently from their seats as the heavy train threw the car from the track and crushed it against an adjoining build ing, Conductor Schneider was just mounting the rear step and was in stantly crushed to death. Motcrman Dowling, who escaped with slight injuries, saw the approach ing train, but the brakes of the heavy trolley car failed to heed the slippery track. The train was going slowly, as the crossing is a dangerous one, and only this saved the passengers from death. The rapid railway car was itruck by the locomotive and thrown on its side and almost wholly demol ished. LABOR MEN PROTEST. Big Meeting at Cincinnati in the Inter est of Coenr d'Alene Miners. CINCINNATI. Oct. 2S.—An enormons meeting was held during the evening at Music hall, the officers of which were of the Central Labor Council of Cincin nati and the speakers were Samuel Gompers, president of the American Federation of Labor, and Edwin Boyce of Butte. Mon., president of the West ern Federation of Miners. Fully 6.000 men remained during the two long speeches. The announced purpose of the meeting was to protest against the treatment of prisoners held in the Coeur d'Alene region in the bull pen. BRIEF BITS OF SEWS. A state of siege has been proclaimed in the province of Varcelona, Spain. Rev. G. E. Morrison was hanged at noon Friday at Vernon, Tex., for wife murder. The Standard Oil company is buying up and leasing many thousands of acres of abandoned gas territory in Indiana. The queen has approved the appoint ment of S:r Heury Stafford Northcote, as governor of Bombay, in succession to Lord Sandhurst, in February next. The United States transport Missouri, with a large quantity of medical sup plies and a number of nurses, has ar* rived at Port Said, en route to Manila. A colossal bronze statute of Christ blessing mankind, which was being hoisted into a niche in the new cathe dral at Berlin, fell 100 feet. No one was injured. There is some anxiety at Maderia, Island of Funchal. respecting the fate of the British steamship Dunvegaa Cas tle. She left Cape Town Oct. 11, and was due at Maderia. Oct. 24. Miss Helen Miller Gould has given $6.0u0 to the League for Social Service, to be used in a crusade against Mor monisni. The league has issued l.Ooo, Ouo pamphlets in pursuance of Mis Gould's directions. They are aimed directly at Mormonism and Brigham H. Roberts as congressman and will be distributed all over the couutrv. Missing Heir Ta Fonnd. DULUTH. Uct. Martin Fink, for whose whereabouts a query was re cently received by Mayor Kiefer of St. Paul, has been found here. Fink is w anted as the heir to a fortune left him by his father at Oterammergau, Ea varia. City of Sydney Arrives. SAJJ FRANCISCO, Oct. 2*.—Th* United States transport City of Syduey has ar rived from Manila via Nagasaki and Kobe, being 3u days on the jourii'-y. The Sydney brings 36 cabin and steerage passengers. Fiend* Cuiity to a shortage. NEVADA. MO., Oct. 2H.—Ex-Treasurer Frank Paiker of Veri:un county ha pleaded guilty to a shortage of ifvMl.OUU in county funds. Sentence was ferre.l. Ti:-* bondsmen will have to make the (shortage goui. The doctor looked wise and said it was "nervous indigestion." But he didn't cure it. So Mr. Thos. G. Lever, of Lever, S. C« wrote to Dr. Pierce, of Buffalo, N. Y. And now Mr. Lever is well. Dr. R. u Pierce is and for thirty years has been chief consulting ph vsician of the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical In stitute, of Buffalo. Dur ing this time he has probably treated more cases of chronic, or lingering, diseases than any other physi cian in the world. Invalids from all over the world write to him and receive advice free of charge. During the early years of his practice Dr. Pierce compounded his "Golden Medical Discovery" which he has used ever since in treating all affections of the lungs and bronchial tubes for purifying the blood for toning up the nerves and whenever an honest reliable non