Newspaper Page Text
Af% $& & S SR fei tMi v*. Copyright 1907 by Hart Schsffher ki M*U As r.,, %JM} -•vfct'-p, », ••fieMM** iJ s s 1 8ATUR j— St m:-1 y* .: *"*-,? *&° •%, v,v* immmm TH IS Morris Pack Ipjilliiy of M4aoa 8» wil will enter on bis Navoatfeerl ^S'li^rNovavriMr 1 •$&9i 'tiiat&by bay it selling •t km, which is pric»Jtw paid in that fbia aaasoa of tbe year, tinotiiy is qaotod at about 12 ton higher than somber one. but ia Mae of this grade 00 the dealer* ascribe as the of ecwnlty* an alleged embargo they claim haa been placed on hay bf eartain railroads becaoee of the poor |teaaci«l retamn derived from it. fiailroads on the other iin that they are trouble to c&a for transportation of hay. gtm&m part of the hay handled C^H^SgO coves from tbe states of Iftois, Wlaeonain, Iowa. Minoemita, Nsbnuika and Kansas. 3. 7- Nasi, editor of the ttjttStobnR itopoplafc al Kleot, N. D., was shot and killsi Tharaday night by Mrs. K. C. who mistook him fot a Bdltor Neal was at work in he saw a house on tire dowa Out street. Be started for tbe lire, bat on the way down stopped for Mr, BaamOHsea. who, however, had al ready tone. Heal attempted to enter ready aone. tbe ffpMttatu sen. tM&kin care# her Qtwen home, and Mra.Basmas nking it was a bmglar, pro her husband s rifle and fired throiMth tke door, killing Neal instant ly. XfS. BaamQaaen became a maniac When she hadi^ot. raving she learned who it was A Boben^iaa aoktiement in eastern Nafaraaka is making plans to dispose of &«tr land in that section and hay in ta The first delegation has the deal ft* the purchaee of of land northeast of and of Mt*bb«ll. They paid Aliir }|M^K frhicb ranged in Jprtce froao la^lyar acre. Every train brinca to this of landaeekers. iti* bsaa Is kwdsd SR9att» 1^: not leas ne to this over the wfiil* the 3" ds2^r^^. 4., i.fc i i IF' E. W. KETCH AH wffl deliver promptly to any part of the city the best grade of HARD AND SORT COAL re Itettg $wiet *QXnn DAKOTA. TELEPHONE, NO. 869. ot ivsMiimoii, Pr©f. Claude Smith, for two years jM* pail. lastt octet in mathematics and phyafos ftt 1)4 ftssdwood high school, accept a pjeifcion in tbe ''Ci$| #«o4 hkpfeto of tie ^pMt«ral the Units# States guv ^Prof. Sssith is U&7 0 Chicago anlverslty and being at one tiin8 a.oo i.» 1. A. ITABL. BuIrhi Vuit«r. We're going: to show youy stock of Hart Schnaffer ft Marx clothes that will surpass anything We've had. You'll see ready-made clothes that fit per fectly that are correct in style honestly tail ored with the substantial, ail-woo]* durable quality in them. v v These things are not new in Hart Schaft nter & Marx clothes but they're In ready made goods. majority of them go west of tbe Mis souri river. Very many are either baying or taking government lands Within thti limits of the Huron district The opening of tbt Lower Brule reser vation seeniH not to have decreased the nnmoer of honiwieekers. Not a few of those who hope to get land in tbe Brule reserve are in this locality seeking in vestments. Never in the history of this part of the.state have people been eo laud hungry ae at tbe present time. The crowd is so great that hotels, boarding booses and restaurants are taxed to their utmost capacity to ac commodate sojourners. SILL ENTBR FIELD. Former Congressman McCleary of Minnesota Has Probable Future Plana* WssMngton, Oct. 18.-It is in Washington that former Representa tive James T. McCleary wiil be almost certain to announce himself as a can didate for the republican congres sional nomination in the second Min nesota distxict, but that ^he will defer snch action until next summer, follow ing the republican national conven tion. It is thought here by hi* friends that he will give his candidacy greater force than it otherwise could attain, and being able to plant himself squarely upon the national platform tariff plank and all thereat. For him to come into tbe field earlier would be for him to invite the old line of attack. The national convention will un doubtedly be held about the middle of June. In 1900 it began on June 10, and in 1904 on Juntf 21. This will give ample time for McCleary to uiake an active and thorough canvass of the dis trict. as the nominating primaries will not come until about tbe middle of Sep tember. Mr. McCleary haa not discussed the matter of bis proposed