WeviL ifeF BUSINESS LOCALS *i earn ik x*i« i=» lae to &nr~ pk»« rehi &ad 1. ?rt« T.-—L. A. X. Pitooe -27?. -le, i*Kt:n^- hew BLe cot Jrse nn. Ftjr SaJa. F-aii bio Jerwy ow ia mil* P^oae 5313. W. Moffltt. »r E«c a motes 1 IL«).35. AAA-AKIC FLX2 Parfcar Aato C«. 3i« cut aa wapas -^pairfa*.—c.. A. Palmer tha b-buricmitl. ?%one 22Tf. Pr«mwes« -mire in »r la^pnmia rir ftaMnia. Ret iaai ». For sale. Early mccea aenl -.esa i 0 I'M. fl.5t Gai ta Sar* On the Monthly Bargain Day Thursdav. May 26th rm at better Rr- ater a# aaai^ !*•». i* n :t n HI fx. niahe litai*. Owr petwiaiii -ieetrtc acuaai ?iej ,c .nae -*ierr.ric wasttuuc e Tsanngatr? roil Joif. doiiara a aara sok -jraue. Fi je. 110 »red: »iia J. Ricfcter "hone 'Hii taa t» bitter mt Btrnf*. MI rit :a plow worx.—L. .L. ms awr. tacs.3ia.:a. Phone OfeU o» lair •r ni^ht r«i tiing Phone Rataai 1 i- anutBre ««irnu a cay af TAR JPM*. Ear Sajr 5 W*ai«a Ta uiu triitire llTHr Ul Mrnr- E V?*? Wearever Bathing- Caps also Bathing Slippers at 'NE-TfTIRD OFF REGULAR PRICES Rubber Toy Balloon free with era ar- -hase or is day only. i J. Chris Schutz rHS iTY The Old Reliable Druegis** iiwmmTmTrTrrmrrmmTTmmmnimttmiimitimiimtmitiiumiiiiMtiiHiicimmiii ta iUt ?n- £aie. Se^ti room houa iii reet i^.a l?asfh s— o oee 21SS. Lara for owraiia. PFHAL 3WTOE R* BII' ^rraui r*»pa w Eaac Ha ienooL Zach on: iceocapanief 1 '•«*r*ified _aj4«» naTM), 'he .- 3 of -4aea •^nai. I par cent arfee. out !a. to case Plans arar ?eea a *ae *faxe -nzmeer. •he \ecT81' MSMLsob. Schtrarr a: Ffr^ *»«rerar^-' eoatractors. by Th^ -mrn -«gwrr* jyjwp s p* 1 K /lc. at L. .L *h*»ua.s Psstaier's B^essnjitaL. a:com rshei ysr vV r. McGrati. Fancy Jr-am -aeese. ^OBBd.—?ee« s Market. Flrom. :a^i iare ill ?n«s on aiaca wiii&iny um wajEon rnpairia^ are retiacea fruaa I§ to per ww.—L_ A ?alm«r. Btaeksmith. Pltoae itT?. of Twm&ut JUI .». i Ttampaoa. psoae SI F-mt Sale. E-ght raaat maimm. aa*i rwa lota, r—j tenaa. la •aare at :a.a office. ».jti ^rfee 13 ?nt3. —iiiilara 3 OCAL NEWS "Li.r i iaa '~a •*»o week 3 rattt vttk frie®d* ronma. Thomas Vaaaff of rtred :a^ phaee IIIIWI 4ra7. For a .iraital time *e vlil sell FtreasoBft -.irw as foaiaoa. 2«la2. R. Zanes -aronte aome *cday *0 Mar:on. follow nz a -wo •tMt -ere with h.s :«h»p. Thomaa Danes, and family. Mrs. Xora PetersoE Fwtera. tat a "h-* .'iry iwaitiitg 'aa :rcoz:e of Mrs. John Pooieyi jroionxea .11 "«a. Mrs. Pooiey rs Mrs.. ?areraWS: ^raadntothar. Dean Cola aaA »•. Saariafi. warm a the •:'y -he past *wo !avs -al!!air oa -.he formers ~ar®ats. Mr. ind Mrs. J. H. :a4e. Tier 5l»as Fails codajr. Eaimond 2rowa w«st ^aak r*o«rc Falls "his •jieaooit -iiter 5pt®diaz 1 onpie 'hmr b«tfr ac Bni't. ?*or~ City. stated •eeks zooms -?r» K ,I •^th aia parents. Mr. sum Sirs. John Brawn. Fifth street N* w. Mrs. 