alcoholic tonic was needed. In connec tion with it, he prescribes what other special medicine may be required in ex ceptional cases and gives directions aa to diet and hygiene. The result is health, Mr. Lever writes i I was afflicted with what the doctors called nervous indigestion. Took medicine from my family physician to no avail. I thought myself incurable A9 I suffered BO much with pain under my ribs and an empty feeling in mv stomach, I was getting very nervous and suffered a great deal mentally, thinking that death would soon claim me. I wan irritable and impatient and greatly reduced in flesh. I could scarcely eat anything that would not produce a bad feeling in ray stomach. I wrote Dr. Pierce. He pre scribed his 'Golden Medical Discovery' and Pellets' and gave me some simple hygienic rules. I am well again. I believe the 'Golden Medical Discovery' and Pellets' will cure any ease of indigestion, torpid liver, or chronic cold." Insist vtP°n hiving "Golden Medical Discovery1' for aoming else is jutf NOP CoHghing Every cough makes your throat more raw and irritable. Every cough congests the lining membrane of your lungs. Ceasetearing your throat and lungs in this way. Put the parts at rest and give them a chance to heal. You will need some help to do this, and you will find it in Aijer's Cherry Pectoral From the first dose the quiet and rest begin: the tickling in the throat ceases the spasm weak ens the cough disap pears. Do not wait for pneumonia and con sumption but cut short your cold without delay. Dr. Ayer's Cherry Pec toral Plaster should be over the lungs of every per son troubled with a cough. Write to the Doctor. Unusual opportunities and long ex. perienee eminently qualify us for KivinK you nuMlcal advice. Write ireeljr all the particulars in your caie. T«-ll u* wtmt Totir experience has been with our I'herry I'eotoral. You will receive a prompt reply, without CCMT Address, DB. J. C. AVER. Lowell, MAKt k TEST CASE. Christian Science Healers Arrested at Minneapolis. MINNEAPOLIS. Oct. IS.—Mary Brook ings and Albert P. Meyer, Christian Science healers, were arrested on in dictments returned by the late grani jury anil were taken before Judge Har rison f'-r arraignment on the charge of practicing medicine without a license. Mrs. liruokiims was arraigned first. The charge simply stated that she had on Uct. 11 prescribed for and adminis tered to Francis Kern a certain treat ment commonly known as Christian Science without having tirst secured a license. T:ie indictment against Meyer was identical with that of the other de fendent. The cases were set for the tir^t of next term with bail at $J0u in in each case. The object of the prose cution is to make a test case and see if the state law regarding practice of Uisdicire affects Christian Scientists. A Lima 31 an"* Testimony. I have obtained excellent resultP from the use of Foley's Kidney Cure. It re lieved my back ache aud severe pain over the hipn. It toned up my system and gHVe me new vim and energy. I re gard it ap an honest and reliable ren.edy for all Kidney diseases. It makes no false olairns but does what it says when giv^n a fair trial. I certainly recom mend it. Wna. Finn, 447 Elida lioad, Lima, Oli.(j. Cams. Srnrrz. Its never still a minute, Works with all its inigbt, Makes people well and happy, Hooky Mountain Tea taken at ni^ht. FRANK C. SMITH. Millions of dollars, is the value placed by Mrs. Mary Iiird, llarrisburg, Pa., on the life of her child, which she saved from croup by the use of One Minute Cough Cure. It oures all coughs, colds and throat and lung troubles. COOK k ODKB LATEST MARKET KWF. Daloth Grain. 1 IJULUTH, Oct. 27. WHEAT—Cash, No. 1 hard, €9o No. 1 Northern, tfSc No. 2 Northern,tloc, No.' 3, tilX J. To Arrive—No. 1 hard 69c No' 1 Northern, tiiio December, 63c Mar 71 %r. FLAX—To arrive. IL21X ©efcobcr, $1.2December, $1 23. Minneapolis Wheat. MINNEAPOLIS, Oct. a7. WHEAT—In Store—No. 1 Northern, December, 676c MAj, 7jJ£O. On Tra-:k— No. 1 hard, 69%0 No. 1 Northern, osj No. ti Northern, 06c. Sionz City Live Stoefc. Sioux CITV, Ia.,Oet 37. HOGS Market 5o lower, closing easier. Range of prices, |i.