caudidacy in Washington and his friends here do not know what he will do, but. as has been said, they believe that when the time comes be will be found in the race again. He is making a good re cord as second assistant postmaster gen eral, which it is believed will be water on his congressional wheel next sum mer. Should the natioual convention declare for tariff revision {Mr. Mc Cleary will accept tbat declaration and consistently abide by it, for be is a re publican. Auy private views he may have cn this question will be made secondary to the position taken by tbe party as a whole. This statement does not feme from Mr. HcOmry, bat froia several of his close frienda here, who sa they know whereof they speak. Doyou take DeWitt's Kidney & Blad der Pilla. You will get prompt relief from weak kidneys, inflammation of the bladder and urinary troubles. A weeks treatment for 25 cents. Sold by BoIIfcttfr 4b Porter. "ty UN ygpr Yff i uncommon iV"" We'll show you any day A. JOHNSON y J. SNAKEJICTIM. Nine Year Old Boy Dies Snake Bite in Lynutt County- Obstinate cases of constipation andnas ty, means headache promptly disappears when you take DeWitt's Little Early Riser PillB. Sold by Holliday A* Porter. Do you know that Pinesalve Carboliz ed acts like a poultice in drawing intlam mation and poison. It is antiseptic. For cuts, burns, eczema, cracked hands it is immediate relief. 25 ots. st Schutz A Ketcham. ALLEGES POLITICAL PLOT. Wealthy Mexican Escapes Assassina tion at Chicago. Chicago, Oct. 18.—Tht police are investigating the alleged attempt tc. murder Eniile Pampo, said to have been a wealthy miner of Nazas, Du ra n go county, Mex. Pampo claims that he was fired at Ave times by an unidentified man while walking in Ohio street, near Lincoln Park boule vard. He declares that the man who attempted to shoot him is the same man who, several days ago, ap proached him saying he was an agent of President Diaz and offered him $5,000 if he would reveal the hiding place of J. Joruegui. said to have been foremost in a revolutionary move ment. He refused the offer, he said, and was then threatened with death by the man. BRIEF BITS OF NEWS. Twenty-seven persons were killed or wounded in a railroad wreck at Orio, Spain, Heavy rains have caused the Piave. Anigo, Argo and Bret a rivers in Italy to overfow their banks. vTbirty large coastwise tugs are Idle In the waters of New York city, Balti more, Philadelphia and Boston be cause the two engineers on each boat refuse to work unless a third engineer Is employed to help them. In most cases consumption results from a neglected or improper y treated cold. Foleys Honoy an«i Tar eures tbe most obstinat conghs and preveuts serious re snlta. Its costs no more than the unknown preparations 2nd you should u.^ist on having the genuine in the yellow pack age Sold by Holiday & Porter. Trial Catarrh treatment are being mail ed out free, on request, by Dr. Sboop, Racine. Wis. 2*hese tests are proving to tbe people without a penny's cost the great value of this scientific prescrip tion known to druggists everywhere as Or. Shoop's Catarrh Remedy, 8oid by Scbnta ft Ketcham '^W l^W ^^*m. ,f s,.| MARKET VERY WEAK Other Stocks Affected by Condi tions rn Copper Trade. BAD BREAK IN SOME ISSUES Union Pacific, Amalgamated (Stopper, Reading, St. Paul and Northern Pa cific Particulaaly Hard Hit—German Failure Depresses Situation. New York, Oct. 18.—Under the copi* blned influence of the collapse of the United Copper company and the fall tire of Gross & Kleeberg, added to the generally pessimistic sentiment that lias pit-vailed for weeks past, the stock market opened nervous and 1 on Copyrlirtit "07 «S fl.ld *. meW.cAlftl f' **WEAR d" ".V BETTER" Clothes for ys and Children. •. *-r, v* Bo -.T from Oacoma, Oct. 18.