'leorrs flernoids 3 daash- ar amred oday 'rom Mag tana. *urrinjc hees -ailiMi aere b*?eaaae of *he s**ioas llaeaa of Mrs. 2 envoid's noiher. Mrs. ihn Po««ey. Sd. Gaffer-- ua -»-.fr were re "urautsf jajSMrae-pr* *hla naaratietr "rom aaafeester. Mian. Mr. Baffat -oak a coarse if treataieat at -he Mayo h.oapital iad urates tisat ae a 4iad «seap» ta -perafToa r^ac at4 rst ~«*gai£d r^cesaarr GIVE HER A- DIAMOND GET IT AT PORTER BROS Lake Cuunlv^s OWest Jewefrv Establishment izaam. Tm.. appnsina? her of ipraprtaie ^xerrtam i cart" cjn condition -f her —other. 5at oy -he Oia Egg" at Mr*. j'zn Pooier- The of I «T»TW of Ccanta e Egga is ^xssctett *0 irrxe ins Albert Una "ari Norher* will Haa.sv-. a a lay :r *wo of :as lay. M. C. aad L. I. Tpwaswiek 2aie: SHm Graff is tha po«- eoauaaisd*: -iepartare far "heir home at' Fo~ 'he past -TO !M. •lays "hejr w«*r« -he fiesta of 'heir arorher. O. Ttwhsw/s a ad family •^idinj? n a farm aorth treat of this -itr. MERE IIJUM Idaho *~raa,r md •ere M^ii.joa foiirrpeii r^ars a^o. iixeer *o Idaho 'or 'he henefff Mrs. ".v:iaiar*h heaiih. These ate expert LIM W^\ i of fc ^o«»a«"Tf Pe«r* A,JTt CraekenTftor^e uooani Ma« jtnt' toaovaoi^ jimaiT Pas Aaraoar s ntroth^rt k&e Phippa Han tugr i.nrfeeattterpe'a Htwaci Mmauts El^i« Jet .: T's fri #ad» ArrfU'* at ffiBwkha.:- Lacaa .Thoiii.«i. Man servant at Jimmr* ?lat Laifar '"rackentharpe Ana PeJr Ant&oBT's aiotaer ie Miliieent Seppei. Heiea ay's sister Mrs. '"jio'iaoaM.. Mabei K society w«MBaa wl» n -h-» f!a Mts. 'Maxa Kaiarra PI Widow of Ptnf. 0 Tiara. F. R. P^Ejrj O'Marm irtfaa oekoar Crack-int!r-:rre. ia irstocrn.- ^agusa woaian. .r^seaTa "he nf5o -ace Mrs?. O'Mara and her aau^h- •aay vipoa differeat of i •ir»»r f'.me. --p*»r!aii" Aa-^ Major ?hipo« ?rooo»-« :i *tt^me ro ri"** Aata.uo" aaA to iaoa» i««Hattfi€ wwtnen aact ",3«jtr (HiiarT*r ail j**see. Thi *aa* Mffls f.o oe worcjojt jar -a faTOr o£ Lady Craakaatfcorpa a^i her .axer- ^las to tha .iai ""day. m.r IT ac f-IS p. Pe«y" •it nar aioihijr .ui .«ats 5*1 *-nia. Eaaerreii R«aii itoit Th irsoay maranur R1AL. t€RnrF at :Sua «er~ce. i «.£ 1 _,*cuiar Jfd* frsa erreea •di i*? leid .n tfc foreaoon it II- "Thoae •qt.- "ma -a« c.oraia« *«^nees are iakea -ake with *hem :aeir nm«r t-a^JBW?- .:.a» PlHa. Ma? Mi.—Cfcaia liter aa-rte* iuaeh. ail saxher -.a. tfe I Pelr. who waa i.'-ani a« *aareh at 2 j. a. waere nemartr! raxread wrtfc •'TPf-rujiw a rnwm ftanrces wil he heid. ^oibeT r*[: -»-aca and tise ehoir w»ii reaa*' *peeml aiasie. Aii ".a# *a«tier oor of -he 'oar®«atJon and 'he mem rhe AC sores. HO k? arsniaar at IS la .in I miless sciiooi aaditorrnm the coaaaxeneem-n Tie latter ^rotmnis of 'he eradiation r.aas *hai he had planted lill wtii beam. Ar. -his *:tne acres of :orn *har waa now aixrati a^ior -"laaa play anil he pres«r-«i •aii -aouea ta plow, Mrs. Mils -Toaarore