«0@4.(W. CATTLE—Market steady. Sales ranged at $4..*655.85 for beeves 18. 1.60 for cows, bulls and mixed for stackers and feeders fci.uO I&4.75 for calves and yearlings. Receipts: Cattle, 400 hogs, 1,000. M, Paul Union Stook Tarda. SOUTH ST. PAUL, Oct 27. HCOS Markot 5o lower. Rungs Of priced, 13 U0(ig4. 1 CATTLE—Butoher cattle steady and active Good stookers and feeders steady, common slow at low prices. Sales ranged at I3.6j@2.05 for cows I&&O08 9O for heifers tS.BOQU 40 tor stockers 92 40@9.75 for bulla |a.30@3.M for steers-. $*. 50 for calves. SHEEP—Market strong and active. Balsa ranged at $4.8J6 for Uinta LAND Receipts: Cattle, 900 oalves, 75 hogs 1,100 sheep, 4,4(X. Chicago Union Stock Tarda. and the demand for Lake County farms Is Increasing. search of a CHICAGO, Oct, 87. HOGS—Markot slow, mostly 6o lower. Sales ranged at 14.10.^1.4') for mlxod an) butchers-, ft lj£4 to for good hcuvv |W VO'J fur rourfli heavy tor litfht, CATTLE—Markot stoady. S ikM nni {el at $4.1 05 for leev«s $1.7-II£".OJ for nows and heifers 4 b) for Texas stoe-s, for stack ers ami feeder*. .SIIKE!'—.Market strong. Sales ranged at I.'.50£4.35 for sheep $4 lor lambs. HIH EIPTS HUH-S EATTT* I.5J0 sheep, (J.UOO Chicago drain and I'rovtalona. CHICAGO, Oct. 8& WHEAT—Do 'oiiibar, 70 Hio May, ilc. COitN Octoin-r, Utjcomber, January, Jl^ciiil^o May, 33e. OATS—October,December, ii£%e 'May, POitK October, $8.00 December, .8. January, *9.57)^. J?'LAX—Cash Noi-tiiwestorn, I1.29M southwestern, October, ll.^y Decoinbcr, *1.^9 May, tl.gv^. POl'lilHY—Dressed, turkeys, 9^9 10c chickens, 7^(®8c duoks, 7)fo. BUTTEK—Creameries, 156193 dalrv I4«iyc. 17(3180. **lt did me more good than anythiuir I ever used. My dyspepnia was of months standing after eating it wan terrible. Now I am well, writes S. li Keene, Hoisiogton, Kan., of Kodol Dvs' pepsia Cure. It digests what yon eat. COOK & ODKK. LAD2E5 EMJCY THE FEAGr?".?!cn *2* Ifrt.lf'fc JEWETT WHOLE&AlEflS W* SOUTH DAKOTA. Is the Basis of All Good Home in a Good Climati where yon can raise Wheat, Oats, Barley, Corn, Flax, p0tat in fact everything adapted to this latitude, arm Where you can successfully carry on Dairying & Stock Raising! and where your family will have the advantages Good Society, Good Schools, Good Church Facilities then come and see me, and I will show you just what you want. |fvci are renting land now, paying $3 to $5 show you just as good land and sell it to you at what you will pay out in rental, where you are, in three years, and will give you easy terms of payment. If you want a good location in Madison I have such for you. A large numJ ber of substantial buildings have been built in fladison the past sea son and the city is steadily growing in population. Correspondence Solicited— Chas. B. Kennedy MADISON, SOUTH DAKOTA. It May Have Your CITY MEAT JinjerWayfer in the moisture proof box. Ask your grocer for a Cmus. Scnt'Tz. MARKET, JOHN 8CHULTZ Proprietor. Keep constantly on hand a fall line of Froi IM malt Pish, fowl Mid Game in Egan avenue. w ealt IOMOI The okl fish ionel ^in^cr snap in the browu paper bag is cot ift with Uneeda of. per acre annual rental, I will package to-day. Made only by NATIONAL BMCL'iT COMPANY, Makers of the famous UnSMS BlftClllt. Uneeda Oinjer Wayfer A dose or two of Foley'« Honey and iar will prevent an aMaot of pneumonia, grip oold severe cold if taken in time oures ooughs, oolds, croup, la gripD* hoarseness diftioult breathing, whoo£u£ oough inoiplMit consumption, asthma or bronohitis. Gives positive relief in ad vanoed stages of consumption, asthma or bronchitis. Guaranteed. PBTBRf NewVlct Shells^ Lomdmd on|y with the Kings Smokeless powdor pattern excellent iu' Unc«# and *helU *hoot°^ Referee SheJJJ fttHc Smoke •Hft MTIM V V