—The latest victim in Month Dakota of the deadly rattle snake was tne nine vear-old son of Mr. and Mis. N. H. Schooler, prominent residents of Lyman county. While out on the prairie near his home, in com pany with a little cousin, the two doth ran upon the t*nake, which fastened ^its fangs in the nine-year-old boy. The snake was a very large one, bavin# nine rattles. After killing tbe snake the cousin had presence of mind enouRh to take one his shoestrings and tie it tightly about the leg of tbe injured boy, immediately above where tbe fangs of tbe snake had entered. But. his strength evidently was not sufficient to draw the cord as tight as necessary. Tbe two boys then hur ried to a nearby school house, where school was in session. The teacher lacerated the wound and then at tended to suck out tbe poison. A physician was summoned and every thing that was possible was riotjb but without avail, for some hours after being bitten the little fellow died. developed a weak, reactionary lone. Southern Pacific and the Cop ver shares were decidedly weak and there was heavy selling of the United States Steel stocks. The consequence was a break in some lashes through the lowest prices touched the previ ous day. Union Pacific in the first forty-five minutes pf trading sold down to 113%, Amalgamated Copper to 4S%. Reading to 86%. St. Paul to 112^4 and Northern Pacific to 116. Sentiment was further unsettled by news of the failure of Haller, Soeble & Co., an old banking house of Ham burg, Germany, with liabilities of from $3,000,000 to fT-,000,000, This firm did a large business with European industrial concerns. Towards 11 o'clock there was a rally in the market and a somewhat more cheerful feeling prevailed among the brokers, who took the view that the market had acted better in the first hour than might have been expected. It was said also that all of the weak points in the banking situation had been taken care of and that the in dividual necessities of one very prom inent capitalist had been supplied. The total sales of stocks in the first hour was 333,750 shares. Stocks made a good recovery when it became known that all sheets had passed the stock exchange clearing house successfully, thus indicating that no failures had occurred. The market settled into & quieter tone after that. Amalgamated Copper sold off rap idly fiom 50 to 48% on the announce ment of the reduction in the dividend and closed at 49%. The general mar ket was quite nervous at the close. There was rather heavy buying dur ing the afternoon, said to be to cover up short sales already made at higher prices. WHEAT MARKET AFFECTED Drop of. Nearly Three Cents In Lead ing Options. Chicago, Oct. 18.—Wheat experi enced a severe drop on the board of trade, the December option declining nearly 3 cents, while the May option was down 2%. The severe decline was attributed to the. weakened con dition of the stock market and a de cline of 5 cents at Winnipeg, where it is said that the receipts are steadily increasing. The bears hed things pretty much their own way throughout the day and the occasional rallies were feeble Hn character. DROP AS LOW AS $10. United Copper Shares Continue Down ward Course. New York, Oct. 18 —The curb stock market., to which all the trading in United* Copper shares is confined, opened active and excited. United Copper was weak and active. The first sale of the common stock was at $13, as compared with the posing price of $15. It quickly dropped to $10 and then recovered to $12.50. The strength of Consolidated Steam ship company's bonds was a feature of the opening of the market. These bonds, which were weak during the excitement of Wednesday, sold at 21 H. as compared with a closing price of 18*4,. The Consolidated Steamship company Is operated by Charles W Morse, who is associated with F. Au gust tlx Heiuxe In the Mercantile Na tionai hank. Drop in Amalgamated Dividend. New York, Oct. 18.—Directors of the Amalgamated Copper company have declared a quarterly dividend of 1 per cent, as compared with a divi dend of 2 per cent for the last previ ous quarter This makes the annual dlvid, a rate 4 per cent, as compared with S w thf* nreviotis vear. ParsxysmtofCwftalflf yield immediately to Piso'a Cure. It 11 si v a the inflam mation. stops the cough and heais the lacerated sur face. Piso's Cure can be de* pendedupon totrive most ben eficial results in all coughs, colds, bronchitis ,-ind lung affections. By its faithful use many advanced consumptive coughs haw been v"'' & Csrai 'WTW&TBW'W** ^^^*Wtm r^tz .$$:•• *. v '-f -.. ,« W.* *-s*" •"„, #if '4^v Kodol and Watch For Do you use Olive Oil? If not, Why not? It is almost excellent condiment making many simple disliRs a food for the nxls—a valuable therapen tic agent for both external ind internal uses—and as a •oraplexion beautifier has been brought prominently to he front by many leading 4in specialists throughout ihe country. We have 1 New York, Oct. 18.