yesterday from her home. Fifth street X. W. -o "ha iocai hoapitai her daughter. Pesrgy 3uff«ri«ir Croat a severe **ase of pne».i- aiemkers of h«r a oQia. a d-aeaae ixat has qoite premient •r.mty i^ace *h ?rc -eaaon. £.erer7 z.73xaaii the "!tr aaa oae or la trus ay Lutr Cracs-«thorp*v a taken instonra^ic r'njritah '"otnaau -«s%ar* he afluence of Mr^. O'Mara iaa ~^n iiffer°-5T rie. eepe .ppa pn §ave v a we «. -RAILT .MIBAUF. MA1' a Mauisoo xad Ti-i ^oaea a '*iev«r aehen. laiier'nz -.a of rla*4 *::or.- a ad eet r.»: t:f:e •omen tA* luenee. Tie •orK.iuf oat ia paeumonia "o fntt Mr. and Mrs. 1. D. T"a:ar*h ar- raraemhorpe and r:vea -man Fails. ladho. .ree 'me ..tad •'r»r fhe raesta jf The haaiorvis Irish Mrs -aii&r arm her John Petheram and her slow Eaal-is.il family. T!ua nfirniwf 'iter went, "he 'itie Ladr Crar.ientaorpe rast :o Werftwonii *o call oa "heir herwlf. Com» f« ta- iaaxater. Mr*. W. Wrij?at. Mr. i'iai*onum Frrdajr. \fc •i*tt Mrs. W-.Iraarth are pioaeer -est- cloek aatt *hs i-n daars of Lake ^ounrr T!I«T left ?a«zr,' o .rw^t her iwr. *pewd 'fee summer *0 Tie baacaiaura '."«iaT anaos .. 6 f-O s&eiiei r»a fHtnesday Dr. 2. 3n-v 1 .r„.ii*r"r ens ~or xa -'r ?.r»r» •r^Nf how Mara o»irw'T •ads i»t --*'VNH ""T* i-aija at Sfte. Re Hare TSwartaar aaor aijs» '"rloeiL HW .. ,.4te'g amrersitr .uoas ptaiforna speak-. nceatun will ieif* •.^acemeat *Mresa. —a.or* -wul *ake iuurrow i n-i rrert ia «eaotil war .«» iiradnarlim ^nilwi tur uusr hi«h ^r.a—il tffi be '•.oui r"Tup« p'xpjls ot .» *f*nooi haTv -a*»^s ad*astasre ,»r- peasant -TosaF ir h«» .ak •.wo pen:'•s Aarert'n se *1*^-r UMsas wfc n II b—-a Mri. h*rium There *:ii be ao aooi oa Muo ae •la.T oeia* aat oaai hol:di li papiis of iie -«*aooi ar*» -o be ar 'be -'.gh seho«a •,'1 '.dimse not later rhen 22.:#5 to tax ?art Jia ieeerattr r. oar tsarad-. T!ie 5t»ad»«t "OUE i -«e*i ^eeu&z ~onNi *0 tea.' jirdia.-'-!rrrrr a sioviHir 5*r*-ir» -.he samaaer. The ParcBt-TieaEh" —fiat: n TaahfaztJO .r~~- "'-'-a- i .Jieaie for rh»» -cnoos :a -00a. aviations -,etasE -'.'-i 3anusa CTass of h- 1*m:aa •t .*aiirrrt aas aizat. i*r- ..ist r-apaaatrt* ..a a zoodiT aunioer Toiae aad s«e for yoarswf hnmnpBn »a Mrs. ..-Mara irw.ta .isr §tow £nj?iisa "Ttends ind wms 'M uti* —ni? .ract -araorp^ or. -mm .asro "^wter^i a 1 .on uuz -aea *a« ciaak Her. V. ?. he iame "f LAXK! jg^mga Jaif. i.rraEKms hadl-*^ 1 '"HXTUHL ItwarMl i*?r*-,.e«« •til b* La3r» M*dia«»a Lat aen. -Tnt«y The 1 new *f»as*i a -i vaurd aiade prtynai«i. for a i ithiy 5oe:ai -atiittrBa i a -iartertT sae. The .der ~OT .e asirrn aaa een .z~t*ea iQi :ipt- 1 S. NIekie was 'ae epeaaer. -t -ae Temaa -poke a ---««»rax.ion. i iiite •eaeh^r of rh»j UTPJW IPCATE '-A 1 The TiBiS Ma- •ron's 71aaa- sad rr.-H 1a -fee tpp^r« -00m ior instr ^atiiartaar ana eater* .omedt tha =a«« fo* -he .-ef wa- i r.^n-a. The sessa^^a aod ttt« soeiaii ratherinz -a .• by ail c-res-i -»ac. The ojmb :.^a« to haya .n iflTr gaic,i±rm 1.: .oe* of ta« «?fra-» 1 Vaa Pelt Held For Qrcait 0urt Trial shares '*in Pait'i aerr *~tai wrll -roaie oe-- -he "tos# -ise ••irs®: --yirt. The »tsta of -a*'- -^oqgch Dakota te ac riaa "try i 'im aaa ^oareec .ra wrii adratiEery ?rei»r.i,nary laarion as -ae e vwat eonr- -ase ik^Q from '.i.*1 -laam.*^ r-sauzar. it !j T"an! ramorat z^txyrmm va4 rrtfd or •*:ty a tsunic.pa. jart. »aa *o«tar "joand orer "c ra*» tjf the '?*e 2gjge ooat rf tfc«*f *tj iadaa Martin Sar^a .-•« a rare' American lecou from Ratlaad. ai.if,•*»». Tnth his boati affixed at ft.r 'M» oeeapy "^ser^ed -«eata :n aasK -era if •nremt -^ottrt 'or MUaaeca.m '.oan'T "he :.an::t- 1st pai eoarr hear*a* of iua wa#a. Ta !ua .nac. ^rwerda "ae* II. 'mind *f i'o«! bis appeantar" toaar. aia Wt "onnty rail., 1 Ladies' Eye f^ashe* 4re Now Salable Articles I S*m iTrs. .Ma- IS. Ladiesr lasfce* aar* «asah:e etmome inix-.#* Th* 'ahte in MiladT*? toa ioir r.:ay now h« .ad«ra»d. a idif-cn ro aameroaa ---ar --:.n«s 'aa: -i 'tiirers unnae 'a Sw aarnrxx. a£ke» "hat past» 1 ijTif •a rs. r^sniar •«•»». -zb This .aarauon .2. xrmtmm imq.qiatt juxrze- was on a^apiaF here codar i' he Aaieneaa Lames' Hair w a.g Kawrta zos a:hr oa.. •r-th-fr aaiEtre ...irtsara ''aeiodMd i uu .ooaa wta amr xd .Ah oaiaa .oa« aaxr. :lna wwnair DR. H. P. WESTABY DENTIST jPortes»^ieft*te PH05TE MADISON- -SOI TH OAXOTA E A A A E HAfAOWm SMW Better Than Ever Take Yaar Meai With La 0. L. McJSXLLIP. Pnpw WHY BE ANNOYED by lines or humps 0: .• your bifeoai jjiassss? W LASSI3 a. _"1 "S ft. 2 Ifti afford every comfort and convenience of natural eye sight. Cme in and let us help yoa solve your eyeglass problems. TTreVre Here, Men! New Straw Hats There is no Iwtarer a*y need of wear­ ing that warm felt hat or woolen cap. Fail into line with the season and get under a cool Straw Hat. We can now supply you with any styte shape or make yom want si most mi- eep^aole prices, from the plain sailor type to the more dignified Panama. S3.00 to $6.50 E. J. SUTTON J. J. YAEGER. O. D. r^4 n Jewelry for Graduation Gifts that Last— Sweet memories of happy school days? How we love to dwell in our thoughts on the pnde and exul tations that were ours as we stepped forward cat the graduation platform, diploma in hand, to acknow ledge the applause and cheers from the dear ones. Through the vears the exultations of graduation day remain. Memories and associations, maintained by photographs, rings and beautiful jewelry, that has withstood the test of time. They will appreciate it more If it comes from Hansons Beesley Dray Line Mxn ail kiMti fft aoT*af wwHwi pw^, etb .^rmy»4 *M iiri sate. Deimaasi IM ROY BEESLEY Plow 3772 •r JP V I sf w fvl V I