—Wheat brok* nearly 3 cents a bushel and corn 2% in the New York produce market un der the demoralized condition growing out of a smash in Liverpool prices, lessened export interest and disquiet ing Wall street conditions. December wheat touched $1.13%, or 6 cents down from the recent high point. the "Maltese Cross" brand in 50c, 75c md $1.25 bottles and guar-| 111 tee its absolute purity. Better Try It Call for our booklet A Monograph '-It's Free Jones Bros. s" S Co. i4 \f-h A ]orner Drugstore Madison, So. Dakr Phone 160 FALL MILLINERY My fall stock of Millinery is now on display and I invite the Ladies of Madi son and vicinity to call and see the New Fashions in Tailored and Pattern Hats, etc. Miss L. L. GRINAGER I shall establish a SALE DAY In Madison, S. D.,the First and Third Saturdays of each month. Those that have things to stil, bring them in and those that wish to pur chase, come, L. T. Love, Auctioneer. *t& ... \4 •*1 X* 4 •Mb-4. ip* y^ Occasional headache, belching, bad taste in the mouth, lack of appetite and nervousness are synitoms of indigestion which, when allowed to go uncared for. will developintoa case of dyspepsia that will take a lonu time to get rid of. Don't neglect your stomach. At v slight the first rate indietion of trouble take something that will help it along in it* work of digesting the food you eat. Indigestion Dyspepsia will do this. Kodol w Holliday & Porter. Jones Bros Co. Repairing Hand Paint ed China Reliable CHruggists A Jewelers Glasses Fitted •PPWf* AAAA A A A A A FRED '•'%t ihr V XWMi'^W:^ "/"W, -.: ii^, ill make your food do you good and will en able you to enjoy what you eat' Sold by 3 s IliK •y. ©i 2k' v. '•K- Quality and Style are two Esseritfal points thrit make a man's suit fit, wear and look dressy all the time. The Sincerity make combines all these points and they can be told among a hundred. Better buy a Sincerity suit or Fall Overcoat this season. new styles are now awaiting your selection. Coal Coal Phone 56 '••f MIM»» #H* MS |oe8 your back sche? Do you feel tired drowsy and lacking in ambition? If so, there is something wrong with your kid neys. Deli'itt's Kidney and Liver Pilla releive backache, weak kidneys or in flammation of tbe bladder. A weeks treatment for 25c. Sold by Holliday & Porter. KILL the COUCH Iand CURE TH* r^l w i ?P*nTJP v*ys& stocfe, Wiener style, Bottle beer jg all Leading Saloons in the city. L. J. AHMANN, Agent. AAAAA 4AAA AAAAAAA A A AAA A A AAA AAA AAA A AAA A AA Up-to-Date •h?,. J** tf llinutacloren V#f MARBLE & GRANITE MONUMENTS, Tablets, Markers, etc. .' $ V re call in ot* drop us a card^ LUNGS Dr. King's WITH New Discovery :0RC8E8P8 J%£!L [AND ALL THROAT AND UMM110UBLES. OV. LOB XOVBT k t¥S-v irrnsW^MliiiiiiTiiiiifii 11^111" s 11 ±. iNfJi. O? SNAPPY Suits for WEAR Lake County Clothing Co. We handle only the Best and deliver to all parts of the city. I JONES & METCALF. i A A A A A WWf W" V WW ••WWTWTTTTVWWW WV VAL BLATZ BREWING CO. MILWAUKEE BEER 011 Wi Monumental Works i aod Dul«* in I ("v 'At -i k It J&'c dealing with HOGGE & STARK, W A sale vAlVi Kidneys Ottn* nan tnrable tlwa tt« body. Tba faaettoa oCCmMmhIifttoorfaaotbersa» MpuM tnoreiBlc salt sad water in we pro cms of drouMloB, and to rMtiove Utcno and tbeirattcBdaatpoUoBBtrom the body' tba bladder. Aereton wbea tbe become diseased and weak they are n unable to and**n'riwf dUioKicra are the reeult. It la Imperative tbat a prompt relief be afforned, which la Impossible unleaa you remove the cause, ir' k r*4 Winter A. s t0ur 71 A. A AAAT VTW dipughtitt i KURTH'S, ...* :n J. S. MURPHY* I HEAGNEY ft MUNSONS •€, •i/ii *r' -ir'W»C w I /I -\v. v*v aAA^ I 'i1-. 1 Second door Northfot this office. U will save $ V •l u if y are naturally ilielr work" properly. tf»fla«DatlM of the bladder OeWitt's Kidney tod Bladder Pills promptly elimtaate potsoos tram th* sjrsten aad at the same time make the kidneys well abd strong. For Weak Kidneys, Backache, In flammation of U*• bladder and all urinary troublee D» Wltt'i Kidney «nd Bladder Pilla are unewyaeeed. A Week's Treatment fee 25c. Money taaqk if U»y SaU. Pinesalve Lm»rmnu$ nl.L.rti.1^1 aausvti AU. 0 i-i 4^ i y k .5 '7* \t u